D.O.A. (Innards, Lt. Gregory Belial, Malpractice, Pyre, Rotwrap) - division of Hydra
    -Department of Occult Armaments--Nightstalkers#2

D.O.A. (George Baker) - Emplate's Hellions, servant of Emplate.
    small man, wears chauffeur's uniform
    (net)--Generation X#1, X-Men: Prime (Generation X#10-14, 29-31, 33-39, 57

DOAN, BETHEL - Serpent Men of Starkesboro
    (app)--Marvel Premiere I#4

DOBERMAN (    ) - Dogs of War
    (app-dogs)--Iron Man: Iron Age#2

DOBBS, HENRY - FBI, leaked identity of Murdoch/Daredevil to Daily Globe, intimidated into refusing to testify by Daredevil
    --Daredevil II#32 (33, 37

DOBBS, HIRAM - American, moved to island in Atlantic ocean @ 20 years ago with wife to escape advancing technology, wife died a few years ago, saved Namor after poisoned by Roxxon�s toxic wastes from attempts to explore island which turned out to be made almost entirely of Vibranium, island defended by Namor and Iron Man, but was ultimately detonated by Jonas Hale to prevent others from utilizing it. Dobbs was forced to relocate.
    wm, long brown hair--Iron Man I#120 (121(fb2+1), 120, 121

DOBBS, NED - helped design Darkhawk amulets, guards ship
    -BYRON*--[Darkhawk#2],11 ([2-4, 6, 10], 11, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 36, 39-50

DOBROVA, Det. VAL - Russian, former partner of Golitsyn, investigated murder of Starkovsky, badly beaten (or killed) by Petra, disposed of by Capt. Lubyev
    --Black Widow: Pale Little Spider#1 (2,3d?

DOC - Lilin
    --Darkhold#1 (Ghost Rider III#31

DOC (     ) - created mutates and Shade, empowered Radius
    (app)--She-Hulk I#18 ([25(fb)] 18,19,21-25

DOC of Earth X - The Monster Generation - octopus-like appearance
    --Universe X#6

DOC FANTASTIC of Earth-Five for the Future - alternate dimensional counterpart of Reed Richards, Five for the Future
    (app-efftf)--Fantastic Four III#47 (48, 49, 58

DOC GROSS of Earth-93060 - empowered Prime, Elven, Duey, Organism 8 + 89, Fifi
    --Prime (uv) I#1

DOC KEEVER of Earth-1191 - see KEEVER, DOC--X-Men II#206

DOC MAGUS of Earth-982 (Dormagus ) - youthful sorcerer, succeeded Dr. Strange as agent of the Vishanti, tricked Avengers into battling Hulk + Namor + Dr. Strange.
    --A-Next#3 (J2#4, 12, Spider-Girl#71, 83,84, Last Hero Standing#2-5

DOC OCCULUS - see OCCULUS--Spider-Man/Human Torch#5

DOC PARKER - treats super-villains
    --Daredevil II#103

DOC ROCK - see DIABOLIK (app)--Marvel Premiere#35

DOC SAMSON (Dr. Leonard Samson) - Ph.D. in psychology, special consultant to Gamma Base + SHIELD II, son of Leo, empowered by siphoning gamma radiation from Hulk, succeeded in temporarily integrating personalities of Banner and various Hulk aspects
    (I#3,D#3,M, ME-Samson, OH-Hulk, SecWar, CWBDR, net)--Incredible Hulk I#141 (Marvel Team-Up I#102(fb), Doc Samson II#1 (fb), Thunderbolts: Distant Rumblings minus 1, Hulk141, 143,144, 146,147, [Hulk: Destruction#1-4(fb)], [Iron Man: The Inevitable#1 (fb)], IncHulk#192-197, 198, 199, 200, 202-210, 213, 216, 218, 220,221, 223-225, Incredible Hulk Annual#7, Hulk#226-231, 233,234, 238, 246-249, 251-253, Marvel Team-Up I#102, Micronauts I#29, Hulk256,257, Hulk Annual#11/2, Hlk277-279, Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions #1-3, Marvel Two-In-One Annual#7, Avengers I#252, Hulk314-320, 321-327, 329,330-334, An15, Hulk337, 380(fb), An16/3, Marvel Super-Heroes III#6,7, Marvel Comics Presents#50, 137-142, Hulk365,366, 368, 370, 373, 376,377,[378],379(fb),379, [Quasar#28], 29, Hulk380, An18/5, Hlk393/3, 402-405, 407, 412,413, 417,418, Hulk An20/2, MCP170,171, Hulk425,426, MCP174,175, Double Edge: Alpha, Hlk433, Punisher III#1, Doc Samson1-4, Hlk440, Pun7, Hlk441,442, Incredible Hulk Annual 1997, Heroes Reborn: The Return#2, Hlk462,465,466, 467(fb), 470,471, Incredible Hulk III#11, 16,17, 19,20, 24,25, Defenders II#2, Avengers III#40, Def5, Hlk29,30, 32, Thunderbolts#57, Captain America III#50/5, Hlk36-38, 44(fb) 44, 60-69, Avengers III#74, 75, [She-Hulk I#2], Hulk75,76, Shulk9, 11,12, Hulk: Destruction#1-4, She-Hulk II#4(fb), 1, 3, 5, Uncanny X-Men#469, Doc Samson II#1, [2 (fb)], 2-5, 5/2, Iron Man: The Inevitable#4, She-Hulk II#7, 8, 9, Civil War#2, X-Factor III#13, 14, Iron Man IV#14, Amazing Spider-Man#533, 534/CW3-4, Civil War#6-7/AmzSp538/Black Panther IV#25, She-Hulk II#15, Incredible Hulk II#106-107, 109, [110], She-Hulk II#19, World War Hulk#1, 2, Avengers: The Initiative#4-5, [WWH4], 5, Giant-Size Avengers II#1/9, Iron Man IV#23-24, 26-27, F4#556-557, Thunderbolts#117-121, Fantastic Four#562

DOC SAVAGE (Clark Savage, jr) - pre-World War II era scientist and adventurer, created in 1933 by Lester Dent
    --(g) ; Doc Savage I#1 (2-8, Doc Savage Magazine#1-8, Marvel Two-In-One#21, Giant-Size Spider-Man#3

DOC SAWBONES (        ) - see SAWBONES.
    Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation
    (app)--Captain America I#316

DOC VIRTUAL of Earth-93060 (     ) - casts illusion
    --Wraith (uv)#7

DOC WATSON - see WATSON, DOC (app)--Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen#1

DOC WONDER (    ) - 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt
    --Marvel Boy II#1

DOCK - SHIELD shadow facility, taken over by HAMMER
    --[Secret Warriors#1/2], 5 (6

DOCKERY, RUPERT M. - corrupt journalist, engineered own stories, attempted to kill K.J. Clayton to takeover ownership of Daily Globe
    --Spider-Woman I#26 (29,30, Amazing Spider-Man I#208-210

DOCKSIDE SOCIAL CLUB of Earth-982 - bar owned by Max Tomalino, assaulted by Kodiak

DOCTEUR Q, le (    ) - Les Heroes de Paris, formerly one of the world's greatest weapons designers and scientists, now dedicated to using his knowledge and great arsenal for peace
    --Fantastic Four#541

DOCTOPOIDs - extraterrestrials, enemies of the Galactic Alliance of Spider-Man, allied with the Tentaclones
    --Marvel Comics Presents II#1/3

DOCTOR - Gallifreyan, Time Lord
    -DOCTOR WHO (app)-- Television: An Unearthly Child, BBC1; Comics: The Klepton Parasites, TV Comic #674;
    Marvel UK: The Iron Legion, Doctor Who Weekly #1; Marvel US: The Iron Legion, Marvel Premiere #57;
    First Interaction with Marvel Universe Character: The Neutron Knights, Doctor Who Monthly #60
    (Death's Head I#8, [Incomplete Death's Head#1], 12, X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine trilogy book two (fb), X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine trilogy book two, X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine trilogy book three

DOCTOR ( ) - see DOCTOR HOPE--Amazing Spider-Man I#295 (Spectacular Spider-Man II#133

doctor (        ) - employed by unnamed man to transplant Cyclops' eyes into him, let him go when Cyclops explained what the X-Men would do to him
    --X-Men Unlimited#47

DOCTOR AGONY (Conrad Meer) - Nazi scientist and torturer, empowered panther Tula such that it had no sense of pain and could hypnotize others with its purring, sought to make others immune to pain
    (app)--Captain America Comics#37/1

DOCTOR ANARCHY (            ) - Delta City, enemy of Fight Man, organized the Anger Gang, headquarters later used by Hooded Eye (Liebman)
    --[Fight Man#1]

DOCTOR ANGST (Floyd Mangles) - leader of Band of the Bland.
    Used Dropcloth of Invisibility + Pedestrian Prognosticator
    Conjurer of the Commonplace, Master of Mundane Mysticism, Wizard of Weltschmere
    (app)--Marvel Treasury Edition#12 ([She-Hulk II#15(fb), 14(fb)], 14-17

DOCTOR ANGST (Dr. Jonas Mueller) - agent of Norman Osborn, researcher into human suffering and anxiety, sent Sir after Spider-Man, empowered Green Goblin genetic construct
    --Spectacular Spider-Man II#252, (DA)253(254,255

DOCTORANGUTAN (           ) - Delta City criminal scientist, Nazi ape, empowered Beverly Lacoco, killed by her afterwards
    *D*--Agent X#11 (
Avengers 1959#4-5, Agent X#11

DOCTOR ANIMUS - see ANI-MATOR (net)--New Mutants I#59

DOCTOR APOLLO 2099 (Nikolai Apolonio) - Lotusland tech, mutated by gamma rays to control emotions
    --(NA) Hulk 2099#4; (DrA) 5 (6-10

DR. ATWELL � see ATWELL, Dr. PAUL--Young Allies#12 (spring 1944)

DOCTOR BOB DOOM (Robert "Bob" Doom) - see DOOM, Dr. BOB (app)--Sensational She-Hulk II#18

DOCTOR BONG (Lester Verde) - Genetic engineer, psychologist, former reporter/rock music critic, former rock musician, bullied as a child due to obesity, decided to use power of words as weapon, enamored of Beverly Switzler, left hand severed by prop guillotine during a mock fight staged to impress Beverly, temporarily transformed Howard the Duck into human, had five infant clones created by Beverly as Bong quintuplets, created Bongvision
    (U#2)--Howard the Duck I#15 (16-20, 24,25, 27, 30,31, 32, Sensational She-Hulk#5, Deadpool III#26,27, Howard the Duck III#1-3, Daughters of the Dragon#3, Amazing Spider-Man#552, Deadpool#28 (2010), 29 (2011), 49.1 (2012),
Superior Foes of Spider-Man#3, 9, 11, Amasing Spider-Man Annual#1 (2015), Spider-Man 2099#1 (2015), Deadpool and the Mercs for Money#3 (2016)

Dr. BONGFACE of Earth-Amalgam - Dr. Bong + Scarface
    (app-lobo)--Lobo the Duck#1

DOCTOR BOTAN (    ) - controlled plants, created plant-human hybrid Number 12; enemy:  Captain America and Bucky (All Winners Comics#13 (Fall 1944)

DOCTOR BRAUN - see BRAUN, Dr. (app)--Astonishing Tales#21

DOCTOR CLAW ( ) - former British scientist, hired by Ministry of Defense to test tropical insect repellant which was actually a biological warfare agent, hideously scarred and mutated by it, established base on Eden Island, mutated numerous plants and animals to use as weapons, kidnapped Captain Britain and four diverse representatives of Britain on which to gain revenge as symbols of entire nation, shrunk them to tiny size, used Fong as henchman, defeated by Captain Britain and left to face his own vengeance-seeking mutates.
    Possessed razor sharp claws on hands and feet, rode mechanical wheelchair able to fly + fire blasts of compressed air, project intense light + fire knives
    (UK) (app)--Super-Spider-Man & Captain Britain #239 (241(fb),239-242

DOCTOR CORNELIUS - see CORNELIUS, ABRAHAM B. --Marvel Comics Presents#73

DOCTOR CRIME (Dr. Edward Elmgren) - 1940's era super-villain, used shrinking serum
    --Captain America Comics#12; Marvel Knights Spider-Man#9 (All Winners Comics#7, Marvel Knights Spider-Man#9 (fb)

DOCTOR CROCODILE (Joshua N'Dingi) - cyborg, prince of African nation of Mbangawi, captured and punished Jamie Braddock for his crimes in Africa, transformed into tiny cyborg alligator by Braddock
    Mystic powers
    (app)--(UK) Captain Britain II#9 (10, Excalibur#15

DOCTOR CYCLOBE of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD - Baintronics, torturer
    (app-bain2020)--Machine Man II#2 (3,4

DOCTOR DANGER ( ) - @ 1870's, Circus of Crime, Chain Gang.
    Used magnets, created illusion of Invisible Gunman
    (app)--Kid Colt#116 (118 127 West Coast Avengers II#18

DOCTOR DARK (Kane Tucker) - New Jersey criminal, drinking problem, fought off the B-Sides, captured by Fantastic Four.
    Project solid darkness, Darkforce(?)
    --[B-Sides#1], 2 (2(fb), 2, 3

DOCTOR DEATH (Thomas Bradley) - Battle-Axis, apparently worked with Phineas Horton on android Human Torch, created Volton, designed knockout gun, initially fought crime as Dr. Nemesis, worked on Project: Mohave for Nazis, organized Battle Axis, killed by Volton at end of battle between Battle Axis and Invaders.
    Used knockout gun
    (app)-Dr. NEMESIS*--Invaders II#1 ([Invaders II#3(fb)], 1-4

DOCTOR DECIBEL (Anton Decibel) - Institute of Evil, Squadron Supreme, surgeon, mutated Lady Lark, behavior modified, killed when Quagmire�s slime filled the entire hospital he was in
    *D* (D#12)--Squadron Supreme I#5 (6-9,10d)

DOCTOR DEMONICUS (Douglas Birely) - Hood's army, geneticist, discovered Lifestone, Pacific Overlords, former ally of Maur-Konn (who gave him his satellite hq), created numerous immense monsters (Batragon, Ghilaron, Lepirax, Centipoor) as well as the Pacific Overlords, used Starchild + Cerberus + Hand of Five, founded Demonica, eventually enslaved Godzilla, mutated by Lifestone and the demon Raksasa, possesses skin cancer which is kept in control by devices in his costume, seemingly killed with sinking of Demonica
    Face has taken the form of his mask
    (D#3,M,app)--Godzilla#4 (5(fb)/Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Dr. Demonicus, 4(fb), 4-5, OHotMU DE#3: Dr. Demonicus, [Shogun Warriors#7-11], 12-14, OHotMU DE#3: Dr. Demonicus, Iron Man I#193,196, Avengers West Coast#72(fb),[63,69],70-74, 93(fb), 93-95, [New Avengers#1-3]/4(fb), New Avengers#35, Annual#2

Dr. Demonicus' Satellite - designed by Axon-Karr, removed from orbit by Shogun Warriors
    --Shogun Warriors I#7

DOCTOR DENTON (Oliver Denton) - mutant genius child, invented the robot Teddy
    CONQUEROR of WORLDS (app)--(OD) Slapstick#2, (DrD) #3

DOCTOR DESTINY (Dr. Jorlstead)  - transformed people into monstrous Clammy Things; enemy:  Captain America and Bucky
    --Captain America Comics#20

DOCTOR DESTINY (Kevin Mulhearn*) - telepath, former member of STRIKE psi division, killed by Slaymaster
    *D* (app-spd)--Daredevils (uk)#2d

Doctor Diman - evil scientist; enemy:  Miss Fury (Miss Fury#5 (Fall 1944)

DOCTOR DOOM (Victor von Doom) - ruler of Latveria, Acts of Vengeance Prime Movers, Doom's Brigade, son of Werner + Cynthia, former student at State University, expelled after attempted to contact Netherworld resulted in explosion, placed red hot mask on his face, scarring it for life, trained in sorcery by Radu + Cagliostro +, trained in mind-switching technique by Ovoids, sacrificed his former lover Valeria in exchange for vast magical power from the Haazareth, spirit sent to them in Hell after defeat.
    Genius, powerful armor
    note: some appearances are doombots
    -Hans, the Master, "Reed Richards", "Daredevil", Vincent Vaughn, Norman McArthur, INVINCIBLE MAN*, "Master of Menace" <Incredible Hulk #143>
    - (I#3,D#3,M+2 bibs,ME, FFE, OH: FF, net)--Fantastic Four I#5 (Fantastic Four An2/Marvel Super-Heroes II#20/Fantastic Four I#278/Fantastic Four III#67(all fb)/Books of Doom#1-2 (fbs), Invaders I#33, Marvel Universe#2(fb), Before Fantastic Four: Reed#1(fb2), 2(fb ), 3(fb), Books of Doom#3-6 (fbs), F4#5, Incredible Hulk II#155(fb),F4#6,10,16,17,Avengers#�, Amazing Spider-Man I#5(fb),5, Spider-Man/Human Torch#1, F4#23, Fantastic Four An2/2, An2, F4#39,40,43,An3/Marvel: Heroes & Legends, Av24,25,F4#56-60, Daredevil I#37(fb), 36-38, [F4#73], Strange Tales I#162-167, Marvel Super-Heroes II#20, F4#84-87,Sub-Mariner I#20, Astonishing Tales#1/2--3/2, Thor182,183, AstT#4/2-7/2, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comic Magazine#1-12, IncHulk#143,144, AstT#8/2, F4#116, SubM#47-49, Hero for Hire#8,9, Av118, [F4#141],142-144, GS Super-Villain Team-Up#1, F4#155-157, GS Super-Villain Team-Up#2, SVTU#1-4, Marvel Team-Up I#42-44, SVTU#5-7,9, Av155,156, Amazing Spider-Man II#61/502(fb5), SVTU#10-14, Champions#16, Master of Kung Fu I#59,60, Marvel Comics Super Special#1, [F4#192,193,195], 196-200, Fantastic Four An15/2, Amazing Spider-Man Annual#14, [Uncanny X-Men#145-147], Dazz3,4, Iron Man I#149,150, F4#236, Micronauts I#41, F4#246,247, 258-260,287(fb), 287,288, Secret Wars#1,2, She-Hulk III#10(fb), SecWar#4-12, X-23#3, F4#300, [Uncanny X-Men#217], Fantastic Four vs XMen#1-4, Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge, Wolverine II#19, Av311, F4#334, Captain America I#366, Av312, Punisher II#29,30, Marvel Comics Presents#48/4, Thor410, Avengers An19/3(fb), Cloak & Dagger III#9(fb), Web of Spider-Man#61, [Av313], C+D III#12, Alpha Flight I#90,91,Av331,Excalibur I#37, Infinity Gauntlet#1-4, Dr. Strange III#34, InfG#5,6, Av332,333, F4#350,352, 358/3, MCP#100/1-100/4, Infinity War#1-6, F4#373-377,[378],379-381"d",Fantastic Four Unlimited#12(fb), F4#406,407, F4Unl#12,F4#408,409, Doom2099#40-42, F4#413, Doom2099#43, Cap453, F4#416,XM56,O:MU,Fantastic Four II#1,4-6,6/2, Heroes Reborn: the Return#1-4, Thor Annual 1999(fb), HR:Doomsday+Ashema+MoE+Doom, [Fantastic Four III#24],25, Doom#1-3, Fantastic Four#30,31, [Fantastic Four Annual 2000], Black Panther III#27,28,[29], X-Men Unlimited#32(fb), Thunderbolts#51,52, Amazing Spider-Man II#36, Fantastic Four: 1234#1-4, X-Men/Dr. Doom: Chaos Engine trilogy book one, X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine trilogy book two, X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine trilogy book three, Fantastic Four#50, Captain America III#50/5, Doom: Emperor Returns#1-3, Fantastic Four#52-54, Marvel: Double Shots#2/2, Marvel Universe: The End#1-6, AvIII#59, Thor II#58, IM64, Av63, Amazing Spider-Man II#50, Fantastic Four#67-71, 78,79, 537(fb), 536-537, Wolverine III#42, Black Panther IV#18, 19, Blade III#2, Captain America V#23, Fantastic Four#543 (fb), Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular#1/7, X-Men II#200/2, UX488/2 (fb), Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#24, Thor III#5, Mighty Avengers#9-11, FF558 (fb), 557-561, 562,
    Fun and Games magazine advertisement-July, 1980

  • DOCTOR DOOM's armor
  • (I#15,D#3)--Fantastic Four I#5
  • DOCTOR DOOM's castle
  • (I#15,D#3) - constructed in 18th Century by Latverian nobleman count Sabbat--Fantastic Four I#5
  • DOCTOR DOOM's FLYING FORTRESS - see FLYING FORTRESS (app)--Fantastic Four I#17
  • DOCTOR DOOM's generals (Divinity, Dorma, Lancer, Shakti, Technarx)
        (OH2006#3)--Heroes Reborn: Ashema#1
  • DOCTOR DOOM�s killer robots - (app)--Fantastic Four I#83, 84 (85,86, F4#247, Av311
  • DOCTOR DOOM's omni-bots - armed with ionic lasers
        --Fantastic Four I#198, (named) #199
  • DOCTOR DOOM�s robot guards (D-19, KR-7, LB-9, Unit Fifteen, Unit Five, Unit Seven, Unit Six) - semi-humanoid, user laser rifles
        SERVO-GUARDS* (app)--Fantastic Four I#84 (85-87, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comic Magazine#1, FF198-200, 236, 247(fb), 247, 258, 278, 287, 288, Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange & Dr. Doom: Triumph & Torment, Thor I#410, FF358/2, 374, 379, 380, 382, 386, 387, 393-396, Fantastic Force#7, FF401, 405, Tales of the Marvel Universe#1, Spider-Man Unlimited#16, Calbe II#63, JLA/Avengers#1, Fantastic Four III#503, 505, 506,
        Cable II#63, Fantastic Four III#30,31, 74, MK Spider-Man#20, Blade III#2
  • DOCTOR DOOM's servant (    ) - informed him about the activities of Alexander Flynn
        (app)--Beauty and the Beast#1 (2, 3
  • DOCTOR DOOM�s shrinking ray -
        --Fantastic Four I#16 (Fantastic Four III#65,66
  • DOCTOR DOOM�s time platform-
        --Fantastic Four I#5
  • DOCTOR DOOM's vacation home - investigated/invaded by Power Pack and Fantastic Four
        --Power Pack III#3
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-Avengers: Last Avengers Story - apparently had a lobotomy at some point, tutored by Reed Richards
        (app-ealas)--Last Avengers Story#1
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-Big Town - alternate dimensional counterpart, organized team of villains to distract heroes while Ultron disabled the city�s power
        --F4: Big Town#1 (2-4
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-Charnel - ruled the wastelands, served by Dr. Octopus and Kingpin, slain by Death Metal
        (app-earth)--Death3#2 (2d)
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-Doom (Victor von Doom)-alternate dimensional counterpart, protege of red skull,killed him and took over the planet,led formation of thunderguard,oppsed by avengers of emc2 and a-next,pushed into the universal cube by crimson curse who sought to prevent him from accessing its power
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-772 - alternate dimensional counterpart, summoned to the Negative Zone by Time-Twisters, convinced to return Cosmic Control Unit to Reed Richards by Whisperer in order to save the nexus being Franklin Richards, brought to alternate Asgard to free and save Odin, sent by Time Variance Authority in effort to alter past of Immortus
        (app-earth772)--What If...? II#35 (38, 39
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-MC2 - believed to be dead--[ANext#5]
         *   DOCTOR DOOM�s killer robots - (app)--A-Next#5
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-Mutant X - alternate dimensional counterpart, benevolent ruler of Latveria, Defenders of the Earth, slaughtered in failed effort to stop Beyonder/Goblin Queen--Mutant X#12 (Mutant X An2000/2, MutX#12, An2001, MutX#32
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-691 - @ 3000 BC, brain in robot body protected by wolverine's skeleton
        --Guardians of the Galaxy#21
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth 2099-Mutant Registration Act - had Lucian slay and replace him to continue the legacy of Dr. Doom
        *D*--Black Panther 2099#1
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-938 - see von DOOM, VICTOR (app-earth938)--What If II#52
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-2301 - sorcerer and ruler of Latveria, tutor of T'Channa, usurped by her
       (app-doom2301)--Marvel Mangaverse#6
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-9034 - attempted to assassinate the SHIELD Special Secret Unit, defeated by them
        (app-earth-9034)--What If II#11/4
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-58163 (    ) - see DOOM (Secrets of the House of M)--

  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-89112 - demonically-influenced, worked alongside Mr. Fantastic to design a device to allow S'ym and Madelyne Pryor to take over the multiverse
        (app-earth89112)--What If II#6
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-91111 - assisted Franklin against Suzy Richards, killed by her
        *D (app-earth91111)--What If II#30
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-97103 - see DOCTOR VA-VA-VA-VOOM (app-earth97103)--What If II#100/2
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-200784 - commanded an army of dancing Doombots and endeavored to sing in rhyme
         (app)--Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four#25
  • DOCTOR DOOM of "Earth-523003" - gained Thing-like form and powers
        (app-earth-523003)--What If...Dr. Doom Had Become the Thing?
  • DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-730834 - ruler of Latveria, attacked by Avengers
        Avengers United They Stand#4
  • DOCTOR DOOM - see VERNARD, KRISTOFF* (U#2)--Fantastic Four I#278(

    DOCTOR DOOM of "Earth-5012" - see IRON MANIAC
       --Marvel Team-Up III#2 ([13(fb)], 3-6, Fantastic Four: Foes#4, MTU#13, 21-->Iron Maniac

    DOCTOR DOOM of "Earth-200517" (Stephen Strange) - sorcerer

    DOCTOR DOOM of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD - creation of Margaretta von Geisterstadt/Neon Angel, posed as Victor von Doom, opposed Doom 2099
        --Doom2099#19 ([21,22,[23],24,25

    DOCTOR DOOM of Earth 2099-Mutant Registration Act (Lucian) - succeeded Doom, believed to be the original, engineered existence of the Black Panther to gain secret control of Wakanda
        --Black Panther 2099#1

    Dr. DOOMSDAY of Earth-9602 (Victor von Doomsday) - Dr. Doom + Doomsday
        --DC vs Marvel#3 ([Spider-Boy#1(fb)], X-Patrol#1, DC/Marvel: All Access#4, Challengers of the Fantastic#1

    DOCTOR DORCAS - see DORCAS, DOCTOR (D#17, app)--Sub-Mariner I#5

    Doctor Dork - created protoplasmic monsters; enemy:  the Fiery Mask (Daring Mystery Comics#5 (June 1940)

    DOCTOR DRAGON (Leonard Schaefer) - Nazi torturer, enemy of the Destroyer
        --All Winners Comics#3

    DOCTOR DREDD - Dire Wraith, merged Brandy Clark with Starshine armor, briefly controlled her, placed Rom in clone body that swiftly decayed, spirit taught Klobok in Wraith srocery
        (app)--Rom#38 (Annihilators#4 (fb)

    DOCTOR DREDD - identity used by Klobok to pull Dire Wraiths from Limbo - see KLOBOK (Annihilators#1-4

    DOCTOR DRUID (Anthony Ludgate) - Monster Hunters, Avengers, Shock Troops, Secret Defenders, Legion of the Unliving, former pawn of Nebula/Terminatrix, descendent of Amergin, reincarnation of an English noblewoman in love with a Celtic alchemist, former psychiatrist, apparent summoned to Tibet and trained by Ancient One posing as Lama, formerly employed by US government as a consultant and operative in extranormal investigations, apparently killed by Nekra on behalf of Hellstorm.
        Telepathy, levitate, cast illusions, mesmerize others
        -"Dr. DROOM", DRUID*, MIDNIGHT EYE. (I#3, D#3, M, OH:GA, net)--(g) Amazing Adventures I#1(2-6);
    Weird Wonder Tales#19(20-22, Marvel Universe#4-7, Marvel: Lost Generation#2, Incredible Hulk II#210,211, Ghost Rider II#27, Avengers I#225,226, Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions#1,[2,3], Power Man/Iron Fist#118,120, Av276-279,281-284,285(Mephisto vs...#4,Thor381), XMen vs Avengers#1-4, West Coast Avengers An2, Avengers An16, Av286-288,[289],290, Thor390, West Coast Avengers II#31, Alpha Flight I#61, Damage Control I#1, Solo Avengers#4/2, X-Factor An3, SoloAv10/2, Av291-294,Cap343,344, Nick Fury vs SHIELD#2, Web of Spider-Man#42, [West Coast Avengers#39], XFac32,[Fantastic Four I#316],Av295-297,[F4#337],338, Avengers Spotlight#37, Quasar#23-25, 28(fb), Captain America I#402-408, Dr. Strange III#33-36, Wonder Man II#13, Fantastic Four#368/Infinity War#3/Quas38/Warlock & the Infinity Watch#8. Alpha Flight#111, WondM14/InfW#6, Fantastic Four#370, Captain America Annual#7, Thor Annual#17, Fantastic Four Annual#25, Avengers Annual#21, Cap408/3, 409, Quasar45,46,SD#15-18,W+IW#30, [Doc Samson II#1 (fb)], SD#19-25, Druid#1(fb1),1-3,4d,AvIII#10+11(d)

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    Last updated: 06/23/12