My alternate Earth entries are quite far from complete. I’ve made little effort to cover the What If worlds or others that have appeared just once. More recently, I’ve made an effort to be thorough, but this will just serve as a starting point, from which to add.

EARTH-M (Ardina, Colton + Elyna + Irena Candell, CIA, Cosgrove, Dark Angel, Disciple, Galactus, Beth & Sam Kemperer, LAPD, Lindstrom, Master of Guile, mayor of Los Angeles, Shalla-Bal, Silver Surfer, Simba, stone figure, street punks, unnamed woman)
     - alternate Earth lacking virtually all heroes of Earth; Galactus created Ardina from Shalla-Bal’s DNA in failed effort to make Surfer cease trying to save Earth; Galactus later worshipped on Earth until true nature exposed by Surfer; circa 31st century Kathisul Evan became Galactus’ herald Dark Angel, both briefly traveled to Earth-691; Galactus ultimately slain by Overlord-6966 whom Surfer sacrificed himself to defeat.
    EARTH-Moebius*, EARTH-7888* (app)--Silver Surfer hardcover (Silver Surfer: Parable, [Cyberspace 3000#1-5], Silver Surfer: The Lost Adventure

EARTH-Mad Jim Jaspers - see -EARTH-238* (app)--Marvel Super-Heroes (UK)#377(378-384

EARTH-MC2 (Aftershock, American Dream, Angel Face, Apox, April, Arana, Argo, Asgard, Avengers HQ, Avengers Next, Mr. Babbit, Clint Barton, Eddie Basski, Maguire Beck, Big Brain 1.0+2.0, Big Julie, Big Man, Bitterfrost, Blacklight, Black Tarantula, Blind Al, Blue Streak, [Blue Wail], Tommy Boyle, Colin Brewster, Pres. GW Bridge, Tiffany Bright,  Brotherhood of Scriers, Abe Brown, Cameron Bryce-Jones, Buffer Zone, Buzz, Cafe Indigo, Canis, Captain America, Mona Carlo, Carnage, Julia Carpenter, Cassidy Keep, Central High, Central High Cougars, Chesbro, Claw, Coal Tiger, Off. Connelly, Crazy Eight, Crimson Curse, Daily Bugle, Dark Devil, Daze, Deacon, Deadpool, Valentina Allegro de Fontaine, Simone DeSantos, Diablo, Bob Diamond, Doc Magus, Dockside Social Club, Dr. Doom/Kristoff Vernard, Dr. Doom’s Killer Robots, Dr. Octopus, Dr. Strange, Dragonfist, Dragon King, Det. Vinnie Drasco, Dream Team, Courtney + Mr. + Mrs. Duran, Eagle, Earth Sentry, Earthshaker, Electro, Elektra, Enthralla, Fantastic Five, la Fantome, Dr. Bill Foster, Freebooter, Freefall, Funnyface, Fury, Gelcan, Montana Gold, Golden Goblin, Green Goblin/Norman Osborn jr, Grief Machine, Grim, Alyce + Jacob Grimm, Leonard Groote, Gypsy Dream, Lt. Haberstein, Miller Hallendale, Kevin Hartman, Gus + Joyce + Sandra Healy, Felicity Hardy, Jimmy Henderson, Hercules, Ralphie Hicks, Maria Hill, Cindy + Duane + Sarah Hingle, Hotel Caprice, Howard the Duck, Hulk, Human Torch, Impact, Invisible Girl, Ion Man, Iron Fist, J2, Jack O'Lantern, Dr. Sonja Jade, Ashley + Jack + John + Jonah + Marla Jameson, Edwin Jarvis, Ms. Jennings, Jolt, Jose, Jubilee, June, Kaine, Howard Kavanaugh, Mr. Kellinger, Killerwatt, Daniel Kingsley, Davida Kirby, Kodiak, Mauve Kolecki, Kordell, Kree, Charlie Kurkle, Kuroyama, Kyle, Ladyhawks, Scott Lang, Leaky Bucket, Caitlin Leiber, Miguel Lezar, Lindsey, Loki, Nancy + Mr + Mrs. Lu, Mad Dog, Magneta, Moose Mansfield, Midtown HS, Midtown Medical Center, Brad Miller, Misery, Mr. Nobody, Alison Mongraine, Moore, Kiana Moran, Tony "Magic Fingers" Morello, BOSSMAN Morgan + Wife, Ms. Fantastic, Maddie Naylor, Negative Zone, Foggy Nelson, Nemesus, N’Garai, Heather Noble, Nova/Rich Rider, Octopod, Liz Osborn, Officer Palmetto, Benjy + MJ + Peter Parker, Parody, Charlie Phillips, Psilord, Quickwire, Rad, Turtle Ragone, Raptor, Red Queen, Revengers, Reverb, Richie Robertson, Rollerblast, Margarita Ruiz, Sabreclaw, St. Andrews women's shelter, Santa gang, Sapristi Construction, Savage Six, Scarlet Spider, Scarlet Witch, Scrier Prime, Sentries, Sentry 666, Seth, SHIELD, Simian, Mr. Slattery, Slippery Sam, Soldiers of the Serpent, Spanner, Speedball, Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl (Heather Noble), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Man (Ben Reilly), Spider-Man/Drew, Sgt. Spillane, Spyral, Tony Stark, Stark’s warrior, Stark Global Industries, Mr. Stevins, Stinger, Marcus Stone, Sub-Mariner, Lin Sun, Superoid, Super Storm, Tag Team, Talon, Thing, Coach Eugene Thompson, Gene Thompson, Thor, Thrash Bandit, Thunderstrike, Max Tomalino, Torque, Tranquil Tea, Trolls of Asgard, Richard Valentine, Venom, Vibraxis, Wayne, Arthur Weadon, Wendigo, Westin, White Tiger, Wild Thing, Mrs. Winterhalter, Wizard, Wizard’s Warriors, Wolverine, Mr. Woodhill, X-People, Catherine Yama, Donald Yama, Jimmy Yama, Sachi Yama, Talia Zamora, Zebra Patrol, Zodoro
    - alternate future @ 20 years beyond marvel universe, but takes place in the modern era
    EARTH-982* (FFE)--What If? II#105 (Spider-Girl#0/2//SpG#1
    Spider-Man Family#1
    Amazing Spider-Girl#1-6, 7, 8, 9-12

EARTH-MACHUS (Machans, Mahkizmo) - 23rd century, eventually merged with Femizonia
    EARTH-74101*--Fantastic Four I#151 ([152],153->mach/fem

EARTH-Magneto took over the USA - see "EARTH-93246" (app)--What If I#46

EARTH-Mandate (Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, Colonel, Compound, Fusa, Mandate, Primogenitor, Takeo, Yaa)
    - @ 2058, most of the population was wiped out when the Mandate attacked in 2047, small core of people survived underground, eventually bringing Wolverine forward in time to slay the Progenitor
    "EARTH-3071"--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (3(fb), 1-5

EARTH-Mangaverse (Annihilus, Galactus, Hulk, Mega-Scale Metatalent Response Team Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, Jonatha Storm, Sioux Storm, Benjamin (Ben-ya-meen Grimm))
    - Alternate Earth
    EARTH-2301* (FFE)--Marvel Mangaverse: Fantastic Four#1
    , Marvel Holiday Special 2007#1/3?

EARTH-Marschach (Kareela, Marschach, Silver Surfer) - alternate future @ 2600 (apparently same reality as Guardians of the Galaxy), briefly menaced by ancestor of Korvac
    Earth-691*--Silver Surfer Annual#4

EARTH-Mephisto controlled Ghost Rider - see "EARTH-973" (app)--What If II#95

EARTH-Mimic (Brotherhood (Blob, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad), X-Men(o6))
    - Mimic served as leader of x-men until warped away to join exiles
    --Exiles I#1(14(fb)/1(fb8+9)

"EARTH-Mr. Sinister formed the X-Men" - see "EARTH-956"(app)--What If II#74

EARTH-Sinister learned the greatest secrets of the Marvel Universe - see "EARTH-979" (app)--What If II#100

EARTH-MOEBIUS - see EARTH-M (app)--Silver Surfer hardcover

EARTH-Monster World - see EARTH-3752--Exiles#66

EARTH-Morgan Conquest (Kro, Mordred, Morgan le Fay, Osbert, Queen’s Vengeance, Willem )
    -alternate reality created via Twilight Sword + Norn Stones + chaos power of Scarlet Witch, where Morgan le Fay ruled earth since Camelot, returned to mainstream time by Avengers
    "EARTH-398*" (app)—[Avengers III#1], 2 (3)

EARTH-Mutant Destruction (Asteroid M, Captain America (d), [Colossus(d)],  [Cyclops(d)], [Firestar(d)], Forge (d), Giant-Man (d), Gyrich, Hawkeye, Iceman (d), Iron Man(d), President Robert Kelly, Magneto (d), Mystique (d), Professor X (d), Quicksilver (d), Rogue (d), Col. Thaddeus Ross, [Sabra(d)], Sentinels (des), Shadowcat (d), X-Men (d), Storm (d), [Sunspot (d)], Vanisher (d), Wolverine)
    - Xavier school destroyed by US government; Magneto sent asteroid hurtling towards Earth; Weapon X-Exiles sent in to slay remaining mutants, but Hyperion convinced them to try to take over; Eventually Hyperion realized that he could not destroy the asteroid, and finished off the last of the mutants so that the WXE would move on
    EARTH-94831*--Exiles#38 (39, 40

EARTH-Mutant Utopia (Arbitraters, Lords Cardinal, Magma, Kate Power, Sunspot, Meria + husband +2 kids (mutants)
    - divergent Earth in which Magneto joined with Hellfire Club and prevented Sentinels from slaughtering mutants, divided into uptown, where mutants live, and downtown, a squalor in which normal humans live
    Earth-87050*—New Mutants I#49 (50

EARTH-Mutant X (Abomination(d), Absorbing Man, Alpha Flight, Annihilus, Apocalypse, Apocalypse’s Horsemen, Avengers, Baron Mordo, Bastion espers, Binary, Black Bishop, Black Panther, Black Queen/Kitty, Black Queen/Selene, Black Widow, Blastaar, Bloodstorm, Brute, Bullseye, Cage, Callisto(9), Cannonball, Captain America, Capt.Mar-Vell,Captain Marvel(Genis),Celestials,Cerebro,Cerebro mark xiii,Cloak/Dagger, Graydon Creed, Victor Creed, Cyclops, Daredevil, Death, Deathbird, Deathlok, Defenders, demons,Doc Samson,Dr.Doom,Dr.Octopus,Dr.Strange, Dracula, Dum Dum Dugan, Elektra, Eternals, Fallen, Famine, Fandral ,F4(o4), Firestar, Forge, Friends of Humanity, Nick Fury, Galactus(d),Gambit, Gladiator,Goblin Force,Goblin Queen,Green Goblin(d),Jean Grey,Ben Grimm, Guardsmen, Gyrich, Hand, Havok, Hawkeye, Hellfire Club, James Hudson,Husk,Iceman,Inhumans,Iron Fist,Iron Giant Man,Jubilee,Karkas(d),Robert Kelly,Kingpin,Kree,Lethal Legion(d), Lizard, Lockheed, Logan,Moira MacTaggart(d),Magneto,Man-Spider,Man-Spider-clone(d),Marauders,Marvel Woman,McCoy hologram, Mole Man+mutates(9), Moot, Morlocks(9), Matt Murdoch, Mystique, Namor, Namorita, Nightcrawler, Nimrod, Nova, N’Stir,Pack,Pestilence,Phoenix Force(d),Polaris, Professor, Kitty Pryde, Punisher, Quicksilver, Raven, Reed Richards, Sue Richards, R’igill,Rogue,Sentinels,Shadow King(d),Sebastian Shaw, Shield(Dugan,Fury,Mandroids), Sinister, Sinister Spider-League,Six,Skrulls,Spider-Men,Gwen Stacy,Ken Star,Starjammers,Stingray, Johnny Storm,Strong Guy,Scotty Summers, Sunfire, Sunspot, Surfer, Thor, Titania II, Larry Trask, Typhoid Mary, Uatu, United Guild of Thieves and Assassins,Valkyrie,Vault,Vendetta, Volstagg, War, White Bishop/Cannonball?, White Queen, Wild Child, Wolfsbane, Wonder Man, X-Man, X-Men, Charles Xavier ,Mari+Mariko Yashida, Yellowjacket)
    -alternate earth in which havok was trapped following explosion of time travel device,most heroes were killed in final battle against beyonder/goblin queen and dracula
    EARTH-1298* (FFE)--Mutant X#1 (13(fb) Mutant X An2000, MutX#1-8, An1999, MutX9-12,14 15 16 17 18 19-24 25 26,27 28-31,An2001,MutX#32

EARTH-Namor takes over Latveria (Atlanteans, Castle Doom, Doom, Latveria, Namor) - Exiles sent here to prevent Namor from taking over the world and exterminating humanity, forced to ally selves with Doom to succeed
    --Exiles#14 (15

EARTH-Namora (Atlanteans, Atlantis, Attuma, Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor), Coral Throne, Queen Dorma, Fantastic Four (Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Thing), Magneto, Namora, Nazis, Professor X, X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Marvel Girl)
    - alternate Earth in which Namora freed Atlantis from Attuma, became ruler, led Atlantis to conquer humanity after persecution of mutants initiated by human governments
    Exiles-21218*--[Exiles#46], 47 (47(fbs)

EARTH-Napoleon Wins (Napoleon I) - diverged in 1812 when he successfully invaded Russia.
    This timeline was wiped out by Immortus
    "EARTH-9008"* *Des* (app)--Avengers West Coast#61 ([61(fb)], 61d)

EARTH-Nazi Stormtroopers - alternate earth, glimpsed during invasion of Abraxas, presumably represents a world where the Nazis won World War II
    -unknown whether this is any of the other such worlds seen
    --Fantastic Four III#47

EARTH-Network (Beast, Blob, Cyclops, Daredevil, Dr. Octopus, FROG, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Havok, ICEGIRL, Leech, MAINFRAME, NETWORK, New Mutants (Cannonball, Cypher, Magik, Mirage, Sunspot, Warlock, Wolfsbane), POWER FIST, PRIMES/HEAD-LOCKS, Professor X, Dr. Henry Pym, Rhino, SPIDER-WOMAN, Rachel Summers, VI-LOCKS - alternate earth in which the Legacy virus was combined/mutated with the Transmode virus, the Network nearly took over the earth until Morph of the Exiles came across the idea of curing the virus with the blood of Asgardians, heroes continue efforts to wipe out and vaccinate the last of the Vi-Locks
    Earth-8545*--Exiles#20 (20(fb), 20-22, 34, 66

EARTH-New Berlin (Bruce Banner, Don Blake, James Barnes, Frank Castle, DUM DUM Dugan, Nick Fury, Ben Grimm, IRON MAN, Jarvis, Carl Lucas, Matt Murdock, Nazis, Otto Octavius,  Ben + May + Peter Parker, PROJECT OVERLORD, Henry + Janet Pym, Red Skull, Reed + Sue Richards, Tony Stark, Johnny Storm, TIME MACHINE, Victor von Doom, Wolfgang von Strucker)
- Nazis won World War II due to unknown assistance, took over the world; The revival of Captain America rallied the American people to revolt; an Underground movement toppled the Skull's fortress and sent the Skull and Captain America into a temporal warp, replacing them in Earth-616
    Earth-31117--Captain America IV#17 (18-20

EARTH-New Sun (Alpha-One, Fantastic Four(o4), Jean-Luc LeBeau, New Sun, XM(Col,Psy,St))
    - alternate reality in which new sun inadvertently destroyed all life on earth while trying to resurrect the old kingdom 9;
    Earth-9921*--Gambit III#24 (24(fb1)

"EARTH-New York remained a Savage Land" - see EARTH-989112 (app)--What If II#112

EARTH-Next Galaxy (Darius Zorr, extraterrestrial race) - @ 2962 AD, Earth had become an interplanetary imperialistic force
    Earth-627282*--Journey into Mystery I#82/44

EARTH-NIGHTSIDE ("Big People," Black Dragon Society, Dr. Cavendish, East Coast Council, Officer Ferguson, the Five, Ape Largo, Lt. Monahan, Nightside Detective Agency, Little People, Ogres, Others, Psychic Ghouls, Suzuki Shosan, Spirit Dragon, Sydney Taine + brother, Three Lost Treasures of Tao, Vampires, Werewolves, Were Tigers, Worms of the Earth) - dominated by factions of the Others
    "EARTH-1211"*--Nightside#1 (2(fb), 4(fb), 1(fb), 1-4

    - alternate future, Wolverine forced to kill Xavier
    Earth-2182*--Exiles#1 (1(fb1), 41, 42

EARTH-NOCTURNE-Night Raven (Night Raven, Nocturne, Yi Yang)

EARTH-Norton (Harvey Norton, New Seed) - alternate future @ 2040
    Earth-77045*--2001: A Space Odyssey#5 (6

EARTH-Otherplace (XM(Cat+Colossus+Storm+Wolverine+ (all dead),Nightcrawler, XMen (Cannonball,Karma,Magik,Mirage,Sunspot,Warlock II,Wolfsbane)
    -alternate reality in which belasco killed x-men and took over earth, new mutants became new x-men, mirage remained in asgard
    Earth-8280*—Uncanny X-Men#160

EARTH-Other Earth - see OTHER EARTH (Earth-6311) (app)--Fantastic Four I#19, 272

EARTH-Overlord (Overlord) - alternate future in which Overlord took over the universe, Overlord’s existence prevented via time travel by Silver Surfer
    Earth-6966*--Silver Surfer I#6

EARTH-Path of Righteousness (Olivia+Maxwell DeDiamond, Path of Righteousness, Path of Righteousness Patrol, Senator Mick Harty, West Hills Minion Appreciation Club)
    @ 2159
    Earth-9413* (app)--Death Wreck#3

EARTH-Pax Atlantea (Attuma, Byrrah(d), Dolon, Ikthon, Karthon, Llyra, Namor(d), Namora, Namorita, Piscus, Betty Dean Prentiss)
    Earth-9966* --Fantastic Four Unlimited#6

EARTH-Peter Parker bitten by a radioactive Sheep - see "EARTH-9792" (app)--What If II#100/5

EARTH-Peter Parker had to destroy Spider-Man - see "EARTH-958" (app)--What If II#76

EARTH-Phoenix (Araki, Imperial Guard, Lilandra, Shiar, XMen) - divergent earth where Jean Grey became Phoenix during a period where many Imperial Guardsmen were away, so Exiles were needed to defeat XMen to prevent them from saving Phoenix, Phoenix slew several XMen until killed by Exiles
    Earth-8649*--Exiles II#2 (3,4

EARTH-Praxis (Buck Barnes,Alicia+Ben+Petal Grimm,Wanda Maximoff,Praxis,queen Knorda,Peter Parker,Reed Richards,Steve Rogers, Susan Storm+Tony Stark, Johnny Storm, Victor von Doom, Yancy Street Pizza)
    - divergent earth created when Loki altered reality with golden apple to cause death of Thor during battle with mountain giants, prevented any of heroes from gaining powers, ruled by queen Knorda, disrupted by her, time returned to normal
    --diverged Journey into Mystery I#109/2
    EARTH-1000—Domination Factor: Fantastic Four#3.5 (DF:Avengers#3.6, DF:F4#4.7, DF:Av4.8)

EARTH-Presence (Irradiated Men, Presence) - divergent earth previewed by Kang, in which the irradiated men eventually destroyed and assimilated all life on Earth
    - diverged Avengers III#44
    Earth-45017*--Avengers III#42 (42(ff1)

EARTH-Prodigy (Earth-Prodigy, Angel (Angel Salvadore), Bishop, Elixir, Hellion, Hellions, Icarus, Magma, Mercury, Moonstar, Prodigy, Quill, Rockslide, Surge, Tag, Tessa, Wallflower, Wind Dancer, Wither)
    - alternate/potential future glimpsed up to twenty years in the future in which Emma Frost and Danielle Moonstar broke down Prodigy's mental barriers preventing him from retaining all of his memories; he took over the Earth and darkened the future by his "ends justify the means" tactics; eventually the Hellions and former New Mutants teamed up and took him down, blowing up the White House in the process.
    - divergence New X-Men: Academy X#11
    Earth-600123*--New X-Men: Academy X#10 (10(ff), 11(ff)

EARTH-Prophet - see "EARTH-8208" (app)--Bizarre Adventures#32

EARTH-Pym (Maria Troyvana) sat upright on her morgue slab - diverged when the Scarlet Witch shed the nexus power Immortus had forced her to accrue, disrupting past events Tempus had been forcing the Avengers to relive
    "EARTH-9094"--Avengers West Coast#62

EARTH-Professor X was the Juggernaut - see "EARTH-905"(app)--What If II#13

EARTH-Quasar lost Cosmos in Collision (Infinity Gauntlet, Maelstrom, Quasar, Thanos)
    - divergent Earth, Malestrom slew Quasar and continued to grow in power, eventually opposed by Thanos holding the Infinity Gauntlet
    diverged from Quasar#25
    Earth-92130* (app)--Quasar#30 ([30(fb)], 30, 31

EARTH-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch burned at the stake - diverged when the Scarlet Witch shed the nexus power Immortus had forced her to accrue, disrupting past events Tempus had been forcing the Avengers to relive
    "EARTH-909"--Avengers West Coast#62

EARTH-Ransi (Eliminators, Ranshi Empire (Captain Holdyne, Kriven, squad leader Malan, controller Sandella))
    - alternate future @ 4004, enemies of parallel world of earth-harmony, masters of time travel, apparently ceased to exist when cable defeated Randall shire without killing him
    Earth-2775* --Cable II#78 (79,80

EARTH-Reed Richards' Rocket Group (Mole Man + mutates, Reed Richards Rocket Group) - used extra-shielding to prevent cosmic ray exposure
    -diverge Fantastic Four I#1
    EARTH-8212* (app)--What If? I#36 (What If? II#39

EARTH-Rick Jones remained the Hulk - see "EARTH-9390" (app)--What If II#53/2

EARTH-Russia - see EARTH-Stalin robot (Earth-9061)
    (app-esr)—Fantastic Four I#341, 343

EARTH-S (Aida, Alamo Town, Apache Mountain Range, Atomic, Blue Eagles, Brain Child/Sutton, Albert + Florence Gaines, Golden Agency, Professor Inam, Institute of Evil, Master Menace, Mysterium, New World Order, Nighthawks, Redeemers, Squadron Supreme, [APPARITION, ERL KING, KISMET, MASTER ALTERNITY])
    -alternate earth
    EARTH-712—Avengers I#85

EARTH-Sabretooth killed the X-Men - see "EARTH-9670" (app)--What If II#87

EARTH-Sasquatch (Heather McDaniel Hudson) - see EARTH-3470--Exiles#33

EARTH-Savage Land - Exiles had adventure that spanned two continents
    Earth-2318--Exiles II#8

EARTH-Seahorse effect (Araki, Bagel Hole, Dr. Collier, Daredevil, Rube Goldstein, Lilandra, Shi'ar, Thor, weather-controlling nanospores)
    - Exiles sent to this reality to take a danish, which resulted in Rube Goldberg going on rampage, which distracted Daredevil from a battle with Dr. Collier, who unleashes weather-controlling nanospores, covering Earth with smog, and thus preventing the Shi'ar from colonizing the planet

EARTH-Scarlet Centurion - see "Earth-689" and "Earth-8110" (app)—Avengers Annual#2 (2(fb), 2

EARTH-SEEKER 3000 (Hkkkt, Medusae, Pathfinders, Seeker 3000 + crew) - see SEEKER 3000
    Earth-4489* (app-seeker)--Seeker 3000#1

EARTH-Set Conquered the Universe - see "EARTH-9151" (app)--What If? II#25

EARTH-Shadowline (Anubis, Michael Devlin, Dr. Zero, Henry Clerk, Mr. Gaffney, Gregor Gerasimov, Bryn Hengist, Kara Janisery, Marid, MERCHANTS, Adam Neushek, Order of St. George, Powerline, Major Preecit, Ravenscore, General Retler, Shadow Dwellers, SHAPE, Shreck, Toy Factory, Ben Welles)
    - alternate earth
    Earth-88194*--Dr. Zero#1 (Dr. Zero#1-8, Powerline#1-8, St. George#1-7, Critical Mass#1-7

EARTH-Shiar (Alanna, Archangel, Cable, Dazzler, Dr.Doom, Falcon(d), Longshot, Cain Marko, Morlocks, Sauron(d), Shiar, T’Loh, Vertigo(Jub,d),Vulture(d), Wolverine
    -alternate future (@ 20 years from modern times) in which shiar took over earth,led by alanna,visited by bishop+deathbird
    Earth-9922*—Team X 2000#1

EARTH-Sheep-Boy - see "EARTH-9792" (app)--What If II#100/5

EARTH-Silver Surfer lost the Power Cosmic - see EARTH-8327 (app)--What If I#37/3

"EARTH-Sinister formed the X-Men" - see "EARTH-956"(app)--What If II#74

EARTH-Sinister learned the greatest secrets of the Marvel Universe - see "EARTH-979" (app)--What If II#100

EARTH-Skrulls (Avalanche, Guido Carosella, Colossus, Day Cathcher, Galactus, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Storm-Torch, Terrax, Thing, Sam Wilson)
    - conquered by Skrulls in early 20th Century, forced superhumans into gladiatorial combat, skrulls fled when Galactus approached, Exiles drove off Galactus
    Earth-5692*--Exiles II#8 (8(fb), 8-10

EARTH-Slow Glass (Demin/Peddler, the Ebron, Alban Gerrod, the Historians, Billy Lawton, judge Repwa, Sheikh, Tribunal, Sandson O. Tyme, Lawrence Wilder, Michael & Angela)
    - Megaverse
    Earth-75011* (app)--Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction#1 (2-6

EARTH-Songbird - see Earth-98120--[Avengers Forever#1], 2 (2(fb), Avengers Forever#12

(Avengers (Songbird, Captain Marvel/Genis, Wasp, Jack of Hearts, Thor), Elysius, Magus, Oort the Living Comet, Sin Seers, Solar Squadron, Ely + Mimi Vell)
    - alternate future

EARTH-Sphinx - see EARTH-Forever Yesterday (Earth-9105*) (app)—New Warriors I#11

EARTH-Spider (Flash Thompson) - see "EARTH-958" (app)--What If II#76

EARTH-Spider-Demon -
   Earth-32081* --Exiles II#8

EARTH-Spider-Man-agent of Dr. Octopus (Darkhawk, Dr. Octopus, Nova/Rider, May Parker, Speedball, Spider-Man)
    - alternate reality where Spider-Man received early guidance from Dr. Octopus and became his agent; seen only as a daydream of Spidey
    Earth-95022*--Spider-Man: Friends and Enemies#2

"EARTH-Spider-Man kept the symbiote" (Black Bolt, Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), Dr. Curt Conners, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Invisible Woman (Sue Richards), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Kingpin (Wilson Fisk), Mockingbird (Bobbie Barton), Nightmare, May Parker, Reed Richards, Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), SHIELD, Starfox (Eros of Titan), Dr. Stephen Strange, Surtur, symbiote, Thing (Ben Grimm), Thor, Tigra (Greer Grant Nelson), Vision, Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Mary Jane Watson, Wonderman (Simon Williams)
    "EARTH-1089" (app)--What If? II#4 (4(Quasar#30)

"EARTH-Spider-Man killed the Lizard" - see "EARTH-9391" (app)--What If II#53/3

EARTH-Spider-Man possessed by alien costume
    Earth-1089* --What If II#4 (Quasar#30

"EARTH-Spider-Woman was a villain" - see EARTH-79101 (app)--What If I#17

EARTH-Sprout (Kree, Mangog, Mantis, Namor, Silver Surfer, Sprout, Supreme Intelligence, others)
    - alternate Earth on which Mantis raised her son on Earth
    Earth-900651*--Marvel Fanfare I#51 ([51(fb)], 51

EARTH-Stalin robot (Avengers, George Bush sr, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Mikahil Gorbachev, Alicia Masters Grimm, Ben Grimm, Inner Circle of the Supreme Soviet, Iron Man, Dan Quayle, Reed Richards, comrade Spinnsky, Josef Stalin, Stalin robot, Thor ) - divergent reality in which Josef Stalin and Russia occupied Germany following World War II, used them to manufacture weaponry, Inner Circle built Stalin robot to maintain control after his death, robot achieved sentience and escalated cold war, nuclear war averted by Fantastic Four of mainstream earth, Gorbachev succeeded the robot as leader
    EARTH-9061* (app)--Fantastic Four I#341 (343(fb), [344(fb)], 341, 343, 344

"EARTH-Stark: Master of the Mystic Arts" - see EARTH-9810 (app)--What If II#113

EARTH-Stark-president (Tony Stark (d) ) - Exiles failed to save Stark from being assassinated
    Earth-20318*--Exiles II#8 (16

EARTH-Stark killed by shrapnel - diverged when the Scarlet Witch shed the nexus power Immortus had forced her to accrue, disrupting past events Tempus had been forcing the Avengers to relive
    "EARTH-9091"--Avengers West Coast#62

"EARTH-Steve Rogers refused to give up being Captain America" (Avalanche (Dominic Petros), Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Blob (Fred Dukes), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau), The Commission on Superhuman Activities, Crucible (Byron Calley), D-Man (Dennis Dunphy), Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Destiny (Irene Adler), Dr. Druid (Anthony Ludgate), Falcon (Sam Wilson), Henry Peter Gyrich, Lemar Hoskins, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Jerry Johnson, Rick Jones, Hector Lennox, Michael G. Lienenger, Meteorite (Ned Lanthrop), Mist Mistress, Mort, Mystique (Raven Darkholme), Nick Fury, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Nomad (Jack Munroe), Occult (Peter Quinn), Pyro (St. John Allerdyce), the Red Skull/John Smith (Johann Shmidt), Redwing, Reed Richards, Douglas Rockwell, She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), S.H.I.E.L.D., Jasper Sitwell, Super Patriot (John Walker), Taskmaster, Thor, Vagabond (Pricilla Lyons))
    diverged Captain America I#332
    "EARTH-8909" (app)--What If? II#3

"EARTH--Submariner saved Atlantis from Destiny - see EARTH-8310 (app)--What If I#41

EARTH-Supernaturals (Supernaturals (Black Cat,Brother Voodoo,Gargoyle,Ghost Rider,Satana,Werewolf), Jack O’Lantern+demons,Chupacabra,Frankenstein’s Monster, Headless Horseman, Living Mummy, Scarecrow, Zombie, Droom,Gorgolla,Groot,Grottu,Gruto,Moomba,Rommbu,Proteus Horn, Bloodstone, Cloak+Dagger, Agatha Harkness, Hellcat, Hellstorm, Morbius, Mordred,Nightstalkers(3),Shroud,Witches of New Salem
    Avengers(Cap,IM,Th,Wsp,YJ),F4(IW,MrF),Hulk,Namor,Spider-Man,XM(Col,Cyc,Nc,St,Wolv)-all vanished
    -divergent earth in which all non-magic based superheroes/villains were banished during the chaos! event
    EARTH-CHAOS*, Earth-90091*—Supernaturals#1 (3(fb),4(fb),1(fb),1-4

EARTH-Supreme Power (Pres. George Bush, Hyperion, Mrs. Stewart, Whizzer)
    - alternate version of Earth-S
    Earth-31916* (MAX)--Supreme Power#1

EARTH-Sword in the Star (Alkinoos, Delphos, Haamin, Ithacons, Sword in the Star, Wayfinder and his followers (Agni, Kali, Mara, Yama), Witch-World)
    Alternate future @ 10-15, 000 years in the future; Humanity left Earth after used up resources, spread across the galaxy, diverged into various races, Haamin returned from beyond the galactic rim and began exterminating the others; they were eventually defeated by Wayfinder and the Sword in the Star
    Earth-7614* (app)--Marvel Preview#4/2 (4/2(fb), 7/2, Micronauts I#35(fb)

EARTH-Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) hero - Hawkeye shamed him into changing his larcenous ways
    diverged when the Scarlet Witch shed the nexus power Immortus had forced her to accrue, disrupting past events Tempus had been forcing the Avengers to relive
    "EARTH-9090"--Avengers West Coast#62

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Last updated: 07/24/10