humans of Earth-616 - correspond to Gaea per Ian McNee's Catalogue of Correspondence
    --Marvel Comics#1

humans of Earth-99476 (    ) - created by High Evolutionary from Triconodons; unstable genetic make-up, lived in tribes in the Savage Land
    (app-earth99476)--Excalibur I#51

HUMAN CANNONBALL (Jack Pulver) - Circus of Crime, wears armored suit, launches self from cannon
    (I#2,D#2)--Incredible Hulk I#3 (Amazing Spider-Man I#16, 22, Avengers I#22,Thor I#145-147, Av60, Daredevil I#118, Howard the Duck I#27, Super-Villain Team-Up#8, Incredible Hulk II#217, Marvel Two-In-One#76, Ghost Rider II#72,73, Hulk#292, Power Pack I#59, Thunderbolts#2(fb), Generation X#32, Amazing Spider-Man An1998, Hlk479(fb),480(fb), Tb28

HUMAN COBRA - see KING COBRA--Journey into Mystery I#98

HUMAN COMPUTER (Conrad Turing) - Hostess add, criminal, wore costume to appear to be a robot, exposed and defeated by Spider-Man
    (app)--<July 1981>, Man-Thing II#11 (Fin Fang Four Return!#1/5

HUMAN COUNCIL (Graydon Creed, Cameron Hodge, Steven Lang, William Stryker, Bolivar Trask) - anti-mutant leaders merged with and/or reanimated via nanotechnology, controlled by Bastion
    -- , (identified) X-Men: Second Coming#1

HUMAN FLY (Mike Galen) @ World War II, circus performer, used fly suit with pads to climb buildings
    (app-human fly)--Captain America Comics#60/1

HUMAN FLY (Hy Heale) @ World War II, thief, stole circus suit to climb buildings and steal, fought Captain America
    (app)--Captain America Comics#60/1

HUMAN FLY - see FLY--Amazing Spider-Man An#10

HUMAN FLY (Rick Rojatt) - stuntman, crippled in accident, rehabilitated self
    (licensed, net-handbook)--Human Fly#1 (2-19

HUMAN HAZE (Steve Cochrane) - Anti-Registration Underground
    --[Civil War: Front Line#4](4/4)

HUMAN HIGH COUNCIL of Earth-295 (Bruce Banner/Hulk, Clint Barton, Don Blake, Brian Braddock, T. Edenfox(d)), Emma Frost, Ben + Sue Grimm, Gen. Ross, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Bolivar + Moira Trask, Victor von Doom, Mariko Yashida)
    -based in UK, opposed rule of Apocalypse --X-Men: Alpha (Weapon X I#1-4

HUMAN RESISTANCE MOVEMENT of Earth-58163 (Black Cat,  Abe Brown, Luke Cage, Cloak, Dazzler, Bob Diamond, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Mercedes Knight, Layla Miller, Lotus Shinchuko, Sons of the Tiger, Lin Sun, White Tiger (Angela del Toro)) -
    (Secrets of the House of M)--

HUMANITY of Earth-9602 - Old West era, former home of Jono Hex, massacred by the Razormen
    --Generation Hex#1

HUMANITY's LAST STAND (Garibaldi, Joelle Guthrie (quit), Preacher (quit), Razors, Shepherds, Simon Trask, Lt. Com. Coral Trent )
    - Grass Roots movement focused on protecting humans from the mutant menace, have access to powerful suits of armor, based along Appalachian mountains
    --Uncanny X-Men Annual 1995

HUMAN KIDNEY: THE SEAT OF THE SOUL - book, inspired the Kidney Lady
    --(Howard the Duck II#2) Howard the Duck II#1

HUMAN LANTERN of Earth-Amalgam - android Human Torch + Green Lantern (Alan Scott), All-Star Winners Squadron
    (app-asws)--Super Soldier: Man of War#1

HUMAN METEOR (Duke O�Dowd) - @ World War II, Battle Axis, Irish-American explorer, discovered lost city of Bayakura, trained to alter molecules by them, initially acted as a force for good, joined battle axis to fight against the British
    flight + speed + strength
    (app)--(g) Champion Comics#7 (Harvey publications)
    Invaders II#1 (Champions#6-25, [Invaders#3(fb)], 1-4

HUMANOIDS - created by Leader.
    plastic resilient bodies
    (app)--Tales to Astonish I#70 ( Incredible Hulk II#28_-28_, Marvel Team-Up II#5, She-Hulk II#19, World War Hulk: Gamma Corps#3

HUMANOIDS - robotic servants of Prof. Phillip Prometheus
    (app)--Micronauts I#5 (6, 8

HUMANOIDS - see AIM HUMANOIDS (app-stryke)--Iron Man Annual#4

"HUMAN PRETZEL" (    ) - Calliope's Carnival and Circus
    (app-calliope)--Werewolf by Night I#6 (7

HUMAN ROBOT - "G-Men", Agents of Atlas, built by New York scientist under instruction from Agents of Atlas to create an army of killer robots, allegedly had regulator that prevented him from killing, regulator removed by rival, programmed to kill creator, then killed saboteur, went on rampage in new york, short-circuited when fell into harbor, apparently found by Namora and rebuilt by Marvel Boy (Robert Grayson), affiliated with Atlas Foundation
    A bust of his head was seen on Machine Man's mantle
    superhuman strength +durability, absorb and release electricity
    (OH:AZU#1, app)--(g) Menace#11; Agents of Atlas#1 (6 (fb) / Menace#11, Agents of Atlas#1 (fb), 3 (fb), [6 (fb)], 1-6, Secret Invasion: Who do you Trust?#1/5

HUMAN ROBOT - Gammus, alien disguised as robot, rendered inert, placed in museum
    --Tales of Suspense I#5

HUMAN TOP (Bruce Bravelle) - fictional character?, mutated by lightning
    --(g) Red Raven Comics#1

HUMAN TOP - see David Mitchell.
    World War II, Kid Commandos, Penance Council, father of Topspin, mutated by weapon of Agent Axis overloaded by Bucky and Toro.
    spin at super speeds, bm
    (net)--Invaders I#27,(HT) 28 (38-39, Citizen V and the V Battalion#1(fb3), 2(fb2) Mitchell)

HUMAN TOP - see WHIRLWIND--Tales to Astonish I#50 (51,55,59,68,69, Fantastic Four Annual#3->ww)

HUMAN TORCH - see Jim Hammond / TORCH
    World War II, Invaders, All Winner's Squad, Avengers West Coast, former director of Heroes for Hire, former partner of Sun Girl and Toro, special commission as lieutenant colonel during WWII by joint chiefs of staff, android created by phineas horton, in 1949 doused in solution x-r and immobilized and buried in nevada desert post wwii,revived 1953-1955 due to nuclear testing, willingly overloaded cells and rendered self inert in american desert when powers began to flame out of control, lost powers in recent years
    (U#3,M,net)--(g) Marvel Comics1 (Marvel Mystery Comics#2-92, Human Torch Comics#1-35, All-Winners1-13,17-19,21, Captain America Comics#19, 21-67,69 78, All-Select#1-10 Mystic Comics II#1,2, Daring Comics#9-12, Sub-Mariner Com#23,29, All Winners II#1;
    Fantastic Four Annual#4 (Saga of Original Human Torch#1,2 , Vision II#3(fb), GS Invaders#1, Invaders I#1-5, Marvel Premiere#30, Inv6 Invaders An1/Avengers I#71, Inv7-41, ThorCorps2, Invaders II#1-4, Marvel Universe#1(fb),1-3, Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty#2(fb),3(fb),2-4, Domination Factor#2.4,3.6, X-Men and Spider-Man: Time's Arrow: Book 1: The Past, [Winter Soldier: Winter Kills#1 (fb, xmas 1944)], Marvel Knights Spider-Man#9 (fb), All-Winners#19,21, Citizen V and the V Battalion#1(fb2), 9; Weapon X II#14(fb/1944), CapAn13, Captain America Annual 2001, Marvel Super-Heroes II#16, Captain America Comics78, SagaOHT#4, Avengers Forever#8/Avengers I#134(fb),131,132,GS Av3, F4 An4/Av134(fb)/135(fb)/AvFor8, Avengers West Coast#50-52, 56/2, Avengers An18, Avengers West Coast An4, Fantastic Four An22, AWC#53-58, Avengers West Coast An5, Avengers An19, AWC#63(fb),63,64,65/2, Avengers Spotlight#30, Namor I#9,10,[11],12, Namor An1/3, Infinity Gauntlet#2, Avengers West Coast#69, AWC83(loses powers)->jim )

HUMAN TORCH (Jonathan Lowell Spencer "Johnny" Storm) - Fantastic Four, brother of Invisible Woman, former husband of Lyja, cousin of circus performer Bones, dated Kourtney; catalog of correspondences-->Chthon
    Matchstick Johnny (I#5,D#6,M,ME, FFE, OH: FF, Civil War, net) <chronology incomplete>--Fantastic Four I#1 (32(fb), FF520(fb), Human Torch II#1, Fantastic Four#1 (Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special#1(fb)), Human Torch II#1,
    FF4, Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special#1(fb), Fantastic Four#7, Strange Tales I#101,102, Fantastic Four III#78(fb2), F4 I#8, FF520(fb3), StrT#103, F4#9, Amazing Spider-Man I#1/2(Fantastic Four An1/2), ST#104, F4#10, ST108(fb), 105, F4#11, ST106, F4#11/2, ST107, F4#12, ST108, F4#13,14,ST109,AmzSp3, ST110, F4#15, ST111, F4#16-18, AmzSp5, ST112, Strange Tales An2, F4 An1, Avengers I#1,ST113, F4#19(Dr. Strange II#53/West Coast Avengers II# /Rise of Apocalypse#3+4), ST114, F4#20, ST115, F4#21, ST116, F4#22, ST117, Avengers#3, Spider-Man/Human Torch#1, F4#23, ST119, F4#24,ST120,F4#25,26, ST121,F4#27,ST122, Daredevil I#2, F4#28,ST123, Strange Tales III#1(fb), F4#29,ST124,F4#30,ST125, Amazing Spider-Man An1, ST126,AmzSp17,18,ST127,Amz19, Fantastic Four An2/2 Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1997, F4#31,Tales of Suspense I#56, F4#32,33,ST128,118,F4#34,Amz21,8/2,Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1996, ST129, Av13, F4#35, ST130, F4#36,ST131, F4#37,ST132-134,F4#38-43, XMen I#13, Fantastic Four An3/Marvel: Heroes & Legends, ST160+161(fb),F4#44-49,50(-14),Av25,50(15-),51-56,An4, Spider-Man/Human Torch#2, F4#57-63,ST156,F4#64-67,68(-p2), Amazing Spider-Man An4,F4#68(p3-9), An5, F4#69,70, DD36, F4#71,72, DD#38, F4#73-79, Amazing Spider-Man An5, F4#80, An6, F4#81, Av60,  F4#82-87,88(-10), Silver Surfer I#5, F4#88(11-), 89,90, 91(-7), AmzSp76,77, F4#91(20-),92,93, Incredible Hulk II#122,123, F4#94,Av82,F4#95,108(fb),96, Surf I#15, F4#97,98, Surf I#17, F4#99,100, XM I#65, F4#101, AmzAdv II#1,2, F4#102-104, Marvel Team-Up I#1, F4#105-107,109-116,MTU#2, Sub-Mariner I#44-46, F4#117-125, MTU#3, Hlk152,153,F4#126-133, Luke Cage: Hero for Hire#9, MTU#10,F4#134-139, Marvel Feature I#11, AmzSp126,Av118, AmzSp127,F4#140(-5), SubM#67, Spider-Man/Human Torch#3, F4#140(8-), 141,142(p1), MTU18,142(11-),143,144, Marvel Two-In-One#2,AmzSp130,F4#145,146,GS Super-Stars#1, F4#147-149,GS Spdm1,MTU23,GS F4#2, MTIO#3, MTU26, Av127, F4#150, Av128,F4#151-154,GS F4#3,MTU#29,GS Man-Thing#2, F4#155-157,GS F4#4, MTIO#8, MTU32, MTIO#9, MTU35,F4#158-163, MTU39,40, F4#164,165, MTIO#16, F4#166-170, An11, MTIO An1, MTIO#20,F4#171-175,176(-p7,pan6), Super-Villain Team-Up#5-7, Marvel Treasury Edition #13, MTIO#27, Captain Marvel I#47, F4#176(p7,pan7-), 177-179,181-188, XM I#108, MTU#61, Marvel Comics Super Special#1, F4#191,192-201,An12,An13,F4#202,203,Godzilla20-24,MTIO#59, Machine Man I#15, F4#204,205,207-214 218, DD164 F4#219
    F4#231 Dazz2-5 F4#232-235 Dazz9 XM An5 F4#241-244 Hlk277,UXM167,Hlk278 279 Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1-3,
    F4#250,AvAn12,F4#251-255,256/Av233 F4#26_,Secret Wars I#1-12, F4#265/2 Amz259,Av249/[Thor350],Th351, Spider-Man/Human Torch#4, Strange Tales III#1(fb), F4#300 Marvel Comics Presents#74/4, 83/4, 94/4, Fantastic Four An19/Avengers An14, Secret Wars II#8,Av266,F4#289, F4#326,Av303,An18/2,[Marvel Comics Presents#21], X-Factor An5, XMen I An15, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#15, Strange Tales III#1 Infinity Gauntlet#2, Av332,333, She-Hulk II#28, F4#338, Fantastic Four Unlimited#6, Quasar#60, F357,
    F4#399, Fantastic Force#7, F4#400 F4#406(Fantastic Four Unplugged#3), Spider-Man/Human Torch#5(fbs), FForce10-15,F4#407,FFUnl#12,F4#408,409,FFor18,F4#410, Avengers Unplugged#3/Fantastic Four Unplugged#4, Green Goblin#2, AmzSp407 Spider-Man Holiday Special 1995/5, F4#414,Av400, Onslaught: X-Men, F4#415,XM55,UXM336, Wolverine II#105/Hlk445,F4#416, Onslaught: Marvel Universe, Fantastic Four II#1,2, Avengers II#2, Hlk450, F4#3-6, Av6, Iron Man II#6, IM9 F4#12,Av12,IM12,Captain America II#12, Heroes Reborn: The Return#1-4, Fantastic Four III#1, F4#10-12, [Spectacular Spider-Man III#21 (fb)], F4#13-15 Wolv134, New Warriors II#3, 4, 6, F24-26, Peter Parker: Spider-Man#21, F33, Maximum Security#1-3, Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual 2001, Spider-Man: Sweet Charity, Deadline#1,4 F4 III#60(fb) 60, Alias#15, Human Torch#1-6, 7-10, 11, 12, Marvel Holiday Special 2004/3(fb), 2004/3, X-Force II#5,6, New Avengers: Illuminati II#2 (fb), ?Power Pack III#4/2?, Spider-Man/Human Torch#5, Marvel Knights 4#23-24, Spider-Man Unlimited II#12/2, Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special#1, [Spider-Man Unlimited II#13/2], [Thing II#1-2],3, 4, 6, I (heart) Marvel: Web of Romance#1
    Civil War#1, 2, 4, 5, Punisher War Journal II#2-3/CW6-7/Black Panther IV#25, BP26, F4#544-546, BP27-, UX489

HUMAN TORCH - see NOVA/Frankie Raye--Fantastic Four I#238 (238(fb), 238-241, [Marvel Super Heroes: Contest of Champions#1-3], 242-244->Nova)

    (app)--Avengers III#83

HUMAN TORCH of Earth-9031 (Ben Grimm) - remained a hero after death of Angelica Parsons, Avengers
    flame power
    (app-earth-9031)--What If II#11

HUMAN TORCH of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - Fantastic Four 2099, duplicated powers and personality of Johnny Storm
    --[2099 Genesis#1], Fantastic Four 2099#1

HUMAN TORCH-GREEN - spawn of Impossible Man patterned after Human Torch
    --Marvel Knights 4#23, (named) #24 (23-24

HUMAN TRIBE of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. (Kwame ) - servants of Cybershaman
    --Hulk 2099#2 (3,4, 10

HUMAN WRECK  (Ronald Pulaski) - Delta City, Fight-Brigade, later went after Fight Man for the money offered by the Hooded Eye (Leibman)
    --Fight Man#1

HUMANS for GENETIC EQUALITY (Lazaro Rivera) - Cuban organization, opposed government extermination of mutants
    --Mystique#4, (named) #5 (6


HUMARU, Captain - sought to turn Japanese pilots into unwilling kamikaze pilots; encountered Doug Johnson
    --Kid Komics#6

HUMBER of the Hyborian era - cousin of Conan
    *D*--Savage Sword of Conan#119

HUMBERT - see CARPENTER, HUMBERT (app-wal)--Defenders I#131

HUMBERTO - Midtown High School student, taught & tutored by Peter Parker
    --MK Spider-Man#1 (9

HUMBUG (Prof. Buchanan "Buck" Mitty) - former senor Entomology professor at Empire State University, left after they cut his funds, established identity to gain alternate funding, seemingly killed by Deadpool, restored by insects, temporarily decapitated by Headmen, placed under control of Earth's Hive-Mind in Savage Land, driven mad, turned against allies, neck broken by Shang-Chi
    control insects, formerly used amplified insect noises as weapons
    Bug Man of Alcatraz - *D* (OH2006#5, app, net)--Web of Spider-Man#19 ([19(fb)], 19, Amazing Spider-Man I#306, Marvel Year-in-Review 1992, Spider-Man: The Bug Stops Here, Deadpool III#42(fb), Daughters of the Dragon#1-4, Heroes for Hire II#1, 2-5, 6-8, 9-14, 15d)

HUMBUGGY - Humbug's Gremlin
    --Heroes for Hire III#6

HUMONGOUS of Eurth - X'Changelings of Simon Magnus, counterpart of Blob
    (app-eurth)--Avataars: Champions of the Realm#2

HUMP - Morlock, former agent of Masque.
    large and strong
    (app)--New Mutants I#91 (99, 100

HUMUS SAPIEN (Sonny Baredo) - mutant, union of plant and animal matter, parents and dog killed when his powers surfaced, abductedby Factor Three, whose experiments caused him to mutate further, placed in cryogenic suspension due to danger he posed, separated from earth by tesseract, guarded by Ogre, unwittingly freed by Fixer, killed thousands during his rampage, agreed to leave earth and return to his pocket dimension to prevent deaths of others.
    Commune with Gaea who wished to use him as an instrument of vengeance, draws on life force of others, kills someone every time he uses his powers
    <initial origin had him created when spewed out of a volcano, next man coming from the dead things in the earth. lava for skin, thin layer of gold skin, control density, can be as soft as loamy earth or hard as granite, memory of the tortured earth>
    (OH2006#5, app)--F.O.O.M.#3, [Thunderbolts#33], 54 (55(fb2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6), 33, 36-38, [40-43], 44, [45], 46, [47], 48, 49, [50], 53, 54 (revived), 55

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Last updated: 07/06/10