POTIPHAR of Earth-148611 ( ) - Medusa Web
    (PsiForce#23)—Psi-Force(nu)#18, 19

POTONGA - province in African nation of Orbia, formerly governed by Joshua/"Black Brother"
    --Savage Tales I#1

POTORO (    ) - led criminal group called the Looters; opposed by Terror (Laslo Peevely)
    --Mystic Comics#7 (December, 1941)

POTSHOT - gang member, participated in drive-by shooting
    --Captain America I#374

POTTER, BETSY BEATTY* - former wife and social worker for Gladiator.
    wf, brunette
    --Daredevil II#8

POTTER, BUFORD - older son of Albert (Hurricane)
    --Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1/3

POTTER, JANE - Front Line intern
    --Marvel Apes Special: Grunt Line#1 (2009)

POTTER, LI LING - wife of Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
    --White Tiger#1?

POTTER, MELANIE - daughter of Melvin & Li Ling
    --White Tiger#1

POTTER, MELVIN - works as bodyguard for Matt Murdock
    -GLADIATOR* (OH: DD-glad)--Daredevil I#18
    Daredevil II#41, 86

POTTER, MERCY - younger daughter of Albert (Hurricane)
    --Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1/3

POTTER, - wife of Albert (Hurricane)
    --Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1/3

POTTER, TIM - @ 1950's, American soldier, helped Captain America and Bucky of the 1950's overcome Kag and Kee-Sai
    (app-kag)--Men's Adventures#28

POTTIER, CLAUDE - Thieves Guild of New Orleans. wm, dark hair
    --Gambit III#16 (16(fb9), 17-19, 22

POTTS, CLAY - brother of Pepper
    --Iron Man III#23

    Alias used while keeping low profile following framing by Tiberius Stone
    --Iron Man III#

POTTS, VIRGINIA "PEPPER" - secretary of Tony Stark at Stark Industries and Solutions, widow of Happy Hogan, former tactical support for Order, received shrapnel in to chest during Ezekiel Stane's assault on Stark Dynamics, implanted with magnetic device to prevent the shrapnel from migrating, given 1616 armor by Stark, adopted name Rescue
    telepresence enhancements
    -PEPPER HOGAN*, HERA*, RESCUE* (All-New Iron Manual 2008)--Tales of Suspense I#45 (Iron Man: Iron Age#1, Av:EMH#1(fb1), IM:IA#2/ToS#45-48, Av:EMH#3(fb1), ToS#59, Av9, ToS#60, 61, 63-76, 80, Shadows + Light#1/3, ToS#82-84, 87-89, 91->PPH.
    Iron Man III#1-3, 5-9, Iron Man/Captain America Annual 1998, IM#11, 12, [13], Fantastic Four III#15, IM#15-17, Avengers Annual 1999, IM#18, 19, 20, 22, 23-25, 26, Iron Man: Bad Blood#1,2, IM28,29, 36(fb), 37(fb), 38(fb), 39(fb), 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50,51, Black Panther III#42,43,45, IM52-55, 55/2, 56, 59-61, 62,63à PPH.    
IM65-69, Avengers III#69, IM79, 86-89, Iron Man IV#13-14, Order#2 (fb), 1-9, [10 (fb)], 10 (fb), 10, Invincible Iron Man#

POTTSWORTH, FRED - knocked out and replaced by Bruce Banner, alias used by Banner to board a plane to Mistassini, Canada to escape the authorities
    --Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours#1

POTUS - President of the United States of America - names in the modern era are topical
    Captain America I#343-344
    Cable and Deadpool#8, 9, New Avengers#16, 20, Black Panther IV#18, Cable & Deadpool#31-32, Amazing Spider-Man#532, Civil War#1, Avengers: The Initiative#2, Iron Man V#19, World War Hulk#1, [4]

POULE, AURORA - town of Perfection, duped by Dwarf into using a Darkhold page and summoning the N'Garai to her town
    --Darkhold#3 (4

POUND, Mr. - sold technological information his company developed for the Department of Defense to Sterling, slain by his clients, agents of an unspecified foreign government.
    *D* (app)--
Black Widow: The Coldest War

POUNDCAKES (Marian Pouncey) - Grapplers, Superia’s Femizons.
    (M)--Marvel Two-In-One#54 (56, 58, Dazzler#13, MTIO96, Thing I#33, Captain America I#371, [387, 388], 389-391, [392], 411-414, USAgent II#2, Amazing Spider-Man#562-563

POW, Dr. - treated super-villain injuries in New York City, employed Eightball as bodyguard

POWDER, MALCOLM - seventeen years old, crush on Jess Jones, sought job as her assistant
    --Alias#6, (first name) 9, (last name) 18 (6, 9, 17, 18, 27

POWDERKEG (Frank Skorina) - Dr. Octopus’ Masters of Evil, former inmate at Vault, nearly killed by Rune.
    large, increased durability, secrete nitroglycerine through skin, causing explosions any time he strike something with sufficient force
    (2007#8)--Captain Marvel II#1 (Marvel Graphic Novel: Avengers: Deathtrap: Vault, Deathlok II#12, Guardians of the Galaxy#28,29, Surf/Rune#1/2"d", Fantastic Four III#56, She-Hulk I#5,6, Amazing Spider-Man#562-563

POWER PLANT (Lefty) - District X, bar
    --Madrox#1 (5

POWELL, - former partner of Teneber, sought to hunt Sabretooth, stripped naked and left in the Canadian Rockies by him
    --X-Men Unlimited#40

POWELL - servant of the Enchantress, brought Thor new costume -
    -Thor I#493

POWELL, AMY - former fiancé of Lance Bannon, employed at Bloomingdales, attempted to romance Peter Parker to make Lance jealous.
    wf, blonde--Amazing Spider-Man I#230(
    Web of Spider-Man#113-116

POWELL, CHRIS - see DARKHAWK. host of Darkhawk
    --Darkhawk#1 (2-18, An1, Dh#19-29, An2, Dh#30-42, An3, Dh#43-

POWELL, DOUG - Wild Pack, southern racist, views enlightened somewhat by membership in Wild Pack.
    wm, brown hair
    --Silver Sable#1 (2-12, 15-26, 29, 33-35, Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2000/2, Thunderbolts I#41

POWELL, GRACE - lawyer, mother of Chris + Jason + Jonathon, wife of Michael
    --Darkhawk#1 (2-15, 17,18, 21, 23-29, An2, Dh#30-37, 39,40, 42, An3, 3/3, Dh#43-50

POWELL, JASON - brother of Chris, twin brother of John, son of Grace + Michael
    --Darkhawk#1 (2-7, 10-12,[13],14,15, 17, 21, 23-29, An2, 2/2, 2/3, Dh#30-36, 38-40, 42, An3, 3/3, Dh#43-50

POWELL, JOHNATHON - brother of chris, twin brother of jason, son of grace + michael

POWELL, MICHAEL - policeman, father of chris + jason + john, husband of grace
    --Darkhawk#1 (10-12, [13],14,[15], 34-37, 39,40, 42, An3, 3/3, Dh#43-46, 48-50

POWELL, Dr. ROY - see CURATOR--X-Men I#40

POWELL, SAMANTHA - sister of Doug Powell, worked for Symkarian Embassy
    --Silver Sable #15

    Power Pack, older son--Power Pack I#1->Gee

    Power Pack, younger son--Power Pack I#1à Mass Master

POWER, Dr. JAMES - physicist, designed Matter/Anti-Matter Converter and Interdimensional Teleporter, professor at Columbia University, father of Power Pack, husband of Margaret
Power Pack#42-featurette)--Power Pack I#1(
    PP#8,Uncanny X-Men#195,Thor I#359
    New Warriors I#55, Power Pack II#1-4, Power Pack III#1-4

    Power Pack, older daughter--Power Pack I#1à Ls

    Power Pack, youngest daughter, temporarily lost powers to Alex/Powerhouse
    --Power Pack I#1->En.
    New Warriors I#48, 51, 55, New Warriors II#1->En

POWER, MARGARET - commercial artist, mother of Power Pack, wife of James
    (U#5; Power Pack#42-featurette)--Power Pack I#1(
    PP#9, Uncanny X-Men#195, Thor I#359
    New Warriors I#65, Power Pack II#1-4, Power Pack III#1-4

POWER, MATTHEW AARON - son of Anthony and Sharon
    (app-professor power)--Marvel Team-Up I#118 ( 118, 124, (New) Defenders I#126-130, Captain America I#338, Spectacular Spider-Man I#197-199, X-Factor Annual I#9

POWER, Dr. MAXIMUS - extraterrestrial, exiled from world of magic for performing science, exiled to earth during events of maximum security, developed capsules able to give brief doses of superhuman powers, held parties where he accepted ten thousand dollars to give guests temporary power.
    greatly extended earlobes
    --Iron Man III#33 (34(fb), 33,34

POWER-BANDs of RINN - see QUANTUM BANDS--Agents of Atlas#

POWER BROKER (Curtiss Jackson*) - former head of corporation and power broker inc, former division chief of Red Skull (Shmidt), subjected self to strength augmentation process in order to enable self to survive encounter with Scourge of the Underworld-2, paralyzed in musclebound form as a result, regained normal build, temporarily merged with mother synaptic leech and attempted to takeover the United Nations
    formerly rendered virtually invulnerable due to density of muscles, used exoskeleton to move
    (D trade paperback, U#5, M)--Thing I#35 (Captain America I#328(fb), [381/2(fb)], Thing35(fb), Cap329-331, 358/2-364/2, [373/2,274/2],375/2-378/2, 394, USAgent II#3(fb), [1],2,3

POWER BROKER (    ) - amplified own powers, augmented Paul & Roger (Hardball) Brokeridge
    --Avengers: The Initiative Annual#1/3 ([1/3 (fb)], 1/3 (fb), [1/3 (fb)]


POWER BROKER inc (Curtiss Jackson, Karl Malus) - used strength augmentation process to empower others, supplied operatives to Red Skull (Shmidt) and others
    (D#10)--Thing I#35

POWER COSMIC - vast energy source accessed by the likes of the Silver Surfer
    --Fantastic Four I#48

POWER CULT (Frank Anders, Veronica Anders, Rev. Stryker) - sought means to survive perceived impending nuclear Armageddon, broke up after violent confrontation with Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze/Zarathos)
    (app)--Marvel Super-Heroes III#11

POWER DRILL - huge drill developed by US military, destroyed buildings, used by Red Skull (George Maxon)
    (app-redskull(georgemaxon)--(g) Captain America Comics#1/3 (Captain America Comics#3/1, Captain America I#112 (fb)

POWER FIST of Earth-8545 (Carl Lucas) – counterpart of Cage, Exiles of Earth-91172 
    possesses Iron Fist power, enhanced durability
    --Exiles#21 (22, 34, Exiles: Days of Then and Now#1 (fb), 1

POWER GEM - Infinity Gem, grants user seemingly limited power (Power Primordial), formerly utilized by Champion of the Universe, Drax, Titania (MacPherran) as well as along with the Infinity Gauntlet, turned into sentient being in the Ultraverse, restored to gem form with the other Infinity Gems, reclaimed by Champion, gave it to Titania, taken from her by Jen Walters and stored in the Baxter Building
    --Avengers Annual#7, Thanos Quest#1(named) (
    Rune/Silver Surfer#1,Necromantra/Lord Pumpkin#4,Ultraforce I#10, Hardcase#26,Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude#1,Avengers/Ultraforce#1,Ultraforce/Avengers#1, Black September, Inf, JLA/Avengers#1-4, She-Hulk III#7, 8, 10-12

POWER GLOVE - see SHATTERFIST (app)--Thor I#440

POWERHOUSE (Rieg Davan) - Xandarian, Syphon Warrior, Champions of Xandar, sent to earth to find the lost Centurion-Prime Rhomann Dey, crashed on earth after his ship was hit by a comet, landed in the ocean, found and brainwashed by Condor, regained memory and fought in Skrull-Xandar war.
    absorb strength + energy of an opponent or weapon to increase his own abilities, fire energy blasts, pilot Xandarian craft
    *D* (D#16)--Nova I#2 (6(fb), 6-8, 10,11, 25, Fantastic Four I#206,208,209, Rom#24d)

POWERHOUSE ( ) - mutant female, desires mutant domination, battled Beast and Spider-Man, attacked UN building.
    Drain and manipulate energy, bf, white streak in hair
    (app)--Spider-Man#15 (Wolverine II#133, Spider-Man Unlimited II#4

POWERHOUSE (Alex Power) - currently ZERO G*.
    new warriors, combined abilities of all four members of power pack
    (net)--New Warriors I#65 (Web of Scarlet Spider#3, NW67, WSS4, NW68-72, Venom: The Hunted#2/2, 3/2, NW73-75, New Warriors II#1, ?Marvel Universe: The End#5, 6?

POWERHOUSE, the - extradimensional storage place of fabric of the universe
    --Dark Angel#13

POWERHOUSE of Earth-93060 (Kenneth A. Sinclair) - ultra, in insane asylum for 55 years

POWERLINE of Earth-Shadowline (Lenore Castle, Victor Guillermos)
    - Shadow Dwellers, brought together by mutual hatred of Ravenscore family
    (app)--Dr. Zero#1 (Powerline#1(fbs), Dr. Zero, Powerline#1-8, Critical Mass#1/2, 2, 3, 4/2, 6, 6/2, 7/1-3

POWERLORD KRUUN* - Breakworld, former ruler, sent Retaliator to destroy Earth, right arm cut off by Wolverine in failed effort to force him to reveal the Retaliator's non-existent weakness
    POWERLORD KRUUN of the OPEN HAND--Astonishing X-Men#19 (20-24, Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men#1

    Lethal Legions, former partner of Swordsman, first identity used after empowered by Baron (Heinrich) Zemo’s ion treatment by Enchantress
    --Avengers I#21 (Thunderbolts: Distant Rumblings minus 1, Av21,22, 29,30, Tales of Suspense I#88/2(Av38), Alpha Flight Special Edition#1, Avengers An1, Av78,79, Power Man I#21, Av164,[165,166]. -->smuggler )

POWER MAN (Carl Lucas, aka Luke Cage) - Heroes for Hire, framed for crimes by Diamondback (Stryker), imprisoned at Seagate, volunteered for experiment by Dr. Noah Burstein, mutated by sabotage by Rackham.
    steel-hard skin, superhuman strength.
    HERO for HIRE*, Mark Lucas, CAGE* (I#8, D#10, 1970s)--Power Man I#17 (18, 19, 20-22, Defenders I#17-19, PM23-25, Def24,25, PM26-31, Marvel Two-In-One#13, Fantastic Four I#168-170, PM32-35, Iron Fist I#11, Def37-40, Defenders An1, Def42-46, Power Man An1, PM37,38, 39-47, Power Man/Iron Fist#48-50, 51-53, Marvel Team-Up I#75, P/I#54-57, Uncanny X-Men#122, P/I#58-60, Incredible Hulk II#243, PI#61, 62,Daredevil I#164, Code of Honor#2, PI63,64, Marvel Team-Up An3, PI#65-69, MTU#105, 105/2, PI#70-72, MTU An4, PI#73, Rom#23, PI#74, 75, 76/2, DD178, PI#77-82, Marvel Graphic Novel: Death of Captain Marvel, Def107, Dazzler#21, 23,24, Hulk278,279, PI#83, Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions I#1,[2,3], PI#84-87, MTIO#94, PI#88-91, MTU#126, PI#92-102, Iron Man I#177, CodeH#3, DD207, Pulse#14(fb), PI#103-109, Hlk300, PI#110-114, Secret Wars II#2, PI#15-117, Marvel Graphic Novel#27, PI#118-122, SW II#9, Vision & Scarlet Witch II#8, PI#123-125, Marvel Comics Presents#82/4(fb),82/4, Punisher II#60-62, [Infinity Gauntlet#2]->cage.
    Spider-Man Unlimited#13, Marvel Fanfare II#6, Heroes for Hire#1-3, Thunderbolts#8, HH4, Kingpin I#1, HsfH#5-7, Sensational Spider-Man II#28, HH8-13, X-Force#80, Fantastic Four III#6, HH#14, 15,Quicksilver#11,HH#16, Q12,Heroes for Hire/Quicksilver Annual 1998, HH17, 18,19, [Contest of Champions II#1,2],3,[4],5, Black Panther III#16,17(fb),17, Iron Fist/Wolverine#1-4-->Cage

    *D* (app-pm)--Cage I#6 (7d)

    *D* (app-pm)--Cage I#6 (7d)

    *D* (app-pm)--Cage I#6 (6d)

POWER MAN STEELE (Steele) - Power Men, forcibly empowered by Noah Burstein, died when "powered out"
    *D* (app)--Cage I#3 (4-7, 8d)

POWERMASTER (John McIver) - former head of European gangster rackets, older brother of Quincy, father of Cruz, employed Shades and Commanche, Gadget, duplicated power treatment of Noah Burstein, initially surpassed Power Man in power, but became immobilized and crumpled into dust, briefly reanimated as Power Master, drained life force from Cruz, but rapidly exploded
    *D* (app)- John Bushmaster, BUSHMASTER*--Cage I#12

POWER MEN (Hector, Mac, Simms, Steele) - mutated by Noah Burstein's process at the Black Hole, coerced into serving as guards and test subject gatherers by the threat of death from powering out until the process was perfected
    *D* (app)--(Steele) Cage I#3; (group) Cage I#6 ([6(fb)], 3-8

POWER PACHYDERMS of Earth-Power Pachyderms (Electralux, Mammoth, Rumbo, Trunklops)
    - group of elephants mutated by gamma radiation, initially became heroes, but after learning its risks, they instead disposed of and replaced the Perfect Masters
    (app)--Power Pachyderms#1 (1(fb), 1

POWER PACK (Energizer, Gee, Lightspeed, Mass Master, Kofi, Tattletale, Counterweight, Destroyer, Molecula, Starstreak, Counterweight, Destroyer, Zero G, Starstreak)
    - originally formed by four young siblings given power of Aelfyre Whitemane to defend selves against Snark invasion, powers temporarily siphoned by Alex power to become Powerpax and Powerhouse
    (D#10,net)--Power Pack I#1 (
    PP12, Uncanny X-Men#196, PP17,Secret Wars II#6, PP18, Thor I#363,
    PP#61,Marvel Super-Heroes III#6/2, Power Pack Special Edition#1, New Warriors I#48, 51, 55, 57, Power Pack II#1-4, New Thunderbolts#6,

    4th identity, used after first absorbed powers from siblings
    --New Warriors I#48 (Nova II#7, NW#49-51,55,57,60,61, Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Alpha, Spectacular Spider-Man II#227, NW62-65->PowH)

POWERPAX of Earth-Shattershot (Francine Power) - future-X-Force, possible the child of Alex or Julie Power
    has powers of Power Pack
    (app)--X-Force Annual #1

POWER PLATFORM – Ancients technology inside Hyve, increased power of individual to planetary awareness of Symbion with no sense of right or wrong

POWER PLATOON (eyeblasts, strong, stretch, return attacks, giant) - sent into orbit around earth in capsules following wundarr’s survival on earth, all but quantum were taken by stranger to laboratory world, freed by quasar, returned to earth, temporarily controlled by quantum, until he attempted to force them to kill the avengers west coast, rebelled and fled
    -DAKKAMITE ELECT*--Avengers West Coast#96 (97, Maximum Security#1,[2],3

POWER POLES - creation of Kala, used by Brad Rossi
    (app-out)--Marvel Treasury Edition #25

POWER PRIMORDIAL - power source behind the Infinity Gems
    --Marvel Two-In-One Annual#7

POWER PRINCESS of Earth-712 (Zarda Shelton) - Exiles, Squadron Supreme, Golden Agency, utopia isle, "inhumans", active during World War II, lover of Hyperion, former lover of Howard(?) Shelton, joined the Exiles to help take down Proteus
    -Claire Debussey (U#, OH: AZU#3)--Defenders I#112 (Squadron Supreme I#1(fb#1,#3), [Web of Spider-Man An5/6(fb), Avengers I#148,149], Avengers West Coast An4/5(fb), Def112-115, SqS#1-12, Marvel Graphic Novel: Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe, Quasar#13-17, 27, 51-53, Starblast#1, Q60, Fantastic Four Unlimited#11/2, Siren I#1,2, Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis, Avengers III#5,6(fb),6, Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998, Squadron Supreme: New World Order, Exiles#77-78, 79-80

POWER PRISM-see KRIMONN (app-krim)--Avengers I#69

POWER RING of QUIQUAYQUOD of the Hyborian era - stolen by Three Sisters to allow them to return home
    (app-ts)--Conan the Barbarian I#146

POWER ROD - Deviant weapon, used by their gladiators, favored weapon of Ransak
    --Eternals I#8 (9, Quasar#12, Eternals: Apocalypse Now

POWER-ROD of Quan-Zarr - designed by his son as weapon against him, stolen by Quan-Zarr, taken back by Beastmen
    (app-quan-zarr)--Marvel Preview#18 (18 (fb), 18

POWER-SAPPER - chest-beam of Titanium Man, drains energy from opponents
    --Tales Of Suspense I#70

POWER SKRULL - see PAIBOK--Fantastic Four I#358

POWERS, CLIFF "CHRIS" - circa World War II, Army medic
    (app)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#46 ([46(fb)], 46

POWERS, JERRY - former student of Toshiro Mikashi at Williams University, killed by agents of the Life Foundation when he discovered Mikashi’s work on the Arachnis Project. Mikashi was framed for his death
    *D*--Spider-Man: Arachnis Project#1 (1d)

POWERS, KARL - informant for FBI about yakuza, marked for death by them, defended by iron fist and daughter of the dragon.
    wm, dark hair
    --[Marvel Comics Presents#133/2], 134/2 (135/2,[136/2]

POWERS, TOM ( ) - reporter for the Free Press, accompanied by photographer Candid Kenny Roberts, employed by editor Cupid Cueball.
    --USA Comics#3 (January, 1942)

POWERS, Mayor     - crooked politician, employed Crunch as underling; opposed by Comedy Kids
    --Comedy Comics#9 (April, 1942)

POWERSURGE (Lt. Illarion Pavlovich Ramskov*) - Winterguard, Russian soldier mutated by exposure to radiation while trying to contain Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
    Nuclear powers, superhuman strength, vaporize solid matter, generate brilliant light, fire concussive blasts 9;
    SURGE*--Iron Man III#9 (10, Maximum Security#1,[2],3, Citizen V and the V Battalion: Everlasting#3

POWER TOOLS (Buzzsaw, Drill, Handsaw, Jackhammer, Pickaxe, Triphammer, Vice)
    - strength-augmented agents of Dr. Malus.
    Use weapons based on conventional tools
    (app)--Avengers Spotlight#29 (29(fb), 29, Captain America I#373/2, 374/2, 376/2, 377/2

P'QUI race - planet in the "outer rim," Gramosian drill disrupted their world until destroyed by Venom
    (app)--Venom: Spaceknight#2 (6, 8

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