--New Thunderbolts#7
RA - see ATUM.
Heliopolis god
(app-demogorge)--[Thor I#24_]
RA the AVENGER (Henry Sanders) - used costumed
identity to murder possessors of supposedly cursed ruby; opposed by Captain
America (Steve Rogers) and Bucky (James Barnes)
--Captain America Comics#8 (November, 1941)
RA MORGANA of the Hyborian era - priestess of
the Order, daughter of Conan, allowed to leave the Order when she
fell in love with a man
(app-highpriestess)--Savage Sword of Conan I#29
RAA - Anachronauts, hill dweller, had
fragment of the Bloodgem
(app-an)--Fantastic Four An25, Avengers An#21
(22/2, [Avengers: Terminatrix Objective#1], [Avengers Forever#3]
RAAK the BREAKER - Spaceknight Squadron,
ultimately betrayed others and entered alliance with dire wraith
to subjugate Clavians, banished to Limbo after slew Unam.
project microwaves
--Rom Annual#2 (Rom71)
RAAKA - see MUMMEX (app)--Tales to Astonish I#8
RA’AL - Dragons of the Crimson Dawn,
female, exude paralyzing gas from mouth and
--Excalibur I#107, 108 (named) (110(fb), 109(fb),
RAAZER - Desert Sword, ancient Persian
sorcerer/demon, trapped within sword, then within Puck, released
in recent times into Svartalfheim.
uses Black Blade of Baghdad, shrink others in
half with blade, mystically slice through most substances
BLACK RAZER?* (net)--Alpha Flight I#32 (32(fb),
32, 50, Marvel Comics Presents#99/2, New Mutants An7/2, Uncanny X-Men
An15/2, X-Factor An6/2
RABBIT ( ) - deformed Nazi,
used rocket bombs; opposed by Human Torch (Jim Hammond) and Toro (Thomas
--Human Torch Comics#12 (Summer, 1943)
RABBIT ( ) - China Force, leader, killed
by Reignfire during battle with Mutant Liberation Front.
female, enhanced speed and agility, brilliant
*D* (net)--Alpha Flight I#64 (65,66, 69, X-Force
--Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing#1/2
RABBIT-WOMAN ( ) - Ani-Men
- communist agent,
used sub-surface vehicle and device able to influence minds of
(1960s, app)--Strange Tales I#119 (119(fb), 119
Blitz Squadron
(app-blitz)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#14 (20, 41,
RABIN, GRETTA - Israeli girl, friend of Max Meer, who
was mistakenly believed to have her powers; she manipulated him to gain power
for her benefit until he was badly injured while they fled Achilles of the
telepathic powers
(app)--Incredible Hulk II#386 (387(fb), 386, 387
RABIN, Professor BENJAMIN - researched the Popul Voh, sought to bond
with the Mayan mischief god Wayep during the Uayep in order to gain power as the god-king
Kuhul Ajaw, slew Dave, attempted to sacrifice Mary and then Carlie Cooper,
defeated by Spider-Man
KUHUL AJAW (Spdm: BNDY)--Amazing Spider-Man#555 ([556 (fb), 557 (fb)],
RABINOWITZ, AURORA - former secretary for
Midnight Publishing Company, assisted Harold Harold in nursing
Dracula when he was weak from having his power siphoned by Dr.
Sun, lusted after Dracula.
wf, red hair
--Tomb of Dracula I#37 (38-42, 44, 47,48/2, 56,
RABINOWITZ, CHAIM - New Yorker, World
War II platoon rescued by Captain America, ran newspaper stand,
twice helped out by Spider-Man, once against robbers and once
when held hostage by the Disc Jockey
-- Spider-Man: Secret of the Sinister Six
novel (novel (fbs), novel (@p49)
--Justice (nu)#30/2
RABIS - invoked by Korrek
"Skull of Rabis"--[Man-Thing I#1]
RACAL, Dr. CONSTANTIN - Russian, genetics
quartermaster for a deep cover bio-weapons initiative in the
early 1980s, designed Warborg program to place covert Soviet
agents in USA, revived agents in modern era and sought to collect
their children as weapons
--X-Force I#110, 111(named) (112
RACE - see RACETTE, Officer (app-westsideripper)--Typhoid#1
RACE KILLER - see GLOWWORM (Blake) (app)--Power Man/Iron Fist#123
RACETTE, Officer EVAN "RACE" - NYPD, slew a prostitute, killed by
WESTSIDE RIPPER* (app-westsideripper)--Typhoid#1, 2 (2)
RACHE CHURAN - monastery in Tibet by Minya
Konka mountains, trained by Fu Manchu
--Master of Kung Fu I#124
RACHEL ?? - World War II era young women
flirted with by Captain America (Steve Rogers) and Bucky (James Barnes)
--Captain America and Bucky#621 (2011)
RACHEL ?? - granddaughter of Sir Gavin
Ravenlock, niece and ward of Alistair Rampson, former ward of
Mycroft, lives in Castle Ravenlock
blind, psychic ability to sense surrounding
and seemingly communicate with the dead
(app-mycroft)--Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD I#3
RACHEL ?? - Shin Bet agent, lover of
Yousef Tov
(app-yt)--Super-Villain Team-Up#16 (16(fb), 16, 17(fb), 17
RACHEL ?? - Israeli intelligence, investigated
Mendell Stromm's seeming resurrection with aid of Spider-Man
--Spectacular Spider-Man II#68
RACHEL ?? - waitress at club noir
--Web of Scarlet Spider#1 (Amazing Scarlet
Spider#1, Spectacular Scarlet Spider#1, ASS#2
RACHEL ?? - prostitute,
murdered by Westside Ripper
*D*--Typhoid#1 (1d)
RACHEL ?? - leader of gun runners of Monastery
Hill, prepared assault on town of Branding after her son Clark
was killed, delayed by Sheriff Southall, slain by Punisher.
Skilled fighter
*D*--Punisher VI#28 (29-31
RACHELE ?? - actress on set in Sahara desert,
encountered the Hulk and the Horusians' Colossus
(app-colossus)--Incredible Hulk II#145
RACHELSON, HELLEN - Dr. Kenneth Sturdy colleague, mutated with him Ani-Men
--[X-Men I#94 (fb)]
RACHMAN - Skrull, Lunatik's landlord on Bl'lx
RACINE RAMJETS - women's athletic team (roller derby?),
confronted Dazzler in bar, beaten by her
--Dazzler #35
RACK of Earth-Big Town (Jimmy Suarez) - X-Squad,
brother of Sally, partner of Ruin, infatuated with Grrl of the
--Fantastic Four: Big Town#1 (2-4
RACK-CATs (Mad-Eye) - natives of Watcher’s homeworld.
large antlered felines
--Captain Marvel I#37 ( Incredible Hulk II#473
RACKHAM, BILLY BOB - prison guard from Seagate,
tampered with experiment which empowered Cage, racist
*D*--Hero for Hire#1 (1(fb), 1, 14(fb), 14-16d)
RAD of Earth-982 (Alyce Grimm*) - daughter of Thing and Sharon Ventura, sister of Jacob.
transform into energy form, fly, release energy blasts
--Spider-Girl#86 (87-88
RADAMIR - agent of Mandarin
*D*--Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin#3 (2007)
RADAR RINGS - weapon of Titanium Man, circular
bands which tighten around his opponents
--Tales Of Suspense I#70
RADARSCOPE - 2075, Space Sentinels
communications device
--Speed Carter #4/2
RADAR STAR TRACKER - High Evolutionary
--Tales to Astonish I#94
RADCLIFFE, HOLDEN - former employer of Dr. Adam Isaacs,
attempted to force him to give info on his artificial intelligence, attempted to
take over Adam Aaronson/Machine Teen, apparently killed by him
*D*--Machine Teen#1 ([1(fb)/4(fb)], 1, [2-3], 4, 5d)
RADCLIFFE, TODD - S.T.R.I.K.E., double agent for the
Red Skull, killed by Nick Fury
*D* (app)--Captain Britain I#17 (18, 17, 18, 19(fb, dies)
RADD, ELMAR - mother of the Silver Surfer, committed suicide
due to frustration with Jartran, body discovered by Norrin
--[Silver Surfer III#50], 57 ([50(fb)], 57(fb), 58(fb), 84,
RADD, FENNAN - half-brother of Silver Surfer
--Silver Surfer III#100, 101 (104
--Fantastic Four I#48
RADD, JARTRAN - father of the Silver Surfer, trained Norrin in
pursuit of science, accused of idea theft, committed suicide
--Silver Surfer III#50 (50(fb, dies)/57(fb), 58(fb), 84, 100
RADDER ( ) -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#47 ()
RADEK, - SHIELD II, physical therapist, trained
(app)--Thunderbolts#53 (53(fb), 53, 54, 57
RADI-ABSORBER - technology, invention of Reed Richards, used to drain the energy of the fantastic four
doppelgangers created by Willie Evans
--Fantastic Four I#203
) - mutant, rejected from Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters
transform into steel-belted radial tire
(app)--Generation X Collector's Preview
mutant, Xavier’s School, Omega Gang, depowered on M-Day
Project light blasts (ME:X)—X-Men II#135
RADIAN ( ) Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. ( ) - former emissary of the Y'lestja
(app)--Doom 2099#15 (17,18; unpublished story...
RADIAN of Earth-928 circa 2099 (Kazimierz "Kaz" Maksymilian Rosikon) - merger of Y’lestja with
his mind used to facilitate communication with the Y'Lestja, Kamirez Rosikon subsequently received Radian's armor
--Doom 2099#44
RADIANT - Fury Secret Base 5
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
RADIANT, RODNEY - Narcissus reincarnation
radiation-tracking device - see WHIZ KIDS
(app-whizkids)--Black Goliath#2
RADICALS of Earth-93060 (Albright, Boam(d), Marcus)
- former trainess w/ Wrath
--[Wrath#1], 2 (3
--Vengeance#1 (2011)
RADIOACTIVE KRA of Earth-Amalgam - Radioactive Man +
Kra, Challenger-Haters of Evil
(app-choe)--Challengers of the Fantastic#1 (1(fbs)
Thunderbolts, Heinrich Zemo + Ultron + Egghead’s Masters of Evil, Titanic
Three, former pawn of Mandarin, Chinese criminal scientist,
mutated self via radiation
info in New Thunderbolts#7
(I#9, D#10, M,
2006#9, net)--Journey into Mystery I#93 (Avengers
I#6(Marvels#2), Untold Tales of Spider-Man#16, Thunderbolts#9(fb),
Av54,55, 83, 130, Iron Man I#73, Giant-Size Avengers#4, IM#74, Av228-230,
IM#179-181, [IM233],234, Marvel Graphic Novel: Avengers:
Deathtrap: The Vault, Sensational She-Hulk#24, Thunderbolts Annual 1997(fb),
Iron Man III#37(fb),38(fb),[39(fb)],40, Wolverine II#170, Tangled
Web of Spider-Man#13, [Alias#26],
New Thunderbolts#3, 4?, 5,6
Thunderbolts II#100, 101, 102, Civil War#3(Tb103-105,
Civil War: Choosing Sides#1), CW4, 5, Iron Man IV#14,
Tb106-109, Civil War: Front Line#9, 10 (fb), 10, CW6-7, Thunderbolts II#110,
Civil War: The Initiative#1/2, Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures (fb), Tb: DM, Thunderbolts#110-115,
Nova IV#2-3, Secret Invasion: Who do you Trust?#1 (fb),
(Igor Stancheck) - Russian mutate, husband of ??, former ally of "Klaw" in
assault on Wakanda, slain by Shuri
*D*--Black Panther IV#3 (4-5, 6d)
RADIO HEAD (Lewis Milkey) - Delta City, briefly known as Television Head, enemy of Fight Man
--Fight Man#1
mutated by radioactive isotopes into inhuman
being, nearly killed by chain reaction when chestplate controls
were smashed, drained of power and returned to human form.
generate blasts of nuclear energy
-RAVAGER (app-radion)--Marvel Two-In-One#9 (Iron Fist#3,4
RADIUM - Elements of Doom
third form, after brute + seeker and before
torque + earth lord.
generate vibratory force waves
(app-rh)—She-Hulk I#22 (23->torque. 24,25)
RADIUS (Jared Corbo) - mutant, Alpha
Flight, Beta Flight, X-Corps, brother of Flex, possible relative
of Unus, arrogant until his mistakes resulted in death of animal
emits constant force field which he can
reshape at will, although he cannot drop it
(2006#9, net)—Alpha
Flight II#1 (Alpha Flight II minus 1, AF II#1-8,9/Uncanny X-Men#355 AF10-20
Wolverine II#142(fb), Uncanny X-Men#401,[402],403,[404]
RADIUS EIGHTEEN - Kree territory, destroyed by a Nega-Bomb
*D* (app)--War of Kings#2
RADLEY, MIRIELLE 2099 - formerly with NYFAX,
allied with Suzanne carter, terrorists against Megacorps
--2099 Apocalypse#1 (2099 Genesis#1
RADU - 1459, Transylvanian, aide to Dracula
*D* --X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula#1 (1d)
RADU - sorcerer, former mentor to Victor von
--Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards#1 (1(fb2),2(fb),3(fb)
RADU the HANDSOME - brother of Dracula and
Mircea, son of Vlad Dracul
*D*--Tomb of Dracula II#2
RADZIK, baron – taken to the
interplanetary zoo by Gorko
(app-gorko)—Tales to Astonish I#55/2
RAE-ANN ?? - Black Dahlias
--Order II#5, (identified) #6 (6 (fb), 5, 8-9
RAEGER, Lt. - Nazi spy in England; opposed
by Captain Daring and Sky-Sharks
--USA Comics#7 (February, 1943)
RAEK – extraterrestrial thief, desired Lila Cheney,
battled Cannonball and the New Mutants, teleported to Limbo by Magik, flight
--New Mutants I#55
RAEL, IRANI - see IRANI RAEL--Nova ??#18 (or so)
RAE-843, aunt - associated with the Galactic Alliance of
Spider-Men's 'Spinner, had heart attack with her heart being the last organic
part of her
--[Marvel Comics Presents II#1/3]
RAFF of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. ( ) - friend of Kasey Nash,
--Spider-Man 2099#8 (9, 13-15, 39,40, Spider-Man
2099 meets Spider-Man, Spdm2099#42
RAFFERTY, of Earth-93060 - assassinates ultras
(app)--Firearm I# ( 12, Freex#15
RAFFLES, ARTHUR J. - (literary character created by
E.W. Hornung) gentleman thief, aided the Whizzer in opening vault within which bank
employees had been shut
(app)--All Winners Comics#8
RAFT - superhuman containment section of Ryker’s Island
--Alias#26 (New Thunderbolts#7(fb), Alias#26, New Avengers#1,2,3(fb)/[4(fb)],
Civil War: Front Line#9/3, Ms. Marvel II#18
RAFIQ, general DAUOD - former president elect of
--Avengers III#84/499 (Invaders III#0, [6]
RAGA (George Friedrich) - leader of Cult, servant of Black
Lama, given pyrokinetic powers by him
-Son of Fire, Wish of Fire (app)--Iron Man I#52 (53(fb), 52,53
RAGA ( ) - the Four, posed as hawk-faced demon
*D* (app-four)--Haunt of Horror#2/6 (4d
RAGAR - Deviant, prime minister and brother to Tode, held contempt for
Kro, trapped inside Deviant cube by
pale yellow skin
--Eternals I#3 (8, Iron Man Annual#6, [Avengers
RAGA-SHAH - high priest of Cult of Kali, sought
to destroy the world as the ultimate sacrifice to Kali,
responsible for the deaths of Jakuna Singh + Ina + Biri,
eventually defeated by Shanna, fed to her snake Ananta
*D* (app)--Savage Tales I#9 (10, Rampaging Hulk I#9/2d)
RAGAZZI, BOYSIE - Night Raven enemy, criminal released by Governor Dennison and warden Macey to commit crimes--Marvel Superheroes#390/3
RAGE (Elvin Daryl Haliday) - New
Warriors, Avengers, Initiative, Counter Force, grandson of Edna Staples, youth mutated by
chemical waste into powerful adult form, forced to leave Avengers
after they discovered his true age, joined New Warriors, quit
alongside Night Thrasher, student at Oatridge School for Boys.
superhuman strength + durability, bm, shaved
BLACKSMITH* (M,net)--Avengers I#326 (328(fb),
326-331, Captain America I#385, Av322,333, Avengers An20, [Incredible
Hulk An17/2], Avengers West Coast Annual#6, Av334-339, Quasar#28(fb),
Av340,341, New Warriors I#22-25, 26, 27, 29(fb),30(fb),29,30,
Iron Man I#303, NW34, New Warriors An3, NW37-45, Night Thrasher
II#6, [X-Force#33],NW46,XFor34, NW An4, NW47,Nova II#6/3,[NW48,NThrII#12],Nov7/2,[NW49],50,51,
Quas60, NThr15, NovII#10, NW52, NThr16, NW53, NThr17, 18(fb),
Marvel Comics Presents#159-163, NW57, NT#19-21, NW#60, 63,64, 72-75,
Thunderbolts#8, Avengers III#1-3, 4, ; Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest
Marksman, Wolverine II#134, Av13, New Warriors II#0, NW II#1, Ant-Man’s
Big X-Mas#1, Av86-88, Hercules III#1(fb)?, Gravity#1, She-Hulk II#8, Fantastic
Four#539, Avengers: The Initiative#1, 3, 4-5, 6 (fb), 6, New Warriors IV#11, AI#10 (fb), 10-11, 12 (fb)
RAGGADORR - mystic entity, participated
in Wager of the Octessence, empowered Stonecutter, formerly
invoked by Dr. Strange
-"Roving Rings of Raggador," "Rains
of Raggador" (app)--[Strange Tales I#125], Dr. Strange III#49
(Iron Man III#22(fb), [StrT#125], Doc III#49, [IM III#22,PP:Spider-Man#11,Juggernaut:
8th Day, ], [Defenders III#2], [World War Hulk#3]
RAGGADORR dimension - part
of the Consecution of Colors; for centuries, Raggadorr was thought to
be as far as a mortal wizard could travel without sleeping, dying, or
undergoing some sort of mystic transformation; but then a treacherous
passage was found through the Winding Way that opened up the
Archipelago to other realms. Raggadorr is still considered to be
"Beyond the Pale"by most, and very little is known about it or its
seven rings.
--[Marvel Tarot#1]
RAGHBAH, SUJANAA MIN - ancient Persian sorcerer, captured a
mystic gem containing a mysterious spiritual female entity legend held to be a
djinn; forced her to serve him for hundreds of years, but eventually went insane
because she never loved him as he craved; eventually slain by Adam of Destine
*D* (app)--Clan Destine#5 (5 (fb, dies)
RAGMAR of the pre-Cataclysmic era - banished
from Zarfhaana by emperor Varicus, given sanctuary in Valusia,
possessed by spirits in subterranean crypt, killed by Kull
*D*--Kull the Conqueror II#1
RAGNAHORN - magic power item, left horn of
Auohumla, sought by Ulik
--[Marvel Knights II#1], 2 (3
RAGNAR - Asgardian warrior, fought Mirage over
Brightwind, whom he had hunted; driven off by Mist
--New Mutants Special Edition #1
RAGNAROK - legendary twilight of the Asgardian
--Journey into Mystery I#96?
RAGNOK of the Hyborian era - Kordavan,
led rebellion, captured by Conan, freed by Bar-Helm to
assassinate king Phehemenes, but slain by Conan before he could
--Savage Sword of Conan#61
- Midtown high school, classmate of May, friend of Ralphie Hicks,
prankster, stole from the lockers of others, wm
--Spider-Girl#16 (22, 34, 45
Last updated: 01/05/14