R’RALMIS - planet, satellite in its
orbit served as former home of the Master of the Sun, later
colonized by the Ariguans, source for the element gun
(app-mos)--Marvel Preview#4
RRUOTHK’AR - Ariguan, agent of Kyras Shakati and Gareth of
Sparta, led Ariguan squad that slew
Meredith Quill, but neglected to kill her son, later battled and
slain by Star-Lord
*D*--Marvel Preview#4, (named)11 (4/11(fb), 11d)
R’SHUMBA - Wakandan, daughter of N’Kano,
godsister and possible love interest to Vibraxas, resented his
decision to leave Wakanda and join Fantastic Force
(net-wak)--Fantastic Force#14 (15
R’TEE - Skrull mutant, Cadre K.
Project spikes from arms and head
(net-handbook/Cadre K)--Maximum Security:
Dangerous Planet#1 (Bishop: Last X-Man#15, Maximum Security#2, X-Men
Unlimited#29, MaxSec3
R'THIL particle cannons - used by Shi'ar against Grad Nan Holt in Gul Damar space station
--X-Men Legacy#255; (identified) #256
RUBACH - Fallen, Blood, apparently killed
by Hannibal King's rats.
superhuman speed, generate delayed explosives
(app)--Spirits of Vengeance#17, Nighstalkers#15,
Morbius#17 (SoV#17, Nightstalkers#15, Marvel Comics Presents#145,
RUBBERMAID (Andrea Marguiles) - mutant, Xavier
Institute, Alpha Squadron, friend of Jeffrey Garrett
elastic body
(New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook)--X-Treme X-Men#20, (named) #21 (22, 23
RUBICON - planet
RUBIN, ABBY - former employee of Scarmore, inc,
temporarily driven mad by Mercurial Virus, relocated to San Francisco
Underground, helped expose illegal dumpings
(app-mercurial)--Venom: the Madness#1 (2,3
RUBINSTEIN, CORBEN - Guardsman, killed by Cinder during prisoner transport
--Cage I#9
RUBOUT - gang member, participated in drive-by
--Captain America I#374
RUBY ?? of Earth-93060 - befriended Freex, shot by
Master of the Hunt
(app)--Freex#4 (4(fb), 4, 5,7,16
RUBY of DOMINATION - used by Xandu who amplified its
power via the Eye of Agamotto, shattered by the Thing
(app)--Marvel Fanfare I#20 ([20 (fb)], 20 (fb), 20-21
RUBY of RAGGADORR - see RINGED RUBY of RAGGADORR (app-stone)--Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11
RUBY of SAMBANA - mystical item, South America, generates heavy rain on any thief, forcing its return
(app)--World of Fantasy#11/3
- Terragonia, formerly possessed by Kronak, used to summon the Guardian of the
Ruby, shattered when Hulk defeated the Guardian
(app-kronak)--Incredible Hulk II#201
RUBY SCARAB - magic item created @ 3500
BC by merging of the souls of Dann and Garret, utilized on at
least two occasions to banish the elementals to an extradimensional
realm, used by Scarlet Scarab(s), formerly stolen by Asp/Harper +
Miles Olddan.
grants strength, flight, energy powers, etc to
holder, returns to resting place in garret’s tomb when
exhausts power
-Scarlet Scarab*, Ruby Skarab, Scarab-Gem (app)--Supernatural
Thrillers#8 (8(fb), [Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#9(fb)],
Invaders I#23, 25, [Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#9(fb)],
[Thor326(fb)], Supernatural Thrillers#8-15, Ms. Marvel#11,12,
Thor I#326(fb2), 326
RUBY SNEAKERS - Here (and There) dimension, used to
transport Defenders back to Earth
(app-herethere)--Defenders I#115
- guarded the
Plateau of Brass; confronted Thor when he entered Hell; told him that he'd let
him live if he answered his riddle; shattered by Thor
--Thor I#613
RUBY THURSDAY (Thursday Rubinstein) - Headmen, organic
computer grafted to head, had affair with the Answer (Aaron Nicholson),
decapitated by Bullseye, head kept by Answer
artificial red plastic head, able to shape
into any form, project energy blasts
HEADGIRL (e-mail) (I#5, U#3, AZU#4)--Defenders I#32 (33(fb)?, 32, 33(fb),
32, 33, 35, Defenders Annual#1, Omega the Unknown#10, Defenders I#76-77, Sensational She-Hulk#1-3, Web of
Spider-Man#73, Marvel Comics Presents#97/4, Defenders II#10(fb),
5, [8], 9, 10, I (heart) Marvel: Outlaw Romance#1, She-Hulk II#10,
Heroes for Hire II#6-8
RUBY TOAD - ruby key in shape of a toad
linked to Toad God
(app-toad god)--Chamber of Chills#3
RUCKA of Earth-523001 - court
(app-earth523001)--What If Karen Page Had Lived?
RUCKUS (Clement Wilson) - Nasty Boys,
--X-Factor I#74 ([104],105, X-Men Forever#1
RUDIGER - biblical mythology, great-grandparent
of Sybil
--[Gambit II#2]
RUDO, Professor SCIO- Japanese scientist, used
"atom-water" to cause explosions; opposed by Captain America (William Nasland)
and Bucky (Fred Davis)
--Captain America Comics#51 (December, 1945)
RUDOLFO (Rudolfo Fortunov) - prince of Latveria, sought to recover
leadership from Dr. Doom, slain by Red Skull (Shmidt)
*D* (app)--Astonishing Tales#1/2 ([Books of Doom#6 (fb)],
Astonishing Tales I#1/2, 2/2, 3/2, Super-Villain Team-Up#8-12
RUDOLFO - head of traveling carnival, welcomed
Hawkeye and Hercules
--Avengers I#99 (99(fb)
RUDOLPH ?? - former pimp of Glory, shot by her when assaulted
Vincent (formerly Mesmero)
*D*--X-Men Unlimited II#13 (13d)
--NYX#1 (2
RUDY the ROBOT - robot created by the L'il
Professor (no other name given), accompanies him and his nephew Oswald.
super-strong, perfect aim, good fighter.
--Daring Mystery Comics#8 (January, 1942)
RUDY , Dr. - Genetech
--New Warriors II#1
RUDY ?? - Bone, Idaho
--She-Hulk II#4
RUFFER - pet dog of Bernie Devlin, killed by Obadiah Stane to
unnerve Bernie during a chess championship
*D*--Iron Man I#198 (198 (fb, dies)
RUFFY RABBIT - accompanied Jimmy Jupiter on some of his
--Marvel Mystery Comics#
RUFIA of the Hyborian era -
Ophirian, enslaved by Othbaal and then Akhirom, rescued by Conan,
fled Asgalun with him
--Hawks over Shem; Savage Sword of Conan#36
RUFUS ?? of Pre-Cataclysmic Era - native of
Durium, former lover of Salena, consumed with grief after she
died from a plague, goaded into seeking vengeance by Kaanuub,used
Commorian Witch-Pipe to summon lava creature, killed by it
*D*--Kull the Conqueror III#5
RUFUS - criminal, imprisoned alongside Quicksilver
--X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead
RUGARU - legendary creature of New Orleans swamp
"half-man, half-alligator, half-Cajun werewolf"
--[Gambit IV#8]
RUGBURN - Allergen Gang
(app-ag)--Captain America: Return of the
Asthma Monster
RUGER - Cosmic Commando Unit.
large green male insectoid/exo-skeleton
wearer, fly, uses energy guns
(app-ccu)—Star Masters#1, 3(named) (1-3
RUGGA - Aesir (or Storm Giant), king, employed Storm Giants to
kidnap Sif for Hela in effort to gain immortality, defeated by
Thor @ age 18.
beard + pony tails
--Journey into Mystery I#102/2 (Thor: Son of Asgard#11
RUGRI - Asgardian rock troll, agent of Loki
--X-Men I Annual#9
RUIN of Earth-Big Town (Flash Thompson) - X-Squad
--Fantastic Four: Big Town#1 (2-4
RUINED (Armure, B'arr, Casque, C'hin, Exalt, Feuille, Griffe, Katar,
Martyr, M'stapha, S'pyke, Stem, Touffre, T'urnaround, Quintessence )
- extra-dimensional race, possibly judged as
failure by Celestials, freed from imprisonment by Yvette Diamonde
and DRC, encountered Fantastic Four
(app)--Fantastic Four III#1 ([25(fb)], 1(fb), 1, [20(fb)], [19],20,
Fantastic Four: Foes#1, 5-6
RUINS dim - alternate earth where everything
went wrong
RUINSAW of GIZA - magic item, created by
stephen loss
RUIZ, GIL of Earth-93060 - ultra, climber, killed
by Rafferty
*D* (app)--Firearm (uv) I#12 (12d)
sister of Roberto/Rhythm.
(app)--Thor I#426 ([Fantastic Four I#361(fb)], Th426-429,
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man#2, Th432,433, 447-451, Marvel Comics Presents#112/4,
Th456, Fantastic Four I#372, Darkhawk#23,24, Web
of Spider-Man Annual#9, Spider-Man Unlimited I#1/3, Thunderstrike#1,
SpdmUnl#3, 3/3, Ts3, Silver Sable#27, Captain America I#426, Ts5-8, New Warriors Annual#4,
Night Thrasher II#15, Ts#13/2-16/2, X-Force I#40, Fantastic Force#1, 6, Ts22,23, Journey into Mystery#505,
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives#3
Gang, brother of Rigger
--Fantastic Four I#361 (Justice: Four Balance#1, Thunderstrike#13/2
RUKA of Dinosaur World - son of unnamed giant, ran away
from home, causing his father to go on a rampage in search of him
(app)--Devil Dinosaur#2, (fully seen)#3
RUKAD IV - planet in an alternate reality, @ 1
million years in the future, trained in quasi-dimensional
calculus by older sister of Alecto
--Cable II#94 (94(fb2)
RUKKOPLU - Faltinian
--[Dr. Strange III An2/4]
RULER of EARTH - alternate
timeline?, computer created to rule the planet, programmed to
never betray humanity
- ROE* (app)--Strange Tales I#81
RULK ( ) - Red Hulk
--(Red Hulk) Hulk II#1; (Rulk) Hulk II#6
RUMATI race of Reality-77119 (T'Kal) - 50 year
war with Linnea ended by Silver Surfer by taking away their weaponry
--Silver Surfer: Requiem#3 (2007)
RUMBLER (James David) - old enemy of
Morris Walters, mutated by unknown means
generate shockwaves
(app)--Sensational She-Hulk#52 ([54(fb)], 52,
RUMBO of Earth-Power Pachyderms -
Power Pachyderms
Retractable adamantium tusks
(app-pp)--Power Pachyderms#1 (1(fb), 1
RUMEKISTAN (Milos Yusevitch) - country, Flag Smasher took it over
with the aid of Citizen V; taken over by Cable after Domino assassinated Flag-Smasher; Milos Yusevitch
became new president after Cable's seeming death
--Citizen V and the V Battalion: Everlasting#
RUMIKA (Jian, Lum) - island nation,
natives guarded the Master Form for captain Merrick, all slain
attempting to defend i
(app-mast)--Wolverine II#27 (28, 29, [30]
RUMLOW, GERALDINE of Earth-148611 - see VICE VERSA of Earth-NU --DP7 #2
RUMOR ( ) - former ally of Adolph
Hitler, in 1968 manipulated Venus in attempt to take over USA,
defeated when Black Fox damaged his vocal cords.
emitted hypersonic frequency from vocal cords
which enable him to compel others to obey him, powers faded with
time so that he could only control the youth
(net-lostgen)--Marvel: Lost Generation#5 (5(fb),
RUMPUS - minor Olympian God, father of Brooke,
Rumpus, bore his denim shield at the celebrated Battle of the
Posterior during the war of the Advertising Agents
--[Bizarre Adventures#32/4]
--Spectacular Spider-Man II#54
RUNAWAY of Earth-9602 ( ) - Amalgam of Rogue +
Gypsy. Judgment League Avengers, JLX
--JLX#1 (JLX Unl#1(fb1),1
RUNAWAY of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. ( ) - Total Recall
--Fantastic Four 2099#2 (3
RUNAWAYS (Arsenic, Bruiser, Lucy in the Sky, Sister Grimm,
Talkback, Wilder (d), Old Lace, Victor Mancha?)
- Los Angeles based children of the Pride, duped into
formation by Wilder to gather weapons to save his parents; they turned against
him when he revealed his true goals, escaped the Gibborim
Use Leapfrog and Old Lace, formerly based in the Hostel
(OH: Teams,
Civil War, CWBDR, app)--Runaways I#1 (17(fb), 1-10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15-17, [18(fb)], 18,
Runaways II#1-2, 19 (fb), 2-6, 7-8, 9-12, [13(fb)], 14, Free Comic Book Day, 15-18,
19-21, 22-24, Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1-4, Run#25-30, Secret
Invasion: Young Avengers & Runaways#1-4, Runaways III#1
RUNCITER, GAIL - SHIELD I field agent, trained
alongside Wendell Vaughn, temporarily replaced by a Deltite
(app)--Captain America I#268 (Quasar I#1(fb), Cap268, 275,276,
278, Marvel Team-Up I#128, Cap281-283, [Nick Fury vs SHIELD#6(fb)], [Nick Fury:
Agent of SHIELD#43(fb)], 43, [44-47]
RUNE of Earth-93060 - barbarian thief, corrupted
by energy crystal which shattered into star stones
(app)--Sludge#1/2 (Giant-Size Rune#1(fb), Ultraverse
Unlimited#1(fb), Conan vs. Rune#1, Conan#4, Conan the Savage#4,
Rune I#7(fb), Freex#17 (ancient Egypt),
Rune I#1-6, Giant-Size Rune#1, Rune7-9, Godwheel#0-3, Rune/Silver
Surfer#1, 1/2, Curse of Rune#1-4, Rune Infinity, Rune II#1,[2],3-5,
Rune vs Venom, Ultraverse Unlimited#1
RUNESTAFF - lion-headed staff, taken on Rus by
Possessor (Kamo Tharnn) from Achernonian (whom Tharnn slew), used to return spirit of
Jane Foster, seemingly destroyed by Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
absorb others into pocket dimension, great
powers, manipulate life force of others
(app)--Thor I#235 (335(fb), 235, Champions#13, Thor334,335
RUNESTAFF dimension (minds absorbed by Runestaff) -
mystic realm, pocket universe in which souls of those whose
knowledge is absorbed by Runestaff are transported, souls trapped
there by Possessor were eventually freed by Thor and Sif
(app)--Thor I#335
RUNGAR - Snark
Pack II#1
RUNNER (Gilpetperdon) - Elders of the Universe,
conducted Galactic Marathon.
move at faster than speed of light
(app)--Defenders I#143 (Silver Surfer III#3,4, 7, 9,10,
17-19, Quasar#17, Thanos Quest#2, Quas58,
Annihilation: Ronan#3, [4]
RUNNING BEAR, JOHN of Earth-Seeker 3000 - former chief
medical officer, sacrificed himself to expel Jason from Censys
*D* (app-seeker)--Marvel Premiere I#41 (Seeker 3000#1(fb, dies)
RUNNING FISH - @ 1885, Cibecue Apache, Sunset
Riders, ally of Geronimo
--Two Gun Kid: Sunset Riders#1 (2
RUPERT - former pet dog of Robbie Baldwin
--Civil War: Front Line#7/3 (7/3 (fb)
RUPERT - ant, ally of Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady)
--Irredeemable Ant-Man#4
R.U. REDDY (Winthrop Roan,jr.) - Team
America, Thunderiders. wm, red hair
(D#13, app)--Captain America I# 269 (Team America#1-12, New Mutants I#5, 6, 8, The Thing I#27, 28
RUS - base of intergalactic institute of
advanced learning, contains master library, Epoch elected to
remain here to continue studies
--Thor I#235 ([Avengers Spotlight#24/2],
Quasar I#39
RUSEEF - Dakkamites, Lords Consul
(app-dak)--Adventures into Fear#17 (17(fb)
RUSH of Earth-93060 (John Rome) - saved Monalisa
from Aeon
--Freex#2 (3, Firearm I#11/Ultraverse
Premiere#5, Mantra II#5,6
RUSH, DENNIS - STRIKE psi-division, assassinated by Slaymaster
RUSH CLUB (Gunship, Locomotive Breath, Sanction)
– mercenaries
--War Machine I#12 (13,14
RUSHMAN, NANCY - artificial personality created
by SHIELD I, first used on Black Widow (Romanoff) to allow her to
go deep undercover, then on Lynx to assimilate her into normal
life, then on Marrow to make her an agent to send against rogue
Life Model Decoys
--Marvel Team-Up I#82? ( Marvel Comics
Presents #12_, Spider-Man/Marrow#1
US Secretary of Defense, forced Gyrich to give
him information on the Avengers
--Avengers III#61 (64, 66-68
RUSOOM - see KUSOOM (app)--Tales to Astonish I#31/4
Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth#1 (fb)RUSSIAN ( ) - Russian mercenary and assassin,
occasional agent of Ma Gnucci, sent after Punisher (Castle),
badly beat him until smothered by him using a morbidly obese man, Mr. Bumpo, decapitated and head brought before
Ma Gnucci in
defiance, resurrected by covert international agency, necessary
hormone injections caused him to grow breasts, sent after
Punisher again, eventually caught in nuclear explosion on Grand
Nixon Isle.
superhuman strength + durability, titanium
jaw, enhanced olfactory senses, three hearts
*D* (2006#9, MKE)--[Punisher V#7],8 (9,10,11d, 12(d),
Punisher VI#1-4,5d)
RUSSIAN 2099 ( ) - Undead, body formerly held
in storage,
turn to metal
*D/R/D*--X-Men 2099#26 (27-29d)
RUSSIAN GODS (Ajyst, Baba Yaga, Perun,
Svantovit, Svarog) -
(app)--Captain America I#352
RUSSIAN SLEEPERS - 5 men held in stasis since cold war, based
on Drenkov Island, waited for nuclear explosion on US soil to send group of
Russian super-agents to attack USA, sensed explosion of Infernal Man and sent in
agents, slain by Supernaut
--[Order II#1], 2
RUSSIAN WARBORGS - see WARBORG (app)--X-Force I#110
RUSSO, BOB - third baseman for the
Bears, broke arm while trying to replace Captain America
(app)--Captain America I#178 ([179]
RUSSO, YOLANDA - Avengers Compound maintenance
--West Coast Avengers II#40
RUSSOFF, GREGOR - great(?)-grandfather of Jack Russell,
former ally of High Evolutionary, werewolf curse awakened by Darkhold which he obtained from
Taboo, summoned Chthon from
Wundagore mountain in attempt to free himself of lycanthropy,
forced to send Chthon back by Magnus, killed by blast from behind
by Chthon
*D* (app)--Avengers I#187 (Werewolf by Night I#3 (fb) /
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#14: Werewolf, [WwbN I#15
(fb)]/OHotMU Update '89#2: Darkhold], WwbN I#3 (fb)/OHotMU D#14/Dr. Strange
II#27/2, Avengers I#187(fb), Silver Surfer An1/3(fb), New Mutants
Annual#4/3(fb), Fantastic Four Annual#21/3, Amazing Spider-Man Annual#22/4(fb),
[22/4(fb)], [22/4], OHotMU D#14/Uncanny X-Men Annual#12/3d, Web of Spider-Man
Annual#4/4 (d))
RUSSOFF, GREGORY - father of Jack Russell,
werewolf curse possibly awakened by Darkhold, killed by villagers
*D* (app)--Marvel Spotlight I#2 (Werewolf by Night I#3 (fb) /
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#14: Werewolf, [WwbN I#15
(fb)]/OHotMU Update '89#2: Darkhold], WwbN I#3 (fb)/OHotMU D#14/Dr. Strange
II#27/2, [Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch#1/2 (fb)], 1/2, Marvel Spotlight I#2 (fb, dies), Marvel Comics Presents#55/2 (spirit)
RUSSOFF, GRIGORI - great-great grandfather of
Jack Russell, turned into werewolf by Lydia, took over part of
Dracula’s domain when he moved to France @1762, wife killed
by Dracula, impaled and temporarily destroyed Dracula, killed by
silver bullet from villagers, curse mystically passed down to
*D* (app)--Werewolf by Night I#15(fb) ( Tomb of
Dracula I#3/2, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#14:
Werewolf, Werewolf by Night I#18(fb)/OHotMU Update '89#2: Darkhold
RUSSOFF, JEROME - Russoff Trio, werewolf, slain shortly before World War II by Eveline O'Reilly and Dracula
(russtrio)--Bizarre Adventures II#1/3
RUSSOFF, LOUISA - wife of Grigori, slain by Dracula
*D*--Werewolf by Night I#15 (15(fb, dies)
RUSSOFF, MARIA - mother of Gregor, granddaughter of Grigori,
apparently survived stoning after Gregor's death, sought vengeance after her
Gypsy camp was slaughtered by villagers, captured Topaz years later and used her
as a familiar to reanimate the dead Gypsies, sending them to murder villagers;
regained sanity with Topaz's aid, sacrificed her own life to save the Werewolf
from one of the zombie Gypsies.
*D* (app)--Giant-Size Werewolf by Night#3 (Giant-Size
Werewolf by Night#3(fbs), 3d)
RUSSOFF, RENFIELD - Russoff Trio, werewolf, slain shortly before World War II by Eveline O'Reilly and Dracula
(russtrio)--Bizarre Adventures II#1/3
RUSSOFF, STEFAN - Russoff Trio, werewolf, slain shortly before World War II by Eveline O'Reilly and Dracula
(russtrio)--Bizarre Adventures II#1/3
RUSSOFF CASTLE - Borgo Pass, Transylvania
--Marvel Spotlight I#2
RUSSOFF MANOR - summer home in Transylvania, used as base by
Maria Russoff as she sent her zombie Gypsies to attack the villagers that had
slain the Gypsies years before
--Giant-Size Werewolf by Night#3
RUST ( ) – Resistants, agent of Red Skull
(Shmidt), apparently slain by Captain America (John Walker)
*D* (app)--Captain America I#350
RUSTLER of Earth-S ( ) - partner of Bollix, enemy of the Whizzer
used cowboy theme
(app)--Squadron Supreme I#8 ([8(fb)], 8
RUSTY - partner of Defender
(net-goldage)--(g) USA Comics#1
RUSTY - mechanical horse of Shabby Dayes
--Captain Marvel I#42 (43-44, Death of Captain
Marvel GN
RUTABAGA, DARYL of Earth-Amalgam - see DARRYL RUTABAGA (app-lobo)--Lobo the Duck#1
RU'TAI race (Pilgrimm, Mongrels) -
dimension of the N'Garai, rebelled after Wolverine's slaughter of
the N'Garai, overthrew the N'Garai, sent Mongrels to earth to
dissect and study humans, initially repelled by X-Men
(app)--[X-Men II#71], 75 (75(fb), [71, 73-74 ], 75, X-Men:
Black Sun#1-5
RUTGARD, Prof - investigated newly-empowered Fantastic Four
--Fantastic Four: First Family#1
RUTGERS, ED - murdered in pursuit of pirate
gold; opposed by Namor the Sub-Mariner
--Sub-Mariner Comics#17 (Fall, 1945)
RUTH - Archangel of great power, sister of Esther, sent to
Earth to stop Kazann, allied with Hoss in taking down Malachi
--Ghost Rider V#1 (2-6
RUTH ?? - Waterboys, sister of Janet,
strong and good with a gun
(app-wb)--Punisher II#41
RUTH ?? - Denver police, infected with Brood eggs by
Harry Palmer, killed by Wolverine
*D* (app-bm)--Uncanny X-Men#231
RUTH ?? - South African, former girlfriend of Strike
(app-strike)--Marvel Comics Presents
RUTH ?? - mutant, friend of Ell, taken in and
captured by poppa and the underground, freed by magneto
--X-Men Unlimited #36/2
RUTH ?? - owner of a brothel, ally of
Sabretooth, cared for Bonnie Hale
--Sabretooth: Mary Shelly Overdrive#2(3,4
RUTHAR - Atlantean pirate, ally of Zoga,
battled and possibly killed by Namor
--Marvel Comics Presents#7/4
RUTHENIUM - elements of doom
--Avengers III#56 (56(fb)
RUTHERFORD, JAKE of the Old West - criminal, arrested by
Sheriff Dolan, freed by brothers, slew the deputy and mortally wounded Dolan,
re-arrested after Dolan rebuilt as the Steam Rider/Steam Sheriff
--Amazing Fantasy II#20/2
RUTHIE ?? - Al's Diner
--New Warriors IV#1?, (identified) #6 (10
RUTHVEN, lord - 18th century
(app-ruth)--Vampyre(1819); VampTales#1
RUTLEDGE, - Hellfire Club London,
photographic memory
--Excalibur I#97
RUTLEDGE, JACK - Stark Enterprises, involved in development of
gamma radiation neutralizing armor, covered up details of death of Lisa
Cummings, killed by Richard Cummings
*D*--Incredible Hulk II#73 (74(fb), 73, 74
RUTSTEIN, Mrs. - Vance Astrovik's Sunday School
RUUL race (Plaht, Sintariis) - false race posed
as by the Kree, used to dupe the intergalactic council into
punishing humanity with the events of maximum security so they
could steal the power of ego and attack the council to regain
their former status
--Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet (MS:DP#1(fb1-3),
MS:DP, Maximum Security#1, 3, Defenders II#8(fb), Captain Marvel
RUYTER, ANDREAS de - enemy of Black
Panther, transferred mind into robot body, died during the strain
of combat
- The Bull* (app)--Marvel Team-Up I#100/2 (100/2(fb),
RUZZ ( ) - Nazi operative;
opposed by Namor the Sub-Mariner
--Marvel Mystery Comics#43 (May, 1943)
R'VAAL - home of Rintrah
RYAN, Dr. of Earth-Amalgam - Project Cadmus
RYAN, CHRISTINE - associated of Sally Floyd, former Daily Bugle
reporter, psycho killed her dog after she refused to publish his story; she quit
writing and went to work for her mother's catering business
--[Generation M#2] ([2 (fb)]
RYAN, LAURENCE "LARRY" - widower of Tanya, accused of killing her
until case thrown out via efforts of Malory Book
--She-Hulk II#25 (26, 27
RYAN, TANYA - wife of Larry, killed by Cazon, briefly
reanimated by Kodor of the Badoon
*D*--She-Hulk II#25 (25d, 26 (d))
RYAN, RONALD - father of Becky/Aralune
--Order II#5 (5 (fb)
RYAN, THOMAS - boss of Jake Olsen
--Thor II#31 (39, 42, 61
--Moon Knight VI#17
RYAN BIOCHEMICAL (Carl Maddicks, August Hopper)
- based in Atlanta Georgia, genetics research, pesticides, among
others, armed security force willing to kill intruders
--X-Men I#24 ( X-Factor I#3
RYAS - home planet of the Druff
(app)--[Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3: Alien Races Appendix:
Druffs entry], Silver
Surfer III#32
RY'BIK - Skrull ship upon which Black Bolt and Ahura were held
--Secret Invasion: Inhumans (#3-4
RYBYR ROBOTICS - had float in Rose Bowl parade, its
facsimile's of Gort, Robbie the Robot, and another were let loose by Ultron and
briefly rampaged
--Avengers West Coast#68
RYCHENKO, VALENTINA IRENA - Russian agent, ally
of Pete Wisdom, former associate of Constantin Racal, gave
information files on Niles Roman to Wisdom in exchange for
assistance by X-Force against Meatspore troopers, attacked by
Warborgs, assisted by X-Force, led them to Racal, later revealed
as LMD under control of ??, exploded in effort to kill Dr. Niles
Roman and X-Force.
wf, dark hair
--X-Force I#102 (103, 110-112,113d)
RYDER ( ) - Skrull Kill Krew, leader,
black with dreadlocks
(app-skk)--Skrull Kill Krew#1(2-5
RYDER, Dr. - aim, posed as shield agent,
took control of android x-4
(app-ax4)--Captain America I#127
RYDER, CECI - female trucker, former companion to Howard the
Duck, encountered the Gopher alongside him
--Howard the Duck I#32
RYEST - Beginagain leader, father of
Dykon, led unification of Chosen, Rejects, and Beginagains
against Celestial judgment, vowed never to use his powers
against another member of his race.
telepath, telekinetic
(app-beg)—X-Factor I#44 (45,46, 48-50
RYG - demon, power in Jenning’s mill from
struggle circa 1900 A.D., power sought by Dracula
--[Dracula Lives#5/5]
RYKER, HARLAN - cybertek, created Deathlok/Kelly
+ Collins based on analysis of Deathlok the Demolisher
--Marvel Two-In-One#??, [Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe I#], Marvel Comics Presents#62/4, Deathlok I#1
(Deathlok II#32(fb), 1(fb) MCP#62/4 Dlok1,2,3(fb),3,4, Deathlok
II#1, 17,18
RYKER, General JOHN - US Army, husband of Lucy,
led hunt for Hulk, sought to create gamma warriors, forced Dr. Vazin to experiment on homeless people
(OH: Hulk, net)--Incredible Hulk III#14 (World War Hulk:
Gamma Corps#1 (fb), 2 (fb), 3 (fb), 4 (fb), IncHulk#14-20, World War Hulk: Gamma
RYKER, LUCY - wife of general, afflicted
with cancer, exposed to gamma radiation in search for a cure,
which mutated her hideously, eventually died
*D* (net)—Incredible Hulk III#18, (named + fully seen) 20
(World War Hulk: Gamma Corps#1 (fb), 3 (fb), IncHulk#18-20, World War Hulk:
Gamma Corps#1 (d/funeral)
RYKER, SIMON - constructed Symbionic Man,
possibly killed during struggle against Namor
(app)--Super-Villain Team-Up#4 (Marvel Spotlight I#27
housed super-villains prior to construction of the Vault
Based on the real world's Riker's Island Prison
Marvel Fanfare I#22, Amazing Spider-Man I#213,
Alias#26 , Daredevil II#82-87, Amazing Spider-Man#539-542,
RYKING, ALEXANDER - Almagordo, father of Carter Ryking (HAZARD), genetics industrialist, helped Warhawk
(app)--X-Men II#10 (X-Men Legacy I#211-212(fb), X-Men II#10-12
RYKING, CARTER - mutant, childhood friend of
Charles Xavier, father associated with Brian Xavier + Kurt Marko
at Almagordo, lost powers on M-Day, began to lose sanity, died of fatal brain hemorrhage
(presumably associated with Mr. Sinister)
generate plasma bursts
HAZARD* *D*(app)--X-Men II#12 (211 (fb), Gambit III#4(fb), X12,13,
38, [211 (fb)], 211d
RYLAND, OLIVER - mutant, chief advisor to Elias
--X-Treme X-Men#23 (41(fb), 23
RY-LEPH - previous interplanetary society in another
galaxy, destroyed by Rhunians
(app)--Thor I#218 (218 (fb, destroyed)
RY’LOR - extraterrestrial warrior,
last of the Vyr’lgm’sh dynasty, spent many years
enslaving other races, ship crashed on earth centuries ago,
attempted to teach primitive tribes, who worshipped him as a sun
god, but later used his secrets in an attempt to destroy him with
a radioactive ore from his homeworld, destroyed them all in a
rage, regained senses, created a field to keep others from his
island, remained beneath the surface of the earth as penance,
convinced by moonstar to attempt to make amends for his past
deeds, left earth to return to previous worlds he had ravaged.
large + powerful grey-skinned male,
telepathically learn any language, advanced technology, fly,
radiate light
(app)—X-Force#93 (93(fb2), 93
RYNDA - inhuman, mother of Black Bolt, wife of Agon
*D*--Thor I#148/2 (Avengers I#95(fb)
RYOS 8162 – extraterrestrial race, tried
to capture Bahlia
–Dr. Who magazine#140
RYU (Impact, Lynch, Masquerade, Niko, Salvo, Target) -
Order of ninja gathered by Elektra to oppose the Snakeroot, slaughtered by them
*D* (app)--Elektra: Root of Evil#2 (3)
RYUKI - Japanese demon from Ashurado, summoned by Hana in a
plot to take over the Shosei Order by force, sought to raise the dead to gain
the power to send her body to Earth, trapped by the Mark of Mana, released in
the modern era when Wolverine put the Mark of Mana back on Mana, attempted to
unleash the demons of Ashurado on Earth, slain by Wolverine after Mana coated
his claws with gold
Vast magical power, vulnerable to gold
--[Wolverine: Soultaker#1, (named) #2], #3 (3(fb), [1-2], 3-5
RYUTEKI, JADE - 2099, whiz kid, traveled to
Savage Land with X-Men
--2099: World of Tomorrow#1 (2, 4-6, 8
RYZZANEL - mystic entity invoked by Dr. Strange
-"coils of ryzzanel"--[Dr. Strange
R'ZAHNIAN race (Zamu) – extraterrestrial,
Milky Way galaxy, planet R’Zahn, sought to invade Earth, possibly had a
base on Saturn.
semi-humanoid, red skin
(I#9,D#15)--(g) Amazing Adventures I#3;Weird
Wonder Tales#20
RZH'ARR - demon, griffin-like servant of
Asmodeus, impersonated Cynthia Randolph to entrap Blaze
(app-asmodeus)--Ghost Rider II#64
Last updated: 03/30/14