SU, Dr. KO BIN - Department H, chief
(net)--Alpha Flight II#2 (3 [4] 7,8 14 18
SU, GENERAL – Chinese(?) military, aided by
Captain Fong, briefly held hostage by Dr. Octopus, rescued by Spider-Man
--Amazing Spider-Man I#88
SU YIN - Chinese woman, renown neurological
research scientist, formerly married to invalid, investigated
Tony Stark’s nervous system after it had been crippled by a
gunshot wound and the biochip implant
--Iron Man I#270 (275/2(fb), 270-272, [273],
274, 275/2, War Machine#9, 10, IM312
SUAREZ - Triune Understanding
--Avengers III#37
SUAREZ, JULIA - owner of boarding house
--Blade: Vampire Hunter I#1 (2-4, 6, 7, 9
SUAREZ, RAPHAEL - Empire State University
electrical engineering student, gained Lazerfist power
(app)—Fantastic Four I#389 (390-392
SUARTI, JACOB - head of Fashion Imprezzario,
tried to steal secret of Unstable Molecules, sent to jail
(app)--Fantastic Four III#63 (65, 66
SUB-ATOMICA (Daldo, Dutta, Gorba, Greeb,
Kamar, Lizard Men of Tok, Pearla, Psycho-Man)
- extra-dimensional Microworld, at least two
separate races exist, encountered by Dr. Doom and Fantastic Four,
later merged with all other Microverses
—Fantastic Four I#16
SUBATOMIC STORMTROOPERS - Microverse, warriors of General
--Fantastic Four+#525 ([525(fb), 525-526]
Richards to send back those summoned by Doom's Emotion Charger
sends others back in time, removes memories of events that
happened after the point at which they arrive
(app)--Fantastic Four Annual#3
SUBBIE – amphibious human, similar powers to Sub-Mariner, given (powered?) sailor suit by Father Neptune
(net-gold, app)--(g) Kid Comics#1 (2
subterranean humanoid race living below the American
Mid-West, they rode giant worms as transportation and were ruled by
Medusa. Explosions from the surface world caused destruction and a
mission to the surface ended in tragedy leading to several of their
later conned into attacking the surface world by the Nazi agent Spook
out of revenge; after a bloody surface battle with the US army a truce
made by General Hayward at the urging of Captain America.
--Captain America Comics#17/3 (August 1942) “Sub-Earthman’s Revenge”
SUB-HUMAN - see GROTESK (app)—X-Men I#41
SUBHUMANS (Keever, leader ) - group of humans
living in sewer tunnels since 1960s, many are mentally impaired
or uneducated
--Spider-Man#13 (14
SUBLIME, JOHN - Weapon Plus, leader of the 3rd
Species, controlled Martha Johannsen, forced to fall to seeming death by
her, recovered, slain by Chamber for Weapon X Project, returned again, revealed
as director of Weapon Plus, runs Megacorp, controls U-Men and the Children
Possibly exists in aerosolized form and takes over new hosts,
possibly in the inhaled drug Kick
Michael Grand* (2006#11)--X-Men II Annual 2001 (Weapon X II#23(fb2-4), X118, 119, 120"d",
145, [Weapon X
II#16],17,18"d", [23, 24], 25, 16-28
(I#10, D#12, 1960s, net)--(g) Marvel Comics#1; Fantastic
Four I#4
SUB-MARINER of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. (Roman) - leader of New Atlantis
--Spider-Man 2099#43 (43(fb), 43
- aka Night Demons, three servants of Kalumai; slain by Straw Man
(app-kalumai's demon servants)--Marvel Spotlight#26 (1976)
SUBORO, BANDO - Japanese, led camp training former samurai and
ninja in the ways of peace, trained Logan for 5 years
--Wolverine III#40
SUB-SPACE dim- (Stygorr) - interdimensional
space, sidereal realm in which distance is compressed enormously,
can be used to travel great distances in short-time
-HYPERSPACE*—Fantastic Four I#37
SUB-SPACE SPIDER-SIGNAL ( ) - used by Galactic
Alliance of Spider-Man
--Marvel Comics Presents II#1/3
SUBTERRANEA - network of caves and
tunnels existing miles beneath earth’s surface.
mostly built by deviants after they fled into
pre-made tunnels following the great cataclysm 9;
--Fantastic Four I#1
SUBTERRANEAN races (Gortokians,
Lava Men, Moloids, Tyrannoids, unnamed)
- any of four branches of slave race created
by deviants to live in Subterranea and replace human slaves lost
in great cataclysm 9;
(I#10,D#12)--Incredible Hulk I#5
subterraneans (Stennis, Tharkaris/High Tharen +
daughter) - abduct a young human girl every few generations,
raise her as a princess and use her to keep their bloodline
diverse to prevent them from degenerating like other
subterraneans, kidnapped Sally White, but she was freed by
--X-Men Unlimited#49
SUBZERO ZONE - microverse, homeworld, frozen
region, contains polaria
—Micronauts I#24/2, 32
SUCCUBUS of the 16th Century -
demonic creature in Rumanian town, seduced and nearly killed
Kane, but he eventually overcame and destroyed her
*D*--Savage Sword of Conan#25/2
SUCCUBUS ( ) - demon?, agent of
Nightmare, attacked Dan Ketch/Ghost Rider
levitate, pass through solid objects, drain life force from
(app)--Ghost Rider III#36
SUCCUBUS ( ) - mutant, x-force/X-Statix
sub-division, agent of Coach, partner of Smoke
(app)—X-Force#119 (120
SUCTION BOMB - weapon used by the Phantom
--Tales Of Suspense I#63
SUDD ( ) - SOOFI, man, mutated into living
scrubbing bubbles
(app)—Howard the Duck I#20
SUDDEN IMPACT of Earth-5555 (ca. 8162) (Bird + Buck + Nitro +
Trench + Vienna + Zoot + 2(all dead), Mayhem)
- mercenaries, assassinated minister
(app)--Death's Head I#5 (6
SUE ?? – younger sister or friend of
Amanda, nearly kidnapped on Halloween, rescued by Andy/Wild Dog
--X-Men Unlimited II#1/2
SUE ?? - wife of Peter, mother of Ginny,
rescued from fire by Wolverine
--Wolverine: Firebreak#1 (2008)
SUEDE (Nicholas Blake) - Gemini, twin of Grip, though they
don't look alike.
he has some kind of energy powers
SUEE, FAH LO - sister of Shang-Chi,
daughter of Ghost (Fu Manchu)
Cursed Lotus? (app)--Master of Kung Fu#26 (28(fb),
26-28, 44-50, 83, 86-88, 100, 105, 113, 115-118, 122
SUGAR - X-Babies, counterpart to Rogue
--Uncanny X-Men An12, (named) X-Babies Reborn
SUGAR FACE ( ) - Vulturians, former
(app-vult)--Web of Spider-Man#1 ([1(fb)], 1-3
SUGAR KANE ( Kane) - British pop singer,
befriended and dated Chamber
(app)--Uncanny X-Men I#395 (396-398, Vengeance#1,6
SUGAR MAN of Earth-295 ( ) - mutant slave lord, came to
Earth-616 dimension, involved with Genoshans, supplied much of technology that allowed creation of
system of mutates and slave labor.
four arms, enlarged head, elongated tongue
(OH:AoA, net)--[Generation Next#2], 3 (4, X-Men:
Omega, X-Men: Prime [Havok/Wolverine: Meltdown#1-4], Excalibur I#87,
[X-Factor I#112],113, X-Man6,7, X-Men II#48,49, Cable II#26-28,
29, X-Man Annual 1996, Excalibur III#
X-Men II#200/2, UX488/2 (fb),
SUICIDE (Chris Daniel) - sought courage to
commit Suicide, duped into pact with Mephisto where he was unable
to die until he had killed Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch).
bm, enhanced durability, virtually
instantaneous healing
(app)--Ghost Rider III#19 (20, 35-36
SUICIDE of Earth-148611 (Thomas Smythe) - Kickers, Smashers
--Kickers inc (nu)#1 (New Avengers#16/2,
SUICIDE KING ( ) - Ratpack 2099
--X-Men 2099#2
SUICIDE SQUAD (Joe, 3 unnamed) - SHIELD I, participated
in high risk missions, such as against the Yellow Claw and Ultron
(app)--Strange Tales I#165 (167, Avengers I#67,68
SUI-SAN - Uranian/Titanian Eternal, mother of Starfox + Thanos + many
Eternals of Titan, former wife of Mentor,
sole survivor of civil war on Titan, vivisected and slain by Thanos in attempt to learn why he was different
*D*--Captain Marvel I#29 (Silver Surfer III# (fb)
SUIT ( ) - US government agent
assigned to protect Col. Rudev Broga, paid off by Shadowforce Alpha to aid in
their effort to assassinate him, tranquilized Broga, gunned down by Armstrong
*D* (app-shadowforce alpha)--Amazing Spider-Man Super Special#1/3
SUIT - nanotech creature, enemy of the symbiotes
--Venom#2 (3, 5-10, 14-18
SUKHMET of the Hyborian era (F’Sarr Bel
Trann) - camp of the Free Companions in the frontier between Stygia and Darfar
--Red Nails; Savage Tales I#3
Savage Sword of Conan#65
SUKI, DOCTOR - drugged American soldiers to
control their minds, commanded aircraft carrier to bomb California; enemy of the
--Sub-Mariner Comics#8 (Winter 1942) (Sub-Mariner Comics#11
(Fall 1943)
SULANI race (Grux(d) ) - associated with Blackbody, females sold by Madam Ojani to grand overseers in
exchange for portion of Silver Surfer’s body.
red skin, celery stalk-like head
--Silver Surfer III#115 (116
SULFUR SURFER (Harold) - servant of Galactongue
(app)--Unpublished Howard the Duck#1: Howard the Duck's Secret Crisis II script - Steve Gerber
SULI - see PRINCE SULI--All-Select #3/1 (Spring 1944) “Keeper of the Monsters”
SULIBEG - agent of Mogul, mixed the Spotted Plague
(app-mogul)--Thor I#142/2
SULLIVAN - Gena-Sys, messed up gene
sequence for Killpower
(app-gen)--Motormouth & Killpower#4/2
SULLIVAN, BILLY - husband of Molly, childhood
friend of Dick Jones, later turned to crime, apparently died circa 1939 when
house burnt by Mannino crime family
*D*--Daring Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
SULLIVAN, DEREK - see ANT-MAN (Eric O'Grady)
false identity used to get a job with Damage Control to avoid
--Irredeemable Ant-Man#8
SULLIVAN, INGER - Avengers support staff,
lawyer, advised Captain America on subject of returning to serve U.S. government.
wf, brown hair
(app)--Captain America I#332
SULLIVAN, MARY - associate of Dr. Donald Blake,
asked him out, turned down
--Thor Annual#9
SULLIVAN, MOLLY - widow of Billy Sullivan,
apparently survived their house's burning circa 1939, later reported dead
despite having had access to Oswald Chancellor's immortality potion; apparently
glimpsed at same age in recent times
--Daring Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
SULPHUR of Earth-Here Comes Tomorrow -
---X-Men II#151
SULTAN ( ) - slave trader in island nation of Temasika, encountered and defeated by
obese, Asian male
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents#162/3 (163/4, 164/2,
SULTAN - lion, shot by Phillip Milford
(app-phillip)--Marvel Comics Presents#13/4
S.U.L.T.A.N. ( ) - former SHIELD I
weapons designer and computer code expert, became a cyborg, set
out to overthrow all governments, based on Thunderhead, could
transfer his consciousness to variety of robotic bodies via
mobile microship until it was apparently destroyed by Nick Fury
-Systematic Ultimate Lawless Takeover of All
Nations *D* (app)—Captain America I#265 (266d)
SULTAN MAGUS (Dagan Shah) - near death in the desert,
discovered millennia-old remains of a failed Rigellian attempt to colonize
Earth, mutated by their "plan b," becoming the sum total of their race's
knowledge and power, transformed his fallen comrades to serve at his side,
established the new nation of Sharzhad as a desert paradise; attracted attention
of Red Hulk after his Rigellian arms trade cost the life of William Krugauer;
won tentative acceptance of the international community
SULUMOR - Atlantean, assisted in battle in Mazikhandar, slain
by Wolverine under Hydra's control
*D* (app)--[Avengers III#84], Invaders#0 (6d)
SUM, agent - SHIELD, Operation: Lightning Storm, former agent
of Zhu Yuanthang in the 13th
century, opposes Kublai Khan
superhuman powers
--Ms. Marvel II#13 (26 (fb), 13-14, 15-17, 18-20, 25-27
SUMA-KET - leader of the Unforgiven Dead of Atlantis, warrior-mage,
led followers to drive Faceless Ones from Atlantis
in exchange for allowing them to dwell there, eventually driven
out after corrupted large portion of city, returned when Socus
slew Byrrah and mixed his blood with the blood of the Old One
Devil-King, Lord of the Old Ones, Lord of the Unforgiven
Dead, Prophet King of Ancient Atlantis (2006#11, app)--Namor I#36 (33-38 (fbs), 35-39, 40d
SUMARO - Slayers Elite, sumo wrestler, knocked
off roof by Moon Knight
--Moon Knight I#18d
SUMARR - invoked by pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis' King Kamuu (in
same invocation as Valka, Bishru, and Luma) as Atlantis sank
--[Sub-Mariner I#63/2]
SUMERAK - West Tech High School, football player
--Machine Teen#1
of Lost Lemuria - Pantaga, joined Thongor against the Dragon Kings
(app-thongor)--Creatures on the Loose#28 (29
--Amazing Fantasy II#8
SUMMER, DANNY - former friend of Frank Drake,
refused to assist him when he went broke, came under control of Dracula, sent Chastity
Jones to find Drake and assist him in
running his construction company, involved him in a plot using
--Tomb of Dracula I#1 (1(fb), 26, 27, 31, 36
used by King Bedlam's Hellions in effort to revive the Armageddon Man
--X-Force I#
SUMMERISLE, SCOTTIUS of Earth-311 - @ 1602 A.D., Witchbreed,
counterpart to Cyclops
(app-earth311)--1602#1 (2-8
SUMMERS, - mutant woman, killed by Bushwacker
*D*—Daredevil I#248
SUMMERS, of Earth-1191 - woman, led mutant
and human rebellion against Sentinels
—Xavier Security Enforcers#1(1(fb5)
SUMMERS, CHRISTOPHER of Earth-905 ( ) - son of
Cyclops and Marvel Girl, brother of Philip and Rachel
(app-earth905)--What If II#13
SUMMERS, DANIEL - @1859, young
boy who immigrated to USA with Oscar Stamp following encounter
with Cyclops and Phoenix, Apocalypse, and Sinister
(app)—Further Adventures of Cyclops &
Phoenix#1 (2-4
SUMMERS, DARREN of Earth-93060 -
Hollywood movie star, facilitated snuff films via blackmailing or kidnapping
SUMMERS, DEBORAH - mother of Corsair,
grandmother of Cyclops
--[Uncanny X-Men#168], 175 ([X-Factor I#13], X-Men
II#21, 39
Earth-58163 ( ) -
(Secrets of the House of M)--
SUMMERS, HOPE - daughter of Louise Spalding, raised by Cable
"Little Girl" (from Cable), "Little Mama" (from adoptive mother
Hope)--[X-Men: Messiah Complex#1], X-Men#205, (identified) Cable III#10
SUMMERS, HOPE of Earth-80521 - New Liberty, wife of
Cable, adoptive mother of the girl who was named Hope in her honor
after she was killed
--Cable II#7
SUMMERS, JOHNATHON - rebellious teen, abducted
by House of Corrections, freed by Generation X
--Generation X#63 (64,[65],66
--X-Men I#
X-Men: Deadly Genesis#6 (fb)
--[Uncanny X-Men#200], 201 ([206], Cable II#7(fb),
X-Factor I#1, UX223(fb), XFac38(fb), UX239, XFac35, UX241, [XFac36,
Excalibur I#4, XFac37], UX241, 242, XFac38, UX243, Ex8, XFac40-46,
48, [49], 50, 51, NM88, XFac52-54, [55], 56, 57, Ghost Rider III#9,
X-Factor An5, Uncanny X-Men An15/2, UX An15, XFac59, X-Factor:
Prisoners of Love, XFac60, [65],66-68->NATHAN DAYSPRING)
SUMMERS, OSCAR (Oscar Stamp*) - @1859,
marauders, allied with Cyclops + phoenix (Grey), changed name
when moved to usa, along with daniel edge
(app)--Further Adventures of Cyclops &
SUMMERS, PHILIP - father of Corsair,
grandfather of Cyclops
--[Uncanny X-Men#168], 175 ([X-Factor I#13], X-Men
II#21, 39
SUMMERS, PHILIP of Earth-905 ( ) - son of
Cyclops and Marvel Girl, brother of Christopher and Rachel
(app-earth905)--What If II#13
--Uncanny X-Men#141 (199(fb1), Excalibur I#52(fb),
UX199(fb2), Ex35(fb), 22(fb), 52(fb), UX141,142, 188(fb), Ex52
SUMMERS, RACHEL of Earth-905 ( ) - son of
Cyclops and Marvel Girl, sister of Philip and Christopher
(app-earth905)--What If II#13
SUMMERS, SCOTTY of Earth-Mutant - son of marvel
woman and havok, assisted in "destruction" of the
goblin queen.
mental powers
--Mutant X#1 (12(fb1+2), 1, 2, 4, 6-12, 14, 15,
19, 20-23, Mutant X An2001, MutX#32
SUMMERS REBELLION - fifty-sixty years in the
future a man named summers led a band of humans and mutants to
overthrow the sentinels and their masters, summer disappeared,
but this led to the formation of the x.s.e.
--Heroes for Hire II#4
SUMNER - see Lelong--Marvel Mystery Comics#2 ()
SUMNER, WILLIAM - 3rd species,
killed and hung from public sign
SUMNER - hired by Phoebe Marrs to
watch over her son, Edward Payne
(app-phoebe_marrs)--Namor I#14 (14 (fb), 14
SUMO - see GENERAL WO (app-gen)--Tales of Suspense I#61/2
SUMO - agent of silent ones
(app-so)--Deadly Hands of Kung Fu#8/4
SUMO - see CHANKAR (app-oe)--Master of Kung Fu I#46
SUMO - see KONO (app-kon)--Marvel Fanfare I#11?
SUMO (Jun Tenta) – Stryfe’ Mutant
Liberation Front.
virtually invulnerable, large + strong + obese
asian male
*D* (net)--New Mutants I#93 (94, X-Force#7/2,
9/2, 10, Cable I#1
sumos - see RIKISHI
(app)--Deadpool Team-Up I#1
SUMP THING - movie produced by Ted Silverberg
(app-silverberg)--Marvel Two-In-One#97
SUMP THING - character in movie produced by Ted Silverberg
(app-silverberg)--Marvel Two-In-One#97
SUMUABI of the Hyborian era -
former ruler of the Akkharia, betrayed by cousin Othbaal
*D* (app)--Hawks over Shem; [Savage Sword of Conan#36] (Conan the Barbarian I#115 (fb),
[115(fb)], [112], 115