T ( ) - Lady-Killers, partner of A, agent of
Mister X.
savage + brutal fighter, uses whip, petite wf,
dark hair
--Wolverine II#159 (160, 161
T-5 (Tuatola T'Tuana Timon) - Spammers, died from Facade virus
*D* (app-Spammers)--Cable/Deadpool#2 (2d)
T-BAR - criminal, imprisoned alongside Quicksilver
--X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead
T-BIRD - Thunderbolts ship
--New Thunderbolts#1
T-BIRD of Earth-1100 (John Proudstar) -
alternate dimensional counterpart, mutated by Apocalypse,
eventually broke his hold and returned to X-Men, temporal
flux caused him to have remained a slave, joined Exiles,
fell in love with Nocturne, impregnated her, rendered
comatose after sacrificed self implanting anti-matter
bomb in Galactus, left behind on Earth-Skrull by talus
WAR*, THUNDERBIRD* (OH:AoA)--Exiles#1 (1(fb2), 1,2,
3,4(16(fb1)), Ex5(16(fb2)), 6(16(fb3)), 7, 8(fb1)/(16(fb4), 8(fb2)/(16(fb5),
8(fb3) 8(fb4), Ex8(fb5), 8(fb6), 8(fb,leisure?)/Ex11, Ex8,9,10(16(fb6)), 62,
[63-65], 83 (coma), 89 (stasis), 97-99
T-BONE - bartender at Limbo bar-
-Thunderbolts#76 (77, 78
T-DEVICE - designed by Mr. Tune, hooked to his
chest so that it would poison east river when his heart stopped,
deactivated by punisher
--Marvel Knights II#6
T-Ray (Terry Raymond) - mutant, former X-Men
vibratory powers
--X-Men: Life Lessons#1
T-RAY (allegedly Wade Wilson) - mercenary,
assassin, widower of Mercedes Wilson, rescued Jack/Deadpool after
injured, who then sought to kill and replace him, survived, but
Mercedes was killed, trained by Jack/Deadpool’s former
employer in a mystic Japanese sect, resurrected Mercedes in
attempt to gain vengeance on Deadpool, convinced by Mercedes not
to kill him.
Later events led Deadpool to believe that T-Ray’s
story was false; T-Ray still believes them true, while Deadpool believes them
skilled warrior, powers based on magic, large
and muscular albino, band-aid on nose
(2006#11, net)--Deadpool III#1 (32(fb1+2), 30(fb1), 32(fb3),
33(fb1+2), 3, 5, 7, 12-14, [ ], 28, [29], 30-33, 63,
Cable & Deadpool#38-39, 47-48
T-REX of Earth-58163 - Marauders
--Uncanny X-Men#463 (464-465
T-WAGON - transport ship of Thunderbolts
--Thunderbolts#110 (111-115
TAARU the TERRIBLE - Chinese man, enslaved
others using Talisman of Power, defeated and talisman destroyed
by Valkyrie, thrown to mercy of former prisoners.
used talisman to form and control elementals
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents#168/2
TAARU/TAAURU(?) - mystic entity, invoked by Ian
"Tendrils of Taaru"--[Marvel Team-Up
TABAK - demon, agent of Lotus
--Wonder Man II#24
--Wolverine II#48 (83-85
TABICANTRA - witch, sent by Asmodeus to
kill Johnny Blaze, fell in love with him, sacrificed life to save
*D* (app-as)--Ghost Rider II#53
TABISSARIA (Bosklivor, Volkhvy) - former
ruling council of Slorenia, replaced after the apparent death of
(app)--Force Works#5 ([War Machine#13], 14,
TABLET of DEATH and ENTROPY - Lemurian tablet, obtained by Mr.
Negative from Det. Willoughby, shattered by Spider-Man, but not before he had
copied its inscription; used to take blood from Bruno Karnelli and form a poison
fatal to all of his blood relatives
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man#546, (identified, destroyed) #547
([547 (fb)], [Spider-Man: Swing Shift], [ASM#546], 546, [547 (fb)], 547d)
TABLET of LIFE and TIME - written in ancient
Atlantis (or Lemuria, per ASM#547), portions caused Silvermane to age
regress beyond birth temporarily, full portion used by Hammerhead’s
sister and the Lizard.
Grants immortality and great power
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#68 ([Spider-Man: Lifeline#1-2 (fb)],
[ASM#68 (fb), 74 (fb), 74 (fb), 68 (fb)], 68-72, [72], 73-74, [75], [Spider-Man: Lifeline#1
(fb), 2 (fb)], 1-3
TABLET of T'LEHLYEH - power item sought by
--Avengers III#40
TABLET of ZHERED-NA - points the way to the Omphalos; location
revealed to Artume by Neptune
--Incredible Hercules#123
TABLE-TOP ( ) - criminal, one of a group
who sought to steal and sell the costume of the black tiger,
survived plane crash
(app-bt)--Deadly Hands of Kung Fu#21/5 ([22/5],
TABOO - extraterrestrial
creature, crashed on Earth in the past, formerly dwelled in the
Amazon where he was believed to be a swamp demon, and then in New
York city, tricked Lewis Conrad into giving him all of mankind’s
knowledge, but blown up by a hydrogen bomb when he betrayed them
by planning an invasion, reformed and traveled to New York City,
went on rampage until his people showed up and reclaimed him;
they called him "sick" and repaired all of the damage
he had done
Tar-like body, reshape at will, fly, survive
in space
The Thing in the Murky Swamp (Marvel Monsters, app)--Strange
Tales I#75 (77, Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl,
TABOO - stepfather of Topaz, son of Cagliostro and Lubya
(Mystic Arcana, app)--Werewolf by Night I#13 (JML’s
BoV, Avengers I#187(fb), WwbN#13(fb), 27(fb),
Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch#1/2, WwbN#13(fb), 13, 14d, 28(fb), 28-30 (spirit,
final death)
TABOO of Earth-93060 - TNTNT
--Strangers#23 (24
TABULA - Gatherer, allied with Vision/Antivision
following death of Proctor, battled Vision + (golden) Jocasta .
take on appearance of others
-Tabula Rasa--Avengers I#359 (360, 363, [Vision
I#1], 2-4
TABULA RASA - portion of Montana (formerly Tucker
Creek) terraformed by Dark Beast using the Celestials' Life Seed and
Weapon Plus' World; 10 mile diameter region briefly isolated from the
rest of the planet, during which 130 million years passed.
--Uncanny X-Force#15
TABUR - renegade New Man, left behind when they
left for space, befriended Cat People, betrayed them, slew Joanne Tumolo, stole
Electro-Genetic Device to devolve zoo animals, devolved into cat form by Tigra, later returned to true form, took over
Cat People,
returned Tigra to more humanoid form, attacked Agatha Harkness,
returned to cat form and attacked by Ebony
(app)--[Thor I#134,135], Marvel Premiere#42 (42(fb), Avengers
TACHYON of Earth-691 ( ) - Force, Centaurian female.
move at trans-light speeds
(net-force)--Guardians of the Galaxy#3
TACHYON TORCH of Earth-90110 (Jim Storm)
- cosmic avengers, empowered by bombardment with tachyon
superhuman speed, fly, generate flames
(app-CosAv)--What If? II#19 (36, 39
TACKER ( ) - The
People, apparently perished in the destruction of her mansion
large + strong
*D* (app-auntserr)--Sub-Mariner I#42 ([42(fb)], 42
TACTICAL FORCE ( ) - Hydra Super-Agents,
patterned after Iron Man
--Amazing Spider-Man#519, (seen and named) #520 (519 (fb),
519-520, 522-523,
TACTIGON - weapon formerly used by Armory, bonded to MVP clone
who became KIA
transform into virtually any weapon on command
--Avengers: The Initiative#1 (
8 (fb), 9 (fb), 8-11
TACWOOD, senator - Transcor(?), hired
Deathcharge to protect a liner dumping waste into the ocean,
waste dumped on his estate after discovered by Namor
--Namor Annual#4/2
TADPOLE ( ) - unwanted sidekick of Frog-Man
(Eugene Patilio)
TAE – extraterrestrial god, brother or
lover of Pennsu, terrorized their worshippers, possibly destroyed
by Desak.
male, blue skin, red hair, fire energy blasts
--Thor Annual 2001
TAFERAL, MARILYN of the 16th
Century - daughter of friend of Solomon Kane, captured by the
freebooter el Gar, sold to Nakari, who enslaved her, freed by
Solomon Kane
--Moon of Skulls; [Savage Sword of Conan#34/2],
37/ (37/ (fb), [34/2], 37/ , 39/
TAFT - Hellfire
Club, killed in crossfire, scanned by Cable as he died
--Cable II#49
TAG (Brian Cruz) - mutant, Xavier Institute Hellions,
protégé of Emma Frost, lost powers following House of M
cause others to pursue or flee from another object or being
(NXM Yearbook)--New Mutants II#10 (New: X-Men: Academy X#2,
13, 14, 15, Hellions#1-4, NXM:AX#16-19, New X-Men II#20
TAGAK the LEOPARD LORD - extradimensional
humanoid, former partner of Opar, Defenders for a Day
blind, able to see through leopard partner's eyes; athletic
(1970s, app)--Daredevil I#72 ([72(fbs), 72, [Defenders
I#62(fb)], 62-64
TAGAR - see COUNT TAGAR (app)--Thor I#133
TAGARA, ISHIRO - cadre leader with the Japanese Red Army
(occasionally allied with Hydra), helped Viper escape following her battle with
Nomad (Steve Rogers), took her to his estate in Japan where she recovered; the
two fell in love, and he connected her to the Silver Samurai
--Marvel Team-Up I#84 (84 (fb)
TAG TEAM of Earth-982 ( ) - pair of
former professional wrestlers turned criminal, defeated by J2
(app)—Wild Thing II#4/2
TAI - enemy of Dakimh, ally of Klonus
and Mortak, killed by Man-Yhing
-the SLAYER *D* (app-klon)--Giant-Size Man-Thing#3d
TAI - Temple of the Dragon's Breadth, one of
the genetically perfect bred to tap the power of the Well of All Things, grandmother of
Silhouette, convinced platoon of American
soldiers (Half-Fulls) during Vietnam war to mate with six of her
daughters to create children of power, forced Chord to kill Darryl and Mrs..
Taylor, erased specifics of event from Dwayne Taylor's memory, encouraged Taylor to gather super-heroes
for her to use as pawns to control Well of All Things, apparently
died when sucked down Well
--Thor I#411 (New Warriors I#24(fb), 23(fb2),
24(fb), 23(fb), 24(fb), 25(fb), New Warriors An1/2(fb), NW1, Th411,
NW2, 3-6, 9,10, 17, 19-25
TAI - corrupt police chief of Madripoor, agent of Romulus,
committed suicide when discovered by Wolverine
-TAL *D*--Wolverine II#3 (4, 8-10, 14-16, 17,
87, 98d?, 127, Wolverine Origins Annual#1d
TAIFU (Toshio Sasaki) - Pacific
Overlords, husband of Pele, father of Big One, coerced into
working for Dr. Demonicus, rebelled, brought back into line by
Jawbreaker and Kuroko.
project hurricane force winds
(app-po)--Avengers West Coast#69 ([72(fb)], 69-74
T’AI JAVINEE - dimension of floating
cities, skyship of Long John McGurk
--Nightcrawler I#1
--Marvel Comics Presents #31 (38
TAILGUNNER ( ) - Heavy Metal, cybernetically enhanced vulture, fought Brute Force
(app-Brute Force)--Brute Force#1 (2, 4
TAILHOOK (Marissa ) - vigilante, former naval
officer and roommate of Laura Dunham, sought revenge for abuse at
hands of superiors in military, murdered college men at Yale who
had raped her sister, jumped to her death to avoid capture by
champion gymnast, used barbed whip and crossbow
TAILHOOK KILLER* *D* (app)--Nova II#2 (2d)
TAILOR GROUP (Richard Bloom, Al, Anne,
Maury) - tailor-make the Tracer armor for each mission
(app-trace)--Deathlok Annual#2 (2(fb), 2
TAILSPIN - Hellbent, killed by Manx.
purple, semi-prehensile tail
*D* (app-hellbent)--Marc Spector: Moon Knight#53d
TAINE, MICHAEL - district university, possessed
by soul sought by anubis, killed by mindstar when he attempted to
claim the soul
(app-an)--Son of Satan#5 (5(fb, d)
TAINE, SYDNEY of Earth-Nightside -
private investigator, Nightside Detective Agency, specializes in
supernatural, uncovered and foiled the plot of Arkady Dread and
the Black Dragons Society.
highly trained in martial arts
(app)--Nightside#1 (2-4
TAINO - island, base of Black Talon (Barone)
--Marvel Zombies 4#1
– realm of the Jumala (aka Kalevans; Finnish gods)
--(Behind-the scenes) Thor #301 (1980); (identified) OHotMU
A-Z #2 (2008)
TAIYA – Children of Ootah, nearly
became Bride of Ootah
(app-ootah)—Fantastic Four I#252
TAI-SHAN - magical being?, presumably empowered
eye of tai-shan
--[Conan the Barbarian I#251]
TAKA - Japanse mobster, sought to retire, targeted for
assassination by Ken, saved by Iron Fist
(app-ken)--Marvel Comics Presents #140/4
TAKACHIO, HIRO - Big Hero Six, created Baymax + numerous weapons and forms of technology.
super-genius inventor, pre-teen
(net-bh6, BH6
II#1)--Sunfire & Big Hero Six#1 (2,3,
Alpha Flight II#17, Thunderbolts#25
--Sunfire & Big Hero Six#1 (2, 3
TAKAHAMA, HELEN "Hallie" - see JOLT—Thunderbolts #1 (Thunderbolts: Distant Rumblings minus 1, Tb4(fb), #9; 1-4->Jolt)
--Thunderbolts minus 1 (Thunderbolts#33(fb)
--Thunderbolts minus 1 (Thunderbolts#33(fb)
TAKAMIMUSUBI - Amatsu-Kami (Japanese gods), husband of
--[Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update#1]
TAKAR - male
tribesman, briefly worshipped the Thing as a god
--Shadows and Light#2
TAKASHI - Hand, led plot to transfer spirits of
the Hand into Lyle Crawford, slain by the Beast.
*D*--Elektra: Glimpse & Echo#1(2-4d)
TAKATA, HIDEKO – Hulkbusters.
expert on geophysical conditions
(D#5-hb)--Incredible Hulk II#317
TAKEDA, Col. SESSUE - Imperial Japanese Army, participated in
occupation of Ch'ang-Sha, father of ?? by Tsuin, body briefly inhabited by John
Kowalksi who arranged for Tsuin and son to get to the USA
*D*--War is Hell#
TAKEGURA, - CEO of Takegura Ltd, allied
with Praxdorf/Billionaire Boys Club in plot to takeover American
Electronics Industry, used bodyguards Kiyami and Sijo, enemy of
Arnold Ansen/Hansen, slain by Punisher
*D* (app)—Punisher II#8 ([8(fb)]
TAKEO ?? of Earth-3071 - Compound/Underground, taken
over by micronucleate Mandate, transformed into Mandate, attacked others,
destroyed by Wolverine
(app-earth3071)--Wolverine: Snikt#1, (identified) #2 (2d)
TAKER of HEADS (Jean ) - son of human + loa
--Midnight Sons Unlimited#2
- Battleworld thieves, rode large flying reptiles, stole Thing's teleportation
device, sanctuary invaded by him to retrieve it, forced to return dowry stolen
--Thing I#11
TAKERS of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - natives of Mars, kidnapped
children of Ares colony, majority of race slaughtered by Phalanx
--2099: World of Tomorrow#1, 2(named), 4 (5(fb2),
[1-3], 4-7
TAKI ?? - drugged by Midas
the Golden Man
(app-midas)--Marvel Team-Up I#30 (30(fb), 30
TAKI - SHIELD II, designed Symbionic Weapon
Suit-Mark Two; eager to test it, she lost control of it in test battle when it
(app-sws)--Marvel Comics Presents#173/4
TAKIGUCHI, Dr. YURIKO - member of
Godzilla Squad, grandfather of Rob, scientist, one of the
designers of Red Ronin, present as a dissenter during initial
nuclear testing that awakened Godzilla
(app-gs)--Godzilla#1 (1(fb), 1-4, 6-20, 22-24,
[Avengers I#199], Uncanny X-Men#506-512, Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia, UXM513, [514 (voice)], Dark Avengers#8, UX515
TAKIGUCHI, ROB - grandson of Yuriko,
befriended Godzilla, former pilot of Red Ronin
(app-gs)--Godzilla#1 (2-4, 6-20, 22-24
TAKIMOTO, KEIKO of Earth-97082 - step-daughter of
Hideo Shinoda, executive at Stark International's Japan division,
assisted Stark in opposing assaults originating from Hiro Matsui
--Iron Man: Crash
TAKIMOTO, RON - Hydra, elite bounty division,
teamed with Punisher against Guillotine, killed in the process.
Japanese male, skilled in martial arts
--Daredevil Annual#7 (Punisher II Annual#4d)
TAKKOR - Prime Mover's minions, monstrous winged horse,
spoke telepathically through the four-armed rider on its back, impaled by
(app-minions)--Giant-Size Defenders I#3
TAKU of the pre-Cataclysmic era - Pict leader
--Kull the Conqueror II#1
TAKU - Wakandan communications advisor
(app-wak)--Avengers I#68 (Fantastic Four I#119,
Jungle Action#6-18, Black Panther I#15, Marvel Premiere#53,
Defenders I#85, Black Panther: Panther's Prey#2,4, Marvel Super-Heroes
III#1/7, Iron Man I#332, Black Panther III#18, Deadpool III#44,
BP23, 26, [31], 40,41, FF546, BP35-38?
TAKUI - jungle guide, ran away from giant gorilla Agu
(app-agu)--Lorna the Jungle Queen#3/2
TAKUMER - extradimensional movie actor, employed by
unknown director to possess Wonder Man so they could use him to film a
documentary, unable to possess Wonder Man, quit after being defeated by him
(app)--Solo Avengers#11/2