VLAD of the Hyborian era - led band of rogues who kidnapped Amardin until her rescue by Conan
(app)--Savage Sword of Conan I#128
VLAD the ELDER (Vlad Dracul) -
--Tomb of Dracula II#2
VLAD the IMPALER - see DRACULA (app)--Tomb of Dracula I#1
VLAD the IMPALER (Vlad Dinu) - Romanian criminal
mutated by derivative of the Super-Soldier Serum--Black Panther, the
Man Without Fear#513
VLAD the IMPALER of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. ( ) - mercenary,
attempted to capture Gedde O'Hara
(app)--2099 Unlimited#9
VLAD the INVINCIBLE - see VLAD BLOODHAWK (app-vas)--Red Sonja III#8
VLAD BLOODHAWK of the Hyborian era -
former husband of Vassilisa, king of Sythia, slain in battle with
her Harpy
- VLAD the INVINCIBLE *D* (app-vas)--Red Sonja
III#8 (9-12
VLADIMER ?? - Russian scientist, partnered with Fyodr in
working to stabilize the Presence's radiation-mutated Red Guardian
(Tania Belinkskya)
(app-starlight)--Defenders I#59
VLADIMIR ?? - Vorozheikan
--Eternals III#5
VLADIMIROFF, SERGE of Earth-148611 - Siberian Project
VLADISLAV, OLGERD of Hyborian Era - Zaporaskan
bandit, rescued Conan from crucifixion, sought to control him,
hand broken and forces stolen by him, tried to avenge self on
conan by duping shemite band, seemingly killed by the One Who
Sleeps Beneath the Sands, hand healed by Manticore Mirror, joined
with Yezmites until slain by Conan
TIGER, Yffan--Savage Sword of Conan I#5 (6, 58/3,
The Flame Knife/Savage Sword of Conan#31, 32
VLAPTON ICE PIRATE - insult to which the Ancient was compared
by the extraterrestrial Two
--[Incredible Hulk III#21 (2000)]
VLON - Rejects, father of Agrom, mind
severely damaged by a Chosen jammer, sat atop a peak in a Reject
city and stared at Chosen city, regained sanity after Celestials
fought off.
powerful telepath
(app-rej)--X-Factor I#44 (46, 50
V'LRYM - Skrull
--Avengers: The Initiative#16
V'MIRA ZHAN of the Hyborian era (Pharlopa D'zenn) -
cave-dwelling race, ride blood-sucking bat creatures ("Bat-Demons"), abducted Conan and Udelas and
briefly enslaved them until they broke free
(app)--Savage Sword of Conan#76 (87
VOCSON, TOM - nurse, hired to care for
Barry Bauman/Star Thief, mentally enslaved by him, killed him
when when his concentration lapsed
(app-st)--Warlock I#13 (13(fb), 13,14
SIDEWINDER--Marvel Two-In-One#64 (-->Sidewinder. New
Thunderbolts#7(fb), 7
VOGE, TULLAMORE - extraterrestrial slavelord,
ally of Ransome Sole, transforms slaves into hounds under his
control, briefly captured by X-en.
powerful telepath, blue skin, short + stocky
frame, wears hair in a stalk, speaks in hackney accent
race of slavers first seen as part of Earth-1289 in Excalibur
I#17 = Captains of the Clouds
TULLAMORE VOGUE--Uncanny X-Men#383 (384, X-Men
II#104,UX385, [X-Treme X-Men#34, 35], [36-38], 39, UX462?
VOGEL, CJ - Midtown High School,
classmate of Peter Parker
--Amazing Spider-Man Annual#17
VOGEL, EMIL - pre-modern era, demon, took human form as
a sculptor, murdering impulses kept at bay by his sculpture the Golden Angel
until it was stolen and melted down by Billy Boy and Clive, whom Vogel then slew
(app)--Chamber of Darkness #7 ([7(fb)], 7
VOGEZ, HANS - former official in Bort (Europe), lost all
duties after the race of the Thing in Cell 13 stole his prison
(app-thing)--Strange Tales I#81/4
VOGHT, AMELIA - mutant, Acolyte, former
lover of Charles Xavier, former nurse in Tibet, left America
after parents discovered she was a mutant and rejected her as a
freak, encountered Charles Xavier after his paralysis from
Lucifer, left Xavier over a disagreement with his policy of
uniting mutants in which he briefly used his powers to stop her
from leaving the room, assisted X-Men in defeating Magneto when
he attempted to start World War III from Genosha
teleport herself or others by transforming
into mist, wf, red hair
(2006#1-acolytes, 198, net)--Uncanny X-Men#300 (Uncanny X-Men Annual
2001, UX309(fb5), X-Men minus 1, UX309(fb2), 300, 315, X-Men:
Prime, X-Men II#42-44, Quicksilver#11, [Heroes for Hire#16], Q12,
[Heroes for Hire/Quicksilver Annual 1998], X-Men: Magneto War#1,
Magneto Rex#1-3, [XForce#94],95, Uncanny X-Men An1999, UX380,
Magneto: Dark Seduction#1-4, X112,UX393,X113, X-Factor III#25
X-Men: Legacy#208 (fb), 208-210
VOGLE, - former agent of Expatriate, wore one of the modified
Mandroid suits against Generation X
--Generation X: Crossroads
VOGUE, VERONICA - girlfriend of Tony Stark
--Tales of Suspense I#51
VOICE (Jason Lorne Cragg) - Skeleton
Crew, people’s defense force?, former agent of Quicksilver
and Hungarian government, US citizen, former announcer, latent
powers activated by cloud of ionized radiation, infected with
laryngitis virus by Ant Man/Hank Pym, regained powers via microsurgery
from Bratislavan scientist who rebuilt his vocal cords and
equipped him with large shoulder amplifiers, escaped from Vault
during Acts of Vengeance, larynx crushed by Selene.
Sound of voice puts others under his command,
believe his words to be the truth
-the Voice of Truth, The Man with the Voice of
Doom (M, app)--Tales to Astonish I#42 (42(fb), 42, West Coast
Avengers II#36,37, Captain America I#366, 369,370
--Daredevil I#100(->Angar. Nick Fury: Agent
of SHIELD II#33-35
- granted precognitive abilities to misha
--Warheads#1, 10(revealed)
VOICE of HUMANITY (Jeff Holloway, Alice Tremain)
- University of Chicago, mutaphobic hate group, runs the website
--[X-Treme X-Men Annual 2001], XMen Annual
2001? (Mekanix#1-6
VOICE MODULATION PROGRAM - system designed to
control people on Earth exposed to nanoprobes, designed by
Strucker, foiled by V Battalion, control sought by Zemo/Citizen V
and Roger Aubrey, disabled by Iron Cross
--Citizen V and the V Battalion#1 (2,3
VOID ( ) – alleged enemy of Sentry/Reynolds,
actually his dark side (or his true personality) given form by formula he used, given
separate form, disappeared when memories and evidence of Sentry
erased, returned when Reynolds regained his memories, disappeared
when memories again erased
generate darkness, possess others
BLUE BUFFOON* (OH: Av2005, net)--Sentry#1 (Sentry II#8 (fb),
Sentry#1(fb2), Sentry/Spider-Man(fb2),
Sentry3(fb), 2(fb1), 4(fb2), Sentry/Hulk(fb3), Sentry/Spider-Man(fb4),
New Avengers#8(fb), Sentry#1-5, Sentry/Hulk//Sentry/Spider-Man//Sentry/Fantastic Four//Sentry/X-Men,
Sentry vs Void, New Avengers#9-10, Sentry II#1-8
VOID dim (Posse Comitatus, Sha-har-a-zath + Tra-mai-a-zath)
- essentially earth-like environment where
Mikhail Rasputin arrived after he was first lost in space
--Uncanny X-Men#284
VOID dim - see REALM of NOTHINGNESS-ABYSS (app-ab)--Death Metal#1
VOID dimension - realm where Thor existed following Ragnarok
and his rebirth
--Thor III#1
VOID-EATER - extradimensional demon/entity, abducted Spider-Women (Drew),
fought Spider-Woman (Carpenter) and Shadowoman when they rescued her, though they all escaped
(app)--Sensational Spider-Man Annual 1996/2 ([1996/2(fb)],
VOIGT, PHILIP NOLAN - former president
of usa, former head of the clinic, powers temporarily removed by
Jacob Burnley with Starbrand power
- duplicate and surpass abilities of other
paranormals with which he comes into contact
-OVERSHADOW* (app)--DP7(nu)#1 (12(fb), 1,2,
Kickers5, DP7#6, 10, 12, 28, [29], Starbrand#18, War2-4, Quas56,
SB#4, Q57
VOLA the TRAPPER - Spaceknights first
generation, Spaceknight Squadron, lover of Plor/Pulsar, assisted Clavians against
Raak/Breaker, returned to Galador, slain by
second generation Spaceknights, sacrificed self holding off a
group of them.
release nets and cables able to restrain/burn/freeze/electrocute/banish
to limbo
*D*--Rom Annual#2 ( Rom71(fb),71, Rom Annual#4,
VOLCANA - see PRINCESS VOLCANA--Captain America: Patriot#1 (2010)
VOLCANA (Marsha Rosenberg) - mutated on
Battleworld by Dr. Doom, former lover of Molecule Man.
transform into plasma + stone + ash
(D#14,M,net)—Marvel Super-Heroes: Secret
Wars I#3 (She-Hulk III#10(fbs), 10(fb)//3-12, Secret Wars II#1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,Avengers I#265,
Fantastic Four I#318,319, Fantastic Four An23/2(fb), An24/2,
Marvel Comics Presents#88/4, Avengers Unplugged#4, Incredible
Hulk II#442
VOLCANA of Earth-691's 21st century - see ASH, VOLCANA (app-va)—Amazing Adventures II#27
VOLCANO, HELM of Earth-93060 - ultra, assisted in
destruction of Seashine’s body
--Ultraforce II#5 (6
volcano activating machine - created by
Mole Man, stolen by Lava Men, used in plan to destroy surface
world by activating all of the volcanoes simultaneously, required
power source, briefly used Mjolnir until the machine was
destroyed by Thor
(app-jinku)--Marvel Team-Up I#26 (26(fb), 26
VOLCANO PEOPLE of KALA-KULAI - a mystic bird carving of theirs
was obtained by Ken Hale
VOLDI race - ancient race dwelling within the Voldi Tear,
worshipped and drew power from the Phoenix Force, tried Tony Stark for the
Phoenix's apparent destruction
--Iron Man VI?#6 (2007)
VOLDI TEAR - base of the Voldi
--Iron Man VI?#6 (2007)
VOLE - see PSI-BORG--[Wolverine II#50],62
VOLGA BELLE ( ; ) - Peristrike Force.
woman, turn into super-strong armored creature
(app-pf)--Darkhawk#16 (17,18
VOLK (Ilya Dubromovitch Skorzorki) - Wolverine foe
--Wolverine 1997 Annual
VOLKHVY - Slorenian supreme commander,
cultural hero, infected by mystic power of milennia old racial
feud between dudaks and slorenes, takes possession of a slorene
throughout the ages to continue battle against ember and the
dudaks, host presumably killed in ultrons slaughter of slorenia.
manipulate magical energy, uses magic sword
Comrade Supreme Commander, the Eternal One *D?*
(app)--(SC) Force Works#5, (V)11 (FW5, War Machine#14, FW11,12
VOLKON - Lava Men, son of Metoxo
& Kratar, brother of Maggam
(app-metoxo)--Marvel Holiday Special 1994A
VOLLA - Asgardian goddess of prophecy,
Norn, sister of Erda, dwells in Hel, serves Hela.
precognitive powers
*D* (D#1)--Thor I#127 ( Th277(fb),
Thor II#1, 2, 29, 32, 43
VOLSAK - Asgardian, watched by Thor + Loki as youths in quarterstaff tournament against Uller
--Journey Into Mystery I#113/2
VOLSTAGG - Asgardian god, Warriors
Three, husband of Gunnhilde, Lost Gods, apparently slain in the destruction of Asgard at the hands of Thor
-Volstagg the Enormous, Volstagg the
Voluminous, the Lion of Asgard, Rolf Mueller*, Vincent Starwit, Warriors Three
(D#14,M) <chronology incomplete; see Warriors Three> --Journey
into Mystery I#119 (Th323, 479(fb), Thor: Son of Asgard#7, Journey into
Mystery minus 1, JiM I#119/2, 122/2-125/2, Th126/2, 128/2-145/2, Thor:
Blood Oath#1-6, Th128, Thor
Annual#2, Tales to Astonish I#101, Incredible Hulk II#102, Th155-157,
Silver Surfer I#4, T162, 168-170, 175,176, 177, 180,181, 184, 185-188,
189, 191, 192, 194, 195-198, 200, 201, 202-205, [Avengers I#105],
T206, 208, 211, 212-217, 218, 240, 242-245, 246, 247, Marvel
Spotlight I#30, T248-250, 251, 255-263, 264-266, 267, 269, 273,
274-278, 286, 287,288, 291, Marvel Fanfare I#13, [T301(fb)], 301,
302, Marvel Super-Heroes III#5, T313, An9, An10, Bizarre
Adventures#32, Dazzler#16, T325/2,326/2,327,328, 337-341, 347-349,
Av249/T350-352, 354, 355, 357-359, Power Pack I#15, T360, New
Mutants Special Edition#1, T361, 364-367, Marvel Comics Presents#63/4,
T368, 371-373, 376-378, 381, 382, 386, 390, 391-398, 400, 400/2,
MarvFan36, T404-406, Av310, NM84-87, Thor An17/3, An15/3, T417/2, MSH
III#9/2, T420/2-424/2,425,426, Infinity Gauntlet#2,
Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular#2/3, T434, 447, 447/2,
450, 451, 453,453/2,454,454/2,455,456, 477, Incredible Hulk#422,423,
[T478], 479, 482, 482/2, Thunderstrike#18/2, T487-490, Silver
Surfer III#101, JiM#504,505, 509,510, 512,513, Thor II#11,12,13-15, 18,
21, 28,29, 35, 36, 39-41, 42, 57, Amazing Spider-Man II#62//503, Thor
II#82(fb), 82,83, 85d
Thor III#4-5, Marvel Holiday Special 2007#1/3, Thor#6, 7
VOLTON - Battle Axis, android
created by Dr. James Bradley/Dr. Death based on previous work on android Human Yorch, converted powers over flame into
electricity, Bradley told the android that it was a human that
gained power and amnesia from lightning bolt, driven mad when
learned it was not human from Captain America, killed Dr. Death
(app)--Cat-Man II#3(nm); Invaders
II#1 (2-4
VOLTON, Dr. EMIL - genius roboticist, circa 1956, created various robotic versions of Eddie (possibly his son)
(app)--Strange Tales I#47
VOLTOR ( ) - Shi'ar Imperial Guard branch,
battled Pulsar, presumably slain when Liberator blew up the Shi'ar dreadnought
*D* (app-chakar)--Rom Annual#4 (4d)
VOLTORG - construct of Yandroth
15’ tall robot armed with "atomic
electrodes" capable of incinerating solid steel
*Des* (app)--Strange Tales I#165 ([165 (fb)], 165, 166d)
VOLTORR - see VOLTORG (app)--Strange Tales I#165
VOLX - mother and queen of the Dire
Wraiths, attempted to reclaim power of Torpedo (Brock Jones) from
Turbo, killed Turbo (Jeffries), killed by Night Thrasher
alter shape, absorb life force by penetrating skull with
barbed tongue
*D* (app)--Nova II#17 (18, New Warriors I#60,
64, 73,74,75d)
alias used to infiltrate a Nazi cell
--(g) Young
Allies 70th Anniversary Special#1
von BARDAS, LUCIA - former prime minister of Latveria,
allied with Tinkerer to prepare armored super-villains for terrorist attack on
US, nearly killed in destruction of her castle when Fury led a pre-emptive
strike against her, rebuilt as cyborg, sought revenge, attempted to set up
anti-matter bomb in New York City, slain by Daisy Johnson, involved with the Secret War
*D*--Secret War#1 (1 (fb), 5 (fb), 1, [2-3], 4, 5d)
von BLITZSCHLAG, baron - see BARON VON BLITZSCHLAG--Avengers: The Initiative#1
von BUCHNER, COUNT - see COUNT von BUCHNER--All-Winners Comics#2
VON CRABB - spy, stole armor
plans, killed by Marvex
*D* (app-marvex)--(g) Daring Mystery Comics#4/5
von DOOM, CYNTHIA - sorceress, mother of
Dr. Doom, wife of Werner, soul formerly imprisoned in realm of
Mephisto, ultimately freed with aid of Dr. Strange
*D* (app)--[Fantastic Four Annual#2], Astonishing Tales#8,
Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom: Triumph & Torment ([Blade III#2
(fb)], 2, Marvel Graphic
Novel: Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom: Triumph & Torment (fb) / Books of Doom#1 (fb),
Books of Doom#2 (fb), [6 (fb)], AstTales#8/2, Fantastic Four
Annual#20, Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom: Triumph & Torment
von DOOM, OTTO of Earth-311 - @ 1602 A.D., king of Latveria,
imprisoned Fantastik Four for 5 years, arranged death of Queen Elizabeth I,
attempted to usurp the treasure of the Templars (Hammer of Thor), body badly
burnt while trying to harness lightning with a machine from the future
OTTO the HANDSOME (app-earth311)--[1602#1], 2 ([5(fb)], [1], 2-7
von DOOM, VICTOR – see Dr. DOOM—Fantastic Four I#5
von DOOM, VICTOR of Counter-Earth: High Evolutionary -
--[Warlock I#2], 4
von DOOM, VICTOR II – clone of
original, posed as his son, empowered with Fantastic Four powers,
turned against Doom, slain by him
*D* (app)—Fantastic Four I#193, 196, (named)
#198 ([199(fb)], 193, 195-198, 199d, 200(d))
von DOOM, WERNER – father of Victor,
husband of Cynthia
*D* (app)--Fantastic Four Annual#2 (Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr.
Strange/Dr. Doom: Triumph & Torment (fb)/Books of Doom#1 (fb), Books of
Doom#1 (fb)/FF An2d)
von EISENBLUTH, - former Nazi scientist, targeted by
assassin, hired Elektra, killed by her when she learned his true nature
*D* (app)--Bizarre Adventures#28
von FRANKENSTEIN, - mother of Victor, died of
heartbreak after Elizabeth was killed by the monster
--Monster of Frankenstein#1
von FRANKENSTEIN, ALPHONSE - son of Konrad Dippel, father of Ernst, Victor, and William
(app-vF)-- Monster of Frankenstein #1 (1-3(fb,d)
von? FRANKENSTEIN, ANNA - created monster,
encountered Captain America and Bucky circa World War II
--USA Comics#13
savage warrior, led deadly jousts
(app-vF)—Dr. Strange III#37
von FRANKENSTEIN, BASIL - son of Vincent,
father of Ludwig, created monster of World War II,
destroyed alongside it, sought to create army of zombie nazi
soldiers, as well as to transplant his own brain into Captain America,
co-worker and lover of Dr. Kitigawa, created some of the Children of
the Damned
(app-vF)--(g) USA Comics#13; Invaders I#31
victor,killed by the monster on her wedding night
*D* (app-vF)--Monster of Frankenstein#1 (1-3(fb,d)
alphonse, brother of william and victor, related story of the
monster to mary shelley
(app-vF)—Dr. Strange III#37
von FRANKENSTEIN, FRANK - @ 1440, one of
the teutonic knights, slain in battle by Vlad Dracula
*D* (app-vF)--Dracula Lives#2 (not really), Dr.
Strange 37
von FRANKENSTEIN, GEORG - @ 1531, slayer
of the scheusslischer lindwurm, killed by it, former lover of
annemarie, brother of hans
-St. GEORGE* *D* (app-vF)--Savage Sword of
Conan#22/2 (22/2(fb, dies)
von FRANKENSTEIN, HANS - @ 1531, brother
of georg, sacrificed annemarie and cathryn to the dragons
(app-vF)--Savage Sword of Conan#22/2
-Konrad Dippel* (app)--Dr. Strange III#37
von FRANKENSTEIN, LENORE - @ 1898, wife
of Vincent, died in childbirth with Basil
*D* (app-vF)--Frankenstein Monster#11d
von FRANKENSTEIN, LUDWIG - former master
of borgo, created evil duplicate of silver surfer, killed in fall
during struggle with borgo, son of basil, father of veronica and
victoria, created some of the children of the damned
(app-vF)--Silver Surfer I#7
von FRANKENSTEIN, VERONICA - daughter of
ludwig, sister of victoria, surgeon + biophysicist, restored
monster's vocal cords
(app-vF)--Frankenstein Monster#16 (17,18
original monster, pursued by and ultimately killed by monster,
son of alphonse, brother of Ernst + William
(app-vF)-- Monster of Frankenstein #1 (1-3(fb,dies)
von FRANKENSTEIN, VICTORIA - daughter of
ludwig, sister of veronica, inherited swiss castle, cares for
children of the damned
Mother, Daughter of Creation (app)--Frankenstein
Monster#18 (Iron Man I#102(fb), [101],102, Dr. Strange III#37(fb),
37, Spider-Man Unlimited#21(fb), 21
great-grandson of ernst, father of basil, husband of lenore,
controlled ivan, slain by nurse betty after lenore died
*D* (app-vF)--Frankenstein Monster#9 (10,11d)
alphonse, brother of Ernst + victor, fiance' of june moritz,
slain by monster of Frankenstein
*D* (app-vF)-- Monster of Frankenstein #1 (1(fb,D)
von FRANKENSTEINS [ROCK of the FRANKS]-Franks-/->Arbogast
vF-/->Frank vF-slain by vlad tepes-/->Hans+Georg vF.
Anna Munchmeyer + Johann Dippel->Konrad
Dippel aka vF->Alphonse vF->Victor + William + Ernst vF<1760>->
-> ->Vincent vF->Basil vF->Ludwig vF->Veronica+Victoria
FRANKENSTEIN* (app)—Silver Surfer I#7 (Dr.
Strange III#37(fb), Dracula Lives #2, Savage Sword of Conan#22,
Monster of Frankenstein#1-12, Invaders I#31, Surf#7, Monsters
Unleashed#2-11, Frankenstein Monster#13-18, Iron Man I#101,102,
Doc III#37
- former ally of doom 2099, created own dr.
--Doom 2099#19 (25(fb), 19, 21,22,[23],24,25
von HARBOU, CARL - @ late 19th
Century, servant of Dracula, betrayed him to van Helsing
--Tomb of Dracula I#1 (1(fb), 2
von HELSTOG, DOCTOR - Nazi hypnotist; enemy of
Miss America
--Marvel Mystery Comics#61 (January 1945)
– Nazi spy/saboteur, sent to America to blow up the Boling Aviation Company, met defeat
at the hands of the Young Avenger but eluded capture.
--USA Comics#1/5 (August 1941)
JUNTZ - German eccentric, wrote
Unausprechlichen Kulten
which contained information on Shuma-Gorath and
the Black Stone in the mountains of Hungary near Stregoicavar
--[Marvel Premiere I#4]
von KAMPEN, GUSTAV - Zefiro, knew the young Doom, involved in
revolution against King Vladimir, eventually imprisoned by Doom
--Books of Doom#1 (1 (fb), 5 (fb)
VON KAULUS, MAJOR - Nazi saboteur and ally of Hans who went on a bombing
mission to destroy an American factory, plane shot down in swamp, Hans died but
the swamp’s chemicals reanimated his body into a
superhuman with limited intelligence.
--Captain America Comics#45/3 (March 1945) “The Thing in
the Swamp”
von KEMP, WERNER - coerced into designing the Zodiac Field for
Aquarius (Drebb)
(app-aquarius)--[Iron Man I#185] ([185(fb)]
von KRUPP, BARONESS ADELICIA - ally of Baron
Strucker during early days of Hydra, fought Richard and Mary
--Untold Tales Of Spider-Man#-1
von MAUS - Gestapo manhunter, foe of Destroyer
--Mystic Comics#8/3
von REITBERGER, HERMANN - World War I, enemy of
Phantom Eagle, killed him and his parents, haunted for years
afterward by his ghost, finally perished in combat with Phantom
Eagle's ghost
--Ghost Rider I#12 (12 (fb), 12d
von RICHTHOFEN, Lt. MOLLY – New York
Police Department, worked with detective soap in effort to bring
in punisher (Castle), lesbian.
wf, dark hair
(MKE)--Punisher V#4 (5, 9,10
von RITZIK, baron – World War II
—Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#1
von ROON - @ 1465, Prussian, sought to
convince Dracula to stay out of Spain, slain by him
*D* (app)--Dracula Lives #12/3
von SCHULER, HELMUTT - World War II era
vampire, vampirized by Baron Blood, vampirized Esme George, dragged many victims
into concentration camp
*D/R/D* (app)--Captain America#601 (2009)
von STAHL, HUGO - a werewolf in love
--Mystery Tales#25
century, black forest, sacrificed virgins to a devil to cure his
hooved feet
(app)--Castle of the Devil, Savag9e Sword of
Field marshal, sent a special invasion force to America with a secret weapon, a
pair of genetically altered dogs with a poisonous bite.
--USA Comics#8/1(May 1943) “Invasion of the Killer Beasts”
von STEURER, captain – Nazi, defeated by
Missouri Marauders
--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#70
von STRUCKER, - nephew of Wolfgang, sought for information by
Black Widow
--Daredevil II#61
von STRUCKER, ELSBETH - 175 years old, Satanist, chess genius,
fourth richest person on the planet, behind some of the world's biggest
corporations, old friend of Madame Blavatsky, has numbered four kings and three
presidents as her lover, became Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's third wife, funded
HYDRA since 1957, had blatant tryst with Gorgon with Strucker's knowledge,
eventually slain when Wolverine and Elektra led an assault on the Gorgon
*D*--Wolverine III#23 ([23(fb)], 23-25, 26-27, 30d)
von STRUCKER, WERNER - son on Baron Strucker
*D*--Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#2 ( 14,
Daredevil I#307, Nomad II#4,5, DD308,309
Blitz Squadron
(app-blitz)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#14 (20, 41,
von VOLTZMANN, FRITZ (Karl von
Horstbaden) - former servant ofYyellow Claw, former Nazi, ex-commandant
of Auschwitz concentration camp, presumably killed when fell from
Yellow Claw’s battle dragon ship during fight with Nova/Rich
- Heinrich von Flessle--(g) Yellow Claw#1; Strange Tales I#160 ( YC#1-4,
Agents of Atlas#1 (fb), Marvel: Lost
Generation#3, ST#160, Nova I#13-17, 18d)
von WILKINSON, DAPHNE - fashion designer,
prejudiced against men, business failing due to poor management,
attempted to use Dracula as a pawn by having him kill her debtors
and other enemies in exchange for promising him information on
doctor sun, slain by his victims when they became vampires,
possibly became vampire
*D/R?*--Tomb of Dracula I#34 (35d)
VONNDHAR - slain in pre-Cataclysmic Valusia, 30
years before the rise of Kull, taken as agent of Erlik,
sacrificed own life to save Jenna
--Conan the Barbarian I#120 (120(fb), 120
VONTSALVANT - Negative Zone planet, natives
were destroyed in a war over crystals of Vontsalvant, only vigil
humanoid race
--Marvel Comics Presents#105/4
VONYA, Dr. ANATOLY - former developer
and trainer of Russian mutants, brother of Psi-Wolf, sought after
by Peristrike Force
(app-pf)--Darkhawk#16 (17, 18