WHALE ( ) - deformed scientist, former HYDRA scientist, designed nanotech virus that almost killed
Wolverine, captured by him
(app)--Wolverine: Inner Fury ([Terror INC#10 (fb), Wolv:
Inner Fury (fb)], Wolv: IF
WHALE COMMAND - @ World War II, Atlantean armed
metal ships in shape of whales, attacked German U-boats
--Sub-Mariner Comics#1/1
WHALEN, WILL - Purple Mask enemy
--Daring Mystery Comics#4
wharf rats of "Earth-7643" - term
for those who prey on offworlders
(app-starstalker)--Marvel Premiere#32
WHAT IF? WORLDS - alternate realities in most
cases which a single event led to dramatic changes
--What If? I#1
WHAZIR of the Hyborian era - Akbitania
--Savage Sword of Conan#7
WHAZOOM - mystic entity, invoked by Dr. Angst
-[BROOM of WHAZOOM]--[Marvel Treasury Edition
WHEATLY, CHIEF - helped Human Fly foil bank robbery
(app-humanfly)--Human Fly#17
WHEDON, EVANGELINE - mutant, lawyer, heads the
Mutant Rights Coalition
(198)--X-Treme X-Men I#34 (35, 40-45, 46, Uncanny
X-Men I#444,445, UX466
WHEEL of FORTUNE (David Ferris) -
Able to see all possible futures from any point in time,
manifest those alternate realities in other planes
--Ultimate X-Men: It's a Wonderful Life
WHEEL of SORROW - pain-inducing recreational
device used by the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt)
--Captain America I#397
WHEELAN, EDWARD – see Vermin. bm
--Spectacular Spider-Man II#178?(
Amazing Spider-Man I#390, Spider-Man#51, Spec217,
Spec230à Vermin
WHEELER, - Wakandan, husband of M’Koni,
former distinguished member of Wakanda’s airborne guard,
moved to USA and had son, fell into huge gambling debts, used
armor in attempt to make money to pay debts, assisted by T’Challa,
returned life to normal, later seduced and slain by Malice/Nakia
after giving her info about T’Challa
*D* (app, net-wak)--Daredevil I#245 (Black
Panther III#31(fb), 31d)
WHEELER, ED - Strange Secrets
(app-brotherbrimstonesterling)--Daredevil I#65 (66
wheelie - extraterrestrial, female,
galactic marathon, sabotaged by Fooferah
WHEELIE of <Transformers: The Movie limited series> -- Transformers: The Movie (1986)
WHEELS ( Wolinski) - wolfpack, disabled,
used wheelchair in fights
(U#8?-wolfpack)--Marvel Graphic Novel:
Wolfpack ( Wolfpack#1-12, Marvel Comics Presents I#11/4, 23/4
WHEEZEY - agent of Funtzel, slain by Blackjack O'Hare
(app)--Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite Comic#2
WHEETLY, Dr. ED - Cordco, created unstable portal releasing creatures that were stopped by Wonder Man
(app)--Wonder Man I#1
--Daredevil I#237
WHELAN, CAROLE - Vermin's mother
Spectacular Spider-Man II#179 (183 (fb), 179, 181-183
WHELAN, judge GEORGE - Vermin's father, abused him during childhood, Spider-Man stopped Vermin from killing him
Spectacular Spider-Man II#179 (183 (fb), 180 (fb), 179, 181-183
--Fantastic Four I#17
WHIMPLEY, ROBERTA - dominating wife of Killer Clown
(app-clown)----Spider-Woman I#22
WHIPHAND ( ) – Brood Mutants,
killed by X-Men.
transform arms into energy bands that shock
and stretch to fight an opponent
*D* (app-bm)--Uncanny X-Men#232 (233, 234d)
WHIPLASH (Mark Scarlotti) - mercenary,
apparently killed by sentient mark xv Iron Man armor.
uses energized whip
-BLACKLASH *D* (OH: BoD)--Tales of Suspense I#97 (98,99,
Iron Man/Sub-Mariner I#1, Iron Man I#1, 62, 72, Marvel Team-Up I#72,
Iron Man III#8, Iron Man An1999, Thunderbolts#35,36,
Deadpool III#40, IM#26,28d,29(d))
WHIPLASH (Leeann Foreman) - Femme Fatales, Superia’s Femizons, Critical Mass’s Band of Baddies.
kevlar uniform, padded, uses gauntlets with
spring loaded omnium cables with adamantium barbs
(M, OH2006#4-femmefatales, app-ff)--[Marvel Comics Presents#48], 49 (50
Amazing Spider-Man I#340 343, Captain America I#389-391, Heroes
for Hire#4, Tangled Web of Spider-Man#13, Marvel Knights Spider-Man#6, [12?]
WHIPLASH ( ) - partner of Whiplash, past
associate of Andreas Strucker, drafted into Thunderbolts army
--Thunderbolts II#104 ([104 (fb)], 104
WHIPLASH ( ) - criminal
program, along with Brute and Gunsmith, downloaded by "Badgal" into other
people, transforming them and making them into her agents
--Big Hero Six#1 (2008)
WHIPPINGHAM, IAN - decadent, mealy-mouthed
personal assistant and occasional boy-toy of Kenneth Flogg,
joined Dr. Bong in search for the Doucheblade, killed by Howard
the Duck while possessed by the blade
*D*--Howard the Duck III#3 (3d)
"WHIP" WILSON - see WILSON, WHIP - (net-preff)--(g)Whip Wilson#9
WHIRLDEMONS - ancient demons on Earth one million years
ago, assaulted Wayfinder and his people, imprisoned by Sword in the Star, freed
in modern era when Enigma Force damaged, defeated by Micronauts and Dr. Strange
(app-earthswordinthestar)--Micronauts I#31 (35(fb), 31(fb),
33-35; X-23#15
WHIRLO - see RATTLER (app-rat)--Rawhide Kid I#37
WHIRLWIND (David Cannon) - mutant
criminal, Crimson Cowl (Ultron) & Egghead’s Masters of Evil, Lethal Legions,
Thunderbolts army, badly injured by Trapster
spin at great speeds, uses bladed weapons on
-HUMAN TOP* (I#12, D#14, 198)--Avengers I#46 (47, 54,55,
Captain America I#130, 132(fb), Av83, Marvel Feature I#6, 9, Av139, Avengers
An6/2, Av164(166(fb)),[165,166], Defenders I#63-65, Iron Man An11/4, Avengers
I#222, Power Man/Iron Fist#106, Marvel Age Annual#1, [Av271,273], Cap324, West
Coast Avengers II#16, Avengers Spotlight#26/2, Fantastic Four I#336, She-Hulk
II#24, Cap411-414, Marvel Comics Presents#97/4, Alpha Flight I#102, Avengers
III#4(fb),4, Thunderbolts#26, Av44, Captain America III#50/5, Tangled Web of
Spider-Man#13, Av71, She-Hulk I#5,6, Gravity#4, She-Hulk II#2, I (heart) Marvel:
Masked Intentions#1/2,
Underworld#3, Daughters of the Dragon#1-3, Thunderbolts II#104,
Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness#1
WHIRLWIND ( ) - Cherubim, quintet of Warpies, killed on first mission.
generate cyclone + thunderclouds + lightning,
bug eyes, hawk-beaked
*D* (net-c9)--Captain Britain II#7 (8,9d)
military nickname (WM)
--Avengers: The Initiative#1
WHISPER (Karl Reifschneider) - mutant, former guard at
Auschwitz, later sought to change ways and join forces with Magneto, but was
killed by Magneto after he learned Whisper's past
*D*--Marvel Comics Presents II#3 ([3 (fb)], 3d)
Foreigner’s death squad.
Neutralize noise, used Asian weaponry, abilities + memories able to be transferred
into new host upon death
WHISPER of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - Atlantean mutant, formerly of
Sisters of the Howling Commandments
-SISTER WHISPER--X-Nation#3, (named) 4 (5,
Fantastic Four 2099#7,8
identity used during the Timequake
(app-immortus)--What If? II#35 (36-39
WHISPERER – demon prophet, appears
in the form of a giant red preying mantis, summoned via spell, if
the proper sacrifices are made it will answer any three
gives answers via images on its multifaceted
WHISPERER - ghost, wakes people up to tell them truths
(app-sophia+strange)--Epic Anthology#1/3
WHISPER HILL - home of Agatha Harkness
--Fantastic Four I#94
WHISTLER of Earth-93060 ( ) - assisted in
destruction of Senator Shine’s corpse.
project sound--destructive or hallucinogenic
--Ultraforce II#5
WHITBY, - butler of Ilsa Strangway
--Tomb of Dracula I#3 (4-6
WHITE, BARNEY - King's Crossing, hotel
(app-king)--Fantastic Four Annual#17
WHITE, JACK - lawyer of Professor X, helped
neutralize effort to force Institute to surrender all young
mutants, defended Juggernaut
--Uncanny X-Men#422 (435, 436
WHITE, J. JONAH of Earth-Amalgam - Jonah Jameson + Perry White
WHITE, Dr. JONATHON - mutant, former pawn of
give magical powers to others, but they die
within ten hours unless he removes them
--Dr. Strange IV#1 ([2],3,4
WHITE, MARGIE - pilot, plane crashed in Canada
as a result of a struggle between the Hulk and Sid+Whitie, who
then forced her to bring them to a nearby city
--Hulk/Wolverine: Six Hours#1 (2-4
WHITE, MELISSA - daughter of Vickie and
(app-vickie)--[Punisher II#4], 5
WHITE, MICHAEL - 17 year old with Down syndrome, missing,
Extremis-enhanced, used as pawn by Mandarin against Iron Man
superhuman physical abilities, healing
--Iron Man IV#24
WHITE, RAY - police officer, husband of
Vickie, father of Melissa, helped Castle infiltrate the Church of
the Saved
(app)--Punisher II#4 (5
WHITE, SALLY - young girl abducted by
subterraneans, freed by Nightcrawler
--X-Men Unlimited#49
WHITE, VICKIE - wife of Ray, mother of
Melissa, former member of the Church of the Saved, had an affair
with Frank Castle, returned to husband after the Church was
(app)--Punisher II#5
private, creator of Major Victory, captured by Nazis who believed
he knew secret of Super-Soldier Serum
--Invaders I#16 (17, 18
WHITE, Admiral - US Air Force?
--Fantastic Four: First Family#2
WHITE AMAZONS of the Hyborian era - see WARRIOR WOMEN of Z’HARR HR’ANN--Savage Sword of Conan#62
WHITE ANGEL of DEATH (Norman Vidal) - posed as
voodoo lord, enslaved others via superstition and drugs
*D*--Moon Knight I#6
WHITE AVENGER (Dieter Steinhauer) - Supremacists, Azanian, blindly patriotic, nation symbol, powers permanently stolen by Hungyr
superhuman strength + durability, fly,
enhanced vision, infra-vision, hyper-awareness
Panther II#1, (fully seen and identified) #2 ([2 (fb)], 2, 1, 2,
WHITEBIRD of Earth-253 (Amara ) - Protectorate, battled
Qabiri, presumably killed when Earth destroyed.
Wings, fly
*D* (app-earth-253)--X-Man#71 (72(fb), 71, 72d)
hellfire club (M)--Uncanny X-Men#129
WHITECLOUD, MICHAEL - apache at camp verde,
former ally of john proudstar, killed by edwin martynec
--X-Force minus 1 (X-Force#72(fb), 72d)
WHITE COBRA - see WORSHIPPERS of the WHITE COBRA (app-gun,fist,blade)--Moon Knight II#5
"WHITE CROSS" ( ) - S.H.E.,
(app-s.h.e.)--Sentry I#4 (Civil War: Frontline#8/3
WHITE CRUSADER - see XENOS. (app)--Moon Knight I#15
WHITE DEATH (Manuel Perez) - son-in-law of
Josiah Harrow, killed others in the will to gain the entire
--(g) Captain America Comics#9; Captain America
WHITE DEVIL - see GLOWWORM (Blake) (app)--Power Man/Iron Fist#123
WHITE DOG 2099 - created to wipe out Red Dogs, destroyed by
Public Enemy
(app)—2099 Unlimited#8 (8(fb), 8d
*D* (app)--Iron Man I#39 (40d)
WHITE DRAGON ( ) - Chinatown crimelord,
leader of the Dragon Lords gang.
uses dragon costume, breathe fire, martial
arts abilities
(OH: Spdm: BiB, app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#184 (185, Marvel
Team-Up I#144, Spectacular Spider-Man An12/3
WHITE DRAGON of the Saxons - battled the Welsh Dragon hundreds
of years ago
--Wisdom#4 (4 (fb)
WHITE DWARF of "Earth-1010" -
Exiles-"Static Problematic," created from Project Cerebro-X
young superhumanly strong & dense
(app-exiles)--X-Men Millennial Visions 2001 - "Exiles: Static
WHITE EVENT of Earth-148611 - caused when the old
man tried to transfer the Starbrand into an inanimate object,
resulted in generating paranormal power in 2 out of every million
people on earth
WHITE EVENTISTS of Earth-148611 (Milius, Hannha) -
worship white event and paranormal powers
Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance
WHITE FANG (Dr. Elizabeth Bondi) - Stark
engineer, designed costume after husband, Eric was killed by the
Hood, named after the book by Jack London, hunted Hood, aided by Force, Controller
armored suit
(app)--Hood#4 (4-6, CW: BDR, Dark Reign: Hood#1-5
WHITE GHOST - see McLEISH (app)--Wolverine II#119
WHITE GHOST of Earth-4011 (John Howlett) - Wolverine's older
--Wolverine: The End#1, 2
WHITEHALL, SAM – New York district
attorney, targeted by Killshot, saved by Spider-Man
--Amazing Spider-Man II#61/502
WHITE-HAIR - Hill Folk on Dinosaur World, rescued by Devil Dinosaur, imprisoned by Prime Computer, died in dome
*D* (app)--Devil Dinosaur#4 (5-7
WHITE HAND of the Hyborian era (Louhi) -
sect of sorcerers, based out of the north, @ Hyperborea
(app-louhi)--King Conan#1
WHITEHAWK of Eurth -
X'Changelings, counterpart of Professor X
(app-eurth)--Avataars: Champions of the Realm#1
WHITEHEAD, COURTLAND - Truemark Investments, former financial
planner of Simon Utrecht, forced by him to locate Rozalyn Backus, then forced by
Corruptor to shoot his employees
--Spider-Man: Breakout#3 (4
WHITEHEAD, PHILIP - friend of Black Panther,
aided him against creature, died
--Solo Avengers #19d
WHITE HEAT 2099 - addictive drug, gives super
--Ghost Rider 2099#15
--Uncanny X-Men#462
*D*--Power Man Annual#1 (X-Men I#100(fb), PowM
An#1, [UX96, Classic X-Men#4], UX97, [CXM#6/2, UX98], CX6, [UX99],
CX#7, [UX100]
shared title with storm, voted out when
refused to allow the hellfire club to manipulate magik
(net-hc)—New Mutants I#51
Spider-Man Team-Up I#1
WHITE KING - see KINE, BENEDICT (app)--X-Men II Annual#3
WHITE KING - see HELLSTORM (app)--Fantastic Four Annual 1999
--Uncanny X-Men#453 (454
WHITE KNIGHTS - Hellfire Club, agents of
Benedict Kine in Rite of Challenge against Shinobi Shaw, sent to capture Jonah
(app-kinebendict)--Spider-Man Team-Up#1
WHITE LIGHT - agent of oblivion, partner of the
generate blinding light, female
--Iceman I#1
transferred powers into power pack upon death
-WHITEY *D* (D#20, Power Pack#42-featurette)--Power Pack I#1 (1(fb), 1d)
WHITEMANE, BYREL - Kymellian, truth-sifter and
chief of council of ancients, father of whitey, great-uncle of
(Power Pack#42-featurette)--Power Pack I#4 (
Power Pack II#3
WHITEMANE, YRIK - kymellian, interplanetary
diplomatic corps, ambassador to the Snarks, altered minds of jim
and marge power to make them believe whatever their children told
them, father of kofi
healing powers
(Power Pack#42-featurette)--Power Pack I#16, 23(named) (16, 23-26, 48-52,
Holiday Special 1992, Power Pack II#1-4
WHITEMORE, JAMES M. - New York University, student counselor
to Greg Willis (Gravity)
WHITE NINJA ( ) - Yakuza, served under
Lord Kenada, hired by Baroness (Zemo), stole Cassidy Crystals,
fell to apparent death after exposed to Crystals.
Master combatant, turn invisible, avoid most
forms of detection
(app)—Marvel Graphic Novel: Spider-Man:
Fear Itself
identity used to teach his brother, the
prowler, a lesson in respect
--Spectacular Spider-Man An10/2
WHITE NOISE ( ) - imperial guard, daughter of
--X-Men: Spotlight on the Starjammers#2
WHITEOUT ( ) - savage land mutates,
superia’s femizons.
generate blinding light, female, white costume
(U#8)--Uncanny X-Men#249 ( 274, [Captain
America I#387,388],389-392, X-Men Unlimited#6, X-Treme X-Men#3,4
WHITE PRINCESS - see nihilist VIPER.
title in the Hellfire Club
(app)--Uncanny X-Men#452
WHITE QUEEN ( ) - Hellfire Club, ally of Edward Buckman, slain by
Sebastian Shaw and his followers when they took
--X-Men: Hellfire Club#4 (4(fb)
(I#12,D#14)—Uncanny X-Men#129 (X-Men:
Hellfire Club#4(fb), Classic X-Men#7, UXM129-131, UX151, 152, 169,
Firestar1-4, UX#180, New Mutants I#15-17, 38-40, UX#210, Marvel
Comics Presents#78/4, NM#56,57, 62, An4, NM69-71, 73, 75, New
Warriors Annual#1/7, UX281-284, 3__, X-Men Unlimited#33/3,
UX316, X-Men II#36, UX317, X-Men II#37->ef.
WHITE QUEEN - see FROST, ADRIENNE (net)--Generation X#
WHITE QUEEN - see KAUR, BENAZIR (app)--X-Men II Annual#3
WHITE RABBIT (Lorina Dodson) - widow of Lewis Dodson, used millions to finance criminal career based on
in Wonderland
(app)--Marvel Team-Up I#131 (Spectacular
Spider-Man II#185, Spider-Man: Gathering of the Sinister Six
novel (p234), Spec253,256, Marvel Knights Spider-Man#6, [12?], Secret War:
From the Files of Nick Fury, Underworld#4-5, [Claws#1], 2-3, She-Hulk II#16
WHITE RAVEN ( ) – extraterrestrial,
mercenary, employed by Thanos to obtain an artifact of power, assisted
Silver Surfer in defeating an elder demon
starship, exo-suit, used ray blaster
(app)--Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts
WHITE RIDER of DEATH - reanimated corpse, agent
of the netherworlds, sought to prevent Captain Britain (Braddock)
and Black Knight (Whitman) from entering Otherworld, stabbed Captain Britain
through the heart at the gate, destroyed by the
sword Excalibur in the hands of Black Knight
(uk) Hulk comic#20(21d)
WHITE ROOK - see EMMANUEL DaCOSTA* *D*-New Mutants I#22
WHITE ROOM (Andwella, Glakandar, insectoid,
Quasar (briefly, Blue Marvel))
- pocket dimension actually
composed of body of Eon, animated by spirits of residue left on
Quantum Bands, used to learn more about personality of quasar,
posed as a prison/final resting place of the Protectors of the
Universe, where they sit, unable to move for all eternity
INFINITE CHAMBER (app)--Quasar#42 (43
WHITE SKULL of Earth-717 (Col. Buck Barnes) - Civil War,
former commander of Stephen Rogers, skin on face turned transparent by exposure
to the magical energies that transformed Captain America, organized former Ku
Klux Klanners
--What If: Captain America
WHITE SKULLS of Earth-717 -originally formed during Civil War
by Buck Barnes from former Ku Klux Klanners, opposed Captain America and his
--What If: Captain America
WHITE TIGER (Hector Ayala) - Puerto
Rican hero, gained power of the sons of the tiger from their
amulets, later became addicted to them, retired after being
nearly killed by Gideon Mace, former student at Empire State
University night school, dated Holly Gillis, later married
unnamed woman, framed for murder of police officer, judged
guilty, grabbed a gun to force the police to shoot him, died
enhanced fighting abilities
*D <el TIGRE BLANCO> (I#14,D#12,M)--Deadly
Hands of Kung Fu#19/2 (20/2-24/2, 26,27, 29/2, 30,31,32/2,
Spectacular Spider-Man II#9,10, Human Fly#8,9, Spec18-21, Daredevil II#69(fb),
Defenders I#62-64,[65], Sp22,23, 25-31, 32, 49/2(fb), 49/2-51/2,52(retired),
Daredevil II#38-40d)
WHITE TIGER - sister of Snow Queen, tiger evolved into
humanoid form by High Evolutionary, created to destroy Man-Beast,
allied with Heroes for Hire, fell in love with Iron Fist, chose
to return to tiger form after defeat of Man-Beast.
previously possessed feral abilities,
transform from full humanoid form into full tiger form
(1990s, net)--Heroes for Hire#1 (Quicksilver#11(fb),
HfH#12(fb), 1-3, Thunderbolts#8, H4-7, 9, 11,12-14, 15, Qui11,
Hfh16, Q12, Hero for Hire/Quicksilver Annual 1998
WHITE TIGER (Kevin "Kasper" Cole) -
Crew, NYPD, trained as acolyte under Killmonger and Black Panther
(T’Challa), found Black Panther costume planted by T'Challa,
used it while on suspension, underwent the Ritual of Ascension
and given a synthetic variant of the Heart-Shaped Herb by Erik
BLACK PANTHER*--Black Panther III#62 (Crew#2-7
WHITE TIGER (Angela Del Toro*) - apparent daughter of Awilda
Ayala Del Toro, inherited the Jade Tiger amulets after his death
LA TIGRESSA BLANCA--[Daredevil I#68], (named, costumed) #
(68-70, 77, 78(fb), 78-79
WHITE TIGER of Earth-58163 ( ) -
Human Resistance Movement
(Secrets of the House of M)--
WHITE TIGER of VENDHYA - see BENGALA--Savage Sword of Conan#103
WHITE TIGERS - Panther Cult, acolytes
--[Black Panther III#60]
WHITEWASH - see JONES, WASHINGTON CARVER (net-lostgen)--(g) Young Allies#1
WHITE WASH - harlem bartender, involved
with black hand and the corporation
(app)--Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #18/2 (27
WHITE WHALE ( ) – Kingpin + Tobias
New York cocaine kingpin
(app-castle)--Amalgam Classics Power Blast
Card#7 of 9
WHITE WHIP of Earth-Amalgam - White
Queen + Whip, Generation Hex
(app-gh)--Generation Hex#1
WHITE WITCH of Earth-Amalgam (Wanda
Zatara)-scarlet witch+zatanna, agent of Dr. Strangefate
(app-dsf)--Dr. Strangefate#1
Criminals," defeated by Spider-Man and sent to prison.
used white cloud-maker machine to ruin two
family picnics on Tuesday
(app-cc)--Amazing Spider-Man: A Book of
Colors and Days of the Week
WHITE WOLF of the pre-Cataclysmic era -
god, worshipped in Zarfhaana
--Sons of the White Wolf; Savage Sword of
WHITE WOLF - see HUNTER - naturalized
Wakandan, leader of Dogs of War/Hatut Zeraze, parents killed in a
plane crash, adopted by T’Chaka @ 10 years before birth of T’Challa,
went freelance after fired by T’Challa, attempted to kill T’Challa
over jealousy, reformed Klaw, took over XCon and assassinated its
--Black Panther III#4 (10(fb),
12(fb), 5(fb2), 4, [6],7, 9-12, 22,[23],24, 25, 26-28, [41-43],
44(fb), [45], 50, 51, [52], 53, [54], 55, 56, 59
WHITE WORM - undead creature raised from slime
of Hell, agent of , used against Blade.
reforms after injuries
<VIE MYRH>--Blade#1/2
WHITE ZERO of Comicsville (Harvey Norton)
- heroic character in the storyline, encountered the Monolith
(app-comics)--2001: A Space Odyssey#5
WHITEY - Skrulls of Kral, agent of Barker?
-- Fantastic Four I#91
WHITMAN, DEBRA "DEB" - Empire State
University student and secretary of dean Morris Sloan, dated Peter
Parker and Biff Rifkin, manipulated into writing expose on Peter Parker by Jonah
Jameson, accepted due to mother's medical bills, told Betty Brant the whole
story, which Betty got published in the Daily Globe
(OH: Spdm: BiB, app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#196 (Spectacular
Spider-Man II#74(fb), A196, Sp36, 42, 43, A207, Sp46-48, A209, An14, A210,
Sp50,51, A211-213, 215-217, Sp55, Marvel Team-Up I#106, Sp56, A218, Marvel
Team-Up Annual#4, Sp58, A221, Sp60-62, A225, Sp65, A227, Sp66, A228, Sp67-70,
Marvel Two-In-One#90, A231, 232, Sp72, 74, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#16 (fb)],
14-16, [18]
WHITMAN, MALCOLM - mutant, son of Sterling,
fought Kearse + Grayson, captured by X-Men.
--X-Factor II#1
WHITMAN, MARK - ex-husband of Deb Whitman who fled
(with the aid of Biff Rifkin) when Mark became abusive
(app)--Spectacular Spider-Man II#74
WHITMAN, STERLING - father of Malcolm, civil
rights activist
--X-Factor II#1
WHITMAN, agent - SHIELD, Cape-Killers, part of group
sent to capture Cage
(app-hill)--New Avengers#22
WHITMAN, Mrs. - mother of Deb, expensive medical bills pushed
Deb Whitman to take offer from Jonah Jameson to write book smearing Peter Parker
--Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#14 ([16 (fb)], 14
WHITMAN, MARKER of Earth-1191 - Sheepshead Bay Mutant Relocation Camp
--X-Men II#206
WHITMERE, CARLY - West Tech High School, girlfriend of Adam
--Machine Teen#1 (2, 4-5
WHITMORE, Senator - Metahuman Investigations Meeting
--Amazing Spider-Man II#530 (531
WHITNEY, father - friend of Nightcrawler
--Nightcrawler II#1 (2-4
WHITTACKER, ABE - copper miner, led effort to
attempt to threaten Alicia Twain off of her property,
inadvertently killed her when she struck him, he and all other
miners present were then slain by Morbius
*D*--Vampire Tales#10d
WHITTACKER, GRANT - archeologist, co-worker of Janet
Lyton, sought the Darkhold, unearthed Modred
(app)--Marvel Chillers#1 ([2], 2, [Darkhold#3(fb)]
WHITTAKER, Colonel ROSS - former US Navy
and CIA, formed Global Security, INC as anti-communist operation,
allied with Korean government; targeted and killed by Punisher
after assassinating candidates for attorney general and
inadvertently killing an innocent family
*D* (app)--Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher:
WHITTER, NED of Earth-Guardians –
Punishers, neck snapped by Punisher General
*D* (app-puns)—Guardians of the Galaxy#17
(18, 19(fb))
WHIZ of Earth-Amalgam -Whizzer (Frank) +
Flash (Jay Garrick), All-Star Winners Squadron
(app)--Super Soldier: Man of War#1
WHIZ KID ( ) - Liberteens, former courier for Goodman + Lieber + Kurtzberg + Holliway
superhuman speed, female
--She-Hulk I#4 (11,12, II#20, Avengers: The Initiative
WHIZ KIDS (Herbert Bell, Dale West, Talia Kruma)
- young geniuses formerly employed by Stark International-West
(app)--Black Goliath#1 (2-4, Marvel Two-In-One#24, 85
WHIZZER (Robert L. Frank) –
World War II hero, Liberty Legion, Invaders, All-Winners Squad, V
Battalion, Penance Council founder, husband of Miss America,
father of Nuklo, gained powers by being bitten by cobra and
transfused with mongoose blood by father, formerly thought to be
father of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, died saving Nuklo from
travel at great speeds
Jack Robinson *D* (I#14,D#20,M, OH:GA)--(g) USA Comics#1 (2,4, 6, 8-12,
14-17, All Select#3-5, 7, Amz/Complete Comics#1,2, Kid Comics#7,
10, All Winners#2-5, 7-11, 13-21;
Giant-Size Avengers#1 ( Marvel Premiere#29, Invaders I#6,
MarvPrem30, Inv35-41, Marvel Two-In-One#20, Marvel Two-In-One
Annual#1, Invaders II#1-4, Marvel Universe#1-3, Thor Corps#2,
Fantastic Four I#405(fb), All Winners19, 21, Citizen V and the V
Battalion#2(fb1), GS Av1(fb)/Vision & Scarlet Witch I#2(fb)/Avengers
I#185+186(fb)/Web of Spider-Man Annual#4/3(fb), F4#150, Avengers
Annual#6(fb), Av151, 153, An6, Av154, Super-Villain Team-Up#9, Av155,156,
Av160, 164, 165, 172,173, 185,186, Marvel Super Heroes: Contest
of Champions#1,[2,3], Vision & Scarlet Witch I#1,2d, Dead Girl#2 (spirit)
WHIZZER of Earth-712 (Stanley Stewart) -
Squadron Supreme, former postman, mutated by fog bank of unknown
travel at great speeds
(I#10,D#12,U#8,M)—Avengers I#85 (Squadron
Supreme#9(fb), Av85,86, Web of Spider-Man Annual#5/6, Av141,142,[143],144,
147-149, [Avengers West Coast Annual#4/5(fb)], Defenders I#112(fb),
113,114, SqSup1-12, Marvel Graphic Novel: Squadron Supreme: Death
of a Universe, Quasar#13-15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 28(fb), 57, 60,
Siren#1, 2, 2/2, Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis, Siren3, Avengers
III#5, 6(fb), 6, Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998, Squadron
Supreme: New World Order
"WHIZZER" of Earth-Supreme Power - see ATLANTA BLUR
(MAX)--Supreme Power#1
Squadron Sinister--Avengers I#69 (70(fb)/Amazing
Spider-Man I#222(fb), Av69,70, Defenders I#13,14, Giant-Size
Defenders#4, Avengers Annual#8, Amazing Spider-Man I#222(fb2)->sd)
W.H.O. - computer designed by Drs.
Bradley Bolton and Armstrong Smith, developed intelligence and
tried to takeover the criminal underworld, destroyed by Spider-Man
(app)-Worldwide Habitual Offenders--Daredevil
I#124 ([Amazing Spider-Man I#153], 155
W.H.O. (Elton Krieger, Blane MacNeil, Caradoc Peel, Alistaire Stuart, Hugh Styman) - former UK
government agency
-Weird Happenings Organization--Excalibur I#9 (
Excalibur: Air Apparent
WHO WANTS TO BE A THUNDERBOLT? - SF TV show, hosted by Stan
Lee, used to train back-up team for Thunderbolts
- magical entity associated with gem-like stones that crashed to Earth
in the general vicinity of Sydney, Australia; given form during Song of
the Blood Opal sung by the Aborigine People of the Whole Moon Hawk;
power of the Song sought by Strange
(app)--Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#63
WHURL (Panundrum) - planet, adoptive home
planet of princess Tallibone, who ruled it
--X-Men Unlimited#32/3
Why you should die for SOOFI – indoctrination book
--Howard the Duck I#21 (1978)
WHYOS - gang, enemies of Dingos, battled Moon Knight & Ray
--Moon Knight VI#16
WHY’RION - Aakon, assisted Ronan in
guarding barrier around Earth
--Maximum Security#1([3]
WHYST of Earth-691 - Deck, represents entropy, absorbed
Dark Angel of Earth-M
(app-gamble)--Cyberspace 3000#7 (8
WHYTE, HARMONY - reporter for west-tv, ally of
stuntman Human Fly
--Human Fly#1 (2-6
WHYTE, JASPER - designed and built the
Crypto-Man, sacrificed his life to stop it when he realized it
was endangering his mother
*D* (app-cm)--Thor I#174 (174(fb), 174d)
WHYTE, Mrs. -mother of Jasper
--Thor I#174
WHYTE, Professor - see PROFESSOR WHYTE--ClanDestine#9
WHYTE OUT (Stuart Anthony Whyte) -
generate blinding light