42 Aka. Negative Zone Prison Alpha, designed by Tony Stark, Reed Richards and a Skrull posing as Hank Pym to hold unregistered heroes and extremely dangerous supercriminals after the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act. Referred to as "Fantasy Island" or "Wonderland" by inmates.
Civil War: Front Line #5 (2006)

ALCATRAZ Californian island prison, operational 1859- 1963, held superhuman criminals in 1940s.
Marvel Mystery Comics #25 (1941)

ALMAGORDO NM nuclear testing facility, held Armageddon Man and perhaps others in suspended animation.
X-Men #12 (1992)

ANVIL Penal colony on planet Annoval XIV, site of attempted breakout by Nebula.
Silver Surfer #74 (1993)

AREA 52 Utah facility containing "mysteries of America," including superhuman-related technology, allegedly replaced Nevada's Area 51.
Uncanny X-Men #363 (1999)

AREA 102 Government facility to prepare for and contain superhuman threats, used by "Thunderbolt" Ross as Hulkbuster base.
Incredible Hulk #462 (1998)

BIG HOUSE NY prison, housed superhuman criminals shrunken by Yellowjacket's Pym particles, expanded into Lang Memorial Penitentiary (a.k.a. Ant Farm).
She-Hulk #5 (2004)

BLACK HOLE Research facility, experimented on occult superhumans, directed by Spook.
Ghost Rider #62 (1995)

BRAINSTORM WARD Mental institution, a.k.a. the Mad Dog Ward, secretly funded by Kingpin, created superhuman assassins, exposed by Spider- Man.
Web of Spider-Man #33 (1987)

CAGE Island prison for superhumans, built over French Prison de la Morte, dampened super-powers regardless of source, plagued by corrupt personnel.
Wolverine #164 (2001)

CITADEL Centuries-old French prison, used to hold sorcerers.
Fantastic Four Annual 1999 (1999)

COLD IRON Adirondacks military base, sought scientifi c basis for supernatural beings, illegally studied corpses of John Blaze's allies.
Spirits of Vengeance #20 (1994)

CROSSMORE PRISON England, later psychiatric hospital; kept Juggernaut, Deadpool, Foolkiller
Thor #411 (1989)

CUBE Prison for psychopathic superhumans, declared "capital of the new Kree Empire" by Noh-Varr (a.k.a. Marvel Boy). Later used as base for Osborn's Thunderbolts.
Marvel Boy #6 (2001)

DAMNATION CITY Intergalactic alien prison, possibly destroyed after invasion by Deadpool to rescue Dirty Wolff.
Deadpool #41 (2000)

DESECRATION ANNEX Celestial space station imprisoning cosmicpowered beings.
Captain Marvel #5 (1996)

DORKHAM ASYLUM Insane asylum in Visigoth, MA, housed several superhumans, many mutated by Jack Serious.
Sensational She-Hulk #19 (1990)

FENG-TU Chinese underground prison for mutants.
X-Men Annual 2001 (2001)

FORT CHEER Federal prison, maximum security, unjustly held espionage operative Susan Jacobson, broken into by Hulk and Pantheon.
Incredible Hulk #410 (1993)

FORTRESS Superhuman research facility, created sleeper agents for U.S. government and others, trained New Genix in simulated future environment.
Marvel Comics Presents #112 (1992)

GAMMA BASE (a.k.a. HULKBUSTER BASE) Originally NM base dedicated to Hulk's capture, held other gamma-powered superhumans, relocated to Nevada, acquired by Operation: Zero Tolerance.
Incredible Hulk #145 (1971)

HANGAR 18 Extraterrestrial-oriented research facility, allegedly located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, studied Skrulls captured in 1947.
Blackwulf #2 (1994)

HOUSE OF CORRECTION Inhumane prison for rebellious teenagers (mutant and otherwise), site of forced cybernetic transformation by Warden Coffin.
Generation X #64 (2000)

ICE BOX Canadian maximum security prison, held crimelord Ivan the Terrible.
Maverick #8 (1998)

IRON ROCK Facility to hold advanced technology confi scated from super-villains.
Sensational Spider-Man #8 (1996)

KYLN Intergalactic alien prison, supposedly located near universe's edge, holds the universe's deadliest criminals.
Thanos #7 (2004)

MONSTER ISLAND Island in Bermuda Triangle, connected to Subterranea, former Deviant mutate breeding site, ruled by Mole Man, occasionally used as dumping ground for gigantic creatures by U.S. government and possibly by Japanese government as well.
Fantastic Four #1 (1961)

MUIR ISLAND Mutant research facility off Scottish coast, partially sponsored by Professor X, held mutant criminals as needed.
X-Men #104 (1977)

NEVERLAND Weapon X detention facility, supposedly designed to hold mutant terrorists, actually served as mutant concentration camp.
Weapon X #5 (2003)

PAVLOV Metahuman Psychiatric Facility Housed Wizard (Bentley Wittman). Fantastic Four #579 (2010)

PROJECT: PEGASUS NY-based government facility, investigated alternate power sources, studied various superhumans (willing or otherwise), served as de facto prison for years.
Marvel Two-in- One #42 (1978)

PROVINCE 13 Russian research base and prison, collected and studied mutants.
X-Men: Liberators #1 (1998)

RAVENCROFT Institute for the Criminally Insane Asylum established by Dr. Ashley Kafka to treat insane superhumans, site of several breakouts.
Spider-Man Unlimited #1 (1993)

RYKER'S ISLAND Maximum security prison off NYC coast, included special wing to hold superhuman criminals, subject to many breakouts.
Amazing Spider-Man #213 (1981)

RYKING HOSPITAL FOR PARAHUMAN RESEARCH New Mexico facility, likened to "the Betty Ford clinic for rich super folk," which held Ryking's son Hazard.
X-Men #12 (1992)

SALAMANCA High-security prison for superhuman criminals, patrolled by flying armored guards.
Daredevil Vs. Punisher #4 (2005)

SAUERBRATEN MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY Ohio institution used as front by Doctor Reich, briefl y held Howard the Duck and Winda Wester.
Howard the Duck #12 (1977)

SEAGATE PRISON Maximum security prison off Georgia coast, formerly held Luke Cage, later added wing for superhuman criminals.
Hero for Hire #1 (1972)

SKRAGGMORE PENITENTIARY Illinois prison, formerly held the Zaniac.
Thor #371 (1986)

SUNSHINE CITY Government-run site of procedures by Puppet Master to control criminally insane in order to rehabilitate them.
Fantastic Four #45 (2001)

TEMPLE High security prison, destroyed by Punisher, killing all 400 inmates including Jaten (Hood lackey)
Punisher: In the Blood#1 (2011)

VAULT Immense facility for holding superhuman criminals, located in Colorado Rocky Mountains, contained special wing for extraterrestrial prisoners, rebuilt in Negative Zone by Mister Fantastic.
Avengers Annual #15 (1986); Fantastic Four: Foes #5 (2005)

WORMWALL NY prison, held Doctor Angst for years.
Sensational She-Hulk #14 (1990)

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