or Oops!

In spite of everyone's best efforts, sometimes mistakes do still slip through. Often we spot these mistakes ourselves once a book comes out (and then we kick ourselves), other times someone points it out. We will give credit for spotting mistakes, when we are contacted directly or through Marvel, and when we know the identity of the eagle-eyed reader; however credit will only be given to the first person to bring the mistake to our attention. In addition, we also list below clarifications for things which are not necessarily mistakes, but which are regularly and erroneously thought be mistakes by some readers.

General Power Grids Though sometimes helpful in defining a character's abilities, power grids are not an exact science. Any specific instances of confusion will be listed specifically in this section of the site, but in general it's worth noting that

X-Men '04 Handbook

Bishop The image of Bishop is reversed from the way round it should be, resulting in his M tattoo being over his right eye.
Gateway is listed as Bishop's great-grandfather despite some comics stating just "grandfather". X-Men writer Chris Claremont has subsequently clarified that Gateway is indeed Bishop's great-grandfather.

Havok Defenders should be listed under Havok's former Group Affiliations

Nightcrawler: Nightcrawler's powers section omitted to mention his ability to stick to walls. Similarly his ability to bend light around himself and thus become invisible in deep shadow, caused by the ever-present portal to the dimension he teleports through, was inaccurately put down as merely being "covered in dark fur" which makes him hard to spot.
Nightcrawler's Group Affiliations should include Neyaphim.

Professor X His degree is in psychology, not psychiatry.

Wolverine Wolverine's eye color was incorrectly listed as black in the X-Men Handbook. This was listed correctly as blue in the Wolverine Handbook.
In the X-Men Handbook, John Howlett Sr is incorrectly listed as Wolverine's grandfather, John Howlett Jr is incorrectly listed as his father and Daniel Howlett is incorrectly listed as his brother. His grandfather was not named, his father was John Sr and his brother is John Jr. This was listed correctly in the Wolverine Handbook.
Amongst Wolverine's listed relatives is a son, Erista, his child from a liaison with a Savage Land native in Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure. Though some people have raised this believing it to be an error, noting that although a child was depicted bouncing on the knee of the Savage Land woman at the end of the story, there was no official confirmation within the story that the child was Wolverine's, nor has the child been named or it's gender given in a comic subsequent to this (though circumstantial evidence from Uncanny X-Men #353 does imply Wolverine has a son, who may or may not be this child). However, as stated in one of the sections above, the confirmation of name and gender fall into the category of providing new information. This information has been reiterated in both the Wolverine Handbook and Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury; it has editorial approval.

Various Bishop, Gambit, Rogue,Sage and Storm are incorrectly listed as being former members of the X-Treme Sanctions Executive. They are, in fact, still members as that is the sub-group of X-Men under which they currently operate.

Spider-Man '04

Green Goblin Group Affiliations: Hellfire Club Outer Circle

Hobgoblin While researching the Great Game, Roderick Kingsley renounced his US citizenship. He's currently a citizen of Belize, not USA.

Hulk Handbook:

Maestro Maestro's profile notes that he is stronger than the Hulk, though his power grid grades him slightly lower. This is because the Maestro, when first seen, in good health, and during most of his history, was stronger than the Hulk. However the power grid reflects him as he was last seen, shortly after reforming from being vaporized; when last seen he was nowhere near that powerful. Unfortunately the grids can't explain those differences. As to what power level he might be at when next he surfaces, only the writer who uses him knows.

U-Foes There first appearance was in 1980, not 1988, as noted in the bibliography.

Avengers '04 Handbook: Ant-Man Though the paragraph of information mentioning it was written, somehow Ant-Man's ability to shrink, a fairly major part of his powers, failed to make it to the final printed page. This was corrected in time for his Book of the Dead appearance, but for the record: "He carries a supply of Pym Particles in his belt, allowing him to shrink in size and grow back to his normal height, an effect he can extend to other people and objects."

Captain America His weight is incorrectly listed as 220lbs. It should be 240lbs. Reference OFFICIAL HANDBOOK '83 and OFFICIAL HANDBOOK DELUXE EDITION. Also the Red skull is in a clone body of Captain America and is correctly listed as 240lbs in Golden Age 2004.

Gyrich As of the time of this entry, Gyrich was the team's liaison to the United Nations and the world's governments, not merely the team's NSC liaison (his original position). Also, the NSC is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the NSA in this entry.

Hawkeye According to the latest revision of Hawkeye's origin, Barney didn't angrily abandon Clint because of Clint's refusal to be the Swordsman's accomplice, but left Clint for entirely different reasons and on relatively amicable terms.

Quicksilver / Scarlet Witch Red Lucy Keough, a famed pirate ancestor of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver), is not listed in relatives

Thor The last paragraph in Thor's Avengers 2004 entry was printed twice.

Vision Though the entry states he a sense of true brotherhood with Simon Williams after the Grim Reaper trial in fact it didn't really seem to take root until the events of Vision & Scarlet Witch vol.II #2.

The entry also states that after he regained his human emotions, the Vision was reluctant to resume his relationship with Wanda. It would be more accurate to say that after his human emotions resurfaced, Vision actually tried to reconcile with Wanda but was rejected by her. He later feigned indifference to her (having decided she was better off without him) and pursued romances with several other women, notably Mantis, while Wanda dated Simon. The Vision-Wanda romance never really resumed before Vision's recent demise, contrary to the profile's final comment.

Wasp Her entry says she was angry with Hank after he transformed her into a more insect like form. In point of fact, Wasp was actually weirdly upbeat about her Crossing-era mutation, and didn't turn on Hank until later, when she learned he'd been monitoring her without her knowledge since the transformation. Their romance didn't really resume before Onslaught (though they did share a declaration of love when they thought they were dying during that battle), but they did resume their romance after they returned from the Franklinverse.

Yellowjacket No mention was made of Hank's ability to shrink and grow materials other than himself--an ability somewhat limited since he left his Doctor Pym phase, but something he can still do with special preparation.

Avengers Roster The "probationary member" line in the Moira Brandon entry is an accidental paste-in. As was correctly stated she became an honorary member as of a story in Avengers West Coast II#100, though it's worth noting that this story falls chronologically just before WCA I# 1.



Black Widow Her nickname of Black Pearl, given to her by one of her old trainers, Brushkin (cf. Champions #7) was omitted.


Alpha Flight  Originally, at the time this Handbook was written, we considered Wyre an associate of the team, rather than a member. However, under further consideration done for the Alpha Flight entry for the Teams Handbook, we decided that Wyre's recruitment by Shaman, combined with his involvement with the main team, qualified him as an official member. Thus he should have been listed as a member in this Handbook too.

Deadpool There have been conflicting stories which suggest Deadpool is really either Wade Wilson or a guy called Jack, and those stories each make out that Deadpool was mistaken to think he was actually the other person. The Handbook writers tried to weigh up the evidence for each identity, as well as asking for an official ruling on the subject from our editors at Marvel: the decision went with him being Jack, and Wade being the fake identity. The first thirty odd issues of his series built up to the revelation of him being Jack, with explanations why that was the case, versus a four issue arc which contradicted this with little by way of evidence to back up this rebuttal. So he's Jack, not Wade.

Matsu'o Tsurayaba  While his name has been spelt both with (in X-Men #23 for instance) and without the apostrophe, both spellings can be considered equally correct (or equally wrong) as either is simply an Anglicization of the Japanese ideograms which would be the true spelling of his name.

Sabretooth His Group Affiliations should have included "formerly X-Men", as he was a member of the impromptu Phalanx Covenant incarnation.

Book of the Dead:

Ancient One The profile states that Doctor Strange became the Sorcerer Supreme while the Ancient One was still alive; this is what an earlier volume of OHOTMU claims, but the original story in Marvel Premiere contradicts it. Not strictly speaking a mistake of this series so much as a perpetuation of an error from an earlier series, nonetheless the correct information is that Doctor Strange did not become Sorcerer Supreme until after the Ancient One's death.

A second error is the statement that in 1939 it was "unclear" if the Ancient One and Mordo knew that Stephen Strange was destined to succeed the Ancient One as Sorcerer Supreme; it turns out that the original story in Doctor Strange Vol. 3 states quite clearly that they did. Though not as bad as outright saying that they didn't know, but they definitely did know, it was not "unclear."

Cypher: His height is incorrectly listed as 6'9". It should be 5'9".
His Group Affiliations should include "X-Men (New Mutant Graduate incarnation)".

Magik (Illyana Rasputin)  Her Group Affiliations should include "X-Men (New Mutant Graduate incarnation)".

Moira MacTaggart Under Known Aliases it reads "Last name frequently misspelled MacTaggart" when it should have read "Last name frequently misspelled MacTaggert". MacTaggart is the correct spelling, not MacTaggert, and the correct spelling was used throughout the rest of the entry. The incorrectly spelt alias was a typo which came in after the draft was sent for formatting, and which we could not see to catch on the old grainy PDF documents we proofed. We have since moved to a far superior PDF format that should allow us to see everything.

Omega the Unknown lost one of his "n"s to become Omega the Unkown in the title above his entry.

Golden Age

Citizen V / V-Battalion (also Women of Marvel Vantage) These entries described Vantage of the Thunderbolts as being the grand-daughter of Paulette Brazee, lover of the wartime Citizen V. This is based on information supplied in Captain America/Citizen V Annual 1998, where it is revealed that after the death of Citizen V, Paulette Brazee found a new love, and married him. Then in Thunderbolts I#42, we learn that Riordan's grandfather was a member of the post-WW II V-Battalion who died in action, that her father was Jimmy Riordan, and that Dallas was given the mantle of Citizen V by V-Battalion head Roger Aubrey, who describes it as her "grandfather's inheritance". All of this leads to the conclusion based on available information that Dallas' grandmother was Brazee. There was nothing definite printed to contradict it. Though Fabian Nicieza, Thunderbolts writer, has since stated when asked that he intended it to be read otherwise, the Handbooks went with the information available to them at that time. However, given the author's strong statements, should this be referenced in future handbooks, Vantage will not be listed as being the grand-daughter of Paulette Brazee.

Women of Marvel

Dazzler Is a college graduate, not just a high-school one.

Millie the Model A few of her relatives were missed out. A fuller listing would be:
Known Relatives: George Henry P. Collins (father), Nancy (mother), Michael Spencer (brother), Evelyn (aunt), Misty (niece), Lily (cousin), Flo (cousin), Dee-Dee (cousin), Cornpone (cousin), Tulip (cousin), Lilybelle (cousin), Snobbia "Snobly" Goldmine (cousin), Sam Suave (cousin-in-law), Henry Bunky (cousin-in-law), Pongi (foster child)

Mystique Her weight is listed as 120lbs (variable). However Mystique cannot change her weight when she shapeshifts, she merely rearranges it. As such, her weight is no more variable than any person; she gains and loses it through eating, dieting and exercising. The correct entry should simply read "Weight: 120lbs".

Spider-Girl  Spider-Girl's eye color should be blue. Both brown and blue have been seen, but blue has been the predominant color.

Marvel Knights

Nick Fury The image of Nick is reversed, resulting in his eyepatch being on the wrong eye and his name badge being the wrong way round.

Not a mistake in the text of his entry, but a mistake related to Nick nonetheless. Two fans on the Gold/Silver/Bronze Message Board provided one of our writers with pieces of information which (after confirming the information was correct) were used in the Nick Fury entry. However we failed to thank them in the Handbook, so "Rip Jagger" and "Man With No Face", wherever and whoever you are, thank you very much.

Madrox His Group Affiliations should include "X-Men (Muir Island incarnation)".

Punisher (1) A tour with the marines is 13 months, not 12 like in the army.
(2) Frank Castle has a middle name, and it starts with G.

Age of Apocalypse

Abyss His entry lists him as sharing a common mother, Mystique, with Nightcrawler. In fact, they share a common father, Azazel.

Beak  His place of birth is given as Cheverly, Maryland. Though the character's first appearance in the 616 reality does mention Beak being treated poorly in Rotterdam in the Netherlands after his powers emerged, which led some to conclude he was Dutch, it does not in fact state he was born there. The most obvious biographical difference between the two Beak's is that AoA Beak was not separated from his parents, and either returned from the Netherlands with them or never went there in the first place. The information given in the AoA Handbook, written by an editor who has worked on both the X-Men and Exiles titles, is new information, not wrong information.  

Beak (Exiles)  One of his children is named Tito.

Colossus/Mikhail Their parents, unnamed in their entries, are Nikolai (father) and Alexandra Natalya (mother)

Dazzler Her real name is spelt Alison Blaire, not Allison Blair or Alison Blair. Her mother's name was Barbara, and she had a grandmother Bella.

Jean Grey Her parents were John (father) and Elaine (mother). She has (or had) an older sister, Sara.

Charles Lensherr He had a half-sister, Anya, deceased.

Magneto Erik Lensherr is an alias Magneto has used, not his real name (It is unclear whether the spelling is truly different from its Earth-616 spelling, Lehnsherr). He has another daughter, Anya, who is deceased. His first wife, Magda, is only presumed deceased (as correctly stated in Quicksilver's biography)

Quicksilver He had an older sister, Anya, who is deceased.

Rogue Her real name is Anna Marie, not Rogue, making her Anna Marie Lensherr (though that surname was an alias Magneto adopted, so the legal status of that surname is somewhat uncertain).

Spider-Man '05 Handbook:

Frederick Foswell His first appearance was missed out. It is Amazing Spider-Man I #10.

Kaine Kaine's entry mentions Detective Jack Raven - however the character's correct name is Jacob. While Jack is an accepted abbreviation of Jacob, the character didn't use that abbreviation; since all the drafts of this profile did use the correct full name, we can only presume that the error snuck in in typesetting.

Stacy Twins Harold "Normie" Osborn(newphew), Elizabeth "Liz" Allan Osborn(sister-in-law) and Mark Raxton(brother-in-law) should be listed under relatives.


Big Hero Six The information about the origin of the team's Sunpyre (as opposed to the deceased Sunpyre who was a cousin of Sunfire) as an extra-dimensional being brought to Earth-616 through Honey Lemon's Power Purse, which has not yet been shown in another comic, was supplied by the character's creator, Scott Lobdell, and is new information.

Brotherhood "Silver Sabre" should, of course, be Super Sabre.
Freedom Force went to retrieve Reinhold Kurtzmann, not Harvey Kurtzman.
Toad was not part of the Brotherhood during the adventure with Alpha the Ultimate Mutant.

Excalibur Cerise and Widget should be listed amongst former members.

Imperial Guard Binder, Chakar, Kwill and Voltor should have been listed as members (they actually were in the final draft, but somehow vanished between there and the printers)

New Mutants There were several individuals who associated with the New Mutants without it being clearly defined at the time whether they were allies or team members. When these individuals were presented to the editors and a ruling sought as to who was and wasn't a member of the New Mutants, the decision was that any Xavier's student at that time was either an X-Man or a New Mutant; this definition made both Artie Maddicks and Leech members of the New Mutants. This definition left Bird-Brain, one of their associates off the team list when the Handbook went to print. However, subsequent checking shows that the OHotMU Update '89 lists him as a member, so his omission in the Teams profile is a mistake.
Copycat is somewhat of a gray area - she was with the New Mutants in their final days, but only while posing as someone else. Copycat herself wouldn't be considered a member or ally by anyone. Her founder status in their successors, X-Force, got her listed in that team as a member (albeit with qualifiers), but she wasn't a member of the New Mutants.

Runaways Bruiser's real name is, of course, Molly Hayes and not Molly Chase as listed in the entry.

Thunderbolts Teams 2005 refers to the Ogre as a mutant. Though he was a member of Factor Three, a mutant supremacy group, the Ogre is not a mutant, something he mentions in his debut appearance in X-Men #28. Factor Three recruited him because his non-mutant abilities could not be copied by the X-Man Mimic.

X-Men The writer was asked by editorial to provide as complete a roster for the team as possible. The prime definition to be considered a member of the team was that they had been recruited by an active team member (generally one of the X-Men leaders). This meant including a number of individuals with only a brief association to the X-Men team, such as the "Muir Island X-Men"; however space restraints meant all the differing categories of X-Men were put in one listing, which has caused confusion amongst some readers. To clarify things, the profile's writer has provided a broken-down list showing who belonged to what group and (for the shorter lived incarnations of the team) where those sub-groups appeared.

Current Members: Archangel/Angel (Warren Worthington III), Beast (Henry McCoy), Bishop (Lucas Bishop), Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Cyclops (Scott Summers), Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Havok (Alex Summers), Husk (Paige Guthrie), Iceman (Robert Drake), Lockheed, Marvel Girl/Phoenix (Rachel Grey/Summers), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Polaris (Lorna Dane), Psylocke (Elisabeth Braddock), Shadowcat/Sprite/Ariel (Kitty Pryde), Rogue (Anna Marie), Storm (Ororo Munroe), White Queen (Emma Frost), Wolverine (James Howlett)

Former Members: Banshee (Sean Cassidy), Cable (Nathan Summers), Cannonball (Sam Guthrie), Chamber (Jono Starsmore), Changeling (Kevin Sidney), Dark Beast (Henry McCoy - member by long-term impersonation, real identity never sanctioned as a member), Dazzler (Alison Blaire), Forge, Joseph, Jubilee (Jubilation Lee), Juggernaut (Cain Marko), Lifeguard (Heather Cameron), Longshot, Maggott (Japheth), Magneto (Magnus), Marrow (Sarah), Marvel Girl/Phoenix (Jean Grey-Summers), Mimic (Calvin Rankin), Moonstar (Dani Moonstar), Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier), Phoenix Force, Professor X (Charles Xavier), Revanche (Kwannon), Cecilia Reyes, Sage (Tessa), Slipstream (Davis Cameron), Stacy X (Miranda Leevald), Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida), Thunderbird (John Proudstar), Thunderbird (Neal Shaara), Wolverine imposter (member by long-term impersonation, real identity never sanctioned as a member), Xorn (Kuan-Yin Xorn), Xorn (Shen Xorn)

Street Team X-Men (New X-Men #149-150, 2004): Beak (Barnell Bohusk), Cyclops, Dust (Sooraya Qadir), E.V.A., Fantomex, Forearm, Irina, Longneck, Stepford Cuckoos (Phoebe, Celeste & Mindee)

Forearm (not the same one as belongs to the Mutant Liberation Front) and Longneck of the "Street Team" X-Men were not named in that story, but rather than list them as "unnamed member with long neck, etc" Mike Marts approved naming them.

Genoshan Interim X-Men (Uncanny X-Men #392-393/X-Men #112-113, 2001): Joanna Cargill, Dazzler, Northstar, Omerta (Paulie Provenzano), Phoenix (Jean), Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida), Wraith (Hector Rendoza)

Astonishing X-Men (Astonishing X-Men #1-3, 1999): Archangel, Cable, Cyclops, Phoenix (Jean), Wolverine imposter, X-Man (Nate Grey)

Phalanx Covenant X-Men (Uncanny X-Men #316-317/X-Men #36-37, 1994): Banshee, Jubilee, Sabretooth (Victor Creed), White Queen (Emma Frost)

Muir Island X-Men (Uncanny X-Men #254-255, 1989): Banshee, Tom Corsi, Forge, Sharon Friedlander, Legion (David Haller), Madrox the Multiple Man, Moira MacTaggart, Amanda Sefton, Siryn, Alysande Stuart, Sunder

New Mutant Graduate X-Men (Uncanny X-Men Annual #10, 1986): Cannonball, Cypher (Doug Ramsey), Karma (Xi’an Coy Manh), Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Magma (Amara Aquilla), Mirage (Dani Moonstar), Sunspot (Roberto da Costa), Warlock, Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair)

X-Factor Iceman (Bobby Drake) was missed from the membership list.

X-Force Pete Wisdom was missed from the membership list.

X-Men  Both Archangel and Husk are still considered current members of the X-Men, not former. When the profile was written, they appeared to have left to join the new Excalibur in Genosha; however Excalibur #13 stated both remained members (if somewhat inactive / long distance) of the X-Men too.
While they did not appear in Uncanny X-Men #254-255, X-Men Index #5 states that Siryn and Madrox were part of the "Muir Island X-Men", joining them in X-Men Annual #15. Though the "Muir Island" team appeared to disband at the end of Uncanny 255 and the group in the Annual are referred to simply as the "Islanders" (e.g. residents of Muir Island, whose numbers just happen to overlap the "Muir Island X-Men"), the Index is a canonical source and there is nothing in the relevant issues which contradicts what it says; hence, we have to conclude the "Muir Island X-Men" remained active / temporarily reformed, and add Madrox the Multiple Man and Siryn to the list of members.

X-Statix In X-Statix #10 ("The Diaries of Edie Sawyer") we can see on a TV screen three unidentified members of X-Statix (then X-Force). As such, the entry should have listed "three unidentified" in the membership list.

Fantastic Four
Galactus  Galactus is also credited as consuming the home of the Luphomoids.
Due to the extensive trimming required, the entry appears to indicate that the Phoenix is the force that saved Galan. While the information as stated is not wrong, the conclusion it seems to guide to is not quite accurate. The original entry as written was over twice the allowed length, and had to be heavily trimmed. The intent of the sentence was lost in the trimming process. It would be more accurate to say:
As the previous universe met its end, the Phoenix Force harnessed the positive emotions of everyone in the cosmos to save them from eternal damnation, enabling the sentience of the universe join with Galan and allow him to survive into the next reality.

To clarify further:

Nothing is said about whether the Phoenix force petitioned the sentience of the universe or not. One might infer that, if one chose to. 
1) The universe was being destroyed, and all existence was falling into the hands of demonic forces.
2) The Phoenix Force harnessed the positive emotions to save all existence from this fate
3) The next thing shown is Galan plunging into the the fiery cauldron of the cosmos, and the sentience of the universe spoke to him.

The implications/significance are (at least) twofold:
1) The Phoenix Force existed in a previous incarnation in the reality before the current one.
2) Galan would likely have fallen into the hands of the dark forces and never had the chance to become Galactus if not for the Phoenix Force

Another area of contention is Galactus being listed as a physical being (one with a real body) rather than an abstract (one without a real body, such as Death or Eternity, who instead manifests physically through the use of M-Bodies. Simply put, Galactus is a physical being:
in Quasar #38, Quasar wonders why Galactus and the Stranger were at a meeting with abstract beings since they were not abstract, but physical beings. The Contemplator (the real one, not the Skrull imposter) answers that he doesn't know why, and they went to find out. Quasar has studied under Eon and has a decent idea of what's going on, though he could have been mistaken. The Contemplator is extensively educated and highly knowledgable, and he certainly gave no response that would indicate disagreement. Anthropomorpho (whose people provide the M-Bodies used by abstracts) later says "Certain powerful entities also enlist our services so they mat be able to put in appearance somewhere without actually attending. We give our newborns the finite beings to practice on before they are allowed to manifest abstract beings." During this discussion, Galactus (and Galactus only) is pictured in the background. Certainly, Galactus is more than purely physical, he is of cosmic importance; however, he is not an abstract being. Mark Gruenwald wrote the above story, and he invented M Bodies. He clearly saw Galactus as a physical being. Tom Brevoort supports this. Never has there been a story that shows Galactus as a soley abstract being using an M-Body every time he wants to take physical form.

Inhumans The Dark Riders were omitted from the list of members. Those members who were Inhumans are Barrage, Foxbat, Gauntlet, Hardrive, Mainframe, Psynapse, Tusk, Underlings.
Alecto (daughter of Gorgon) and Sporr (who appeared in Avengers I #376) were also missed out.

Skrulls Tenelle, who appeared in Namor (Vol 1) #18, was omitted from the list of Skrulls.
Zkrodd - from Impossible Man Summer Fun Spectacular
Rocco, who appeared in Avengers Annual #14, was also missed.

Bibliography Franklin Richard's future self appeared in X-Factor Annual #5, not #2

Avengers '05

Avengers The Spidey listing in the "recent recruits" section of the Avengers profile incorrectly cited Avengers #329 as his point of membership. Spidey actually joined in #316.

Count Nefaria The Thunderbird who died on Nefaria's plane was John Proudstar, not James.

Spider-Woman (Carpenter)  In Spider-Woman (Julia, that is) #4, we see her mother's maiden name was Wesselman. So in Julia's known relatives it should probably be "Elizabeth Wesselman Cornwall (mother)", instead of just "Elizabeth Cornwall (mother)".

Triathlon  Triathlon's education is listed as unrevealed, but there's a line of dialogue where he mentions hustling pool in college, so he did at least some unspecified college studies (and probably finished high school).

Ultimate Spider-Man and Fantastic Four

Various entries Sue and Johnny Storm's father is named William Storm in a number of spots throughout various profiles, but is Franklin Storm in other areas and in Ultimate FF #19. This mistake arose because the advanced scripts for #19 listed him as William, but the name changed to Franklin before the issue went to print; the correction was not universally made throughout the Handbook. In all cases, his name should be Franklin.

Electro Dillon's first name is Max, information confirmed in a title page.

Ben Parker As mentioned in Ultimate X-Men, Ben Parker worked in a printing plant, so his occupation should reflect that.

Spider-Man One part of his history is slightly out of order - he first fought Iron Fist after meeting Geldoff.

Alternate Universes

Appendix Earth-9930 is listed as first appearing in Avengers Forever#4. In fact that reality can be glimpsed on one of Immortus' viewscreens in Avengers Forever#1.


Mephisto He fought Dr. Doom for the soul of Doom's mother on Midsummer, not Halloween.

X-Men 2005

Cable John & Elaine Grey are his step-grandparents, not his step-great-grandparents.

Captain Britain Brian may be immune to Betsy's powers, but he is not immune to Jamie's, something he is painfully aware of.

Savage Land We've been asked "what are the citations for that part, the WWII part?". So, in order, here's how that entry broke down:

X-Men Roster - Thunderbird is incorrectly listed as James Proudstar, when it should be John Proudstar.

Xorn > Xorn is listed as having no aliases when it should'be been (Kuan-Yin) Magneto; (Shen) None

Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men

Captain Britain His power grid should list his speed as 5, not 3

Avengers Most Wanted

Tiger Shark Somehow got the physical stats of another character - he should be Height: 6' 1"; Weight: 450 lbs.; Eyes; Grey; Hair: Brown

A-Z 2006

Book One

Acolytes The guy in Rakkus' picture is Seamus Mellencamp

Alpha It should be noted that while Alpha was affiliated with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, he wasn't actually a member.

Arides BlakGard points out: In Arides' entry, it claims Hala (the Kree homeworld) is in the Andromeda galaxy, but it's been established that the Kree Empire is in the Magellanic Clouds, which are small galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. That is 100% correct. As far as we know, Hala is in the Greater Magellanic Clouds, while the Skrulls are from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Book Six
"The House of M reality is simply a name for the unique state of existence created by the Scarlet Witch. It is indeed an ALTERED reality (specifically, an altered Earth-616)--not an ALTERNATE reality. It is so altered that events that occurred in Earth-616-normal did not affect those in House of M or vice-versa. Reality-58163 is a core continuum designation for the unique altered reality and the events that occurred within that altered reality."


Last updated: 08/12/06