Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human variant (the Blood), magic user
Occupation: Agent of Zarathos
Group Membership: The Blood, the Fallen
Affiliations: Zarathos; formerly the Spirits of Vengeance; Xoc (former lover)
Enemies: The Blood; Midnight Sons (Blade, John Blaze, Frank Drake, Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch/Noble Kale, Hannibal King, Morbius, Vengeance)
Known Relatives: Possibly the Blood
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: currently unknown; the catacombs below Cypress Hills Cemetery; the ruins of a former Tibetan monastery; an unnamed dimension
First Appearance: (Shadows) Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#17 (December, 1993), (seen) Nightstalkers#15 (January, 1994), (named) Midnight Sons Unlimited#4 (January, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Somewhat undefined. He is apparently immune to conventional disease and the effects of aging. Atrocity's very being is an offense against nature: "My sweat splashes like crashing waves...My skin flakes off and sets the Earth to tremor...My eyes burn with the power of the Heavens themselves!" He could project great heat from his eyes, and apparently had some degree of superhuman strength and durability. He can mix his form with the environment, causing whatever he merges with to explode violently.
History: BTS-Long ago, Atrocity was one
of the Blood, who fought against the evil of Zarathos. He may
even date back as far as 20, 000 BC.
At some point, Atrocity turned from the Blood, and became one of
the Fallen, who instead worshipped and served Zarathos.
(Midnight Sons Unlimited#4 (fb) - BTS) - Centuries, or perhaps millennia ago, the Fallen assaulted a South American tribe (Incan? Aztec? Mayan?). Atrocity fell in love with one of the natives, Xoc.
BTS - The Fallen were banished to an unnamed dimension in the distant past, and Atrocity presumably was among them.
BTS - The Fallen regained access to Earth via the machinations of their own sorcerous ally, Salomé.
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#17) - Several of the Fallen, including Atrocity, appeared in Cypress Hill Cemetery, rescuing Zarathos from defeat at the hands of the Midnight Sons.
(Nightstalkers#15) - Zarathos and the Fallen attacked the Midnight Sons briefly, then abducted Caretaker and invaded and took over Caretaker's former base below the cemetery. The Nightstalkers (Blade, Frank Drake, and Hannibal King) followed them, but Drake was trapped and the others for forced to temporarily flee.
(Ghost Rider III#45 - BTS) - Patriarch joined the Fallen.
(Marvel Comics
Presents I#145) - Atrocity and the Fallen observed as Patriarch and
Zarathos plotted against the Blood and continued to torture
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#61) - Atrocity listened as Patriarch explained their connection to Salomé.
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#18) - Atrocity observed Zarathos' apparent killing of Ghost Rider/Ketch.
(Midnight Sons Unlimited#4) - Atrocity, alongside Zarathos and the remaining members of the Fallen, engaged in final battle with the Midnight Sons. They fled back to a ruined Tibetan monastery to regroup, and then met up with the Midnight Sons at the South American jungle temple base of Foundry. Atrocity was sent into the temple by Patriarch, to stop Blade from gaining Justicar, the magical sword of Foundry. As Atrocity confronted him, Blade empowered Justicar on Foundry's blood and then killed Atrocity.
Comments: Created by Howard Mackie's hard to tell...everyone who wrote and drew the "Siege of Darkness" had a part, I guess.
In the early appearances of the Fallen, it is exceedingly
difficult to tell Atrocity from Metarchus. I think that's
because no one had any idea who or what either of them were, and
just made it up as they went along.
Xoc was a native of a South
American tribe (Incan? Aztec? Mayan?) assaulted by the Fallen
centuries or millennia in the past. Atrocity fell in love with
her, but the details of their relationship are unknown. It likely
had a bad ending, as her memory was still painful to him in the
modern era. As he died, he whispered her name.
--Midnight Sons Unlimited#4-BTS
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#17 (December, 1993) - Howard Mackie (writer), Henry Martinez (pencils), Bud La Rosa (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Nightstalkers#15 (January, 1994) - Steve Grant (writer), Andrew Wildman (pencils), Frank Turner (inks), Chris Cooper (editor)
Ghost Rider III#45 (January, 1994) - Howard Mackie (writer), Ron Garney (pencils), Chris Ivy (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents I#145 (January, 1994) - Chris Cooper (writer), Reggie Jones (pencils), Fred Harper (inks), Richard Ashford (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#61 (January, 1994) - David Quinn (writer), Melvin Rubi (pencils), Fred Harper (inks), Evan Skolnick (editor)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#18 (January, 1994) - Howard Mackie (writer), Henry Martinez (pencils), Bud La Rosa (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Midnight Sons Unlimited#4 (January, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), John Hixson & John Bridges (pencils), Bill Anderson, Rich Rankin & Scott Koblish (inks), Evan Skolnick (editor)
Last updated: 08/02/02
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