Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: None known, still a minor
Group Membership: Former member of Ammos gang
Affiliations: Ammo
Enemies: Daredevil, Black Widow, the NYPD, concerned citizens of Hells Kitchen, and three Vietnam vets (as member of Ammos gang)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hells Kitchen, New York
Appearances: Daredevil I#252 (March, 1988)
Powers: None, but probably had some degree of street smarts due to living in Hells Kitchen.
(Daredevil I#252) - During the apparently Apocalyptic events of the
"Fall of the Mutants" cross-over that occurred in New
York City, Bad Seed joined the ranks of those afraid or ready to
take advantage of the chaos who were led by Ammo, who named him
by calling him "a Bad Seed." He participated in the
ensuing looting and rioting and helped Ammo draw up a plan to
attack the hospital for drugs and medical supplies. Before this
could be carried out, Daredevil, Black Widow, the police, several
concerned citizens, and three Vietnam veterans attacked the
armory the gang and Bad Seed were using as a base of operations.
In this final battle, it is unknown what became of Bad Seed; he
was either killed or wounded by Ammo when he began to fire
indiscriminately into both sides of the conflict, or he escaped.
Comments: Created by Ann Nocenti and John Romita Jr.
Im not sure if this character made any appearances before or after this appearance; if so, please let me know. He was an interesting character, having reservations about what Ammo had planned for whom he dubbed "victims." What happened to him after this? Did Ammos murderous assault against innocents, friends, and foes reinforce Ammos ideology of "victors" and "victims" within him? Did it disgust him, making him change for the better? An event as traumatic as this would definitely have one of these effects on him.
The vets may have been members of the Guardian Angels or some Marvel Universe variant of this organization. Only one of them was seen to die in the final conflict so the others might still be alive.
Profile by KYLE SMITH
Clarifications: No known connection to: Unnamed vetI#2-was a demolitions expert Unnamed vetI#3-was killed in the final
assault Appearances: Last updated: 08/02/02 All characters mentioned or pictured are
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vetI#1-1st to recognize and speak to Daredevil
Daredevil I#252 (March, 1988) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Ralph Macchio, Marc Siry (editors)