Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Mercenary
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mr. Kline/Assassin (employer); Slasher (partner), Lucie (driver)
Enemies: Iron Man (Tony Stark), Marianne Rodgers
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Washington, D.C., USA
First Appearance: Iron Man I#41 (September, 1971)
Powers: Demetrius possessed limited powers of precognition. In addition, he possessed the ability to cast convincing illusions, making it appear as if he could grow to 15 feet tall and access far greater powers. In this form, he appeared to possess superhuman and strength and durability (at least Class 25), could fly and fire powerful energy blasts, and possessed prehensile pincers able to exert pressure and possibly even crush Iron Man's armor. He must be able to concentrate to maintain his powerful form.
History: Unrevealed. Demetrius was presumably empowered by Mr. Kline, alongside the Slasher. He allowed the Slasher to dominate him, posing as his assistant, until the time his full power was needed.
Kline then sent the two to assault Washington, D.C. Again Iron Man appeared, and this time battled the two. Demetrius accessed his full power and began to easily batter Iron Man. However, as he and the Slasher prepared to execute Iron Man, his girlfriend Marianne Rodgers rushed to the scene. Her own raw, undisciplined mental powers interfered with Demetrius', causing them to vanish, leaving him in his weak, human form, unable to even stand or see. He was presumably arrested. |
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway and George Tuska.
Many of Mr. Kline's agents were robots, but there is neither evidence to support or deny this as being the case with Demetrius.
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Last updated: 08/16/04
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