Real Name: Stan Lee;
legally changed from his orginal name: Stanley Martin Lieber
Identity/Class: Human/Icon
Occupation: Writer, Chairperson of Marvel Comics, head of "Marvel West" (dealing with television and movie projects for Marvel Entertainment), publisher, lecturer, and small-time actor.
Group Membership: Marvel Comics
Affiliations: The Destroyer, Dr. Strange, the Fantastic Four, Father Time, Galactus, the Howling Commandos (Dum-Dum Dugan, Nick Fury, Gabe Jones, Eric Koenig, Dino Manelli, Pinky Pinkerton, Reb Ralston), Jack Frost, Paul Jenkins, Rick Jones, Joan Lee, Stan Lee ("Earth-20060"), Magneto, the Marvel Bullpen (including, but not necessarily limited to, Dick Ayers, Charles Bentley, Carl Burrgos, Hank Chapman, Gene Colan, Steve Ditko, Vince Fago, Fred Hembeck, Jack Kirby, Carlos Pacheco, George Perez, Roy Thomas, Marv Wolfman), Night Cat, the Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Players, Professor X, Steve Rennitz, Franklin Richards, She-Hulk (Jen Walters), SF NET, the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Vision, Wong
Enemies: The Distinguished
Competition (former); Dr. Doom, the Impossible
Man, Juggernaut, the Melter, the Mole Man, Nightmare, the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt), Sentinels, Hubert "Wertham";
formerly the Diascar, Smasher (Vril Rokk)
Known Relatives: Joan Clayton Bookock Lee (wife), Larry Leiber (brother), Joan Celia "J.C." Lee (daughter), Jean Davis (cousin), Martin Goodman (cousin by marriage)
Aliases: "The Man", S.T. Anley, Neel Nats, Stan Martin, "Mr. Marvel," Puzzlemaster, the Punisher, the American Fighting Man, "Mr. Macho," Willie Lumpkin (film role), Boris (impersonated)
Base of Operations: Mobile, including New York City; resides in California
Born: December 28, 1922
First Appearance: (mentioned): Marvel Mystery Comics I#23/4 (September, 1941);
(fully seen): Astonishing#4/4 (June, 1951)
Powers/Abilities: Stan is a talented scripter and editor, and can account surprisingly well for himself in a physical confrontation.
He possesses a mastery of vocabulary and alliteration that borders on
super-human (see also Comments).
Height: 6'
Weight: 155 lbs. (both stats from 1990)
History: (Marvel Mystery Comics I#23/4 - BTS)
- The extradimensional Vision met with comic book editor Stan Lee,
explaining that he had received hundreds of letters asking for more
information about himself. Asking to use a bit of space in Lee's latest
comic book, the Vision related the story of his native smoke dimension
and how he had come from the smoke dimension to Earth to Lee, who
published the narration in the comic book as requested.
(All Winners Comics I#2/4 - BTS) - In the Fall of 1941, Stan Lee, as the editor of All Winners Comics,
was visited by superheroes Captain America, the Human Torch, the
Sub-Mariner, Bucky, Toro, the Destroyer and the Whizzer, who recounted
some of the Destroyer and Whizzer's adventures in hopes of petitioning
to get the Destroyer and Whizzer a spot in All Winners Comics.
Smiling at the Destroyer and the Whizzer, Lee happily agreed to allow
adaptations of Destroyer and Whizzer's adventures to be published in All Winners Comics
and remarked that he was sure the comic book readers would agree with
the choice to include the two heroes. The Sub-Mariner cheered and Bucky
reminded Stan not to forget to include Bucky and Toro in the book as
(Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#22/Sgt. Fury Annual#1/2) - During his time in the US military, Stan was stationed overseas in England, where he witnessed first-hand some of the heroics of Sgt. Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos. He suggested to Corporal Dick Ayers that the two of them produce a comic about the Howlers one day.
(Invaders I#16) - Private Lee was in attendance at a meeting between important senior military officials and the Invaders. He brought them some Major Victory comic books which had been drawn by Biljo White, a private recently captured by the Nazis because of his creation's smiliarity to Captain America.
(Stan Lee Meets the Thing#1/2) - At a U. S. Army camp in 1944, Sgt. Stan Lee took pride in how easy his job for Timely Comics was. Stan's daydreaming was soon halted when his Captain phoned him, demanding a new military training film and wanting Stan to get some of his "comic book heroes" to star in it. Stan quickly phoned the Timely offices and asked the editor Vince Fao to lend him a few superheroes to help star in the training film. Soon after, two of Timely's heroes arrived, and Stan was shocked that Fago had sent him the Destroyer, Father Time, and Jack Frost, as opposed to Captain America, the Human Torch, or the Sub-Mariner. A while later, Stan lost track of the heroes and went outside to find them using his Buick, only to have the Red Skull commandeer the vehicle. Thinking the Red Skull to be a fake, Stan "played along" and got tough with him. The Red Skull pointed a gun at Lee, only to have it cut in half by Father Time's scythe. Jack Frost and the Destroyer soon arrived as well and made quick work of the Skull. They then announced that their time was up and they had to leave. With the heroes gone, Stan had to improvise the training film, using himself as the hero called the American Fighting Man. The U. S. General loved the idea of a hero in uniform and asked where he got the idea, to which Stan replied that it had just happened that way. As the General left, Stan thought to himself if he would ever come up with any really great characters.
(Marvel Comics: History
of the Marvels) - Starting from circa the 1950's, the majority of
Atlas' output was devoted to titles depicting supposedly authenticated
tales of peoples' encounters with extraterrestrial lifeforms. Creatures
such as Goom and Oog and Groot filled the pages--each tale personally verified and vouched for by Stan Lee and his staff.
In fact, the first title devoted to one of the modern
Marvels was produced during this period. Atlas released two issues of
THE INCREDIBLE HULK, based on accounts provided by soldiers stationed
in the American southwest of their encounters with an alternately gray
or green rampaging creature. Buried among so many similar titles, the
series folded without causing a ripple--it is only in retrospect that
its true significance becomes apparent.
(History of the Marvels) After a stock market reversal wiped out Reed
Richards' capital (seen in FF I#9), the FF had to seek other revenue
streams to continue to pay for their activities. The team made a deal
with S-M Studios to produce a documentary about their exploits--only to
discover that the studio was a front for their enemy, the
recently-revived Sub-Mariner. Namor intended to use the pretext of the
film to lure the adventurers into perilous situations, and thus destroy
As part of the negotiation. S-M Studios also
acquired the publishing rights to the adventures of the Fantastic Four.
Perhaps remembering Timely's wartime adaptations of his own exploits,
Namor, through his underlings at the studio, approached Stan Lee and
Atlas about producing a comic book series about the famous quartet.
Never slow when fortune smiled upon him, Lee quickly closed the deal,
becoming the defacto spokesman for the superhuman community in the
In the end, the Sub-Mariner's scheme was foiled, the
movie was released, and the Fantastic Four's finanical standing
returned to its previous healthy state. Upon learning of the conditions
under which he'd been granted a publishing agreement, Lee offered to
terminate the deal there and then, despite what it would do to Atlas'
projected earnings. But the Fantastic Four liked Lee and his creative
Johnny Storm owned ratty copies of CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS that Lee's
chief artist, Jack Kirby, had illustrated decades before so the
arrangement was allowed to stand and to flourish.
Picking up on a new term for
metahumans--Marvels--popularized by photojournalist Phil Sheldon, and
in homage to the company's first title, Lee proudly proclaimed that the
Marvel Age of Comics had arrived to anyone who'd hear him. Lee later
made arrangements with Tony Stark to put out IRON MAN and AVENGERS
Lee also decided to do a title about the furtive
Spider-Man. He ran an ad in the Daily Bugle and set up a hot line, and
his secretary ended up taking calls from people who claimed to have
seen Spider-Man, about what he was like. Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah
Jameson was outraged to find himself depicted in the new Spider-Man
comic book, and quickly filed suit against Marvel. But the suit was
dropped after Lee met with Jameson, and agreed not to use his name or
likeness again. "They were really very similar in a lot of ways, and
they got along famously" reported Flo Steinberg. From that point on,the
fictitious Daily Clarion and its publisher T. T. Thomas were a fixture
of the SPIDER-MAN magazine.
A more famous lawsuit, and one that went the distance,was
the one filed against Marvel by Bruno Horgan, the Melter. After being
captured by the Avengers while operating as one of the Masters of Evil (see comments),
Horgan sued Marvel over the depiction of the Melter in the IRON MAN
comic book while awaiting his own criminal trial. Horgan claimed that
such a derogatory presentation was sure to influence the jury in a
negative way, and hurt his chances of being exonerated. Eventually, the
judge ruled in Lee's favor, setting up the principle that anyone
committing a crime in a costumed alter-ego would automatically give up
certain rights of privacy.
(Astonishing#4/4) - Stan Lee met with one of his writers, Hank Chapman, who came up with bizarre ideas for stories by using creatures from his nightmares. Stan encouraged Hank to come up with more nightmares, but Hank wound up being assaulted by the creatures his nightmares created.
(Mystery Tales I#24/6) - One of Stan's writers
visited Stan in his office and, impressed by the writer's horror
stories, immediately paid the writer and suggested he go home to write
more stories, unaware that the writer was so good at writing horror
stories because he was a vampire.
(Suspense#29/4) - One day at his office at Atlas Comics, Stan was visited by an irrate man (Hubert "Wertham"), complaining fiercely about the horror comics Atlas was publishing. Stan countered that no one was forcing him to read their comics, which were intended merely for escapism value. Stan related the story of this "raving maniac" to his daughter, JC, as a bedtime story that evening.
(Silver Surfer#-1) - In the days of Atlas, Lee was working on a script when he saw a flying saucer outside of his window. Thinking it a practical joke, Lee got transported inside of it. He met others (Henrietta Rose, an Asian woman, a Hindi man or boy). He approached the aliens, who transported him to his office. With no recollection of what had happened, he still had the idea for an alien invasion saga "The Grotesque Grey Gargoyles from Alpha Centauri". (Henrietta was saved by the Silver Surfer, but her, Radd's, and the other Terrans' memories were erased.)
(Chamber of Darkness#2/3) - Stan narrated the story of a sort of modern "Masque of the Red Death". The story involved a millionaire weapons manufacturer involved in biological and chemical warfare. Stan Lee noted that, unknown to scientist and the others, the "Red Death" did not spread more than twenty miles in any direction, so in fact the scientist and the holdouts were not the last people on Earth.
(Stan Lee Meets Silver Surfer#1/2) - Stan Lee visited a young Paul Jenkins in 1971 where he inspired Jenkins to create better heroes and stories. With his job done, Stan left in the Fantasticar, trying to remember whether or not it started with a red button.
(Ghost Rider III#-1) - Thirteen years ago, The Man was there watching as Naomi Kale, mother of John Blaze and Danny Ketch, arrived at the Quentin Carnival to check out on her sons. Later, when Naomi was being buried by her "poppa," Destin Kale, Stan was also there to watch and tell the readers what shall happen later to Naomi's offspring.
(Alpha Flight: In the Beginning#-1) - Stan served as minister at the wedding of James Hudson and Heather McNeil.
(Sensational Spider-Man#-1) - Stan pre-empted the next show a young Peter Parker was going to watch, but was turned off by Uncle Ben. Stan then introduced a tale of Peter and Uncle Ben fishing in which they encountered many of Marvel's pre-FF#1 monsters. The tale was revealed to be a nightmare, created by Nightmare, but Stan beat Nightmare up with a tennis racket.
(Tales To Astonish I#20) - At one time, Stan employed writer Charles Bentley, and encouraged him in his fantastic stories about monsters. Unknown to Stan, Bentley's typewriter would cause the creatures he created on it to come to life, which ultimately led to the creation of X, the Thing That Lived.
(Amazing Adult Fantasy#12) - Stan Lee and Steve Ditko were at work when a little man came in hoping to sell them story ideas. They unceremoniously threw him out, unaware that he was a native of the 5th Dimension; the man transformed himself into a flying light and returned to his home dimension to watch a battle between the Kreeks and the Zooboos.
(Tales Of Suspense I#33) - Stan was visited by Hiram Cragmoor, who attempted to sell him the story of how he trapped reporter Mike Mathews in the Chamber of Fear, but Stan didn't believe his story either.
(Kid Colt, Outlaw#107) - Stan received a detailed account of how the 1880's outlaw Kid Colt was saved from death by "the Giant Monster of Midnight Valley". Not wanting Colt's heroism to go unremembered, the creature had waited nearly 100 years to deliver this tale to Stan Lee, so that he could use it in the Kid Colt comics.
(Fantastic Four I#10) - While developing the latest issue of the Fantastic Four comic, (in which they discussed a new character, "False Face"), Stan and Jack Kirby were visited by Dr. Doom, who forced them to summon Mr. Fantastic to their offices, where Doom used an Ovoid technique to exchange bodies with him.
(The Official Marvel No-Prize Book#1 (fb)) - As a young writer, Stan was visited by Spider-Man, who inspired his use of phrases like "Face Front, True Believers!".
(Amazing Fantasy III#15/10 - BTS) - After seeing a
man swinging by his window, a man named Steve phoned Stan to tell him.
Looking out the window, Steve ended up falling out of the window,
leaving Stan on the other end of the phone line, wondering if Steve was
still there.
(Crazy Magazine#94) - On numbered page 17, there is a
"Fairy Tale Fantasy...and the All-Too-Real Reality" feature, covering
Mary Wilshire's learning of Crazy Magazine being cancelled. It included
a memo from Stan Lee:
(Avengers Classic#1/3) - Stan Lee told a story about how he had visited Wasp, the Hulk, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Thor immediately after they defeated Loki. While each hero thought they had done most of the work, Stan explained that it was the story he had written based on the fight that made them look good. He then announced that he had a new idea for the heroes to join together as a team, thinking they might become as famous as the Howling Commandos. Thor asked if Stan mentioned them just for a shameless plug for his comic book but Stan denied the allegations, claiming that Nick only gave him a souvenir grenade which he then lobbed behind him. The grenade soon exploded, prompting the Wasp to leave the assemblage. Stan quickly stopped her with an insect net and explained that he would write stories about them meeting the legendary Captain America. Many of the heroes still weren't sold until minutes later, they miraculously changed their minds. Stan then explained that he had originally managed to change their minds by offering the heroes a royalty for each comic book sold with them in it.
(Strange Tales I#123) - Stan, along with Carl Burrgos, observed the Human Torch and Thing's defeat of the Beetle.
(Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#1/3) - Arguing with Steve Ditko over a period of several days, Stan helped plot an issue of Amazing Spider-Man volume one.
(Stan Lee Meets Doctor Doom#1/2) - Following a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom returned to Latveria to doctor his nearly-crushed hands. Stan Lee, disguised as Doom's aide Boris, reminded Doom of all of his failures and explained that the general public of Latveria wished that Doom would stay out of out-of-country affairs and remain in Latveria. Doom eventually ordered "Boris" to leave, warning him that if he ever spoke to him like that again, he would flogged within an inch of his life. As he left, Stan Lee removed his mask and commented to himself that he almost got Doom to quit.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#3) - As Gabe Jones rushed to tell Nick Fury of two party crashers and their names, Fury argued that no uninvited guests were to be allowed at the wedding of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Girl. Gabe and Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan escorted Stan and his "partner-in-party crashing" Jack Kirby off the wedding premises. The two vowed to get even and that once they returned to the Bullpen and began writing the next issue, that they would show them!
I#29) - Daredevil, en route to a planned proposal to Karen Page, took a
short cut over a building on Madison Avenue, and swung right past
Stan's office. Stan tried to get him to come in, or at least wait until
he could get Gene Colan to come see him. However, DD couldn't wait:
DD: "He'll get over it! See you around, Tiger!"
Stan: "Okay! Hang Loose, Hero!"
(Daredevil Annual I#1/5) - Stan dragged Gene Colan out of bed on a late winter evening to co-plot an issue of Daredevil. Stan planned to kill off DD in a battle with Baron Heinrich Zemo (not caring that Zemo was already dead), and replace his comic with "Foggy, the Man Filled with Fear."
(Avengers I Annual#1/2) - After stressing to meet deadline on his latest Avengers comic
story, writer Roy Thomas managed to get the art turned in at the 11th
hour and was ready to finally rest until Stan Lee showed up and
informed Thomas that Sol Brodsky had told him that Thomas was running
late on the next week's books. When Roy Thomas and his artists Don Heck
and John Buscema collapsed in an overstressed heap upon hearing Stan,
Stan wondered aloud if it was something he said.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#5) - One day at the Marvel offices, Stan and Kirby were overrun with fans of Marvel Comics, demanding to see their favorite super-heroes. Stan and Jack led them instead to several super-villains. Indignant at them for the injuries they had suffered, Juggernaut and the Melter tracked Lee and Kirby down and put them in the hospital. Lying in full body casts, Stan declared they would continue their work from there, even as the Mole Man tunneled in through the floor...
(Sub-Mariner I#19) - Stan was one of the many Bullpen members in a crowd looking over Namor, unconscious on the beach.
(Sgt. Fury Annual#6/1) - Stan Lee (with Roy Thomas, Dick Ayers, John Severin, and Gary Friedrich) feeling unsure what to do for the Sgt. Fury Annual, called up Nick Fury, who related some of his past adventures.
(Daredevil I#79)- Stan and Joan exited a show in the Theatre District, which neither of them were very impressed with. Looking on the bright side of things, Stan commented that since the show was over early enough, he'd have time to write Spider-Man when they got home. Daredevil ran by, in mid-battle with the Man-Bull, and shouted, "Greetings, fearless leader! Sorry I don't have time to stop and rap!"
(Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#100) - Celebrating the 100th issue of the Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos Marvel Comic, Stan Lee "roasted" the Howlers themselves at a special ceremony. The roast was interrupted when an assassin attempted to kill Senator Robert "Reb" Ralston. Stan remained by Ralston's side while Fury and his friends chased the assassins.
(Iron Man I#85) - Stan, along with Jack Kirby and several other Marvel staffers, encountered Iron Man. Stan was impressed with the rocket-powered roller skates Iron Man employed.
(X-Men I#98) - Along with Jack Kirby, Stan was present when Cyclops and Jean Gray of the X-Men publicly embraced and kissed each other, commenting on how things had changed since "their day." This touching, happy, and heart-stirring moment was then disrupted by an attack from the murderous, mutant-hunting Sentinels!
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(Stan Lee Presents The Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book#1 (fb) - BTS) - Stan got his hands on a mystic pencil and put on a costume, calling himself the Puzzlemaster. (Stan Lee Presents The Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book#1) - Roy Thomas called numerous heroes (calling them the M.M.C.C.P. or Merry Marvel's Cavortin' Costumed People) to Marvel to find out who the Puzzlemaster was and if he was a threat. The likes of Black Bolt, Black Panther, Captain America, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Luke Cage, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Falcon, Fantastic Four, Hercules, Hulk, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Man-Thing, Medusa, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man and Thor solved the riddle and guessed it was Stanley, a friend of African explorer Livingstone. Roy Thomas rightly gussed the true identity of the Puzzlemaster as Stan Lee, who unmasked in front of the surprised heroes. Especially Man-Thing wondered how Stan got all his muscles. |
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(Fantastic Four I#176) - Stan and the Marvel Bullpen were invaded by the Impossible Man, who requested that they give him his own comic book. When Stan called him "silly looking", he became irate, and attacked him. Stan was picked up and pulled to safety by George Perez, while the Fantastic Four fought the Impossible Man. They ultimately reached a settlement, with Stan promising to feature the Impossible Man in one of his comics, but after they left, Stan revealed he had no intention of publishing it, saying, "Marvel Comics hasn't got time to waste on silly-looking characters!" as he walked past a poster of Howard the Duck.
(Nova I#5) - Nova (Richard Rider) came to the Marvel
Bullpen in response to a request from Sal Buscema and Marv Wolfman to
do a comic book on him. They went to make a proposal to Stan, but he
was still out on his lecture tour--spreading the faith, so to speak.
They checked back a few minutes later, but he had been back in and back
out again, and was off at a lecture at the LaSalle Extension University.
Finally, after a battle with Tyrannus (actually a Tyrannoid in his form and under his control (see They
Who Wield Power) in Central Park, they
caught up
with Stan and made their proposal.
Stan: "Sorry, but he's too
young and
inexperienced. In today's competitive market we've got to hit big!
Blockbusters only!
(To Nova) "No offense, guy, but try again next year--after you've
a name for yourself. All right?
(To Marv Wolfman) "As for you, Marvy, we've just signed up our
character. His name's Midas the Million Dollar Mouse! Get to work
his book. Costanza's drawing it."
(Amazing Spider-Man I#169) - Stan met with Clancy Little and Michele Snyderman, winners of the "Spider-Man Dance Contest".
(Marvel Team-Up I#74) - Stan Lee hosted Saturday Night Live and introduced musical guest Rick Jones. However, the Silver Samurai and a number of his thugs infiltrated the show seeking the Samurai's missing teleportation ring, attracting the attention of Spider-Man and a number of the show's cast. When a number of the skits and performers went missing, "the Man" presumably helped improvise new material. Lee and the full cast took their bows at the evening's end, with Stan blissfully unaware of the backstage battle.
(Obnoxio the Clown I#1/4) - While reading a
depressing letter in the "Dear Flabby" section of the newspaper,
Obnoxio the Clown remarked on how the writer could have avoided such
stress by subscribing to a Marvel comic book, further commenting that
he couldn't take credit for all of the books and pulling aside Stan Lee
as Marvel's "guiding light and spreader of the true word." Confused as
to what was going on, Stan Lee asked Jim Shooter if Obnoxio was one of
Marvel's creations.
(Uncanny X-Men Annual#7 - BTS) - Performing a scavenger hunt, the Impossible Man journeyed to New York to find Stan Lee, one of the items he was to collect, but found that Stan had moved to California. Before he could take further action, he was interrupted by the X-Men.
(Marvel Team-Up I#137) - Stan had a bad dream, in which Aunt May became a Herald of Galactus called "the Golden Oldie".
(The Marvel Fumetti Book#1) - Stan visited the Marvel offices, and berated the staff for "Alcoholic Iron Men, dead vampires, Beta Ray whatsisname, and mohawks," but he was only kidding, and just wanted to act like he was in charge. He later did a centerfold pin-up, but did it while wearing an Incredible Hulk costume.
(Amazing Spider-Man I Annual#18) - Stan attended the wedding of J. Jonah Jameson and Marla Madison.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#22/3) - Stan was again visited by the Impossible Man, checking on the status of his comic. When Stan revealed he was now involved in Marvel's television interests, he tried to convince Stan to make him a star. The Fantastic Four arrived to defend Stan, but ultimately, it was Wonder Man who saved the day, by inadvertantly convincing the Impossible Man to become a movie star.
(Incredible Hulk II#376 - BTS) - At some point, Stan
Lee autographed a photo of himself for Rick Jones, who had the signed
photo framed.
(Web of Spider-Man I#73) - Stan attended the sculpture opening for Alicia Masters with his wife, Joan, just before it was literally crashed by the Headmen.
(Avengers I#332; 333 - BTS) - Stan attended the grand opening of the new Avengers Headquarters, along with many important heads of states. He told a joke to the Vision, but the Vision didn't understand it.
(What If I#34) - In response to: "What Will Happen When Stan Lee Reads this issue?" Lee, enraged by the all-humor What IF issue said, "You're fired! Nuff said!"
(Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe#1) - Hearing rumors of Fred Hembeck having written and drawn a story in which the entire Marvel Universe is killed, Lee decided to investigate. Disguising himself as the Punisher, Stan tracked down Hembeck and forced the artist to show him the pages. After reading them, Lee revealed his true self to Hembeck and threw the comic in a trash can.
(Nightcat#1) - Stan met with Jacqueline Tavarez, the Night Cat, and convinced her to let Marvel Comics publish a book based on her.
(Marvel: The Year-in-Review#2 -BTS) - Stan Lee served as Marvel Comics' publisher for the second issue of Earth-616's Marvel: The Year-in-Review magazine.
(Marvel Illustrated: The Swimsuit Issue – BTS) – Stan Lee served as Marvel Comics’ publisher for Earth-616’s Marvel Illustrated: The Swimsuit Issue magazine.
(Incredible Hulk II#398 - BTS) - The signed photo of
Stan Lee remained in Rick Jones' home, framed and sitting next to his
(Generation X I#17) - Stan was dressed as a ringmaster/sideshow barker-type character and introduced a story involving Chamber, Skin, and the X-Cutioner. He provided commentary throughout the issue and acted as narrator. His top hat had a number 17 on it--the number of the issue.
(Thunderbolts: Distant Rumblings#-1) - Stan hosted the story detailing the lives of the Thunderbolts members prior to the days of the Fantastic Four.
(Amazing Spider-Man I#-1) - Stan, dressed up as Spider-Man, introduced a tale portraying the pasts of a young Peter Parker and a younger Jacob Connover.
(Peter Parker: Spider-Man I#-1) - Sitting in a spider's web, Stan provides the introduction to a story about Arthur and George Stacy and Norman Osborn. Stan also provided an epilogue from the same location.
(Spectacular Spider-Man II#-1) - Again dressed up like Spidey, Stan popped through a panel of John Jameson's head and introduced the issue's story.
(Venom: Seed of Darkness#-1) - Stan introduced a tale of "Tragedy and Terror" from the "Vault of Unknown Creatures Unleashed." It featured Eddie Brock and Krobaa, the Living Darkness.
(Uncanny X-Men#-1) - Stan, dressed as the Watcher, observed the X-Men's ship exploding in space through a ridiculously large telescope atop the Marvel Building. He then went inside and introduced various X-Men and the story. He also provided a conclusion (of sorts), ending with "Excelsior!"
(Cable#-1) - Stan was dressed up as Cable and carrying one of his big-friggin' guns, revealed to be a prop. Stan introduced the story and then appeared after it dressed as normal.
(Generation X#-1) - Stan was watching TV dressed like Chamber. He introduced the Generation X cast, only to say the story didn't have any of them in it. (He also revealed that he watches Baywatch.) At the end of the story he was sitting in a chair with a bowl of popcorn.
(X-Factor I#-1) - Stan interrupted the X-Factor crew with a story about Havok's youth. He was wearing a backwards baseball cap.
(X-Men II#-1) - Stan visited Carlos Pacheco at the Marvel Bullpen as he worked on the latest issue of X-Men, and ruminated on how unbelieveably large the cast of Marvel's mutants had become. He then introduced the story of Magneto's last meeting with the team before their open hostilties toward each other began, and then left Carlos, asleep at his drawing board.
(What If? II#-1) - Stan popped through the 1st page with a Bishop-like "M" on his face, to introduce a tale about Bishop travelling back to before the X-Men's founding.
(Excalibur I#-1) - As a ringmaster, Stan introduced and concluded a tale of Nightcrawler and Amanda Sefton.
(X-Man#-1) - An Einstein-Stan Lee pastich introduced a tale about Nate Grey's childhood.
(Wolverine II#-1) - As a barbacue chef, Stan presented a tale of Wolverine's birthday when he was part of Department H.
(X-Force I#-1) - As a cowboy, Stan provided the segueway into a tale about James and John Proudstar.
(Incredible Hulk II#-1) - Stan, as the leader of a theatre troupe, produced a play about the death of Brian Banner, Bruce's father whom he killed. (The troupe mistakingly starts a play about Robert Bruce, the liberator of Scotland - see Braveheart.) Stan leaves the Hulk alone at the end. This was apparently enacted within the Hulk's mind while he lay comatose in the Savage Land.
(Elektra I#-1) - A sharply-dressed Stan introduced a romance-comic style tale of young Matt Murdock and Elektra Natachios.
(Daredevil I#-1) - As a bus driver, Stan handed the readers a ticket to a bullet train ride--into the perilous past! He then drove a busload of passengers, including Matt and "Battling Jack" Murdock off to Matt's first day at State College.
(Ka-Zar: Sibling Rivalry#-1) - "Bwana" Lee acted as safari guide, taking the readers back to the early lives of Kevin and Parival Plunder.
(Daredevil II#8) - Stan was among several celebrities who attended the funeral of Karen Page.
(Ant-Man's Big Christmas #1 - BTS) - Stan Lee sent
the Avengers a Christmas card, which was hung up at Avengers Mansion
next to cards from the Fantastic Four and attorneys Nelson and Murdock.
(Fantastic Four III#511 - BTS) - Stan communicated with supreme being Kirby as his unseen collaborator on a Fantastic Four story, having Kirby switch an appearance by the Black Panther to an appearance by the Silver Surfer.
(X-Men: Watchers on the Walls:
Chapter 16: Excelsior) - From atop the steps in front of City Hall in
Manhattan, New York, a charismatic protest leader gave a speech at a
rally protesting the forced registration of all mutants as part of an
effort to find extraterrestrial Chlorites hidden in their midst, particularly as it was perpetrated in conjunction with the extraterrestrial Diascar and with the use of Sentinels. An
elderly man with unruly gray-white hair, a matching
moustache, and large square glasses, he had a youthful energy and a
spry, puckish voice, and he rallied the crowd in a manner that was half
revivalist preacher, half carnival barker. He acknowledged that
they may be afraid of the terrorists who destroyed Alcala, but that they could not give up their freedoms.
The Imperial Guard's Smasher
(Vril Rokk), leading the group (including Jean Grey) investigating
local mutants, landed next to the protest leader, futilely attempting
to assure the people the Shi'ar and Diascar respected their rights but
was trying to save their world. When Smasher questioned whether they
wanted this city to become another Alcala, the protest leader countered
that they also didn't want it to become another Surat, where a mob of
marauders had accessed the registration rolls to hunt down its victims.
The leader further argued that there was more to life than just
surviving, mockingly telling Smasher to take off his "rose-colored
glasses" so he could see that. Losing his patience, Smasher summoned
the Sentinels, and the protest leader urged everyone to remain calm so
as not to become a target, and to stand their ground and protect the
mutants without violence.
Ultimately, the mutant
prisoners were taken away for testing, and the protest leader and other
civilians who resisted on the mutants' behalf, were loaded into police
vans in handcuffs.
(X-Men: Watchers on the Walls:
Chapter 23: Exeunt Omnes (fb) - BTS) - After the X-Men facilitated a
peaceful resolution to the Chlorite infiltration, Diascar fleet leader
Poratine pressured Earth's
govenments to reverse the mutant registration laws and to release any
mutants arrested for resisting registration or attacking Sentinels in
exhange for Diascar medical and agricultural technqiues and the
prospect of future trade between their peoples.
This presumably related to human civilians similarly arrested.
(New Avengers Annual I#1) - Stan served as minister at the wedding of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
(X-Men: The Unlikely Saga of Xavier, Magneto, & Stan#1/4) - In an effort to make his wife think he was busy, Stan Lee pretended to type something important out on his terrace. His pretend typing was interrupted by the arrival of the X-Men's Jet. From the Jet came Professor Charles Xavier, who asked for Lee's help, explaining that he had already tried to get help from Marvel publisher Dan Buckley, Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada, and Editor Ralph Macchio. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Magneto as well. Xavier tried to explain why both he and Magneto were there but Stan kept prattling away until Magneto used his powers to cover Lee's mouth with his own cellphone. Eventually, Xavier opted to show Stan why they had came by entering Stan Lee's memory of doing the first issue of X-Men back in 1963. Xavier then took himself, Magneto, and Stan through Stan's memory of the X-Men's Danger Room and tried to explain to Lee how simple the X-Men's early adventures were. When Stan still didn't understand why Xavier and Magneto had visited him, Xavier took Stan through more of the X-Men's history within Lee's mind, including the "Days of the Future Past" alternate timeline, the X-Men's battle with the Marauders during the Morlock Massacre, their battle with Onslaught, and a battle with Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants until Stan finally understood that what Xavier and Magneto actually wanted was a vacation from the tiring adventures that they had went on since Lee had stopped writing the X-Men's comic book. As Xavier returned Stan's mind back to the present day, Stan wrote Xavier and Magneto into a vacation involving bird-watching and a beach visit. He then called up Marvel and began explaining how he had just dreamt up a plot involving Xavier and Magneto against an alien invasion on their vacation.
(Stan Lee Meets Spider-Man#1) - With Stan's wife Joan out of town visiting their daughter, Stan Lee decided to make a batch of his famous super hero cookies. His cooking was interrupted by the arrival of Spider-Man, who wanted to talk to Stan about he does nothing but fight crime 24 hours a day. Stan Lee then explained to Spider-Man how selfish he was, given that Spider-Man's life kept all of the companies that merchandise him open. Once again inspired to do good, Spider-Man left upon hearing a police siren, thanking Stan for his advice. After Spider-Man left, Stan commented how he wished that the next time Spider-Man had a problem, he'd take it to Steve Ditko. Outside, Spider-Man explained to new hero Mosquito Man that Stan had talked him out of quitting the life of a super hero, much to Mosquito Man's disappointment.
(Stan Lee Meets Spider-Man#1/2) - During an interdimensional comic con, comic fan Steve Rennitz ran into Stan after minutes of trying to explain to his extradimensional selves about comics and Stan Lee's role in them. Shocked, Steve asked Stan how it was even possible that at an interdimensional comic con, no one had heard of Stan Lee. Stan replied that it wasn't so shocking, considering that while there was a lot of comic creators in the multiverse, there was only one Stan Lee. After his speech, Stan was confronted by his own extradimensional counterpart who announced that he sold meats for a living. Saddened that his speech seemed to be for nothing, Stan agreed to tag along with Steve to Pornworld.
(Stan Lee Meets Doctor Strange#1) - On a night home, Stan Lee passed by a comic shop that was showcasing a Doctor Strange action figure and some trade paperbacks featuring Strange. Remembering the wild stories that Strange used to tell him that inspired Stan to write Doctor Strange's comic, Stan decided to pay a visit to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. Stan was soon shocked to discover that Strange's townhouse had become a tourist attraction, selling Dr. Strange merchandise and giving tours of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Demanding to see Strange, Stan asked Strange what had happened to his home. Strange explained that inflation had hurt him, having to buy gasoline, amulets, and pay for a guard for his physical body when Wong was away. Stan began to pity Doctor Strange, just as Wong came in, announcing that it was time for Strange's autograph session.
(Stan Lee Meets Doctor Strange#1/2) - After the Impossible Man arrived on Earth following a lengthy absence, he was shocked to discover what had become of the world in his absence. Demanding to see Stan Lee to discuss the problems, Impy was told to wait in line. When a group of photographers trampled the Impossible Man thinking they saw Bruce Willis, Stan helped Impy to his feet and explained to him that change was good.
(Stan Lee Meets the Thing#1) - During a bicycle trip through Manhattan, Stan accidentally wound up on Yancy Street, coming face-to-face with the Thing battling a group of Yancy Street locals. When the locals left, Stan asked how Thing's feud with the Yancy Streets began and Thing replied that years ago, some "dipstick" named Stan Lee wrote about it. As Stan tried to explain that he was going to write a story making the Thing nice and normal again, the Thing managed to save a falling painter and stop a group of bank robbers with a lamppost. Once the area once again calmed down, the Thing told Stan that there was no need to write a story making him normal, as he was the only normal guy there was and that everyone else was a wimp.
(Stan Lee Meets Doctor Doom#1) - As Stan was putting together a model ship, one of Doctor Doom's aides teleported into Lee's home and told Lee that Doom desired his presence. Stan tried to talk his way out of it, but the aide teleported Stan to Latveria, explaining that it was not a request. Once there, Doom explained that he was not happy with how he was depicted in American comic books. Since Lee had created Doom for the comics, Doom demanded to know why he was depicted as a tyrant, uncaring ruler. Stan then explained to Doom that he really didn't have much influence on the U. S., having been reduced to cameo roles in Marvel films. Handing Doom a copy of the "Fantastic Four" movie, Stan was happy to leave when Doom realized that Lee was of no help to him.
(Stan Lee Meets Silver Surfer#1) - While Stan was writing, he was spontaneously teleported into Galactus' ship. Galactus explained that he was having trouble with the Silver Surfer and teleported Lee aboard the Surfer's board. After a while of listening to the Silver Surfer monologue, Galactus returned Stan to his ship and explained that the Surfer's monologuing was becoming a problem. Lee agreed and Galactus teleported him back home. Once home, Lee also began monologuing to which Galactus replied that it was no contagious.
(Fantastic Four III#543/2) - While the Mole Man invaded the surface world, Stan Lee paid a visit to the Fantastic Four, much to their annoyance. He brought young Franklin some alphabet-themed blocks, not realizing that Franklin had aged years since Stan had last saw him. With Reed somewhat depressed that no one had noticed the FF's anniversary in New York, Stan Lee decided to talk to the Mole Man instead of fighting him. Seeing Stan risk his life for theirs, the Fantastic Four leapt into action only to discover that Stan had stopped the rampage by promising the Mole Man a cameo in the next Fantastic Four movie.
(Thunderbolts II#112) - As the host of SF NET's show "Who wants to be a Thunderbolt?" Stan made a commercial for said show. He explained again that the Thunderbolts had opened a training program for a second backup team, and that SF NET offered average Americans the chance to become part of this team by participating in their show. Each contestant needed a super hero identity and power gear to participate and the goal of the show was to find rogue superhumans in Insurgency Town. That day's winner would go to the semifinal and face the winners of the previous weeks: Stabbity Jones, Hellfang and Doomstomp. The show would start at 8 and Stan ended geared up in his own super hero armor the commercial with an "Excelsior".
(Mighty Avengers I#20) - Stan Lee attended the
funeral for the Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), passing by Clint Barton arguing
with Norman Osborn as the funeral let out.
(Fantastic Four III#574) - Stan Lee was hired to play
Spider-Man at the birthday party for Franklin Richards that was held by
the Fantastic Four and their students. During the party, Mr. Fantastic
embraced Invisible Woman, who was also celebrating a birthday, before
removing Stan's mask as the other guests enjoyed the party.
(She Hulk Sensational#1 - BTS) - Feeling older on her birthday, Jennnifer Walters had a dream of Stan Lee warning her of three ghost ala' Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol."
(Fantastic Four IV#16/2/FF II#16/2) - Stan Lee and a
slew of other guests attended a party on the moon in honor of the
Fantastic Four's alternate reality ally, Old John.
(Uncanny Avengers III#9) - Acting a janitor at
Avengers Mansion, Stan was shocked when the hybrid Ultron/Hank Pym
blasted down the memorial Giant-Man statue, melting it.
(X-Force VI#9) - Stan was seen walking through Krakoa's Green Lagoon while many mutants enjoyed a night out.
Comments: Created by his mom and dad!
Stan Lee's real world history has been detailed
elsewhere. Without him, where would comics be today? Would they even
exist? Along with a few other giants of the industry, such as Jack
"King" Kirby and "Sturdy" Steve Ditko, he co-created the greatest icons
of Marvel Comics, including the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the Hulk,
Iron Man, the Avengers, and many, many others, too numerous to count.
His style revolutionized the way comics are written. Take a bow,
Stan--we love ya!!!!--Snood.
Also, compiled by our own Prime Eternal, here's a page linking to all of
Stan's obscure characters thus far featured
at the Appendix:
Note that many of Stan Lee appearances are intended
to be humorous, and their canonical status in the Marvel Universe is
doubtful, particularly his#-1 appearances, where he was only a host.
The featurettes from Amazing Spider-Man Annual#1/3 and Daredevil
Annual#1/5 could be appearances of the Earth-Prime Stan Lee, but there
are several good points to list them as being otherwise: Lee makes no
reference to Spidey's secret ID in the tale, and the panels we see of
Ditko's story don't match any of Earth-Prime's Spidey issues. Again,
Stan doesn't mention Matt Murdock's name once and only refers to DD's
connection with Foggy Nelson and Karen Page. This could be public
knowledge on 616 after the events of Daredevil I#6; 10-11; 18-19; and
26-27 (in all of these issues, Foggy Nelson becomes involved in
Daredevil's battles, and in the last issues noted DD rescues Nelson and
Karen Page from the Masked Marauder).
wouldn't rule any of them out as continuity/canon. Who's to say
that Earth-616 Stan doesn't have any additional powers (omniscience,
magic, what-not), or that some of the heroes don't like him so much
that they've confided in him? --Snood
was considering an explanation that would fit all these Stan
appearances, and I have a theory: "Stan Lee" is an aspect of Eternity
(let's call this aspect "The Man") with powers above and beyond the
scope of any other in the Omniverse, capable even to perceive and
acknowledge OUR Earth. That sort of links all his appearances together,
even the ones where he's plain old Stanley Lieber. Granted, nothing in
the comics supports this notion, and it's all in my head, but when did
the facts ever get in the way of comics?
When? When? When?--Cisco
And as of Fantastic Four III#511, you'd seem to be somewhat correct. Stan's precise position in the MU cosmos-- beyond being Kirby's collaborator-- is unclear, but he's definitely more than a mere mortal. But we knew that before, right? --Prime-Ed-ternal
In Stan's BTS appearance in Fantastic Four III#511, Stan's suggestions to Kirby (the Silver Surfer leaping out of a tree in the human jungle?) call to mind Stan's appearances in the 60's, where his artists would suffer through his bizarre ideas.
The inclusion of The Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Players
(the 1975-6 cast) of Saturday Night Live (SNL) is topical (unless
ret-conned into a reunion show).
Stan, along with Jack Kirby, were supposed to appear
in a story that was published in Chamber of Darkness#4. At the end of
the tale, penciled by Kirby, two warlocks were to pull back their
hoods, revealing themselves to be Lee and Kirby. However, Marvel had
the final panel redrawn so that the warlocks simply disappear instead
of revealing themselves. The original pencils for the story can be
found in an issue of The Jack Kirby Collector, but I forget which issue - Madison Carter
also makes an appearance in the alternate reality
seen in What If I#11,
wherein he, Jack Kirby, Flo Steinberg and Sol Brodsky gain the powers
of the Fantastic Four. In that reality, they became Mr. Fantastic , the
Thing, the Invisible Girl, and the Human Torch, respectively, when they
received a box in the mail that released mutating Cosmic Rays. The
package was from "The S People," who turned out to be the Skrulls, who
had planned to use similar boxes to turn humanity into mindless
zombies. The Fantastic Four kept their own minds and defeated the
Skrulls, natch.
Jacob Cundiff pointed out that this reality (or a
similar one) appeared in Paradise X: Heralds#3 as one of the Earth's
where a Watcher was exposed.
Stan also received his own trading card in the 1991 Marvel Super-Heroes trading card set. His card was called "Mr. Marvel" and depicted him as an amalgamation of several Marvel super-heroes.
The story in Daredevil Annual I#1 marked the first time that Heinrich Zemo was referred to as Baron Zemo. Before then, he was only called DOCTOR Zemo!
In Chamber of Darkness#2, Stan Lee appears to narrate an update of the story "The Red Death", an update of the Poe version using biological and chemical warfare. Now, admittedly, no overtly Earth-616 characters appeared, but the twist ending of the story (spoiler alert) indicates that this story would not serve as too disruptive to Earth-616 continuity.
As to whether the events of the story he narrates took place on Earth-616...well, the twist ending makes it clear that nothing too disruptive happened. (It turns out that no one outside of a twenty mile radius died from the "Red Death".) So the whole world did not end. The way I would chronologize it, I would say it took place in the year it was published (1969), which, thanks to the sliding timescale, means that not only were few if any adventurers active, but it would be a few decades before the Fantastic Four took that fateful flight. We know that the Earth-616 Stan Lee published monster comics for a time...
Avengers Annual I#2/5 had a similar sort of story to the Daredevil and Spider-Man annual, but The Official Index to the Avengers explicitly stated that this story did not take place on Earth-616. On the other hand, if the Stan in that story did not know anything that his Earth-616 counterpart should not have, well...
In Ravage 2099#3 (panel 4), a nurse is wheeling around a man who looks a lot like an older Stan Lee around the hospital which Ravage is trying to free Dack from--Bill Lentz (Zerostar)
Some of you may remember the project a couple of years ago that dealt with reproductions of Earth-616 comic books published by Marvel--Marvels Comics: Captain America, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Thor, and X-Men-- were meant to represent the actual comics published on Earth-616. Anyway, a companion publication, History of the Marvels, dealt with the history of the Earth-616 company.
It seems hard to chronologize some of these things,
but the discussion of Stan Lee's days at Atlas would happen in real
time in the 1950's (though the giant monster period would extend to
just before the modern era, longer than it actually lasted). The Hulk
comic book was published before Fantastic Four I#5, since Johnny Storm
was depicted reading an issue of it in that story. Also, as to when the
Melter sued Lee remains hard to pin down; he served in the Masters of
Evil in a couple of its incarnations, in Avengers I#6,#15,#54, and I
could not pin it down. Given that they refer to his appearance in
an Iron Man comic book (and since he objected, it would have likely
been the first such appearance), I'd guess that this is meant to refer
to the story told in Tales of Suspense I#47--Snood
--Per Degaton
Dr. Michael J. Vassallo has authored an extensive article on the Atlas pre-code crime and horror work of Stan Lee.
Stan has been satirized in comics by other
publishers, under the guises of Stanley Presents (First Comics' E-Man),
The Gasser (DC's Dingbats), and Funky Flashman (DC's Mister Miracle).
Even Marvel themselves have parodied Stan, as in Doctor Strange II#55,
where Dr. Strange met the seeming "creators" of his world, "Ted
Tevoski" (Steve Ditko) and "Les Tane" (Stan Lee) in a false reality
created by D'Spayre.
--Thanks to Luis Olavo Dantas for pointing
out Dr. Strange II#55!
GCD says Stan Lee was in Sgt. Fury Annual#6. I
will see if I can get my hands on that. They have an appearance of Stan
Lee in a Homer the Happy Ghost issue. Homer#18 From timely-atlas group.
--John McDonagh
Wikipedia indicated that a character called Stan obviously drawn to resmeble Mr. Lieber appeared in the Double Dragon comic.
--John McDonagh
Lee in Mystery Tales#24 (Dec 1954)
Stan Lee makes a cameo In F-159 "Cast of Characters!"(5 pp.) with art by Jay Scott Pike.
The narrator of the story is telling us how great it is to be a writer for "these weird books."
Toward the end, we get a glimpse of what payday was like 'round the ol'
Bullpen. The writer stands in the doorway with his coat on. [Not
allowed to come in and sit, I guess.]
On the glass of the door, we can make out:
The editor hands the writer a stack of greenbacks [cheating the gov't,
no doubt, by paying the help in cash], and says, "Great stuff! Here's
your dough! Now go home an' write some more stories!" [So that's what a
story conference was like, huh?]
The writer replies, "Thanks, Stan! I'll be back tomorrow with another one!"
Interestingly, at the end, the writer says, "Anyone
can write weird stories! You don't have to have talent ..." --Tom
Several of the images (the photos and the top image) for this profile are taken from
Exelsior: The Amazing Life of Stan Lee, copyright 2002 by Stan Lee and George Mair,
published by Simon and Schuster INC.
Buy it and read it!
X-Men: Watchers on the Walls did not name the speak as Stan Lee, but the chapter was entitled Excelsior, and he used such characteristic phrases as "True Believers" and "Make Mine <Democracy>"
Big Thanks to Al Soupless for sending us the images
of Stan's appearance as the Puzzlemaster (the story ran from p94-96).
He also pointed out that Puzzle Man was pretty much a rip-off of (or rather "inspired by") the Puzzlemaster.
--Al Soupless
Puzzlemaster update by Markus Raymond.
Stan Lee was not identified by name in All Winners Comics I#2 (1941). The character in the text story was only identified as the editor of All Winners Comics but that would have been Stan at the time the story was published. - Proto-Man
While the
names of Stan and Steve were almost certainly an homage to Spider-Man
creators Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, the man named Steve is Amazing
Fantasy III#15 does not look like a young Steve Ditko at all (Steve
wore glasses). There's no reason to assume that the "Stan" he phones is
not Stan Lee, however. The man likely saw Spider-Man swinging through
the air and phoned Stan in case Stan wanted to create a character based
on Spider-Man. - Proto-Man
Additional Stan Lee appearances that still need to be added: Millie the Model#195, Giant-Size Daredevil#1, Bug#1, Deadpool -1, Fantastic Four III#9, Fantastic Four III#27, Fantastic Four III#54, FF: Unstable Molecules#4, Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#37, Fantastic Four I#584
Big thanks go out to Loki for being the 1st to suggest this as the 1,000th entry!
Profile by Kyle Sims, Per Degaton, Will Uchtman, Nick Hill, the Squid, Cisco, Omar Karindu, Proto-Man, Snood, and Prime Eternal
Stan "The Man" Lee should not be confused with:
--Web of Spider-Man#73
Among Joan's contributions to the Marvel mythos is her having portrayed Madame Web in the 1990's Spider-Man cartoon, and the Fantastic Four's landlady in the 90's FF cartoon.
Marvel/Atlas Comic Appearances:
Marvel Mystery Comics I#23 (September, 1941) - "The Vision Speaks!" story - Stan Lee (writer), uncredited artist & editor
All Winners Comics I#2 (Fall, 1941) - "Winners All" story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (art)
Astonishing#4 (June, 1951) - Hank Chapman (writer), Wayne Boring (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Mystery Tales I#24 (December, 1954) - "Cast of Characters" story - uncredited writer, Jay Scott Pike (art), Stan Lee (editor)
Suspense#29 (April, 1953) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Joe Maneely (artist)
Chamber of Darkness#2 (December, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Don Heck (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Tales to Astonish I#20 (June, 1961) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)
Amazing Adult Fantasy#12 (May, 1962) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Tales of Suspense I#33 (September, 1962) - Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Kid Colt, Outlaw#107 (November, 1962) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Keller (artist)
Fantastic Four I#10 (January, 1963) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)
Strange Tales I#123 (August, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Carl Burgos (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#1 (1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#22 (September, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Dick Ayers (pencisl), Carl Hubbell (inks)
Sgt. Fury Annual#1 (1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), George Roussos (inks)
Fantastic Four Annual#3 (1965) - Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#29 (June, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (pencils), John Tartaglione (inks)
Daredevil Annual I#1 (September, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), John Tartaglione (inks)
Avengers I Annual#2 (September, 1968) - "Avenjerks Assemble!" story -
Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks), Stan
Lee (editor)
Fantastic Four Annual I#5 (1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor)), Jack Kirby (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Sub-Mariner I#19 (November, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), Marie Severin (pencils), Johnny Craig (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Sgt. Fury Annual#6 (1970) - Gary Friedrich (writer), Dick Ayers (pencils), John Severin (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#79 (August, 1971) - Gerry Conway & Gary Friedrich (writers), Gene Colan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#100 (July, 1972) - Gary Friedrich
(writer), Dick Ayers (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Iron Man I#85 (April, 1976) - Len Wein & Roger Slifer (writer),
Herb Trimpe (pencils), Marie Severin (inks), Len Wein (editor)
X-Men I#98 (April, 1976) - Chris Claremont (writer), Dave Cockrum (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Stan Lee Presents The Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book#1 (June, 1976) - Owen McCarron (writer/artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Fantastic Four I#176 (November, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), George Perez (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks)
Nova I#5 (January, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Sal Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks)
Amazing Spider-Man I#169 (June, 1977) - Len Wein (writer/editor), Ross Andru (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks)
Invaders I#16 (May, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Frank Robbins (pencils), Frank Springer (inks)
What If? I#11 (October, 1978) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), Mike Royer, Bill Wray, Scott Shaw & Dave Stevens (inks)
Marvel Team-Up I#74 (October, 1978) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Marie Severin (inks), Bob Hall (editor)
What If I#34 (August, 1982) - Michael Carlin (writer), Ron Zalme (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Tom DeFalco (editor)
The Official Marvel No-Prize Book#1 (January, 1983) - Jim Owsley, Roger
Stern & Steven Grant (writers), Bob Camp & Various Artists
(pencils), Vince Colletta & Various Artists (inks), Larry Hama
Crazy Magazine#94 (April, 1983) – James Owlsley (writer/managing editor), Gary Hallgren (penciler/inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Obnoxio the Clown I#1 (April, 1983) - "Dear Flabby" story - Alan Kupperberg (writer, art), Larry Hama (editor)
Uncanny X-Men Annual I#7 (1983) - Chris Claremont (writer), Michael
Golden & Bret Blevins (pencils), Michael Golden, Tom Mandrake, Bob
Wiacek, Terry Austin, Brett Breeding, Brent Anderson, Joe Rubinstein,
Steve Leialoha, Sam De La Rosa, Al Milgrom & Bret Blevins (inks),
Eliot R. Brown (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#137 (January, 1984) - Mike Carlin (writer/editor), Greg LaRocque (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks)
Marvel Fumetti Book#1 (April, 1984)
Amazing Spider-Man I Annual#18 (December, 1984) - Tom DeFalco (writer),
Ron Frenz (pencils), Bob Layton, Jackson Guice (inks), Danny Fingeroth
Fantastic Four Annual I#22 (1989) - Greg Wright (writer), Hilary Barta (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe#1 (July, 1989) - Fred Hembeck
(writer/pencils), Vince Colletta & Joe Staton (inks), Jim Salicrup
Incredible Hulk II#376 (December, 1990) - Peter David (writer), Dale Keown (pencils), Bob McLeod (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
of Spider-Man I#73 (February, 1991) - John Byrne (writer), Alex Saviuk
(pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Avengers I#332 (May, 1991) - Larry Hama (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Nightcat#1 (1991) - Barry Dutter, Stan Lee & Jim Salicrup (writers), Denys Cowan (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
Marvel: The Year-in-Review#2 (1991) - Christopher Autumn, Gary Barnum,
Barry Dutter, Eric Fein, Max Fleischer, Suzanne Gaffney, Glenn
Herdling, Dana Moreshead, Fabian Nicieza, Peter Sanderson, Evan
Skolnick, Rob Tokar, Wayne Worchestershire, Dwight Jon Zimmerman
(writers), Bobbie Chase (writer, editor), Mike Mignola, Mark Bagley,
Larry Mahlstedt, Dale Keown, Paul Ryan, Danny Bulanadi, Lee Weeks, Jon
Bogdanove, Hilary Barta, Whilce Portacio, Andy Kubert, John Statema,
Dan Panosian (art)
Marvel Illustrated: The Swimsuit Issue (1991) – Gary Barnum, Tom
Daning, Jack Morelli, Fabian Nicieza, Michael Rockwitz, “Tony Stark,”
Rob Tokar, “Ben Urich,” “Janet Van Dyne,” Max Fleischer (writers),
Donald Hudson, Joe Jusko, June Brigman, Al Milgrom, Jon Bogdanove, Stan
Drake, Jim Lee, Steve Leialoha, Kevin Nowlan, Rob Liefeld, Michael
Golden, Jackson Guice, George Perez, Whilce Portacio, Scott Williams,
Marc Silvestri, Terry Austin, Ron Frenz, Joe Sinnot, Steve Geiger, John
Romita, Jr., Rick Leonardi, Al Williamson, Walt Simonson, Paul Ryan,
Joe Rubenstein, Bret Blevins, Mike Mignola (art), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#398 (October, 1992) - Peter David (writer), Dale Keown (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Generation X I#17 (July, 1996) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Buckingham (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Silver Surfer III#-1 (July, 1997) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Ron Garney (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Ghost Rider III#-1 (July, 1997) - Ivan Velez Jr. (writer), Javier Saltares (pencils), Keith Aiken (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Alpha Flight: In the Beginning#-1 (July, 1997) - Steven Seagle
(writer), Anthony Winn (pencils), Marlo Alquiza, Matt Ryan & Kevin
Conrad (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Sensational Spider-Man#-1 (July, 1997) - Todd Dezago (writer), Mike Wieringo (pencils), Rich Case (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thunderbolts: Distant Rumblings#-1 (July, 1997) - Kurt Busiek (writer),
Steve Epting (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man I#-1 (July, 1997) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Joe Bennett (pencils), Bud LaRosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man I#-1 (July, 1997) - Howard Mackie (writer),
Dan Fraga (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Spectacular Spider-Man II#-1 (July, 1997) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer),
Luke Ross (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Venom: Seed of Darkness#-1 (July, 1997) - Len Kaminski (writer), James Fry (pencils), Chris Ivy (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Uncanny X-Men#-1 (July, 1997) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Bryan Hitch (pencils), Paul Neary (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable#-1 (July, 1997) - James Robinson (writer), Jose Ladronn (pencils), Juan Vlasco (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Generation X#-1 (July, 1997) - Jim Robinson (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#-1 (July, 1997) - Howard Mackie (writer), Jeff Matsuda (pencils), Art Thibert (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
X-Men II#-1 (July, 1997) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Art Thibert (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
What If? II#-1 (July, 1997) - Ben Raab (writer), Ariel Olivetti (pencils), Pier Brito (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Excalibur I#-1 (July, 1997) - Ben Raab (writer), Rob Haynes & Casey
Jones (pencils), Nathan Massengill, Rob Haynes & Casey Jones
(inks), Matt Idelson (editor)
X-Man#-1 (July, 1997) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Wolverine II#-1 (July, 1997) - Larry Hama (writer), Cary Nord (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Force I#-1 (July, 1997) - John Francis Moore (writer), Adam Pollina
(pencils), Mark Morales, Jon Holdredge & Al Milgrom (inks), Mark
Powers (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#-1 (July, 1997) - Peter David (writer), Adam Kubert (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Elektra I#-1 (July, 1997) - Peter Milligan (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (pencils), Deodato Studios (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Daredevil I#-1 (July, 1997) - Joe Kelly (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Paul Ryan (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Ka-Zar: Sibling Rivalry#-1 (July, 1997) - Mark Waid, Todd Dezago &
Andy Jozefowicz (writers), John Cassaday (artist), Matt Idelson (editor)
Daredevil II#8 (June, 1999) - Kevin Smith (writer), Joe Quesada (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Nanci Dakesian (editor)
Ant-Man's Big Christmas #1 (February, 2000) - Bob Gale (writer), Phil
Winslade (pencils), Tom Palmer, Nelson DeCastro (inks), Jimmy Palmiotti
(inks, editor), Joe Quesada (editor)
Marvel Comics: History of the Marvels (July, 2000) - Tom Brevoort (writer)
Paradise X: Heralds#3 (February 2002) - Jim Krueger & Alex Ross (writers), Steve Pugh (artist)
Fantastic Four III#511 (May, 2004) - Mark Waid (writer), Mike Wieringo (pencils), Karl Kesel (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Amazing Fantasy III#15 (January, 2006) - "I was That Guy in
Spider-Man's Armpit!" story - Dan Slott (writer), Patrick Scherberger
(pencils), Norman Lee (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
X-Men: Watchers on the Walls (May, 2006) - Christopher L. Bennett (writer)
New Avengers Annual#1 (June, 2006) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer),
Olivier Coipel (pencils), Drew Geraci, Drew Hennessy, Livesay, Rich
Magyar, Danny Miki, Mark Morales, Mike Perkins & Tim Townsend
(inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
X-Men: The Unlikely Saga of Xavier, Magneto, & Stan#1 (September,
2006) - "The Unlikely Saga of Xavier, Magneto, & Stan" story - Stan
Lee (writer), Ron Lim, Ben Oliver, Ron Frenz, Klaus Janson, Sean Chen,
John Romita Jr., Pasqual Ferry, Leinil Francis Yu, Howard Chaykin
(artists), Mostafa Moussa, Tom Palmer, Sandu Florea, Scott Hanna
Stan Lee Meets Spider-Man#1 (November, 2006) - "Stan Lee Meets the
Amazing Spider-Man" story - Stan Lee (writer), Olivier Coipel
(penciler), Mark Morales (inker); "Some Steves" story - Joss Whedon
(writer), Michael Gaydos (artist)
Stan Lee Meets Doctor Strange#1 (November, 2006) - "Stan Lee Meets
Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts" story - Stan Lee (writer),
Alan Davis (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker); "Where is Stan the Man When
You Need Him?" story - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mark Bagley
(penciler), Drew Hennessy (inker)
Stan Lee Meets the Thing#1 (December, 2006) - "Stan Lee Meets the
Thing" story - Stan Lee (writer), Lee Weeks (breakdowns), Nelson
(finisher); "So You Wanna Play, Eh?" story - Roy Thomas (writer), Scott
Kolins (artist)
Stan Lee Meets Doctor Doom#1 (December, 2006) - "Stan Lee Meets Doctor
Doom" story - Stan Lee (writer), Salvador Larroca (artist); "The Rest
of the Story" story - Jeph Loeb (writer), Ed McGuinness (penciler),
Dexter Vines (inker)
Stan Lee Meets Silver Surfer#1 (January, 2007) - "Stan Lee Meets Silver
Surfer" story - Stan Lee (writer), Mike Wieringo (penciler), Sean
Parsons (inker); "The Magician" story - Paul Jenkins (writer), Mark
Buckingham (artist), Pete Pantazis (color art)
Fantastic Four III#543 (January, 2007) - 'If This Be...Anniversary!'
story - Stan Lee (writer), Nick Dragotta (penciler), Mike Allred (inker)
Thunderbolts II#112 (May, 2007) - Warren Ellis (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (artist), Molly Lazer (editor)
Avengers Classic I#1 (August, 2007) - "The Real Origin of the Avengers"
story - Stan Lee (writer), Kevin Maguire (art), Mark D. Beazley (editor)
Mighty Avengers I#20 (February, 2009) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer),
Lee Weeks, Jim Cheung (pencils, inks), Carlo Pagulayan (pencils),
Jeffrey Huet (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Fantastic Four III#574 (February, 2010) - Jonathan Hickman (writer),
Neil Edwards (pencils), Andrew Currie (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
She-Hulk Sensational#1 (May, 2010) - Peter David (writer), Jonboy Meyers (artist), Jordan D. White (editor)
Fantastic Four IV#16 (March, 2014) - 2nd story - Karl Kesel (story,
script), Lee Allred (story), Joe Quinones (pencils), Michael Allred
(inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
FF II#16 (March, 2014) - 2nd story - Lee Allred (story, script), Karl
Kesel (story), Joe Quinones (pencils), Michael Allred (inks), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Uncanny Avengers III#9 (July, 2016) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
X-Force VI#9 (March, 2020) - Bejamin Percy (writer), Joshua Cassara (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White, Chris Robinson (editors)
First Posted: 09/26/2002
Last Updated: 02/22/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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