Real Name: George Mullaney
Identity/Class: Human Paranormal (New Universe)
Occupation: Former movie theater usher
Group Membership: The Para-Troop, The Clinic (Therapy Group D)
Affiliations: Wipeout, Lenore Fenzl, Charlotte Beck, Merriam Sorenson, Jeff Walters, Randy O'Brien, Dave Landers, Jennifer Swenson
Enemies: US Military, Pit Bull, War Dogs, Mothball
Known Relatives: Damon Mullaney (father), Catharine Mullaney (mother)
Aliases: Wild Thing, John Mason
Place of Birth: Elgin, Illinois
Base of Operations: New York City; formerly, the Clinic
Hobbies and Interest: Watching movies, reading, doing crossword puzzles, playing board games
Religion: Presbyterian (non-practicing)
First Appearance: DP7#1 (November, 1986)
Powers: Formerly, Mutator's body would
constantly mutate from one form to another, giving him a totally
different appearance every 48 hours. For the middle 24 hours of
the cycle, Mutator's body configuration was fairly stable and
consistent. For the 12 hours leading to and from the stable
period, Mutator's body was in a transitional state, possessing
attributes of both the form he had possessed and the form he was
about to possess. Mutator
retained a basic humanoid configuration through his succession of
forms. He only once became something significantly non-humanoid.
He usually took on various animal characteristics, though his
body also mimicked the properties of other substances. There was
apparently no pattern to his succession of forms. He was not
known to have ever assumed the precisely same form more than
once. He had no conscious control over his transformations.
Mutator would acquire certain attributes along with the outward
characteristics of a given form. For example, in a bird-like
form, he could grow working wings; in a mole-like form, he grew
long claws. His mass (and thus, weight) remained constant in his
various forms. Since the Cure removed his paranormality, Mutator
no longer possesses any superhuman abilities.
Mullaney is able to play piano, and he has a working knowledge of
History: George Mullaney was born on April 20, 1966.
's paranormal abilities first emerged on September 4, 1986, following "the White Event" (July 22, 1986). On September 19, 1986, he came to the Clinic for help in dealing with his parability.
(DP7#1)- As new arrivals Randy O'Brien and Dave Landers were shown around the Clinic's facility, Mutator, having mutated into the form of a wart-covered man, trained on weight lifting equipment.
(Kickers Inc.#5)- While Philip Nolan Voigt, head of the Clinic, displayed the facility to members of Kickers Inc., Mutator, having mutated into the form of hairy man with simian-like limbs, practiced his agility.
(DP7#17)- Mutator was taunted by "DDTeens" member Mothball, who made fun of him for his porcupine-like appearance, and threw his "mothballs" at him. Jeff Walters came to Mutator's defense, and George was very grateful to him. Later, George attended the assembly formed by the Clinic staff, which quickly turned to a riot. He hid during the fight.
(DP7#18)- On December 23, 1987, George (first
spider-form, from top image) was with Jeff in the rec room,
when a news bulletin about the destruction of Pittsburgh came
over the television. Jeff, whose family were in Pittsburgh, ran
from the building. When George found out that Jeff's friends
intended to drive to Pittsburgh to find him, he stole aboard
their winnebago. By the time they found him hiding in the
washroom, they were already an hour away, and decided to allow
him to accompany them. While passing a military checkpoint,
Mutator "helped out" by assaulting a soldier.
(DP7#19)- As they continued through the remains of
Pittsburgh, Mutator, with the others, encountered Jennifer
Swenson, aka "Spitfire", a rogue military agent. He
helped Merriam Sorenson down from a rooftop, although she was so
repulsed by him she found it difficult to be grateful.
(DP7#20)- Needing a place to rest that evening, Mutator found a standing basement with supplies, but knowing that none of the others would want to be close to him, decided to scout outside. Above, he was attacked by the War Dogs, scavengers working for the Pit Bull. The others came to rescue him, but he was made unconscious by Lenore Fenzl's powers.
(DP7#21)- Now having become bird-like, Mutator carried Lenore and Charlotte Beck to search for the others, who had been apprehended by the military, but they found more soldiers nearby. Wanting to help Lenore and Charlotte, Mutator decided to fly away, drawing their fire, but he barely made it in the air before the soldiers shot him down.
(Psi-Force#22)- After escaping the
soldiers, Mutator journeyed to New York City. Now in a tiger-like
body, he found a gang preying upon homeless people, and helped
drive them off. He was taken in by the homeless people, but when
his body transformed into silver, they turned on him, planning to
cut him up and sell him. Only one homeless man-- a paranormal
named Martin with toxic breath-- stood up for George.
Transforming into a squid-like creature, George and Martin
departed together.
(DP7#30)- Eventually, George and Martin joined the New York gang "the Para-Troop", a team of paranormal criminals. George took the alias "Wild Thing" while Martin called himself "Wipeout". George brought a street thug to the Para-Troop to encourage them to defeat Captain Manhattan for him. The Para-Troop's leader, Acid Queen, disaproved of George's initiative, and had Martin punish him with his toxic breath. Later, during the battle with Captain Manhattan, George was shocked to see his friends from the Clinic aiding Captain Manhattan, but was afraid to tell them who he was.
(DP7#32)- Now in the form
of a handsome, African-American man, George decided to take full
advantage of his good fortune, and, taking the alias of
"John Mason", and approached Charlotte Beck, claiming
to be a telepath from the Clinic. He and Charlotte had a brief
romance before he revealed his true identity to her, and informed
her he would be going to the paranormal called "the
Cure" to have his powers removed. Charlotte saw him once
more, after he lost his paranormality, but seeing he wasn't as
handsome as "John Mason", couldn't bring herself to be
with him.
Comments: Created by Mark
Gruenwald and Paul Ryan.
Mutator was given extensive biographical information in his profile found in DP7#26.
Mutator was loosely affiliated with a group of paranormals that appeared in the comic DP7 (Displaced Paranormals Seven). However, the group never went by that name, nor any other.
The New Universe possesses interesting
temporal characteristics. The White Event occurred on September
4, 1986, after which events moved in real time, at least up to
the War, sometime in later 1989, or early 1990. They interacted
with the Marvel Universe in 1991-1992 of real time, and were last
seen in 1994, at the conclusion of the Star Blast saga. It's
unlikely that the characters of the NU will be seen again (a true
shame), but I'd like to think that they should somehow stay in
real time.--Snood.
Alternatively, per Prime Eternal: It may be that since the
Living Tribunal has isolated them from the rest of the Universe,
that they are isolated from Eternity as well, meaning they won't
age in Marvel Time.
Clarifications: Mutator should not be confused with:
images: (without ads)
DP7#1 (November, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Romeo Tanghal (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Kickers Inc.#5 (March, 1987) - Tom DeFalco & Mark Gruenwald (writers), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam DeLarosa & friends (inks), Wellington & Jackson (editors)
DP7#17-21 (March-July, 1988) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#22 (August, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Don Heck (artist), Howard Mackie (editor)
DP7#30 (April, 1989)- Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
DP7#32 (June, 1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
First Posted: 04/09/2002
Last updated: 08/02/2002
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