(Save Our Offspring From Indecency)
Membership: Supreme SOOFI, Sudd, others unnamed
Purpose: To wipe out the blight of indecency from the face of the Earth
Affiliations: B.E.S.T. (Bozoes Eagerly Serving Tyrants) (Werner Blowhard, Dr. Reich, Mahagreasy Migraine Yogi, Nurse Barbara)
Enemies: Howard the Duck, Paul Same, Beverly Switzler, Winda Wester, and anything indecent
Base of Operations: Currently unknown; formerly Dreadcliff Manor, Ohio; formerly Manhattan, New York City
First Appearance: Howard the Duck I#21 (February, 1978)
The Supreme SOOFI (aka the Sinister Soofi) is a woman from Miami,
Florida, who is recognizable to Howard the Duck. She believes she
was visted by God on the Miami Beach. Her vision told her that
the prevailing community standards of Dade County should be
carried to the whole world ("Decency isn't just for
breakfast anymore"). Her vision then gave her the schematics
for the Blanditron, a device for cerebral ablution to wipe the
indecency from others and convert them to her cause. Traveling to
Manhattan, she recruited a group of like-minded followers, making
sure not to include anyone who might question her will. It's
unclear how long SOOFI has been active, but it's been long enough
for the Supreme SOOFI to gather demographics showing a brisk
turnover around Christmas as people become more self-destructive.
(Howard the Duck#20 - BTS)-Howard the Duck learned of SOOFI when he met one of its disciples, Sudd. Sudd was transformed into a human scrubbing bubble and went on a destructive rampage against indecency before being destroyed.
(Howard the Duck I#21)-The Supreme SOOFI sent her disciples out
on a series of kamikaze missions to wipe out indecency. They
sacrificed themselves to blow up such establishments as the Adult
Filth Book Shoppe, the Cine Libido Theatre (featuring
"Zelda, Nazi Werewolf"), and the Crushed Corduroy
Forum, where "Mildred Horowitz and his Band"played. As
the last follower was killed, the Supreme SOOFI ambushed and
abducted Howard the Duck, using SOOFI's most human weapon, Formula 410, which safely cleans porcelain, enamel, glass, and all
consciousness from the brain.
When Howard awakened, she explained SOOFI's origins to him, and told him that she wished to recruit him for his potential youth appeal. However, as his strong personality and wit were potential threats to her cause, she threw him in the Blanditron, on full load with permanent press. However, Howard proved too much for the Blanditron, and he emerged unscathed, and popped the Supreme SOOFI in the face, shattering her helmet, and exposing her true identity to him. She begged him to stay and help, but Howard wanted nothing to do with her.
(Howard the Duck II#4/2)-The Supreme SOOFI joined together with a group of other leaders of fanatical, mind-numbed groups to form BEST. They formed a plan to take control of the minds of the entire planet by harnessing the mental powers of Winda Wester. They succeeded in capturing Wester, along with her friends Howard, Paul, and Beverly. However, when BEST member nurse Barbara injured Paul, Winda unleashed her mental powers on the group leader, Dr. Reich, who became delusional and began firing his gun recklessly around the room. In the struggle, the Supreme SOOFI attempted to stop Howard with another dose of Formula 410, but she was incapacitated when nurse Barbara charged Howard and crashed into her.
COMMENTS: Created by Steve Gerber and Carmine Infantino.
The SOOFI pledge: "We are the SOOFI, pledged to Save Our Offspring From Indecency! We are brave, loyal, obedient, and pure in every thought, deed, and external organ! We are the SOOFI, sworn to die that our children yet unborn may live in antiseptic peace!"
I didn't read the issue until ten years after it came out, so the topical references were lost on me. However, Uncle Pyko tells me that he thinks the Sinister Soofi was meant to be folksinger Anita Bryant, who was known for her moral ethics.
You have to read Gerber's stories for yourself to get the real feel.
Howard the Duck I#20 (January, 1978) - Steve Gerber (writer/editor), Gene Colan (artist), and Klaus Janson (inker)
Howard the Duck I#21 (February, 1978) - Steve Gerber (writer/editor), Carmine Infantino (artist), and Klaus Janson (inker)
Howard the Duck II#4 (December, 1979) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dave Simons (inks), Rick Marshall (editor)
Last updated: 05/12/12.
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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