Real Name: T'urin G'ar
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial
Occupation: Predator
Group Membership: Stranger's prisoners
Affiliations: The Body (exiled), Overmind (used it as a pawn)
Enemies: Dire Wraiths, Quasar, Rom, Stranger; the people of Carson's Glen
Known Relatives: The Body (collective organism)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Currently unknown;
formerly the Stranger's laboratory world;
formerly Carson's Glen;
formerly deep space
First Appearance: Rom Annual#1 (1982)
Powers: Stardust possessed a large degree of energy manipulative powers. It was composed of energy and did not have human limitations. It could travel through space unaided. It could drain the life force from other beings to increase its own power. It possessed some degree of superhuman strength, most likely a result of focusing its energies into kinetic energy. It is bound in "starstuff" bonds, which limit its power. Without the bonds, it is significantly more powerful.
(Rom Annual#1) - The being that became Stardust was
originally an energy being who was part of a collective known as
the Body. He was expelled for unmutual acts and bound in bands
of "starstuff." He found his way to Earth and
discovered two races inhabiting the planet: humans and Dire
Wraiths. He first absorbed most of the energy of several
children, but found he was able to get more energy by absorbing
Wraiths (killing them), so he began seeking them out. As he
absorbed the life forces of others, he came to think of himself
as a new "Body," replacing the composite life form that
had expelled him. When Rom found him and asked that he return the
life force stolen from the children, Stardust attacked him as an
enemy. Rom mistakenly shattered the starstuff bonds, thinking
them to be the source of Stardust's power. After realizing his
mistake, Rom drained Stardust's energy into his own cyborg form,
used it to heal the children, and released the villain back into
the cosmos with just enough power to survive.
(Quasar#14, [15], 16) - He was later
captured and held captive by the Stranger on his laboratory
world. During the Overmind's assault on the Stranger, Stardust
was one of the captives who was freed and directed to attack the
Stranger and his allies. Stardust attacked Quasar, sensing that
he, like Rom, had the power to shatter the starstuff bonds which
kept him prisoner. Stardust drained Quasar's energy as they
struggled, until Quasar realized what was happening, reversed the
flow, and drained Stardust's energy, incapacitating him.
Many of the former captives escaped the Stranger's world after
this struggle, although Stardust's fate is unrevealed.
Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo and Pat Broderick
When Rom released Stardust into space, it was without the starstuff bonds. They may be regenerating, or perhaps he/it had another encounter with the Body, who restored the bonds. When he was on the Stranger's world, he was again contained by starstuff bonds.
The Dire Wraiths destroyed by Stardust had successfully created a device that would cloak them from Rom's Analyzer, which allowed him to recognize them no matter what form they had taken. All but a few of the Wraiths of this group were consumed by Stardust. A few escaped with their notes and a prototype device, but Rom found them, destroyed the prototype, and banished them to Limbo.
Profile adapted from the Rom, Spaceknight revisited site, by Lee Seitz.
Quasar#14-16 (September-November, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan Panosian & Keith Williams (#16) (inks), Len Kaminski (editor)
First Posted: 12/23/2001
Last updated: 03/15/2015
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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