(Reality-56150 circa 2076 A.D.)
Classification: Semi-humanoid (ape-like or primitive hominid-like)
extraterrestrial race (Martian);
active circa 2076 A.D.
Location/Base of Operations: Mars, 4th planet from the sun in the Sol system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-56150 circa 2076 A.D.
Known Members: Rev
Affiliations: They sought unsuccessfully to befriend a crew of human astronauts (Drake, Fisher, Captain Loring, 2 unidentified)
Enemies: None
First Appearance: Journey into Mystery I#40/2 (November, 1956)
Powers/Abilities: The Martians could telepathically read the minds of others.
It is unrevealed whether they could project their
thoughts; however, if they could do so, one would assume that they
would have contacted the humans before they left.
They could apparently construct an entire town within hours via unspecified means, presumably matter rearrangement and/or transmutation.
Physically, they resemble either apes or perhaps primitive hominids.
They presumably survived on the sparse vegetation, as there were not any other known forms of animal life.
They may have breathed an
Earth-like atmosphere, or else they created that atmosphere for the
humans after reading their minds during their approach.
Traits: Despite their vast ability to restructure matter, they lived in caves and did not wear clothing.
Desperate to rekindle their dying
civilization, the Martians would try to use their powers to create a
familiar environment for visitors and would wait a day or two before
revealing their presence.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; none were seen close-up enough to identify color)
Fingers: Three or Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed
Skin color: Gray (covered with thick hair)
Average height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6" (they were not seen close to the humans)
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2 (fb) - BTS) - By
2076 A.D., the Martians -- despite their great mental powers - lived in
caves and were dying out under unrevealed circumstances.
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2 - BTS) - On May 1, 2076, a spaceship arrived carrying a crew of five astronauts from Earth. After determining that the atmosphere and environment were hospitable to them, the crew removed their spacesuits, although the captain ordered that they rest for the night and get acclimated.
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2 (fb) - BTS) - While the humans slept, from their hidden caves in a nearby valley, the Martians read the minds and the humans and created a town just like the ones they were used to on Earth. They did this to help make the humans feel more comfortable, and they elected to remain in hiding until the humans had gotten used to the new town.
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2 -
BTS) <May 2, 2076> - The human astronauts explored the area
surrounding their ship and they initially found vegetation, but no forms of animal life.
Soon after, they located the town behind a rock formation. Initially on
guard, they were surprised to find it replicating everything about
towns -- down to the the items in stores -- but both completely
unoccupied and quiet. They determined the food items to be synthetic
and that there was fresh paint that had not yet dried.
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2 -
BTS) <May 3, 2076> - The human astronauts thoroughly investigated
the town but were very disturbed to find no evidence of living beings.
Ultimately, they were unnerved by the experience, and they left a sign
noting the date of their first mission to Mars and how they had found
no life.
(Journey into Mystery I#40/2) -
Deciding that they had allowed the humans enough time to get used to
their new town, the Martians emerged from their caves, hoping to
befriend the humans. Seeing the sign, they rushed to stop the humans,
but were too late, and the ship departed.
The Martians were distraught,
considering that this had been their last chance of their dying
civilization to renew itself. They questioned why the humans had left,
when they had tried to make it like their home.
Comments: Created by Gene Colan and unknown writer.
If the Martians could read minds,
why didn't they realize that the empty town was distressing the
astronauts and that they were deciding to leave? Maybe they could only
read the minds of people who were sleeping, but they still should have
been able to figure that out while the slept the night after first
encountering the town.
As of the time of the writing of
this profile, Mars does not have an atmosphere breathable to humans. Is
is thin, 2% of Earth's atmosphere's thickness, and composed mostly of
carbon dioxide, with only trace elements of oxygen. It's temperature is
below freezing down to around -60 Celsius (about -80 F), due both to
its thin atmosphere and its greater distance from the sun than Earth.
Perhaps the Martians' used their powers to alter
Earth's atmosphere and ambient temperature...but, if so, then how did
they develop? Perhaps they colonized it, or perhaps they could live in
its sparse atmosphere and frigid temperature...but, it also supported
Rev was the being to the left in the main image. It is unclear whether he was the leader, but the two main figures seemed to be jointly deciding things. The other character is unrevealed.
The human crew could have their
own profile, or they could be part of a Reality-56150 profile...but
they're not Martians, so I left them out of this profile.
This profile was completed 12/27/2024 , but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.
Profile by Snood.
The Martians should be distinguished from:
![]() ![]() Unlike Mars of the real world in the modern time, this planet had an atmosphere and temperature hospitable to humanity, and it also had some vegetation. If other animal life forms existed, they were unseen. --Journey into Mystery I#40/2 Note: The image to the right shows more of the surface and a rock formation. Behind the rock formation was a town artificially created by the Martians overnight between May 1-2, 2076. It is unrevealed whether the town persisted after the human's departure. |
![]() (Journey into Mystery I#40/2 (fb) - BTS) - While the humans slept, from their hidden caves in a nearby valley, the Martians read the minds and the humans and created a town just like the ones they were used to on Earth. They did this to help make the humans feel more comfortable, and they elected to remain in hiding until the humans had gotten used to the new town. (Journey into Mystery I#40/2 -
BTS) <May 2, 2076> - The human astronauts explored the area
surrounding their ship and they initially found vegetation, but no forms of animal life.
Soon after, they located the town behind a rock formation. Initially on
guard, they were surprised to find it replicating everything about
towns -- down to the the items in stores -- but both completely
unoccupied and quiet. They determined the food items to be synthetic
and that there was fresh paint that had not yet dried. (Journey into Mystery I#40/2 - BTS) <May 3, 2076> - The human astronauts thoroughly investigated the town but were very disturbed to find no evidence of living beings. Ultimately, they were unnerved by the experience, and they left a sign noting the date of their first mission to Mars and how they had found no life. --Journey into Mystery I#40/2 |
images: (without ads)
Journey into Mystery I#40/2, pg. 1 (Mars surface; crater);
pg. 2, panel 2 (town, distant, behind rock formation);
panel 3-5 (town, drugstore, products);
pg. 3, panel 5 (full bodies);
panel 6 (discovering sign);
panel 8 (distressed, seeing spaceship depart)
Journey into Mystery I#40/2 "The Silence" (November, 1956) - unknown writer, Gene Colan (artist)
First posted: 03/05/2025
Last updated: 03/05/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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