matricca_scoppio-mm6-desertMATRICCA SCOPPIO

Official Name: Matricca Scoppio

NatureExtraterrestrial planet, on the outer gas rim of the Crab Nebula, Milky Way Galaxy (see comments);
    possibly also an alternate reality future version, circa year 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892 (see comments)

Environment: "Type 3" (with a life-sustaining biosphere)

Gravity: Presumably possessed a gravitational field in which it was comfortable for humans to function (no one traveling there commented on it being different than what they were used to)

Atmosphere: An unspecified combination of gases (presumably mostly nitrogen and oxygen) since it can be breathed by humans

Natural Satellites: At least one, possibly two (the larger yellow one may or may not be a sun vs. a second moon)

Artificial Satellites: None shown

Natives: A number of humanoid beings were seen in the Motormouth & Killpower story;
    apparently only cyborgs existed in the Death's Head & Die-Cut story

Population: Unrevealed;
    ACE Corporation (notably
Mr. Asuza, Yahn Cobert, Mr. Thule, Watcher), Bad Boys (Hadrian, Little Pieces, Plastique), Dove Soldiers (Farcus, Jo-Jo, Kozinski);
    (presumably in the future of 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892) Cyborgs

Capital City: Unrevealed

Government: Unrevealed;
    (presumably in the future of 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892) presumably some sort of technocracy and/or hive-mind intelligence


Monetary Unit: Unrevealed

National Defense: Unrevealed;
    (presumably in the future of 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892) the cyborgs attacked invaders

Major Resources: ACE (Asuza Cynergetic Engineering) Corporation, ;
    (presumably in the future of 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892) Cyborgs

Planetary Defense: Unrevealed;
    (presumably in the future of 3442 A.D. in Reality-12892) the cyborgs attacked invaders

Places of Interest: Orgolhuin, the Black Museum of the Cyborgs

Prominent Residents: ACE Corporation, Cyborgs, "Terminals"

Visitors: Death's Head (Minion), Die-Cut (Czorn Yson), Tuck,

Aliases: The Factory Planet

First Appearance: (Unidentified; as "unnamed green Class Three planet in the outer rim of the Crab Nebula): Overkill#6 (July 3, 1992);
Motormouth#5 (October, 1992);
    (seen) Motormouth & Killpower#6 (November, 1992)

Motormouth & Killpower#6 (fb) - BTS) - Matricca Scoppio was known as a legendary factory planet.

(Motormouth & Killpower#1 (fb) - BTS / Motormouth & Killpower#7 (fb) - BTS) - On Matricca Scoppio, the ACE Corporation developed the phase unit technology, which was stolen by Mys-Tech Warheads.

(Motormouth & Killpower#1 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech designated the phase unit technology as MOPED (Mind Operated PErsonal Dematerialization) units. 

(Motormouth & Killpower#5 - BTS) - After Motormouth destroyed a robotic attacker, Killpower read a label on its remnants:
    "ACE Corporation
    Matricca Scoppio"
    ...and he recognized the group as the people who had made the
MOPED (Mind Operated PErsonal Dematerialization) technology that they both possessed.

    Using that technology, Motormouth initiated a transport to Matricca Scoppio.

(Motormouth & Killpower#6) - Unaware that they were being tracked by Mys-Tech, Motormouth and Killpower materialized on Matricca Scoppio, which Motormouth considered looked more like "Lawrence of *&^%$ Arabia on acid" (there was also a symbol for what I think is that British pound at the end of the expletive, but I don't have that symbol on my keyboard, and it would probably show up as an error on the page once it was uploaded, anyway).

(Motormouth & Killpower#6 - BTS) - On Earth Mys-Tech agent reported the two's location to Techno-Wizard Gudrun Tyburn who instructed that the coordinates be given to the Psycho-Warriors and for them to be sent there now.

(Motormouth & Killpower#6) - The ACE Corporation witnessed their arrival and the subsequent arrival of Mys-Tech's Psycho-Warriors, who captured Killpower and returned to Earth.

    The ACE Corporation sent the Dove Soldiers...

(Motormouth & Killpower#7) - ...who failed to capture Motormouth, and the Bad Boys, who succeeded, only for the ACE Corporation's Mr. Asuza to remove her muzzle/gag and be decapitated by her sonic powers; Motormouth subsequently transported back to Earth.matricca_scoppio-dhdc1-cityscape

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio started out with a "Flesh Age," in which their ancestors were completely biologic.

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs looked back on the "Flesh Age," with disgust. They viewed such biologic/human limitations, such as vulnerability, dependence, and biological chance with almost superstitious horror.

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs built Orgolhuin, the Black Museum, containing the history and stages of their existence. matricca_scoppio-dhdc1-cityscape2

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - From his nightmares, from memories stolen from corpses, and from stories his mom told him as a kid, Czorn Yson of the Ganalon knew of Matricca Scoppio.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - Time jumpers reported that a cure for the Perfection plague would be found by the cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - Lady Anula summoned Death's Head (Minion) and Tuck to Lionheart, hiring them to travel to Matricca Scoppio to find a cure for Perfection, with which she was afflicted.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1) - Death's Head and Tuck battled cyborgs on Matricca Scoppio, during which the cyborgs introduced a purging infestation into Death's Head's system. Designed to purify him from within, it would eliminate any glitches it encountered in his body or mind, including eradicating his personality.

    Death's Head rallied from the initial effects with Tuck's aid, and they attempted to abandon the contract and flee, but they found the cyborgs had neutralized Death's Head's timebelt. As they battled another wave of cyborgs that threatened to overwhelm them, Death's Head sought assistance from Czorn Yson, one of the 105 being's whose minds he had incorporated (killing those beings in the process) with his cranial syphon. matricca_scoppio-dhdc1-skywalk

    Possessing memories of Matricca Scoppio, Yson guided Death's Head to Orgolhuin (the Black Museum of the cyborgs), in the process taking control of Death's Head's form. Yson/Death's Head led Tuck within, while the cyborgs pursuing them were reluctant to enter the place that was a "House of Horror" to them.

    Noting that the cyborgs would eventually follow, Yson instructed Tuck to guard their backs, and he continued on to the Vaults of Forbidden Knowledge, which Yson had Death's Head program to form a new body for him, in which he later claimed the identity Die-Cut.

    When the museum's Black Curator attempted to stop him, Yson had Death's Head blow its head off and shatter its body.

    While fighting fiercely to hold off the cyborgs, Tuck realized that she apparently had been infected with Perfection as well.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2) - Re-forming, the Black Curator captured Tuck.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2) - Overwhelmed by the Black Curator and a group of cyborgs, Die-Cut spliced together a simulator to form an "enviro-ball," with the frigid ice-storm environment from Zeta Two that threatened all within, after which he opened a reality warp through which he, Death's Head, and Tuck escaped.

    After the trio had regrouped and the enviro-ball burnt itself out, Die-Cut brought himself and his associates back into the Black Museum where he reprogrammed the Black Curator to serve them. At their request, the Curator took them to the "cure" the cyborgs had for Perfection: The Museum itself possessed a stasis spell woven throughout the fabric of all within; once inside, no exhibit may wear, transmute, or bio-degrade.

    Entering the catacombs, they observed those otherwise dying and diseased beings ("terminals") who had bought themselves a place within the museum, gaining immortality via the stasis field.

    The maddened exhibit beings attacked the new arrivals, feeling that they had been deceived and demanding to be let out. Death's Head convinced Die-Cut to join him in cutting a way out of the catacombs and letting the lunatics loose on the cyborg city. matricca_scoppio-dhdc2-terminals-unleashed

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2 - BTS) - Having returned to Lionheart, Death's Head and Tuck learned that the Perfection Virus she had developed was just a temporary simulation, caused by Anula to give them motivation to find the cure. 

Comments: Created by Graham Marks, Gary Frank, Dave Taylor, and Cam Smith under the Marvel UK imprint.

What's in a name?

Where is Matricca Scoppio?

When is Matricca Scoppio?

    A lot of additional detail is covered under the groups, beings, locations, etc. that have links in the top headings, so please be sure to check those out.

    The cyborgs could have their own profile at some point, if'n someone else gets a hankerin' to do so!

Profile by Snood.

Matricca Scoppio has no known connections to:

The cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio have no known connection to:

Cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio


(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio started out with a "Flesh Age," in which their ancestors were completely biologic.

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs looked back on the "Flesh Age," with disgust. They viewed such biologic/human limitations, such as vulnerability, dependence, and biological chance with almost superstitious horror.

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - The cyborgs built Orgolhuin, the Black Museum, containing the history and stages of their existence. 

(Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - From his nightmares, from memories stolen from corpses, and from stories his mom told him as a kid, Czorn Yson of the Ganalon knew of Matricca Scoppio.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (fb) - BTS) - Time jumpers reported that a cure for the Perfection plague would be found by the cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1) - Death's Head and Tuck battled cyborgs on Matricca Scoppio, during which the cyborgs introduced a purging infestation into Death's Head's system.

     Designed to purify him from within, it would eliminate any glitches it encountered in his body or mind, including eradicating his personality.

    Death's Head rallied from the initial effects with Tuck's aid, and they attempted to abandon the contract and flee, but they found the cyborgs had neutralized Death's Head's timebelt.

     As they battled another wave of cyborgs that threatened to overwhelm them, Death's Head sought assistance from Czorn Yson, one of the 105 being's whose minds he had incorporated (killing those beings in the process) with his cranial syphon.

    Possessing memories of Matricca Scoppio, Yson guided Death's Head to Orgolhuin (the Black Museum of the cyborgs), in the process taking control of Death's Head's form. Yson/Death's Head led Tuck within, while the cyborgs pursuing them were reluctant to enter the place that was a "House of Horror" to them.

    Noting that the cyborgs would eventually follow, Yson instructed Tuck to guard their backs, and he continued on to the Vaults of Forbidden Knowledge, which Yson had Death's Head program to form a new body for him, in which he later claimed the identity Die-Cut.

    When the museum's Black Curator attempted to stop him, Yson had Death's Head blow its head off and shatter its body.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2) - Re-forming, the Black Curator captured Tuck.

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2) - Overwhelmed by the Black Curator and a group of cyborgs, Die-Cut spliced together a simulator to form an "enviro-ball," with the frigid ice-storm environment from Zeta Two that threatened all within, after which he opened a reality warp through which he, Death's Head, and Tuck escaped.

    After the trio had regrouped and the enviro-ball burnt itself out, Die-Cut brought himself and his associates back into the Black Museum where he reprogrammed the Black Curator to serve them. At their request, the Curator took them to the "cure" the cyborgs had for Perfection: The Museum itself possessed a stasis spell woven throughout the fabric of all within; once inside, no exhibit may wear, transmute, or bio-degrade.

    Entering the catacombs, they observed those otherwise dying and diseased beings ("terminals") who had bought themselves a place within the museum, gaining immortality via the stasis field.

    The maddened exhibit beings attacked the new arrivals, feeling that they had been deceived and demanding to be let out. Death's Head convinced Die-Cut to join him in cutting a way out of the catacombs and letting the lunatics loose on the cyborg city.
--Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (2

Note: It seems to be that the cyborgs who assaulted Ganalus and the Ganalons were from Matricca Scoppio. If so:

(Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2 (fb)) - On Ganalus, the Ganalons fought a centuries-long war against a cyborg race (see comments).

     Czorn Yson was eventually captured by his cyborg or robotic enemies who intended to use his creative human genius to spark their stagnant science.

    To prevent his captors from understanding his mind and gaining control of it, Czorn pretended to be insane, even laughing while watching his comrades being tortured.

    All the while, Czorn secretly studied his captor's technology and theorized on how to develop the ultimate bladed weapon.

    Eventually succumbing to insanity and losing his will to live, Czorn was happy when Minion (later Death's Head) slew him and absorbed his mind.


images: (without ads)
Motormouth & Killpower#6, pg. 2, city/village (domes in and around rocky mountains);
Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1, pg. 1, panel 1 (cyborgs fighting Death's Head);
       pg. 2, panel 3 (topknot cyborg confronting Death's Head);
       pg. 7, panel 1 (cityscape);
       pg. 12, panel 2 (similar cityscape, with speech balloons blocking things);
          panel 4 (crossing skywalk in city);
    #2, pg. 4 (cyborgs alongside the Black Curator)

Overkill#6 (July 3, 1992) MOPED file - presumably written by Motormouth writer Graham Marks or Overkill editor John Freeman; apparently Gary Frank (penciler), Cam Smith (inker)
No credits are listed - the art looks to come from the main series so probably Gary Frank (pencils) and Cam Smith (inks). I'd imagine the text is either from series writer Graham Marks or the title's editor John Freeman--Loki
Motormouth#1 (June, 1992) - Graham Marks (writer), Gary Frank (pencils), Cam Smith (inks), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Motormouth#3 (August, 1992) - Graham Marks (writer), Gary Frank (pencils), Cam Smith (inks), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Motormouth#5 (October, 1992) - Graham Marks (writer), Phil Gascoine (penciler), Cam Smith (inker), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Motormouth & Killpower#6 (November, 1992) - Graham Marks (writer), Gary Frank (and Dave Taylor) (pencilers), Cam Smith (inker), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Motormouth & Killpower#7 (December, 1992) - Graham Marks (writer), Edmund Perryman (penciler), Cam Smith & Bambos Georgiou (inkers), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#1 (August, 1993) - Glenn Dakin (script), John Royle (art), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Death's Head II & the Origin of Die-Cut#2 (September, 1993) - Glenn Dakin (script), John Royle (penciler), Sean Hardy (inker), Jacqui Papp (editor)

First posted: 10/06/2023
Last updated: 10/06/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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