Identity/Class: Human magic-user merged with cosmic deity; Occupation: Goddess of Magic; Group Membership: Roma
Affiliations: Ulysses Bloodstone, Goddess of All Witches, Agatha Harkness, Dasha Kolarov, Makkari, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff); Enemies: Aimless Ones, Chaos, Father Drobnjak, Kalinq and its associate, Knights of Wundagore; unidentified father of Pietro and Wanda; unidentified ghosts, mad scientists, phooka, vampires, werewolves and other monstrosities Known Relatives: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver, son), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch, daughter), Aliases: Scarlet Witch; Base of Operations: Presumably the realm of the Goddess of All Magic; First Appearance: (As Scarlet Witch) Scarlet Witch II#3 (April, 2016); Powers/Abilities: Natalya was a powerful witch. In life, even with her powers limited by
Wundagore, she could defeat an entire contingent of the Knights of
Wundagore and apparently even hold her own against the High
Evolutionary. She could project mystic bolts and banish magical monstrosities. She could sense connections to various beings, and she could access the Witches' Road As a spirit, she could heal long-existing scars, access the Witches' Road, project magical bolts and banish beings such as the Aimless Ones. Merged with the Goddess of All Witches, she could
transport others across realms, restore a magical spirit to life and
reverse magically-induced aging in another being. However, via the
merging, she apparently lost all of her memories and personality. Wanda described Natalya as
beautiful, and Agatha agreed, further noting that Natalya had a
beautiful, shining spirit. Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 135 lbs.) Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown |
(Scarlet Witch II#4 (fb) - BTS) <Per Agatha Harkness> - Like her mother, from the moment she realized she had powers, Natalya conceived the identity of the Scarlet Witch. (Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) - BTS) <According to Marya> - Natalya adopted the name Scarlet Witch after her father, the Scarlet Warlock. Although red was considered unlucky to the Roma, Natalya liked the name, and she considered that it suggested bad luck for whoever crossed her. (Scarlet Witch II#4 (fb) - BTS)
- The Scarlet Witch was known to some, such as Ulysses Bloodstone and
his colleague Makkari the Eternal, but to most of Europe, where she
operated, she was "a myth...a whisper. (Scarlet Witch II#11 (fb) -
BTS) - Natalya was best friends with Dasha Kolarov, who considered
herself something akin Natalya's sidekick, watching her back. During
this time, they encountered vampires, werewolves, ghosts and other
monstrous creatures, as well as mad scientists and lots of bad witches
whom Natalya fought as the Scarlet Witch. (Scarlet Witch II#3-4 ) - Natalya encountered her
future daughter, Wanda Maximoff, on the Witches Road, only realizing as she
departed the identity of this new witch (see subsequent entry for more detail as the encounter occurred in the present for Wanda). (Scarlet Witch II#11 (fb) -
BTS) - Natalya conceived fraternal twins by an unidentified man, whose
identity was unknown to even those who knew Natalya closely. She presumably named her children Wanda and Pietro. (Scarlet Witch II#11 (fb) - BTS) <Approximately 25 years before the main story> - Abiding in Serbia, Natalya apparently gave her newborn twins -- despite, or perhaps, because she loved them so much -- to a relative and fellow Roma to raise as her own and to keep safe from the perils that her own life saw all too often. Seeking the perfect children with
latent powers that he could augment for his own reasons, the High
Evolutionary sent his Knights of Wundagore to attack regions of Transia
before going forth into neighboring countries. When the Knights of Wundagore attacked Serbia, Father Drobnjak learned the reasons for the assaults. Aware of the children of the witch and figuring that they might be special, Drobnjak provided their location (and that of the woman raising them). Taking the children, the High Evolutionary and his Knights left in peace. Seeking to recover her children,
Natalya went after the High Evolutionary on Mount Wundagore. Although
something about the mountain sapped her powers, Natalya fought with
what power she had, defeating all Knights of Wundagore she encountered.
Ultimately, she went down fighting. ...(per Drobnjak) "that was the last that anyone saw of her." (Scarlet Witch II#14 (fb) - BTS) - The unidentified father of the Natalya's twins was responsible for Natalya's death. |
(Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) -
BTS) - The Evolutionary knew who Django and Marya were, although he
pretended that it was blind, merry chance. (Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) -
BTS) - At some point, Natalya (perhaps only her spirit) became acquainted with the witch Agatha Harkness. At some point, Natalya has instructed Agatha to not reveal her true identity to Wanda until such time as her fate brought her to the appropriate point to learn it.
(Scarlet Witch II#3 (fb) - BTS) - The force seeking to destroy the fabric of magic caused Wanda to age every time she used her magical powers. (Scarlet Witch II#3) - Investigating the source of a magical assault on Ireland (the Emerald Warlock/Declan Dane), Wanda and the ghost of Agatha Harkness traveled to the Witches' Road, where they encountered Natalya, who asked if she knew the new arrival. After Wanda, appreciating that the other woman indeed seemed familiar, introduced herself as Wanda, Natalya identified herself as the Scarlet Witch. (Scarlet Witch II#4) - Wanda was certain that -- although she had never met the woman before -- this was her mother. Agatha confirmed this to Wanda, but she also warned her that this could be a past incarnation of her mother, and that -- as time was vague on the Witches' Road -- foreknowledge given there might change events in the future. Agatha further advised Wanda that she had not previously shared this information as it not been Wanda's time to know. Natalya then introduced herself by her real name, and -- heeding Agatha's advice -- Wanda noted that she was perhaps a distant relative and that they shared the same surname. Although not yet appreciating Wanda's true relationship to her nor why she and Wanda were at the Witches' Road, Natalya somehow knew that she had to protect Wanda from some threat she would not be able to defeat by herself (although she sensed that Wanda was a mighty witch in her own right).
After Natalya had advised Wanda
that there were forks in the Witches' Road, some leading to light and
others to darkness, Wanda asked if the world knew of Natalya's
existence, as she had not previously heard of another Scarlet Witch.
Natalya explained that, as Roma and witches, they were distrusted and
feared, and so she had operated from the shadows. As Natalya questioned
why she felt such intense feelings, they were distracted by a monstrous phooka, and Natalya used a pair of hexes to
weaken the creature and then end its threat (apparently banishing it). Noting that further things were up to Wanda and that there was a greater danger ahead, Natalya began to fade from the Witches' Road, only realizing just before she vanished that -- although she had not yet met a man and that the woman was yet to be born -- Wanda was her beautiful daughter. (Scarlet Witch II#4 - BTS) - Wanda and Agatha soon after encountered the Emerald Warlock, whom Wanda duped into following her from the realm of Cernunnos (a male Celtic deity) into the realm of the mother goddesses (including Cerridwen, Oya, Nicneven; a female-dominated portion of the Road), which allowed her to defeat him and remove the power he had accumulated, although he nonetheless managed to escape. |
They further discussed how the
information had been shielded from her past by Agatha and others, and
that she had been putting off further investigation of her true past. (Scarlet Witch II#8) - While Wanda wandered through Central Park?, Natalya briefly visited her. (Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) - BTS) - Wanda tried to summon her mother's spirit, but it proved elusive. (Scarlet Witch II#11 (fb) -
BTS) - Following her mother's trail, Wanda learned of Father Drobnjak
and how he had given her up to her and Pietro to the High Evolutionary,
which had led Natalya to go after the Evolutionary to try to recover
her children. (Scarlet Witch II#11 - BTS) - Wanda confronted Drobnjak, forcing him to confirm what she had learned. Unaware of Natalya's fate, Drobnjak advised Wanda to speak to Dasha Kolarov, whom he believed had known Natalya. In Novi Pazar, Wanda met Dasha, who instantly recognized her as Natalya's daughter by her eyes. Dasha told Wanda what she knew of her mother and then revealed that Marya was still alive, although badly scarred from burn wounds. Dasha then drove Wanda to meet Marya. (Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) -
BTS) - Natalya attempted to possess Marya so she could put Wanda on the
right path, but the witch-demon Kalinq and its unidentified associate
interceded, seeking to stop Wanda on her mission to fix/cure
witchcraft, which was broken. (Scarlet Witch II#12 - BTS) - Marya revealed some information about Natalya's and her past, but when Wanda noted that she had tried and failed to summon her mother's spirit, Kalinq, a witch-demon who had possessed Marya, manifested and attacked Wanda. A second demon then possessed Dasha, after which Agatha Harkness' spirit arrived and added her power to Wanda's allowing her to safely dispel the demons without harming Marya or Dasha's bodies or souls. (Scarlet Witch II#12) - Natalya
then briefly possessed Marya's form, greeting Wanda and thanking her
old friend Dasha for reuniting Wanda and Marya. Natalya then explained
that there were forces abroad that would seek to stop Wanda from fixing
witchcraft as they feasted on the rotten meat of the craft's sickness.
She continued that Wanda would find these forces on the Witches' Road
and that she would have to walk it further than anyone, only learning
what was needed of her when she reached the end. When Wanda stated that she did not know who or what she
would be fighting, Natalya told her that she would when she got there,
but for now, it was all about the journey. As her time drew to a close,
Natalya told Wanda she would see her and tell her more later. |
(Scarlet Witch II#13) <6-7
weeks later> - With the force that was attacking Wanda to prevent
her from achieving her goal also doing everything it could to keep her
away, Natalya briefly greeted Wanda and Agatha. She revealed that
Wanda's foe was Chaos before she drawn away, further noting that the
next attack drew near and that it would be manifestations of Wanda's
past, for which she still held shame and fear in her heart. (Scarlet Witch II#13 - BTS) - Wanda was nearly overwhelmed by darkness, but the Myld, a tiny race of winged people that Wanda had unwittingly earlier saved from their tormentor, Kruul, helped dispel the darkness with their light, revealing the apparent end of the Witches' Road. (Scarlet Witch II#13) - Natalya appeared again, revealing that this was not the end of the road, as it merely took a different form from there.
When Wanda started to ask about their past, Natalya advised her that
they had to stay alert, as their path was fraught with peril; she
further instructed Wanda to look with her witches' sight, allowing her
to appreciate that they were beset with Aimless Ones, instruments of
Chaos, sent to wear them down. To save Wanda from further shortening her life, Natalya and Agatha dealt with these beings, insisting Wanda continue on by herself. (Scarlet Witch II#14 - BTS) - Soon
enough, Wanda encountered the Goddess of all Witches, bound by chaos,
sickened and dying. Chaos subsequently manifested, and Wanda understood
that Chaos was tired of its role as witchcraft's consort and wanted to
instead rule. (Scarlet Witch II#14) - As
Wanda began to wither and die while using her power against Chaos,
Natalya and Agatha arrived. When even their power proved insufficient,
the three witches merged into a single being; Natalya considered that
with Wanda still living, she would act as the fulcrum. They initially
caused Chaos' hold to ebb, but when it resurged, Natalya realized that
they controlled kinetic energy to act as a barrier to contain their hex
and ideally a form of energy tied to Wanda and her. Natalya then summoned her son, Quicksilver, with her summoning hex allowing Pietro to instinctively know what was needed of him; she further advised Wanda not to distract Pietro with her identity at that time. Pietro's energies indeed allowed the witches' magic to dispel chaos for the nonce, and as Quicksilver was sent back to the physical world, he revealed that he recognized Natalya as his mother; she swore to him that they would meet properly soon. However, with the witch deity dying and threatening to eliminate witchcraft forever, Natalya resolved to merge her own soul with the witch goddess, even though it would cost her all aspects of who she was, including her memories and personality. As Natalya began the process, Wanda promised that she would make the High Evolutionary pay for killing Natalya, but as she vanished, Natalya clarified that the one who had killed her was Wanda's own father. (Scarlet Witch II#14 - BTS) -
Natalya's witch deity power then returned Wanda and Agatha to Earth,
restoring Wanda's youth and restoring Agatha to life in the process. Agatha then informed Wanda that Natalya has instructed her to not reveal her true identity to Wanda until such time as her fate brought her to the appropriate point to learn it. Agatha further told Wanda that she had no idea who Wanda's father was. |
Comments: Created by James Robinson and Chris Visions.
Although the
writer and editorial team was constant, there was a different artist
for every appearance of Natalya in James Robinson's Scarlet Witch
Natalya spoke
in Romani, using words of Spanish or other derivation, such as mulo
(mule, or hybrid being), mahrime (unclean and impure in a spiritual
way) and rinkini chikni (beautiful daughter)
Donald Campbell was kind enough to put together a
summary of the history of the parentage and nature (mutant or not,
etc.) of the Scarlet Witch (and, inherently, Quicksilver)
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver background
1. X-Men I#4 (March, 1964) – Quicksilver
and the Scarlet With made their first appearance. They were part of Magneto's
new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. A flashback revealed that they were serving
Magneto because he had saved them from a mob of European villagers after Wanda
had accidentally set a house on fire.
2. Thor I#134 (November, 1966) – In the
same issue that Wundagore was introduced, Wanda and Pietro happen to be in the
valley just below the mountain and notice strange lights flickering atop the
mountain. This reminds them both of the legends they had been told about how
such a light had flashed above the mountains on the night when they were born.
For some unexplained reason, this cause Pietro to think about strange tales he
had heard of the miracle land of...Wundagore!
3. Giant-Size Avengers #1 (August, 1974) –
When the Whizzer appears and tries to obtain the recently-found chronocapsule,
Wanda feels drawn to him because his speed powers are similar to those of her
brother. When he is injured, she takes care of him and he reveals his past to
her. The Whizzer and Miss America (Madeline Joyce Frank) were exposed to
radiation in 1949. Madeline was pregnant at the time and “months later” gave
birth to a misshapen, glowing baby boy. The government had the baby placed in
an experimental time capsule (chrono-module) that would keep him in suspended
animation for “precisely a quarter of a century.”
The Franks later traveled in Europe and
ended up in Wundagore where they met the High Evolutionary. Madeline was
pregnant again so they stayed as his guests. One night, “months later,” after a
brilliant flashing light had shone from the mountaintop, a cow-woman midwife
came to Robert with twins and claimed that Mrs. Frank seemed pleased with them
and had said she wished them to be called Pietro and Wanda. Madeline died a few
days later and Robert, dazed, fled, leaving the twins with the High
Evolutionary. Years later, he went back
but they were gone. Wanda told Bob Frank that that was because she and her
brother had run away from the High Evolutionary’s world of New-Men.
4. Avengers #166 (December, 1977) – First
appearance of the white-bearded traveler
5. Avengers #173 (July, 1978) – Second
appearance of the white-bearded traveler
6. Avengers #181-182 (March-April, 1979) –
The souls of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are stolen by the white-bearded
traveler who is revealed to be Django Maximoff and claims that Wanda and Pietro
are actually his long-lost twin children, Ana and Mateo. After he's defeated
and the souls of the twins are restored to their proper bodies, Wanda announces
that she wants to learn the truth.
7. Avengers #185 (July, 1979) – After Wanda
and Pietro accompanied Django to Transia to learn the truth about their
relationship, Wanda disappears, taken by Modred the Mystic. While searching for
her, Pietro is injured while racing up the mountain and awakens in the cabin of
the cow-woman (not named until the next issue).
8. Avengers #186 (August, 1979) – Bova
tells Pietro that he and Wanda are the children of a woman named Magda who had
fled from her husband after he had gained strange powers that had sent him
raving with a desire to conquer the world. Magda stayed there for “weeks”
before finally giving birth on a night when strange lights shone in the sky
above Wundagore Mountain. “Days” later, Magda was gone, having walked out into
the snow. She left behind a suicide note that stated that she feared her
unnamed husband would be able to force knowledge of their children from her if
she remained alive. The High Evolutionary summoned Robert and Madeline Frank
from the village below, with the intention of passing off the twins as their
children. However, Madeline's baby was stillborn, and Madeline died only moments
later. Bova took the twins to Robert Frank and told him they were his, but his
grief over his wife's death caused him to flee from Wundagore. The High
Evolutionary then took the twins to a nearby Gypsy camp and presented them to
Django Maximoff and his wife to be raised as their own. Having recently lost
their own (twin?) children, the Maximoff's complied.
Note: Bova is shown holding a newly-born
and glowing Wanda while Pietro is seen already lying on a table. Does this mean
that Pietro was born first?
9. Avengers I#187 (September, 1979) – While
possessing the body of the Scarlet Witch, the Elder God/Demon Chthon reveals that,
while battling the High Evolutionary and his Knights above Wundagore on the
night that the twins had been born, he had sensed that the newborn girl (Wanda)
had a latent science-spawned power that was awesome and so he had imbued her
with latent magical potential as well.
10. X-Men I#125 (September, 1979) – On
Asteroid M, a minor computer glitch causes an image of Magneto's wife Magda to
be displayed. This prompts Magneto to recall how much it had hurt him when she
had fled from him.
11. Vision and the Scarlet Witch I#4
(February, 1983) – On Wundagore Mountain, the White Pilgrim (a disguised
Magneto) comes across Bova's cabin during a storm and the cow-woman gives him
shelter. Being lonely, she then tells him the story about how a woman named
Magda had come to Wundagore during a storm years earlier and had given birth to
twins. The White Pilgrim initially assumes that the twins had also died but,
once Bova reveals that they had lived, his reaction exposes him as being
Magda's husband, the man from whom she had fled, and he then forces Bova to
tell him the names of the twins: Wanda and Pietro. Magneto then travels to
Attilan on the Moon to reveal to Wanda, Pietro, the Vision, Crystal and Luna
what he has just learned.
12. Avengers I#234 (August, 1983) – Wanda
reveals her connection to Magneto and how both she and her brother had rejected
13. “Evolutionary War” Annuals (1988) –
Several chapters of the (unnamed) “The Saga of the High Evolutionary” reveal
new details about the events first mentioned in Avengers I#186-187.
Unfortunately, they're not entirely consistent with what had been presented in
those stories. With regards to the twins, the total time that Magda had spent
at Wundagore was massively diminished to less than two days. Further details by Snood...
(Uncanny) X-Men Annual#12 - Having run out of money and left the village inn, Magda sought shelter in the "strange structure," hoping the lord of the manor would take her in. She considered that her water had just broken and that she would be in labor soon. Encountering the New Man Sir Gote, Magda fainted, and he brought her inside where Bova took over her care. The Magnus-possessed Jonathan Drew probed her mind and determined that she was free of the evil presence that he had sensed was coming. As Chthon's elemental Other manifested itself outside, combined assaults from Magnus and the Knights of Wundagore trapped Chthon's essence within Wundagore Mountain. At the same time, Magda gave birth to the children, and Chthon's magic energies reached out and bonded to the newborn girl, enhancing her magical potential (with the intent of using her as a host when she reached adulthood).
Web of Spider-Man
Annual#4 - Bova reveals that Magda had departed without notice, leaving
a note that Bova should find a good home for the children. The High
Evolutionary resolved to have Porga find suitable guardians. Porga
subsequently encountered Robert Frank and the pregnant Madeline and
brought them to the Citadel of Science, where the High Evolutionary
planned to use anesthesia during childbirth to prevent Madeline from
realizing how many children she delivered and then adding in Magda's
twins. Two days later, Madeline died after 16 hours in labor,
delivering a stillborn child. Bova presented Bob with the twins as if
they were his own, but when she revealed Madeline's death, Bob fled in
Soon after, with Porga having found the Roma
encampment that contained Django and Marya Maximoff, who had lost their
own children, Ana and Mateo, during World War II, the High Evolutionary
presented the twins to them to raise as their own. They considered that
it was like their own children had been reborn.
14. X-Men II # – 1 (July, 1997) – A retcon
reveals that Magneto had recruited Wanda and Pietro before the rest of the
Brotherhood, and that the three of them had encountered Charles Xavier before
Magneto made his first appearance in X-Men I#1.
15. Avengers & X-Men: AXIS#7 (February,
2015) - While inverted, Wanda casts a chaos curse on her bloodline to kill her
brother and father, who had been trying to stop her, but only Quicksilver is
affected (killed). This seemingly proves that Magneto wasn't their biological
father after all. Wanda comments that Magneto had been used as a pawn in
someone's game.
Quicksilver got better--Snood
16. Uncanny Avengers II#2 (April, 2015) –
After the Avengers Unity Division traveled to Counter-Earth, the High
Evolutionary asked his Master Scientist about “The fraternal twins” who
masqueraded as mutants. this prompted his minion into recalling “the old
17. Uncanny Avengers II#4 (July, 2015) –
While being held prisoner, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were told by the
High Evolutionary that he had taken them from their true parents and made his
alterations to them. Then, when they had proven to be disappointments, he had
“disguised them as common mutants” and returned them to the care of Django and
Marya Maximoff.
Luminous, who possessed both their powers,
was created by the High Evolutionary using genetic material taken from Wanda
and Pietro.
18. Uncanny Avengers II#5 (August, 2015) –
The Vision had seen “the monster's files” and had learned “the hidden truth
about the twins and the nightmare Earth yet to come.” He decided to keep that
truth from Wanda because it would have crushed her.
19. Scarlet Witch II#3-4 (April-May, 2016)
– While walking on the Witches' Road, Wanda (and the ghost of Agatha Harkness)
meet another woman who looks somewhat like her and calls herself the Scarlet
Witch. After Agatha privately confirms that she is Wanda's true mother, the
other Scarlet Witch identifies herself as Natalya Maximoff. Wanda initially
attempted to be vague to Natalya about their relation due to the possibility of
her being from an earlier era or a ghost but, as she faded from the Witches' Road
to return to her own place (and time), Natalya realizes that, even though in
her time she has met no man, Wanda must be her (unborn) daughter from the
20. Scarlet Witch II#11 (December, 2016) –
Researching her past in Serbia, Wanda meets a priest who, twenty-five years
ago, had given information -- about a witch who had lived in the area had given her twin newborns to a
relative to raise -- to the High Evolutionary to
prevent his Knights from causing widespread destruction while searching for special children. The priest didn't recognize the name “Marya” and claimed
that he didn't know the relative's name, only her location at that time and that of the
witch's children. The priest did tell Wanda about Dasha Kolarov, the witch's
best friend. Wanda then finds Dasha who reveals that, after her twins had been
taken, Natalya had gone to Wundagore Mountain to get them back and had gone
down fighting. Dasha also reveals that, after the High Evolutionary had
finished with the twins, he had taken the time to find blood relatives and had
given them to Django and Marya Maximoff, Wanda's uncle and aunt. Dasha then
reveals that Marya wasn't dead after all.
21. Scarlet Witch II#12 (January. 2017) –
While talking with Wanda and Dasha, Marya reveals that Natalya had gotten her
magic from her father, who Wanda refers to as the Scarlet Warlock. Marya also
reveals that she is sure that the High Evolutionary, even though he had
pretended otherwise, had known who she and Django were when he had given the
twins to them. Natalya's spirit then briefly took possession of Marya's body so
she could speak to her daughter, and then healed Marya of her burns scars as
she left.
22. Scarlet Witch II#14 (March, 2017) –
Just before she merged with the Goddess of Witchcraft, Natalya reveals to Wanda
that she hadn't been killed by the High Evolutionary, it had been Wanda and
Pietro's father who had killed her. Agatha Harkness, who was resurrected at the
same time that Wanda was rejuvenated, states that Natalya had never told her
who the father of the twins was.
I started reading/collecting the Avengers
only a few years before the origin of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch was
revealed n Avengers I#185-187. I was very impressed by that origin and how it
managed to take two different origins and retcon them in a way that made a
third origin true without claiming that the events of the first two origins
just hadn't happened.
It was because of my fondness for that
origin that I was unhappy and disappointed when, after the 2015 Avengers: Age
of Ultron movie, Marvel decided to change the comic versions of Wanda and
Pietro so that they, like the movie versions, were neither mutants nor the
children of Magneto. Since, as far as I know, there was no legal reason
requiring this change to be made the versions of those characters who existed
in the comics, I can only conclude that somebody at Marvel thought that the
change might (somehow) attract movie-goers to the comics.
--I thought the movie decision may
have been made because at the time, Marvel did not hold the movie
rights to the X-Men or mutants, and so they made them not mutants to
use them in the Avengers movie--Snood
Today, almost ten years later, I remain
unhappy about the decision to make Wanda and Pietro into mutates instead of
mutants. Since they were two of the first thirteen mutants created by Stan Lee
and Jack Kirby for the original X-Men series, retconning characters with such a
history for no good reason seems pointless and wasteful. What makes it worse it
that, as far as I know, the only in-story evidence against them being mutants
is the fact that the High Evolutionary had meddled with their genetic codes and
claimed that he had disguised them as normal mutants. Given that he had
definitely lied when he told Wanda and Pietro that Django and Marya Maximoff
were their true parents, I'm not inclined to take his word for anything.
There's also the dropped plotline about the “hidden truth about the twins and
the nightmare Earth yet to come” that the Vision had found in the High
Evolutionary's computer files.
Plus, if one were to be very particular
about exactly what the High Evolutionary told the twins, then one could argue
that maybe what he really meant was that the twins were exceptional mutants
before he disguised them as “common mutants.”
I've also read online that some people
believe that Wanda and Pietro actually were mutants for most of their lives,
but that Wanda's "No More Mutants" reality-altering wish also had a
irreversible "Mutants No More" effect on she and her brother, making
it so that they were no longer mutants once the House of M reality-warp ended.
This is an idea that I would find acceptable if it were made canon.
Okay, so much for the mutantcy of the
What about their connection to Magneto? Although I was initially
displeased that they were retconned into not being his children, I have come to
appreciate that it may well have been for the best. This is because I
eventually realized that the Wundagore origin had a fatal flaw in that, while
Wanda and Pietro are tied to the present-day MU, Magneto and Magda are tied to
the Second World War, just like Bob and Madeline Frank.
This was not a problem when the story was
first written or in the years that immediately followed it. In the early 1980s,
it made chronological sense that twins who were in their early 20's were
supposedly born in 1958. However, as time passed and the twins didn't age much,
the idea that they had been born in 1958 became increasingly implausible. For
example, by 2008, the twins remained less than 30 years old when they should
have been about 50 years old. This meant there was a gap of over 20 years between
their apparent age and the age they should have been. The Official Handbook
explained this away by stating that the High Evolutionary, instead of giving
the twins to the Maximoffs soon after they were born, had instead placed them
in suspended animation for a few decades. While this was a plausible
explanation for why they remained so young-looking, it did nothing to address
the problem that their unaging nature caused for Magneto. Specifically, how
could Magneto have ever believed that twins who were less than 30 years old
were his children by his wife who he had last seen 50 years ago? It just didn't
make sense and no effort was made to explain that aspect of the problem away.
With that in mind, I begrudgingly accepted
the idea that Wanda and Pietro weren't Magneto's biological children after all,
and I really approved of the retcon by James Robinson that revealed that the
twins were the children of Natalya Maximoff, an earlier Scarlet Witch, and that
Django Maximoff had been her brother and the maternal uncle of the twins.
However, in order to be a good retcon, explanations have to be provided for
everything about the earlier origin that was believed to be true when it actually
wasn't. Unfortunately, this hasn't been done yet. This means that there are
currently huge gaps in the new origin that will have to be filled before it
becomes truly viable.
So, what do we know and what don't we know?
We know that Natalya Maximoff was the
biological mother of the twins Wanda and Pietro, and that she gave them to a
relative in Serbia to raise when they were infants. We also know that the High
Evolutionary later had them kidnapped so that he could experiment upon them,
that Natalya tried to rescue her children from Wundagore but failed, that
Natalya was killed by the father of the twins, and that the High Evolutionary
later delivered the twins into the care of Django and Marya to raise.
So, what elements of their origin have been
rendered questionable by the retcon?
1. Where were the twins born? Was it in
Wundagore or not?
2. If not, then when and how did Chthon
imbue the newborn Wanda with great magical potential and/or chaos magic? Or did
I'm interrupting my list here to mention
that I think there is a way to salvage the idea that Wanda and Pietro were born
at Wundagore and that Chthon did imbue her with magical potential during the
fight with the High Evolutionary and his forces.
Suppose that a very pregnant Natalya
Maximoff had been forced to seek shelter at Wundagore just before the battle
against Chthon and that it was during that battle that her infant's daughter's
magical potential was secretly enhanced by Chthon. If that had happened, then
that would have meant that Natalya had taken her twins with her when she left
and had later entrusted them to a female relative to raise. Maybe the High
Evolutionary had only learned of her presence after she had already left? Maybe
it was by inspecting biological samples left over from the birth that he
learned that the children who had been born were special? Maybe it was to find
those specific children that he had his Knights begin searching for special
children with latent potential that he could augment, first in Transia and then
in the neighboring countries?
3. Did Natalya really die at Wundagore?
4. Who is the father of the twins?
5. Given that the twins were apparently not
taken from Django and Marya, who was the (female) relative who was Natalya's
first choice to raise them?
6. Are the twins really non-mutants?
7. Given that Natalya was the birth mother
of the twins, why did Bova claim that Magda was their mother?
8. Did Bova deliberately tell false
information to both Pietro and Magneto? Or was what she told them something
that she believed was the truth?
9. If Bova was wrong instead of lying, was
it because she had been given false memories? Or was she just confused,
possibly due to her age?
10. If Bova had been given false memories,
was it (as the inverted Wanda claimed) in order to use Magneto in some way? If
so, then who was responsible and what did they hope to achieve by this
11. Why did Magneto just assume that Bova
was telling the truth about Wanda and Pietro being the children of Magda?
12. Given how opposed they were to the idea
of being Magneto's children, why didn't Wanda and/or Pietro seek some way to
disprove their alleged biological connection to him? I know that DNA tests to
determine a person's relatives wasn't available back when the origin was
written, but surely scientists like Reed Richards or Charles Xavier could have
whipped up something?
13. Did a woman named Magda ever give birth
in Wundagore, with Bova acting as her midwife, and Bova somehow conflated that
experience with midwifing Natalya's twins?
14. What really happened to Magda?
15. What were the “old games” that involved
the fraternal twins? What was the hidden truth about the twins and the
nightmare earth that was to come?
The “Wanda and Pietro born in Wundagore”
origin was first told by Bob Frank, retconned by Bova and confirmed by
Chthon-possessed Wanda.
The “Bob and Madeline Frank as parents” and
“Magneto and Magda as parents” origins were both fatally flawed because they
were always going to be wrecked by Marvel’s Sliding Timescale.
And who is Wanda and Pietro's father????
And, I would like the see the stories behind all of the being pictured in the flashback page showing some of the beings Natalya had encountered as the Scarlet Witch...especially this house with webbed feet!
Definitely affecting Magda, Django and Marya Maximoff, and the New Men around at the time (notably including Porga, Bova, Sir Gote), Magnus, Chthon, the Darkhold, Jonathan Drew, Gregor Russoff....and
others thus far unprofiled (but likely Appendix targets), including
Miss America and the Whizzer, High Evolutionary, Mount Wundagore...
Profile by Snood.
Natalya Maximoff should be distinguished from:
father of Natalya and Django Maximoff, the (presumed) husband of
Natalya's mother (also the Scarlet Witch), and the maternal grandfather
of Wanda and Pietro. (Scarlet Witch II#12 (fb) - BTS) - Natalya's father was the Scarlet Warlock. His adventures were referenced in the history books of the area, but one would only be aware of his involvement by reading between the pages. Natalya adopted the name of the Scarlet Witch after her father. --Scarlet Witch II#12 - BTS Note: I don't think the Scarlet Witch and Scarlet Warlock basis for Natalya's adopting the name of the Scarlet Witch are completely contradictory. As soon as she realized she had powers, she conceived the Scarlet Witch name, but it was in honor of her father...or something. |
The mother of Natalya and Django Maximoff, the (presumed) wife of Natalya's father (aka the Scarlet Warlock), and the maternal grandmother of Wanda and Pietro. (Scarlet Witch II#4 (fb) - BTS) <Per Agatha Harkness> - Like her mother, from the moment she realized she had powers, Natalya conceived the identity of the Scarlet Witch. --Scarlet Witch II#4 - BTSNote: I don't think the Scarlet Witch and Scarlet Warlock basis for Natalya's adopting the name of the Scarlet Witch are completely contradictory. As soon as she realized she had powers, she conceived the Scarlet Witch name, but it was in honor of her father...or something. |
First posted: 02/16/2025
Last updated: 02/25/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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