Classification: Extraterrestrial (Rigellian) technology
Creator: Unrevealed, but presumably Rigellian
First Appearance: Thor I#131 (August, 1966)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Space Lock is described as "mammoth" and "celestial," but its actual size is undefined.
Is it the size of an aircraft carrier or perhaps even a small moon? Is its size measured in feet or miles?
Activated by a remote signal,
typically from Rigellian command, such as the Power Planetoid, the
Space Lock would "soar into attack position, on blinding, blazing blasts of astral energy."
The Space Lock orbitee Rigel-3 as a satellite when
it was in use. It is unrevealed whether it docked on Rigel-3 when
not in use, or it just moved to whatever position in orbit was closest
to target (or, at least, to a
position where Rigel-3 or any of its moons were not in the path between
the Space Lock device and its target world).
The Space Lock then fired a beam of energy that apparently traversed vast interstellar distance virtually instantaneously (presumably via accessing hyperspace or some sort of space warp) and striking a target planet.
Once a planet was caught in the
Space Lock, Rigellians on the Power Planetoid could use this as a tractor beam to pull the planet out
of its orbit at varying rates of speed and transport it anywhere in the
universe via hyperspace.
How quickly did it do so? Did it access massive space warps?
The Space Lock presumably somehow
protected the planet within it from gravitational and vast temperature
disturbances caused by being pulled out of orbit, away from its sun,
and even across open space.
The wrist control device that Tana
Nile used did not seem to directly activate and/or control the Space
Lock but rather it authorized her to contact and provide instructions
to those on the Power Planetoid who could activate and control the
Space Lock
(Official Handbook
the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #11: Rigellians entry) - The
Rigellians used their advanced technology to force the native
inhabitants of worlds they colonized into submission. One of the
Rigellians' most powerful weapons for doing so was the Space Lock,
which they used both to capture and dominate colonized worlds.
Rebellious natives sometimes found their planet drawn to a position in
space that would radically change their world's climate for the worse.
(Thor I#131) - After Tana Nile briefly forced Thor to his knees with a Mind-Thrust, she explained how she would use a Rigellian Space Lock to force humanity to accept her role.
departing, the Rigellian inspection team approved Tana's request to
colonize Earth, adjusting her wrist control and then noting that
she could
now activate the space lock.
Soon after, Tana Nile contacted "Power Planet 4, Constellation Rigel," and
requested the Space Lock be energized.
The Space Lock was indeed energized, and it sent a beam across space, containing Earth within its grip.
I#132) - Via
the matter transmitter, the Grand Commissioner traveled from Control
Central to the Power Planetoid, where their observo-lenses tracked the
invader (Thor).
Confirming that the invader was targeting their Space
Lock, which he felt must be protected at all costs, the Grand Commissions ordered the use of a tractor beam that
caught Thor as he exited his ship and pulled him to the planet below.
Landing, Thor overpowered the Rigellians seeking to stop him. When he turned anew to the Space Lock, the Grand Commissioner bade him halt, introduced himself, and told him of the threat of the Black Galaxy. The Grand Commissioner promised to release Earth from the Space Lock if Thor could stop the the menace within, and Thor accepted.
(Thor I#133 - BTS) - Tana Nile contacted her superiors "via direct solar beam" to prove her point to local authorities, and she requested that the space lock pull Earth out of orbit at a more rapid rate.
However, they informed her, by order of the Grand Commissioner,
that Earth was to be freed of the space lock and that she was ordered to
end her colonization and return to Rigel.
(Thor I#218 - BTS - The Space Lock device was presumably destroyed when the Black Stars (Rhunians) destroyed Rigel-3 (see comments).
The Space Lock was presumably a precursor to the Planet-Lock and Planetary Defense System technology.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Vince Colletta.
So, the big question is, why did the Rigellians
not use the Space Lock device to escape the Black Stars rather than
flee the planet in Thor I#218 (1973). They had at least days of advance
warning to plan for this option.
Perhaps the device could not move Rigel-3 due to its proximity or because Rigel-3 was its power source or some other reason?
Or perhaps the story writer forgot about it?
A similar situation occurred in Thor I#423 (1990) when they fled (presumably temporarily) from their subsequent Rigel-3 an unidentified massive object approaching them at great speed. While they chose to suddenly evacuate, they did have some time before hand when they knew that there was a great danger.
As discussed in the Planet-Lock sub-profile, in Star Masters#3 (1996), upon learning of an object (the Planetoid Bomb), Tana Nile suspected the involvement of the Planet-Lock device and instructed Recorder 901 to contact Rigellian High Command to determine if any of their Planet-Lock devices had been reported stolen or missing.
FF Fifty Fantastic Years#1(2011) confirmed that the Axi-Tun Votan’s agents stole a Rigellian Planet-Lock and used it for this purpose.
In Thanos#1 (2003), Thanos described Planetary Defense System of New Rigel-3: teleporting an entire planet as far away as another galaxy, in order to escape any threat. Thanos further noted that -- on a regular basis -- they used this technology to discipline any unruly planets they had colonized.
This Planetary Defense System seems to bridge the gap between the Space Lock from Thor I#131-133 and what was seen in the Star-Masters issues, where the Planetoid bomb was teleported into the vicinity of a target planet and then pulled by a number of ships with tractor beams until it had achieved the desired speed and direction.
It makes sense to me that the Space
Lock was destroyed with the destruction of Rigel-3. Maybe the next
advancement on that technology was the Planet-Lock device, which
allowed teleportation of the planets (perhaps accessing space warps).
Apparently there were multiple Planet Lock devices at this point, and
perhaps the Axi-Tun were able to substitute a fake device when they
stole the Planet Lock. Maybe Votan or another of the Axi-Tun used his
mind control powers to prevent the Rigellians from discovering the
theft until they specifically looked for it.
And, when the Planet Lock was used for the defense of the Rigellians' planet(s), perhaps it was referred to as the Planetary Defense System / Planetary Teleportational Defense. Or perhaps the latter system was a further advancement on the Planet Lock technology.
Obviously some of the above
discussion is speculative, but it certainly seems to me like just
connecting the dots rather than just considering options without direct
supporting evidence. There's in-story reference and Official Handbook
confirmation, and there's nothing anywhere contradicting that
information or even offering any other option.
That being said, other planet-moving technology or beings are discussed in clarifications:
Earth-66381 Tana Nile successfully colonized Earth, forcing mankind’s obedience via using the Rigellian Space Lock to transport Earth to endure the heat of the 24th quadrant or the cold of beyond the rays of any star. Thor #131 (1966)
Profile by Snood.
The Space Lock should be distinguished from:
The Planetoid Bomb (also known as the Planet-Pulverizer) was a ferrous
planetoid (500 miles in diameter) that -- via unrevealed means --
contained a black hole the size of a marble at its center, causing any
damaged fragments to be drawn back into its mass. Presumably this also
allowed it to replenish mass consumed during atmospheric entry from the
shattered nearby mass of the planet it struck. These properties allowed
the planetoid to be used repeatedly to destroy multiple worlds and then
recovered at its original mass thereafter. The Planetoid Bomb was
teleported across interstellar distances via a Rigellian Planet-Lock
device, which potentially also may have mobilized, directed, and accelerated the bomb, which was apparently given guidance and/or held in place until
ready by multiple starships' tractor beams. (Starmasters#3 (fb) - BTS / FF:
50 Fantastic Years) - Axi-Tun leader Votan’s agents stole a Rigellian
Planet-Lock device, with which they could transport and launch an
immense planetoid -- which contained a black hole at its center -- to
cause extinction-level events on target worlds. The circumstances under which they created the Planetoid Bomb are unrevealed. (Starmasters#1 (fb) - BTS) - Under direction from Votan, Ramrog launched a planetoid to destroy six planets from aboard his purification vessel. (Starmasters#1 (fb) - BTS) - Whether via their own Planet-Lock devices or via other technology, other Axi-Tun purification vessels sought to exterminate other extraterrestrial races, but none of them were close to the number set by Ramrog's vessel/crew. (Starmasters#1) - The Axi-Tun Votan's agent Ramrog -- presumably via a Rigellian Planet-Lock device -- released a giant planetoid hurtling into Arcturus IV, apparently destroying all life on the planet. Ramrog's astrogator Ghant notified him that all "inferior life forms" on the planet were purged, after which they prepared to recapture the planetoid. Rather than enjoy his success, Ramrog focused on the next target he had just been given: Earth. Ramrog's ship later materialized a ferrous planetoid (500 miles in diameter) between the orbits of Venus and Earth, flanked by several manned guide-ships. Its speed and course were such that it would impact Earth in under 5 hours. Under Ramrog's orders, the guide-ships released the projectile, after which Ramrog ordered all ships to retreat to hyper-space vantage point. Nonetheless, Ramrog worried that Earth's resourceful superhumans might foil their plot. (Starmasters#2 - BTS) - The planetoid's approach was detected by agents at San Diego's Mount Palomar's observatory, where Anderson was instructed to verify the reading; S.H.I.E.L.D. Radar Installation 10; and Avengers Headquarters Monitor Room, where it was discussed by Peggy Carter, the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), and the Vision (Victor Shade), the latter of whom noted that an object of this mass could not have approached this close to Earth without prior detection, which would indicate that it in some manner had materialized there. The Black Widow wondered what, if anything, it had to do with the "We Come In Peace" message that appeared above Earth 12 hours before (which had been a legitimate peace message sent by the Charter Federation prior to their slaughter, secretly at the hands of the Axi-Tun). ABC News' correspondent
Bruce McCauley subsequently reported the approach of the "meteor";
hearing this report, Lisa and Gayle Vaughn considered that this was a job of their son and brother, respectively. (Starmasters#2) - As Beta Ray Bill, Quasar, and the Silver
Surfer attempted to destroy the planetoid (which reassembled any damaged parts),
the Cosmic Commando Unit
was dispatched to bring in Quasar (who had been framed for the
slaughter of the inhabitants of a Charter Federation), engaging
his allies as well. Realizing the planetoid was on a collision course
with Earth, Commando leader Morfex decided saving Earth was a greater priority and ordered his agent
Stenth to aim their decohesion beam at the planetoid. Stenth relayed the instruction to Command Central, and an apparent Axi-Tun superior ordered Morfex to not assist in destroying the planetoid but to follow orders and capture Quasar. Morfex nonetheless ordered Stenth to fire the beam at the planetoid, allegedly in order to flush out Quasar on the planetoid; when Stenth delayed, Morfex cast him aside and fired the beam himself. Stenth soon after struck Morfex from behind with a handblaster (hitting, not blasting), knocking Morfex out and exposing him as a Skrull, after which Stenth cast Morfex out into open space, naming himself as the new Squadron Leader. Xenith saved Morfex, who
revealed the treachery in the Charter, and the Beta Ray Bill, Quasar,
and the Silver Surfer destroyed the planetoid, presumably been weakened by the decohesion beam. This was accomplished
largely due to the Surfer briefly reactivating the barrier that
Galactus had previously used to imprison the Surfer on Earth and then embedded his
surfboard within the planetoid, causing it to be affected by and crash into the
barrier. Beta Ray Bill then formed an interdimensional portal through which he
banished the black hole previously at the planetoid's center. (Starmasters#3 - BTS) - Aldebron reported to Votan the failure of the Planet-Pulverizer
against Earth. (Starmasters#3 - BTS) - Shortly after Ghant informed Ramrog that Earth had survived their planetoid bomb, Votan contacted them and ordered they purify themselves to atone for their failure. They complied, blowing up their ship and killing themselves and anyone else aboard. (Starmasters#3) - Prime Administrator Tana Nile led a group of three organic beings and 24 Recorders to the Hub to investigate the cause of the deaths of the Charter delegates. She ordered Recorders 501-507 to perform autopsies on seven delegates of different species and Recorders 403-405 to go to the life support generator and take a chromographic reading. When Recorder#901 reported that the Hub's telemetric system recorded a disturbance by Earth, Tana instructed 901 to contact Rigellian High Command and determine if any of their Planet-Lock devices had been reported stolen or missing. --Star Masters#1 |
The Planetary Defense System was used to teleport an entire planet as
far away as another galaxy, in order to escape any threat. The Rigellians also used this technology to discipline any unruly planets they had colonized. (Thanos I#1 - BTS) - Seeking to make amends for his Thanosi doppelganger's devastation of Rigel-3, Thanos traveled to New Rigel-3 associate Adam Warlock within one of his dreadnought ships (which looked much like his Sanctuary ships). (Thanos I#1) - As Sanctuary approached New Rigel-3, it and Thanos were detected, and the Rigellians -- justly thinking Thanos had returned to do them ill -- deployed their outer defenses. Thanos told Warlock that the trick to visiting New Rigel-3 was making the approach so rapidly that the Rigellians did not have time to exploit their major defense, the Planetary Defense System system. Thanos further noted that the Rigellians -- on a regular basis -- used this technology to discipline any unruly planets they had colonized. Thanos then teleported himself and Warlock directly to the Grand Commissioner's royal palace, where he surrendered to Rigellian ground troops and asked how he may be of service to the Rigellians.
(Thanos I#3 - BTS) - Via assistance from Moondragon (Heather Douglas), Thanos met with Galactus on a psychic plane, seeking to learn the purpose of his actions and his plans for Rigel-18. When Galactus resisted divulging this information, Thanos tried to psychically overwhelm him, but Galactus cast him out. (Thanos I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Thanos' met with Galactus in a fruitless attempt to learn his goals, but this nonetheless delayed Galactus sufficiently that the Rigellians could be evacuated from Rigel-18. Additionally, Thanos had Pip the Troll, who retained teleportational powers from his previous possession of the Space Gem, plant a number of recording devices on Galactus' ship. (Thanos I#3) - Thanos' involvement caused Galactus to hasten his course of actions, and he activated his array, which tapped into Rigel-18's molten core, releasing and directing unidentifiable energies into his orbiting parabolic transmitter. This subsequently transformed the energies and directed them into the heart of Rigel-18's sun, causing it to go nova. Entering
the core of the exploding star, Galactus opened an interdimensional
portal, through which he reached into Reality-93060 and
retrieved the skeleton of Rune, with an Infinity Gem (apparently the
Space Gem; see comments) on its sternum, after which Galactus teleported back into
his ship. Frustrated that Galactus' swift actions had prevented him from saving Rigel-18, Thanos nonetheless resolved to determine what Galactus was seeking to accomplish.. (Thanos
I#4 - BTS) - After Thanos deciphered Galactus' files, he discovered
Galactus' goal of acquiring the Infinity Gems as well as how Galactus had been duped. Galactus' Punishers then assaulted Thanos' ship and ultimately stole the Soul Gem from Adam Warlock -- both leaving Warlock incapacitated and giving Galactus the sixth and final Infinity Gem -- and destroying Thanos' ship (and the Recorder). Thanos, Pip, and Warlock escaped this destruction. On the barren Rigel-18, Galactus had the Soul Gem placed in its proper position on the Focusing Crux. (Thanos
I#6 (fb) - BTS) - Thanos placed a "sizable nuclear arsenal" on the previous Rigel-3. (Thanos I#5 - BTS) - Realizing the magnitude of whatever had led someone to manipulate Galactus, Thanos had Pip transport them both aboard Galactus' ship, where Pip planted strategic explosive charges while Thanos sought out Galactus via his ship's scanners. (Thanos I#6 (fb) - BTS) - Thanos arranged a timed cut-off of Galactus' craft's power. (Thanos I#5 - BTS) - Galactus activated his Focusing Crux, tapping into the Infinity Gems' power, and interdimensional universe-devouring parasite Hunger began to emerge through the portal opened by Galactus. Taking control of Galactus' ship, Hunger prevented Galactus from shutting down his craft. (Thanos I#5) - The charges placed by Pip then devastated Galactus' ship, causing it, Thanos, Galactus, and Hunger, to crash on Rigel-18. Hunger placed a force field around the Crux, preventing Thanos or Galactus from destroying it, and continued to pour into Universe-616. (Thanos I#6) - Thanos had Pip transport Galactus some distance away from Hunger, but still on Rigel-18. Thanos' prearranged timed cut-off of Galactus' ship's power then took effect, deactivating the Crux and preventing Hunger from continuing to bring his full self into Universe-616; additionally, this allowed Thanos to retrieve the Soul Gem. Thanos then used the Rigellian Planetary Defense System to transport the devastated Rigel-3 into close proximity with Rigel-18. Having placed the nuclear arsenal at Rigel-3's
point of impact, Thanos allowed the gravitational pull to cause the two
planets to crash together, and the nuclear explosion seemingly
destroyed Hunger (although a small remnant survived unseen). Galactus survived
this explosion, after which Thanos lectured him on acting rashly. (Thanos
I#5 - BTS) - Noting the presence of several suitable
uninhabited planets nearby with which Galactus could replenish his
spent energies, Thanos asked him to please refrain from approaching any
Rigellian planets. --(Referenced) Thanos I#1; (effects seen, although not the technology) Thanos I#6 |
images: (without ads):
Thor I#131, pg. 14, panel 3 (space lock device);
pg. 15, panel 1 (space lock releasing energy blast);
panel 2 (space lock beam striking Earth);
#132, pg. 10, panel 4 (space lock);
#133, pg. 14, panel 1 (space lock beam striking Earth);
Star-Masters#1, 2nd to last page, panel 1 (planetoid materializing with guide-ships);
Thanos I#6, pg. 5 (Old Rigel-3 teleported into proximity of Rigel-18);
pg. 7 (Old Rigel-3 colliding with Rigel-18)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 09/02/2024
Last updated: 09/02/2024
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