Membership: Akooti, Ceefer, Malicon, Tark, Viperus
Purpose: Killing Hercules
Affiliations: Layana Sweetwater
Enemies: Arimathes, Hercules, Recorder#417, Skippy
Base of Operations: Planet Wilamean (Earth-829)
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (January, 1990)
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40/3) - They attacked Hercules, but thanks to his son, Arimathes, Hercules could evade the first shot. Hercules and Arimathes then fought them hand to hand. Malicon was knocked out when Akooti was thrown at him by Arimathes. Viperus then attacked Hercules with his venomous claws, but Hercules blocked the blows with Recorder#417 and knocked Viperus out. Next was Tark whose power was not big enough to withstand Hercules strong fists. The last Assassin was the cybernetic Ceefer who was nothing more than a living bomb. Arimathes jumped at him and pushed him away from his father. Ceefer exploded and Arimathes was seriously injured.
Comments: Created by Bob Layton.
I know that the two guys I named Malicon and Akooti were Malicon and Akooti, but there was no hint given to which person which name belonged.
Bob Layton cleared up the Malicon/Akooti situation in an e-mail:
"Akootie is the green armored guy that looks like the old 'Kootie' toy from the '60's. Malicon is the guy in the gold armor with the red eyepiece."
Layton also revealed the names of Tark and Ceefer. He also provided an image of a kootie (on the left)
Profile by Markus Raymond
Assassins' Guild has no known connection to:
Akooti has no connection to:
Ceefer has no connection to:
Malicon has no connection to:
Tark has no connection to:
Viperus has no connection to:
Akooti presumably was an extra-terrestrial of unknown origin. He wore a body armor that enhanced his durability. He used a gun and a spear in his fights.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#39) - Akooti was hired along with the rest of the Assassins' Guild.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40) - He witnessed the first failed attack on Hercules. He attacked Hercules with his spear while Malicon attacked from the air. Arimathes grabbed Akooti and tossed him against Malicon. Both were knocked out by this move.
--Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (39/3-40/3
He was a robot. He could use a gun, but the most destructive weapon on him was himself as he was a bomb.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#39) - Ceefer was hired along with the rest of the Assassins' Guild.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40) - He witnessed the first failed attack on Hercules. After all his colleagues were defeated he activated his self-destruct device. Arimathes pushed him away from Hercules at the last second and was seriously injured by Ceefer 's explosion.
--Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (39/3-40/3
Malicon presumably was a human. He possessed a strongium (hm?) body armor that enabled him to fly through jet boots. It also included lasers on his backpack. Aside from his armor he knew how to handle big laser guns.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#39) - Malicon was hired along with the rest of the Assassins' Guild. Only a short time later he aimed a huge laser gun at Hercules.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40) - Malicon shot and missed Hercules. He was hit by Arimathes and Hercules at the same time, but his body armor protected him. He returned with a flying attack and used his laser against a building to bury Hercules under debris, but Arimathes tossed Akooti at Malicon and they were both knocked out.
--Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (39/3-40/3
He presumably was an extra-terrestrial of unknown origin (possibly the same race as the Thanos allies the Blood Brothers (that would be the Roclites). He possessed a body armor that heightened his durability.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#39) - Tark was hired along with the rest of the Assassins' Guild.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40) - He witnessed the first failed attack on Hercules. He attacked Hercules himself after Viperus was knocked out. His hardest punch couldn't knock out Hercules who fought back and knocked him out after a few hard fists and an axhandle blow.
--Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (39/3-40/3
He presumably was an extra-terrestrial of unknown origin. He possessed the ability to exude venom from his fingernails. If this was a natural ability is uncertain.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#39) - Viperus was hired along with the rest of the Assassins' Guild.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#40) - He witnessed the first failed attack on Hercules. Viperus attacked after Akooti and Malicon were knocked out. He made the old villain mistake by telling the hero how he would kill him. Hercules blocked Viperus' venomous claws with Recorder#417 and then used the Recorder to knock Viperus out.
--Marvel Comics Presents I#39/3 (39/3-40/3
Assassins' Guild: Marvel Comics Presents I#39, p23, pan5
Akooti head shot: Marvel Comics Presents I#40, p20, pan2
Ceefer head shot: Marvel Comics Presents I#39,, p24, pan1
Malicon head shot: Marvel Comics Presents I#39, p24, pan1
Tark head shot: Marvel Comics Presents I#40, p23, pan1
Viperus head shot: Marvel Comics Presents I#40, p21, pan4
Marvel Comics Presents I#39-40 (January, 1990) - Bob Layton (writer/artist), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Last updated: 05/07/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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