Real Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Human, possibly mutant (see comments); citizen of St. Cyril
Occupation: Terrorist
Group Membership: None
Formerly/Possibly: Death Squads of St. Cyril
Affiliations: Cecil Anders, Clifford Hudson, Marcus Jarvis
Formerly/Possibly: Death Squads of St. Cyril
Enemies: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Eurydice ??, Noel Orff
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Man wearing the Mask of Death
Base of Operations: New York City
Formerly: Island of St. Cyril
First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare I#26/2 (May, 1986)
Powers/Abilities: Death could kill people by showing them his true face. Besides that he was a crazy, cold-blooded murderer able to use all kinds of conventional weapons.
(Marvel Fanfare#26/2 (fb) ) - Over years Death seemingly led the Death Squads on St. Cyril to wreak havoc on the island. Many people were killed by them over the years, but nobody could ever prove a connection between them and Death although he was always around as the body-count mounted. One day the people of St. Cyril overthrew the government when the prime minister was on a pleasure cruise and Death disappeared.
(Marvel Fanfare#26/2 (fb) ) - Death returned to stalk the governor-general's daughter Eurydice. The governor-general ordered Death's arrest and he was brought to a mental institution. A doctor tried to take off his mask and died when he saw behind it. Death kept his mask on and nobody tried to remove it again. Some time later the provisional government was overthrown and the PPG (Provisional People's Government) took over. When the United States invaded to save the people from the brutal PPG, the mental institution Death was being held in was bombed by accident, and Death was presumed dead although his body wasn't recovered.
(Marvel Fanfare#26/2 (fb) - BTS) - Death fled St. Cyril and followed Eurydice and her lover to the United States.
(Marvel Fanfare#26/2) - Death planned to catch Eurydice at a parade and to destroy the Grand Army Plaza Arch. He read in the Daily Bugle that Captain America would be there as well and decided to kill him because he had cheated death for too long. He informed his men about his expanded plan and they went along when Death reminded them that he saved their lives. At the parade Death killed the driver of St. Cyril's wagon and gave control to Jarvis. Death tried to shoot Captain America with a rocket launcher, but the weapon didn't work. Death ordered Jarvis to ram the podium, but Captain America avoided the crash. Death fled with Eurydice and Cecil into the Grand Army Plaza Arch followed by Noel Orff. Eurydice fled to the roof when Death began to argue with Cecil about Marcus' responsibility for the defective rocket launcher. Captain America already waited on the roof and Death attacked him. Distracted by Noel's arrival Captain America could beat Death, but Death wasn't done yet. His partner tossed a grenade at their foes, but Captain America deflected the grenade back to them, and it exploded. But Death was gone when the smoke cleared and when the parade continued he hid behind a column and already thought about his revenge on Captain America.
Comments: Created by Will Jungkuntz & Bob Wiacek.
His presumed "Face of Death" power reminded me of Dinu from Inhumans III, but Death was probably a mutant and not an Inhuman. I also wonder how he got away from those deadly situations. Was he just very athletic or did he possess another power to avoid death or was he far more than just a mutant?
Profile by Markus Raymond
Death should be distinguished from:
Cecil Anders has no known connection to:
Clifford Hudson has no known connection to:
Marcus Jarvis has no known connection to:
Eurydice has no known conncetion to:
Noel Orff has no known conncetion to:
He was a former informant for the PPG on St. Cyril. He would have been executed if Death didn't get him out of St. Cyril. In the U.S. he worked for Death. He dressed up as a soda salesman at the parade with explosives hidden in his soda box. He followed Death into the Grand Army Plaza Arch and tossed a grenade down the stairway to kill Noel. He tried to defend Marcus' failure before Death and he began an argument which enabled Eurydice to flee to the roof. He followed Death to the roof and was ordered to proceed with their plan to destroy the monument. Captain America stopped Cecil with the shield. When Death was defeated, Cecil tried to still finish the job by throwing a grenade at their enemies. Captain America deflected the grenade and Cecil was killed by the explosion.
--Marvel Fanfare#26/2
He was a former hitman on St. Cyril connected to the PPG. He would have been executed if Death didn't get him out of St. Cyril. In the U.S. he worked for Death. At the parade he dressed as Uncle Sam on stilts and caught Eurydice. He lost her when Captain America broke his stilts with the shield. Clifford threatened to throw a grenade into the crowd. Captain America jumped at Clifford to hinder him, and the grenade exploded in Clifford's hand and killed him.
--Marvel Fanfare#26/2
He was a former arms smuggler from St. Cyril connected to the PPG. He would have been executed if Death didn't get him out of St. Cyril. In the U.S. he worked for Death. At the parade Marcus dressed up as an eagle and gave Death the grenade launcher before becoming the new driver for St. Cyril's wagon. He nearly killed Captain America by ramming the podium and died in the explosion caused by the crash.
--Marvel Fanfare#26/2
(Marvel Fanfare I#26/2 (fb) ) - She was the daughter of the governor-general of the provisional government. She started to date Noel Orff who returned to her as often as he could. Death started to stalk Eurydice and wanted to make her his "Queen", but Eurydice's father arrested Death before something terrible could happen. Eurydice left St. Cyril together with Noel one day before the provisional government was overthrown by the PPG and Eurydice's father got killed.
(Marvel Fanfare I#26/2) - Eurydice participated in a parade as Lady Liberty on a wagon for St. Cyril. Death and his men took control over the wagon and Clifford took Eurydice from the wagon. He let her fall when Captain America cut off his stilts, but Death caught Eurydice and took her into the Grand Army Plaza Arch. She feared for Noel's life when Death's partner tossed a grenade at him and fled from them when they began an argument. She met Captain America on the roof and was soon reunited with Noel who survived. Captain America saved them one last time from a grenade, and the parade continued with Eurydice as Lady Liberty on the people's shoulders.
--Marvel Fanfare#26/2
(Marvel Fanfare I#26 (fb) ) - When he was 16, the whole country lived in fear from the Death Squads. After the people revolted and overthrew the government, he used the eased travel restrictions to go to New York where he found work as a photographer and became bi-national. Half the time he was in New York earning money, and the other half he was in St. Cyril to help the disadvantaged. He started a relationship with Eurydice, but the last time he returned to St. Cyril he learned from her that she was being stalked by Death. Noel left St. Cyril with Eurydice one day before the PPG overthrew the provisional government and killed Eurydice's father. When he learned that American Troops accidentally bombed the mental institution Death was kept in, he hoped that Death had dead.
(Marvel Fanfare I#26) - Noel photographed Captain America in front of the Grand Army Plaza Arch and talked to him about St. Cyril, his life and Eurydice. At the parade Noel kept shooting photos of Eurydice as Lady Liberty. He watched Death's attack and followed Death and his partner into the Grand Army Plaza Arch. Cecil tossed a grenade down the stairway, but Noel wasn't hurt when it exploded. Noel went to the roof and fell into Eurydice's arms. Distracted by this, Death was defeated by Captain America, but Death's partner Cecil tossed a grenade at their foes. Captain America deflected it back and saved Noel and Eurydice. They all returned to the parade and people carried them on their shoulders. Noel once again took photos of Eurydice and Captain America.
--Marvel Fanfare#26/2
Death body shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p19, pan5
Death head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p20, pan10
Cecil Anders head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p21, pan4
Clifford Hudson head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p21, pan4
Marcus Jarvis head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p21, pan4
Eurydice head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p28, pan1
Noel Orff head shot: Marvel Fanfare I#26, p27, pan4
Last updated: 06/07/05
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