Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human possessed by a Spirit of Vengeance, Russian citizen (unspecified era, but probably post-14th century, and pre-WWI; see comments)
Occupation: Cossack
Group Membership: Spirits of Vengeance / Ghost Riders
Affiliations: Formerly Zadkiel
Enemies: Verminus Rex, Berev'ha Dentii, demons, Kid Blackheart, Zadkiel
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Southern Russia
First Appearance: Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch#3 (February, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: The "Cossack Ghost Rider" presumably possessed superhuman strength and durability, could generate fire, and could transform his chosen mode of transport into a burning vehicle capable of great speed.
History: (Ghost Rider: Danny Ketch#3 (fb)) - The Cossack Ghost Rider protected Russia in an unspecified era. He was eventually captured by the ratlike warrior mystics the Berev'ha Dentii, whose leader, Verminus Rex, drained his power, slaying him.
(Ghost Rider: Heaven's on Fire#6 - BTS) - Like all past Ghost Riders, the "Cossack Ghost Rider" was revived to take part in defending Heaven from both the rogue angel Zadkiel and then Kid Blackheart's demon army.
Comments: Created by Simon Spurrier and Javier Saltares.
The Cossack is not named nor is his ethnicity identified in
the comic, but the script reveals the latter. His era is not specified, but
since Cossacks did not come into existence until at least the 14th century
AD, and Verminus Rex was deceased from World War I until the modern era,
the "Cossack Ghost Rider" presumably comes from between the 14th to 19th centuries.
Unless, of course, he fell foul of Verminus Rex after Rex was revived.
Profile by Loki.
The "Cossack Ghost Rider" is definitely connected to, but should not be confused
but has no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Ghost Rider: Dan Ketch#4, p15, pan1 (main image)
Ghost Rider: Dan Ketch#3, p16, pan3 (being drained by Verminus Rex)
Other Appearances:
Ghost Rider: Dan Ketch#4 (March, 2009) - Simon Spurrier (writer), Javier
Saltares (art), Axel Alonso (editor)
Ghost Rider: Heaven's On Fire#6 (February, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer),
Roland Boschi (art), Sebastian Girner (editor)
Last updated: 03/18/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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