(This profile is a
temporary placeholder for a future Hoggoth profile. For night now, it is just
an accumulation of spells invoking Hoggoth, which
start after the comments section.
Further, most of the stuff that is highlighted is something translated from
Italian via an on-line translator (Babelfish) - if you can check the original
issues and confirm/correct any of these, please do. I'll look into that further
when I work on an actual Hoggoth profile, perhaps sometime before the end of
Real Name: Hoggoth
Identity/Class: Extradimensional mystic being (principality)
Group Membership: Vishanti (Aggamotto, Oshtur)
Affiliations: Hosts of Hoggoth
Enemies: Trinity of Ashes
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Hoary Hoggoth
Base of Operations:
First Appearance: (Vishanti
mentioned) Strange Tales I#115 (December, 1963);
(Hoggoth mentioned) Strange Tales I#116 (January, 1964);
(full appearance) Marvel Premiere#5 (November, 1972)
[Strange Tales I#116], Marvel Premiere#5
Hosts of Hoggoth
Mists of Hoggoth
Hand/Fist of Hoggoth
(exampleissue# (fb) - BTS) -
(exampleissue# (fb) ) -
(exampleissue# - BTS) -
(exampleissue#) -
Comments: Created by writer, pencils, inks.
Spells invoking the Vishanti
There is a list of spells and invocations involving Hoggoth
and/or the Vishanti. The invocations which produced an effect could means that the subject
invoked was "behind the scenes".
Some invocations are taken by Catherine Yronwode's web site:
The Lesser Book of the Vishanti,
the greater part were added by me. Nonetheless the list is not complete and some
spells are still in Italian version. If not specified otherwise, the caster is
Doctor Strange.--Spidermay
I have used Babelfish for rough translations of the ones
still in Italian, but have left those in yellow highlighter...I'll get around to
checking the original issues at some point, but if you can do so sooner, please
feel free to help!
It is also missing the most recent invocations, as this list
was submitted many moons ago--Snood
Marvel: the Lost Generation#8:
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, tighten every eldritch lock...
seal this vault o mighty Oshtur, bond this metal to the rock! [Note: sealed Diablo's cage.]
Strange Tales I#115: Banish: Vapors of Valtorr
I summon the powers of the Vishanti!
By the spell of the Dread Dormammu,
in the name of the All-Seeing Agamotto --
all thy powers I summon ---
begone, Forces of Darkness!![Note: Cast by the Ancient One. A flash of light, and the Vapors vanished.]
Tales I#169 (fb): Banish: Flames of the Faltine
Begone, forces of darkness!
By the power of the all-knowing Vishanti--
by the vision of the all-seeing Vishanti,
I command you... begone! [Ancient One]
Strange Tales I#116: Conjure: the Mists of Hoggoth and the Path of Hoggoth
In the name of the Dread Dormammu --
in the name of the All-Seeing Agamotto --
by the powers that dwell in darkness --
I summon the Hosts of Hoggoth!
Lead me to the source of evil!
Obey the words of Dr. Strange!
[Note: this is said to be a "dangerous" incantation. The Mist of Hoggoth was a whirling circular mist and the Path of Hoggoth was a narrow enchanted path which led into the Mist and continued in another dimension till to the goal of Strange's research. It was a safe path, but the Spell of Hoggoth protected Strange only if he did not step out of it. Once in trance, Strange's ethereal self entered in the Mist of Hoggoth and arrived in Nightmare's realm. A dark evil bolt shot by Nightmare did not harm Strange, nor the path already trod, but the path still to be covered was destroyed.
Strange Tales I#117/2: Conjure: Enchanted Light
By the power of the Vishanti --
in the name of the All-Seeing Ancient One --
I summon all the forces of good --
and focus their blinding power upon you,
through the facets of this ring!
Strange Tales I#118/2: Strange neutralized the mental barrier of an alien.
By the grey specter of the Vishanti,
I summon all the mystic forces of the shadow worlds...
I call on the hosts of darkness...
strike...strike at the command of your master!
Strange Tales I#119/2
Exclamation: By the beard of the Vishanti!
Enchanted Incantation:Hoggoth, protect me!
To my aid, Dormammu and the mighty Vishanti!
Strange Tales I#120/2:
Banish Eerie Imprisoning Mists
In the name of the Dread Dormammu!!
By the Hosts of the Hoary Hoggoth!
I call upon the Mystic Realm!
Let the fury of the ageless Vishanti show itself --
Dr. Strange commands!
By the twelve moons of Munnopor --
my will must be done!!
[after the mists dissolved]
It is done!
In the name of the venerated Ancient One, I dismiss the powers that be!
They have served me well!Banish: a Being to its Home Dimension
Let the vapors of the Vishanti drive you from the sight of man!
Let the mystic Hosts of Hoggoth prevent you from ever returning again!
Strange Tales I#121:
Strange protected his physical body with the power of the Vishanti before leaving it in his astral form [BTS].
Banish: Beings From Whence They Came
Begone denizens of the dark!
Let the clean light of my enchanted amulet bathe over you!
Let all the Hosts of Hoggoth send you back to the nether-world from whence you came!!
Begone -- I command you!![Note: Used in conjunction with the Eye of Agamotto against Mordo's ectoplasmic allies. A beam from the eye and yellow red flames from Strange's hands banished the monsters.]
Strange Tales I#122: Control:
Whoever you are--
whatever your sinister mission--
by the Hosts of Hoggoth I command you to put yourself under my control![Ineffective, because it was spell during a dream, so probably Hoggoth did not intervened giving his magic power.]
Strange Tales I#123: Conjure: Hand
In the name of the Dread Dormammu --
by the power of the deathless Vishanti --
I call upon the Hosts of Hoggoth!
heed the words of thy mortal servant![Note: Strange conjured a diamond-hard, metallic giant hand, under his mental control. The Hand came from a shadowy dimension, possible home of Hoggoth's Hosts. It was so strong that it was capable of seizing Mjolnir from the very hand of Thor. It was probably the first appearance of the Hand of Hoggoth, also called the Fist of Hoggoth.]
Strange Tales I#124: Time: Travel to the Past
By the power of the Dread Dormammu!
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
I bid you fade -- fade -- fade away!
Take shape again in yesterday!
Strange Tales I#125:
Exclamation: ...By the powers of the eternal Vishanti...
Conjure Bolts: Let the hoary hand of Hoggoth guide my attack as I direct all my destructive force against your accursed amulet![Mordo launched some black bolts, but his force beams vanished because Hoggoth does not help evil guys!]
Conjure: Blinding light of the Vishanti.
Strange Tales I#126/Doctor Strange II#3 (fb):
Light of the Vishanti. The beam from the amulet pierced through the pocket which engulfed Strange, then it hit the minion of Dormammu. Once bathed in the light, Strange could imprison him for as long as he desired.
Banish: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, thing of evil-- begone!
Strange Tales I#127/Doctor Strange II#3 (fb):
Strange conjured the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth to dispel a Fade to Nothingness spell of Dormammu.
Strange Tales I#127: The Ancient One strengthened Doctor Strange:
May the light of the Vishanti shine upon Dr. Strange...
and may the omnipotent Oshtur grant him wisdom and strength.
Strange Tales I#127: Stan Lee's greetings in the last ballon: May you and your loved ones bathe in the light of the Vishanti!
Strange Tales I#128:
Hear my words, power of darkness!!
Let all the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth assemble--
And, upon my command,
let the one called Doctor Strange no exist more![The Demon's spell had no effect on Strange because it was launched on an illusion.]
Strange used the powers of the eternal Vishanti to create a shield which vanquished the Shades of the Seraphim launched by the Demon.
Strange Tales I#129:
Control: Mind
May the Hosts of the Vishanti help me!
Put down you wand! Put down your wand![Note: with the only force of thought and the help of the Hosts of the Vishanti (!) Strange forced Tiboro to drop his wand.]
Exclamation: Help me, oh hosts of the Vishanti, to weaken this menace!
Claim by Stan Lee in the last balloon: And now, as truly as the Vishanti exist in the cosmos we shall surely meet again!
Strange Tales I#130:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Control: Paralyze (Hold Person):In the name of the eternal Vishanti, I command you, let your limbs become like stone --
Let the power of movement be lost to you -- Until I am gone!
Strange Tales I#131:
Banish: lackeys:
By the power of the Vishanti
I order you... disperse!Exclamation: The Vishanti be thanked!
Banish phantoms:By the omnipotent Oshtur!
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
In the name of the eternal Vishanti!
Begone! Return to the nothingness
from whence you have come.Last comment: ... may the Vishanti speak your name softly! [Stan Lee]
Strange Tales I#132:
Exclamation while in astral form: The Vishanti be praised!
Conjure: Orb (called "Eye") of Agamotto:By all the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth,
I command thee, awesome Agamotto,
let thine all-seeing eye open before me!
Strange Tales I#133:
Time: delay:
By the powers of the Vishanti, I conjure up a brief delay! [Note: Strange cast the incantation without speaking. It worked, a distraction swayed Shazana.]
Control: paralyze (Hold): By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggth, I command thee to remain motionless! [Shazana's pet was immobilized.]
Strange Tales I#134:
Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised! [Hamir]
Comment by Stan Lee in the last ballon: ...May the eternal Vishanti softly speak your name!
Strange Tales I#135:
Control: Mind : By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, you cannot speak a falsehood! [Strange forced Baskerville to say the truth, under the Eye of Agamotto's influence.]
Control: Mind:In the name of the eternal Vishanti...
I claim complete control over your thoughts!!
No other command can supercede mine!
The thought I now give you will became your own![Strange took control of the evil spirits sent by Mordo and Dormammu.]
Strange Tales I#136: Banish:
In the name of the eternal Vishanti,
may the light of the all-seeing eye of Agamotto send them back from whence they came!
Begone, helpless ones, You are free! The demon controls you no longer!
Strange Tales I#137:
Exclamation: May the Ancient Vishanti be ever at thy side! [Hamir]
Exclamation: The hosts of Hoggoth be praised!
Strange Tales I#139: Exclamation: By the hoary hand of Hoggoth, I will not fail thee!
Strange Tales I#140: Blessing:
May the Hoary Hand of Hoggoth rest lightly on thy brow, my son!
May the eternal eye of Agamotto ne'er turn away from thee! [Ancient One]
Strange Tales I#141:
Exclamation: Praised be the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! [Hamir]
Banish: Vapors:May the Shades of the Seraphim banish the Vapors of Valtorr! In the name of the Vishanti I speak! [Ancient One]
Strange Tales I#142:
Exclamation: Praised be the eternal Vishanti!
Comment by Stan Lee: By the hoary hand of Hoggoth...
Exclamation:The Vishanti be praised!...
Each passing second is more precious than the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak themselves![Strange, while in astral form.]
Exclamation: May the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth... [in the letters page.]
Strange Tales I#144:
Exclamation: May the Hoary hosts of Hoggoth defend me!
Exclamation: ...may the hoary hands of Hoggoth gently soothe thy fevered brow... [Letters page]
Strange Tales I#145: Exclamation: May the eternal Vishanti aid me!
Strange Tales I#146:
Exclamation: I greet you in the name of the Vishanti, my son! [Ancient One]
Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti...
Exclamation: The hosts of Hoggoth be praised! [ex-prisoner of Dormammu]
Exclamation: May the Vishanti protect you! [Clea]
Explanation: The Vishanti are almost the same as the hosts of Hoggoth, except they have blue eyes! [Letters page, Stan Lee.]
Strange Tales I#149:
Banish: Mystic bonds:
By the omnipotent Oshtur --
by the enchanted realm of the Vishanti --
let these mystic bonds melt into the void!
Thus do the Ancient One and Dr. Strange command![Doctor Strange and the Ancient One freed themselves from Kaluu's enchantment]
Strange Tales I#150: Exclamation: The Book of the Vishanti! The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth be praised!
Strange Tales I#151:
Exclamation (fb): May the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth be ever at my side
Oath: ...by all the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Strange Tales I#152:
Exclamation: ...by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Strange Tales I#153:
Exclamation:: By the Hoggoth's Hoary Hosts, I shall overcome!
Exclamation: Blessed be the Vishanti!
Banish: an Enchanted PrisonVenerated Vishanti,
I do supplicate thee!
Everlasting Vishanti,
let fair Clea be free!
Strange Tales I#154: Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!
Strange Tales I#155:
Exclamation: Once again the eternal Vishanti have smiled upon us... praise to their name!
[Note: Trapped in a realm of non-existence, Strange had to wait for his true self to pass, in order to merge with him. The true selves of Doctor Strange and Clea arrived soon.]
Exclamation: By all the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth -- I shall not fail!
[Note: The Ancient One sustained a Bridge of Elemental Thought which crossed universes and dimensions. Using his own very life's essence, the Ancient One let the bridge resist the fury of a sorcerous storm released by Umar.]
Exclamation: ...praise be the eternal Vishanti! [Ancient One]
Strange Tales I#156: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...
Strange Tales I#157:
In the name of the eternal Vishanti--
by the omniscience of my departed mentor--
let the distortion cease!Oath:
Hear me, monstrous one!
As the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth be my judge,
I do now vow--
you shall be crushed!
Uncanny X-Men#33:
By the terrifying magic of Dormammu ... for Hoggoth ... let these two descend into the sacred Ruby! [Note: Cyclops and Marvel Girl entered in the Crimson Cosmos.]
Strange Tales I#158:
Exclamation: May the eternal Vishanti protect me!
[Even so, the prison created by the Living Tribunal, made of Rings of Raggador, continued to shrink around Strange. Strange had also to use the power donated to him by the Ancient One to shatter the mystic bonds.]
Praise: ...be to the eternal Vishanti...[The restoring spell worked.]
Letters page: ...unless the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth pull another fast one...[Stan Lee, note the 'H' capital letters.]
Strange Tales I#159:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: ...by the eternal, undying Vishanti...
Conjure: a vision:Let Hoggoth's pale hands
clutch the Wand of Watoomb--
let death's golden sands
appear in this room!!Exclamation: May the deathless, divine Vishanti ever guide thy steps!
Strange Tales I#160:
Banish: an Enemy:
By the Hoary Host of Hoggoth,
by the flawless Faltine's Flame,
let thy wicked power vanish
go thee back to whence thou came!Oath: ...Thus, do I swear by the Power of the eternal Vishanti.
Promise: ...we'll promise by the hoary hand of Hoggoth that...[Stan Lee in the letters page]
Strange Tales I#161: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Strange Tales I#162:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth's hoary horde,...
Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!
Strange Tales I#163: Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!
Strange Tales I#164:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth,...
Exclamation: ...eternal Vishanti!...
Strange Tales I#165:
Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Strange Tales I#166:
Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: May the Vishanti be praised!
Praise: Vishanti grant that I am in time!
Strange Tales I#167: Conjure Winds:
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
by the many moons of Munnopor...
let us be borne upon the winds!
Strange Tales I#168: Strange used his cloak as a weapon:
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth --
By Oshtur's mystic prayer --
let the cloak of levitation
be a villain's snare!
Strange Tales I#169: Praise: May the unresting Vishanti grant...
Strange Tales I#170:
Control: Awaken an Enchanted Sleeper. The initial spell, with the help of the all-seeingg, all-knowing Vishanti, failed. Then strange uttered one of the most potent incantations of all:
By Oshtur fearsome visage,
'fore which all things do shake--
by Hoggoth's hoary legions,
which bid the cosmos quake--
let all veils now be lifted--
the Ancient One awake! [...and failed.]Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...
Strange Tales I#171: Exclamation: ...Vishanti be praised!
Strange Tales I#174: Exclamation thought: May the Vishanti guide my step!
Strange Tales I#175:
Banish: Flight:
In the name of the ever-watchful Vishanti...
let waves of mystic force now waft the girl back to Earth![Strange forced Clea to break her flight]
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Strange Tales I#176: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Strange Tales I#178:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Conjure: Net:And, by the deathless Vishanti-- save you they shall!
[Strange created a net which stopped Black Night's fall in a bottomless abyss.]
Avengers I#61: Control: To Teleport Demons:
By this crystal of Satannish
By the Hoary Hoggoth's race --
Now afar two demons vanish --
reappearing face to face![Note: to be used with the Crystal of Conquest.]
Strange Tales I#179:
Divination: Past:
And now, by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth,
I order you to unlock your brain,
so that I may learn all that exists within your past...![Strange saw the past of Xandu and his relation with the mystic arts.]
Exclamation: May the Vishanti watch over thee!
Strange Tales I#180:
Exclamation: May the deathless Vishanti... watch over you... my love...! [Clea]
Banish:By Hoggoth's grim clan...
by Valtorr's dread clime...
let arms and their man
now fade from this time!![Strange banished Nightmare's pawns]
Sub-Mariner#22: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Marvel Feature I#1:
I call to for aid from the forces of Hoggoth...
and the demons of Denak...
the name of the Almighty Oshtur...
and also Satannish was the same...![To strengthen the astral form and penetrate a steel wall.]
Conjure: Psychic Shield: In the name of the Eternal Vishanti...Touch me not!
Defenders I#1: Exclamation: By the Hosts of Hoggoth...
Defenders I#3:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Defenders I#6: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Marvel Premiere I#5: Control: Stop a Truck: Halt -- In the name of the Vishanti! [Note: Dr. Strange only imagined he had spoken this spell.]
Marvel Premiere I#6: Control: By Means of a Cloak: By the Sacred Vishanti -- Let my Cloak of Levitation rise -- and pull that trident from her grasp!
Marvel Premiere#9: Exclamation: By the name of the eternal Vishanti and of the Omnipotent Oshtur...
Marvel Premiere#10: Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti... [Strange interrupted the casting and converted the spell in a Defensive Shield from Shuma-Gorath's attack.]
Defenders I#9:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
In the exalted name of the eternal Vishanti--
and other gods beyond and below--
let the strength and cunning of these, my enemies--
from their mortal bodies flow!
Marvel Premiere#12: Conjure: And, by the many hosts of Hoggoth... so be it!
Doctor Strange II#4: Spell Against Death Which Was "Not Permitted": In the name of the Eternal Vishanti, through the hands of omnipotent Oshtur -- [Strange did not finish the casting, so probably Oshtur and the Vishanti did not intervene.]
Defenders I#15: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Defenders I#16: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Defenders I#17: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#7: Conjure: The Circle of Cyttorak: In the name of the Eternal Vishanti, grant me the Circle of Cyttorak!
Giant-Size Defenders#4
For all spirits of Hoggoth, it will not be so
Defenders I#26: Space: Teleportation + Control: Mind: Record erasing:
Close your eyes ...
try to see with thought the house in which you live ...
and, by the power of the eternal Vishanti, go home!
Defenders I#29: Strange invoked the eternal Vishanti to cast a spell of mass sleep over the Badoon army in the town.
Doctor Strange II#10: Conjure: the Illusion of Reality:
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti,
I conjure the illusion of reality for humanity's minds once more!
Doctor Strange II#11: Exclamation: By Hoggoth's Hosts...
Doctor Strange II#13: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hordes of Hoggoth!
Defenders I#36: Exclamation: By Vishanti! [Interrupted]
Defenders I#37:
Control: plants: In the name of the Vishanti...sever that which binds us [Failed]
Control: plants
For the eternal Vishanti...
for Oshtur ...
I <shall be> free!
Defenders I#42: Exclamation: By the Hosts of Hoggath!
Defenders I#45:
And the venerable hosts of Hoggoth, this must exist no more.
[Strange destroyed the Star of Capistan.]
Doctor Strange II#16:
Exclamation: No, by the Vishanti, no! [Strange resisted to the thirst of blood in his mind.]
Exclamation: Satan? Vishanti preserve us! [Lord Phyffe]
Exclamation: But may Vishanti protect me--!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#18: Exclamation: By the Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#19: Banish: Skeletal Illusion
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth --
Away with you! Away! --
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti --
Return to the earth & mud which spawned you!
Doctor Strange II#20:
Conjure: Power: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth -- Give me power! Give me the power! The power!
Banish: Winds of Watoomb: In the name of the Eternal Vishanti -- let the Winds of Watoomb cease!
Banish: Bands of Cyttorak: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...[Note: Strange cast an Incantation of Dispel on the Bands created by Xander; the bands were green?]
Doctor Strange Annual#1:
Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...
Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...no!
Control: Power Over Others:In the name of the Eternal Vishanti -- cease!
[Note: "An Enchantment that None Can Resist.", accompanied by a mudra linking the little fingers of both hands together]
Doctor Strange II#22:
Exclamation: By the venerable hosts of Hoggoth!
Control: Psychoprophylaxis
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth --
by all that is sacred and true!
By the sinister Sons of Satannish --
let Clea's mind be new![The psychic vermin in Clea's mind resisted only for some seconds, then vanished.]
Doctor Strange II#23:
In the name of all-seeing Vishanti,
that demon must be stopped!
Banish: Misbegotten Roots:By the power of the dread Dormammu --
by the omniscience of the venerated Ancient One --
I call upon the Eternal Vishanti --
for all misbegotten to begone! Begone!
Doctor Strange II#24:
Exclamation: ...by the eternal Vishanti! [Note: the previous enchantment did not work, so Strange tried to draw more power from another source.]
Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti, what happened to me?
Doctor Strange II#26: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#27:
Exclamation: Per il sacro Vishanti...
io rimarro' uno! Io saro'... libero!
...By the sacred Vishanti...something
Doctor Strange II#28: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Defenders I#57:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
By the venerable hosts of Hoggoth depart! (translation service said, "piss off!")
Enter nevermore my house![Cancelled the image of Ms. Marvel projected by the Eye of Agamotto.]
Defenders I#58:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#30:
Exclamation: By Vishanti [Clea]
Exclamation: Vishanti be praised! [Clea]
Doctor Strange II#32: Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Nightmare: Marvel Novel Series#7: Control: Awaken an Enchanted Sleeper:
By Oshtur's fearsome visage,
before which all things do shake,
by Hoggoth's hoary legions
which bid the cosmos quake....[Note: This is a re-use of the spell to awaken the Ancient One in Doctor Strange I#170.]
Doctor Strange II#33:
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth! [Clea]
Doctor Strange II#34:
Exclamation: ...my power is great enough to challenge the Vishanti themeselves. [Cyrus Black]
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#35: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#36: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#38:
Summon: Astral Body to Earth Plane
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti!
Let the trances by done
let the veil be torn,
with new life begun,
be you now -- reborn!Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: Hoggoth take me for a novice!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Doctor Strange II#39:
Banish: Illusion:
By the Omnipotent Oshtur!
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti!
Spirit form -- begone!
Return to the dust from whence thou came!Exclamation: Vishanti be praised-- [Clea]
Exclamation: By the eternal--
Doctor Strange II#40:
Exclamation: Hounds of Hoggoth! [Note: the invocation was directed to the Hounds and not to Hoggoth himself.]
Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised!By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth
By the Flawless Faltine's flame
let thy wicked power vanish!
Go back to whence thou came![Note: same as Strange Tales I#160. The spell was working but Azrael aged it in seconds, making it useless.)]
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!
Conjure: Hoggoth's Fist
In the name of the dread Dormammu,
by the power of the deathless Vishanti,
I call upon the Hosts of Hoggoth,
heed the words of thy mortal servant--
and strike!Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#41:
Exclamation: In Hoggoth's name...where are we?
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#42: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Defenders I#71: Translation Incantation
Large folk and small folk and folk in between.
All have a way to tell what they've seen.
By the powers that beckon and the powers that reach,
let each of these folk understand the other's speech.
By the all-seeing Vishanti let this spell be sealed! [Clea]
Defenders I#72:
Restore Nifflim's mounts to full vigor and they obey to Dr.Strange's commands:
By Hoggoth's Hoary Hosts,
by the venerated ghosts,
let the beasts wake again,
let the wings be free of pain...Exclamation: ... By the Eternal Vishanti, so be it!
Defenders I#73: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...
Defenders I#79:
Exclamation: Oshtur be praised...
Illusion: to end a spell of disguiseBy the Vishanti's deeming,
no threat to fear,
let fade the seeming,
let truth appear![Note: it does not work if any enemy could see the disguised ones.]
Defenders I#80: Exclamation: ...by the Vishanti... [Clea]
Doctor Strange II#43:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Conjure: The Symbol of the Vishanti[Note: no sorcerer consecrated to evil could stand to look at the Symbol. The signal affects them as a crucifix affects Vampires. Casted by Bayan/Silver Fox and Doctor Strange.]
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Conjure: Hand of Hoggoth [Note: Streams of fire became enchanted steel, very similar to the Hoggoth's Fist in Man-Thing II#4.]
Doctor Strange II#44: Exclamation: The Vishanti be thanked--
Doctor Strange II#45:
Exclamation: By the Eternal... [Clea]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!!
Exclamation: Vishanti, forgive me,...
Marvel Fanfare#5/1: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Marvel Fanfare#6/2:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Ian McNee]
Exclamation: By Hoggoth! [Ian McNee]
Doctor Strange II#46/1:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Banish:By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, I now banish you to a plane where you'll not harm anyone-- ever!
[Note: Xennus was banished in a plane so far that he could not interfere with Earth.]
Doctor Strange II#47:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: ...thank Hoggoth,... [Clea]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By all the Hoary Hosts...!
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti, it worked! [Note: Strange had casted the Disks of Denak.]
Doctor Strange II#48:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exorcism:By the grace of the Vishanti, by the wastes of Ikthalon--
let these ciphers live as men now, and let loa's hold be gone!
Defenders I#105: Banish:
And, by the Venerable hosts of Hoggoth ... non proveremo mai piu' quella presa!
will try not never more one taken![Note: sent the debris of the Resurrection Stone beyond space and time.]
Doctor Strange II#49:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: Clea, Vishanti be praised! [A native of the Dark Dimension.]
Banish: MordoAnd now, by Agamotto, by Hoggoth and Oshtur--
by you three who are Vishanti,
famed beyond all spheres or star...
heed the call of Doctor Strange,
scion of the Ancient One!
By the power that you grant me
shall Mordo be undone![Note: it worked only partially. Mordo faked his defeat.]
Doctor Strange II#50:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth! [Clea]
At my command let the battle cease!
Forget this fight and be at peace!
By Ikonn's sands and Hoggath's Horde,
let all beyond me be restored![Note: A minor incantation. A bar brawl was put to rest. People forgot the fight, things broken were back at their places and even Nick Fury's shave became perfect. The spell did not affect the barman because he was under Dr. Strange's cloak.]
Exclamation: Oshtur protect us! A Vortex of Oblivion!
Doctor Strange II#51:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Note: Doctor Strange saw Adolf Hitler.]
Exclamation: ...thank Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#52:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: Yes, by the light of Agamotto,...
Exclamation: By Hoggoth,...
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#53:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth,...
Restraining Spell:By the all-wise Vishanti, let the soul shard halt here,
and return to its own time that no life need ever fear!.
Doctor Strange II#54: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...
Doctor Strange II#55:
Exclamation: By... the ... Vishanti! No!!
Conjure: Illusions of Ikonn: Blessed Vishanti, let the Illusions of Ikonn confuse my foe!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#57:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth,...
By the mighty Vishanti, by the three over all--
hear the plea of this mystic, and bring my foe's fall!Restoration Spell:
Now by mystic light expanding from far Nirvalon's bright sea,
hear me once again, Vishanti,-- and let what was 'gain be!
Doctor Strange II#58:
Exclamation: May the Vishanti smile upon you! [Strange to Genghis]
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#59: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts!
Doctor Strange II#60: Exclamation: By the Vishanti, no!
Doctor Strange II#61: Conjure: Sphere of Nirvalon
By the three who are Vishanti let me end this reign of fear!
Hold back this force infernal, with a Nirvalonic sphere.[Note: the sphere cut off the power coming out from the Darkhold.]
Doctor Strange II#62:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Note: While erecting a Seraphimic Shield.]
By the three who are Vishanti, by the power over all,
stryke ye down this thing infernal! Lead him to his final fall!
Moon Knight#36:
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth and the light of truth that ever last...
Bolts of Bedevilment banish these fiends of the infernal past!
Doctor Strange II#64: Exorcism:
By the all-wise Vishanti
by Ikonn's ritual of ever-shifting sand
let this soul have what is it's own...
and let the demon begone from the man!
Doctor Strange II#65:
Hear me now o wise Vishanti! Grant my plea for strength anew--
that I might save all innocents from this unholy crew!
Winds of Watoomb build and swirl 'round these creatures so profane...
let the flawless Flames of the Faltine drive them back to Pohldahk's plane![Note: the winds drew back the demons in the portal from whence they came. The invocation of the Vishanti could be given to strengthen the spell or to exclude and save the innocents from the cyclonic winds.]
Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!
Dottor Strange II#68: Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!
Dottor Strange II#69:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth
Doctor Strange II#70:
Banish: Storms
Back, ye forces most accursed-- get ye from this blessed place!
Flee before the light untainted born of the all-seeing face!
Hands of Oshtur, Hordes of Hoggoth, heed my call...
empower my spell that the powers which oppose me be returned to where they dwell.Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Strange recognized some spires, typical of the dimension of Kobar and suspected the Kobarian mage Tymon.]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Marvel Fanfare#20: Exclamation: By the all-powerful Vishanti!
Marvel Fanfare#21: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#71:
Exclamation: May the Vishanti protect you all!
Conjure: Bolt of Bedevilment: Vishanti save us! [Rahl, while attacking Strange.]
Doctor Strange II#72: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#74:
Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: ...by the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#75:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti,...
Banish: demonic form:Hoggoth grant me the skill to reverse the spell this woman is under.
Rise and surge, ye roiling waters-- rage and swirl and rise again!
That the three who are Vishanti might restore the one within![Note: Strange needed a good amount of water. The rocky layer which covered the demon was consumed by water and by the spell, leaving the human form of Topaz.]
Exclamation: Thank Hoggoth, she lives!
Doctor Strange II#76:
Exclamation: By the Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Vishanti, grant that I be in time!
Doctor Strange II#77:
Exclamation: ...Vishanti!
Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange II#78: Exclamation: By the Vishanti, what's going on?
Marvel Fanfare#41/1:
Exclamation: By the Eternal Vishanti...no!
Exclamation: May the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...!
Marvel Fanfare#31/2: Exclamation: In the name of the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange II#81:
Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth-- Wong!
Strange Tales II#8: Exclamation: O Vishanti...
Strange Tales II#12: Ritual of delivery of the Crystal of Bas-Lyonesse
In the name of Hoggoth I give it. [Catherwood]
In the name of Vishanti I accept it. [Victoria Bentley]
Strange Tales II#15: Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth! [Kaluu]
Strange Tales II#19: Banish demon
In the name of the Hosts of Hoggoth I cast you out!
Cyttorak's bands bar your way--
and the Seraphim shield the innocents here![Jacob Roark, defending his grandsons.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#1: Exclamation: In Hoggoth's name...
Thor Annual#14:
Possa la mano di Hoggoth,
che impugna le lune di Munnopor,
fermare al mio comando la chiusura di tal portale.
May the hand of Hoggoth, she grab the moons of Munnopor, stopping at my command the closing of this portal.
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#5:
Let Hoggoth's hoary hand
be laid upon my brow--
let nothin 'twixt us stand--
and gaining entrance now! [Note: the spell had to break a Spell of Repulsion.]Exclamation: Hounds of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Go to Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Praise be to the Vishanti--!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#6: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#7/1:
By the power of the eternal Vishanti,
I abjure thee-- [Interrupted.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#8/1:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Marvel Comics Presents#44: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#11/1: Conjurer's Sphere:
O Vishanti three--Agamotto, Oshtur, Hoggoth--
may the forces you did use 'gainst the demon-cult of Sligguth--
all prevent the dread Hobgoblin from drawing to me near--
by formin 'round me now--a mighty Conjurer's Sphere![Note: An oil black globe surrounded Strange, protecting him from Goblin-blasts and grenades.
A secondary effect put on the Sphere was to absorb all magical force in a given area.
A third effect was that time passed more quickly in the immediate vicinity of the Sphere.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#14:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth's Hoary Hosts...
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#15:
May the Vishanti's power, like a mystic wave
which gives them any shape they crave--
upon yon vampire's spell now place their ban--
revert him from his bat-like form--to man!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#16/1:
On these, let Hoggoth lay his hoary hand--
divide each soul from animated crust--
and may each corpse which now does lifeless fall--
be turned by Oshtur into scattered dust![Note: The spell forced the bat to revert in the humanoid, vampiric form of Victor Strange.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#18:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth's Hosts!
Oshtur--Seraphim--Satannish--nullify my spell! [Dispel the spell just pronounced.]
Sacred Vishanti--you three who are one--
though your Book be inviolate, to be sundered by none-
now bathe me in scorn--cascade me with curses--
but deliver to me--the Vampiric Verses![Note: A page from the Book of Vishanti was teleported from New York to Strange's location.]
Eternal Vishanti--I call you en toto--
great Oshtur, pale Hoggoth, many faced Agamotto--
though no else might destroy it--ye gods, I implore--
let this page of your spellbook be on Earth--nevermore![Note: the page was destroyed.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#19:
Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us--
Exclamation: By Hoggoth-- no!
Exclamation: What in Hoggoth's name...
Conjure: Hoary-white Hands of Hoggoth.
Marvel Fanfare#52/2: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Black Knight II#1:
Nel nome di colui cui tutto č concesso vedere...
nel nome di Vishanti...
mostraci cristallo,
nel tuo fulgido splendore...
tutto cio che i frammenti del braciere sanno.
In the name of the one where everything is allowed to see ... in the name of Vishanti ... show, Crystal in your shining splendor ... everything that fragments of the Brazier.[Note: Victoria Bentley performed the incantation using the Crystal of Bas-Lyoness and a brazier.]
Black Knight II#3:
Exclamation: By the Hosts of Hoggoth!
Oshtur, fa che i frammenti che una volta costituivano il feroce Balor,...
si disperdano portati via dal vento... per mai piu' riunirsi!
Oshtur is that fragments which once made up the fierce Balor, ... are dispersed by the wind carried away ... never more get together!
Black Knight II#4:
Per le antiche mani di Hoggoth,
che hanno retto il destino dell'umanitą...
che ora questa... gabbia di forza sovrannaturale...
sia dispersa per sempre!
By the old hands of Hoggoth, who held the fate of mankind ... now this ... supernatural force cage ... is lost forever![Strange tried to escape from the Wicked Man's cage. Shortly later (BTS) Strange tried again but the enchantement stole the life force of the prisoners so he had to stop.]
Ascoltami sacro Hoggoth, io con cio' rinuncio al mio sortilegio!
Listen to me sacred Hoggoth, I hereby renounce the ' my spell!
Strange cast a spell invoking Hoggoth. It stopped the fall of some persons, putting them down on the ground.
Marvel Comics Presents#61: Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#20/1: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#21/1:
Exclamation: Holy Hoggooth!
May the three Vishanti and crimson Cyttorak now grant me power o'er these Dark Hordes--
that they all be hurled back![Note: Strange recited the spell over and over with minor variations, cornering the Mindless Ones until he hurled back them to the Dark Dimension]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#23/1:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Hoggoth help me...
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#24: By the Eternal Vishanti, by the power of Satannish... [Interrupted.]
Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual#1: Exclamation: Hoggoth!
Marvel Super Heroes III#5:
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, hear my spell and magic's song...
in the name of the Vishanti, now make right what has gone--
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#27/1:
By the grey specter of the Vishanti, I summon all the mystic forces of the shadow worlds!
I call on the hosts of darkness--
strike--strike at the command of your master!
Conjure: Dimensional Portal + Banish:May the lance of Omnipotent Oshtur hurled by Hoggoth's white, wondrous hand,
now smite this cubed portal, and send it back home to that thrice-doomed land![Note: a vortex pulled the aliens in a cubed portal.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#28:
Exclamation: By the three who are the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hordes of Hoggoth...!
By the power of triple Vishanti--let thy... [Interrupted by one of the Dykkors.]
Exclamation: Holy Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#29:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Incantation of Exorcism:In the name of the All-Freeing--
by the Orb of the All-Seeing--
be Oshtur's might omnipotent
from distant bright domain be sent--
may now the flames of the fierce Faltine
rise in crescendo at my keen--
and in epic, awesome test--
drive out the Demon from Topaz's breast! [The exorcism probably continued...]
Come forth, o demon--at my spoken command--
come forth, grasped by Hoggoth's most-ghostly pale hand--
abandon this female pain-racked inner vista--
and stand here before me this instant--Mephista![Note: Strange performed the spell on Topaz, who was into a Circle of Containment. Three items were needed:
some fur from her Werewolf friend, Jack Russell;
fire from one of the Dykkors;
talon of a vampire taken when he was in bat form.]
Infinity Gauntlet#1: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#31/1: Control: Mind:
By the blinding white of Hoggoth's hoary swarm--
by the awesome eye which gleams on Agamotto's brow--
by the moonlight thrust by Munnopor like a sword--
let me enter the mind of this being--now!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#33/1:
Time: Distortion:
May the stars that are Eternity's face now cease to move--be Heaven's chimera!
Let Hoggoth's hand, through time and space now grasp some talisman in a passing era![Note: the spell was weak against the time-maelstrom created by Thanos. Strange was helped by Clea.]
Exclamation: ...and if you had the brains Hoggoth gave to his hordes...
Time: Distortion:Yecyotl talxicco onoc--
Ka-tzih ta ch'uxoc Vishanti![Note: reading the Scroll of Vishanti. It finally freed Strange and Clea from the Time-maelstrom.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#34: Banish: Shadow of Doom:
By the four fantastic fragments of the fabled Quadriverse--
by the might of puissant Oshtur, swift to chastise or to curse--
may the fearsome Winds of Watoomb, whose storms the stars coerce--
now howl and blow and bellow--and this Shadow-Doom disperse!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#35: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#36:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hordes of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: ...by the eternal Vishanti!
Avengers West Coast#78:
That the hand of Hoggoth encloses this room as a large, white flame--
and, for the great Watoomb, which of these creatures is--
finished the painful drama!
[The ectoplasms were sucked back and vanished.]
Marvel Super Heroes III#12: Exclamation: Holy Hoggoth!
Marvel Super Heroes III#14: Banish:
By Hoggoth's ever-grim host--
by Valtorr's dreaded clime--
let yonder ebony ghosts
now fade from out this time!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#37:
Exclamation: By the Hordes of Hoggoth!
Conjure: Force: Let Hoggoth's hoary hand now smite this door to shimmering splinters! [Note: A magenta circular force shattered the door.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#38:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti... [Rintrah]
Exclamation: Holy Hoggoth!
Conjure: Hoary Hands of Hoggoth. Strange's hands, glowing with red power, burned the Lurking Unknown.
Exclamation: ...the Vishanti be our witness!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#39:
Control: Minds:
May the hoary hand of Hoggoth my cloistered mind unchain--
that the fears which man beset--now flow into my brain!Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti...
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#40:
Strange invoked the Vishanti, Oshtur and Hoggoth but he was already under the D'Spayre's influence and he did not put his heart in the spell. So, the spell was too weak to have effect.
Exclamation: By Hoggoth...
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#41:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth's hordes! [Clea]
Exclamation: Hoggoth...!
Infinity War#1: By Vishanti!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#42:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
[Note: Strange admitted that he used this expression too often, but claimed that this time was entirely involuntary. This implies that many other times he pronounced this expression with purpose, explicitly asking for help/power from Hoggoth.]
Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us!
Conjure: Path of Force....and may great Hoggoth's hoary hand,
and all the hordes that with him stand,
now open paths through steel and debris--
that Dr. Strange shall be set free--
to turn that power upon his foe--
to topple him and lay him low![Note: the force caused even Galactus to lose balance.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#43:
Strange prayed Hoggoth and managed to escape from the Orb of Agamotto.
Strange hurled beams of mystic energy in every direction. After some minutes Hoggoth and Oshtur appeared, attracted from Strange and from the dimension-blasting fight between Agamotto and Galactus.
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#44:
Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us!
Banish crystalsMay Oshtur aid me in this hour--
may Hoggoth's hoary hand now scatter--
eternal Vishanti, grant me power,
these death-full crimson spears to shatter![Note: it did not work.]
Defenders I#85:
Exclamation: Hosts of Hoggoth! [Clea]
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti! [Clea]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#45:
Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Strange was surprised at seeing Death.]
Let the hoary hand of Hoggoth now scatter bones like dust--
let the power of mighty Oshtur do that which Oshtur must!
Let the gaze of Agamotto wither him who takes no breath--
let the wrath of all be pointed-- the way to dusky death! [Strange attacked Death, but he only destroyed one of its images.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#46:
Exclamation: Hoggoth,...
Exclamation: Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#47:
Exclamation: Thank Hoggoth!
Exclamation: ...thank the Vishanti!
Conjure: power [Note: Strange called every entity he knew to contrast Necromancer's power.]
Silver Surfer Annual#15: Exclamation: Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#48:
Font of wisdom, source of light--
heed now your servant's plight!
Mine eyes dim, my limbs grow weak--
grant now the sanctuary that I seek!
Aid me now, O great Vishanti--
against the loath-- some spawn of Ygoth.
By the names, I call thee--
Aggamotto, Ostur and Hoggoth![Note: a great explosion burned the cyclopeans. The Vishanti summoned Strange before of them.]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#49: Emancipation Incantation:
Satannish Watoomb and Ragadorr
Ikonn, the Seraphim and Cyttorak
Agamotto, Oshtur and Muniporr
Hoggoth, the Faltine, Valtorr and Denak
Those whom I've named plus others I've omitted
Those who threatened my cherished liberty
Hark to this irrevocable decree:
Such an enslavement will not be permitted
Your claims on my person I now reject
All demands of servitude I must deny
For your wisdom and might I've the utmost respect
But the price of its use is far too high
Better the path I walk be mine alone
Hear now these words: let my fate be my own!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#51: Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#54/1: Exclamation: By Hoggoth's Hoary Hordes,... [Ancient One]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#56/1: Exclamation: Holy Hosts of Hoggoth! [Wong]
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#74: Exclamation: Or by the Power of the Undying Vishanti... [Salome']
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#75:
Fill me endless Fires of Oshtur, guide me, Hoggoth's hoary hand!
When I call thee, primary influences, bend to Salome's command!
Harken now immortal Vishanti, our Avatar is at the core!
Nihility beckons your former servant, and Salome' would open the Door!
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#84: Exclamation: By the Hosts....
Doctor Strange & Doom Triumph and Torment
By the Mists of Munnupor,
'loose the power of Hoggoth's hands--
clear away this allowed door,
this the Genghis now commands! [Genghis]
Attend me now Vishanti...let your servant share your might!
Hoary Hoggoth, grant me power--Agamotto 'loose your light!
Blessed Oshtur, graceful lady, in your hallowed hands I place
all my mortal form encircles... let it change in your embrace!
Join with me, o Great Vishanti, join now with your servant true!
Aye! And let use come together--assume one form... anew! [Genghis]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
What is it that disturbs you, Stephen?:
Great Vishanti.
Guide me for I fear what I may find!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti...
Doctor Strange Flight of Bones#3:
I, Stephen Strange...
I, the vessel...
in Oshtur's name, let wisdom fill me.
I, Stephen Strange...
I, the conduit...
in Agamotto's name, let my eyes truly see.
I, Stephen Strange...
I, the servant...
in Hoggoth's name, let strength fortify my bones.
Great Vishanti, let your power come to rest in me.
Guide my hand as this task approaches.
Banish:All those touched by villainy's taint, bound hand and foot, in steel restraint--
by dread of flood and fear of drought, in Hoggoth's name--
I cast you out.
Doctor Strange: The Oath#2: Exclamation: By the Hoary #***ing Hosts!
Doctor Strange: The Oath#5:
Conjure: Sands of the Nishanti [Note: this spell cancels magic for three minutes.]
Stan Lee meets Doctor Strange#1: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth...
Defenders II#1:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Exclamation: Vishanti!
Defenders II#7: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...
Defenders II#8:
Exclamation: By Hoggoth!
Exclamation: In the name of the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Defenders II#12/1: Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti...
Defenders III#1: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...
Defenders III#3: Exclamation: Varicose veins of the Vishanti! [Umar]
Defenders III#5: Conjure: Vapors of Valtorr: Vapors of the Vishanti--cloak us! [Note: a mist hid the Defenders from the world around them.]
Avengers/Invaders#5: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts....
In the name of the eternal Vishanti and the omnipotent Oshtur,
I cleanse you and allow you to enjoy your time in this world. [Strange exorcised the demon in Richard Young.]
Deadgirl#4: Space: Levitation: By the ring of the Vishanti... stop. [Strange stopped Dead Girl's fall.]
Fantastic Four III#7: Exclamation: Sacra Vishanti!
Ghost Rider III#12:
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Banish:By the flames of Faltine ...
and by the power of the Vishanti ...
so it will be![The demons were hurled back in the portal from which they came.]
Marvel Comics Presents#146/3: Exclamation: By the unbending Vishanti!
New Avengers: Illuminati#1 (fb)~Ave#96: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts...
Spider-Man/Doctor Strange: The way to Dusty Death
Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Banish: demonsThat the spectral hand of Hoggoth ...
whose son Lance and Pike superfluous ...
cali as Hoggoth may only ...
and the horde of demons hit!
That clever Vishanti preserves two souls from danger ...
While the eye of Agamotto illuminates ...
each frown!
Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Uncanny X-Men Annual#: Exclamation: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Profile by .
Character name has no known connections to
--issue#1 (issue#2 (fb), issue#1, issue#2 --> chronological order
images: (without ads)
Strange Tales I#116, p4, pan5 (Mist of Hoggoth)
Strange Tales I#116, p4, pan6 (Path of Hoggoth)
Man-Thing II#4, p6, pan2 (Fist of Hoggoth)
Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#19, p22, pan3 (The hoary-white Hand of Hoggoth)
Other Appearances:
issue (publication date) - writer, pencils, inks, editor
issue (publication date) - writer, pencils, inks, editor
Last updated: 01/10/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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