Membership: Larin, Mahatma Doom, Otto; unidentified monk aiding Doom against Nightmare; unidentified monk ("blinded one") trained to oppose Invisible Woman (Sue Richards);
as far as I could see, there were at least 9 members
Purpose: Studies of science and sorcery; serving Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom)
Aliases: "Monks of Doom"; various descriptive terms of their being a hidden/secret order of Tibetan monks/mystics/holy men (see comments)
Affiliations: Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom; see comments), Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid), Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange);
two formerly served Crucible (Maris Morlak, Wladyslav Shinsky);
they were known, at least, to the Aged Genghis
Enemies: Chinese army, Crucible (Maris Morlak, Wladyslav Shinsky), Nightmare, Shadow Doom, Thanos;
unrevealed brethren from whom they fled/split from in centuries past;
possibly Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom; see comments)
Base of Operations: Cave/temple/lamasery/monastery within unspecified region high in the Tibetan mountains (its interior and exterior are covered here and featured throughout the main profile as well)
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual#2 (November, 1964)
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - A group of monks/priests/scholars experimented with things beyond mortal ken.
Upon the outrage of their brothers, they fled into the Tibetan mountains.
They were referred to by at least one source as "Wise Ones."
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) - BTS / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) - BTS) - This unidentified, mysterious order of monks dwelled in secrecy and seclusion in a lost mountain cave for over nine centuries without having an outsider approach their caverns.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - For centuries, the monks had combined magic and technology almost instinctively, creating devices the outside world could only dream of until recent years.
(Books of Doom#3 (fb) - BTS) - The monks had long foreseen that "a man who lost everything, who hid his true face from the world, would come to their temple to learn their ancient secrets; and that man would become their master."
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) - BTS / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) - BTS / Books of Doom#4 (fb)- BTS ) - Victor von Doom was caught in an explosion (of his device used to contact his mother, Cynthia von Doom, in the netherworld) that scarred his face and led to his expulsion from Empire State University.
(Books of Doom#3 (fb)) - After von Doom returned to eastern Europe, one of the monks posed as drunken man named Otto, who frequently slept on von Doom's stairwell, despite instructions to the contrary.
(Books of Doom#3 (fb)) - Otto gave von Doom's lover, Valeria, a flower, which protected her from a subsequent attack by KGB agents trying to force von Doom to serve them.
Otto was mortally wounded stopping these men, and he only had time to
tell von Doom of his order's prophecies and that they dwelled high in
the mountains of Tibet.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) - BTS / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) - BTS / Books of Doom#4 (fb)- BTS ) - Doom journeyed to Tibet, seeking this order and their forbidden secrets of black magic and sorcery.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - Doom spent months combing the villages along the base of the mountain range, searching for those who knew of "the temple in the mountains." Those he encountered knew little, such as a man whose grandfather had spoken of the monks he sought, although he had never told where they resided.
(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (fb)) - At some point, Doom learned of and traveled to the abode of the Aged Genghis.
Realizing Doom sought sorcerous training, Genghis dismissed him as he no longer taught.
When Doom became forceful, Genghis continued to refuse to teach, but told Doom of an order of holy men in high Tibet..."among them you will find your destiny."
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - Doom spent more months translating ancient scrolls and tablets, sifting through religious "drivel" for the answers he sought, until at last he found reference to the "Wise Ones" in a charred parchment form 600 years earlier.
A crude sketch mapped their theoretical location, high above a nearby temple.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing he was following a guess made over half a millennium ago, Doom nonetheless acted upon this in hopes of finding his apparent destiny. Though the harsh climate was far beyond what he had endured in the Latverian alps, and he realized that the snows and clouds could be blocking his sight, Doom persisted, aided by technology to keep him warm and to clear away blocked passages; despite his inventiveness and his willpower, the mountain nearly broke him.
Plagued by visions of the Hell-lord demon Mephisto tormenting his mother and eventually running out of food, Doom continued on for days, wandering and always climbing upward. He narrowly survived an encounter with a Yeti before cannibalizing his last piece of technology to create a fire and bandage his wounds.
Certainly weakened, Doom continued, feeling he must be close, though he soon felt his wounds open and begin hemorrhaging anew. Eventually, he collapsed, wondering if he would die, frozen in the snow, like his father, Werner von Doom.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) / Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - The fallen von Doom was taken in by the mysterious order of monks.
(Fantastic Four I#278 (fb)) - One
of the monks noted that the man was nearly dead of hunger and cold and
urged his brothers to tend to him.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Seeing his bandages face, at least one of the monks suspected this must be the man prophesied.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - A week later, Doom awakened with his wounds healed. As he wandered from his room, the monks happily noted his survival and gathered their numbers to greet him.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) / Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Von Doom stayed with monks month after month (see comments), learning their ancient secrets and lore.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - As Doom's studies wore on, he began to lean again toward science, but this time with the eyes of one who had seen that nothing was impossible...that no laws of the world were absolute.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) / Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Eventually, after five years, the monks noted that they had taught him all they knew and that he had learned well.
They hailed him as their better and as "master," noting that he grew beyond them and his mind sought answers to questions they had yet to ask.
They bowed before
Doom, calling him "Great One."
of Doom#4 (fb)) - Doom took a group (three) of monks with him as he
visited the people in villages at the mountain bases as he surveyed how
the world and people had changed, and as he gathered supplies for his
future endeavors.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Upon return to the monk's sanctum, Doom established the top level of its inner sanctum as his private quarters, and he and his servants built a device with which he could observe the whole world.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - The monks noted that their master was becoming more eccentric.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Observing that Vladimir (the former Baron who had caused Werner von Doom's death) was now Latveria's king and that Reed Richards was lauded as perhaps the world's smartest man, Doom concluded that Richards had sabotaged his work and caused his failure and injuries.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - Hearing Richards called doctor, Doom insisted the monks call him Doctor Doom.
Though some of the monks found Doom's behavior odd, Larin and
others always knew that he would not be like other men.
of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - To block what he believed was Mephisto causing
him to be plagued by images of his past history and frailities, Doom
resolved to forge a suit of armor to serve as a second skin.
Adaptive technology would line the inner working of the armor, and an enchantment would seal it from demonic influences, blocking Mephisto from his dreams; however, the cold metal on his skin would remind him of Mephisto's existence and that he held his mother's soul captive.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) / Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Using the mouth of a gigantic idol as a makeshift blast furnace (see comments) and demanding ever-more heat, von Doom forged his armor.
As they placed his armor, the monks noted it was like none ever worn by mortal man and asked if it pained him, but he assured them pain was for lesser men.
As they raised his mask, one of the monks cautioned that it had not completely cooled yet, but another monk admonished the first, instructing him to be silent as he noted that the master would tolerate no further delay:
Such a man cannot wait, as others can.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb)) - After von Doom donned the mask, he officially re-christened himself "Doctor Doom."
Doom then noted how only he could remove the mask via the ring on his middle finger.
The Monks confirmed his wishes that they would cover the ring with special herbs, camoflaging it so none would see it.
Von Doom noted that the monks had served him well, as all men would do
some day.
Dr. Doom assembled and donned his flying harness (see comments).
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Doom took with him Larin, one of his most faithful servants, to aid him in his task of conquering Latveria.
Larin noted that he was honored to have been chosen to assist his master, and Doom replied, "Of course you are." They left in a flying platform.
(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb)) - One of the monks wondered if he would ever return, another noted that none could truly say, as Doom would follow his own destiny, and a third noted "Woe to the world, now that Doctor Doom is born!! (see comments)"
(Books of Doom#5 (fb) - BTS) - In Latveria, Doom and Larin swiftly established a base of operations in an old abandoned castle, over looking a small village, long-abandoned after the deaths, in one night, of all the children who lived there (presumably an example of Vladimir's tyranny).
(Books of Doom#5 (fb)) - Larin built robot warriors under Doom's guidance.
(Books of Doom#5 (fb) - BTS) - Doom and Larin built the weapons they needed and gathered the people around them.
(Books of Doom#5 (fb)) - Doom told Larin of his plan to more quickly accomplish his goals by assembling his Zefiro family (the gypsy clan amongst which he was raised).
(Books of Doom#5 (fb)) - When Valeria visited Doom and questioned if the armor kept out the dreams of his mother, Doom had Larin show Valeria out.
of Doom#5 (fb) - BTS) - Presumably with Larin's aid, Doom took control of Latveria and was crowned as its monarch.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34 (fb) - BTS) - The Chinese army, at least, learned of the existence and mystic powers of the monks.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34 - BTS) - In hopes of reviving Dr. Doom, who had been turned into a charred "statue" by the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Thanos, Dr. Strange and Dr. Druid brought the Doom statue to the monks' cave.
The monks sensed the approach of
their former master and they activated their great furnace and then
traveled to the mouth of their cave to greet him.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34) - The monks welcomed Strange (via a translation spell woven by Strange, the monks, or both; see comments), who levitated Doom's inert form inside the cave, where the monks could examine him more closely.
They traveled to the great furnace, into which the monks placed Doom's charred form, believing its mystic fires could reverse Thanos' transformation.
The monks were surprised to see their master in such a helpless state, but Strange calmed them by noting that the one who had felled Doom was like unto a god.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34 - BTS) - Chinese soldiers approached the monks' cave entrance, seeking to force them to halt the ice age threatening China (another effect caused by Thanos).
When three of the Monks greeted them, however, the soldiers shot one of the monks, dropping him.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34) - Hearing gunfire outside the cave, Strange and Druid left the monks to tend to their master, as they checked on the disturbance.
While one of the monks noted that his fellow monk was but welcoming them, the soldiers demanded the monks, or Strange or Druid, whom they recognized as sorcerers by their garb, end the near ice age.
After Strange insisted the soldiers depart, he was forced to use the Shield of Seraphim to protect himself, Druid, and the monks from the soldiers gunfire.
Perhaps because Strange was not present to control Doom's mystical
transformation, unbearable heat suddenly issued forth from the great
furnace, which exuded black tendrils; nonetheless the monks refused to
abandon their master.
As Strange used Raggadorr's rings to contain the soldiers, they heard
the shouts from the monks inside the cave and headed back in to
Strange and Druid returned to the cave, where they found a giant, shadowy Doom figure present, which Strange noted to be Doom's shadow-self: All the feelings and urges he ever repressed, embodied and free at last. When Druid speculated that Doom's shadow would be good, the shadow-self agreed, noting that it could not let them reconstitute and revive the evil Doom.
Ignoring Strange and Druid's arguments about how Doom was needed to save the universe, Doom's shadow-self tried to destroy them to prevent their interference in its goal of destroying Doom's body. Ultimately, however, Doom revived, and his power, combined with Strange's and Druid's, dispatched Shadow-Doom/Doom-Shadow, thrusting it back within Doom himself.
The monks stood silently as Doom agreed to join forces with the heroes against Thanos, after which Strange and Druid departed, leaving Doom there; Strange would summon him at the proper moment against Thanos.
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/1 (fb) - BTS) - Plagued by nightmares caused by the demon Nightmare and frustrated by the failures of his agent Dr. Tinner, Doom summoned an unidentified member of theTibetan mystics he had led in the past to aid in resolving the issue.
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/1) - After Doom suffered another nightmare, he confronted Tinner, denying his offer to take his own life and instead directing him to continue his work under the supervision of "this one" (the acolyte/monk).
Doom instructed the monk not to fail him as he wanted results before his next sleep, and the monk assured him, "Of course, master. All is already underway."
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/2-3 (fb) - BTS) - The Monk ordered -- via combat drones -- the capture of Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch/Noble Kale) and Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan), both of whom were immune to Nightmare's powers.
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/2-3 (fb) - BTS) - The monk aided Tinner in building a machine to unite Dr. Doom, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine in a dream against
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/4) - The Monk was connected to Doom while he dreamt and was killed by a backlash of fear energy when Nightmare confronted Doom, Ghost Rider, and Wolverine.
(Marvel Comics Presents#100/4) - Doom woke up and wanted to punish the Monk for failing him, but the Monk was already dead.
Four III#3 (fb) - BTS) - Reporter Isobel Aguirre spent five years
tracking down numerous tips in hopes of locating the order of Tibetan
monks that had given sanctuary to the young Victor von Doom.
(Fantastic Four I#396 (fb) - BTS) - Hyperstorm (Reality-967's Jonathan Reed Richards) sent Artur Zarrko, aka the Tomorrow Man, back into the past to impersonate Doom's servant Boris.
(Fantastic Four I#396 (fb) - BTS) - At some point (presumably shortly after Kristoff's defeat in Fantastic Four I#352), Doom placed "Boris" and Kristoff Vernard within stasis tubes and left them under the care of the Monks of Doom at their Tibetan monastery.
(Fantastic Four I#396) - Pretending to be guiding Sue Richards to the missing and seemingly deceased Reed Richards and Dr. Doom, Nathaniel Richards (or, an alternate incarnation of him, "the Beast," as more recent stories indicate) traveled with Sue Richards to the monastery of the Monks of Doom.
Soon after they landed, Monks wielding energy rifles and handguns
blasted and destroyed their ship, noting that their master had
instructed that none may defile their sacred monastery.
As Sue fought off the Monks, Nathaniel sneaked away to enter the Monks' caves. Sue swiftly spotted and followed Nathaniel, fighting off reinforcement Monks along the way, although they delayed her for nearly a minute.
Shortly after Sue entered the Monk's caverns, she was ambushed by a monk trained to detect her and defend against her, but she swiftly flattened him with a series of invisible force fields.
Seeking out Nathaniel, Sue found opaque stasis tanks containing two beings; hoping one was Reed, she tried to decipher the equipment, only to be struck down from behind by Nathaniel.
(Fantastic Four I#397 (fb) - BTS) - Nathaniel contained Sue Richards within a spherical chamber while he studied the technology controlling the stasis tubes.
(Fantastic Four I#397) - Recovering, Sue broke out of her cage just as Nathaniel opened the stasis tubes, releasing Kristoff and "Boris." Shortly thereafter, one of the Monks informed Kristoff (addressing him as "young master") of an approaching ship.
(Fantastic Four I#397 (fb) - BTS) - Other Fantastic Four members Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Human Torch, and the Thing arrived via their Stealth-Hawk.
(Fantastic Four I#397) - One of the Monks served drinks, and the Thing allowed Kristoff to examine a device from the Watcher (presumably Aron, but possibly Uatu), which Kristoff swiftly reconfigured. Kristoff then announced his plans to use the weapon to force the location of Dr. Doom (and thus Reed) from the Watcher.
(Fantastic Four III#3 (fb) - BTS) - As Crucible, Maris Morlak and Wladyslav Shinsky (of the Enclave) slaughtered the monks at their Tibetan monastery.
(Fantastic Four III#3) - When Isobel Aguirre and her photographer Gordon Clay
traveled to the Tibetan monastery of the monks, they
found the monks slaughtered at the hands of Crucible.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#3: Enclave entry) - Morlak and Shinsky enslaved the survivors and made them forge a pair of suits of armor for their Crucible identity.
(Fantastic Four III#4) - A pair of the monks flew Crucible's plane, carrying Crucible, Aguirre, and Clay.
Four III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Crucible petried Aguirre and Clay to more easily get them through customs.
(Fantastic Four III#5) - In Stockholm, Sweden, a pair of monks serving Crucible announced that what he had commanded to be done was now in readiness (presumably the placement of the petrified forms of Isobel Aguirre and her Gordon Clay atop a building).
Pleased, Crucible returned Aguirre and Clay's heads to their organic forms (see comments) and informed them that they would be his agents thereafter, or they would remain as if stone gargoyles.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - An unspecified woman interviewed the monk Larin, who noted how Doom became more eccentric after constructing his multiple-screen viewer, especialy after seeing Richards' success.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doom returned the monks' kindness by killing them (see comments); only one survived. Feeling the monks had unknowingly helped unleash a great evil upon the world, the survivor felt the balance needed to be restored: He became the sorcerer Mahatma Doom.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - As part of their efforts to destroy all magic-users, the Empirikul confronted Mahatma Doom in his Tibetan base.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1) - Mahatma Doom was able to guide the Empirikul into calm mediation, but other Empirkul ships then arrived. As the Empirikul's Lord Imperiator helped shatter the forces of magic on Earth, Mahatma Doom was captured alongside Chinese sorcerer Professor Xu.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - With magic fading, Mahatma Doom and Professor Xu, as well as Russian sorcerer Count Kaoz and Mexican sorcerer el Medico Mistico were all tied to posts outside Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum.
Strange IV#7) - Mahatma Doom remained bound alongside other
sorcerers, such as Daimon Hellstrom, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Scarlet
Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman
(Elizabeth Twoyoungmen). Monako appeared and assaulted the Empirikul,
sacrificing himself and allowing the others to flee.
(Doctor Strange IV#8) - Alongside the other sorcerers who had escaped the Empirikul, Mahatma Doom scoured Earth for remaining magic items of whatever power was left.
(Doctor Strange IV#9 (fb) - BTS) - Mahatma Doom met with Brother Voodoo, Count Kaoz, Dr. Strange, Daimon Hellstrom, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), el Medico Mistico, Professor Xu, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), surveying their limited weapons and preparing to battle the Empirikul, although they realized they would likely die in the struggle.
Strange IV#10) - Aided by Misery, a creature created from all the pain
and negative energies Strange had hid away in his Sanctum's cellar for
years, Strange and the others defeated the Imperikul's Imperiator, and
the Inquisitors fell as well.
Nonetheless, the fabric of magic had nearly been extinguished on Earth.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Charles Eber Stone.
Who are these monks?
Doom killing the monks?
At first, given how we had seen the monks since Doom's origins, I was tempted to discount this altogether, but, reviewing all the issues, it actually makes sense:
Time periods
Cave vs. temple
I discuss the differences in the appearances and the level of technology, etc. extensively in the sub-profiles on the interior and exterior of the temple.
Who directed Doom to the monks? The Aged Genghis or Otto?
Flying harness or flying platform?
Fantastic Four I#278 was a cool retelling of Doom's origins at the time.
It added a few bits while going virtually panel for panel (changing perspectives and with minor modifications) in the parts up to and including Doom including his body armor, and the mask being raised, steaming from a pot.
Told in 1985, the retelling/revision seems to modernize things a bit from the 1962 original origin.
The retelling/revision suffers, however, in that when the next retelling/revision occurred another 21 years later, in 2006, in Books of Doom, and some of the revisions stuck and some were disregarded:
A few another points of discussion
With both Strange and Druid having spent extended periods training in Tibet, it's a little surprising they would need translation from the monks (or even from the Chinese soldiers) in Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34.
Crucible returned Aguirre and Clay's heads to their organic forms (that's what it looked like and what was described...perhaps it was illusion or some form of magic, as a head couldn't survive let alone function without active blood supply, etc.)
Doom's origins have been told and retold A LOT...I think I covered all of the retellings of any significance that featured the "Monks of Doom"...let me know if I missed any...
Thanks to Donald Campbell for pointing out the appearances in Fantastic Four I#396-397 that I had missed.
Profile by Snood.
The Monks of Doom have no known connections to:
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34) - They traveled to the great furnace, into which the monks placed Doom's charred form, believing its mystic fires could reverse Thanos' transformation.
(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34 - BTS) - While Strange was distracted by members of the Chinese army attacking the monks, unbearable heat suddenly issued forth from the great furnace, which exuded black tendrils; these coalesced into Doom's shadow-self: All the feelings and urges he ever repressed, embodied and free at last.
Considering itself to be "good," the Shadow-Doom tried to prevent them from reconstituting and reviving the "evil" Dr. Doom.
however, Doom revived, and his power, combined with Strange and
Druid's, dispatched Shadow-Doom/Doom-Shadow, thrusting it back within
Doom himself.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Upon return to the monk's sanctum, Doom established the top level of its inner sanctum as his private quarters, and he and his servants built his compound-screen viewer device with which he could observe the whole world.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - The monks noted that their master was becoming more eccentric.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Observing that Vladimir (the former Baron who had caused Werner von Doom's death) was now Latveria's king and that Reed Richards was lauded as perhaps the world's smartest man, Doom concluded that Richards had sabotaged his work and caused his failure and injuries.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb) - BTS) - Hearing Richards called doctor, Doom insisted the monks call him Doctor Doom.
--Books of Doom#4(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#278 (fb) / Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - Von Doom stayed with monks month after month (see comments), learning their ancient secrets and lore.
(Books of Doom#4 (fb)) - As Doom's studies wore on, he began to lean again toward science.
This time, however, he had the benefit of having the eyes of one who had seen that nothing was impossible...that no laws of the world were absolute.
--Books of Doom#4images: (without ads)
Fantastic Four Annual#2 (my images comes from the reprint in Fantastic Four Annual#7), Dr. Doom origin story, pg. 10, panel 6 (rescue Doom in front of cave);
panel 7 (calling Doom master);
panel 8 (great furnace);
pg. 11, panel 1 (placing armor on Doom);
panel 2 (taking mask from heating vase);
panel 7 (Doom assembling flying harness, showing background walls);
Fantastic Four I#278, pg. 9, panel 2 (monks rescue in front of temple);
panel 3 (call Doom master);
panel 4 (great forge; side);
panel 5 (placing armor on Doom);
pg. 10, panel 1 (forging mask);
panel 5 (mask burning Doom);
pg. 11, panel 1-2 (Doom runs out into snow);
panel 3 (surprised at Doom's face);
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34, pg. 10, panel 2 (entrance at mouth of cave);
panel 3 (monks in light robes);
pg. 11, panel 4-7 (great forge opening);
panel 8 (standing before great forge);
pg. 12, panel 2 (sending Doom into great forge);
pg. 15, panel 5 (Druid and Strange with Shadow-Doom; showing cavern);
Fantastic Four III#3, pg. 18, panel 1 (temple; exterior);
panel 4 (monks on ground);
pg. 19, panel 1 (fallen monk, fae);
panel 3 (alternate forge?);
#4, pg. 13, panel 1 (flying Crucible's plane);
#5, pg. 6, panel 3 & 5 (placing gargoyles atop building; noting completion);
Books of Doom#4, pg. 10, panel 4 (temple - exterior);
panel 6 (interior; greeting Doom);
pg. 11, panel 1, 3 & 4 (training in magic and science);
pg. 12, panel 2-3 (Doom on throne, acknowledged as master);
pg. 3, panel 1 (pack-crew) & 5 (with ox);
pg. 14, panel 1 (multi-viewer);
pg. 15, panel 4-5 (Larin face; serious and smiling);
pg. 16, panel 1 (Doom's bed chamber - distant);
pg. 17, panel 1 (Doom' bed chamber - close);
pg. 18, panel 1 (great forge);
pg. 19, panel 1 (placing spell on armor);
pg. 21 panel 2-3 (departing with Larin; close and distant)
#5, pg. 6, panel 2 (Larin working on robots)
Fantastic Four Annual#2 (November, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (penciler), Charles Eber Stone (inker)
Fantastic Four I#278 (May, 1985) - John Byrne (writer, penciler), Jerry Ordway (inker), Michael Carlin (editor)
Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment
(1989) - Roger Stern (writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Mark Badger
(inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#34 (October, 1991) - Roy
& Dann Thomas (writers), Dan Lawlis (penciler), Jim Sanders III
with Chris Ivey (inkers), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Marvel Comics Presents#100 (1992) - Howard Mackie (writer), Sam Keith (artist), Terry Kavanaugh (editor)
Fantastic Four I#396 (January, 1995) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Paul Bulanadi (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Four I#397 (February, 1995) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Paul Ryan
(penciler), Paul Bulanadi (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Fantastic Four III#3 (March, 1998) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Alan Davis (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), (editor)
Four III#5 (May, 1998) - Chris Claremont & Scott Lobdell (writers),
Salvador Larroca (penciler), Arthur Edward Thibert (inker), (editor)
of Doom#3 (March, 2006) - Ed Brubaker (writer), Pablo Raimondi
(penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Molly Lazer and Aubrey Sitterson
(assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (associate editor), Tom Brevoort
Books of Doom#4 (April, 2006) - Ed Brubaker (writer),
Pablo Raimondi (penciler), Mark Farmer with Drew Hennessy (inker), Molly Lazer and Aubrey
Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (associate editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Books of Doom#5 (May, 2006) - Ed Brubaker (writer),
Pablo Raimondi (penciler), Drew Hennessy with Robin Riggs (inker), Molly Lazer and Aubrey
Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (associate editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#6
(May, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo (penciler), Tim
Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, Wayne Faucher, Victor Olazaba & Jaime
Mendoza (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (June, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer),
Leonardo Romero (artist), Charles Beacham (assistant editor), Darren
Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#7
(June, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo (penciler), Tim
Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba & Jaime
Mendoza (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#8 (July, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, & Victor
Olazaba (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#9 (August, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, & Victor
Olazaba (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#10 (September, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, John Livesay, Victor
Olazaba & Wayne Faucher (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
First posted: 01/28/2018
Last updated: 04/26/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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