von_roon_lord-face.jpgvon_roon-prussia.jpgLORD von ROON

Real Name: von Roon (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Human vampire  (15th century);
    Prussian citizen (see comments)

Occupation: Diplomat, emissary

Group Membership: Vampires of Earth;
    formerly some role in the government of Prussia

Affiliations: Lord Benitio, Dracula, Lord Vargas

Enemies: Formerly Dracula and vampires

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    last seen in Castle Dracula in the Carpathian mountains, in
Snagov, Transylvania, Europe;
    formerly an undisclosed location in Prussia (now a part of Poland; see comments)

First AppearanceDracula Lives#12 (May, 1975)

Powers/Abilities: Von Roon had some skill as a diplomat, though his fear of Dracula and his vampires dampened his effectiveness.

    Presumably, as a vampire von Roon had superhuman strength (typically enhanced human) and required regular blood meals to survive; further, feeding on a human victim would turn that victim into a vampire, depending on the extent of the feeding and other circumstances. Many vampire victims take three days to revive as a vampire. He presumably had the standard vampire vulnerabilties, including religious icons (presumably proportional to the strength of the wielder's faith), garlic, sunlight, and a wooden stake through the heart. Von Roon may or may not have been able to transform into a bat (or wolf, or mist), an ability that is often ascribed to vampires with greater than average abilities. Many vampires are unable to enter a building unless he or she has been invited.

Height: Unrevealed (he was only seen on the ground in comparison to Dracula, the only being of known height in his appearance); perhaps 5'9"
Weight: Unrevealed; perhaps 180 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed (black and white story); perhaps brown (common in Southern Europeans)
Hair: Apparently light brown or blond

Dracula Lives#12 (fb) - BTS) - In the six years following Dracula's vampirization in 1459, several nations, including Bologna, Prussia, and Spain, became concerned about the prevalence of vampires in Transylvania and feared their spread into their own nations.

(Dracula Lives#12 (fb) - BTS) <1465> - Lord Benitio, Lord Vargas, and Lord von Roon were sent as emissaries of their respective nations Bologna, Spain, and Prussia to gain Dracula's promise that he and his followers would not enter their countries. von_roon_lord-prussia-1400s-cornered1.jpg

    They were each apparently accompanied by an envoy of associates, and they requested an audience with Dracula.

(Dracula Lives#12) - Along with Benitio and Vargas, von Roon attended a ghastly party at Castle Dracula.

    Standing aside Dracula's throne, von Roon nervously commented on his subject's "interesting" performance (dancing), noting that they were very talented, and asked Vargas if that was not true. Vargas agreed, noting that his people had never seen the likes of Dracula's subjects, while silently praying to God that they never did.

von_roon_lord-prussia-1400s-cornered2.jpg    When Dracula questioned what they wished of him, Benitio stated their mission, and then continued on that if the emissaries did not return to their respective nations with this promise from Dracula...; but Dracula interrupted him, asking what they threatened. Dracula then asked if the men realized who he was or if they had any conception of the doom they had called upon themselves by threatening Dracula, Prince of Vampires, and he bared his fangs.

    The emissaries briefly thought that this must be a dream, but then as they realized what was really happening, they screamed, and the vampires descended upon them.

(Dracula Lives#12 - BTS) - Dracula vampirized Benitio, and Vargas and von Roon were likely vampirized as well.

(Dracula Lives#12 - BTS) - Inspired by the foreigners, Dracula left Transylvania for a time and fed upon people from various surrounding nations before returning to Transylvania.

Comments: Created by Gerry Conway and Tom Sutton.

    Dracula makes clear his intent to vampirize Benitio, and I would presume his allies, Vargas and von Roon, shared his fate. To the best of my knowledge, none of the lords from this story were seen again, although they'd be pretty unrecognizable as vampires outside of their official garb.

    Sending men to get Dracula to stay out of their nations actually leading Dracula to visit those nations is actually ironic...as opposed to what most people call irony.

    World history and culture are not strong suits of mine. Loki helped me sort through what countries were what in the 15th century and what they are now.

    1465 is an interesting time for Prussia. It had been under the control of the State of the Teutonic Order, under the rule of the Teutonic Knights from the end of the 13th century, but the Knights were defeated by a union of Polish and Lithuanian forces in 1410, and then...I can't really sort it out.

    Loki says: It looks like what was called Prussia in 1465 was a region that is now mostly in Poland. Prussia expanded westwards to include new lands, and then Poland took out the eastern edge, which was much of the original region known as Prussia. The newer, western part of Prussia remained, calling itself Prussia, and became part of Germany eventually. Lord von Roon haled from what is now Poland, rather than what is now Germany.

    Looking at a map of 16th century Europe, the countries chosen are interesting, as they are some distance from Transylvania and each other (perhaps Hungary, Turkey, and/or Moldavia might have been better choices). Obviously information wasn't as readily available as there was no internet in 1975, and maybe there were specific reasons for their choices.

Profile by Snood.

Lord von Roon
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Dracula Lives#12/3, pg. 1 (standing beside Dracula's throne)
        pg. 2, panel 1 (face);

        pg. 3, panel 2-4 (surrounded by vampires)

Dracula Lives#12/3: The Sins of the Fathers (May, 1975) - Gerry Conway (writer), Tom Sutton (artist), Marv Wolfman (editor)

Last updated: 02/26/15

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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