Real Name: Maurice Destine

Identity/Class: Human/Djinn hybrid (11th through 17th centuries until modern era)

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: ClanDestine (Argent/Samantha Destine, Crimson Crusader/Rory Destine, Cuckoo/Jasmine Destine, Adam Destine, Albert Destine, Florence Destine, Gracie Destine, Newton Destine, Vincent Destine, Will Destine, Imp/Pandora Destine, Vex/Dominic Destine, Wallop/Walter Destine, others)

Affiliations: Adam Destine, Dominic Destine, Florence Destine, Gracie Destine, Jasmine Destine/Kay Cera, Newton Destine, Samantha Destine, Vincent Destine, Walter Destine, William Destine, Mimi, Sebastian, Simone

Enemies: The Guild, Lenz's agents

Known Relatives: Adam Destine (father), Elalyth (mother), Albert Destine, Dominic Destine (Vex), Garth Destine (deceased), Lance Destine (deceased), Nathaniel Destine, Newton Destine, Rik Destine, Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Sherlock Destine (deceased), Thaddeus Destine (deceased), Vincent Destine, Walter Destine (Wallop), William Destine (Will Chance) (brothers), Gracie Destine, Jasmine Destine (Cuckoo/Kay Cera), Pandora Destine (Imp), Samantha Destine (Argent/Samantha Hasard) (sisters), unidentified grandparents (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: His own mountain chalet near St. Moritz, Swiss Alps

First Appearance: ClanDestine I#1 (October, 1994)

Powers/Abilities: Maurice Fortuit could generate an unspecified energy from his fists.

Like all of his siblings, Maurice had a magically-extended lifespan, causing him to age very slowly over a period of centuries.

Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Red

History: (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z TPB Vol. 2 - ClanDestine Update Appendix entry (fb) - BTS/Alan Davis' website (fb) - BTS) - Maurice Destine was born in 1695 A.D. in Yden.

(ClanDestine I#8 (fb) - BTS) - In 1839, Maurice was caught in a landslide and his brother Walter revealed his ability to make his muscles swell when he dug Maurice out of the landslide.

(ClanDestine II#1 (fb) - BTS) - In 1849, Maurice accompanied his father Adam and siblings Gracie, Florence and Jasmine (then in the body of a bearded man) to battle against the Guild, posing for a photo prior to the battle.

(ClanDestine I#2 (fb) - BTS) - In 1963, during a Destine family get together, Maurice posed for a family photo with the rest of his family.

(Fantastic Four IV Annual#33 (fb) - BTS) - In 1969, Will Destine brought Newton, Maurice, Vincent, Dominic and a man named Sebastian to the Woodstock concert. When Dominic nearly immediately entered a state of sensory overload due to his superhuman senses, Will complained at having to watch over Dominic while Maurice and Sebastian were immersed in the concert crowd.

(ClanDestine I#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Maurice Destine assumed the alias of Maurice Fortuit.

(ClanDestine I#1) - While snowed in at his Swiss Alps mountain chalet, Maurice Fortuit enjoyed some champagne outside of his pool with two women, Mimi and Simone. Moments after Simone provided him with another glass of champagne, Maurice was told of a light outside of the chalet by Mimi. At first assuring Mimi that it could not have been a light, as they were snowbound and no one could make it through the snow, Maurice was surprised to see a group of people demanding the Gryphon. Unsure what the Gryphon even was, Maurice assumed it was a person and sarcastically replied that he was sure the Gryphon wanted the people too, commenting that the Gryphon wasn't there before asking the group to leave. The woman in the group then transformed into a sort of creature and grabbed Maurice in a chokehold and ordered him to provide the Gryphon or suffer the consequences. Energizing his fists, Maurice yelled for the creatures to take their best shot but the creatures tore at Maurice with their claws until they killed him, his death sensed from afar by his brother Albert in Nepal, who admitted his fears that Maurice's temper would one day be the death of him. Maurice's clairvoyant sister Florence also sensed Maurice's death and woefully informed their brother Walter before the creatures attacked and killed her as well.

(ClanDestine I#2 - BTS) - Walter phoned his sister Samantha to inform her of the creatures that had killed Florence and Maurice. When Walter, Rory and Pandora visited their brother Dominic's island, Rory found a 1963 photo of the Destine family that included a younger Maurice, whom Rory immediately recognized. Once reunited with Dominic, the Destines summoned Newton Destine from his otherworldly life and informed him about the creatures who had learned of the Destine family and had already killed Florence and Maurice.

(ClanDestine I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Following Maurice's death, his corpse was held by Swiss authorities.

(ClanDestine I#3 - BTS) - In outer space, a traveling Adam Destine, then with the Silver Surfer, received a strong vision of Maurice's death alongside the death of Florence and potential deaths of Dominic, Rory and others.

(ClanDestine I#4 - BTS) - After Adam Destine returned to Earth and defeated Lenz, leader of the creatures who attacked the Destines, Cuckoo (Jasmine Destine) berated Adam for allowing the creature that was responsible for Florence and Maurice's deaths to go free.

(ClanDestine I#5 - BTS) - Cuckoo sent her astral form to locate another ClanDestine member, William Destine (better known as the actor Will Chance), whom she informed of Florence and Maurice's deaths at the hands of Lenz's creatures. She then gave Will a brief rundown on recent events, including Pandora and Rory's superhuman powers, Lenz's attacks on ClanDestine and Florence and Maurice's deaths. While Cuckoo was filling Will in, Adam Destine took Rory and Pandora to Florence's grave in the family cemetery, where he remarked that all deceased Destine family members were buried there and now Florence joined them, with Maurice soon to follow once they had received his corpse from Swiss authorities.

Comments: Created by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.

Maurice's eye color was impossible to determine as he was drawn squinting and the past photos of him either showed him squinting or they were in black and white. Also, his height and weight was impossible to approximate, as he was never seen next to any character whose height and weight were officially determined.

Alan Davis confirmed on his website that all of Elalyth's children were born in the extradimensional paradise of Yden since Elalyth was unable to leave that dimension.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Maurice Fortuit has no known connections to:


Mimi was a woman who was staying at Maurice's mountain chalet when they were snowed in. Relaxing by Maurice's pool, Mimi soon noticed a bright light outside and informed Maurice, who at first didn't believe her until human-like creatures arrived and attacked Maurice, demanding the Gryphon.

--ClanDestine I#1


Simone was a woman who stayed with Maurice at his mountain chalet when they were snowbound. Drinking champagne with Maurice and providing him more glasses when needed, Simone was soon surprised when human-like creatures invaded and demanded Maurice provide them with the Gryphon.

--ClanDestine I#1

images: (without ads)
ClanDestine I#1, p13, pan2 (Maurice Fortuit, main image, Mimi & Simone)
ClanDestine I#1, p13, pan3 (Maurice, headshot)
ClanDestine II#1, p17, pan3 (photo of Maurice circa 1849)
ClanDestine I#2, p15, pan4 (photo of Maurice circa 1963)
ClanDestine I#3, p5, splash page (Maurice's death)

ClanDestine I#1 (October, 1994) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine I#2 (November, 1994) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine I#3 (December, 1994) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine I#4 (January, 1995) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine I#5 (February, 1995) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine I#8 (May, 1995) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Paul Neary (editor)
ClanDestine II#1 (April, 2008) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z TPB Vol. 2 (2011) - Mike O'Sullivan (head writer, coordinator), Jeff Christiansen (writer/contributor, original head writer, coordinator), Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin, Madison Carter, Mike Fichera, Al Sjoerdsma, Jacob Rougemont (writers/contributors, original writers), Anthony Cotilleta, Kevin Garcia, Rob London, Chris McCarver, Markus Raymond, Jeph York, Patrick Duke, Roger Ott (writers), Alan Davis (ClanDestine entry art), Jeff Youngquist, Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
Fantastic Four IV Annual#33 (September, 2012) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 03/02/2019
Last updated: 03/02/2019

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