Real Name: Henry Bart (see comments)
Identity/Class: Human magic weapon user;
16th century
Occupation: Soldier
Group Membership: Possibly Royal Navy
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Spanish sailing ships, Spanish Navy
Known Relatives: Sir Percy of Scandia (Black Knight, ancestor, deceased), Lady Rosamund (ancestor, deceased), Edward (son of Percy and Rosamund, ancestor, presumed deceased), Geoffrey (son of Percy and Rosamund, presumed deceased), Sir Raston (common ancestry, predecessor, apparently deceased), Sir Eobar of Garrington (Black Knight, common ancestry, predecessor, deceased), Sir William (Black Knight, common ancestry, predecessor, presumed deceased), Nathan Garrett (Black Knight, common ancestry, successor, deceased), Dane Whitman (Black Knight, common ancestry, successor), Last Knight (possible common ancestry, successor) (see comments)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Atlantic Ocean (see comments)
First Appearance: New Excalibur#10 (August 2006)
Powers/Abilities: Sir Henry wielded the Ebony Blade, a magical sword that could cut through virtually any substance, as well as disrupt most forms of energy, including magical. He also used a musket.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
(New Excalibur#10 (fb) - BTS) - Sir Henry was a 16th century Privateer
and the Black Knight of his era, attacking and seizing cargo from other country's
ships on license from the English crown.
(New Excalibur#10) - In the modern day, the current Black Knight, Dane Whitman, decided to turn his ancestral home, Garret Castle, into a Black Knight museum. Among the displays were portraits of several past Black Knights, including Sir Henry.
Comments: Created by Frank Tieri, Michael Ryan and Rick Ketchum.
Seen only in a single panel, there would be little to say about Sir Henry...except that I have an early draft script for the issue he appears in which reveals a tiny bit more about him. It identifies him as being a Privateer, effectively a legalized pirate permitted by the English crown to raid foreign vessels for their cargo - the French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Scotland (still a separate nation at the beginning of the privateer age) and Ottomans did exactly the same. The script called for him to wear a piratical black tricorn hat, but I guess between that draft and publication the decision was made to drop that. The script also called him "Sir" Bart, which is why the United Kingdom entry in the Marvel Atlas mentions a 16th century Black Knight of that name. The normal way of reconciling name discrepancies would be to merge them into a combined name, so he's Sir Henry Bart; the quotes round the Sir in the original script probably mean that the speaker who mentioned him either didn't consider him a gentleman, and hence felt the Sir was undeserved, or because since he earned his title through piracy the English crown couldn't officially acknowledge he'd been knighted.
I've listed most of the other Black Knights who came before and after as common ancestry rather than ancestors and descendants. The reason for this is simple - we know Nathan Garret is not Dane Whitman's ancestor. The Black Knight mantle and Ebony Blade are passed down within the family descending from Sir Percy of Scandia, but not necessarily from parent to child, so without explicit statements confirming that a given Black Knight is descended from another, we can't say for sure they are. None of the Black Knights we have been introduced to were confirmed to have children apart from Sir Percy, and holding the title /wielding the blade is dangerous, so for all we know every Black Knight since Arthurian times has been the end of their own particular line, and passed the role on to a sibling's descendants. However, since "common ancestry" doesn't provide any clues as to whether each individual might be an ancestor or descendant, I've also noted whether they preceded or succeeded Sir William as the Black Knight.
Profile by Loki.
Sir Henry, the Black Knight has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
New Excalibur#10, p6, pan3 (main image)
New Excalibur#10 (August 2006) - Frank Tieri (writer), Michael Ryan (pencils),
Rick Ketchum (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
First Posted: 02/17/2019
Last updated: 02/17/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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