Classification: Magic item;
reportedly active in the Distant Past, pre-Cataclysmic era, post-Hyborian era/BC era, 17th century AD, and modern era (presumably; plus all eras in between)
Creator: Unrevealed; apparently further augmented by Yahweh (the Abrahamic (Judeo-Christian-Islamic) god)
Possessors: Moses, N'Longa, Priests of
Bast, Solomon, Solomon Kane, Yussef of Hadji, unidentified "pre-Adamite" priests, unidentified Atlantean kings (see comments), unidentified Pharaohs
Aliases: Staff of Moses, Staff of Sulieman, ju ju staff, ju-ju stave, voodoo staff, voodoo stave, vudu stave
First Appearance: (Historical) Torah (Exodus 2:1);
(Robert E. Howard's stories) Weird Tales (August, 1930) "Hills of the Dead"
(Atlas) Bible Tales for Young Folks#3 (December, 1953);
(Marvel) Nova I#7 (March, 1977)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Composed of a wood
that exists nowhere on Earth, the
staff has a cat's head on its top and on its side are carvings of
hieroglyphics more ancient than the pyramids. However, the staff has
appeared in various forms, with the top in various forms, from a simple
blunt staff to various feline forms (see comments).
Light in weight, it nonetheless seemed as hard as iron.
The staff is a powerful weapon of
magic and against magical creations. While even simple wood is
effective against a vampire when used to stake a vampire through the
heart, the staff is effective as a blunt weapon, at least against the
vampiric creatures he encountered in Africa.
The staff seemed to be most effective against demons, or at least one particular demon.
The staff had no power beyond being a wooden staff against monstrous creatures of a non mystic nature.
However, at least one vampire, Rosella
Carson, proved able to shatter the staff's shaft; whether she had some
innate resistance to its power or perhaps mid-shaft is a weak point.
Possessing the staff for a length of time gave its wielder an awareness of and ability to sense the occult.
Moses used the staff to part the red seas and then collapse them again on the Pharaoh and his soldiers.
Moses is shown turning the staff
into a large and powerful serpent (which could consume similarly formed
but smaller serpents formed by other sorcerers), although original
sources show this to be the Rod of Aaron.
N'Longa used the staff as a focus
to communicate telepathically and/or astrally across a distance with a
sleeping ally, to transfer his spirit into a host upon whom the staff
was placed; in the latter form, he could speak and use his own magical
N'Longa transferred his mind into
a corpse, which he could then reanimate and control. It is not revealed
whether N'Longa used the staff to perform this or not.
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - According to the aged scholar Yussef of
Hadji, the staff was older than the Earth and held mighty magic.
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - Per Solomon Kane's sensing, the staff's
pommel was carved with a different design, although he had no idea what
the original figure was.
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) <Millions of years ago> - "So many
million years ago that a man would shudder to count them," the staff
was held by strange pre-Adamite priests in the silent cities beneath the seas, and it had drawn from an
elder world of mystery and magic unguessed by humanity. These priests used
the staff to fight "the evil that was ancient when the Earth was young."
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) -The Staff was held by nameless Atlantean Kings.
(Marvel Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - The staff was written of in ancient Iron-Bound Books (see comments).
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - In ancient Egypt, Priests of Bast (the
Panther God) and Pharaohs bore the staff before bowing, chanting
(Bible Tales for Young Folks#3/Exodus 2:1 - 5:23) - Moses tended to sheep at the Mount Horeb
when a bush burst into flame and God's voice, the angel Metatron, spoke
to him delivering God (Yahweh)'s order to free the Israelites from slavery and
bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey.
God saw Moses' staff
and empowered it with God's might (in the Marvel Universe, Moses' staff was already magic; presumably God further augmented its power)
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - <circa the 14th and 13th century BC> -
Moses used the staff to perform wonders before the Pharaoh Ramses (see comments)
( Exodus 7:8 - 7:13 / Nova I#7 (fb) / Fantastic Four Annual#12 (fb) / Fantastic Four I#212 (fb) / New Warriors I#12 (fb))
- Moses and his brother, Aaron, asked Pharaoh Ramses II
once again for the Israelites' freedom.
Ramses II called for his three court wizards including his mutant
chief wizard Anath-Na Mut (and presumably Nephut-Sha) to oppose
Moses had Aaron cast his mystic staff (see comments) on
the ground, and it transformed into a serpent as it touched the ground.
The pharaoh's wizards did the same, but Moses' serpent swallowed their
serpents with ease. Ramses II nonetheless did not let free the Israelites.
(Nova I#7 (fb) - BTS) - After the
tenth plague had hit the land Ramses II banished his chief wizard
Anath-Na Mut from Egypt, Mut's journey eventually led him to the Temple
of Ka where he found the Ka Stone, which transformed Mut into the
immortal Sphinx.
(Bible Tales for Young Folks#3/Exodus 11:31 - 13:22)
- Ramses II finally gave in and released the Israelites, who packed up
their possessions and followed Moses to the promised land (accompanied by an angel of God in the form of a dark cloud, presumably the Angel of Death).
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - Moses carried the staff with him when he led his people to flee Egypt.
(Incredible Hulk II#257 (fb)/Exodus 14:1 - 15:21) - Ramses II changed his mind (influenced by God, who decided still more sacrifices needed to be made in his name)
and chased after the Israelites with his army. God warned Moses, who
used his staff to part the Red Sea, then led the Israelites through to
the dry land on the other side.
Once again God influenced the Egyptians
leading them into the parted sea where he confused their horses. God
then ordered Moses to bring the sea back down, murdering Ramses II and
his whole army, who all drowned in the Red Sea.
The Israelites were
safe on dry land and singing while the Egyptians finally feared the
Israelites' God as they should because he was not a merciful God. 
Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) <Circa the 9th century BC> - King Solomon
used the staff to drive off conjurers and evil magicians
Preview#19/2 (fb)) - Across a trail in Africa, Solomon used his staff
to drive a demon westward and into strange prisons.
(Marvel Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - The staff eventually became known as the Staff of Solomon.
(Marvel Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) <Circa the 6th century BC> - Mohammed spoke of the staff in allegory and parable.
(Kull and the Barbarians#2/2 (fb) - BTS) <Mid-16th
Century> - Solomon Kane witnessed as N'Longa, possibly aided my the staff, sent his spirit to animate a corpse.
of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb)) - For Kane's aid in the restoration of his
village, N'Longa gave Kane his voodoo stave, telling him it had
very powerful magic attached to it.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#1) - As Solomon Kane headed toward the coast
where a ship awaited, he used the staff as a walking stick.
of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb)) - Possession of the staff raised unrelenting
urges with Kane, and as he believed that it possessed powers granted by
the dark gods of Africa, he wondered more than once if he had condemned
eternal soul by keeping it.
However, he could not bring himself to
throw it away.
<see comments>
Lives#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - In Transylvania in search of a friend's missing
daughter, Rosella Carson, Solomon Kane was using the staff as a walking
stick when he was ambushed by a number of bandits; however, they fled
before looting him as the moon was beginning to rise and they
apparently feared Dracula or other vampires.
(Dracula Lives#3/3) - Kane was saved by Dracula from attack by wolves and brought back to his castle to recover.
That night, a woman climbed into Kane's bed and began to caress him
with her naked body. Resisting, he recognized her as Rosella Carson and
used his stave to oppose her superhuman attack. 
Carson mockingly
smashed her hand through the staff, but Kane then impaled her with the
jagged lower portion.
Lives#3/3 - BTS) - Kane confronted and gained the advantage over
Dracula, but spared him due to having vowed to grant Dracula any boon
after Dracula had spared his life.
<see comments>
of) Solomon Kane#4) - Haunted by his "voodoo staff" and seeking to
learn its the nature, Kane booked passage on a British privateer ship
route to the North-African coast.
Shortly after he had explained his
possession of the staff to a woman on the ship, they were beset by
Portuguese pirates who slew the woman and captured and brought Kane and
the other passengers to a small coastal kingdom in the Arabian desert.
Kane was spared, freed, and given the staff and
other weapons back by the caliph's son and -- soon after -- successor,
Ali-Ben Ar.
Following a religious discussion with Ali, who questioned
his beliefs if he held such a fetish staff, Solomon cast it aside.
However, after Ali's fiance committed suicide and left a note guiding
him to renounce his future as a prophet and join her in death, Solomon
reconsidered and
reclaimed the staff.
of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb)) - Using the staff as a walking stick, Kane
observed elephants and giraffes and even a sauropod (which he believed
to be a legendary dragon) in the mists of some forgotten valley (see comments).
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb) - BTS) - Kane battled for his life against a savage tribe more ape than human.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb) - BTS) - Kane witnessed and fought against slavers.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#5 (fb) - BTS) - Kane located N'Longa
(Kull and the Barbarians#2/2 (fb) / (Sword of) Solomon Kane#5)) - The old witch man N'Longa assured Kane that the voodoo staff (the Staff of Solomon) was still his, telling him when his gun failed him, the staff
would save him.
N'Longa further advised Kane that if Kane wanted him,
he should lay the staff on his chest, fold his hands, and then sleep,
after which N'Longa would come to him in his sleep.
Suspicious, Kane
nonetheless considered the lightweight but strong staff to be at least
a good weapon.
(Kull and the Barbarians#2/2 / (Sword of) Solomon Kane#5) - Weeks later, though troubled by what he perceived as
the diabolical nature of the staff, Kane made his way out of the jungle
to the veldt, where he saved the young Zunna from a lion, and then led
her to a cave in nearby hills despite her warnings of the danger.
he was assaulted by a pair of vampiric creatures, which he ultimately
slew via stabbing them with the staff.
(Kull and the Barbarians#3/4 / (Sword of) Solomon Kane#5)
- Seeking guidance against the hundreds of such vampiric creatures,
Kane placed the staff on his chest, folded his hands, and went to
Appearing to Kane in a dream, N'Longa told Kane to have Zunna
bring her lover to the cave and have him lie down as if to sleep
holding the voodoo stave.
After Zunna returned with Kran, he lied down and
held the staff; as N'Longa's consciousness took over Kran's body, Zunna
Both Kran and N'Longa's spirits were sent to the "Shadowland"
(Kull and the Barbarians#3/4 - BTS / (Sword of) Solomon Kane#5) - As
the vampiric horde threatened to overwhelm the staff-wielding Kane, the creatures were
assaulted vultures summoned by N'Longa, and when they fled back to
their city, they were destroyed in flames caused by N'Longa.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#5)
- N'Longa told Kane to keep the voodoo staff, the powers of which would
prove useful against all sorcerers, serpents, and evil things.
(Kull and the Barbarians#3/4 / (Sword of) Solomon Kane#5 - BTS) - N'Longa's spirit was sent back to his own body, and Kran and Zunna both awakened.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#5) - With the voodoo stave in hand, Kane departed.
(Hawk of Basti) - Solomon Kane encountered Jeremy Hawk, a former
English privateer turned pirate who had usurped the kingship of the
city of Basti, located on the Isles of Ra of lake Nyayna in Africa,
ruling over the Khabasti and Masutos peoples. The high priest Agara
sought to overthrow Hawk, but N'Longa (communicating via a dream) advised Kane to give his juju staff to Hawk.
During a subequent banquet, Hawk used the stfaff to
overpower Agara, whom Kane then dispatched with his pistol. However,
due to contact with the staff, Hawk found his soul banished to the
shadow-land by N'Longa, whose own spirit possessed Hawk's body. N'Longa
told Kane that the people needed a king to rule justly and allowed them
to believe he was Hawk of Basti.
((Sword of) Solomon Kane#6)
<Circa 1559 AD> - Carrying the voodoo stave, Solomon Kane wandered into
the village of the Bogonda, who had been plagued by the harpy-like
The Bogondan high priest, Goro, recognized Kane's staff as "the
mighty ju ju stave that in times past had been the scepter of mighty
priests in fallen empires."
Kane ultimately slew the Akaana, but not before they
wiped out all the Bogondans. Kane's staff was little use against these
creatures, presumably indicating that they were, although monstrous,
not magical in origin.
Kane headed east, carrying his voodoo stave.
<see comments>
(Marvel Preview#19/2 (fb) - BTS) - Kane's long possession of he "ju-ju staff" granted him some occult keenness.
Preview#19/2) - Still in Africa, Kane carried the staff as he
found a murdered slave that led him to track down a group of Arab
Overwhelmed by numbers, Kane was captured and bound by them.
Intending to sell Kane, Sheik Hassim Ben Said cast aside his stave.
older scholar, Yussef of Hadji, however, recognized the staff's true
nature, and he asked Kane how he had gotten it, and then chided Hassim for
casting it away before discussing its legend.
Hassim nonetheless
irreverently noted that it hadn't saved the jews from captivity nor
Solomon from captivity. Advising Hassan that such mockery would come to
no good end, Yussef stated that he would keep the staff, and he warned
him not to hurt Kane.
That night, as Yussef again approached Kane and
spoke of the staff, Hassan mocked him as growing childish in his old
age. Yussef advised him that Solomon had wielded the staff against
demons in the very trail they followed.
When they discovered a stone
mausoleum, Hassan ignored Yussef's warnings, and he had it broken into
in hopes of looting the wealth of a sultan he thought might be buried
there. Instead, the mausoleum released an amorphous demon-creature that
slew Hassan; shrieking, Yussef dropped the staff and fled (it is
unrevealed if he escaped or was also slain). 
Picking up the staff, Kane struck the creature in its center with it, mortally wounding
the creature; Kane then realized that this was a demon imprisoned by
King Solomon (son of David).
Kane thus appreciated that the staff was not a tool of black
magic, but rather a sword of good and light against inhuman evil. Using
the staff to force the creature's corpse back into its tomb, Kane freed
the slaves (their captors having fled), shouldered the staff and headed
<see comments>
Sword of Conan#219) - Captured by Death's Black Riders, Solomon Kane
was transported to the hidden African city Negari, after which he was
transported back to 16,000 BC Negari.
Kane was pleased to find his vudu
stave, but was also confronted by Conan the Cimmerian, who had also been
transported there, from 10,000 BC.
After a brief battle, the two --
apparently understanding each other via some magic in that land --
appreciated their common circumstances and united to investigate.
Sword of Conan#220) - Having acquired the Talisman of Thulsa Doom from
the dying Nakura, Kane's vudu staff magically transported Kane and
Conan to 16th century AD Negari.
There, the two used the talisman to
destroy Nakura's Black Riders before using the talisman to destroy
Nakura's skull and itself, leading to Negari's destruction as well.
Both Kane and Conan were transported to safety, with
Kane traveling just outside the city and Conan being returned to 10,000
BC's Negari.
(Savage Sword of Conan#20) - Carrying his voodoo staff, a more aged Solomon Kane returned to Devon, England
After discussing his life history, Kane took his voodoo staff and wandered off to parts unrevealed.
Comments: Created by unidentified(?) writers of the Torah (which is largely the Old Testament in the Christian Bible);
adapted by Robert E. Howard for his Solomon Kane character;
Torah stories adapted by unidentified writer & Joe Sinnott (artist);
REH version first adapted into the Marvel Universe by Roy Thomas, Alan Weiss, and the "Crusty Bunkers."
Kane receiving the voodoo staff in the Marvel Universe:
- I have a very
strong interest in the
Robert E. Howard characters in the Marvel Universe (Conan, Solomon
Kane, Kull, Bran Mak Morn, Red Sonja, etc.), however, while I've read
all of the Marvel Universe stories, I haven't read any of the original
stories beyond their Marvel adaptations, extrapolations, new stories,
etc. As a result, my interests are as they relate to the Marvel
Universe, and I'm less worried about things that evolve from and/or
retcon REH's material. Kind of like I'm OK with how Spider-Man has
evolved from Stan Lee's character over time, but even moreso, as REH's
stories are his own, and the Marvel versions are adaptations that don't
follow the originals 100%. And then there are hundreds of extrapolation
and new stories based on REH's mythos, but not derived directly from
his stories.
- On that same note, as far as I've been told and that I can tell from my own research, the first Solomon Kane
story by REH, "Red Shadows" (August, 1928; incidentally, Kane is REH's
first published character) has Kane traveling to Africa, meeting
N'Longa, and departing without any reference to the legendary staff.
- REH's stories have N'Longa giving his "voodoo staff" to Kane in "Hills
of the Dead" (August, 1930). And then REH's "The Footfalls Within"
(September, 1930) is what details the staff as being the Staff of
Solomon, etc.
- Without re-reviewing them for this profile (since the subject of
the profile is not in them AFAIK), the first Marvel adaptation of Red
Shadows, in Marvel Premiere#33-34 (12/1976 and 1/1977) follows REH's
story, and the first (AFAIK) Marvel adaptation of "Hills of the Dead,"
in Kull and the Barbarians#2 and 3 (May-September, 1975), shows N'Longa
giving the staff to Solomon Kane in that issue.
- However, the (Sword of) Solomon Kane mini-series ret-cons this for
reasons unrevealed.
- Solomon Kane#1 adapts Red Shadows, but shows Kane
returning to his ship after that adventure with the voodoo stave in his
- As far as I can tell, the Staff doesn't show up in Solomon Kane#2
or 3 (the latter of which adapts REH's "Blades of the Brotherhood");
presumably he has it stowed somewhere).
- The
Staff of Solomon is shown on the cover of The (Sword of) Solomon
Kane#3, but not in the story.
- In SK#4, Kane specifically states the reason he is going to
Africa is to learn the secrets of the staff.
- There are parts of #4 where Kane
having the staff is important, such as with Ali-Ben Ar
questioning Kane’s beliefs for holding it, leading Kane to cast the staff away (only to reclaim it later).
- In SK#5, Kane has sought out N’Longa (and he
had the staff in the process of
doing so). When we see him with N’Longa, Kane has apparently brought
the staff back to N'Longa. They reminisce at how N'Longa had given him
the staff in their previous encounter, and N’Longa again gives Kane the
voodoo staff and tells him he had given it to him to keep and it is
his. And then he
tells him how to use it to summon him.
- Again, I don’t know why it was retconned as it was, but it was. And so that's the Marvel Universe version.
- However, now that Marvel has the rights to REH material again,
who knows if the new stories will reference any of the past
material...but that's all easily explained via Secret Wars Earth-616 /
Prime Earth shenanigans. The REH stuff in Marvel in the 1970s-1990s is
Earth-616, and the recent stories are Prime Earth. If they fit
together, great.
- My expectation is the new stuff will strictly follow
REH's material initially, and then evolve and/or retcon, just like any
ongoing fictional work...
Based on Kane's being gifted the "voodoo stave"
at the end on the Red Shadows storyline, Kane would presumably have
possessed the
staff in Savage Sword of Conan#171/2 (which precedes Solomon Kane#2),
Savage Sword of Conan#18/2, 19/2, 22/2 (which precede Dracula
Lives#3/3), Savage Sword of Conan#25/2-26/2, 34/2, 37/2, 39/2, 62/2,
33/2 (which is adapted in Solomon Kane#3), Savage Sword of Conan#162/2,
(which precede Solomon Kane#4-6), Savage Sword of Conan#41/2
(which precedes Savage Sword of Conan#219-220), Savage Sword of
Conan#83/4 (which precedes SSoC#20/2).
As pointed out by Wolfram Bane: Exodus
4:2 was the first reference to the Staff of Moses. Exodus 7:9 was the first
reference to Aaron's Rod. The staff and rod were often conflated with one
another; for example, it was Aaron who transformed his rod into a snake, rather
than Moses.
The Staff of Moses and the
staff held by Solomon Kane appeared in various forms, from looking like
an ordinary walking staff, to having various cat-head tops, some more
round and realistic, some more angular. It may have changed in
appearance over time, since it was held by the priests of Bast before
Moses received it, it would make sense that it received the cat-head
form before Moses had it, but it is consistently shown as a plain
walking staff in the hands of Moses. The simple explanation is that
only writers/artists involved with Solomon Kane stories depicted it
with the cat head, or just chalk it up to artistic license. Perhaps
Moses (or Yahweh) magically altered it to remove (or at least
mystically cloak) the cat's head. And then perhaps N'Longa's mystic
ties reverted it back.
"Strange pre-Adamite priests in
the silent cities beneath the seas." Pre-Adamite refers to existing
before the time of the Biblical Adam,
and we know in the Marvel Universe there were many Elder Races that
existed on Earth before the rise of humanity. This race is described as
having fought evil "so
million years ago that a man would shudder to count them." Since
Atlantis sank in 18,000 BC, these Priests were from WAY before that, in
another undersea city. And they were "strange," possibly indicating not
quite human in appearance, or perhaps referring to behavior, customs,
magic, etc. which would seem strange to civilizations in the last few
hundred years.
Any thoughts on what that race might be?
An "evil that was old when the Earth that was
young" could mean a lot of things, but an easy target would be the Old
The "Nameless Atlantean kings" is
an interesting reference. It could refer to either pre-Cataclysmic,
surface Atlantis, or post-Cataclysmic undersea Atlantis. I would think
it unlikely that these kings were not actually unnamed, but rather that
their identities were not well known to the outside world millennia
later , or at least not known by the otherwise knowledgeable Yussef of
Iron-Bound books typically
reference texts to ancient to be in book form, as the basic technology
to create a book didn't exist...so the pages were held together with
rings of iron.
The dinosaurs in the mists seen in Africa by
Solomon Kane may be the same as those in Wakanda's Serpent Valley. Or
Some discussion/extrapolation by Markus Raymond:
In the times of pharaohs it came in
possession of priests of Bast, an offspring of Gaea's son Ammon Ra.
Because she had been active since the Hyborian era, it is possible her
followers from that era had gained possession of the staff and took it
to Egypt where Bast was mainly worshipped (before becoming the patron of Wakanda as the Panther God).
Moses probably took the staff from the Egyptian priests of Bast. The
Judeo-Christian God probably increased the staff's power. He possibly
was the one influencing Moses to take the staff in the first place (maybe Moses used his position as step-son of Sethos' daughter to gain access to the staff).
After Moses' death it was used by kings of Israel/Samaria and Judah. It
was spoken of by Mohammed and was used by Solomon to fight off magicians and
wizards (it was renamed after him as the Staff of Solomon).
Presumably in the 16th century the staff was found in Judea by African
shaman N'Longa, who gave it, without knowing much of its power, to
Puritan adventurer Solomon Kane in 1595, who used it to communicate
with N'Longa over long distances and to fight monsters, the undead and
mythical creatures.
Note the staff also appears the the newer Fantastic Four
Grand Design #1, an alternate reality retelling when the Sphinx fought Moses. It also stated
Sphinx was a surviving Atlantean and served Rama-Tut, but this is in text only,
thus the Egyptian pharoah Sphinx served when he faced Moses (confirmed as Moses
in the Appendix) was still probably Ramses II rather than Rama-Tut.
--Wolfram Bane
Staff of Solomon in other media:
The Staff of Solomon is also known as the Staff of
Kings and was the focus of the video game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, wherein Nazis and Indiana Jones tried to get their hands on it.
Fun fact: At DC the
Staff of Moses was one of four artifacts granting powers to Global
Guardians member Seraph (Chaim Lavon).
Profile by Snood.
The Staff of Solomon should be distinguished from:
- STAFF of the CREATOR - wielded by Adam K'admon--Man-Thing III#3
- STAFF of DRAVID - purchased and used by Dr. Strange at the Bazaar at the End of Unreason--Marvel Super-Heroes III#12
- STAFF of IBIS - Wielded by Karanthes, channeled power
of Ibis (Thoth), allowed banishment of demons and other magical feats--Marvel Feature I#6
- STAFF of ONE - wielded by Nico Minoru (and her
parents before that), powered by mystic being dwelling within it. Able
to cast virtually any spell, but only one time each--Runaways I#1
- STAFF of POLAR POWER - wielded by Nebulos--Strange Tales I#151
- wielded by Moses' brother Aaron; thrown down before Pharaoh Ramses II
and transformed into snake, consuming those snakes similarly formed by
Ramses' priests; in the Marvel Universe, it may be that it is the same
as the Staff of Moses--Torah: Exodus: 7: 9
- other staffs, rods, etc.
images: (without ads):
Bible Tales#3, pg. 10?, panel 6 (burning bush)
Incredible Hulk II#257, pg. 8, pan1 (Moses using Staff to part the Red Sea)
Nova I#7, p3, pan3 (serpent fight);
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#4, pg. 21, panel 4-5 (cat-face detail);
#5, pg. 2, panel 3 (cat-face detail, brown);
pg. 3, panel 1 (N'Longa first gifts to the Voodoo Staff to Kane);
Marvel Preview#19/2, pg. 1, panel 6 (Solomon Kane holding Staff aloft);
pg. 11, panel 6 (Solomon using Staff against demon);
Kull and the Barbarians#2/2, pg. 7, panel 1 (skewering vampiric creature with staff);
#3/4, pg. 3, panel 5 (Solomon Kane summoning N'Longa);
Dracula Lives#3/3, pg 10-11 (shattered by Rosella Carson, lower half serves as stake);
Savage Sword of Conan#220, last page of Solomon Kane / Conan story, panel 1 (aged Solomon Kane with Staff of Solomon)
Bible Tales for Young Folks#3 (December, 1953) - Joe Sinnott (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Dracula Lives#3/4 (October, 1973) - Roy Thomas
(writer/editor), Alan Weiss (penciler), the Crusty Bunkers (inkers),
Marv Wolfman (associate editor)
Kull and the Barbarians#2/2 (May, 1975) - Roy
Thomas (writer/editor), Alan Weiss (penciler), Neal Adams (inker), Marv
Wolfman, Len Wein, & Archie Goodwin (consulting editors)
Kull and the Barbarians#3/4 (September, 1975) - Roy Thomas
(writer/editor), Alan Weiss (penciler), Pablo Marcos (inker), Marv
Wolfman & Archie Goodwin (consulting editors)
Nova I#7 (March, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Sal Buscema (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)
Savage Sword of Conan#20 (July, 1977) - Poem by Robert E. Howard; Vergilio Redondo (penciler), Rudy Nebres (inker)
Fantastic Four Annual I#12 (1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Bob Hall & Keith Pollard (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks)
Marvel Preview#19: Solomon Kane story (October,
1979) - Don Glut (writer), Will Meugniot (penciler), Steve Gan (inker),
Mark Gruenwald (associate editor), Roy Thomas (editor)
Fantastic Four I#212 (November, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Byrne (breakdowns), Joe Sinnott (finished art/inks)
Incredible Hulk II#257 (March, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (artist), Al Milgrom (editor)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#1 (September, 1985) - Ralph Macchio (writer),
Bret Blevins & Steve Car (pencilers), Bret Blevins (inker)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#2 (November, 1985) - Ralph
Macchio (writer), Bret Blevins (penciler), Bret
Blevins (inker)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#3 (January, 1986) - Ralph
Macchio (writer), Bret Blevins (penciler), Al Williamson (inker)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#4 (March, 1986) - Ralph
Macchio (writer), Michael Mignola (penciler), Al Williamson (inker)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#5 (May, 1986) - Ralph
Macchio (writer), Jon Bogdanove (penciler), Al Williamson (inker)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#6 (July, 1986) - Ralph
Macchio (writer), John Ridgway (penciler), Al Williamson (inker)
New Warriors I#12 (June, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley
(pencils), Larry Mahlstedt (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Savage Sword of Conan#219-220 (March-April, 1994) - Roy Thomas
(writer), Colin MacNeil (artist), Michael Kraiger (assistant editor),
Richard Ashford (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 11/15/2019
Last updated: 05/28/2020
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