Real Name: Katherine Ainsley-Jones
Identity/Class: Human (Marvel UK) vampire;
active from 1940 to modern era (almost certainly including 1946-1959 and the pre-modern era);
citizen of England
Occupation: Predator;
former drama teacher, actress
Group Membership: Vampires of Earth;
formerly the faculty of Saint Johns Boarding School
Affiliations: Vampirized Saint Johns Boarding School drama class students;
formerly Mortigan Goth (aka Immortalis);
formerly Baron Blood (John Falsworth) on some level
Enemies: Baron Blood (John Falsworth), Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Mortigan Goth, Spitfire (Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton), Tony the Ghost;
formerly the Saint Johns Boarding School drama class students;
Known Relatives: Katherine is a "distant
cousin" to the Falsworth family; the exact relationship is unrevealed,
but she seems to be about the same age as Jacqueline Falsworth, which
may mean they were of the same generation, which would give her
relatives including (however, she may well be from Jane, Lady Falsworth's side of the family):
William, Lord
Falsworth (possible first cousin twice-removed or some similar
relationship two generations removed, deceased);
Montgomery, Lord Falsworth (Union Jack) and John Falsworth (Baron
Blood) - possible first cousin once-removed or some similar
relationship one generations removed, deceased); Jane, Lady Falsworth
(wife of Montgomery, deceased);
Falsworth Crichton (Spitfire), Brian Falsworth (Union
Jack, deceased) - possible second (or more distant) cousins;
Kenneth Crichton (Baron Blood) - possible second (or more distant) cousin once-removed
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Falsworth Manor, Dymhurst, England
First Appearance: Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (October, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: As a vampire, Katherine presumably would have had
superhuman strength
(typically enhanced human) and required regular blood meals to survive.
feeding on a human victim turned that victim into a
vampire, depending on the extent of the feeding and other
circumstances; notable exceptions included Mortigan Goth, who resisted
transformation and whose blood could temporarily cure vampirism; and
Spitfire (Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton), whose blood contained
elements from the android Human Torch, which destroyed vampires from
While she was unable to resist or betray the vampire who transformed her, those she vampirized were not completely subservient to her; at least some of the children were able to defy her will and feed on Mortigan despite her orders to the contrary.
When fully fed, she may have been able to
heal rapidly from non-fatal wounds.
She had the standard
vampire vulnerabilities, to sunlight and religious icons, as well as presumably garlic,
silver, and wooden stakes through the heart.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8"; she didn't seem that much shorter than the 6'3" Mortigan Goth)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 135 lbs.)
Eyes: (As a vampire) dark, almost black; (as a human) unrevealed (she's either too distant, or her eyes are shut)
Hair: Black
Disintinguishing features: She has mole over her left zygomatic arch ("cheekbone")
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) <1940> - At age 19, Katherine was a talented actress, playing leading roles in the West End.
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb)) <1940> - A "distant cousin" to the Falsworths, Katherine Ainsley-Jones was evacuated from London to the Falsworth manor during World War II.
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb)) <August, 1940> - When Katherine began reciting Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" from the manor's deck (or something) while the Falsworth's close friend Mortigan Goth read in the courtyard below, Mortigan replied with the next line in the play and then scaled the wall up to her. Although she worried he would fall and subsequently asked if he wasn't scared, Mortigan told her not to spoil the fun and that he wasn't scared of anything.
After the two introduced themselves, Katherine stared at Mortigan before leaning forward and kissing him, which turned into a passionate embrace.
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine and Mortigan presumably had a night of passion, or at least enough time together that Katherine fell head over heals in love with him.
Unknown to Katherine, Mortigan was a soulless immortal. Unable to bear watching a lover grow old while he remained eternally young, Mortigan left early the next morning without saying a word.
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb)) - Katherine sang jubilantly the next morning at breakfast, causing Jacqueline to ask if she was in love, which Katherine radiantly confirmed. When Katherine noted the object of her affections to be Mortigan Goth, however, the shocked Jacqueline dropped a plate while exclaiming "...it can't be, not Mortigan!"
Katherine accused Jacqueline of jealousy, which Jacqueline calmly denied, after which she revealed that Mortigan had left early that morning. Refusing to believe this, Katherine ran off, calling Mortigan's name.
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb) - BTS) - Having observed this in silence, Jacqueline's uncle John (secretly the vampiric Baron Blood) asked what Jacqueline would tell her. Jacqueline replied, "That he's been called up...I can hardly tell her the truth." (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb)) - When John approached Katherine in her bedchambers, Katherine assumed it was Jacqueline and told "her" to go away. John clarified that it was him and he offered that he could tell her how to be with Mortigan. Intrigued, Katherine closed the curtains at John's request (due to his sensitive skin) and asked if Mortigan had left a message with him. John told her that Mortigan left because he could never love her as she was, and that to be with him, she must pass through death to be immortal like him. Though Katherine didn't understand what John was talking about, she soon was mesmerized by his gaze, and after he removed his oversized, brachygnathia (overbite)-mimicking dentures to reveal his vampiric fangs, she bared her flesh for him. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Baron Blood fatally drained Katherine's blood. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Upon learning of Katherine's death, Mortigan Goth returned to Falsworth manor. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine revived as a vampire. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine fed on people without killing them. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine took up residence in a coffin in a mausoleum (presumably the Falsworth mausoleum), perhaps where she had been buried/interred after her death. |
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine fed on someone before seeking out Mortigan. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb)) - Katherine entered Mortigan's room. Although still attracted to her, Mortigan told her he didn't love her, intending to spare her the pain of loving an immortal. She then revealed she had become a vampire so she could be with him, although she refused to divulge who had vampirized her, telling Mortigan that that vampire would hurt her. Assuring Mortigan they could be together always and noting how lonely he must have been, Katherine drew him in for a kiss. Feeling her cold, dead lips, however, Mortigan pulled away, refusing to do this, and noting that she had already fed that evening. Although she assured Mortigan that she knew how to feed without killing anyone, he pulled out a cross and told her to get away. When she told him to take it away and asked why she was doing this, insisting he loved her, he touched the cross to her shoulder, burning her. Screaming in pain, Katherine ignored his apologies, told him she hated him, turned into a bat, and flew away, smashing through a window in the process. |
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - With part of him still loving Katherine, Mortigan chose to confront Katherine at nighttime, rather than during daylight when she would asleep. He wanted her to know he didn't hate her, and he felt that beheading her would be an act of love (hmmmm....). (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb)) - Katherine waited outside her coffin, surprising the axe-wielding Mortigan when he opened it and found it empty. Acknowledging that he had come to kill her, she told him that he shouldn't be so mean to him as it was her fault she was like this. He apologized, telling her he didn't expect this to happen, and while she admitted she knew that, she lamented her lost youth and career, mockingly noting a nearby corpse to be her leading man and that her costume was stolen from the dead. Noting that it wasn't much of a life but the only life she had, and that she couldn't even cry anymore, Katherine led Mortigan to embrace her and tell her he would help her all he could, although he wasn't sure how. Announcing that he would be a vampire, too, Katherine suddenly bit Mortigan on the neck and drank his blood. |
![]() (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Mortigan lay delirious for nearly 4 days, while Katherine found that Mortigan's blood had turned her human again. She stayed with Mortigan to make sure he was OK. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb)) - When Mortigan revived, Katherine cried tears of joy, noting her cure. However, acknowledging that he didn't love her, she decided that since she didn't know how long she would live or if the vampirism would return, she would live each day as her last. |
(Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine was working as a drama teacher at Saint Johns Boarding School, where the children loved her, when she reverted to vampirism. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine vampirized a dozen or so students, and she maintained residence at Saint Johns with them. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (fb) - BTS) - Jacqueline and Dr. Strange summoned Mortigan to Falsworth manor, hoping he could help Katherine again, as well as to help Strange's vampiric brother, Victor. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Mortigan refused to provide a cure for Katherine, because it was only a temporary fix, and if he were destroyed (as someone (actually Mortigan's own lost soul, although he didn't know it) was killing "immortals" like him), no one could help her when she again reverted. |
At Mortigan's suggestion, Jacqueline sought out
Katherine's resting place. However, Katherine hypnotized Jacqueline,
who then told her of Mortigan's refusal to help her. Wishing to regain
another 50 years of life, Katherine arranged for Jacqueline to lead
Mortigan into a trap and force his compliance. (Mortigan
Goth: Immortalis#3) - When Mortigan arrived with Jacqueline, Dr.
Strange, and Mortigan's friend Tony the ghost, Katherine confronted him
alongside the vampirized children, asking if Strange planned to kill
all of them, too. Revealing that she had hypnotized Jacqueline and then
holding a sword to Jacqueline's neck, Katherine made her demands. Mortigan swung his axe at Katherine, causing her to release Jacqueline and turn into mist to avoid it, but the vampire youths overwhelmed and restrained both Mortigan and Strange. When Katherine announced she would have Mortigan's blood, the youths insisted they would have it first, and they began to feed on him. She initially insisted they leave Mortigan for her, but after they refused, she decided that as the android Human Torch's blood had rejuvenated Jacqueline, it would do the same for her. Instead the blood burned her, consuming her from within, and she collapsed as a flaming skeleton. Taking advantage of the distraction of Katherine's plight, Strange voiced a spell that immobilized the youths. After noting that even if they had consumed enough of Mortigan's blood to cure them, since Mortigan might not be around when they reverted, Strange decapitated the vampire youths with Mortigan's axe. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 - BTS) - Unable to directly participate in decapitating the vampire children, Jacqueline gathered firewood while Strange and Mortigan did the dirty work. Strange and Mortigan then burned Katherine and the youth's heads and bodies in separate fires; the unnatural flames gave off no heat, but eventually only ashes were left.
Comments: Created by Nick Vance, Mark Buckingham, and James Hodgkins.
Jacqueline was shown with silver/white/gray hair in the flashback in Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2. She had blonde hair when first seen in the original Invaders stories, but there's no reason she couldn't have dyed it one color or the other for whatever reason.
It appeared to me that while some of the children may have turned back human from consuming Mortigan's blood, all twelve children were decapitated and burned to prevent their ever reverting to vampirism. Tough choice on a group of teenagers.
Katherine and the children were likely revived by the prophecy fulfilled in Blade III#12 that brought back every vampire that had ever perished.
At the time the story was published, Katherine had been human for over 50 years before reverting to vampirism...but that story was almost 30 years ago (as of 2021), and it referenced Strange's separation from the Vishanti and other Principalities, it took place in the modern era's sliding timescale. So, that means Katherine got more like 80 years...and counting...
Katherine never had this complexion in-story, so I confined it to the comments.
This profile was completed 6/8/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Katherine Ainsley-Jones should be distinguished from:
![]() As far as I could tell, none of the students were identified in the story. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine was working as a drama teacher at Saint Johns Boarding School, where the children loved her, when she reverted to vampirism. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Katherine vampirized a dozen or so students, and she maintained residence at Saint Johns with them. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (fb) - BTS) - Jacqueline sought out Katherine's resting place. However, Katherine hypnotized Jacqueline, who then told her of Mortigan's refusal to help her. Wishing to regain another 50 years of life, Katherine arranged for Jacqueline to lead Mortigan into a trap and force his compliance. (Mortigan
Goth: Immortalis#3) - When Mortigan arrived with Jacqueline, Dr.
Strange, and Mortigan's friend Tony the ghost, Katherine confronted him
alongside the vampirized children, asking if Strange planned to kill
all of them, too. Although Mortigan and Strange attacked, the vampire youths overwhelmed and restrained both Mortigan and Strange. When Katherine announced she would have Mortigan's blood, the youths insisted they would have it first, and they began to feed on him. She initially insisted they leave Mortigan for her, but after they refused, she decided that as the android Human Torch's blood had rejuvenated Jacqueline, it would do the same for her. Instead the blood burned her, and she collapsed as a flaming skeleton. Taking advantage of the distraction of Katherine's plight, Strange voiced a spell that immobilized the youths. After noting that even if they had consumed enough of Mortigan's blood to cure them, since Mortigan might not be around when they reverted, Strange decapitated the vampire youths with Mortigan's axe. (Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 - BTS) - Unwilling to directly participate in decapitating the vampire children, Jacqueline gathered firewood while Strange and Mortigan did the dirty work. Strange and Mortigan then burned Katherine and the youth's heads and bodies in separate fires; the unnatural flames gave off no heat, but eventually only ashes were left. -- Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3Note: The vampire children are also seen in the main image and alongside the main history entry modern image of Katherine. |
Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2, pg. 20, panel 3 (happy, pre-vamping face);
pg. 21, panel 5 (upper body, knees up);
pg. 23, panel 2 (bearing neck to Baron Blood);
#3 cover;
pg. 4, panel 2 (seared by cross);
panel 3 (mist);
panel 5 (bat)
pg. 7, panel 4-5 (in mausoleum);
pg. 9, panel 3 (restored; face);
panel 5 (departing, veiled outfit);
pg. 14, panel 3 (main; mostly full body with vampire youths);
pg. 15, panel 1 (face, with vampire youths);
pg. 18, panel 1 (Spitfire's blood burning her from within);
panel 3 (smoldering skeleton);
pg. 19, panel 2 (Strange decapitating three vampire kids);
pg. 20, panel 4-6 (skulls and skeleton's burning separately)
Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#2 (October, 1993) - Nick Vance
(writer), Mark Buckingham (pencils), James Hodgkins (inks), Gary
Russell (editor)
Mortigan Goth: Immortalis#3 (January, 1994) - Nick Vance (writer), Mark
Buckingham (pencils), James Hodgkins (inks), Gary Russell (editor)
First posted: 09/06/2021
Last updated: 09/04/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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