Location/Base of Operations: At least formerly, mobile throughout the universe; Known Members: Matt Travers; Affiliations: Formerly controlled Die-Cut (Czorn Yson) Enemies: Diana of Warheads Bina Troop, Die-Cut, G-Force, Hskelon race, Mys-Tech (notably Brendan Rathcoole), the Time Guardian; First Appearance: Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (November, 1993) |
Powers/Abilities: The Cyberdrones are apparently cyborgs, their organic components progressively replaced by machine parts as needed. Once this conversion to cyborgs occurs, they are under the control of the Gestalt Bomb and/or its Activator; however, Warheads Bina Troop's psi-scout, Diana, was able to sever her connection to the Cyberdrones and to the Gestalt Bomb's control after G-Force incapacitated the Cyberdrones around her (including Travers, bonded to the Activator).
The Cyberdrones were generally unique in form, as members were absorbed from various races in various forms under various circumstances, and they replaced damaged organic parts with machine parts as needed. Most appeared to be able to fly and project energy blasts (or carried energy-blaster weaponry). It would seem likely that at least some were eventually purely machine/robot with no human components, although at least some beings at least appearing to be completely robotic were shown to apparently bleed. Largely mechanical beings could alter their configuration to manifest desired weaponry, etc. They utilized spaceships as well as ships able to fly through a planetary atmosphere. It is unrevealed whether each ship could do both. Linked with its Activator, the Gestalt Bomb can boost the group mind of the Cyberdrones one thousand fold and begin a program designed to enslave an entire world. |
.![]() ![]() ![]() . . . When a largely organic cyborg, particularly one of vital importance, such as Matt Travers after he was bonded to the Activator, was damaged, another, more robotic Cyberdrone could sacrifice its body parts to replace those lost of the priority being. |
The Gestalt Bomb and the Activator sought to achieve total absorption of all life, converting organic life into cyborg Cyberdrones: "The Gestalt is All."
Type: Varying forms of cyborgs and presumably purely robotic beings |
.History: (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - For three million years, Gestalt Bomb united and controlled the Cyberdrones, who were given a group mind mentality and sent to assault organic beings. They attacked various planets, slaughtering the population (and presumably preparing at least some of them for conversion into additional Cyberdrones). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb was once one of multiple such beings. Under unrevealed circumstances, it became the last of its kind. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - United, the Gestalt Bomb and its Activator component could seed new worlds, absorbing organic beings into the Cyberdrone race. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Cyberdrones slaughtered the inhabitants of an unidentified planet. |
(Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, the Activator was separated from the Gestalt Bomb, which was buried deep on that unidentified alien planet (or perhaps it was another planet). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS / Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator ended up on the planet Hskelos. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, the Activator came to be worn as a necklace by Hskelon female Duran. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb was somehow reactivated and it re-commenced its ancient program. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator sought a means to re-unite with the Gestalt Bomb. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator, presumably via the Gestalt Bomb, compelled Die-Cut to travel to Hskelos so that he could utilize his ability to pass through space-time to bring the Activator to the Gestalt Bomb. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - Driven by an irresistable siren call, the Cyberdrones assaulted Hskelos, completely surprising and overwhelming the peaceful Hskelons. |
Refusing to follow its orders, Die-Cut opened another space-time portal, took the Activator and fled. One of the Cyberdrones reported to "control" (the Gestalt Bomb?), noting that the Activator was lost, but "control" responded that he was incorrect, and that Die-Cut would not be able to resist their orders and that everything was running exactly to plan. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 - BTS) - Seeking to further investigate wormhole and superstring technology, Mys-Tech's Rathcoole sent Professor Daniel Jones and Warheads Bina Troop through a wormhole. As Jones studied the wormhole, the Warheads traveled to the planet on which the Gestalt Bomb was then based. The creation of this wormhole apparently created (or maybe just accessed) a previously untapped pocket dimension/universe ("Elseplace"). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - Arriving on an unidentified world with crystalline plants, Die-Cut continued to refuse the Activator's commands, especially after it had revealed its purpose. Eventually, however, the Activator fired an energy beam into Die-Cut's mind, forcing him to place it against his head, and granting it control over his body, although he could still speak of his own will. The Activator then had Die-Cut use his psythe to cut a new hole in reality in order to proceed to the Gestalt Bomb's location. |
Noting his lack of control, Die-Cut advised Jones to depart before the
Cyberdrones arrived; however, the Activator then assessed Jones as a
potential threat to programming, and it commanded Die-Cut to eliminate
him. Arriving on the planet containing the Gestalt Bomb, Warheads Bina Troop took out a group of Cyberdrones, after which their psi-scout, Diana, sensed something that was incomplete but dangerous and which was blurring her senses. Diana further noted that the Cyberdrones were guarding something called the "Primary Artefact," filled with thoughts of "The Seeding." |
As the Warheads assumed Tempest position to face the ship, one of the sensed the item powering up, at which point it suddenly blasted Rogers, and Diana noted that the thing was absorbing his mind and taking him over. However, the ship landed and more of the Cyberdrones approached, forcing the Warheads to ignore Rogers and engage the attackers. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb converted the members of Warhead Bina Troop into Cyberdrones, who apparently joined other Cyberdrones in preceding the Gestalt Bomb into the space-time corridor once the wormhole opened (presumably to assure both items' safety?). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Warheads were the Gestalt Bomb's first victims in centuries, and from their minds, it recognized Earth as an ideal target. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 - BTS) - Meanwhile, as Jones' mind provided the source of the physical laws of the nascent "Elseplace," the realm transformed Jones, granting him great power. |
As they battled, the Activator noted the danger to stability the space-time corridor, and Die-Cut decided to exacerbate its distraction, further tearing open the walls of the corridor. As the Activator focused on calculating stress limits and noted the potential loss of its connection to the Gestalt Bomb, Die-Cut regained enough of his willpower to tear the Activator off of his head and cast it to the ground. The space-time corridor then disintegrated, and G-Force and Die-Cut (and presumably the Activator) were cast into "Elseplace." (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator somehow bonded with the new Cyberdrone Matt Travers. |
. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2) - The Cyberdrones attacked Die-Cut and Jones, warning them that resistance was irrelevant and that they would be absorbed. . . Initially overwhelmed and pessimistic, Jones became furious and unleashed a burst of power to incapacitate the Cyberdrones. |
Speaking through Travers, the Activator, told Diana to join them, and when she argued that she would rather die, Travers/Activator slew her. Die-Cut then sliced off Travers' arm, only for a repair drone to replace the missing limb with one of its own. Noting that Jones most endangered the Seeding, a cyberdrone reconfigured itself, molding new weapons, and incapacitated Jones, whom Die-Cut dubbed G-Force, sending him some distance away. . |
(Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 - BTS) - The Time Guardian appeared before Jones, advising him that he must reach into feelings to fully access his powers and save Earth from the Cyberdrones.
. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2) - As Die-Cut tore into the Cyberdones, they noted that he had proven worthy and that they should end the testing and absorb him, at which point G-Force returned and joined the fight. Nonetheless, the Cyberdrones immobilized them both with an energy beam and then began the absorption process. In the first step in becoming part of the group mind, Die-Cut and G-Force's minds interfaced, giving them each the strength to fight back and reject the Cyberdrones' cold gestalt mind, possibly aided by the new dimension's being linked to Jones. After the Cyberdrones collapsed, Die-Cut and G-Force recognized the Gestalt Bomb from images shown to them by Diana. As the bomb began glowing, and G-Force considered that it was sentient and possibly thinking of ways to deal with it, Rathcoole opened the wormhole. At G-Force's suggestion, he and Die-Cut got the Warheads back to Earth, hoping that they would revert to their human natures away from the Cyberdrones' influence. After that was done and Die-Cut had returned to Earth, G-Force, still in the other dimension with the Cyberdrones, sealed the wormhole with a gravity bubble. The Cyberdrones attacked G-Force, seeking to coerce him to open the portal to Earth, but he refused; as the Gestalt Bomb had determined that his powers were linked to his emotional state, the Cyberdrones began to torture him. Denying them and denouncing them as unliving emotionless beings, G-Force allowed the wormhole to collapse, with his gravity bubble forcing the energy explosion toward the Cyberdrone army, the Gestalt Bomb, and himself. G-Force was the only apparent survivor within this pocket dimension. On Earth, the Activator-bonded/controlled Travers revived after Die-Cut's departure, vowing that the Cyberdrones would have their revenge, and then the Seeding would continue... |
Comments: Created by John Freeman, John Royle, and Tim Perkins under the Marvel UK imprint.
So...the images are less than ideal. There are few detailed, full body
images of the Cyberdrones. Since they are pretty much each unique
beings absorbed into the Cyberdrone race, I've included pretty much any
image showing any of the Cyberdrones in any detail...and many of them
have Die-Cut (or occasionally G-Force) as a central figure. Although
Die-Cut was briefly controlled by the Activator, neither he nor G-Force
were every Cyberdrones. So, look at their profiles and identify who
they are...and realize that the images that look like Die-Cut and/or
G-Force are not Cyberdrones.
Additional images of the Cyberdrones can be seen in the profile for the Hskelon race.
It is unrevealed whether the destruction of the Cyberdrones was complete and/or timely enough to save the Hskelon.
"Resistance is irrelevant. You will be absorbed" is very similar to Star Trek's Borg race's, "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
The Gestalt Bomb was once one of multiple such beings. Under unrevealed circumstances and at an unrevealed point in time, it became the last of its kind. Perhaps it and the others like it were member of the Turgentine Technenium associated with Skeletron...
Artefact is the British spelling of the American world artifact. As the Gestalt bomb is a more dynamic/unique name, I went with that for the most part to bypass the spelling, which makes me cringe each time I read it.
Back when I wrote the G-Force profile in 2004, John Freeman told me that he had another proposed G-Force series.
Blimey, it was a convoluted story wasn't it? Reading the story back now, I think that my understanding of "superstring" was limited at best despite much reading on the subject at the time.
You might want to direct people to this great site on the subject for the current understanding of the theory: If you want your head to explode, try: which outlines the "Second Superstring Revolution" (hmm, maybe I shouldn't worry about it). However, the basic idea of the warheads traveling along some kind of inter-dimensional "tunnel" to get for A to B still holds and it's one Stargate has used very effectively for the past nine years!
Thanks for the interest.
Best wishes
John Freeman
Profile by Snood.
The Cyberdrones should be distinguished from:
![]() Linked with its Activator, the Gestalt Bomb can boost the group mind of the Cyberdrones one thousand fold and begin a program designed to enslave an entire world. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb was once one of multiple such beings. Under unrevealed circumstances and at an unrevealed point in time, it became the last of its kind. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - Over three million years ago, the Gestalt Bomb created the Cyberdrones, apparently cyborgs created from organic beings, controlled by the Gestalt Bomb, which they referred to as the "Primary Artefact" (see comments). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - United, the Gestalt Bomb and its Activator component could seed new worlds, absorbing organic beings into the Cyberdrone race. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - For three million years, Gestalt Bomb united and controlled the Cyberdrones, who were given a group mind mentality and sent to assault organic beings. They attacked various planets, slaughtering the population (and presumably preparing at least some of them for conversion into additional Cyberdrones).
(Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, the Activator was separated from the Gestalt Bomb, which was buried deep on an unidentified alien planet . (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS / Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator ended up on the planet Hskelos. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb was somehow reactivated and it re-commenced its ancient program. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator, presumably via the Gestalt Bomb, compelled Die-Cut to travel to Hskelos so that he could utilize his ability to pass through space-time to bring the Activator to the Gestalt Bomb. After Die-Cut took the Activator and fled via a time-space portal, one of the Cyberdrones reported to "control" (the Gestalt Bomb? or some leader within the Cyberdrones?),
noting that the Activator was lost. "Control" responded that the Cyberdrone was
incorrect, and that Die-Cut would not be able to resist their orders
and that everything was running exactly to plan. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 - BTS) - After the Activator bonded with and took control of Die-Cut, it forced him to use his psythe to cut a new hole in reality in order to proceed to the Gestalt Bomb's location. Arriving on the planet containing the Gestalt Bomb, Warheads Bina Troop's psi-scout, Diana, sensed something that was incomplete but dangerous and also blurring her senses. (Die-Cut
vs G-Force#1) - One
of the Warheads identified recent seismic
activity in this area (perhaps the unearthing of the Gestalt Bomb) and
a weird power source under the rubble. After the Gestalt Bomb was
discovered to be that power source,
Diana informed Travers that they could not depart with the item before
an incoming (Cyberdrone) fighter ship's arrival as the wormhole would
not open for another five
minutes. One of the sensed the item powering up, at which point it suddenly blasted Rogers, and Diana noted that the thing was absorbing his mind and taking him over. However, the ship then landed and more of the Cyberdrones approached, forcing the Warheads to ignore Rogers and engage the attackers. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb converted the members of Warhead Bina Troop into Cyberdrones, who apparently joined other Cyberdrones in preceding the Gestalt Bomb into the space-time corridor (in which Die-Cut and the Activator awaited) once the wormhole opened (presumably to assure both items' safety?). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Warheads were the Gestalt Bomb's first victims in centuries, and from their minds, it recognized Earth as an ideal target. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 - BTS) - Within that wormhole tunnel, the Activator informed Die-Cut that the Gestalt Bomb was in transit and would soon reach their location. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 - BTS) - After G-Force incapacitated the Cyberdrones in his vicinity, the Warheads' Diana escaped the group mind and broke their (and the Gestalt Bomb's) control over her. She then explained the nature of the Gestalt Bomb/Primary Artefact and the Activator. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point the Gestalt Bomb arrived in the dimension surrounding the space-time corridor destroyed by Die-Cut. (Die-Cut
vs G-Force#2) - After
Cyberdrones collapsed due to an apparent backlash when Die-Cut and
G-Force resisted their attempts to absorb them into the group mind,
Die-Cut and G-Force recognized the Gestalt Bomb
from images shown to them by Diana. As the bomb began glowing, and G-Force considered that it was sentient and possibly thinking of ways to deal with them, Rathcoole opened the wormhole. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 - BTS) - Die-Cut got the Warheads back to Earth, hoping that they would revert to their human natures away from the Cyberdrones' influence. G-Force, still in the other dimension with the Cyberdrones, sealed the wormhole with a gravity bubble. As the Gestalt Bomb had determined that G-Force's powers were linked to his emotional state, the Cyberdrones began to torture him to force him to open the portal to Earth. Defying them, G-Force allowed the wormhole to collapse, with his gravity bubble forcing the energy explosion toward the Cyberdrone army, the Gestalt Bomb, and himself. G-Force was the only apparent survivor within this pocket dimension. On Earth, the Activator-bonded/controlled Travers revived after Die-Cut's departure, vowing that the Cyberdrones would have their revenge, and then the Seeding would continue... --Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (2 |
![]() The gem-like Activator appeared in the form of an amulet in a necklace. It could mentally control others, often bonding directly to a host's head and taken control of that being. It can deliver commands to help it link up with the Gestalt Bomb. Linked with its Activator, the Gestalt Bomb can boost the group mind of the Cyberdrones one thousand fold and begin a program designed to enslave an entire world. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - Over three million years ago, the Gestalt Bomb created the Cyberdrones. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - United, the Gestalt Bomb and its Activator component could seed new worlds, absorbing organic beings into the Cyberdrone race. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, the Activator was separated from the Gestalt Bomb, which was buried deep on that unidentified alien planet (or perhaps it was another planet). (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS / Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator ended up on the planet Hskelos. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, the Activator came to be worn as a necklace by Hskelon female Duran. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb was somehow reactivated and it re-commenced its ancient program. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator sought a means to re-unite with the Gestalt Bomb. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator, presumably via the Gestalt Bomb, compelled Die-Cut to travel to Hskelos so that he could utilize his ability to pass through space-time to bring the Activator to the Gestalt Bomb. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - Drawn to the Activator amulet around Duran's neck, Die-Cut used his psythe to cut it off of her. While the Activator informed Die-Cut it would obey it, Die-Cut continued to destroy Cyberdrones despite its orders to the contrary, specifically noting that he was to reunite it with the "Primary Artefact" (the Gestalt Bomb). Refusing to follow its orders, Die-Cut opened another space-time portal, took the Activator and fled. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 - BTS) - One of the Cyberdrones reported to "control" (the Gestalt Bomb?), noting that the Activator was lost, but "control" responded that he was incorrect, and that Die-Cut would not be able to resist their orders and that everything was running exactly to plan.
Traveling through the pocket dimension created via the wormhole's forming, Die-Cut then crashed into and entered the Warheads-created space-time corridor next to Professor Daniel Jones. The Activator then instructed him to wait for the Gestalt Bomb as this space-time corridor provided access to its location, and Cyberdrones would bring it there, after which Die-Cut would become the first to be seeded. Noting he could not control his actions, Die-Cut advised Jones to depart before the Cyberdrones arrived; however, the Activator then assessed Jones as a potential threat to programming, and it commanded Die-Cut to eliminate him. Although verbally refusing, Die-Cut was forced to attack Jones, eventually shoving him out of the space-time corridor and into the pocket dimension surrounding it ("Elseplace"). Believing he had slain Jones, Die-Cut vowed vengeance against the Cyberdrones. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb converted the members of Warhead Bina Troop into Cyberdrones, who apparently joined other Cyberdrones in preceding the Gestalt Bomb into the space-time corridor (presumably to assure both items' safety?) to reunite the Gestalt Bomb and the Activator. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - After the Activator noted that the Gestalt Bomb was in transit and would soon reach their location, it further noted the goal of absorbing all life, after which Jones -- empowered by the "Elseplace" dimension -- returned to the space-time corridor and attacked Die-Cut. The Activator's scans noted their assailants having acquired great powers (including gravity control) dangerous to the Seeding (as well as noting his identity and history) and ordered his elimination. As Die-Cut and G-Force battled, the Activator noted the danger to stability the space-time corridor, and Die-Cut decided to exacerbate the Activator's distraction, further tearing open the walls of the corridor. As the Activator focused on calculating stress limits and noted the potential loss of its connection to the Gestalt Bomb, Die-Cut regained enough of his willpower to tear the Activator off of his head and cast it to the ground. The space-time corridor then disintegrated, and G-Force and Die-Cut (and presumably the Activator) were cast into "Elseplace." (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Activator somehow bonded with the new Cyberdrone Matt Travers. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - A group Cyberdrones including the converted Warheads then arrived there via the corridor's destruction, and Travers, controlled by the Activator, ordered their cooperation and noted that Earth would be the first target of the Seeding. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#2) - The Cyberdrones attacked Die-Cut and Jones, warning them that resistance was irrelevant and that they would be absorbed. Jones eventually became furious and unleashed a burst of power to incapacitate the Cyberdrones. This allowed the Warheads' Diana to escape the group mind and break their control over her, after which she explained the nature of the Gestalt Bomb and the Activator. However, as Diana freed itself, the Activator had begun the process of reviving its host, and the Cyberdrone Travers subsequently slew Diana. Die-Cut got the Warheads back to Earth, hoping that they would revert to their human natures away from the Cyberdrones' influence. G-Force, still in the other dimension with the Cyberdrones, sealed the wormhole with a gravity bubble. After some further conflict, G-Force allowed the wormhole to collapse, with his gravity bubble forcing the energy explosion toward the Cyberdrone army, the Gestalt Bomb, and himself. G-Force was the only apparent survivor within this pocket dimension. On Earth, the Activator-bonded/controlled Travers revived after Die-Cut's departure, vowing that the Cyberdrones would have their revenge, and then the Seeding would continue... --Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (2Note: Die-Cut called it "trinket" most of the time, but also "my parasitic friend" |
![]() It is unrevealed whether these spaceships could fly within a planetary atmosphere. The one ship seen fired pulse bolts from space, or at least the outer atmosphere, which devastated buildings they struck. It is unrevealed whether the Cyberdrones were transported to a target world via transport shuttles, or teleportation, or by flight under their own power, or some other means. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - Cyberdrones assaulted Hskelos, their spaceship(s) firing devastating pulse bolts to destroy buildings, while the Cyberdrones traveled to the surface and slaughtered the Hskelons they encountered. --Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 Note: Presumably the Cyberdrones had multiple spaceships, but we only saw one, and only part of that one. We don't know anything about the flight speed, range, maximum capacity, etc. |
![]() It is unrevealed whether these spaceships could fly within a planetary atmosphere. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1) - On the planet on which the Gestalt Bomb had been buried, as the members of the Warheads Bina Troop examined the unearthed Gestalt Bomb, a ship carrying an unspecified number of armed Cyberdrones approached them from 200 kilometers away. The ship landed soon after and the Cyberdrones approached, forcing the Warheads to engage the attackers. (Die-Cut vs G-Force#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Gestalt Bomb converted the members of Warhead Bina Troop into Cyberdrones. --Die-Cut vs G-Force#1Note: Presumably the Cyberdrones had multiple airships, but we only saw one. It makes sense the Cyberdrones claimed airships formerly used by beings absorbed into or slain by their number, so it is likely that they had a number of different types of airships on various worlds. We don't know anything about the flight speed, range, maximum capacity, etc. |
images: (without ads)
Die-Cut vs G-Force#1, pg. 1, panel 2;
pg. 2, panel 1-4 (various);
pg. 4, panel 1-5 (various)
pg. 13, panel 1 (Cyberdrones on unidentified world in which Gestalt Bomb was buried);
pg. 14, panel 1 (Cyberdrones ship on surface of unidentified world in which Gestalt Bomb was buried);
panel 2-4 (Gestalt Bomb)
pg. 19, panel 3 (Activator);
pg. 22, (emerging in pocket dimension)
#2, pg. 1 (few small);
pg. 2, panel 2 & 4 (various, small);
pg. 3, panel 1-3 (various, small);
pg. 5, panel 4 (Travers/Activator);
pg. 6, panel 1 (various);
panel 2-4 (Travers arm severed, repair program);
pg. 7, panel 1 (various);
panel 2 (reconfigure);
panel 3 (blasting G-Force);
pg. 11, panel 1 (vs. Die-Cut);;
pg. 18, panel 2 (two torture G-Force);
Die-Cut vs G-Force#1-2 (November-December, 1993) - John Freeman
(writer), John Royle (pencils), Tim Perkins (inks), Stuart Bartlett
First posted: 11/25/2022
Last updated: 12/10/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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