
Real Name: Eradica

Identity/ClassExtradimensional (Negative Zone)

Occupation: Warrior queen

Group Membership: Annihilus' queens (notably Extermina, Extirpia), Annihilation Wave (leader of the Primary Swell)

Affiliations: Annihilus;
Aegis, Ravenous, Skreet, Tenebrous, Thanos, 

Enemies: Drax the Destroyer, Glorian, Nova (Richard Rider), Ronan the Accuser, Tulkk;
    Nova Corps (notably Pyo, Richard Rider, Samaya), Xandarians and the Xandarian Worldmind;
residents & visitors of Godthab Omega (Astronomer/Seginn Gallio, Cerise, Champion/Tryco Slatterus, Contemplator/Tath Ki, Devos, Gamora, Grandmaster/En Dwi Gast, Gun Runner/Brell, Judicator, Korath, Nebula, Quantum, RunnerTana NileSpirit, Stellaris, TalosZarek);
    staff and prisoners at the Kyln (notably Cleric, Cole,
Kika, Swad);
    indirectly Firelord and the rest of the United Front

Known Relatives: Annihilus ("husband");
    presumably Extermina & Extirpia (possible sisters);
    countless unidentified children

Aliases: (Self-proclaimed) First concubine to Annihilus

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly mobile throughout Earth's Universe (notably Godthab Omega and its surrounding space; the space around Xandar in the Verge system; the space around the Kyln by the Crunch);
    formerly mobile throughout the Negative Zone
    apparently hatched on Arthros, Negative Zone

First Appearance: Annihilation: Prologue#1 (May, 2006)eradica-annihilus-an4-mostly full

Powers/AbilitiesLike Annihilus’ other Queens, Eradica possessed razor-sharp claws on their two fingers and opposable thumbs, as well as number of powerful hemimandibles (lower jaws split into right and left sections). Her bulk, inherent strength, chitinous armor made her a formidable physical opponent.

    Annihilus’ Queens each telepathically controlled a portion of Annihilus’forces; if the Queen was incapacitated, the drones in her service are cut off from command and either move erratically or fall into quiescence; this telepathic control was referred to as a “monarchical cerebral beacon.” The nature and origin of this control is unrevealed; certainly Annihilus had many forces not under the Queens’ control. The Nova Corps' Worldmind noted, "One theory is that all the drones under a Queen’s control had been birthed by that Queen. 
    Despite her maternal relationship to hatchlings, she sacrificed them as needed for Annihilus, and she may even devour one or more of them if she sees fit (hunger, rage...hangry)..

    The Queens also shared a mild telepathic link with one another, and could receive telepathic commands from Annihilus himself. 

    Annihilus’ Queens also served as a safety net for Annihilus: Should he be killed, one of them would receive a biological imperative to give birth to a new Annihilus.

    When in egg-laying mode, each Queen’s body would distend an elongated egg-laying chamber from her abdomen; however, with a short period of notice these chambers could be severed, allowing the Queens to move around normally, though this behavior was unusual.

    In these cases, the Queens used hover-discs for quick transport. At least on Godthab Omega, Eradica used a personal disc-shaped craft for flying.

    On board their flagship vessels, the Queens’ heavily protected egg chambers (located deep within the heart of the ship) would also double as their command centers, with the Queens biotechnically linked into their ship controls. These chambers had their own life- support systems, enabling the Queens to survive the destruction of their flagships. 

    Each Queen was personally attended and protected by a small force of drones and chiggers.

    Like many insectoids, she makes a "kk-kkk" sound when speaking, perhaps due to a chitinous membrane in her throat.

Height/length: Unrevealed (7'6" is reported in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe; that would represent her height without the elongated egg-laying chambers; with those chambers, she looks more like 15-25' in length)
Weight: 1225 lbs. (presumably bereft of the egg-laying chambers; likely more like 2500 lbs. with the egg-laying chambers)
Eyes: Green
Hair: None



(Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1) - Annihilus’ Queens (notably Eradica, Extermina, & Extirpia) are presumably descended from the same Tyannan spores that spawned Annihilus on the Negative Zone planet of Arthros. Annihilus has bred and modified many species of "insectivorids" to serve him, and these Queens served as mothers to at least one of these species.

(Annihilation Prologue#1 (fb) - BTS, Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1) <Annihilation Day>- Eradica was part of the Annihilation Wave as it tore through the Crunch from the Negative Zone destroyed the Kyln prison.


    Eradica was given the privilege of leading the Primary Swell, the Wave’s assault on the Andromeda Galaxy’s Xandar Cluster, in an attempt to attract the attention of Firelord and Air-Walker, both Xandarians who had been heralds of Galactus. 

(Annihilation: Prologue#1 (fb) - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 7> - Eradica oversaw the Annihilation Wave's devastation of Xandar and apparently other worlds in the Verge system, with only Richard Rider left as the last of the Nova Corps. 

    Thereafter she placed the Wave in dormant status after extending the defense perimeter to full orbital system via its Aegis grid and initiating supply and support protocols. 

(Annihilation: Prologue#1) - When Annihilus contacted Eradica for a status report, she replied to her beloved, but he merely instructed her to divulge the information. She teased him as harsh and asked if there were no sweetness for one of his queens, but he again instructed her to divulge. 

    Disappointed, she nonetheless told him that the Verge system had been purged, that resistance had been minimal and what was there had been ineffective: Annihilation Wave losses stood at 13.04% below tactical's projections. She proudly asked if he saw how devotedly they served his will, but he instead requested the supply and support status; she told him that these worlds were resource-rich and that rendering would serve the cause...his cause. eradica-annihilus-anpro-eating-hatchling

    As she bit the head off a hatchling that approached her, she told Annihilus, "Loving Eradica, first concubine to his will, has served well. The primary forces stand dormant for resource deployment. The armada is only 2.08 hyperspace ambits from the Skrull system. I prove my devotion in battle, lord. I pray for the day when I alone am your queen."

    In response, Annihilus told her that she was forgetting her place and that all served Annihilus...

(Annihilation: Ronan#3 (fb) - BTS) - Glorian, former herald to the Shaper of Worlds, took up residence on Godthab Omega and began drawing beings of power and conflict there, intending to use the energies of their conflicts to transform the relatively barren and harsh Godthab Omega into a paradise.eradica-annihilus-anron4-face

(Annihilation: Ronan#2 - BTS) - The Annihilation Wave (possibly including Eradica) destroyed the ship of Tulkk, who had fled the planet Bwokk, slaying him as well. 

(Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1 / Annihilation: Ronan#3) <Annihilation Day, plus 95> - When Annihilus detected Glorian's energies on the planet Godthab Omega, he noted that something was growing, and he ordered Eradica and her troops there to purge it.

(Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1 / Annihilation: Ronan#3 (fb) - BTS) - Eradica oversaw the conquest of Godthab Omega.

(Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1 / Annihilation: Ronan#3 - BTS) - Seeing the arriving Annihilation Wave, Ronan headed out to confront the invaders.

(Annihilation: Ronan#3) <Annihilation Day, plus 99> -  The Annihilation Wave swarmed over Abyss, the Kree settlement, Mount Virago, and the spaceport.

(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - As Ronan battled the Annihilation Wave, Eradica sensed the powerful being resisting their conquest, and she attacked him, just after he had located Glorian's base and recognized Glorian as the one manipulating the planet. Introducing herself, she told Ronan to consider himself honored to have his life taken by her. Via the power of his hammer, Ronan caused Eradica's personal craft to crash them both into Glorian's base.



    When Glorian denounced Eradica as living only to destroy (particularly that which he had created), Eradica summoned the Annihilation Wave to kill him. As Glorian fought off the attack, Ronan used the distraction to lead the Kree to Mount Virago. 

    Eradica eventually led a portion of the Annihilation Wave to Mount Virago as well, at which point Ronan stood atop his ship as he piloted it toward the wave, intercepting Eradica and knocking her off her craft, causing her to crash on the ground below. 

    Overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had created in the process.




(Annihilation#1 (fb) - BTS) - Eradica survived Glorian's assault.


(Annihilation#1) <Annihilation Day, plus 204 or 205?> - After former Galactus-herald Firelord captured Extirpia, Eradica expressed annoyance with Annihilus' agent Ravenous, who was more interested in slaying Galactus' heralds. Noting that vengeance was theirs by right of lineage, Extermina asked Annihilus to allow her and Eradica to collect the blood-debt; however, Annihilus silenced them, threatening to relieve them of their commands. After Thanos noted that he had what he needed to discover the biological application of the Power Cosmic, Annihilus instructed Ravenous to terminate the remaining heralds of Galactus. 

(Annihilation#1 (fb) - BTS) - Observing directly or via other members of the Annihilation Wave, Eradica and Extermina witnessed as Thanos of Titan, allied with the ancient Proemial gods Aegis and Tenebrous, defeated Galactus and Silver Surfer in combat. Despite her imprisonment by the United Front, Extirpia witnessed these events in her mind via connection to the minds of Eradica and Extermina. 


eradica-annihilus-an4-back(Annihilation#4 (fb) - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 220> - Seeking Thanos, Drax the Destroyer located and assaulted Eradica's armada, eventually boarding her flagship and fighting his way past her drones. 

(Annihilation#4) - Eradica exhorted her drones to kill "it" or know Annihilus' wrath. As Drax approached her, Eradica cursed the "wretched meat-thing," telling him his war was lost and that Lord Annihilus was the Be-All and End-All. 

eradica-annihilus-an4-scaledAs Drax scaled her lengthy abdomen, she warned him that he did not dare. "Eradica is most-beloved! Eradica is--!"

    Stabbing a pair of daggers into either side of her head, Drax finished her sentence with "Dead." 



eradica-annihilus-an4-punchskull eradica-annihilus-an4-corpse    However, even with that injury, Eradica continued to fight...until he apparently punched into her skull and tore out her brain. Without her controlling influence, her forces fell into disarray.


    Connecting her ships controls to her remains, Drax directed the ship to find Thanos.  

(Annihilation#4 - BTS) - As a rebelling Thanos attempted to free Galactus from Annihilus' control mechanism, Drax punched Thanos' heart out of his body, killing him (for awhile).

Comments: Created by Keith Giffen, Scot Kolins, and Ariel Olivetti.

    Each of Annihilus' brides/concubines considered themselves most-favored by Annihilus.

    The art was very different in Annihilation: Ronan, and I would chalk up Eradica's different appearance to artistic license, rather than some metamorphic ability, but it is possible that she could indeed metamorph as well. 

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:




(Annihilation#4 (fb) - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 220> - Seeking Thanos, Drax the Destroyer located and assaulted Eradica's armada, eventually boarding her flagship and fighting his way past her drones. 

(Annihilation#4) - Slaying Eradica and sending her forces into disarray, Drax connected her ship's controls to her remains, which he used to locate Thanos. 

(Annihilation#4 - BTS) - As a rebelling Thanos attempted to free Galactus from Annihilus' control mechanism, Drax punched Thanos' heart out of his body, killing him (for awhile).

Note: The ship was presumably either the same or a replacement for the whatever she used in Annihilation Prologue.


personal craft


     On Godthab Omega, Eradica traveled atop a flying disc, allowing her to travel distances across the main city regions at great speed. 

(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - As Ronan battled the Annihilation Wave, Eradica attacked him, just after he had located Glorian's base and recognized Glorian as the one manipulating the planet. 

     Via the power of his hammer, Ronan caused Eradica's personal craft to crash them both into Glorian's base. 

    As Eradica summoned the Annihilation Wave to kill Glorian, Ronan used the distraction to lead the Kree to Mount Virago. 

    Eradica eventually led a portion of the Annihilation Wave to Mount Virago as well, at which point Ronan stood atop his ship as he piloted it toward the wave, intercepting Eradica and knocking her off her craft, causing her to crash on the ground below.

--Annihilation: Ronan#4

: (without ads)

Annihilation: Prologue#1, pg. 40?, panel 2 (seated; posterior oblique; showing various forms of young insectoids climbing over and around her);
            panel 3 (gripping apparent hatchling);
            panel 4 (biting face off of hatchling);
Annihilation: Ronan#3, last page (leading Annihilation Wave assault on Godthab Omega);
    #4, pg. 5, panel 2 (personal craft, partial)
                panel 4 (face);
        pg. 8, panel 4 (full, distant);
        pg. 18, panel 3 (on personal craft, distant);
        pg. 19, panel 3 (knocked off craft by Ronan);
Annihilation#1, story pg. (after flashback recap) 16, panel 2 (tele-screen communication with Annihilus);
    #4, pg. 8, panel 1 (ship);
            panel 2 (mostly full body);
        pg. 9, panel 1 (back);
            panel 2 (Drax scaling her abdomen);
            panel 3 (blades in head);
            panel 5 (Drax plunging hand(s) into her head)
        pg. 11, panel 1 (brain torn out);
            panel 2 (corpse)

Annihilation: Prologue#1 (May, 2006) - Keith Giffen (writer), Scot Kolins (penciler), Ariel Olivetti (inker), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files#1 (2006) - Michael Hoskin (head writer), Anthony Flamini, Jeff Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Ronald Byrd, Chris Biggs, Eric Englehard, Chad Anderson, Stuart Vandal, Mike Raicht, & Mark O'English (writers), Michael Short (assistant editor), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (associate editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#1 (2008) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Mike Fichera, Stuart Vandal, Mark O'English, Sean McQuaid, Madison Carter, Michael Hoskin, Ronald Byrd, Eric J. Moreels, David Wiltfong, Chad Anderson, Anthony Flamini, Jacob Rougemont, Gabriel Shechter, Rich Green, Chris Biggs, Al Sjoerdsma, David Sexton, Bill Lentz, Barry Reese, Jonathan Couper-Smartt, Mike Raicht, & Stephen Faulkner (writers), John Denning & Cory Levine (assistant editors), Mark D. Beazley (editor, special projects), Jeff Youngquist & Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
Annihilation: Ronan#2-4 (July-September, 2006) - 
Simon Furman (writer), Jorge Lucas (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Annihilation#1 (October, 2006) - Keith Giffen (writer), Andrea DiVito (artist), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Annihilation#4 (January, 2007) - Keith Giffen (writer), Andrea DiVito (artist), Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Annihilation Saga (2007) - by Michael Hoskin (writer), Cory Levine & Michael Short (assistant editors), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (associate editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)

First posted: 10/06/2022
Last updated: 07/27/2023

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