GLX race
Classification: Humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Planet Glxx, third from the sun in the Zplst system, Milky Way galaxy;
Zplst is an arid world with little vegetation, composed of only 37% water;
Zplst's atmosphere is 32% nitrogen, 31% oxygen (which leaves 37% unidentified)
it's gravity is 182% Earth's;
Population: 3.9 billion
Known Members: Chleee, Chlree;
unidentified Glx at the auction of Rick Jones' autobiography manuscript;
unidentified Glx who were members of the Consortium;
unidentified Glx who were spectators at the Galactic Marathon;
Type of government: Technocratic socialist republics
Affiliations: No specific allies of the Glx race have been revealed;
see individuals for their affiliations
Enemies: No specific allies of the Glx race have been revealed;
the Consortium members were specifically enemies of
Northstar, but also of Alpha Flight, the Avengers, Her (later Kismet),
and the people of Toronto
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk II#182 (December, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: Glx body chemistry is silicon-based, rather than carbon-based, like humanity (see comments).
They survive by eating metal, which at least some of them can absorb even in the form of bullets fired into the chest; such rapid infusion of metal may prove life-saving to a mortally wounded Glx.
The Glx are highly advanced in molecular manipulation and bio-engineering.
They apparently can design and fly intermediate level starships
Native to an arid environment with
a gravity 182% of Earth, and larger than average humans, they
likely have some degree of superhuman strength (likely "enhanced human,"
lifting over 800 lbs., but less than 2 tons).
Chleee could use his molecular transfuser
to rearrange/destroy existing metals (at least) and
restructure/transmute/replace them with other structures, such as the
Energy Synthecon (see comments) of Hammer and Johnny Anvil.
Chleee can pilot (although he did crash it under unexplained circumstances) +/- repair (see comments) an unidentified starship.
Traits: The Glx are generally peaceful and philanthropic.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; pale yellow color seen; no visible irides)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Four
Skin color: Yellow
Average height: Approximately 8'
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe
Edition#17: Hammer and Anvil entry) - Chleee of the extraterrestrial Glx race was in a starship that crash-landed on Earth under unrevealed circumstances (see comments).
(Avengers Spotlight I#24/2 (fb) - BTS) - Chlree became Prime Theoretician of SHIELD (Society of Higher Interstellar Education and Logistical Development), obviously dedicated to advanced study and research of the universe (and possibly beyond). He was also in good standing with the Intergalactic Institute of Advanced Learning on the planet Rus.
(Avengers Spotlight I#24/2 (fb) - BTS) - After learning that SHIELD base-level pupil Yoof had expunged the experimental by-product of an independent project that had proved untenable into space, Chlree had it tracked to Earth, and he sent the SHIELD orbiter to Earth to evaluate the effects on the being exposed to it, Firebird (Juanita Suarez).(Avengers Spotlight I#25/2 (fb) - BTS) -
Believing the autobiography of Rick Jones would contain information
about how Jones had been able to defeat Kree and Skrull armadas in a
previous Kree-Skrul war skirmish (later revealed to have been his
accessing the Destiny Force), an intergalactic auction was held to
purchase the rights to his manuscript. One of the Glx was among those attending the auction. (Avengers Spotlight I#25/2 - BTS) - When the relevent chapter of Jones' manuscript was was presented for viewing, the assembled bidders discovered that Jones had ended the Kree-Skrull War through a fluke and that he had no real knowledge as to how he had accomplished it. (Avengers Spotlight#25/2) - Like the other aliens present, the Glx realized these memoirs were worthless, and he (?) refused to bid on them. | ![]() |
![]() | (Quasar I#58) - At least a pair of Glx were present on the planet below the finishing line of the Galactic Marathon where they observed the Eternal Makkari's arrival following his victory. |
Comments: Created by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe;
fleshed out by any or all of Mark Gruenwald, Peter Sanderson, Mark Lerer, David
Cody Weiss, Joanne Harris, Bob Simpson, Roger Stern, and/or Michael Carlin.
There is no discussion of why/how
Chleee crash-landed on Earth. In fact, it isn't even covered in the
original story...he's just shown as wounded with a ship in the
background. Within minutes of being healed, his ship was able to fly
away again, so it must have had repair/back-up systems...or something.
Maybe he was able to repair it before his wounds started getting the
better of him.
We didn't learn his name or his race in the 15
panels that covered his existence. Those were revealed in the Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4: Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry
Perhaps it's time for the long-awaited series, "The Secret of Chleee."
![]() | The image of the Glx punching Northstar clearing shows him striking Northstar above the elbow, which would have broken his humerus (which isn't as funny as it sounds). When Northstar placed the guard/sleeve, it clearly extends to just below his elbow. Maybe it had some energy powers that extended up above his shoulder, stabilizing his humerus. Or maybe there's a transparent portion of the guard/sleeve that goes up to the proximal bicep, where his hand is. Regardless, to physically stabilize a broken humerus, it would need to go above the shoulder. Note: This image also shows the Glx's untranslated language. | ![]() |
So...about those silicon-based
lifeforms, courtesy of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe's
engineering expert, Mike "Spider-Mike" Fichera
A 1998 article in Scientific American shot holes in the idea of silicon-based life forms, calling the sci-fi trope a bunch of tripe.
Silicon oxides into a solid (silica) rather than a gas
(carbon + o2 -> CO2), which makes it difficult for energy balances
between it and the environment, biological waste management, etc.
going to apply Occam's razor, and keep it simple.
replacing carbon with silicon and seeing how much of a weight difference there
would be.
know - it doesn't work that way. Would it still be H, O, and N as other primary
elements bonded to silicon?
about the number of electrons in the outer shell? What about the density
difference? I know, I know...and the Hulk gains mass from another
increase weight by 24.1%
520 lbs carbon-based
lbs silicon-based.
Atomic Wt |
C |
12.01 |
H |
1 |
O |
16 |
N |
14 |
Si |
28.085 |
makes up 18% of the human body. |
100 |
Nominal Body Weight |
18 |
Weight of Carbon in Body @18% |
42.1 |
Weight of Silicon if replaced Carbon 1:1 |
124.1 |
New body weight replacing C with Si |
24.1% |
% increase |
No silicon-based animals were harmed during the making of this estimate.
Thanks to Donald Campbell for helping remind/inform me of the various
appearances of the Glx and to Loki for providing multiple scans when my
scanner wasn't working!
The Deluxe Edition handbook image is noticeably lacking the grid pattern texture atop the head...
Profile by Snood.
The Glx should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4:
Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry;
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#15:
Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry;
Avengers Spotlight#25/2, pg. 10, panel 4 (auction);
Quasar I#58, pg. 16, panel 2 (Galactic Marathon spectators);
Alpha Flight I#98, pg. 12, panel 1 (three Consortium agents);
panel 2-3 (Northstar punching Consortium agents);
panel 4 (third Consortium agent breaking Northstar's arm);
pg. 13, panel 1 (Northstar putting on Glx forearm guard)
Incredible Hulk II#182 (December, 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Herb Trimpe (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4:
Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry (April, 1983) - Mark Gruenwald
(editor/head writer/designer), Michael Carlin (associate
editor/designer), Peter Sanderson & Mark Lerer (co-writers), David
Cody Weiss, Joanne Harris, Bob Simpson, Roger Stern (researchers), Paty
Cockrum (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#15:
Appendix to Alien Races: Glx entry (March, 1987) - Mark Gruenwald
(writer/producer), Peter
Sanderson (writer/researcher), Kyle Baker (penciler), Josef Rubinstein
(inker), Gregory Wright (assistant editor), Marc McLaurin (editorial
Avengers Spotlight I#24/2 (November, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Gavin Curtis
(penciler), Steve Buccellato (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers Spotlight#25/2 (Mid November; 1989) - Glenn Herdling & Dwight Jon
Zimmerman (writers), Rod Ramos (penciler), Don Hudson (inker), Gregory Wright (managing editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Alpha Flight I#98 (July, 1991) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Michael Blair (penciler), Chris Ivey (inker), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Quasar I#58
(May, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Peter Sanderson
(co-plotter), John Heebink (penciler), Aaron McClellan (inker), Mike
(November, 2019) - Lonnie Nadler & Zac Thompson (writers), John
McCrea (artist), Lauren Amaro (assistant editor), Darren Shan (editor)
First posted: 03/27/2021
Last updated: 03/28/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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