Real Name: Kuroba
Identity/Class: Human
16th century;
African (Bogondi tribe)
Occupation: Chieftain
Group Membership: Bogondi tribe (Goru, Loga, Nayela, numerous others unidentified; all apparently deceased)
Affiliations: Solomon Kane
Enemies: The Akaana
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Old Kuroba"
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Bogonda of the Shadow (formerly Upper Bogonda), a village in an unidentified region of 16th century Africa
First Appearance: Weird Tales Volume 20, Issue 1 (July, 1932): "Wings in the Night";
(Marvel) Savage Sword of Conan I#53/2 (June, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Kuroba was experienced and
knowledgeable as the chieftain of the
Bogondi. Even in age he was able to fight off monstrous Akaana with an
axe. He also carried and was presumably experienced with a spear.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 6'; he was markedly taller than his witch doctor, Goru)
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 200 lbs.; see comments)
Eyes: Unrevealed (dark; presumably brown)
Hair: Black
(Savage Sword of Conan#54/2
(fb) - BTS) - Kuroba was the chieftain of the Bogondi people who had
resigned themselves to living in terror of the winged Akaana creatures.
(Savage Sword of Conan#54/2 (fb)) - After years of drought and famine, the Akaana attacked more frequently and savagely, nourishing themselves by feasting on the Bogondi.
(Savage Sword of Conan#53/2 (fb) - BTS) <Late 16th century; see comments> - The people of Lower Bogonda eventually revolted, and the Akaana slew the entire population of that village.(Savage Sword of Conan#54/2 -
BTS) - Vowing vengeance, Kane reinforced the witch doctor Goru's hut
with thick layers of vine-bound bamboo. He then slew any easy prey the
Akaana could have for weeks before slaying a captured buffalo outside Goru's hut, slinging its
blood into the air so its scent would draw in the Akaana. He then cut
apart the buffalo and brought its parts into the hut, after which he
retired to a nearby wooden region and waited.
Apparently all of the starving Akaana soon arrived, drawn by the scent,
and they entered the hut, which Kane then set aflame after trapping them within.
Comments: Created by Robert Ervin Howard.
Adapted to Marvel by Don Glut and David Wenzel...and then again by Ralph Macchio, John Ridgeway, and Al Williamson.
According to what I see in superficial research, Wings in the Night was REH's last Solomon Kane story published during his lifetime.
I don't whether REH's original story had Kuroba as a man with black hair and no headdress who carried a spear (as in Savage Sword of Conan) or as a man with a white headdress who carried some lion-claw-like totem (as in(Sword of) Solomon Kane). Regardless, it seems a shame not to show the images we have in color, so here they are! The (Sword of) Solomon Kane version didn't make it clear that Bogondi had first come there 150 years earlier, and an image of their arrival there seemed to show Goru and Koruba. I'm taking that picture as representing Goru and Koruba, but just not at the time the Bogondi first settled there. |
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Profile by Snood.
Goru should be distinguished from:
Savage Sword of Conan I#54/4, story pg 2, panel 2 (upper);
panel 3 (full; tiny);
panel 7 (face);
pg. 11, panel 7 (fighting Akaana);
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#6, pg. 7, panel 4 (full body; or predecessor, see comments);
pg. 9, panel 1 (face with headdress);
panel 3 (rear oblique);
Weird Tales Volume 20, Issue 1 (July, 1932): "Wings in the Night" - Robert Ervin Howard (writer)
Savage Sword of Conan I#53/3 (June, 1980) - Don
Glut (script), David Wenzel (art), Mark Gruenwald (associate editor),
Lynn Graeme (consulting editor), Roy Thomas (editor)
Savage Sword of Conan I#54/4 (July, 1980) - Don Glut
(script), David Wenzel (art), Mark Gruenwald (associate editor), Lynn
Graeme (consulting editor), Roy Thomas (editor)
(Sword of) Solomon Kane#6 (July, 1986) - Ralph Macchio (script), John
Ridgeway (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Carl Potts (inker)
First posted: 09/15/2021
Last updated: 12/18/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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