Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-148611) human paranormal;
Soviet (USSR) citizen (see comments);
no criminal record
Occupation: Warrior;
former sculptor
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Formerly Siberian Project (Dr. Timor Besedin, Gregirova, Gennardi Shepalev, Petrov Szymanski, Serge Vladimiroff, Anya Zotov) and the Soviet government
Enemies: Afghan rebels, Dr. Timor Besedin, Colonel McIntyre Browning, Paul Crawforst (aka Skipper), Dr. Gregirova, Justice (John Tensen), Kleenex (Victor Pasco), Medusa Web (Babel/Thame Panagitis, Backfire, Dustoff, Gatto di Sangue, Imprint,
Potiphar/Nungali Kashab, Relampago, Skybreaker//James Colin Anderson,
Thunderhead/Donner Kopf/Gunther, Troublemaker), Psi-Force (Thomas Boyd, Dehman Doosha, Lindsey Falmon, Anastasia Inyushin, Tyrone Jessup, Kathy Ling, Wayne Tucker), Psi-Hawk, Red Sun (Coojeechiscue/Nadehzda), Shivowtnoeh/Irina Mityushova), Colby Shaw, Derek Shiningstar, Angie Tensen,
US military; everyone in the San Francisco Sanctuary base; various
members of the psychiatric staff and other staff members at the
Siberian Project; soldiers/guards at CIA headquarters; humanity and
life in general
unwittingly his wife and daughters;
Known Relatives: Unidentified wife (deceased), unidentified daughters (deceased)
Aliases: Kinship (English translation of name), "the People's Hero" the Sculptor of Death (a description he used for himself)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Siberian Project in the Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, USSR;
formerly a cabin in the Chersky mountains, Siberia, USSR;
formerly a cabin, possibly in the Chersky mountains, Siberia, USSR;
Religion: Formerly Russian Orthodox
First Appearance: Psi-Force#17 (March, 1988)
Powers/Abilities: Rodstvow possessed vast
energy manipulation powers, which he used for teleportation, molecular reintegration,
spontaneous molecular combustion, levitation, heat and fire absorption
and holographic projection. He can generate explosive force to destroy a multiple story building.
Additionally Rodstvow had vast telekinetic powers. He was telepathic, reading thoughts even from several rooms away, and he could project images of thoughts. Rodstvow's mind was resistant to being read or controlled telepathically; telepaths could only read static in his mind, and Wayne Tucker noted, it was like "he's got his brain on hold, if he even has one like us."
Teleporting from Siberia to
California took Rodstvow approximately two weeks of constant
teleportation, draining his resources sufficiently that he was
concerned for his ability to defeat the amalgamated psionic energy
being known as Psi-Hawk; nonetheless, he had sufficient power to blow
up a building and then return to Siberia. His voice (or, more likely,
the telepathic projection of his voice was described as sounding like
sizzling oil (per Psi-Force#17).
When prepared for an assault,
Rodstvow was difficult to injure. Bullets were typically vaporized
before striking him. He was little affected by being hit in the back by
an onrushing subway train. Even being smashed by the weight/force of
the Washington monument only momentarily stunned him. However,
coordinated, simultaneous attacks were more difficult for him to
The more Rodstvow used his powers,
the more of his flesh (skin, muscle, fat, viscera, etc.) he burned
away. The exposed area was contained by a plastic alloy compound
developed for the Soviet Space Program. Eventually, a specific chamber
was required to...perhaps contain his energies, replace his casing, or
something. This casing was highly durable, although it could be cracked
and broken apart. His energies and psychic powers allowed him to
survive the death of his physical body, but the dispersal of his
physical form and energies apparently overwhelmed his ability to
maintain his existence.
The circumstances of Rodstvow's
paranormality, combined with his progressively less human nature, drove him to insanity and led
to a growing disdain for humanity and organic life in general. He eventually considered his energy form
Rodstvow was not trained in combat nor did he demonstrate particular martial combat skills.
Prior to his paranormality, the
man who would become Rodstvow was a skilled wood sculptor, taking peace
in his art, and a loving family man.
He was experienced in surviving in
and providing for his family in the frigid wilderness of (presumably)
northern Siberia. Amongst his skills were woodchopping and likely
hunting (pure speculation, but he wasn't growing crops up there...)
Height: 6'4" (including flesh; maybe 6'2" as skeleton only; his plastic casing likely approximated his original body height/build)
Weight: Unrevealed (varied as his flesh was destroyed; at the
above height, his entire body likely weighed about 220 lbs.; when he
was down to only skeleton, he likely weighed closer to 31 lbs.; without
knowing the composition of his plastic casing and/or its thickness, it
is difficult to speculate on its weight)
Eyes: None (former color unrevealed)
Hair: None (formerly blond)
(Psi-Force#25 (fb)) - A wood sculptor, the man who
would become Rodstvow lived with his wife and two daughters in a cabin
in the Chersky mountains.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#25 (fb)) <July 22, 1986> - While out chopping wood, the man was empowered by White Event (a release of Starbrand
energy that blanketed the Earth and granted two (IIRC?) out of every million
people paranormal powers).
The powerful energies generated within the
man destroyed his eyes and his lungs, although he could still see and
Ignoring his insistence she stay away, his wife approached and
was incinerated upon touching him, leaving behind only a skeleton.
his horrified daughters watched, the man launched energy that destroyed
them as well. He asked that they forgive him.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) <Presumably February, 1987> - Rodstvow awakened from a comatose state.
(Psi-Force#23 - BTS) - The more Rodstvow used his powers, the more of his
flesh (skin, muscle, fat, viscera, etc.) he burned away.
The exposed areas were progressively contained by a plastic alloy compound developed for the Soviet Space Program.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) - In
the succeeding eight months, Rodstvow progressively murdered the
psychiatric staff at the Siberian Project, a Soviet installation for
paranormal research.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS (off panel/voice only)) - Interviewed
by Dr. Gregirova, the last member of the Siberian Project's psychiatric
staff, Rodstvow announced, "I am kin to what I choose."
When Gregirova
asked him what he chose now, Rodstvow told him, "I choose to be kin to
God and to the Devil. I choose to kin with the beginning...and the
end." As he spoke his answer, Rodstvow incinerated Gregirova.
(Psi-Force#17 - BTS)
<October 19, 1987> - Rodstvow's murder of his interviewer was
reviewed by Drs. Timor Besedin, Gennadi Shepalev, and Serge(i) Vladimiroff, and
Anya Zotov.
When Gennadi tried to calm the distraught Besedin, noting that
the sacrifices were for the betterment of the state, Besedin ranted
about the "barbaric freak of nature eating everyone there...inhuman,
Too late, Besedin realized his mistake, and Rodstow took hold of his body; blood drained from his mouth, and he collapsed in agony before his heart stopped and he died.
Vladimiroff resolved that it was time to "turn him loose."
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) -
Considering Rodstvow the key to paranormal military training at the
Siberian Project, Vladimiroff requested an audience with him; the
request was ignored for over 3 weeks.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) <November, 11, 1987> - Rodstvow informed Dr. Gennadi that he would speak with Vladimiroff.
Gennadi awakened Vladimiroff, who rushed to Rodstvow's room.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS (off
panel/voice only)) - When Vladimiroff knocked, Rodstvow bade him enter
and speak. As Vladimiroff struggled to tell him of urgent state
business in the USA, Rodstvow informed Vladimiroff he was speaking of
the telepathic "children" of Psi-Force who had repeatedly eluded
Serge tried to tell Rodstvow he was working to help him,
as the Inyushin girl was a healer and could help Rodstvow with his
"skin condition." Rodstvow burst into laughter at the description,
mockingly noting that he didn't know humor was a current prerequisite
of the KGB.
Dispensing with trivialities and noting Vladimiroff to be a duplicitous piece of flesh, Rodstvow noted that he knew Vladimiroff wished to obtain the fusion of the youth's psychic power, the Psi-Hawk. Further noting this fusion to be a brisk breathe while he was a killer hurricane, Rodstvow mockingly "agreed" to kill the children for him and then teleported away.
(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) -
Rodstvow spent the next two weeks constantly teleporting to cross the
Bering Strait, Alaska, south through Canada, and into California.
(Psi-Force#17) <November, 25, 1987> - Arriving above the Sanctuary youth hostile in San Francisco, the exhausted Rodstvow (who had intended to face the youths in a fair fight) resolved that it was best to deal with his enemies in the most expedient fashion, and he blew up Sanctuary with Tyrone Jessup, Kathy Ling, and Wayne Tucker inside (and Thomas Boyd and Antasia Inyushin just outside).
(Psi-Force#20 (fb)) - Just
before the explosion, Wayne felt intense psychic pain. Realizing the
danger, he mentally pushed Kathy to get them out of there immediately.
She telekinetically threw him through a window, lacerating his face.
Kathy then tried to push herself out the window and pull Tyrone after
her, but she pulled Tyrone too quickly and he collided with her and then
bounced back into the building just as it exploded. Thomas rushed to
recover Kathy, and Anastasia healed Thomas and Kathy, but -- believing
Wayne and Tyrone dead and seeing Rodstvow, who had caused the
explosion -- they fled.
(Psi-Force#18 (fb) - BTS) - Badly burnt, Tyrone was taken to a hospital.
(Psi-Force#20 (fb) - BTS) -
Wayne landed hard five blocks away, snapping his wrist and separting
his shoulder. When he awakened, he had no memory of anything beyond the
pain in his mind and waking up where he had landed.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - After extensive use of his power, Rodstvow departed to his private cabin in the Chersky mountains to recuperate.
(Psi-Force#20 (fb)) - In Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Rodstvow slaughtered those involved with a major supply route from Pakistan that the Afghan rebels were clinging to in their struggle to stave off renewed Soviet aggression in their country.
(Psi-Force#20 (fb) - BTS) - The Mujahideen rebels were pushed completely away from their stronghold in the Hindu Kush mountain range. Between the use of Rodstvow and the overwhelming number of new troops, the Soviets were on the brink of ending their eight-year-old war in Afghanistan.
Their were rumors of further
paranormal activity in the Farah province on the Iranian border,
although this was denied.
US Secretary of State Geoge
Schultz reiterated that the USA would not commit any military forces to
the conflict but would continued to supply the Mujahideen in any way
possible. Schultz also denied rumors that the USA had tried contacting
Star Brand
(Psi-Force#20 (fb)) - TASS, the official Soviet news agency, released footage of Rodstvow in action.
(Psi-Force#20) <February 15, 1988> - In Victoria, British Columbia, the TASS footage of Rodstvow was shown, and it was watched by Wayne Tucker and his girlfriend, Lindsey Falmon.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - Following recent exertions, Rodstvow retired to his private cabin.
(Psi-Force#23 - BTS) <April 4, 1988> - At the
Siberian Project, Vladimiroff noted Rodstvow's absence, his suspicion
that Rodstvow was at his private cabin, and his belief that it would be
in all of their best interests if they remained ignorant of his
whereabouts: "He'll come back when he wants to. He always does..."
(Psi-Force#23) - Rodstvow exited his cabin, wandered out into the frigid snow and released an energy burst, laughing as it apparently made a crater in the ground...or something.
(Psi-Force#24 (fb) - BTS) <April 5, 1988> - With a growing hum and burst of light, Rodstvow appeared (off panel)
in the CIA office of Derek Shiningstar as he met with Paul Crawforst
(aka Skipper). Noting "Russian pig killed friends of mine," Shiningstar
drew his gun, only for Rodstvow to exploded the gun, completely
destroying/removing Shiningstar's right hand.
Rodstov then assaulted Crawforst, leaving him blind, unable to walk, and "unable to live again" (he was conscious and speaking the next day, but it was believed he would never regain the life he had before).
(Psi-Force#24 (fb) - BTS) - In CIA headquarters, Rodstvow slaughtered a number of soldiers/guards.
As the Psi-Force youths (Anastasia, Kathy, Lindsey, Thomas, Tyrone, Wayne) came
across the slaughters soldiers, other soldiers arrived and, assuming
them to have committed the slaughter and to be attacking, fired on
them. Anastasia perished healing her injured teammates.
(Psi-Force#24 (fb)) - When Rodstvow appeared, the
surviving Psi-Force members combined their wills and powers to become
Psi-Hawk and confront Rodstvow.
(Psi-Force#25) - Rodstvow faced Psi-Hawk in the air
over Washington DC, smashing away the composite entity's initial charge
with a shield that smashed Psi-Hawk into the Lincoln Memorial. When
Psi-Hawk launched blocks of the shattered rock at him, Rodstvow blasted
away a number of them before being struck by one and knocked into the
memorial's Reflecting Pool, which he evaporated. After Rodstvow
apparently blew up the air, stunning Psi-Hawk, the composite being
retaliated by telekinetically lifting up the Washington monument,
swinging it like a baseball bat, and swatting Rodstvow into the Air and
Space Museum.
(Justice#24) - Angie Tensen and Victor Pasco (aka Kleenex) were present at the museum, and Victor was injured when a display fell on top of him
(Psi-Force#25) - As curious visitors gathered, the stunned Rodstvow recovered and, shouting "Dooracs!" (see comments), incincerated them. After Psi-Hawk convinced the military (led by Colonel McIntyre Browning) to give them/it a chance against Rodstvow first, Rodstvow hurled a space capsule replica at the approaching Psi-Hawk. Telekinetically piling rubble around Rodstvow, Psi-Hawk grabbed him by the neck and began leeching his powers, which also caused Psi-Hawk and Rodstvow to view Rodstvow's past and origins.
Enraged as he wanted to forget his past, Rodstvow blasted Psi-Hawk away. The foes fought each other fiercely, and when the military sent jets (from Falcon squad) against him, their explosion knocked Psi-Hawk into the American History museum, after which Rodstvow blew up the jets.
Psi-Hawk's collective selves
resolved to kill Rodstvow and even cracked the plastic casing on his
armor, after which Rodstvow tackled Psi-Hawk into the White House lawn.
Bullets from the military melted off Rodstvow, but Psi-Hawk kicked him
back and blasted him; however, Rodstvow released a burst of energy that
burned off Psi-Hawk's wings and incinerated any soldiers within range.
Laughing, Rodstvow threw Psi-Hawk into a subway station and followed him, little caring or affected as a train crashed into his back. Smiling, Rodstvow assaulted the weakened Psi-Hawk, cursed America, and -- flying high into the sky so all could see -- destroyed Psi-Hawk.
When the military fired on Rodstvow again, he laughed and incinerated them. After Rodstvow entered the National Archives, Col. Browning futilely attempted to stop Rodstvow from approaching the Constitution, but Rodstow casually swatted him away and destroyed the document.
(fb) - BTS) - Rodstvow teleported back to the Project grounds, bringing
with him the four surviving teenagers whose parabilities formed the
mind gestalt in the first place.
(Psi-Force#29 - BTS) <October 5, 1988> - At the
Siberian Project, flames spread over equipment and one of the
technicians while adding plastic casing over Rodstvow's exposed tissue.
The fires were put out with extinguishers and blankets.
Johnny Do, aka Dehman Doosha, was physically pained by passing nearby the confrontation with Rodstvow.
Seeking to liberate the Psi-Force youths and slay Rodstvow, Justice and the Medusa Web assaulted the Siberian Project.
(Psi-Force#29) - Now with only a skeleton remaining
of his corporal form, Rodstvow crackled with energy and laughed within
his sarcophagus-like chamber.
It at least appeared that he perhaps melted off the last of his flesh, on his left hand.
(Justice#29) - After the Soviet
forces forced the Medusa Web's helicopter (which carried Justice and
Psi-Force), Rodstvow telepathically contacted Szymanski, who rushed to
Rodstvow's chambers.
Rodstvow asked the location of the Psi-Force children, and Szymanski noted that they had escaped, but that they were pinned down in Sector Six, and that Red Sun would...Rodstvow interrupted, noting that Szymanski need not worry about Psi-Force..."in fact, when I needn't worry about anything again." (translated from Russian and followed by maniacal laughter).
(Justice#29 - BTS) - As
Red Sun and Soviet forces battled Psi-Force, Justice, and the Medusa
Web, Szymanski contacted Coojeechiscue, warning her that Rodstvow was
coming there to kill them all, having decided that only he had the
right to exist.
(Justice#29) - Rodstvow explosively arrived above the site where the others battled.
(Psi-Force#30) - Rodstvow analyzed Justice and the members of Psi-Force, noting pity for them as they were dealing with an irrational being (himself) and touching the edge of oblivion.
(Psi-Force#30) - Rodstvow scanned the physically
exhausted Wayne Tucker, noting with pleasure how he himself was no
longer a slave to the whims of a physical form; Rodstvow considered
himself to be "the light of a new sun dawning on this pathetic sphere."
He wondered if those he faced feared he would
devour them, after which he went off on a grisly tangent before considering that he
no longer had a tongue.
He then surveyed those on the ground, his fellow Russians, Red Sun members Coojeechiscue
and Shivowtnoeh, who knew him for what he was and feared him; the
Medusa Web members (Babel, Backfire, Dustoff, Gatto di Sangue, Imprint,
Potiphar, Relampago, Skybreaker,
Thunderhead, Troublemaker), who feared they were no longer in control;
Justice, who wanted to kill Rodstvow; and the Psi-Force members (Boyd,
"Do," Falmon, Ling, Tucker), who felt themselves prepared for him.
Meanwhile, Tucker telepathically linked the others to provide a united
front against Rodstvow and noted the plan to crack through and then
shatter his casing, and disperse his energy, killing him.
Skybreaker, Ling, Justice,
Potiphar, and Thunderhead struck simultaneously, smashing Rodstvow back
into the trees some distance away. Realizing Tucker was responsible for
the coordinated assault, Rodstvow considered gruesome ways to slaughter
him. When Rodstvow returned, Potiphar fired on him futilely, after
which Do created a fiery creature that briefly engulfed the powerful
As Skybreaker continued to fire on
him, Rodstvow considered that their vain efforts were artistic in
their own way, as was death, so beautiful in its symmetry. He further
noted how he was the sculptor of death, and he would ship away at the
planet until it became a work of his art.
After Justice blasted him
back, Ling telekinetically hurled Rodstvow into the air, and Justice
focused blasts into Rodstvow's right shoulder, cracking the casing.
When Rodstvow crashed to the ground, Boyd jumped on him and tried to
leech his power, but -- not having any skin and being completely
covered with his casing -- Rodstvow blasted him away, stunning and
wounding him. As others combined efforts against him, Rodstvow wounded
Shivowtnoeh and cut Gatto di Sangue in half with his arm.
While Babel suggested they back off and regroup, Tucker insisted they keep fighting so Rodstvow wouldn't have time to repair his casing (Tucker went so far as to threaten to force the others' compliance if they refused).
With another coordinated assault with others providing distraction, Tensen and Thunderhead forced open the crack in Rodstvow's shoulder. As the others collectively blasted him, Rodstvow taunted them to give him more, as if to prove that the way of the skin was superior to his own. Following a napalm blast from Skybreaker, Rodstvow considered that they were destroying the last remaining vestiges of his facade, after which Justice's shields and Ling's telekinesis shattered the casing.
Initially excited that his shell
was being and shed and wondering if he would emerge as something more
or less, Rodstvow suddenly realized that he was losing his sense of
self, and he wondered if "the skin" was essential to contian the soul.
Focusing is will, he kept his mind and energy from drifting apart, and
soon his flesh-less skeleton laughed again maniacally as he was no
longer a slave to skin.
After Rodstvow blasted off Skybreaker's wings,
causing him to crash to the ground, Potiphar continued to fire on him,
but was unable to get through his energy field. Rodstvow's thoughts
became progressively less organized.
Trying to read Rodstvow's mind,
Tucker sensed nothing, and he concluded that Rodstvow was dead but just
didn't realize it yet.
After deciding that Rodstvow must keep his
energy from his own bones to prevent it from destroying them, Babel and
Tucker concluded that there must be a thin air space around the bones.
Unable to otherwise instruct the autistic Do on how to help, Tucker had
Ling telekinetically move the unconscious Boyd toward Rodstvow while Coojeechiscue
protected Boyd with an energy prism. As expected, this led Do to seek to
protect Boyd (with whom he felt a closeness), and he engulfed Rodstvow
in an immense fiery hand. As Rodstvow's skeleton combusted, Justice and Ling
blasted his bones, which explosively blew apart.
Rodstvow considered, "ATLASTBREAKDEAD," and then Ling dispersed Rodstvow's energy.
As some on the ground cheered, Rodstvow's mandible fell at the feet of Potiphar, who stomped on it.
(Psi-Force#30 - BTS) - Seeking vengeance on Psi-Force for their part in the violence that had killed or injured many in DC (including his daughter Angie's boyfriend), Justice blasted Tucker and announced his intentions.
(Justice#30 - BTS) - Justice prepared to
execute Psi-Force, but when Lindsey Falmon told him he was dead inside, he came to his senses and let them go.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Ron Lim, and Romeo Tanghal.
At the time of these stories,
Rodstvow was quite the impressive antagonist. Obviously he was driven
mad by killing his family, and he was somewhat of a tragic figure, but
he was beyond redemption and was just killing anyone and everyone as he
progressively lost his humanity.
The Soviet Union, or the Union of
Soviet Socalist Republics dissolved in 1991 in the real world. I don't
think there's evidence that the USSR broke up on Earth-148611.
While I don't know my real world
history that well, it would seem that Rodstvow singlehandedly wiped out
Afghan forces that the USSR in the real world were unable to defeat
(the USA backed those same rebels in the real world and on
Rodstvow had an Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe style handbook entry in Psi-Force#23.
According to Mike Castle, "Dooracs" translates from Russian as "fools"
This profile was completed 10/09/2020, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Rodstvow should be distinguished from:
![]() (Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#25 (fb)) <July 22, 1986> - While out chopping wood, the man was empowered by White Event (a release of Starbrand
energy that blanketed the Earth and granted 2(?) out of every million
people paranormal powers). The powerful energies generated within the
man destroyed his eyes and his lungs, although he could still see and
breathe. Ignoring his insistence she stay away, his wife approached and
was incinerated upon touching him, leaving behind only a skeleton. As
his horrified daughters watched, the man launched energy that destroyed
them, and apparently his cabin, as well. (Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - After extensive use of his power, Rodstvow departed to his private cabin in the Chersky mountains to recuperate. (Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - Following recent exertions against Afghani rebels, Rodstvow retired to his private cabin. (Psi-Force#23) - Rodstvow exited his cabin, wandered out into the frigid snow and released an energy burst, laughing as it apparently made a crater in the ground...or something. --Psi-Force#17Note: As the you see from the image, the cabins are not the same. Rodstvow blew up his family cabin in the process of killing his daughters. What I'm not clear on is whether the cabins were in the same location. It seemed like in #23 Rodstvow replicated the destruction of his family's cabin, walking out into the snow and then launching a burst of energy to obliterate the cabin...but it wasn't clear. Per Wikipedia, the Chensky mountains is a chain of mountains in northeastern Siberia between the Yana River and the Indigirka River. |
![]() ![]() ![]() (Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#25 (fb)) <July 22, 1986> - While out chopping wood, the man was empowered by White Event (a release of Starbrand
energy that blanketed the Earth and granted 2(?) out of every million
people paranormal powers). The powerful energies generated within the
man destroyed his eyes and his lungs, although he could still see and
breathe. Ignoring his insistence she stay away, his wife approached and
was incinerated upon touching him, leaving behind only a skeleton. As
his horrified daughters watched, the man launched energy that destroyed
them, and apparently his cabin, as well. He asked that they forgive him. --Psi-Force#17Note: Rodstvow's real name was not revealed, nor were the names of his family. ![]() |
![]() ![]() (Psi-Force#29 - BTS) <October 5, 1988> - At the
Siberian Project, flames spread over equipment and one of the
technicians while adding plastic casing over Rodstvow's exposed tissue. The fires were put out with extinguishers and blankets. (Psi-Force#29) - Now with only a skeleton remaining
of his corporal form, Rodstvow crackled with energy and laughed within
his sarcophagus-like chamber. It at least appeared that he perhaps melted off the last of his flesh, on his left hand. --Psi-Force#29Note: Other than showing Rodstvow as progressively less human and even more horrific a figure, it's not clear what's going on here. I THINK Rodstvow entered that chamber to have his plastic casing replaced. I THINK Rodstvow burned off the last of his flesh (on his left hand) otherwise whatever he was melting is unclear. |
images: (without ads)
Psi-Force#17 cover (face);
pg. 21, panel 2 (levitating, full);
#20, pg. 1 (vs. Afghan rebels);
#23, pg. 8, panel 1(cabin);
last page (Rodstvow profile entry);
#25, pg. 5, panel 2 (full);
pg. 12, panel 3 (art);
panel 4-5 (wife and children);
pg. 13, panel 1 (normal face);
panel 3 (paranormality);
panel 6 (destroys wife);
panel 7-8 (destroys children);
#29, pg. 20, panel 5-9 (chamber)
#30, inside cover (text primer);
pg. 3, panel 1 (full, full covered)
pg. 19, panel 1 (skeleton);
pg. 25 (destroyed)
Psi-Force#17 (March, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Romeo Tanghal (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#20 (June, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#23 (September, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Graham Nolan (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#24 (October, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Justice#24 (October, 1988) - Peter David (writer), Mike Gustovich (artist), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#25 (November, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza
(writer), Graham Nolan (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#27 (January, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#29 (March, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rodney Ramos (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Justice#29 (March, 1989) - Peter David (writer), Lee Weeks (art), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#30 (April, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rodney Ramos (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Justice#30 (April, 1989) - Peter David (writer), Lee Weeks (art), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
First posted: 09/04/2021
Last updated: 03/25/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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