Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human gamma mutate; mad scientist
Occupation: Scientist
Group Membership: None (perhaps some academic societies)
Affiliations: His giant teenager/monster and dogs were somewhat under his control
e and Banner knew of each other, but were not direct associates)
Enemies: Hulk (Bruce Banner), Prime (Kevin Green) of Earth-93060;
numerous victims, including his giant teenager/monster and dogs, and the girl he tried to abduct
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Doctor" (as he called himself to victims he was duping into coming with him and becoming the subject of his experiments);
"pervert" (from Prime)
Base of Operations: A building overlooking Liberty Island in Manhattan, New York
Education: Presumably a Ph.D. in nuclear physics or something similar
First Appearance: Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (July, 1995)
Powers/Abilities: Wildeman is a genius specializing in gamma research, and he possesses the technology to mutate himself and others into superhuman forms. Obsessed with his research, he has no compunctions against manipulating and mutating homeless youths, despite the pain it may have caused them. He is experienced in manipulating desperate homeless youths, offering them warmth, shelter, and food.
He routinely wears eyeglasses, although whether is nearsighted,
farsighted, both, or has any combination of other visual deficits is
In his
mutated form, he possesses a giant green, muscular body with an
enlarged cranium, and apparently three fingers and a thumb on each
hand, and three toes on each foot. He was highly strong and durable
(perhaps lifting close to 100 tons), and he could force himself to grow
even bigger and stronger, although this caused him agony. However, he
could only maintain this form briefly or perhaps only while he could
focus on it, and a couple of devastating punches could cause him to
collapse and revert to his normal form.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'9"; he's
not really shown in direct comparison to the Hulk, but he does not
appear to be particularly tall or short); (mutated form) variable (at
least 35-40' initially, with potential to grow to 50-60', at least)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 170 lbs.); (mutated form) variable (ranging from perhaps 32 tons to 150 tons)
Eyes: Brown; (mutated form) solid red
Hair: White (male pattern baldness; brown eyebrows); mutated form (none)
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Focusing on gamma research, Dr. Eugene Wildeman at least considered himself one of America's most respected research scientists.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Via gamma research, Bruce Banner knew of Eugene Wildeman.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Banner's gamma transformation into the Hulk inspired Wildeman to realized what profit laid in gamma rays. Realizing he needed human guinea pigs, he found them in the streets of New York: Homeless teenagers, whose bodies were already go through many changes and who therefore responded quite easily to radiation.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman manipulated a number of homeless youths into accompanying him with promises of a warm safe place to stay, free meals, and improving their health. Due to their desperation, he had little trouble gathering specimens. He used gamma rays to mutate several such subjects into his "dogs," who served as warriors and/or servants as needed.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman mutated himself so that he could assume a giant and monstrous form at will, although he still preferred to have his agents do the fighting for him.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman mutated one youth into monstrous form -- which he considered the first of his giant teenagers -- and sent him into the waters between Staten and Liberty Island as a test. The mutation caused the youth unbearable pain.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 - BTS) - Watching via telescope (presumably from his apartment) as the monster emerged from the waters, Wildeman observed as Prime -- who had been transported there from his native Earth-93060 at some point associated with the events of Black September -- engaged the monster, noting that someone, some sort of super-hero he'd never seen before was interfering with his test. Considering that there were already enough super heroes in New York, Wildeman noted that he didn't seem to be a god and that he clearly wasn't gamma-based. He wondered if he might be a mutant, although they didn't usually come out of hiding lately.
vs. the Incredible Hulk#0) - After the monster, who apparently lamented
his current fate, positioned its head into Prime's path so that the
hero crashed into and smashed through the creature's head, dropping it
and causing it to revert back to his human form, Wildeman considered
that this hero was more impulsive and brutal than the super heroes he
was used to. Wildeman mused that the hero could be a fascinating study,
and he wished he could capture him for gamma irradiation.
Later, Kevin observed as Wildeman manipulated a young homeless girl
into getting into his car, telling her he could provide meals and
a warm place to stay and that he just wanted to make her healthier than
she ever dreamed possible. Suspecting the man to be either a child
molester or to be someone like Doc Gross who had mutated himself and
other, Kevin turned into Prime and went after him; after Wildeman
locked the doors and told the girl he wanted her genes (you can imagine what she would have thought hearing that homophone),
Prime tore the roof off the car, calling him a pervert and telling him
the world was going to see him for what he was; Wildeman asked if Prime
knew what he really was, but nonetheless told him it was better than
what Prime would be: One dead fool!
Their conflict was glimpsed by the Hulk (in his merged/professor mode, there to attend a conference on gamma ray research). When Prime lifted him into the air, Wildeman demanded to be put down, introducing himself, and noting that the girl was gong to help him with his work. Noting his own bad experiences with researchers kidnapping kids, Prime demanded further information on his research, at which point the Hulk punched him down, noting Wildeman's research, which he shared. Unfamiliar with the Hulk as his own Earth had no such counterpart, Prime fought back; meanwhile, Wildeman was excited to see the power of the two combatants, and he summoned his "dogs"via dog whistle.
Prime tried to explain that Wildeman had grabbed the girl in his car and that he was going to experiment on her, and the Hulk noted Prime's childlike sincerity, but initially refused to accept this due to having read Wildeman's research for years.
Soon after, a number of the dogs emerged from the alleys and sewers, and when Prime noted similarities to the monster he had fought earlier, Wildeman admitted that the monster from that morning was the first of his giant teenagers, but that the process still had a few bugs, as the gamma rays had caused the monster unbearable pain, which proved inconvenient for him.
When the Hulk questioned Wildeman treating children with gamma rays, Wildeman told the Hulk he was his inspiration, and he further explained how he had gathered and mutated the homeless youths. Enraged, the Hulk had to take a moment to collect himself to prevent losing control and reverting to Banner (a failsafe he had subconsciously instilled in himself), during which time he guided Prime to knock the youths off balance with a foot-stomp, which Prime continued via a powerful hand-clap.
Meanwhile, Wildeman assumed his giant gamma-mutate form, and he picked the Hulk and Prime up in each of his hands. The Hulk guided Prime to force Wildeman's thumbs backwards, causing him to drop them both in pain, after which they coordinated attacks, with Prime perhaps hitting him in the face (and then being swatted away Wildeman's flailing hand) and the Hulk striking his abdomen.
Announcing his refusal to be defeated when he was so close to his goal, Wildeman ignored the agony and forced himself to grow bigger and stronger so he could kill them both here and now. However, Prime and the Hulk then simultaneously delivered devastating punches to Wildeman's face, causing him to collapse and revert to his normal form.
(Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 - BTS) - Wildeman was presumably taken away by the authorities, while his "dogs," who had also apparently reverted to normal, were taken into police custody. A female police officer assured the Hulk and Prime that there were organizations and agencies the kids would trust and allow to help them.
Comments: Created by Len Strazewski, Gerard Jones, Peter David, John Statema, Bob Smith, and Mike DeCarlo.
While not the most coherent story, it delivered a message about runaways and/or other victimized youths, and it contained messages from the Children of the Night, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
I don't know why Prime thought the "Dogs" were "just like that sea monster, only smaller," as the sea monster did not look remotely human, while the dogs looked like normal youths with solid red eyes and a few minor skin blemishes.
This profile was completed 7/11/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Eugene Wildeman should be distinguished from:
![]() Perhaps 100' tall and possessing unspecified superhuman strength and durability, the monster was covered in brown scales and scutes, with spiked projections on his shoulders, clavicle/collarbone region, wrists, and head (with a row of spiked plated running from the top to the back of his head). His eyes were solid red, and his digits ended in sharp spikes. (Prime
vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman manipulated a number
of homeless youths into accompanying him with promises of a warm safe
place to stay, free meals, and improving their health. (Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman mutated one youth into monstrous form -- which he considered the first of his giant teenagers -- and sent him into the waters between Staten and Liberty Island as a test. The mutation caused the youth unbearable pain. The mutation caused the youth unbearable pain.Having been transported to Earth-616, Kevin Green observed a giant monster emerging from the water and nearly capsizing the Staten Island ferry. Transforming into Prime, Kevin flew at the creature, smashing into its abdomen, lifting it out of the water and knocking it on its back on land. |
![]() ![]() As Prime prepared to prevent the creature from getting back to its feet, the creature begged Prime to please kill him, and the creature leaned his head forward suddenly, causing Prime to unintentionally crash through his skull. Fearing he had killed the creature, Prime flew away, not seeing the creature shrink and revert back to his human form. |
![]() As the young man held his head, with some green material dribbling from his face (either from his own mutation or part of Prime's slime), bystanders noted that the monster had just been a kid. Wildeman later noted to Prime that he had "killed" the teenager (the quotes presumably indicating that he had only seemingly killed him). --Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 |
Wildeman summoned +/- controlled these youths via a dog whistle. (Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman manipulated a number of homeless youths into accompanying him with promises of a warm safe place to stay, free meals, and improving their health. He used gamma rays to mutate several such subjects into his "dogs," who served as warriors and/or servants as needed.
Confronted by the Hulk and Prime, Wildeman sought to use
them for research, and he summoned his "dogs" via his whistle. (Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - Wildeman then transformed into his own giant mutate form and confronted the Hulk and Prime, but he was swiftly defeated. (Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (fb) - BTS) - The "dogs" were apparently freed from Wildeman's control and reverted to normal with his defeat. (Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0) - The former "dogs" were taken into police custody. A female police officer assured the Hulk and Prime that there were organizations and agencies the kids would trust and allow to help them. --Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 |
images: (without ads)
Prime vs. the Incredible Hulk#0, pg. 2 (giant monster; mostly full);
pg. 3, panel 2 (giant monster; shadow of being lifted into the air, showing legs);
panel 5 (giant monster; upper face);
panel 6 (giant monster; head pierced by Prime);
pg. 4, panel 4 (giant monster; reverted to normal);
pg. 10, panel 1 (mostly full; struggling against Prime);
pg. 14, panel 1 (face, partial);
panel 6 (dog whistle);
pg. 15, panel 5 ("dogs" emerging from sewer, etc.);
pg. 16, panel 1 (Wildeman upper body, with "dogs" confronting Hulk);
panel 2 (face, partial)
pg. 18, panel 1 (giant form, holding Prime and Hulk);
pg. 19, panel 4 (giant form, full)
vs. the Incredible Hulk#0 (July, 1995) - Len Strazewski & Gerard
Jones (writers), Peter David (plotting assists), John Statema
(penciler), Bob Smith & Mike DeCarlo (inkers), Hank Kanalz &
Dan Danko (editors)
First posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 09/28/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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