Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional demon;
active in the Hyborian era and in the 1930s (notably 1936 A.D., but certainly some time before that);
via James Allison, he influenced actions circa the 16th century (specifically 1522 and 1584 A.D.) and the modern era;
via Jamus, he included actions in the pre-Cataclysmic era (specifically 18,500 BC)
Occupation: Predator, conqueror, demon
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Jamus, Sect of the Red Serpent;
formerly James Allison, its herald;
possibly Kull of Atlantis/Valusia and his advisor, Tu
Enemies: Aesir including Bragi), James Allison, Conan the Cimmerian, Dark Agnes (Agnes de Chastillon), Solomon Kane, Khonshu, Moon Knight (Marc Spector), Niord, Picts (including Gorm and his ancestors), Satyne, Set;
presumably Kull
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Dark One, "dweller-in-darkness," Wyrm
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
apparently some extradimensional realm, possibly the Kingdom of the Wyrm;
formerly a subterranean cavern beneath the valley containing the Place of Broken Stones (ancient ruins)
First Appearance: (As the Worm) "The Valley of the Worm" in Weird Tales (February, 1934);
(Marvel) Supernatural Thrillers#3 (April, 1973);
(as Wyrm) Conan: Serpent War#2 (February, 2020)
Powers/Abilities: The Wyrm is an immensely powerful demonic creature, rivaling and potentially surpassing the power of the Elder God Set. The Wyrm's access to Earthly plane is limited by Set, but if Set is weakened, the Wyrm could potentially invade the Earthly plane and then overpower all of its god-like beings, and even conquer all reality.
From its realm, it can bond to certain beings, notably the reincarnations of those who have encountered it on Earth. It can cause such beings to suffering a physically wasting disease and can influence their minds. It would appear that the mind of James Allison had great psychic powers and that the Wyrm manipulated him, but it is also possible that the Wyrm granted Allison the ability to send his mind across time and space and to send other people physically across time and space.
Taking form on Earth, the Wyrm is an immense serpentine creature, with great strength and durability; however, it was notably vulnerable to the venom from Set (or likely one of his incarnations).
The Wyrm's appearance has varied greatly, some of which may be artistic license, but likely represents a variation between
It also notably created the Serpent Scepter and the "Crown of the Wyrm."
Height: Unrevealed (apparently hundreds of feet long, and able to raise up its head and upper body to significant height; likely variable)History:
(Conan: Serpent War#4) - They Wyrm is an ancient demonic being that exists in a cosmic rivalry with the serpentine Elder God Set, with some realities dominated by Set and others by the Wyrm.
Battle for the
Serpent Crown#4 (fb)) <Many millennia ago>
- The followers of the serpent god Set spread death and tyranny across
Every sacrifice empowered Set, but for the most zealous followers, this was not enough. In their eyes, the priests of Set had grown fat and complacent, and so they formed their own secret faction, the Sect of the Red Serpent.
Basking in the bloodbath as the sect slaughtered temple after temple, Set's rival the Wyrm sought to sow further discord among Set's followers.
The Wyrm began to whisper to the Sect of the Red Serpent. He planted in their minds the notion the notion that a treacherous god such as Set was most truly worshipped by treachery -- by being defied.
Wyrm presented Set's traitorous priests with the Serpent Scepter, an artifact that allowed a mortal to unlock untapped powers of the Serpent Crown while still resisting Set's will.
Together, the Serpent Crown and the Serpent Scepter should have been unstoppable. But the Sect of the Red Serpent tried to use their combined power, they found it too much for the frail human frame.
(Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Serpent Scepter was hidden by the ragged remnants of the Red Serpent. It was to be discovered only by one who had proven himself by bathing in the blood of Set's priests.
Thrillers#3 (fb) -
BTS) - The Worm dwelled within a subterranean cavern beneath the ruins
of an ancient temple in what would at least eventually become the
Pictish Wilderness.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - A clan of hundreds of Picts, including the ancestors of Gorm, traveled into the "Valley of Broken Stones," only to perish, suddenly, inexplicably, and terribly after finding a yawning shaft in the hidden temple: They heard a demoniac piping upon their invasion and then a slithering vision from Hell. The few who survived spoke little of what they had seen.
Thereafter, the Picts avoided that valley, considering that something more than an animal dwelled down there.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Niord, leader of a group of Aesir who had traveled south to this region, befriended the Pict Gorm, who told him of the Valley of Broken Stones. Niord dismissed the Picts' fear as primitive superstition.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Niord's brother-in-arms Bragi led a group of 45 young men and women to settle in the Valley of Broken Stones.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Wyrm slaughtered Bragi's group.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) -
BTS) - Hunting nearby, Gorm heard the screams of Bragi's people, after which he hid.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Two days later, Niord went to visit Bragi's camp, he found the people slaughtered, in a way that no human could have done; and then he found a large track, presumably carved by some great serpentine creature.
After Gorm confirmed the nature of the slaughter, Niord resolved to avenge his people and end the threat of their killer. Niord then had Gorm lead him to the great venomous serpent Satha, whom he trapped and slew before harvesting the venom to coat his arrowheads.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - As Gorm feared the valley too much, Niord went alone, throwing rocks into the massive carved hole there to waken the monster deep inside until a weird, demonic piping symphony of madness began to float up from the pit.
The Dark One's herald, a shaggy, feral humanoid appeared playing a weird musical pipe. The hairy creature was quickly felled by an arrow fired by Niord, although the piping continued even after the instrument had dropped away from the dead creature's mouth.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb)) - Niord ran a short distance and scaled a nearby pillar and readied his bow and arrows; when he looked and saw the monstrous creature approaching, he almost fell from his perch from the shock of the nightmarish creature. Invoking Ymir, Niord could only think to call the creature a Worm. As it lunged forward, one of its many tentacles snatched up its former herald and dashed it to pulp against the temple wall.
Calling the creature to get its attention, as it drew its quaking bulk along the ground and reared, Niord loosed all his arrows at the vicious creature. Initially, this seemed to have no effect, but then the creature surged, shuddering in mindless agony. Its heavy side struck the column upon which Niord stood, and he fell before jumping on its back, repeatedly stabbing it with his sword before being thrown off by a tentacle; half of Niord's bones were splintered as he crashed through the trees. The creature lurched back into its pit, after which the temple walls crumpled and collapsed in a cloud of rising dust.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - The dying Niord told Gorm his tale to be spread across tribes and villages: the Aesir would not be preyed upon by man, beast or devil.
(Conan: Serpent War#4 (fb) - BTS) - Niord had Gorm build a cairn within
to lay his body along with his bow and sword to guard the valley
forever; if the ghost of the god he slew came up from below, his ghost
would be ever ready to battle it.
(Conan: Serpent War#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Wyrm (see comments)
connected to all of Niord's reincarnations, including writer James
Allison, whom he cursed with a wasting disease; via this disease, the
Wyrm was spiritually connected to and controlled Allison.
(Supernatural Thrillers#3 - BTS) - Circa 1934, they bedridden James Allison recalled Niord as a past incarnation.
(Conan: Serpent War#1) - Circa 1936, in Cross Plains, Texas, the Wyrm contacted James Allison, reviewing his time as Niord and revealing that Satha had been an aspect of Set.
Distracting Allison from recalling the struggle after Satha, the Wyrm had Allison contact various warriors across time and showing them visions of Set to unite them against the great serpent: the modern Moon Knight (Marc Spector) in West Chester, New York; 1584's Solomon Kane; 1522's Dark Agnes; and 10,000 B.C.'s Conan the Cimmerian.
As each
encountered either Serpent Men or Man-Serpents, Moon Knight was
transported to join Kane at Dunbar Castle, Northumberland, England; and Dark Agnes was brought to join Conan in the Karpash mountains in western Corinthia.
In this process, the Worm began to wrap its tendrils around Allison,
progressively gaining power and influence over him.
(Conan: Serpent War#2 - BTS) - Set warned his Hyborian-era priestess Satyne that a pair of warriors would be coming to destroy the bracelet, and that she must protect it all costs, body or soul.
(Conan: Serpent War#2) - The Worm continued to influence James Allison,
forcing him to warn Conan and Dark Agnes, and Solomon Kane and Moon
Knight of various threats from Set. The Wyrm subsequently complimented
James on his use of literary skills to influence them.
(Conan: Serpent War#2 - BTS) - A pair of giant snakes attacked Conan and Dark Agnes as they crossed the Karuman desert. From one of the snakes, Conan recovered Set's Aventurine Stone, and the Wyrm, via James Allison instructed them to feed the stone to flame under the light of the moon and he would do the rest.
Back in 1584, Moon Knight and Solomon Kane sensed a power burst, which
Allison/Wyrm explained to be a result one of Set's objects of power
being cleansed by their allies in another time. Allison/Worm then
warned that their next objective was close just before the ship of
Kane's ally Basso fired on them. The crew, under the influence of Set,
apparently perished when Moon Knight destroyed their ship, but not
before one of them told him that the "Wyrm" had his (Moon Knight's) soul and only death
could set him free.
(Conan: Serpent War#2) - Back in 1936, in James Allison's cabin, Allison was struck by hearing the name of the Wyrm, and wondered if it was involved with Niord. The Wyrm told him to ignore the past that was and to focus on "the past that issss..together we can slay the snake...there is nothing else." Allison asked what about the Wyrm, and the Wyrm, who had the sleeping Allison completely wrapped in its coils, told him, "There is no Wyrm."
(Conan: Serpent War#3) - The Wyrm advised James Allison that they must destroy Set's tethers and establish their own power within the land and people of the Hyborian era. They watched across time and space as Conan and Dark Agnes slew a nest of Serpent Men and destroyed a number of urns holding the hearts of the masters of those Serpent Men, extinguishing their immortality and slaying them.
Learning of the location of a great vault in Stygia holding more such hearts, Conan and Agnes traveled to and destroyed the vault, along the way locating caches of snake-spawned treasures and shattering the bonds between Set and Earth.
The Wyrm praised James for gathering and manipulating the warriors.
In 1584, Solomon Kane and Moon Knight similarly slew Set agents and relics in Rotterdam, Luxembourg, Novara, and Italy, where the Wyrm spoke via James Allison, telling the heroes they must destroy the bracelet relic of Set "simultaneously" while its twin in the Hyborian era was destroyed. When James Allison noted that Moon Knight worried that Khonshu had forsaken him, the Wyrm told him that Khonshu was too weak to face it (the Wyrm) and that Set's power waned.
In Tezunar, Stygia, the Wyrm, via Allison, told Conan and Agnes to destroy the bracelet within a nearby temple. When Allison discussed Agnes' faith, the Wyrm noted that all gods and creatures would bow to the Wyrm, the mention of which gained Allison's attention, although the Wyrm swiftly re-directed him to focus on the task at hand.
Across time, both teams of heroes faced Serpent Men, but Satyne, priestess of Set, used her bracelet to cause a Set-powered snake to bite Conan.
(Conan: Serpent War#3) - Meanwhile, in 1936, the Wyrm noted that Set would fall, and it departed to face Set in Hyborian Stygia. As it vanished, it told James Allison that he had served it well and advised him that when next they met, when the Wyrm was all-powerful in that realm, that he should pray that the Wyrm would choose to be merciful for Niord's past transgressions.
(Conan: Serpent War#3 - BTS) - His mind clear, James Allison realized that the Wyrm had used him to build its kingdom. He then contacted Moon Knight, telling him that they had been used and that he could achieve victory by donning the bracelet, which allowed him to commune with Set (with Conan and Khonshu apparently in Set's or some other astral realm).
(Conan: Serpent War#4 - BTS) - Khonshu absorbed the power of the weakened Set to use it to mount a defense against the Wyrm.
Via Khonshu's power Moon Knight transported himself and Solomon Kane to Stygia, where they joined with Satyne, Conan and Agnes. Moon Knight explained how they had manipulated by James Allison who in turn had been a pawn of the Wyrm. By following Allison's quest, the heroes had weakened Set and given the Wyrm a foothold to invade their reality.
Satyne further explained that
if left unchecked, the Wyrm's influence would overwhelm all other gods
and energies: Its kingdom would lead to unfettered madness and
When Satyne further noted that the gods would bless them as they fought to force the Wyrm back beyond the veil, Conan and Agnes countered that they needed no more blessings or curses from their gods or monsters.
(Conan: Serpent War#4) - Satyne then told the warriors to steel their souls and ready their weapons, and they entered the realm of the Wyrm, where any further words were drowned out by its screeching cry.
The Wyrm -- trapped between life and death, reality and spirit -- was both at its most powerful and most vulnerable.
As Satyne knelt and presumably invoked whatever magic she could, the four warriors engaged the Wyrm, attacking it with sword and bullet, and fist and faith.
Khonshu then granted to Moon Knight the power of "a piece of the moon that is and every moon that shall ever be" and told him to use it to strike the Wyrm.
At the same time, James Allison used his powers, the power of words and the spirit of ancient Niord to drive back the Wyrm as it struggled to enter the physical world, denying it their world and their souls.
(Conan: Serpent War#4 - BTS) - With the Wyrm destroyed, the heroes were returned to their own times and realms, although Satyne was fatally injured by the power that she had channeled.
Khonshu restored Set to existence, noting that his presence was needed as a balance to prevent the Wyrm from returning to their realm.
(Conan: Serpent War#4 (fb) - BTS) - <18,500 B.C.> - A man named Jamus of Lemuria appeared in Valusia, seeking out Tu, the royal advisor to King Kull as if he knew him and spoke secrets which Tu had never told another being.
(Conan: Serpent War#4 - BTS) - Tu brought Jamus to Kull, telling him that his master had fought valiantly but lost a great war in a distant land, and that his master sought allies to reclaim his kingdom. Jamus further noted that his master believed that Kull carried the courage and cavalry required, and that he had been sent as a messenger and to bring him a great gift as a sign of their deep admiration.
Kull accepted the chest Jamus carried and opened it, revealing a white crown (which was otherwise somewhat similar in appearance to the Serpent Crown). Jamus noted that while Kull may think it strange that they would gift a king with another crown, they insisted that he take it and know that it carried their great blessing: "Together, the Wyrm and Valusia shall build an age undreamed of..."
Comments: Created by Robert Erwin Howard;
Adapted for Marvel by Roy Thomas &
Gerry Conway, Gil Kane, and Ernie Chua.
The character was called the Worm in Robert E. Howard's story and in
the Supernatural Thrillers adaptation. I did not see it identified in
Serpent War#1, but it is called the Wyrm by an agent of Set and then
the name "Worm" is mentioned by the mentally-influenced James Allison.
It is consistently called the Wyrm in #3-4, both in editorial
commentary and by the characters in the story.
It is worth noting that in the conflict with Niord, neither the
creature nor its herald ever speaks, and the Worm is the name
given by Niord. When the name Wyrm is first used in Serpent War, Moon
Knight hears it and speaks it as "Worm" (the two words are homophones,
sounding the same. Allison recognizes the name and says "Wyrm," as does
the Wyrm itself.
Given the consistent use of
the spelling "Wyrm," I'm going with that as its real name, with Worm as
an alias/variant spelling.
Battle for the
Serpent Crown#4 identifies the Wyrm as "SET'S RIVAL, THE ELDER GOD
WYRM" (all letters were capitalized, so it is impossible to tell if the
writer was referring to just an ancient god-demon vs. one of the Elder
Gods of Set, etc.).
However, the Wyrm is an extradimensional being seeking to gain a
foothold in Earth's reality, so it is pretty clearly not one of the
offspring of the Demiurge and not a sibling of Set, Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur, etc., so it is NOT one of the Elder Gods of Earth.
We have an old page that discusses the various groups that have been referred to as elder gods.
Also, in that same issue, the Worm was referred to as "he," in case there is any question...
Courtesy of Dragons in folklore:
There are tales of knights doing battle with dragons around the country. Yet we also run up against the extremely specific form of the worm in places like the north east of England.
The word ‘worm’ comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘wyrm’. This was a generic word and covered everything from Beowulf‘s dragon to scorpions and snakes (Thompson 2014). It also came from the Old Norse word ‘ormr’ (Moon 2015). Over time, ‘worm’ and ‘dragon’ ceased being synonyms. Now, we’re more familiar with dragons, and worms are something you’d find in the garden.
The north east of England has at least four stories about dragons – and we’ll get to why that might be the case later. Perhaps the most famous are the stories of the Laidly Worm (Northumberland) and the Lambton Worm (County Durham).
Other parts of Britain have the Dragon of Loschy Hill (Yorkshire), the Sockburn worm (County Durham), the Bignor Hill dragon (Sussex), the Lyminster Knucker (Sussex), the Mordiford Wyvern (Herefordshire), the Dragon of Longwitton (Northumberland), and many more.
The last epilogue/whatever left the possible of another Wyrm encounter
involving Kull. I guess we're unlikely to see more REH character
stories for awhile, but it would be fun to have a sequel featuring
other REH characters, such as Bran Mak Morn, Sonya of Rogatino
(preferably the REH original, 15th century incarnation, although the
Hyborian Sonja would be OK, too; and/or Bêlit and/or Valeria), el
Borak, Sailor Steve Costigan, Cormac Fitzgeoffrey, Steve Harrison, John
Kirowan, Kirby O'Donnell, the Sonora Kid, and Turlogh Dubh
O'Brien, plus Kull, of course. And maybe the son or daughter or
some other descendant of Niord?
Maybe get Thulsa Doom and Thoth-Amon involved, for good measure!
In the adaptation in Supernatural Thrillers#3, and presumably the
original story, James Allison thought thought of the stories of
Perseus, Saint George, and Sigurd as
"racial memories" of Niord's battle.
Serpent War#1, James Allison noted of past incarnations to have
included (beyond Niord) Hialmar, Tyr, Bran, Horsa, Eric and John. He
noted an incarnation to have strode the deserted streets of Rome behind
the yellow-maned Brennus; to have wandered through the violated
plantations with Alaric and his Goths when the flame of burning villas
lit the land like day and an empire was gasping its last under their
sandled feet; to have been among the Crusaders led by Godfrey of
Bouillon over the walls of Jerusalem.
all of these incarnations (at least the ones from Serpent War#1) were
amongst those connected to Allison and manipulated via the Wyrm.
In Supernatural Thrillers#3, James Allison was dying in 1934. The
Serpent War series encountered the still bedridden and dying James
Allison in 1936. It's certainly not impossible that someone was
bedridden and dying for over a year or mroe, and perhaps the
Supernatural Thrillers story occurred in late 1934 while Serpent War
took place in early 1936.
Almost certainly
not-coincidentally, Robert E. Howard died in 1936 (June,
specifically). Allison's home was further revealed to be in Cross
Plains, Texas, also not-coincidentally, where Robert E. Howard had
spent most of his life.
Of course, Howard did
not die of some sort of wasting disease; instead, he committed suicide,
shooting himself in the head when he learned that his mother was never
going to recover from a coma. He was only 30-years-old.
The Worm originally had a sub-profile under Niord, first published 10/17/2010.
Profile by Snood.
The Worm should be distinguished from:
![]() ![]() ![]() Walking erect like a man, the hair-covered creature had feral eyes and human-like hands , but no visible ears, nose, or mouth. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb)) - Niord threw rocks into the massive carved hole in the Valley of Broken Stones to waken the monster deep inside until a weird, demonic piping symphony of madness began to float up from the pit. The Dark One's herald, a shaggy, feral humanoid appeared playing a weird musical pipe. The hairy creature was quickly felled by an arrow fired by Niord, although the piping continued even after the instrument had dropped away from where the dead creature's mouth would be. |
![]() ![]() (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - A clan of hundreds of Picts, including the ancestors of Gorm, traveled into the "Valley of Broken Stones," only to perish, suddenly, inexplicably, and terribly after finding a yawning shaft in the hidden temple: They heard a demoniac piping upon their invasion and then a slithering vision from Hell. The few who survived spoke little of what they had seen. Thereafter, the Picts avoided that valley, considering that something more than an animal dwelled down there. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Niord, leader of a group of Aesir who had traveled south to this region, befriended the Pict Gorm, who told him of the Valley of Broken Stones. Niord dismissed the Picts' fear as primitive superstition. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Niord's brother-in-arms Bragi led a group of 45 young men and women to settle in the Valley of Broken Stones. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Worm slaughtered Bragi's group. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb) - BTS) - Hunting nearby, Gorm heard the screams of Bragi's people, after which he hid. |
weird, demonic piping symphony of madness began to float up from the pit. The Dark One's herald, a shaggy, feral humanoid appeared playing a weird musical pipe. The hairy creature was quickly felled by an arrow fired by Niord, although the piping continued even after the instrument had dropped away from where the dead creature's mouth would be. (Supernatural Thrillers#3 (fb)) - Niord ran a short distance and scaled a nearby pillar and readied his bow and arrows; when he looked and saw the monstrous creature approaching, he almost fell from his perch from the shock of the nightmarish creature. Invoking Ymir, Niord could only think to call the creature a Worm. As it lunged forward, one of its many tentacles snatched up its former herald and dashed it to pulp against the temple wall. Calling the creature to get its attention, as it drew its quaking bulk along the ground and reared, Niord loosed all his arrows at the vicious creature. Initially, this seemed to have no effect, but then the creature surged, shuddering in mindless agony. Its heavy side struck the column upon which Niord stood, and he fell atop its back, before jumping on its back, repeatedly stabbing it with his sword before being thrown off by a tentacle; half of Niord's bones were splintered as he crashed through the trees. The creature lurched back into its pit, after which the temple walls crumpled and collapsed in a cloud of rising dust. --Supernatural Thrillers#3Note: Also known as the Place of the Broken Stones Presumably the ancient temple was built by some race that either worshipped the Worm before being destroyed by it or something else, or they just encountered and were destroyed by the Worm. |
"The Valley of the Worm" in Weird Tales (February, 1934) - Robert Erwin Howard (writer)
Thrillers#3 (April, 1973) - Roy Thomas & Gerry Conway (adaptation),
Gil Kane (pencils), Ernie Chan (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Conan: Serpent War#1 (February,
2020) - Jim Zub (writer), Vanesa Del Rey (penciler & inker; James
Allison sequence), Scot Eaton (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Martin
Biro (assistant editor), Mark Basso (editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting
Conan: Serpent War#2 (February,
2020) - Jim Zub (writer), Vanesa Del Rey (penciler & inker; James
Allison sequence), Stephen Segovia (penciler, inker), Martin Biro
(assistant editor), Mark Basso (editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting
Conan: Serpent War#3 (March, 2020)
- Jim Zub (writer), Vanesa Del Rey (penciler & inker; James
Allison sequence), Luca Pizzari (penciler, inker), Martin Biro
(assistant editor), Mark Basso (editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting
Conan: Serpent War#4 (March, 2020)
- Jim Zub (writer), Vanesa Del Rey (penciler & inker; James
Allison sequence), Ig Guara (penciler, inker), Martin Biro (assistant
editor), Mark Basso (editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting editor)
Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown#4 (October, 2020) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Luke Ross (artist), Mark Basso (editor)
First posted: 03/12/2023
Last updated: 01/05/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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