These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and foes, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
G (Felon)
G., Bill (Generation M character) - by Chadman
G., Carl (Glenville, Long Island, Human Torch (Storm) character)
Gaard of Earth-A (aka Vangaard, Fantastic Four enemy)
Gaath of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Gabbo the Great (Old West ventriloquist, Rawhide Kid character)
"Gabby" Barnes (Kid Colt ally) - by Prime Eternal
Gabir of Earth-85133 (Devil-Slayer MAX character)
Gaboj, Jasmine (Madame Jasmine, D.O.A.)
Gabriel (Temploids)
Gabriel (R.C.X. Agent) - by Loki
Gabriel (Blackheart)
Gabriel of Earth-85133 (angel, Devil-Slayer MAX foe)
Gabriel the Devil-Hunter (exorcist)
Gabriel, Andrea (Devil-Hunter's wife)
Gabriel, Mr. (Werewolf character)
Gabriella (V.I.G.I.L.)
Gadafel (Shadow Riders character) - by Changeling
Gadfly (First Line character) - by Norvo
Gadget (Power Man character)
Gadget (Initiative, Iron Man character) - by Chadman
Gadgeteer of Earth-8107 (Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gadriel (Angel, Punisher character)
Gaea (Earth-Mother goddess) - by Will U, Prime Eternal, Snood and Per Degaton
Gaea (Lord Gaea, Mar-Vell foe)
Gael (Proud Walkers)
Gael (IRA,Daredevil foe)
Gafael (Black Knight character) - by Loki
Gaffney, Donald of Shadowline (Doctor Zero character)
Gage, Barret (Salvo, Warforce)
Gage, Les (television newscaster, impersonated by Ozak)
Gagol, Chief of Trolls (Black Knight foe) - by Loki
Gahck (Savage Land, mother of Wolverine's child) - by Madison Carter
Gaia (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Gaia (extradimensional mutant, Generation X member) - by Chadman
Gail ?? (Nighthawk character)
Gail ?? (bystander, Saturday Night Live audience)
Gail ?? (David Purcell's girlfriend)
Gaines, Albert "Al" (Nuke) of Earth-712
Gairhee (Quasar character)
Gaius Asinius Pollio I (Roman politician)
Gaius Julius Ceasar (Roman emperor)
Gaius Tiberius Augustus Agrippa (Emperor)
Gajendra (Ganesh)
Gakor (3rd century, Bran Mak Morn character)
"Gal Friday" (Flo Steinberg)
Galactiac of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Galactic Defender (Micronauts foe)
Galactic Destroyer (Micronauts foe)
Galactic Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Galactic Roadrunner (Quasar character) - by Darc_Light
Galactongue (Howard the Duck character)
Galactus' "Cat" (Secret Wars robot) - by Stunner
Galahad of Earth-928 (Captain America 2099 foe) - by Zerostar
Galannan, Bill (GARID)
Galante, Armand (Roman Candle, All-Hate Squad)
Galaxy Master (Hulk foe)
Galbraith, Mike (X-Student, Beanpole)
Galdek (Conan character)
Gale (Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Gale, Nara (Queen Nara of Ligra)
Gale, Sir Ronald (Queen Nara's father)
Galen (Inhuman physician, Avengers ally) - by Chadman
Galen, Mike (Golden Age, Captain America character)
Galen-Kor (Lunatic Legion)
Gall, Joseph (Team America foe)
Gallagher, Ben (Knights of Pendragon member) - by Changeling
Gallagher, Jonathan (Superior, Bridge)
Gallatik, Alphonse (Symkarian prime minister, Silver Sable character)
Gallegas, Ernesto (hardened criminal, V-2 victim) - by Proto-Man
Gallio, Marcus Domitius (Selene's husband) - by Chadman
Gallio, Seginn (Astronomer)
Gallio, Dr. Selene (Black Queen/Selene)
Gallo, Dr. (Shanna the She-Devil character)
Gallo, Johnny (Ricochet, Slingers)
Gallo, Mr. (Ricochet's father)
Gallo, Mrs. (Ricochet's mother)
Gallon (Crimsom Hawks)
Gallop of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Galloping Ghost (Phantom Rider, Carter Slade)
Galloway (Vision (Aarkus) foe)
Gallows, Bartholomew "Bart" (Americop)
Gallows, Dean of Earth-928 (Hotwire)
Gallows, Jake of Earth-Traffic Wars 2099 (Punisher)
Galton, "Big Jim" (Enforcer ally)
Galp of the Steel Arm (The Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Galvez, Alfonso (Duncan Sloan victim)
Galvez, Alfonso (President of Costaguay) - by Avatar Warlord72
Gamael (Proud Walkers)
Gambit (Remy LeBeau)
Gambonno, Ernesto (Great Gambonnos, Circus of Crime member)
Gambonno, Luigi (Great Gambonnos, Circus of Crime member)
Gamelin, Jack (Roxxon, Hydropolis)
Gamelin, John T. (Roxxon)
Gamera (Kaiju from rival film studio to Godzilla's Toho) - by Loki
Gamble of Earth-691 (31st Century, Sol III crew foe)
Gamble, Professor Gracie (Gracie Destine)
Gamble, Professor Justin Alphonse (Time Variance Authority) - by Prime Eternal
Gamble, Sean (mob boss)
Gamecock (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gamesman (Timothy Braverman, Spider-Woman (Drew) foe) - by Will U
Gamesman (Spider-Woman (Drew) foe)
Gamesman of Earth-8107 (Spider-Friends/Videoman foe) - by David Lawrence
Gamesmaster (X-Men/X-Force/New Warriors foe) - by Norvo
Gamin (Atlas horror character)
Gamm of Earth-950108 (Commandware of the Clave)
Gamma of Earth-1041 (Alpha Flight, Millennial Visions)
Gamma-Burn (Wonder Man foe)
Gammadroid (Matrix Eight)
Gammazon of Earth-90110 (Cosmic Avenger)
Gammus (pre-FF alien/cyborg) - by John Kaminski
Gamorola of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Ganapati (Ganesh)
Gandalf (S.H.I.E.L.D. Howling Commandos member, Lord of the Rings character) - by Loki
Gander, Reverend Godfrey ("Duckworld")
Ganesh (Hindu God) - by Will U
Ganglia of Earth-691 (31st Century, agent of Ubiquitor)
Gannon (admiral, Defenders/Order foe) - by Chadman
Gant, Gabriel (Deathstorm)
Gant, William (Cardiac foe)
Gan-Torr (Beast-Men of Brutheim, Conan foe)
Gantry (Spacemen)
Gantry, Kitt (romance character, singer) - by Grendel Prime
G'anym (Star-Lord foe)
Ganymede (Archsisterhood, Silver Surfer character) - by Per Degaton & Snood
Ganyrog, Christopher (Masters of the Mental Arts)
Ganz, Fritz (agent of the Brain)
Gara (Venus foe)
Garagiola, Joe (former baseball player turned television personality)
Garaz (ancient "underworld demi-god") - by Ron Fredricks
Garbage Man (Trash leader, Power Pack foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Garbler (Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book hero) - by Markus Raymond & Al Soupless
Garcia (Old West, Mexican officer, Spider foe)
Garcia (Devil-Slayer foe)
Garcia (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)
Garcia, Felix (Captain America character)
Garcia, John (Orlando, Florida first responder, Captain America fan) - by Proto-Man
Garcia, Juan (Legumbé)
Garcia, Mary (nurse, Devil-Slayer character)
Garcia, Santiago (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Gardener (Elder of the Universe)
Garden-Spider of Earth-71925 (Petunia Parker, garden protector) - by Proto-Man
Gardner (friend of George & Dia Alec) - by Chadman
Gardner, Kinsey (Pride ally, Shanna the She-Devil foe)
Gardner, Lana (Korean War, movie star)
Gareth of Sparta of Earth-791 (Star-Lord's great-uncle) - by Donald Campbell
Garfield (Cordco guard)
Gargan (Lore's agent)
Gargan, MacDonald (Scorpion)
"Gargan-droid" (Avengers foe) - by John Kaminski
Gargantos (giant octopus, Namor foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Gargantua (Black Knight character) - by Loki
Gargantua (aka. Leviathan, Secret Empire) - by Chadman
Gargantua (Phantome's agent)
Gargantus (1960s, carnival gorilla, encountered by Victor Phillips)
Gargantus (aquatic Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gargantus (Iron Man foe)
Gargouille (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire/X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Gargoyle (Strange Tales) - by Future
"Gargoyle" (Alan Swan)
Gargoyle (Yuri Topolov, Hulk foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Gargoyle (Son of Pan, Gargoyle (Christians) foe; original host of the Gargoyle body) - by Chadman
Gargoyle (Isacc Christians, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Gargoyle (Night Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Gargoyle of Earth-81244 (30th century, Ralf's future)
Gargoyle of Earth-22490 (Defenders, Millennial Visions 2001)
Gargoyle from the Fifth Galaxy (1950s extraterrestrial) - by John Kaminski
"Gargoylee" (Spider-Man foe, belt story)
Garguax (Conquest member)
Garibaldi (Humanity's Last Stand member) - by Proto-Man
Garibaldi, Dr. (1537 AD, Order of Hydra ally)
Garko the Man-Frog (Howard the Duck Foe)
Garland (musician, Daredevil/Echo character)
Garland, Roman (Old West character) - by Grendel Prime
Garlick, Greg (ghost, Great Lakes Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man
Garm (Fenris Wolf)
Garm (Asgardian monster) - by Prime Eternal
ven Garmchee, Rasheed (resident of Perrinois, Spider-Man character)
ven Garmchee, Shiwa (resident of Perrinois, Spider-Man character)
Gar-Nak (Kull character)
Garner, Cliff (Conspiracy) - by Will U
Garnett, Frank (romance character)
Garnett, Kelly (healer, Jeremy Briggs ally) - by Proto-Man
Garnett, Mark (encountered Rro)
Garnett, Martha (Mark's wife)
Garnoff, Alexi (Blind Faith)
Garokk the Frozen Man (Garokk the Petrified Man)
Garokk the Petrified Man (Ka-Zar/X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Garou, Pierre (1950s, puppeteer) - by Ron Fredricks
Garr, Marr (Interplaneteur INC)
Garrg (Troll, Thor foe) - by Stunner
Garret (Ruby Scarab creator)
Garret, Hilary (possessed by Zreate'th)
Garrett, Ben of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Garrett, Jeffrey (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Garrett, John (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Garrett, John (Elektra character) - by Snood
Garrett, Nathan (Black Knight)
Garrett, Samuel of Ultraverse (Ben's father)
Garrett, Wade (Old West marshall)
Garrington, Eobar (Black Knight of the Crusades)
Garrison, Gray (Warrant)
Garrison, Paul (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Garrison, J.S. (Old West, Cougar's father)
Garrison, Dr. Sean (Wallflower's father) - by MarvellousLuke
Garrison, Wayde (Old West, Cougar)
Garrity, Mac (The Griz)
Garrote (Punisher foe, Rosalie Carbone's assassins)
Garrote (Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Chadman
Garrote (Lunatic Legion)
Garrow, Louis "Luke" (Howler)
Garsen, Glory (Edwin Jarvis' girlfriend) - by Prime Eternal
Garson (Sticker's ally)
Garson, Chris (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Gart (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)
Garth of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Garth (Daredevil character)
Garth (Werewolf foe)
Garth (She-Hulk ally) - by Will U
Garth, Donna (Zombie's daughter) - by Snood and Prime Eternal
Garth, Miranda (Zombie's ex-wife)
Garth, Simon (Zombie)
Garth of Mournhelm of Other Realm
Garthwaite, Ann (Wrecker's mother)
Garthwaite, Burt (Wrecker's father) - by Prime Eternal
Garthwaite, Dirk of Earth-721 (posed as Earth-616's Wrecker)
Garthwaite, Teddy (Raze) of Earth-9811
Garto (Quarrnian)
Garton (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) employer)
Garver (Hydropolis)
Garver, Jim (Adventures into Terror, victim of Joe)
Garvey (Man-Thing character) - by Future
Garvin, "Gears" of Earth-8410 (Ancient Wrecker)
Garwood, Egbert (Blackstone the Magician foe)
Garwood, Paul (SHIELD, Rogue foe) - by Prime Eternal
Garwood, Sandra (Blackstone the Magician character)
Gary ?? (WKBC News helicopter)
Gary ?? (Daredevil foe)
Gary ?? (Justin Hammer employee)
Gary ?? (Starkesboro's Moonchildren)
Gary ?? (Tony Stark character)
Gary ?? (bartender, Jessica Jones character)
Gary ?? (cameraman, Squirrel Girl character)
Gary the Frost Giant (Jotunheim giant, Squirrel Girl foe) - by Chadman
Garza, Sarah (NuHuman, SHIELD agent) - by Minor Irritant
Garzon, Charley (loan shark, Daredevil foe)
Gasbag (Qgaxbq-4, Unoxxian criminal)
Gascheck (artificial intelligence, Avengers A.I. character) - by Chadman
Gaslight Frail (Chimera, Wolverine/Venom foe)
Gasshga (Kull character)
Gast, Va Nee (Voyager, Elder of the Universe, Avengers foe/ally)
Gastineaux, George (reporter, Matt Murdock character)
Gaston (Serpent Society butler)
"Gatekeeper to Posterity" (Father Time)
Gates, Cheryl (Raving Beauty)
Gates, "Gunner" (captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Gatesworth, Jonathon (Netshape)
Gateway (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Gath, Kulan (Hyborian era sorcerer, killed & name assumed by Conan foe) - by Proto-Man
Gath, Kulan (Avengers, Conan, Spider-Man, X-Men, etc. foe)
Gato (Cheetah)
Gato (Omega the Unknown foe) - by Omar Karindu
Gato of Ultraverse (Rune foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gator (Marvel Super Heroes RPG, Hawkeye foe) - by Loki
Gator of Earth-9811 (Battleworld)
Gator Grant (Thing/Marvel Boy/Nightcrawler foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gatorman of Earth-81149 (Ape-Man foe)
Gator Shaman (Doctor Strange/Spider-Man (Reilly)/Black Cat foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gattling (Silver Sable foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gatz, William (Americorp, Black Widow/Daredevil character)
Gaudier, Armond (US Army General, Mystique victim) - by MarvellousLuke
Gaul, Lilah (Shadow, Fury Force)
Gaul, Volan (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Gaulting, Alison (Justice (Astrovik) character)
Gaunt of Ultraverse (Warstrike character) - by Grendel Prime
Gaunt (Mendel Stromm)
Gaunt (Cable foe) - by Somebody
Gaunt, Gary (Golden Age mutate) - by Ron Fredricks
Gaunt, John (Haggard/Grimjack)
Gaunt, Tyler (NFL SuperPro foe)
Gauntlet (Dark Riders, X-Factor/X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman
Gauntlet (Alfredo Morelli, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Gavaskar, Paras (Indra)
Gavin ?? (Storyteller)
Gavin, Mrs. (Eleonore Brant neighbor)
Gavin, Ben (1950s glass-maker) - by Ron Fredricks
Gavrilov, Gennady Dmitrievich (Crimson Dynamo)
Gawa, Lord of the Undead (dark god)
Gawaine (Kid Gawaine)
Gawren, Rico (Freak of Science)
Gaxton, Blackie (Spider-Man character)
Gaxton, Ethel (Gamma-Burn)
Gaxton, Lurton (Mystery Tales character) - by John Kaminski
Gaylor, Jimmy (child, saved by Elektra)
Gaynor the Damned (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Gaynor, Nick (Namor/Namora foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Gaza (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Gazelle (Racine Ramjets)
Gearbox of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 character)
Gearloose (Tag Team)
Geatar (Silver Surfer character) - by Stunner
Geautreaux, Junior of Earth-200111 (cannibal, Punisher foe) - by Mike Castle
Geb (Egyptian god) - by Will U
Geb-Siris (Black Ring)
Gecko of Ultraverse (Raiders)
Geech (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
"Geek" (U-Men) - by Grendel Prime
Geesey, Karl (Wolverine character)
Gehringer, Pete (JLA/Avengers character)
Geiger (Doc Samson character)
Geisler, Dr. Arthur Philip of Ultraverse (Pressure's step-father)
Geisler, Marie Sharp of Ultraverse (Pressure's mom)
Geist (Wolverine foe)
Geist (Doctor Geist)
Geist, Nikolaus (Geist, Wolerine foe)
Gelatin (Carlo Brewster, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
Gelb of Earth-91600
Gelden, Erik (Mind-Wave)
Geldhoff (young Inhuman) - by Chadman
Geldoff (Proton)
Geldoff, Hans (Burgomeister of Transia, Avengers character)
Geller (Nevermind victim)
Geller, Sam (X-Fan Weekly) - by Proto-Man
Geller, Uri (real-life psychic, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Geman (NYPD)
Gemet (Shi'ar commander, Gul Damar Space Station, X-Men story)
Gemini (Zodiac Cartel, Damian and Joshua Link)
Gemini (One-Man Zodiac)
Gemini (Mr. Zodiac)
Gemini (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal and Will U
Gemini of Ultraverse (Rune character)
Gemini (android superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Gemini (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)
Gemini of flesh (Gemini)
Gemini of Steel (Gemini)
Gemini, Vera (demon, Defenders foe)
Gendron, Henri (Howling Commandos ally)
Gene ?? (1950s, Dr. Markham's assistant)
Gene ?? (Woman, Ms. Marvel character)
Gene ?? (Harris Young's co-worker/possible boss)
Gene of Earth-700 (Omega-20)
Gene Machine (lost Marvel UK character) - by Loki
Genecide (Eugenix, New Warriors foe) - by Flank McLargehuge
Genegineer (X-Men character) - by Stunner and Prime Eternal
General (General Wo)
General (Silver Surfer foe) - by Stunner
General (Deneb IV cyborg, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) foe)
"General" (Disciples of Morpheus, Moon Knight foe)
General (Punisher enemy) - by the Beetle
General (Black Widow foe)
General (Cage inmate) - by Patrick D Ryall
General of Earth-10511 (Deathlok)
General America of Earth-717 (Avengers)
General Angmo of Umegus (Angmo the First)
General Ator (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman
General Berglund (Eye of Force)
General Blaine (military general, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman
General Bridges (USAF, Captain Marvel character) - by Donald Campbell
General Bridges (William Potter Bridges, replaced by Dire Wraith)
General William Bridges imposter (Dire Wraith, Avengers foe) - by Donald Campbell
General Brinkhaus (World War II, Namor foe) - by Chadman
General Britches possibly of Earth-665 (Captain Mar-Vinn character, Not Brand Ecch)
General Butler (Sofia Strange foe)
General Cartright (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
General Chen (Supreme Serpent, Sons of the Serpent) - by Prime Eternal
General Jun Ching (Exiles)
General Chonga (Kaiwann, Thing/Iron Fist foe)
General Chou (Yashonka)
General Clarke (Alpha Flight character) - by AvatarWarlord72
General Coleran (US Air Force, Tom Gorman's superior)
General Combest (military general, Project Purgatory) - by Chadman
General Theodore Cross (Daredevil character)
General Damos (Darbian, Fantastic Four foe)
General Eaglemore (U.S. Army, Daredevil foe)
General Epititus (Attuma foe)
General Fang (Hulk foe)
General Argyle Fist (Defenders/Captain America character) - by Chadman
Gen. Fitz-Hugh of Earth-76611 (World War II era British official) - by Proto-Man
General Nick Fury
General Armond Gaudier (US Army General, Mystique victim) - by MarvellousLuke
General Gorgo (Commissar)
General Gorth of Earth-56989 (ranking military general, former aide to Gen. Karall)
General Hagert (Captain America character)
General Hakim (Conan character)
General Hale (Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale) )
General Halladah (New Warriors character) - by Spidermay
General Halstan (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
General Lewis Haywerth (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
General Hunt (Jack Fury's superior officer) - by Prime Eternal
General Immortus (Immortus)
General Incompetence (Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance)
General Kalamari (Skrull, Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
General Karall of Earth-56989 (elderly former general, defeated Xanu invader) - by Prime Eternal
General Kato (military general, Hit-Monkey foe) - by Grendel Prime
General Kazi of Reality-21394 (xt, "Kiashon" leader/advisor)
General Kharkov (Red Guardian (Belinsky) character)
General Kol'Lann (Kree general, fleet killed by Kylor) - by Donald Campbell
General Kosrouschah (Lunatik foe) - by Markus Raymond
General Kravo (Skrull, She-Hulk foe)
General Lao-Tse the Mystic (Reed Richards foe)
General Lucifer (Sai foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
General Ludd (Luddites, Iron Man foe)
General Mahling (Nazi, World War II, Hans Reuger handler)
General Manor (WW2, Red Skull victim)
General Mar-Kann (Kree, Conspiracy against Nenore)
General Matheson (Adam-II creation, Captain America/Human Torch foe)
General Morrison (Mount Valhalla commander)
General Nagai of Reality-21394 (xt, "Kiashon" leader/advisor)
General Orne'q (Conan character)
General Owsley (Defenders character)
General Peabody (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
General Pollock (Avengers, Thing, and Fury foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron
General Raker of Earth-7481 (Apeslayer character)
General Franklin Retler of Shadowline (Merchants, Dr. Zero foe)
General Rigby (Universal Studios comic, Hulk foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
General Rojo (Chief of the Military, Costaguay)
General T.E. Ross of Earth-721 (USAF general) - by Proto-Man
General "Thunderbolt" Ross of Earth-7812
General Sabin (S.H.I.E.L.D. foe)
General Samual Sawyer (commanding officer of the Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
General Skul (Sky Wolves foe) - by Markus Raymond
General Soto (Kothian, Conan character)
General Su (Dr. Octopus foe) - by Grendel Prime
General Ten Per Cent (Captain Savage character) - by Prime Eternal
General Theresa (Captain Savage ally) - by Prime Eternal
General Roy Thomas (World War II military expert, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Proto-Man
General Thompson (WW2, Terror character)
General Tskarov (Black Widow/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
General Heinrich von Ronstadt (Phantom Eagle foe) - by Prime Eternal
General Wo (Captain America foe)
General X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)
General Yel-Sinn (Kree, Conspiracy against Nenora)
General Zygo (Rigellian, Thanos foe)
Generalissimo Ernesto Ramirez (South American dictator) - by Proto-Man
Generator (Blitzkrieger)
Generic Bad Guy (Fight Man foe)
Generic Super-Hero of Earth-84041
Genero, Marc (Lictor victim)
Genesis of Earth-74113 (Sise-Neg)
Genghis (Aged Genghis)
Genghis Khan (Golden Age, Human Meteor (O'Dowd) foe)
Geni (1950s supernatural being) - by John Kaminski
Genie (transformed Freddy Sykes)
Genie (pre-FF, served and later trapped Mike Morgan) - by Ron Fredricks
genie (Mr. Lao foe) - by Proto-Man
genie (Wigid's magic lamp, Bagmom)
Genie of Aladdin (King Solomon's Tomb)
Genie of Barku (1950s, served and later trapped Paul Burk)
Genii (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Genis-Vell (Captain Marvel) of Earth-98120
"Genius" (John Byrne)
Genji (Broker)
Genju of Earth-8107 (Sunfire's uncle)
Genkotsu (Snakeroot)
"Genocide" (Davis Jensen, prize fighter)
Genova (waiter, insulted Kingpin)
Genova, "Greasy" Jimmy (Shroud character)
Genovese, Jimmy (Jimmy Fingers, mobster) - by Proto-Man
Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi, X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke
Gentleman (Spider-Man foe, Spdm: Sinister Six novel trilogy)
"Gentleman J. Pipe" (Shanna the She-Devil foe)
Gentle Sam of Earth-7484 (Redeemers)
Gentry, Alexander (Porcupine)
Geo (Soldier X (Cable) ally) - by Grendel Prime
Geoff ?? (Dracula story, Ilsa Strangway victim)
Geoff ?? (Tony Stark character) - by Chadman
Geoff ?? (Doug's live-in graphic designer/life coach)
Geomancer (transformed Jade Dragon)
Geometer (Quasar foe)
George ?? (Uncanny Tales character) - by Future
George ?? (Lucius Farnsworth's gardener)
George ?? (Committee, Daredevil foe)
George ?? (US Army soldier, Human Torch/Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
George ?? (Circus of Moon Sun)
George ?? (Bartovian Liberation Front)
George ?? (Mazzilli's chauffeur)
George ?? (building inspector)
George the Spider of Earth-84632 (spider with the proportionate abilities of a shy college student) - by Loki
George, Danny (fire department, Daredevil character)
George of Cappadocia of Earth-Shadowline (Knights of the Order of St. George)
Georges, Esme (Captain America foe)
Georgi of Earth-31886 (newspaper head)
Georgie ?? (nurse, Black Panther character)
Georgie (Spider-Man character)
Georgie the Gyp (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Georgio ?? (rich guy, flirted with Heather Glenn)
Gerard ?? of Earth-717
Gerard, Anders (Cardiac character) - by Stunner
Gerard, André (Cyclone)
Gerber, Steve (Marvel writer, Howard the Duck creator)
Gerd (Frey's wife)
Gerhardt, Franz (Teutonic Knight)
Gerhardt, Joseph Heinrich (Soul’s of The Damned)
Gerhardt, Kurt (Foolkiller)
Gerhart (Bushwacker victim)
Gerin of Reality-791 (K'yndarii)
Gerion, Minius (Inhumans Genetics Council)
Germaine ?? (Gargoyle character)
Germaine, Comte St. (Dracula character)
German nobleman (Yazdi Gem)
Germanicus, Titus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)
Gerr (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)
Gerrod, Alban of Earth-75011 (Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Gerrold ?? (Marrs Corporation)
Gerry ?? (Mosaic character)
"Gerry Giraffe" (Alden Maas' Wonderworld)
Gerry ?? (Mindbender victim, Spider-Man character)
Gerty (Vision character)
Gerty, Jerome (Trust)
Gertz (Charlie Carcrash victim)
Gervasse (Modred’s tutor) - by Patrick D Ryall
Geryon (Hercules foe) - by Will U
Gestal, Taranith (Fantastic Four foe)
Gestalt (Hulk foe)
Gestalt of Earth-9511 (Avengers)
Getchurgunn, Anne (Wide Load Annie, U.S 1 character)
Gettings, Joe Jr. (homeless madman, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Gettings, Judith (Ben Urich character) - by Chadman
Getz, Lyle (A.I.M., former Scientist Supreme)
G-Force (Marvel UK)
Gha-Kree (Beast-Men of Brutheim, Conan foe)
Ghaidor (horned Inhuman guard) - by Chadman
Ghamola (Shanna the She-Devil foe)
Ghan (Frost Giant, Thor foe)
Ghannif (Red Sonja foe)
Ghant (Axi-Tun)
Ghasta (servant of Beelzeboul)
Ghastly of Earth-88469 (Dead Clown)
Ghaszaszh Nyirh (Dr. Strange foe) - by The Squid
Ghath of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ghazandi (trained Trago)
Ghazikhanian, Carter (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Ghilaron (Godzilla foe)
Gholar (Yppplk'o race, Venom (Flash Thompson) foe)
Gholem Yazdi (Yazdi Gem)
Gholla (Phadion's rhino)
Ghort of Reality-81165 ("Kells")
Ghost (Flying Dutchman's Ghost)
Ghost (Fu Manchu)
Ghost (Holly LaDonna)
Ghost of Earth-5631 (Iron Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ghost Baby of Earth-82812
Ghost Dancer (Nathaniel Great Owl, Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Ghost Dancer (James Owl, Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Ghost Flyer (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Ghost Girl (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ghost Girl (Alpha Flight/Beta Flight member) - by AvatarWarlord72
Ghost Goblin of Earth-45863 (Norman Osborn, Spirit of Vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Ghost Grandpa of Earth-82810
"Ghost in Gears" of Earth-928 (Zero 2.0, Ghost Rider 2099)
Ghost-Maker (Shang-Chi foe) - by the Beetle
Ghostman Bat (Marvel UK, vampire delivery man) - by Loki
Ghostmare (Force Four)
"Ghost Miner" (Puma character) - by Markus Raymond
Ghost of Christmas Past (Willie Lumpkin foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come (Ideaverse: A Christmas Carol, Deadpool of Earth-12101 victim) - by Loki
Ghost of Christmas Yet to-Come (Illuminator)
Ghost of el Condor (Condor, Daredevil foe)
Ghost of Grismore Castle (pre-modern ghost) - by Spidermay
Ghost of Kragmoor Castle (encountered by Anton Axel)
Ghost of Midnight Mountain (Kid Cold foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ghost of Ravenlock (Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ghost of Silver City (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ghost of Springdale High (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Ghost of Stone of Earth-398 (Vision (synthozoid), Queen's Vengeance)
Ghost Office Inspector (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat character)
Ghost Racer M.O.D.O.K. of Earth-19172 (fiery-skulled racer)
Ghost Rider of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Ghost Rider (Reno Jones, temporary alias)
Ghost Rider (Phantom Rider, Carter Slade)
Ghost Rider (Ideaverse, Headless Horseman)
Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider 1.0 of Earth-928 (Zero 2.0, copy of Zero 1.0)
Ghost Rider of Tomorrow of Earth-95633 (female, Road Warrior Ghost Rider)
Ghost Rider of Tomorrow of Earth-95633 (male, Road Warrior Ghost Rider)
Ghost Skater of Earth-82811
Ghost Snake (Conan foe)
"Ghost Spider-Ma'am" of Earth-91225 (hooded May Parker counterpart) - by Copeinator123
Ghost Tiger (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Ghost Wind Rider (Old West)
Ghost Writer of Earth-9047 (humorous Ghost Rider counterpart) - by Markus Raymond
Ghoul (Hulk foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ghoul of Ultraverse (Exiles, Ultraforce)
Ghoul (X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Ghoul Hyena of Chaos (Hyborian era, agent of Thoth-Amon)
"Ghoulish" (Judith Gettings)
Gh'si (Wakandan)
Gh'tan (Wakandan)
Ghul-Azalel (Conan foe)
Ghunthar (Hyborian era werewolf)
Giacomo, Darius (criminal, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Giacomo, Deborah (crime family, Daredevil character)
Giacomo, Katie (crime family, Daredevil character)
Gian ?? of New Universe (Gnome agent, Nightmask character)
Gianelli, Frank (Woman, Ms. Marvel character) - by Grendel Prime & Spidermay
"giant" (Mountain God)
Giant (Devil Dinosaur foe) - by Darc_Light
"giant" (16th century, dwarfish guard at House of Denied Pleasures)
Giant (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Giant Amoeba ("Slime Creature")
Giant Anteater of Earth-96345 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
giant bird (1950s, encountered by Mark Trask, "Lost World")
giant butterfly of Earth-57780 (mutated by Toymaker)
giant cockroach (regular insect enlarged to elephant size) - by Proto-Man
giant eel (used by Tamar-Shar-Khun)
giant fly of Earth-57780 (mutated by Toymaker)
Giant from Outer Space of Earth-59594 (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
giant housefly (Howard the Duck foe)
Giant-Man (Henry Pym)
Giant-Man of Earth-57780 (Bill Foster, Spidey Super Stories hero) - by Grendel Prime
Giant-Man of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks)
Giant-Man (Raz Malhotra, Ant-Man (Lang) character) - by Chadman
Giant Monster of Midnight Valley (Kid Colt character) - by Prime Eternal
"Giant of the Gleaming Crystal" (Giant One)
Giant One (Monks of the Hidden Temple)
Giant One (Ultimo)
Giant One (Thor foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
"giant orange monster" (Atlantean refugee) - by Proto-Man
"Giant Plant" (Vicious Vine)
giant raven (Kull character)
giant scarab (Bloodstone foe)
Giant Shogun of Earth-717
giant snake (Golden Age, Captain America foe)
giant spider (Conan foe)
giant spider ("Faceless Creatures", Spider-Man foe, coloring book)
giant spider (Red Sonja foe)
giant spider (Conan foe)
giant spider (regular arachnid enlarged to elephant size) - by Proto-Man
"Giant Spider-Man" of Earth-61946 (giant Spider-totem, Web-Warriors ally) - by Copeinator123
Giant-Synch (Synch temporary mutation) - by Darc_Light
giant white bird ("Twilight World")
giant wolf man (Liberty Legion and Hurricane/Makkari foe)
Gianus, Alvise (Spider-Man foe)
Gibbons, Collin (encountered Gravesend Gorgon)
Gibbons, Lee (Razorwire)
Gibbs, Detective Harry (possessed by Vaalu)
Gibby (gargoyle, Gorg ally)
Gibney, Kyle (Wild Child)
Giboga (1950s, Leopard Girl ally)
Gibson, Ben (engineer, romance character)
Gibson, Dallas (Specter, X-Student)
Gideon ?? (Solomon Kane foe) - by Spidermay
Gideon, Amanda (Night Cat character)
Gideon, Bradley (alleged Joel Flood victim)
Gideon, Claire (Gregory's wife, Glorian's mother)
Gideon, Gregory (Fantastic Four foe) - by Per Degaton
Gideon, Howard (Bradley's father/murderer)
Gideon, Karla Faye (Bradley's mother)
Gideon, Sgt. John (F.66)
Gideon, Thomas (Glorian, son of Gregory Gideon)
Gideon Mace (Power Man and Spider-Man foe)
Gidim (2672 BC, Order of Hydra)
Gifford, Wayne (Basilisk)
Gig (Family)
Giganta of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Gigantic One (Ghan)
Giganto (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Giganto (Atlantean monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gigantus (pre-Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gigantus of Earth-398 (Hank Pym/Giant-Man, Queen's Vengeance)
Giggles of unrevealed Earth (Warpies' Cherubim, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Gil (New Mexico Outcasts)
Gil ?? (Mind-Master agent)
Gil ?? (mugger, Copperhead victim) - by Chadman
Gil ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Gila (Desert Dwellers)
Gilbert, Gary (Firebrand)
Gilbert, Gregson (Dragon Man creator, Fantastic Four/Power Pack character)
Gilbert, Simon (Stark Inudstries, Firebrand's father, Iron Man foe)
Gilded Lily (Alpha Flight foe)
Gilden, Matthew (Goldbug)
Giles, Curtis of Earth-7484 (one of Deathlok's creators, Deathlok character)
Gilgamesh (Eternal, Avengers member) - by Prime Eternal
Gilhardt, Mrs. (rented apartment from Maxwell Glenn, Matt Murdock character)
Gill ?? (encountered Doctor Feeny)
Gill, Donnald "Donnie" (Blizzard)
Gillespie, Aiden (Anachronism)
Gillespie, Lorne (Aiden's father)
Gillespie, Mhairi (Aiden's mother)
Gillian ?? (Battlin' Jack Murdock/Matt Murdock foe)
Gilmore, Bert (Spider-Man/Daredevil character)
Gilmore, Richard "Ritchie" (Prodigy, Slingers)
Gilpetperdon (Runner, Elder of the Universe)
G.I. Max (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gimcher of reality-45828 (Clive Barker's Razorline, Corpii warrior)
Gimlet (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)
Gimmick (Fight Man foe)
"Gimp" (Hornet, "Slingers")
Gina ?? (Mary Bastelli friend)
Gingerbread Man (Howard the Duck "foe")
Gin Genie (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man
Ginny ?? (Nighthawk character)
Ginny ?? (Daredevil character)
Gino ?? (cameraman, X-Men character)
Ginsberg, Sharon (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man
Giotti, Eduardo of New Universe (Troubleshooters)
"Giraffe-Man" (Ani-Men, GLA story)
Girard, Jacques (Silver Sable's lover) - by Spidermay
Girk, Hiram (creator of Paratron)
Girkland of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, US Army, Cannonball recruiter)
"Girl" (robot, Medieval World/Skrull playground)
"Girl Behind the Glass" ("Lost Atlantis", encountered by Jonas Case)
Girlfriend of Earth-Generic
Girl-Moon (Ego's daughter, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur character)
Girl Squirrel (Ratatoskr)
Girl with the Sign (Coterie)
Giroux, Nicolette (Tempest, Exemplars)
Girth (Happy Campers)
Girth (Lilin, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Giscard (The Grand Bois)
Giscard, Rene (Blade foe)
Gismotron (Fight Man foe)
Gitel (Inhuman)
Gittelsohn, Dr. (Dr. Doom's scientist) - by Prime Eternal
Gittes, Lt. Col. Jonathon Tom (rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Giver of Justice (Oshtur)
Giver of Life (Arize)
Giyune of the Three Eyes (Conan foe) - by Greg O'Driscoll
Glaboo (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman
Gladdings, Mark (Hollywood guy)
Gladhand, Charlie (Spider-Man character)
Gladiator (Hugo Danner, Man-God)
Gladiator (Melvin Potter, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Gladiator of New Universe - by Per Degaton
Gladiator (Kallark)
Gladiator (Wylie Lemmick, Daredevil/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Gladiator (Crimson Plague character, "Ultravengers")
Gladiator of Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gladiatrix (Grapplers, Femizons)
Gladwell, Bart (NATO general, Hulk character) - by Chadman
Gladys ?? (Speedball classmate) - by Prime Eternal
Gladys ?? (S.C.U.M., Spider-Man foe)
Glakandra (Stygian Starbender)
Glaktu (Ergon race)
Glamour (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo
Glapion, Marie (Marie Laveau)
Glare of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)
Gla-Ree (Captain Glory, Kree Lethal Legion member) - by Proto-Man
Glartrox (Cullen Bloodstone)
Glass (Sack, Gene Nation)
Glass, Janet (actress, Night Thrasher character)
Glass, Rebecca (Belonging)
Glass-Eye Freddie (Fight Man foe)
Glass Girl (Inhuman, X-Men foe) - by Chadman
"Glass-Man" (Conte Alvise Gianus)
Glastonbury, Windsor (Chairman)
Glatzer, Jennifer (Satanist, corrupted Witch Woman)
Glaucus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)
"Glaucus" construct (created by "Aspect of Eternity")
Glaven, Nelson (oil magnate, Phantom Bullet character)
Glaze (Hellbent)
Glazer (Kingpin colleague/victim)
Glazgon, Viz (Starlord character)
Glazier (Hulk foe) - by WillU
Glazier, Lt. "Flattop" (Fantastic Four character)
Glaz't (Skrull, Alliance squad leader, Empyre character) - by Proto-Man
Gleaming Gladiator (Marvel Calendar Zodiacal character) - by Loki
Gleason, Howard (1950s Spellbound "superman") - by Ron Fredricks
Gleason, Karen (reporter, Cable character)
Gleason, Nicholas (Wolf Cub)
Gleason, Nina (1950s, Howard's wife)
Gleeg (Silurian Guard, Nightmare realm)
Glen ?? (1950s scientist, Lord Sett character)
Glenda the Good Wench of Earth-9047 (sorceress, Forbush Man ally) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man
Glenn, Dianna (George Cooper's publicist)
Glenn, Heather (ex-girlfriend of Daredevil) - by Chadman
Glenn, Josh (Black Panther foe)
Glenn, Maxwell (CEO of Glenn Industries, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Glenn, Sammy (Strange Tales, encountered Santa Claus) - by Ron Fredricks
Glenn, Timmy (Corkscrew)
Glib Arkanian (Laxidazian, Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) character)
Glider (Wing Nut foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Glider of Earth-Crossover (Spider-Man/Gen 13 foe) - by Madison Carter
Glinsky, Ned (werewolf) - by Spidermay
Glissant, Edoard (Northstar character) - by Markus Raymond
Glissem (Biphasia, Werewolf character)
Glitch (Iron Man character) - by Kyle
Glitch (Vision foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Glitter (Shi'ar, X-Men character)
Glitternight (Werewolf foe)
Glitterspike of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 character)
Glob (pre-FF alien invader) - by Grendel Prime
Glob (Frank Johnson creation)
Glob (Timms, Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Glob (Beckwith, Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Glob Herman of Earth-92131 (X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Glom (Imperial Guard)
Glomm (Deviant, Avengers foe) - by Stunner
Gloom (Xavier Institute student) - by MarvellousLuke
Glop (Hulk, pre-FF monster)
Gloria ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Gloria ?? (Ghost Rider character)
Gloria ?? (Lance Cashman's mother, Bullet's ex)
Glorian (Thomas Gideon, former apprentice of Shaper of Worlds)
Gloriana of Earth-92131 (Meggan, X-Men '92 cartoon reality)
Glorianna (Inhuman, Spider-Man 2099 foe) - by Chadman
Gloriole (Spaceknight, Rom ally) - by Grendel Prime
Glory ?? (circus telekinetic, Dominic Fortune character) - by Loki
Glory ?? (S.C.U.M., Spider-Man foe)
Glory ?? (Mesmero's girlfriend) - by MarvellousLuke
Glory ?? (Bushwacker's girlfriend)
Gloss, Dr. (surgeon, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Glow (Triad, Hulk character)
Glow (Inhuman, Karnak/Ulysses Cain character) - by Chadman
"glowing eye man in red sorcerer" (recruited by Merlin) - by Proto-Man
Glowing One (Architect) - by Future
Glowworm (Power Man foe)
Glow Worm (mutant, X-Factor character) - by MarvellousLuke
Glump (Rime Giant) - by Prime Eternal
Glumph (Tribe of Fire)
Glunno the Winged One of Earth-4080 (Hulk ally)
Glyco (Conan character)
Glytra (insectoid Inhuman) - by Chadman
Gnash (Hellbent)
Gnit (Demon of exposition) - by Prime Eternal
Gnives (giant, Thor foe)
Gnobian mother (creator of the Gnobians)
Gnome (Namor foe) - by Kyle
G'nort (Conquest member)
Gnostic Wizard (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Gnowee (Aboriginal sun goddess)
GNU-556 (Rover, Madison Jeffries creation)
Gnucci, Bobbie (Ma's son)
Gnucci, Carlo (Ma's son)
Gnucci, Dino (Ma's brother)
Gnucci, Eddie (Ma's son)
Gnucci, Ma (Punisher foe) - by Spiderpool
Goat (Man Mountain Klout)
Goat (Ani-Mates)
Goat ('Vores, Rick Jones foe)
Goat Boy of Earth-10631 (Baal Lebutte, half goat/half boy, partner of Dr. America) - by Copeinator123
Goblin (Triad)
Goblin of Earth-21205 (Peter Parker) - by Norvo
Goblin King of Eurth (Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Goblin King (Phil Urich, former heroic Green Goblin) - by Minor Irritant
Goblin Knight (Phil Urich)
Gochhgchaka (Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Gocking, Kalie (Porcupine's kid, Spider-Woman character) - by Chadman
Gocking, Roger (Porcupine)
Go-Devil (Fantastic Force foe) - by Markus Raymond
"God" of Earth-74113 (Sise-Neg)
god (Azoth foe)
"god" of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (Galactus)
God of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Master Man, Captain America/Rebel foe) - by Markus Raymond
God B (Chaac)
"God King" (Kukulcan, Mayapan)
God Moon of Earth-10964 (Doom the Living Planet)
"God of Bees" (Ah-Muzencab, Mayapan)
God of Dreams (Morpheus/Robert Markham)
God of Gods (Thogarh)
God of Hammers (Mangog)
God of Luck (Jules Keen)
God of Poetry (Bragi)
God of Serpents (Yiggorum -- not Set)
God of the Dead (Cable/Ghost Rider foe) - by Markus Raymond
"God of the Druff" (Adam Warlock foe)
"God of the Flame" (Tohil, Mayapan)
"God of the Mountain" (Mountain God)
God of the Second Assembly (Druid foe)
God of the Sleepless Nights (Morpheus/Robert Markham)
God of the Soil (Lord Gaea)
God of the Ukaki (Lorna character)
God of Thunder ("Red" Norvell/Thor)
God of Thunder (Thor, Timeslip)
God of Vengeance (Gorgilla)
God-Bird of Shadow-Haunted Stygia (Thoth)
Goddard, Arthur (Headlok)
"Goddess" (Bêlit, Conan lover)
Goddess (Adam Warlock aspect)
Goddess (former Sorceress Supreme, Salomé)
"Goddess" (Anamelech)
Goddess (Mastermind/Martinique Wyngarde, Jason's daughter)
"Goddess of Death" (Kali, The Nest)
Goddess of love and death (Astarte)
Goddess of the Crow Road Summer (Ovada)
Goddess of the Northern Lights (Nelvanna)
Goddit, Paula (Human Torch (Hammond) character)
Godey, Mitchell (Misfit, Night Shift)
Godfrey, Millicent (Man-thing character)
Godhead (Asgardian self-appointed god) - by Loki
Godhead of Earth-691 (31st Century, Convent of Living Fire)
"Godhead" (Celestial, gave Black Vortex to the Viscardi) - by Donald Campbell
God-King of Other Realm (Arisen Tyrk)
Godmother of Earth-55780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man character) - by Grendel Prime
Godspawn (Colossus)
Godstalker (Celestial creation, Blackwulf and Captain Marvel foe) - by Prime Eternal
Godstorm (Thor character)
Godthing of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
God whose Hunger is Never Slaked (Xotli)
Godwulf (Captain Ameria character)
Godzilla (well, the character that was Godzilla when Marvel had the license to him/it)
"Godzilla" (Gog, Tsiln)
Godzilla (Night Raven foe)
Goebbels, Joseph of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Goering, Hermann of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Goettler, Professor Simon (Dynamic Man creator)
Gog (Tsiln, Spider-Man/Ka-Zar character)
Gog (And Magog) - by Madison Carter
Gog (Mojoverse, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Gog (Marvel UK, Super Soldiers) - by Changeling
Go-Getter (S.P.A.F.O.N. member)
Gogo (agent of Madam Macabre)
Go-Go (Spammers)
"Go Go" Goshaw (Agent Orange, Captain America/Nick Fury foe)
Gogol, Griffin of Earth-721 (posed as Earth-616's Captain Ultra)
Gogol, Morty of Earth-928 (2099, Captain Ultra)
Gograth (Hulk foe)
Goh, Lian (Pao Fu, Spirits of Vengeance)
Gohmen Ahuud (Shapeshifter/Hogboblin)
Golachinsky, Sgt. (Avengers character)
Gold (Auric)
Gold of Earth-928 (Hulk 2099 foe)
Gold, Dallas (Spider-Man character, Penny's sister)
Gold, John (Blue Bullet)
Gold, Jon (murder victim)
Gold, Martin (Legion of the Night)
Gold, Melissa (Songbird)
Gold, Penny (Spider-Man character, Dallas' sister)
Gold Kidney-Lady of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
"Gold Pawn" (Goldbug)
Gold Rush (Mike Swift, Fast Five)
Gold Rush (Fast Five)
Goldberg, Ken (Daredevil character)
Goldbug (Power Man/Hulk/Spider-Man/Namor foe) - by the Beetle
Goldigger (Hostess, Mr.Fantastic foe) - by John Kaminski
Golddigger (Captain America foe)
Golde (former law professor, Foggy Nelson foe) - by Chadman
Golden, Angela (Golddigger)
Golden Angel (Emil Vogel creation/foe)
Golden Angel (wrestler, Thing foe) - by Prime Eternal
Golden Archer (Hawkeye in disguise) - by John Kaminski
Golden Archer (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)
Golden Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Goldenberg, Renee (Defenders character)
Goldenberg, Sheldon (Renee's husband)
Golden-Blade (Ms. Marvel and Iron Man character) - by Chuck D
Golden Brain (Glob, Man-Thing foe)
"Golden-Bristled" (Gullinbursti)
Golden Claws' leader (Shang-Chi character)
Goldeneye (Power Man and Iron Fist foe)
Golden Gator (alias of Khlog)
Golden Girl of Earth-84444 (Freedom Five)
"Goldengirl" (Kismet)
Golden Goliath (Temujai)
Golden Grenadier (unpublished Marvel UK title, 1950s British hero) - by Loki
Golden Hair (Valkyrie, Brunnhilde)
Golden-Haired Prince of Asgard of Earth-10246 (Thor, Millennial Visions 2001)
"Golden Madwoman" (Kismet)
Golden Man (Midas the Golden Man)
Golden Man (Robert Mallory)
Golden Monkey of Earth-19216 (Peter Parker, super-leaping, monkey-themed hero) - by Proto-Man
Golden Oldie of Earth-24388 (May Parker)
Golden One of Earth-928 (Hulk 2099 foe)
Golden Skull of Earth-15061 (pirate, U.S.Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Goldensnow of Earth-1041 (Alpha Flight, Millennial Visions)
"Golden Starshine" (Starshine/Landra)
"Golden Tusk" (Gullinbursti)
"Golden Woman" (Kismet)
Goldfire (Ameiko Sabuki, V-Battalion member) - by Norvo
Goldie (M'Sieu Tete goon) - by Julien Vivé
Goldin (Spider-Man character)
Golding, Zoe (Exterminatrix/Oubliette Midas)
Golka (Gods of the Picts, father of Aeysla)
Goldman (rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Gittes outfit)
Goldman, Ignatz (Enforcer ally)
Goldman, Ruth (Dean of Students at ESU, Spider-Man character) - by Chadman
Goldplate (Homer Ghost's rich seafaring uncle)
Goldsmith, Archie (Machine Man character)
Goldsmith, Hiram R. (Archie's brother)
Goldstein, Jacob (Golem)
Goldstein, Johann (Blue Bullet)
Goldstein, Victor J. (WW2, Mister E)
Gole, Jessica (Johnny Blaze character)
Golem (from Strange Tales)
Golem (Jacob Goldstein, Invaders character) - by Spidermay
Golem (Dennis Golembuski, The Hood foe) - by Madison Carter
Golem, Judiah (Dracula foe)
Golembuski, Dennis (The Golem)
golem of Tigon Liger (Mars Colony 2026)
Goliath (Gigantus)
Goliath (Old West, Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Goliath" (a Space Phantom, Avengers foe)
Goliath of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Goliath (Bill Foster) of an alternate Earth
Goliath robot (Taskmaster's Avengers robots)
Golic, Ray Gene of Ultraverse (Boom Boy)
Gollison, Sven (Goody Two-Shoes)
Golubev, Mikula (Bogatyr)
Gombol, Oliver (Strange Tales of the Unusual, encountered Santa Claus) - by Ron Fredricks
Gomdulla (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Gomes, Martha (Doctor Spectrum)
"Gomez" (Masters of the Matrix)
Gomez, Estephan (Gyps)
Gomez, Hector (Rockhouse Operation)
Gomez, Joe (Captain America of the Kickapoo Tribe)
Gomez, Jose (King, drug lord)
Gomez, Macho (xt, Deadpool foe)
Gomez, Oscar (drug lord, King's brother)
Gomi (Fallen Angels member) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
"Gomo the Inept" (Gomurr the Ancient)
Gomurr the Ancient (Juggernaut/X-Men character) - by Norvo
"Gomurr the Annoying" (Gomurr the Ancient)
Gomurr the Impetuous (Gomurr the Ancient)
"Gomurr the Inscrutable" (Gomurr the Ancient)
"Gomurr the Invincible" (Gomurr the Ancient)
"Gomurr the Irascible" (Gomurr the Ancient)
"Gomurr the Wise" (Gomurr the Ancient)
Gonar (18,500 BC, Picts, Kull/Conan character)
Gonar (Hyborian Picts, Conan character)
Gonar (3rd century, Picts)
Gonar (5th century, Picts)
Gonar (11th century, Picts)
Gondul (Asgardian) - by Will U and Prime Eternal
"Gong Show Husband" (Doctor Bong)
Gonra of the Sword (Kull character)
Gonzah (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Gonzales, Chris (Santerians ally) - by Chadman
Gonzalez, Gina (Generation M character) - by Chadman
"Gonzales, Ringo" (Merry Maladies)
Gonzo the Clown (Howard the Duck foe) - by Voice of Doom
"Goo-thulu" (Chronosite being, Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Gooch Herbert (Francis Klum foe)
Good (Monsters of Bald Mountain) - by Prime Eternal
Good Boy (Goodness Silva, lycanthropic Great Lakes Avengers member) - by Proto-Man
Goodfellow (Shadow Riders)
Goodfriend, Robin (Monark Starstalker character)
Goodman, Angus "Gus (ally of the Doctor)
Goodman, Scott (George Washington University student, ex-boyfriend of Veronica Robbins)
Goodman-Westlake, Mrs. (Spider-Man character)
Good Mother (Marie Laveau)
Goodwin (Victor Lanza henchman)
Goodwin, Tessa (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond
Goody Two-Shoes (Thing foe, Assistant Editor's month)
Googam (pre-Marvel monster, son of Goom)
Gool (1940s monster, Marvel Tales) - by Ron Fredricks
Gooligan, Snipe (Captain America (Mace) character) - by Ron Fredricks
Goom (pre-Marvel Monster)
"Goose" of Earth-58163 (Chewie, Carol Danvers' pet)
Goose, Gus of Earth-Superhelden Special (Pillowpal)
Goozot of reality-691 (31st century xt emperor, Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo
Gopher (Howard The Duck foe) - by Madison Carter
Gopher (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Gor (Lion-People of Ligra)
Gor, Lamilm (Adam Warlock character)
Gorak (pre-FF character) - by Future
Gorak the Master of Illusion (Gorak)
Goram (Centurius,Conspiracy)
Goranda Zek (Conan character)
Gorask 1223 of Ultraverse (Ozama scientist, Maxis creator)
Gorbo, Dr. Erik (Monster Ape)
Gordo (Dracula foe)
Gordo ?? (taunted Hector Morales)
Gordon ?? (banished by King Kalden of the Inhumans)
Gordon ?? (vampire, X-Men foe)
Gordon, Bill (victim of the Martian Who Stole a City)
Gordon, Henry (Droom creator)
Gordon, Henry (Dr. Strange character)
Gordon, James (19th century undead)
Gordon, James (grandson of 19th century undead)
Gordon, Oscar (Aries, Zodiac Cartel)
Gordon, Robert of Earth-51124 ("Greenies" enemy, Strange Tales character)
Gordon, Slick (Human Fly (Rojatt) character) - by Grendel Prime
Gordon, Stanley (Namor/Namora foe)
Gordon, Tom (romance character)
Gordon, Vincent (1950s, Lola's lover, destroyed Eric Finley's body)
Gordski, Alexander (vampire, Defenders and Dracula foe)
Gordy ?? (agent of S.M.I.L.E., Power Man/Iron Fist character) - by Prime Eternal
Gore, Elmer (Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond
Goren, nurse (Freedom Science Studies Institute)
Gorff, Dr. (LMD research control center, Black Widow character)
Gorg (demon, Wally the Wizard ally) - by Grendel Prime
Gorgeous George of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)
Gorgeous George of Earth-1211 (Others)
Gorgilla (Marvel Monster, Fin Fang Four member) - by Norvo
Gorgilla Phoenix of Earth-818 (prehistoric "Avengers" member)
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
Gorgon of Earth-8107 (gorilla attraction at the Carnival of Crime) - by David Lawrence
Gorgon, Delphyne of Earth-93027 (Gorgons descendant)
Gorgul (Atlantean, Attuma ally) - by Chadman
Gorham, Dave (Russian, Spy Fighters)
Gorilla (Monster Ape, Captain America foe)
Gorilla of Earth-47235 (Peter Parker, banana-spitting superhero) - by Proto-Man
Gorilla of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Gorilla-Boss (Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale) )
"Gorilla from Outer Space" (1960s, encountered by Mike Mullins)
Gorilla Girl (member of The Freaks, Initiative) - by Chadman, Madison Carter & Markus Raymond
Gorilla-God (Conan foe)
gorilla god (black god, Solomon Kane story)
Gorilla Man (G-Men/Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Gorilla Man (Arthur Nagan, Headmen) - by Chadman
"Gorilla-Man" (Frank Radzik)
Gorilla Woman (Gorilla Girl, member of The Freaks)
Gorjoon of Other Realm
Gorki (1950s vampire) - by Grendel Prime
Gorki (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Gor-Kill (Marvel Monster, Tales of Suspense) - by Madison Carter
Gorkill of reality-45828 (Clive Barker's Razorline, Trip Munroe ally) - by Grendel Prime
Gorkin (Czechoslovakian police officer)
Gorko (xt, poacher) - by the Voice of Doom
Gorko (E.D.I.T.)
Gorko, Ellene (Demonstaff's wife)
Gorko, Hallan (Demonstaff) of Earth-8710
Gorlac, Karoly (1950s vampire) - by Spidermay
Gorliet, Inspector (Black Cat character)
Gorlion (Dr. Druid enemy)
Gorlovich, Andrei (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman
Gorm (Niord character)
Gorm (9,500 BC, King of Pictdom)
Gorm (Garm)
Gormac (demon, Dr. Strange/Ghost Rider foe) - by the Squid
Gormada of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)
Gorman, Cleve (Punisher foe)
Gorman, Richard (Spider-Man character)
Gorman, Tom (1950s air force test pilot, travelled to ancient Egypt) - by Ron Fredricks
Gorman, Zac (real life comic writer, Earth-616 fan fiction writer) - by Proto-Man
Gormley of reality-45828 (Clive Barker's Razorline, Corpii warrior)
Gormok (Centurii, Thor character)
Gormuu (pre-Fantastic Four foe) - by the Beetle
Gorn (Elfqueen's husband)
Gorn (Gormac)
Gorn, Ona (3250 AD, Lod foe)
Gornan the Bar-B-Q-Barian of Reality-88131 (ALF ancestor) - by Grendel Prime
Gorney (Sssth race)
Gorodok (original Human Torch foe)
Goron of Earth-8107 (mystic, Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence
Goron, Arro (time traveler, 2469 AD alternate future) - by Ron Fredricks
Gorosaur (Mento foe)
Gorr (1950s alien invader)
Gorr (Kronan, Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gorr the Golden Gorilla (Fantastic Four character)
Gorr, Luther (leader of the Space Beasts)
Gorro (Dr. Grimm experiment)
Gorsham (K'ai, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Gort (Gordon Keefer, Ape-Man)
Gort (Dr. Doom lackey)
Gort (Attuma ally)
Gort (Day The Earth Stood Still, Androne)
Gort (Deviant, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gort (neanderthal)
Gorth of Earth-56989 (ranking military general, former aide to Gen. Karall)
Gorth (Skrull would-be-emperor, Nebula victim)
Gorto, Johnny (Punisher foe)
Gor-Tok (Grotesk)
"Gorton" (Dire Wraith, Rom character)
Goru (16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Goryle, Scarlett Q. (Squirrel Girl)
Gosamyr (extraterrestrial, New Mutants ally/manipulator) - by Minor Irritant
Goshaw, Roger Donovan T. (Agent Orange)
Goss, Dr. Charles (mutated Vulture/Jimmy Natale)
Goth (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Goth, Mortigan (Immortalis, Marvel UK)
Gotham, Harry (Satana foe)
Gothenvald (baron, Thunderbolts foe)
Gottberg, Ankhi (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond
Gotteskrieger (Axl Nacht/Master Man, New Invaders/Namor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gottlieb (Manipulator ally, Avengers foes)
Gottlieb, August (zombie, 1950s horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Gottlieb, Carl (August's son)
Gouda (Froma, Iron Man and Punisher foe)
Goudal, Chester (Punisher foe)
Gouger (Baron Shinto, WWII Miss America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gouger (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gourd (Warpies)
Gourd (Lord Pumpkin)
Gourney, Miles (aka Satan) or the second link
Govan (Atlantean ambassador) - by Chadman
Governor of Wukar (Denebo Aruc II)
Governor of Wukar (Sakaarian, Hulk foe)
Governor Trusivor (ruler of Egaliterns of Eopia)
Govich, Dante (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Grab, Phineas (Clutch, Grab & LeGreed)
Grabber of Earth-8107 (electrical entity, Spider-Friends foe)
Grace of Earth-811 (RCX)
Grace ?? (Maxie Shiffman's secretary)
Grace ?? (Matt Murdock foe) - by Chadman
Grace ?? (Johnny's wife, Wolverine friend)
Grace (Nightcrawler character) - by MarvellousLuke
Gracie (Rolling Stone magazine staff ally) - by Chadman
Gracie (Venom foe)
Gracious Lady (Oshtur)
"Gracious One" (Kaiwann, Thing/Iron Fist character)
Graco, Harry (Power Man and Iron Fist character)
Gracul (Reaper demon)
Gradiator (Dirk McGirk creation, Daringdevil foe; Gladiator counterpart)
Grafik (Road Warriors)
Grafton, Henry (Old West miner)
Grafton, Joan (Henry's daughter)
Grag (cyborg goblin hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Gragnon (Skrull slaver) - by Proto-Man
Gragoa (Monsters of Evil)
Graham, Angus (Scottish fencer, Nightcrawler enemy)
Graham, Ben (former Sammy Glenn acquaintance, Fernville)
Graham, Dr. (Thor ally) - by Prime Eternal
Graham, Erika (Riot Grrl, Fight-Brigade)
Graham, Gabriel (Spider-Man character)
Graham, Maxie of Earth-97082 (Iron Man/Tony Stark girlfriend)
Graham, Officer (Dreamguard co-worker)
Grahh-Nola of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Grahl, Sean (Reaver, Darkholders)
Grail (Autans)
Grail, Dr. Victoria (Moon Knight character)
Grain Belt (Harvesters)
Grainger, Bruno (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Gral (former Inhuman leader) - by Chadman
Gra'ma (Daredevil character)
Gramar, Madge (Fernville, former love interest of Sammy Glenn)
Gramon, Frederick of Shadowline (Gray Man)
Gramps (Colossus ally)
Gramps (Inhumans character)
Grand, Charmaine (Rogue/Gambit foe) - by Chadman
Grand Astrogator (apparent Elder of the Universe, Quasar story) - by Donald Campbell
Grand Bois (Giscard, Haitian chief of security/voodoo priest, Moon Knight foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grand Commissioner of Rigel (Thor character)
Grand Director (1950s, Captain America/William Burnside)
Grandfather of Werewolves and Demons (Loki Buday)
Grandfather Spider (Rune)
Grandfather Twoyoungmen (Shaman's grandfather) - by Proto-Man
Grand Inquisitor (K'ai, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Grand Inquisitor of Reality-691 (Judan, Universal Church of Truth) - by Donald Campbell
Grand Inquisitor of Earth-311 (Magneto counterpart)
Grand Inquisitor (Hydra, Wolverine foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Grandma of Earth-982 (MC2, Little Red's grandmother)
"Grandmama" (Baba Yaga imposter)
Grandmaster (original, Elder of the Universe's Challenger)
Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast)
Grandmaster of Crime (Chess Master)
Grandmaster Prime (original, Elder of the Universe's Challenger)
Grandmaster Wong (Wong Fei-Hung, master of the Drunken Dragon Fist) - by Proto-Man
Grand Nebular (mysterious entity once mentally invoked by Apalla) - by Donald Campbell
Grandpa Lopez (Reptil's grandfather)
Grandpa Parker (Hellcat's grandfather)
Grand Poobah (D-Man character)
Grand Vizier of Marabia (Sinbad character)
Grand Vizier of Earth-983107
Grand Vizier of Earth-10081 (Arkon's vizier)
Grane (Valkyrie's steed, 5th century)
Granger, Sgt. Terry (US soldier, Korean War)
Granitor (Stonian, It the Living Colossus/Fin Fang Foom foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Granny Gardenia (Replicus)
"Granny Gumbo" (Storm/Gambit character) - by Norvo
Granok (Skrull, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Grant (encountered Johnny Downes)
Grant of Earth-21923 (Captain America, Avengers member)
Grant, Donald (Hellcat character)
Grant, Gavin (Gator Grant)
Grant, Helen (1950s nurse, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Grant, Liz (Ronny Langdon's girlfriend)
Grant, Mac (1950s, time-travelling con-man) - by Ron Fredricks
Grant, Mary Meeke (Donald's wife)
Grant, Max (Committee agent)
Grant, Mr. (Brand Corporation, Beast foe)
Grant, Richard Thomas (Broadway Project)
Grant, Silas (Thor character) - by Proto-Man
Grant, Tim (Old West, idolized Billy the Kid) - by Grendel Prime
Grant, Vick (aspiring actress, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Grantor (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Grantz, Ellen (Scarlet Spider character)
Granu the Prophet (1950s, Microverse)
Granville, Danny (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Grapefruit (Andrew Malvern) - by Future
"Grapemace" (Deviant Horde)
Graphite (Warpies)
Grappler (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Grasp (Seekers, Human Torch/Iron Man/Moon Knight/Punisher/Spider-Man/Avengers West Coast foe)
Grass, Father Kevin (USAgent character)
Grasshopper (Douglas Taggert, GLA member) - by John Kaminski
Grasshopper (Neil Shelton, GLX character) - by John Kaminski
Grasshopper (Deadpool victim) - by John Kaminski
Grasswind, Z'oofrey (Zoog, Kymellian)
Grauline, Maurice (money launderer, Silver Sable foe)
Grausum (vampire, served Baroness Blood)
Gravely, Headstone P. (Tower of Shadows host) - by Norvo
Gravemoss (Excalibur foe) - by Zerostar
Graverobber of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Graves, Andrew "Amos" Hamish (Spoor)
Graves, Clifton (Dracula foe)
Graves, Dr. (Shinobi Shaw's scientist, X-Force foe)
Graves, Reverend (Gunhawks foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gravesend Gorgon (horror character) - by Madison Carter
Gravitas (Alphaclan, New Warriors foe) - by Loki
Graviton (Avengers/Thunderbolts foe) - by Norvo
Graviton of Earth-700459 (alien Spider-Woman foe) - by Proto-Man
Graviton the First (Graviton)
Graw (Rejects)
Graxxis of Reality-13421 (xt military commander, seen in Earth-616 movie) - by Chadman
Gray, Catherine (Mutant Civil Rights Task Force agent) - by Proto-Man
Gray, Martin (Old West rancher)
Gray, Moira (pyrokinetic mutant infant) - by Proto-Man
Gray, Ramon (poet, husband of Catherine) - by Proto-Man
Graybar (enigmatic Dakimh ally)
Gray Goddess of Balance and Order (Oshtur)
Gray Man of Shadowline (Merchants, Doctor Zero character)
Grayfield, Phil (NFL SuperPro)
Graymalkin, Jonas (X-Student, Young X-Men) - by MarvellousLuke
Grayson (Henry Hawthorne assistant, Silver Sable character)
Grayson, Graham (drunk driver, defended by Rosalind Sharpe)
Grayson, Robert (Marvel Boy/Uranian)
Grayson, Matthew of Earth-9904
Grazia, Vinnie (Osborn Chemicals, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Greaser (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Greasy (Bianca LaNiege's servants)
"Greasy" Jimmy Genova (Shroud character) - by Prime Eternal
Great Archimago (Archimago, Marvel UK)
Great Art (Ars Magna)
"Great Artificer" (Great Beasts, Somon)
Great Beast of the Apocalypse (Direst Wraith, Creeping Death)
Great Beast of the Devil (Trojak the Tiger Man foe) - by Loki
Great Coordinator of Earth-861095 (Central City, Fantastic Four foe)
Great Corruptor (Mephisto)
"great deity of ancient legend" (Mountain God)
Great Deliverer (Human Meteor)
Great Destroyer (Terminus)
Great Devil (Iron Man model 16 armor/sentient armor/Ultron Mark Twelve, Iron Man foe)
Great Devourer (Great Beasts, Ranaq)
Great Dragon (Fafnir of Nastrond)
"Great Enemy of humanity" (Dark Raider)
Great Father of Earth-22490 (Dr. Stephen Strange III; Defenders, Millennial Visions 2001)
Great Gambino (Human Cannonball/Jack Pulver, Circus of Crime member)
Great Gambo (1950s, Spellbound character) - by Ron Fredricks
Great Ganeesh (Ganesh)
"Great Garson, Master of Magic" (Chris Garson)
Great God Hydra (Captain America character)
Great Golden Worm (Rotath)
Great Gordoni (Mystery Tales character) - by John Kaminski
Great Great Uncle Batty (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat's great great uncle)
"Great Horned Owl-Man" (Ani-Men, GLA story)
Great I (I the Great, Dynamo City)
Great Inquisitor (Cotton Mather)
"Great Kukulcan" (Kukulcan, Mayapan)
Great Many (Doctor Strange character(s))
Great Mentarr of Earth-8107 (Chameleon) - by David Lawrence
Great Messenger (Nyarlathotep)
"Great Mnemo" (1950s genius with gigantic brain) - by Ron Fredricks
Great Mongoose (Triumph Division member) - by Loki
Great Mother (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Great Mother (Gods of the Picts, Aeysla)
Great Mother (former Sorceress Supreme, Salomé)
Great Mother (Imperiatrix, Brood queen) - by Darc_Light, Prime Eternal & Will U
Great Nikko (Atlas horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Great Old One (Hell-Worm)
Great Oleg (Oleg)
"Great One" (Sorcerer Supreme, Zoroaster)
"Great One" (pre-FF alien)
Great One (Conquistador)
Great One (Terminus)
Great One (Silver Surfer foe)
Great One (Sl'Gur'T)
Great One (Bloodseed foe)
Great One (Kimora)
Great Owl, Nathaniel (Ghost Dancer)
"Great Salvager" (Dr. Midas)
Great Shadow (Chthon)
Great Ship of Ultraverse (Entity)
Great "Spell" Binder (Sam Binder)
Great Spirit (Manitou)
Great State of Indiana (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Great Terror (Sprout)
"Great Tode" (Brother Tode)
Great Video (Marvel Boy foe) - by Prime Eternal
Great Wall (Moon Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond
Great White of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Great White (Namor foe) - by MarvellousLuke
great white shark of Atlantean Shark Rider (Ghost Rider character)
great white shark of Maori Ghost Rider (Avengers character)
great white shark of Samoan Shark Rider (Avengers character)
Great Zoran (Son of Satan character)
"Greatest Gunman Since Annie Oakley" (Skinny Smithers)
"Greatest Magician of All Time" (Pasha Emit Erut-Uf)
"greatest scientist of modern times" (Professor Zunbar)
Greaves, Hamilton (Punisher foe, Kingdom Gone GN)
Grebbs, Henry (1950s, Louis Stark's butler)
Grebenko, Gregori (Spider-Man character) - by Stunner
Greco (gangster, Terror/Laslo Pevely foe)
Greedy Killerwatt (Howard the Duck and Santa Claus foe)
Green of Earth-5555 (Freedom Fighters)
Green, Alison (criminal former banker, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)/Jessica Jones foe) - by Chadman
Green, Allene (ambitious Squirel Girl clone) - by Chadman
Green, Ben (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Green, Casper (Atlas Era character) - by Grendel Prime
Green, Doreen (Squirrel Girl)
Green, Dorian "Dor" (Squirrel Girl's father)
Green, Hubie (Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Green, Jonas (Camp Echo-1 robot guard, Inhumans foe)
Green, Kendall (corrupt Mutant Civil Rights Task Force director) - by Proto-Man
Green, Kevin of Ultraverse (Prime)
Green, Lucas (Supreme Serpent, Sons of the Serpent; Hubie's brother) - by Prime Eternal
Green, Mary (Kool-Aid Man character)
Green, Mr. (Kool-Aid Man character)
Green, Maureen (Squirrel Girl's mother) - by Chadman
Green, Phyllis (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Green, Randall (brother of Ready Girl/Rosie Green) - by Proto-Man
Green, Rosie (Ready Girl, New York Emergency Management character) - by Proto-Man
Green, Spike (Marvex foe)
Green, Sydney (Onyxx)
Greenberg, Carl (Nova character)
Greenberg, Dave (Korean War, soldier)
Greenberg, Henrietta of Earth-68320 (Oscar's mother)
Greenberg, Ira of Earth-68320 (Oscar's brother)
Greenberg, Morris Jacob of Earth-68320 (Oscar's nephew)
Greenberg, Oscar of Earth-68320 (Greenberg the Vampire)
Greenberg the Vampire of Earth-68320 (Oscar Greenberg)
Green Death of Eurth (Radioactive Man counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Green Demon (villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Green Dragon (1950s Captain America vehicle) - by Ron Fredricks
Greeneggs (Here (And There) )
Green Empress (Terhali)
Green-Faced Man (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
green-feathered priest of Xotli (Conan foe)
Greenfield, Fred (Machine Man character)
Green Frog (Mad Magician)
Green Gobbler of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
Green Goblin (Ideaverse, Headless Horseman)
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)
Green Goblin of Earth-32942 (killed Aunt May of this reality)
Green Goblin (Barton Hamilton, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Green Goblin (Phil Urich)
Green Goblin (genetic construct, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
"Green Goblin" of Earth-1036 (actor in costume)
"Greengrin" (Deviant Horde)
Green Guardsman of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Green Lantern of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks)
Green Light (Fast Five)
"Green Man" ("Rusty" Lewis)
Green Skull (Captain America (Rogers) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Greenscape (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training foe)
Greenskyn Smashtroll of Eurth (Hulk counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Green Sorcerer (Paradise and the City of Death)
Greenstreet, Heinrich of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 character) - by MarvellousLuke
Green Terror (3 X's foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Green Thing (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
"Green Thing" (Fernusan)
Greene (NYPD detective, Cole North ally)
Greene (corrupt NYPD officer)
Greene, Alison (Alison Green)
Greene, Gloria (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
Greene, John (Miss America character)
Greenwich Guardian (Black Death)
"Greeny" of Earth-5555 (Death's Head character)
Greer, Alonzo (1950s horror, Mystery Tales) - by Grendel Prime
Greer, Amelia (Longbow, Harriers)
Greer, Blackie (Old West gunfighter)
Greer, Gabrielle (Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) character) - by Minor Irritant
Greer, Ken (Sleepy Hollow resident) - by Proto-Man
Greg ?? (security guard, Daredevil character)
Greg ?? (friend of Don Smith)
Greg the paperboy (not victim of Elf with a Gun)
Gregarian, Anton (Vienna sculptor, built statue for Kublai Khan)
Gregario (Punisher foe)
Gregirova of New Universe (Siberian Project)
Gregoff (Lorna foe)
"Gregoire" (Marvel Italia, Nadir, Inc./A.I.M.)
Gregor (Resistance, Land of the Golden Star, Thor character)
Gregor (Past Assassins)
Gregor ?? (Spider-Man/Ka-Zar foe) - by G Morrow
Gregor ?? (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Gregorovich (Russian ambassador, Avengers character)
Greigar Forr (Binary Beings)
Grekan Yaer (Korbinite, Nova Corps, Rocket & Groot novel)
Gremlin (agent of Dr. Hydro)
Gremlin (Kondrati Topolov)
Gremlin (Vision foe) - by Proto-Man
Gremlin Lord (Buel)
Gremlyn Lord (Buel)
Grenade of Ultraverse (Hugh Fox, Strangers member) - by Grendel Prime
Grendel (Grendell)
Grendell (Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime
Grendle, Rufus (Orchid)
Gresham, Byron (Church of the Saved)
Gret (aggressive leader of a group of Wing-Men)
Greta (Doctor Bong mutate)
Greta of Earth-1211 (Others)
Gretch (Pleasureland)
Gretchen ?? (Hendrick Vermeer's maid, WWII, Major Liberty character)
Gretchen ?? (Frankenstein's monster "victim")
Gretchen ?? (civilian, Daredevil/Vulture foe) - by Chadman
Gretchen ?? (student, Hydra Youth Choir)
Gretchin ?? (15th century, Lilith ally)
Grettle (Vision (Aarkus) foe)
Greyrun, Syyr (Moonlight Eye)
Greyval Grimson (Asgardian, Raven Banner character)
Greville (Digitek foe, Marvel UK)
Greville, Amanda "Mandy" (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Greville, Melissa (Amanda's sister) - by the Beetle
Greville, Robert (Amanda's cousin) - by the Beetle
Grey, Bradley (talent agent, romance character)
Grey, Brian (Jean Grey's uncle)
Grey, Charles (18th Century Hellfire Club)
Grey, Eleanor (19th century, Malkin's wife)
Grey, George (Owl (Owlsley) foe) - by Chadman
Grey, Henry (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Grey, Jean (18th Century, Lady Grey)
Grey, Jean (Marvel Girl/Phoenix)
Grey, Julia (Jean Grey's sister)
Grey, Malkin (19th century, Charles' descendant)
Grey, Mr. (employed Watkins the werewolf)
Grey, Mr. (Dakota North foe)
Grey, Miss (fashion magazine editor) - by Chadman
Grey, Mrs. (Power Pack character)
Grey, Nat (Old West sheriff) - by Grendel Prime
Grey, Nate (X-Man) of Earth-95120
"Grey, Ted" (time traveler, Knight of Camelot) - by Ron Fredricks
Grey-Bailey, Sara (Jean Grey's sister, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Grey Crow (Scalphunter)
Greycrow, John (Scalphunter)
Grey-face (Tar-Vash)
Grey Fox (Gunhawks foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grey God (Borri)
Greyhame (Gandalf)
Greyhound (Dogs of War)
Grey King (Cerebro's nanotech X-Men)
Greyle, Mr. (Journey into Mystery character)
Greymalkin (Old Sarah Mumford's cat)
Greymane of Earth-730834 ("Neanderthal", Avengers character)
Grey Panther (Howard the Duck foe)
Greysire (werewolf) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Greyson, Paul (Owl rival)
Greystone of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)
Grey Wing of Earth-920942 (alternate Moon Knight)
Grey Wolf (Old West, Apache Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Grid (Dinesh Deol, Inhuman) - by Chadman
Gridlock (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training)
Gridney (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Griepp (SHIELD agent)
"Griffe" (The Ruined)
Griffin (Dr. Strange character)
Griffin (robot, Gregson Gilbert creation)
griffin (Pangea, Ka-Zar/Shanna foe)
Griffin (Beast foe/Namor ally)
Griffin (Matt Williams, Conquest member)
Griffin (Clown/Eliot Franklin)
Griffin, Daffyd "Dave" (Welsh Dragon)
Griffin, Rex (Phantom Eagle character)
Griffin, Tracey (Bigger Stronger Man, All-Hate Squad)
Griffin, Walter (Joel Flood trial)
Griffith (Pixie's great-grandmother)
Griffon, Johnny of Earth-8107 (talk show host, Spider-Man cartoon character)
Griggs ("Torpedo" Taylor character)
Griggs (Seeker 3000)
Griggs, Captain (U.S.S. Sea Wolf)
Griggs, Samuel (Daredevil character) - by the Beetle
Grimal (Inhuman, son of Tauron) - by Chadman
Grimalkin of Earth-398 (Tigra, Queen's Vengeance)
Grimani, Leone (Spider-Man character)
Grimbat (Cloak & Dagger/Ghost Rider character) - by Markus Raymond
Grimes, Barton (Brothers Grimm)
Grimes, Ludlow (the other Smithville Thunderbolt, Spider-Man character)
Grimes, Percy (Brothers Grimm)
Grim Grey God (Borri)
Grim Guardian of the Dark Well of Wisdom (Mimir)
Grim Hunter (Spider-Man foe) - by Henrique
Grimjack (Haggard, mercenary from Cynosure) - by Loki
Grim Magnus (Asgardian, Raven Banner character)
Grim Reaper (Eric Williams)
Grimley, Joshua (Destroyer of Demons)
Grimlock (mutant, Morlocks, X-Men character) - by Chadman
Grimm (Black Hound of Death, Conan foe)
Grimm, Alyce (Ben Grimm's aunt)
Grimm, Ben (Thing) (partial entry under "Blackbeard" & Thingbeard)
Grimm, Bim of Earth-665 (Thung, humorous Thing counterpart)
Grimm, Daniel Jr. (Ben Grimm's brother) - by Norvo
Grimm, Daniel Sr. (Ben Grimm's father) - by Norvo
Grimm, Elsi (Ben Grimm's mother)
Grimm, Jacob (Ben Grimm's uncle)
Grimm, Petunia (Thing's aunt)
Grimm, Sophie (Ben Grimm's aunt) - by Norvo
Grimm, Susan Storm of Earth-A (Earth-721)
Grimond, Alex (Foreigner foe) - by Markus Raymond
Grimsby (Defenders character)
Grimsby, Roger (American journalist) - by MarvellousLuke
Grimson, Greyval (Asgardian, Raven Banner character)
Grimstone, Horace (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Grimtoad, Karbunkle (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad's uncle)
Grimtoad, Genghis (Shadow-Earth court sorcerer for Prince Eric) - by caliban
Grinder (Spider-Woman and Nova foe) - by Will U
Grindhouse (Heroes for Hire foe) - by Madison Carter
Gringonor of reality-45828 (Clive Barker's Razorline, Corpii warrior)
Gringrave (Mojoverse gladiator/assassin, Shatterstar foe) - by Grendel Prime
Grinner (Golden Age, Black Marvel) - by MarvellousLuke
Grinner (Haggard/Grimjack)
Grip (Marvel Italia, Brandon Blake, Gemini member) - by Loki & Angelo Mammone
Grip (Billy Grippo)
Gripes (Vulturion, Spider-Man foe)
Grip of Death (Deathgrip)
Grippo, Billy "The Grip" (criminal, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Griscolda, Manuelo (art collector, Gambit character)
Gris-Gris (Assassins Guild, Gambit character) - by Norvo
Gris-Gris Man (Cain the Gris-Gris Man)
Grissom of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher/Spider-Man foe)
Griswald, Calvin of Earth-99476 (Dino-World) - by Loki
Griswald, Martha of Earth-99476 (Dino-World, Calvin's mother)
Griswald, Susie of Earth-99476 (Dino-World, Calvin's sister)
Griswald, Wilbur of Earth-99476 (Dino-World, Calvin's father)
Griswold, sir Herbert (Tarrant)
Grithstane (Equinus/Titan foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grithstane (Weirdworld villain) - by Prime Eternal
Grithstane (Biphasia, Werewolf character)
Griz ("Slingers" foe) - by G Morrow
Grizzly (Rawhide Kid/Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grizzly (AIM, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gro (The Hood character)
Grobek, Baron (ally of Pol Tiurno)
Grodd of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Grodnik (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Groff of Earth-62321 (Uranian criminal) - by Proto-Man
Grogan, Gorilla (boxer, Homer Ghost character)
Grogan, Grizzly (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grogarr (Slig, Fantastic Four character)
Grogg (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Grogg (Dimension of Exiles)
Grogoom (X-Men foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grogronk of Gronk (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Grok (11th century, Picts priest)
Grok of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven character)
Grokko (Attuma ally, Defenders foe)
Grokor (Komoks)
Grom (3rd century, Bran Mak Morn character)
Grom (Over-Mind)
Gromitz (Grund, Cloak&Dagger character)
Gromlin of Reality-8116 (World of Woods)
Gromosky (City Planning Board, murdered)
Gromyko, Andrei (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Gron (3rd century, Picts)
Gron (mercenary, Nebula ally) - by Prime Eternal
Gron (Dakkamite, Hulk/Nova foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gronk of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad, Strontium Dog strip)
Gronk (minion of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal
Groonk (Thor character) Groot (Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal, Madison Carter, Donald Campbell & MarvellousLuke Groot (Nightmare pet) - by Markus Raymond Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy member) - by MarvellousLuke Groot XXCVII (Groot, Marvel Monster) Groote, Leonard of Earth-982 (MC2 character) Groovin' Antediluvian (Behemoth Jack) Gross, Bobby (Bizarre Adventures, haunted by sister) - by Markus Raymond Gross, Gönter (The Wall, Euro-Trash) Gross, Ira (Defenders/Devil-Slayer character) - by Chadman Gross, Lillian (Bobby Gross' mother) Gross, Milton (Bobby Gross' father) Gross, Pearl (Pink Pearl) Gross, Robert (Bobby Gross) "Gross, Roberta" (Bobby Gross' sister) Grossman, Nick (Knickknack, Death-Throws) Grosso (War-Dust Dimension warrior, Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Grendel Prime Grotesk (X-Men foe) - by Changeling Grotesquerie of Earth-13277 (les Quatres Fantastiques) Grot (Xandarian Star-Corps) Grott the Manslayer of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Minions of Menace) - by Snood & Chadman Grotto (Kingpin henchman, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman Grottu (Marvel Monster, Bloodstone and Fantastic Four foe) Grotz, Police Chief Otto (Bromburg) Ground Plot (Sai foe, Spider-Man Magazine) Grouper, Mr. (Kingpin associate) Grove (Inhuman, the Tribe member) Grovel (partner of Spat, X-Men & Gambit foe) Grover, Lew (partner of Al Clark) Groves (Hellcat character) Groza (First Line character) Groza (Mortuus Invitus) Groza of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck) Grozick, Igor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski Groundhog (The Flight member) - by Madison Carter Groundhog (Post/Kevin Tremain, CIA codename) Growing Man (Avengers foe) - by Chadman Growling Bear (Old West character) Gru (lion, Tuk the Caveboy foe) Grubb, Harry (1960s fake alien, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks Grubb, Jason (time traveler, 1950s to Camelot) - by Ron Fredricks Gruber (Journey into Mystery) Gruber (Daredevil character) Gruber, Barbara (Mother Matrix) "Gruber, Dr." (scientist, employee of Frederick Dirkreich) Gruber, Emil (WW2, Captain America character) - by Grendel Prime Gruber, Ernst (Joe Borden victim) Gruber, Franz (Baron Zemo imposter) Gruber, Nelson (Bookworm) Grubervelt, Hans (Executioner) Grubnik, Hans (Gor-Kill foe) Gruesome Gus (mean man, the Imp foe) Grünwald, Jennifer of Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime Gruenwald, Mark (The Master of the Obscure!) - by Prime Eternal Gruenwald, Jenette of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) Gruenwald, Mrs. (CSIS, Omega Flight ally) Gruff, Gorgi (Adam Able foe) Gruler, Clare (Iron Cross) Gruler, Helmut (Iron Cross) Grulk the Skull Smasher (5th century, Picts) Grult (Menagerie of Rimthursar) Grumm, Artie (Defenders character) Grumm, Boris (encountered Sazzik the Sorcerer) Grumpy (Ghost Rider (Reyes) foe) - by Chadman Grumpy the Clown (Clown/Eliot Franklin) Grundane (Grund, Cloak&Dagger character) Grundok (servant of Lord Votan) Grundor (Rock Troll king) - by Prime Eternal Grundor the Greater (Grundor) Gruner, "Salty" (Ape Man) Gruning, Eric (Exiles) Grunt (Willie Evans Jr. aspect, Iron Man/X-Factor foe) Grunt (Shadow Riders) Grunt, Miss of Earth-7840 Grunter, Peter (Hogman) Gruska (Brian Newman's manager) Grutan (Albert Poole (Hulk); reprint name change) Gruto (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter Gryaznova, Ekaterina (Gryphon) Grylak the Greater (troll, Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond Gryphon (Prime Sentinel, Domino foe) - by Prime Eternal G-Type (Shi'ar Superguardians) - by Grendel Prime Guacana, Pascal "Pez" (Sundance, Shadows) Guan, Dei (Jade Dragon) Guapo, El (X-Statix member) Guard 17 of Earth-700459 (Graviton agent) - by Proto-Man Guard-Beast (Sun People's city, Ka-Zar foe) guard of the Second Assembly (Druid foe) "Guardian" of "Earth-7310" (ruler of the City) Guardian (James MacDonald Hudson) Guardian (servant of Odin aspect Infinity) Guardian (The People) Guardian (Triad) Guardian (sidekick of Phantom) Guardian (Vormund, German super-hero) Guardian of Earth-21993 (Heather Hudson) Guardian (Spider-Man clone) - by Minor Irritant Guardian of Beauty (guarded Mirror of Beauty, Conan foe) Guardian of Fen's crypt (Unforgiven Dead) guardian of stone (extraterrestrial, guardian of Millennium Monarch) Guardian of the Altar (Altar of Neptune's Wrath) guardian of the Amulet of Ka (pre-Cataclysm, Kull foe) "Guardian of the Black Orchid" (Jann of the Jungle foe) - by Ron Fredricks Guardian of the Cave of the Ultrave (Fire People) Guardian of the Dead (Grateful Undead) Guardian of the Ebony Blade (Black Knight character) Guardian of the Light (High Priest of the Monks of the Hidden Temple) Guardian of the Promethean Flame (Ares foe) - by Proto-Man Guardian of the Quadriverse (original, male) Guardian of the Quadriverse (woman) Guardian of the Quadriverse (infant) Guardian of the Ruby (Hulk foe) Guardian of the Well (Mimir) Guardian Angel of the New Universe (Seraph) Guardian Angel of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist Guardineer, Lee (Magician) Guardio, Chino (Delvadian, Keith Bayard ally) - by Chadman Guardio, Mia (Chino's wife) - by Chadman Guardsman (Harry Bright, James Rhodes foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Emilio Layton, James Rhodes foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Mike Ivy, Wizard foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Jim Cunningham, Venom foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Howard Samuels, Mentallo foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Danny Stephens, Venom foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Billy Fredricks, U-Foes foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Eliot Villagran, U-Foes foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Marc Danson, Pascal Tyler foe) Guardsman (Paul Danvers, Pascal Tyler foe) Guardsman (Rick McLaurin, Pascal Tyler victim) Guardsman (Ravello Medina, Pascal Tyler foe) Guardsman (Corben Rubinstein, Cinder victim) Guardsman (Pascal Tyler, Luke Cage foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Patrick Herbert, Mainframe foe) - by Chadman Guardsman (Marty Delarosa, Calypso/Lizard foe) - by Chadman Guardsman Prime (Frank Ensign) Gucumatz (Kukulcan) Gudrun the Golden (Hostess ad, Thor foe) - by Kyle Smith Guerra, Marisol (Creep) Guerreiro (Gilgamesh) Guerrero, Emily (Synapse) Guerrero, Ivan (Shredded Man) Guererro, James (White Tiger (Del Toro) character) - by Chadman Guererro, Peri (James' daughter) - by Chadman Guererro, Veronique "Niki" (James' wife) - by Chadman Guggenheim, Pappy (Skrull, Glenbrook malt shop owner) Gugurang (Bathala) Guiberg, Abbé (Black Monk, Hellstorm character, mentioned only) Guice (kidnapped Fatboys' Darla) Guida (agent, Matt Murdock character) Guide (Dark Angel character) - by Changeling "Guide of American Eagle" (John Marshall ally) Guillermos, Barbara of Earth-Shadowline (Victor's sister) Guillermos, Christina of Earth-Shadowline (Victor's mother) Guillermos, Victor of Earth-Shadowline (Powerline) Guillotine (Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D./Punisher/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman Guinevere (Lindsay McCabe) Guinevere of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime Guinness, Richie-Bob (Roach, Hellhouse) Guise of Ultraverse (Mantra/Warstrike foe) - by Grendel Prime Guitar, Danny (drug dealer, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman Guitar, Johnny (Dazzler foe) Guitard (6th century, Pict commander) Guiterrez, Anita (Luis' sister) Guitterez, Luis (Terminizer) Guiterrez, Monica (Luis' mother) Gukai (Waku foe) "Gukthing" (D.K.) Gula, Michael (Rock Python) Gulgol (Dr. Strange character) Gulio, Silvio (criminal businessman, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman Gullapalli, Ken (actor, Mary Jane Watson character) - by Chadman Gullin (Asgardian boar god) - by Omar Karindu Gullinbursti (magical boar, Asgard) Gulliver (encountered the Little People) Gulliver, Lemuel (Gulliver's descendant) Gullywhump (Frogs of Central Park) Gummi (Jahrmarkt member) Gummy (toothless crocodile, Royal Roy pet) - by Grendel Prime Gumpart (Daily Bugle staff) - by Chadman Gun (Moon Knight foe) Gun-Barrel Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime Gun-Dance Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime Gundar the Viking (Viking warrior) - by Spidermay Gundar ?? (Viking descendant) Gunderson, Arnie (Critical Mass) Gunmetal Gray (Ghost Rider/Blaze character) - by Future "gun moll" (WWII era gang leader, Hangman (Vardoff) victim) "Gunner" ("Gunner" Gates) Gunner (vandalized Kelco properties) Gunner of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants) Gunning, Kenneth (Cap, possessed by Mosaic) Gunplay (Spider-Man character) Gun Runner (Enhanced; Marvel UK character) - by Changeling Guns Gummy (Loonies) Gunship (War Machine foes) - by Gauntlet Gunsmith (BadGal operative, Big Hero 6 foe) Gunthar (Rigellian mercenary employed by Nebula, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)/Starfox foe) - by Donald Campbell Gunthar (Illuminator foe) Gunther (Gibichung clan leader, Siegfried foe) Gunther (Doctor Doom's tiger) - by Prime Eternal Gunther ?? (Fangu foe) "Gun-Toting Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki Gunwitch (Nocturnals, "Ultravengers") Gunyon, Det. (Hellstorm/Satana character) Guolabou of Reality-8116 (Zygotean Landing Party 017) Gupta (Triune Understanding member) - by Proto-Man Gupta, Qureshi (Pinpoint) Gur (Lion-People of Ligra, Howard the Duck/Marvel Zombie character) Gur, Fen (King Kull ally) G'uran (Dark Dimension ruler) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier G'uran the Great (Dark Dimension ruler) G'uranthic Guardian (Dr. Strange foe) - by Prime Eternal Gurien (Evil Walkers) Guru (1940s, cursed Morton Haverstraw) Guru Dragpo (Khrag 'Thung) Gus ?? (Human Torch (original) character) Gus ?? (Blonde Phantom foe) Gus ?? (student at Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character) Gus ?? (Dr. Strange foe) "Gus" (Ace character) Gus ?? (Illuminator character) Gus ?? (doorman) Gus ?? (It's Amazing Crew) Gus ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman Gus, Tyrone D. (Sons of Satannish) Gus Gorilla (sentient simian) Gus-Hulk (Gus Beezer) Gustav of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George) "Gut" of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe) Guthers, Woody (Ghost Rider character) Guthrie, Ed of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, Cannonball's father) Guthrie, Ellen of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, Cannonball's mother) Guthrie, Josh of Earth-Guthrie's Sentinel (What if? character) - by Madison Carter Guthrie, Melody (sister of Cannonball & Husk, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke Guthrie, Paige (Husk) Guthrie, Sam (Cannonball) Gutierrez (Zebra Daddy's thug) Gutman, Brad (X-Statix character) - by Proto-Man Gutman, Brenda (Brad's wife) Gutman, Britney (Brad's daughter) Gutman, Mr. (Team America foe) Gutruna (5th century, ruler of Gibichung clan, Thor character) Guttman, Alex (Mr. Kill, All-Hate Squad) Guvnor (Supersoldiers, Marvel UK) - by Changeling Guy (Student of Love, Spider-Man character) Guy, a Joe named (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal Guy, Eric (Musenda foe) Guy Named Joe (Spider-Man character) "Guy With the Dreads" (Boyz R Us) Guzman, Marcia (Trace, Hawkeye character) Guzman, Tulio (Hawkeye character) Gweilo (McLeish) Gwen ?? (wedding guest of Doug Hutchinson) Gwen 1 proto-husk (Gwen Stacy proto-husk, Deadpool character) Gwen 2 proto-husk (Gwen Stacy proto-husk, Deadpool character) Gwen 3 proto-husk (Gwen Stacy proto-husk, Deadpool character) Gwen 4 proto-husk (Gwen Stacy proto-husk, Deadpool character) Gwenn, Sgt. (Xenos) Gwent (Proud Walkers) Gwineer (Conan character) Gwun (Chinatown criminal, Moon Knight foe) Gwydion (Tuatha de Danan) Gwyneth ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman Gwynn, Mrs. (Pixie's mother) Gwynn, Megan of Earth-92131 (Pixie, X-Men '97 cartoon) Gydda (Pict, Bran Mak Morn's mother) Gyena (Gennady Gavrilov, Crimson Dynamo) Gyn of Earth-691 (31st Century, Deck) Gyps (Zombie (Simon Garth) foe) - by Markus Raymond gypsy (Conan character) Gypsy (drug dealer, Danny Guitar ally) Gypsy Davy of Earth-398 (Quicksilver, Queen Vengeance) Gypsy Joe (Super Rabbit foe) - by Grendel Prime Gypsy Moth (Night Shift, Spider-Woman foe) - by Prime Eternal and Will U Gypsy Moth (Rangers foe) - by Chadman Gypsy Witch of Earth-398 (Scarlet Witch, Queen's Vengeance) Gyrahn of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe) Gyrene (WWII-era Easy Company mascot dog) - by Prime Eternal Gyrich, Henry Peter Gyrk (New Mutants foe) Gzoom (Galactic Marathon) All characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel
Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
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