These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
L-10 of Earth-1119 (Panther character)
La (Inhuman, Crystal & Medusa's grandmother)
La Bandera (Wolverine character) - by Chadman
la Espirita (Firebird)
La Fable, Maggie (actress, Captain America (Mace) character)
Labash, Michael (failed Weapon VII test subject)
LaBella, Lulu (Old West, Scarlet Shadow)
Labelle, "Sparkles" (post WWII, Captain America/Jeff Mace & Bucky/Fred Davis foe) - by Grendel Prime
Labrador (Dogs of War)
Lace (Black Cat foe) - by Ron byrd
Lacey (SHIELD agent, Black Widow character)
Lache (extradimensional farmer) - by Proto-Man
Lachenay, Bernie (Manbot)
Lachryma of Earth-928 (2099 character) - by Zerostar
Lacoco, Beverly (Fight-Man character) - by Michael Midnight
Lacuna (X-Statix ally) - by Proto-Man
Laddie (1960s, Frank Miller's dog)
Ladon (Hercules foe) - by Will U
LaDonna, Holly (Vision/Scarlet Witch character) - by Markus Raymond
"Lady" ("Sniper Chick")
Lady Acorn-a-Lot (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Lady Allana (Conan character)
Lady Andromeda (Andromeda)
Lady Aqua of Eurth (Invisible Woman counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Lady Ash (Megaera, Furies) --also see Uno
Lady Asqueth (Arlinna)
Lady Awesomebod McMuscleAbs (Squirrel Girl)
Lady Bullseye (Kingpin agent, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lady Burning Fish (Special Executive)
Lady Chaos of Earth-634962 (cosmic entity, Thanos love interest) - by Proto-Man
Lady Comet of Earth-398 (Firestar, Queen's Vengeance)
Lady Crimepocalypse (Squirrel Girl)
Lady Daemon (1930s era magic user) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lady D'Antan, Catherine (Commanda)
Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama)
Lady Diana (18th century, Hellfire Club)
"Lady Ewe" (New Men)
Lady Fynn-Geres (Lunatik (cosmic merc) character) - by Markus Raymond
"Lady Gardener" of Earth-92131 (mutant plant manipulator, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Lady Gorgon (Hand, Punisher foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lady Grey (18th Century, Hellfire Club)
Lady Hadwig (Conan character)
Lady J of New Universe (Chrome, Spitfire)
Lady Jane (Wheels of Wolfpac character) - by Markus Raymond
Lady Janice (Modred’s true love) - by Patrick D Ryall
Lady Karlot (Reptyl victim) - by Cheyne
Lady Kernels of Corn of Earth-17471 (criminal, Squirrel Girl/Alfredo the Chicken foe)
Ladykiller (Daredevil foe)
Lady Larabee (Old West, western romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Lady Lark (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)
"Lady Lioness" (New Men, Sir Lyan's wife)
Lady Lotus (Super-Axis, Invaders foe....later Lotus Newmark)
Lady Magdalena of Earth-398 (Magdalene, Queen's Vengeance)
Lady Marvel of Earth-398 (Carol Danvers/Binary/Warbird, Queen's Vengeance)
Lady Morgana of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime
"Lady Ock" (Carolyn Trainer)
Lady Octopus (Carolyn Trainer, Spider-Man/Scarlet Spider foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lady of Liberty of Eurth (Lady of the Lake or Roma counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Lady of Qianlong of Earth-741 (Captain Empire foe)
Lady of the Dawn (Oshtur)
Lady of the East (Bast, Panther God)
Lady of the Lake (Arthurian Legend)
Lady of the Skies (Oshtur)
"Lady of the Stars" (Lion God/Sekhmet)
Lady of the Table of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice ally)
"Lady Panthera" (New Men, Sir Lepard's wife)
Lady Phillips (Sir Gordon Phillips' wife)
Lady Selene (Selene, Black Queen)
Lady Slug (Microverse rebellion)
lady-spider (Sven the Spider-killer foe)
Lady Starbrand of Earth-818 ("Avengers" member)
Lady Stilt-Man (Spider-Man/Deadpool foe) - by Chadman
Lady Talia of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Lady Tnneya (Enslavers/Troxx)
Lady Trident (Peacekeepers) - by Prime Eternal
Lady Turac (Turac's wife)
Lady Tuvia (Namor character)
Lady Unbeatable (Squirrel Girl)
Laelaps (Shadow-Hound)
LaFarge (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Lafferty, Mrs. (Defenders character)
LaForge, Benedict (Daredevil character)
LaFountaine, Georgianna (Nightstalkers character) - by Markus Raymond
Lafoux, Charles (found Witch Queen)
"Lagoon Creature of Rising Sun" (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
LaGrange, Simon (Daredevil foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
LaGraves (Sweat Shop)
LaGuardia, Al (Speedball character) - by Prime Eternal
Lahni ?? (mother of Jaime, Purple Man victim)
Lahti, Brigitte "Gitte" (Snow Queen)
Lain, Faire de (Spider-Man character)
Laing, Dr. Charles (Candace Nelson's academic advisor)
Laird (judge, Muse victim)
L'Ai Sau (Priests of Pama)
Laka (Oceanic Goddess)
Lake, Paula (Alpha/Andy Maguire character)
Lakeisha ?? (Leshon's sister)
Lala (concubine of Barlonius)
Lalique (Dragon Rider) - by Prime Eternal
Lalla (Clea character) - by Chadman
Lam of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)
Lama (1950s mystic, cursed greedy men to become Yetti)
Lama (1960s mystic) - by John Kaminski
Lambda-Zero (Stardust)
Lambert of Other Realm
Lambert, Chet of Earth-92131 (mutant phaser, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Lambert, Nick (Ben Urich foe) - by Chadman
Lament (Neo, Lost Souls, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Lamia (Olympus Group) - by Will U
Lamia (vampire, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lamia (Seeker 3000, leader of the Hkkkt) - by Prime Eternal
Lamilm Gor (Adam Warlock)
Lamont (Caroline le Fay's butler) - by Proto-Man
Lamont, Lily (Old West, Dakota Kid (Morgan) lover)
Lamont, Michael (Snake Eyes)
"Lamplighter of Legendary" (Father Time)
Lamprey of Earth-712 (Donald McGuiggin, Squadron Supreme member/foe) - by Proto-Man
LaMuerto, Carlos (Black Tarantula)
Lan, Hwang Do (Kung Do Karate master) - by MarvellousLuke
Lance (TV role, Ricky Martin)
Lance (Uncle Elmer Show)
Lance of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Lance ?? (Hydra, Morbius victim)
Lance, Ed (X-Statix character)
Lancelot (Knights of the Round Table)
Lancer of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Fantastic Four foe) - by SQUEAK
Lancer, Freddy (mercenary, Skull the Slayer foe) - by Grendel Prime
Lancer, Roberta (Camarilla of the N'Garai)
Landa of Inniverse
Landar (Star Masters ally) - by Prime Eternal
"Land Beast" (Great Beasts, Tundra)
Landers, Bob (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Landers, Carol (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Landers, Dave of New Universe (Mastodon, DP7) - by Prime Eternal
Landers, Grey (Julie Angel's boyfriend)
Landers, Laura Lee (Daredevil character)
Landon, Herbert (Brand Corporation, newer version)
Landra (Starshine)
Landru, Henri Desire (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Landscape (bounty hunter, Gambit & Rogue foe)
Landsfield, Mr. (student of Peregrin Took)
Land Shark of Earth-89923 (Wolverina foe) - by Markus Raymond
Landslide (Outcasts, Subterreanean protector) - by Loki
Landslide (Cerebro's nanotech X-Men)
Lane (Daredevil foe)
Lane, Bob (cursed undead) - by Spidermay
Lane, Charles (encountered Great Nikko)
Lane, Connie (Rodney Radiant love interest)
Lane, Rex (Solver of the Supernatural) - by Patrick D Ryall
LaNeige, Bianca (Generation X foe) - by Sammy7D
Lanford, Diana (Merzah's assistant)
Lang, Cassandra of Earth-83438
Lang, Loraida of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Lang, Paul (Speedfreek employer)
Lang, Mister (Tales to Astonish character)
Lang, Scott of Earth-12240 (Ant-Venom)
Lang, Tyler (Speedfreek character)
Langdon, Ronny (romance character, singer) - by Grendel Prime
Lange, Allison (Leap-Frog's wife) - by Chadman
Lange, Buford (Leap-Frog)
Lange, Timmy (Leap-Frog's son) - by Chadman
Langella, Maggie (Macabre)
"Langenscheidt", Hans (Gustav "Schultz" victim)
Langford, David (Morbius foe)
Langhagen (Feuer)
Langkowski, Walter
Langkowski, Walter (Smart Alec/Alexander Thorne)
Langley (Ghost Rider/Wolverine foe)
Langley, Billy (Mark's son)
Langley, Gordon (WWI horror) - by Spidermay
Langley, Helen (Mark's wife)
Langley, Mark (enemy of Goom and Googam) - by Prime Eternal
Langstrom, Etta (Maverick character)
Langstrom, Lt. Ian (Namor ally) - by Chadman
Langunn, Atleza (Infinity Abyss character)
Langwood, Elisabeth "Lizzie" (married "Aspect of Eternity")
Lanie ?? (college student, agent of the Monocle) - by Proto-Man
Lann (Keeper of the Flame)
Lanning, Annie (Joshua's daughter)
Lanning, Joshua (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Lanning, Joshua Jr. (Joshua's son)
Lanning, Dr. Sydney (Spider-Man character)
Lansdale, Billy (Rogue character)
Lansing, Cheryl (Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) character) - by Minor Irritant
Lansing, Edward (Champions foe)
Lansing, Eric (encountered "Xenarthrans")
Lansky, Dr. Edward (Lightmaster)
Lantern (attended Saturnyne's trial on Earth-622)
La Nuit (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man
Lanza, Victor (mob boss, Daredevil story)
Lan-Zarr (Knights of the Infinite)
Lao (lung dragon adviser to the Atlas Foundation) - by Proto-Man
Laodamas (Conan character)
Laois (Acroyear foe) - by Grendel Prime
Laolo ?? (Muties character)
Laomedon (Hercules foe) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Lao-Tse the Mystic (Reed Richards foe) - by Zerostar
LaPierre, Francois (Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo
LaPierre, Georges (Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo
LaPierre, Janice (King-Cake Killer victim)
LaPoint, Jacques (Scorpio, Zodiac Cartel)
LaPorte, Emma (victim of Rusty Collins, @ X-Factor)
Laporto, Ryan (Wolverine, M Branch X-Force)
Lar (Conan character)
Lara (Starseed's society)
Lara ?? of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Laralei (Kull character)
Laralie (Wrangler, Black Widow foe)
Laramee, Davy (Arizona Kid)
Lara-Perez, Tomas (Chipmunk Hunk)
Larcenous Lil (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Larch, Lifer (Miss America foe)
Lardner, Amos (Moon Knight character)
Lardner, James (Cobra)
L'ar Gath (extraterrestrial god of death)
Largo, Ape (Nightside character)
Largo, James (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Larin ("Wise Ones", Doctor Doom character)
Larken, Hunk (Magneto)
Larkin, Jerry (Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
"Larklaw" (Deviant Horde)
Larks (Kingpin employee) - by Chadman
Larner, James (Shang-Chi character)-by the Beetle
La Roc, Pierre (1960s criminal, encountered living statues) - by Ron Fredricks
La Rocca, Joseph (Don Vischetti's right-hand)
LaRoquette, Samuel John (Rock)
LaRosa, Carlotta (Thing character) - by G Morrow
LaRoue, Officer (Xenophobic Man foe)
LaRoughe (father of Fhala, husband of Meara, Conan character)
LaRouquette, Sam (Rock)
Larmouth, Chris (Defenders character) - by Chadman
LaRocque, Jacques (Frenchman, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Laroximous Boneflayer (Dr. Strange character) - by Grendel Prime
Larraine and her Remarkable Protuberance of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord
Larribee, "Lash" (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Larrimore, Don (romance character, fashion photographer)
Larrs (Rejects)
Larry ?? (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Larry ?? (Crypt of Shadows - Master / victim of Joe)
Larry ?? (Diana Cummings' agent, romance character)
Larry ?? (underprivileged child, Daredevil character)
Larry ?? (public defender, Matt Murdock character)
"Larry" (xt, Krugreppeans)
Larry ?? (Daredevil character)
Larry ?? (Human Fly (Rojatt) character)
Larry ?? of Earth-8107 (Triangle of Evil member) - by David Lawrence
Larry ?? (Slug employee)
Larry ?? (Solomon O'Sullivan's legal team)
Larry ?? (X-Statix employee)
Larry ?? (X-Statix character)
Larry ?? (Generation M character)
Larry ?? (Front Line character)
Larry ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Larry ?? (police officer, Squirrel Girl character)
Larry (Laroximous Boneflayer)
Larry ?? (247 Market employee) - by Proto-Man
Larry ?? (Spider-Man foe, Profit henchman)
Larry ?? (robber, Brain Drain foe)
Larry ?? (Ikari agent, Daredevil foe)
Larry ?? (mall Santa, murder suspect) - by Proto-Man
Larry ?? (masked criminal)
Larry the ant (worked for Hank Pym)
Larsen, "Hulk" (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Larson (detective, Daredevil character)
Lartigue, Francois (Wendigo)
Larue, Hannah (child, Daredevil character)
Larue, Maria (Hannah's mother)
Larue, Simon (Hannah's father)
LaSanne, Nadia (Golden Age, Moon-Man character)
Lascivious (formerly Titania of the Grapplers)
Laser (Spine foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Laser (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Laser" of Earth-89149 (Annex Squad member)
Laserworks (Seekers, Darkhawk/Venom/Metahumes foe)
Lash of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Lash (X-Student, James Wheaton)
Lash (Inhuman, Tribe leader) - by Chadman
Lash (Sunita, Marauders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Lash, Brian (Scar the Stalker)
Lasha (Savage Land Mutates foe)
Lasher (Cell-12) - by Spidermay
Lashina of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Lashinski, Jacob (Decay, Acolytes)
Lassie (Doctor Bong mutate)
Lassiter (gangster, Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lassiter, Marcus (Aries, Zodiac Cartel)
Last, Charles (Ringleader, Death-Throws)
Last Disciple of Thanos of Earth-829 (Hercules 2300 foe) - by Prime Eternal
Last Druid (Derwyddon)
Last Foolkiller of Earth-928 (Foolkiller)
Last Inhuman of Earth-17619 (Maximus the Mad) - by Chadman
Last Knight (Black Knight foe) - by Prime Eternal
Last Monitor (Nygorn, Quasar character)
Last of the Chiefs (M'Tuba)
"Last of the Elfburgs" (Judith Rassendyll)
Last of the Man-Ape tribe (Maa-Gor)
"Last of the War Barons" (Dragon-Lord)
"Last of the Samurai" (Dragon-Lord)
Last Son of Xandar (Nova Omega)
Last Watcher of Earth-691 (31st Century, Uilig, partial entry)
Laswell, Lindon (Silver Sable foe) - by Prime Eternal
Latham, Jorge (Hawkeye's friend) - by Proto-Man & Prime Eternal
Latham, Paul (NFL SuperPro character)
Lathrop, Bobby (Black Rider ally) - by Prime Eternal
Lathrop, Marie (Old West era ranch hand, Black Rider love interest) - by Prime Eternal
Lathrop, Ned (Lifter, Mutant Force)
Lathrop, Jim (Black Rider ally) - by Prime Eternal
Láthspell (Gandalf)
Latimer's Android (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Latta, Bernardo (early 20th century, Sicilian vampire)
Latta, Mr. (father of Bernardo and Sophia)
Latta, Mrs. (mother of Bernardo and Sophia)
Latta, Sophia (early 20th century, Sicilian vampire)
Lauchline, Siobahn (Conan character)
Laufey (Frost Giant king, Loki's father) - by Markus Raymond
Laufur of Earth-53147 (leader of the Frost Giant Schnauzers)
"Laughing Boy" (dog, Frisky)
"Laughing Boy" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
Laughing Mask (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Laughlin (Sons of the Serpent)
Laughlin, Connor (Hitch-Hiker)
Laughton, Ebenezer (Scarecrow)
Laura ?? (1950s; loved Ventro the Great, Kevin's dummy)
Laura ?? (encountered Gruto)
Laura ?? (hit on by Tunnel Teens)
Laura ?? (Daredevil character)
Laurel, Hardy (Clown-9)
Laurent (Captain Tyger)
Laurie (Laurox)
Laurie ?? of Earth-8116 (Dreadstar story)
Laurox the Lecherous (demon, Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Lava (Hellbent)
Lavadon (Asgardian monster, Loki/Thor foe) - by Chadman
LaValle, Artur (film director, proposed marriage to Vick Grant)
"lava monster" (Menace from Inferno Isle)
Laveau, Marie (Witch Queen of New Orleans)
Lavell, Edward (Eel)
Lavender (Captain America (Mace)/Bucky (Davis) foe) - by Kevin Garcia
Lavender, Edward (Cat)
Lavender, Maxine (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lavinia of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Lavish (Rogue/Gambit foe) - by Chadman
LaVoisin (Hellstorm character)
Lavour (Crystar foe) - by David Lawrence
Lavreaux, Christian (Sunset Grace's son)
Lavreaux, Grace (Sunset Grace)
Lavreaux, Francois (Sunset Grace's husband)
Lavrov, Illyich "Illya" (Sibercat)
Lawfers, Davis (Copperhead)
Lawholder (Brotherhood of Ankh)
Lawlor, Dave (1950s, butler of Louis Stark)
Lawnmower (Super Soldiers character)
Lawrence ?? (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lawrence, Christina (Hodiah Twist foe, vampire) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Lawrence, Lacy of Ultraverse (TZA News reporter, Prototype (Ruiz) character)
Lawson, Ed (Daredevil character)
Lawson, Janet (romance character)
Lawson, Larry (Janet's brother)
Lawson, Linda (romance character, television presenter) - by Grendel Prime
Lawson, Thomas (vampire, Legion of the Damned)
Lawson, Dr. Walter S. (Captain Mar-Vell character) - by Spidermay
Lawt of Reality-8116 (Byfrexian)
Lawton, Billy of Earth-75011 (Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Laxtan, Xtoral (Thanos foe) - by Spidermay
Layla (Zombie ally) - by Copeinator123
Laynnen (elderspawn, Conan character)
Layton (Old West judge)
Layton, Emilio (Guardsman)
Layton, Wally (Houston Police Department lieutenant, Scarlet Spider (Kaine) character) - by Chadman
Laz (Skrull would-be conqueror, Groot character) - by Chadman
Lazar (priest, Gabriel the Devil-Hunter character)
Lazar, Eric (Spider-Woman character)
Lazar, Rico (Hammerhand)
Lazard (Dr. Hydro agent)
Lazarus (Garokk the Petrified Man)
Lazarus (Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Lazarus (Shang Chi foe)
Laz-Fire (Zoo, Gun Runner foe)
Lazlo, Sigfried (artist, romance character)
Lazurex Prime of Reality-45828 (cyborg, Hyperkind foe) - by Grendel Prime
L'Deroh (Shi'ar, X-Men character) - by Chadman
L.D. 50 (Rage/Avengers foe) - by Norvo
Le, Drihn Van of Ultraverse (Orange Lotus Cult)
le Bete Noir (Gambit/Bishop foe)
le Concierge (Emissaries of Evil, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
le Cowboy (Les Heroes de Paris)
le Docteur Q (Les Heroes de Paris)
le Lumiere Bleue (Les Heroes de Paris)
"Le Pew, Rawhide" (Merry Maladies)
le Sabre (Black Knight foe)
le Vent (Les Heroes de Paris)
Leach (Eric Slaughter henchman, Daredevil foe)
"Leader" (slain by haunted house)
"Leader" (1 million BC, Wanderers)
Leader of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Leader of Earth-9390
"Leader" (head of the Champions of the Anamelech) - by Proto-Man
Leader Crab (Knight Koala foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Leader of the Deathloks of Lingares (Force Works foe)
leader of the Golden Claws (Shang-Chi character)
Leader of the 1400 Club (Justin Hammer, Spider-Man/Foreigner foe) - by Spidermay - 1400 Club involvement only
Leader of the Robot-Men (Namor foe)
"Leader of the Unholy Trinity" (The Grand Bois)
Lead-In (Death Sponsors, X-Men and Shatterstar foe)
Leafmaster (Xavier's School Rejects)
Leah, baroness (Falcon character)
Leah, Dr. (associate of Dr. Segismund Joshua)
Leahy, Marie (Damage Control account executive) - by Chadman
Leaman (Sweat Shop)
Leander (1950s, lived in subterranean city, encounterd by Jeff Cord)
Leanne of the Lemurans (ruler of Lemurans, Ka-Zar character)
Leaper Logan (Speedball villain) - by Patrick D Ryall
Leap Frog of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Leap-Frog (Daredevil character)
Leap-Frog (Buford Lange, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Leap-Frog (armored, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Leapin' Lizard of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
Lear, Colonel (Hulk character)
Leary, Bucko (NYPD detective, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Leary, Kevin (Warrant)
Leash (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Leash, Micah (X-Factor character)
Leather (Black Cat foe) - by Ronald byrd
Leatherboy (GLA member/foe) - by John Kaminski
Leave, Ned (Eden Vale)
LeBeau, Henri (Gambit's foster brother, Thieves Guild member) - by Proto-Man
LeBeau, Jean-Luc of Earth-11052 (X-Men: Evolution, Gambit's adoptive father) - by Julien Vive
LeBeau, Remy (Gambit)
Lebedev, Aleksey (WW2, Red Guardian)
Lebenstein, Larry ("Weightwatcher", S.P.A.F.O.N. member)
LeBlanc, Cara (She-Hulk character) - by Stunner
LeBlanc, Charles (Operation: Cobra)
LeBlanc, Francois (Frog-Man, Ani-Men)
LeBlanc, Frog (Francois LeBlanc, Frog-Man)
LeBlanc, Lavinia (Gargouille, Acolytes)
"LeBlanc, Monsieur" (Jean-Paul "Frenchie" DuChamp; Committee appearances only)
LeBron, Claude (Winter Olympics)
Lebutte, Baal of Earth-10631 (Goat Boy)
LeConte, Lorena (la Hacienda)
Lectra of Reality-8116 (Caldor/The People)
Lectronn (Marvel Age) - by Monzo
Lederer, Horst (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Ledge (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Ledger, Horace (Ledge)
Lee, Belle (Rex Lane partner)
Lee, Cho (Golden Dragon, Shang Chi foe)
Lee, Fong (Council Supreme, Brother Voodoo character)
Lee, Gweny (Jay Little Bear's Chinese girlfriend) - by Prime Eternal
Lee, Ingenuity (House of Blue Lights)
Lee, Jimmy (Deadline character) - by Markus Raymond
Lee, Jeong of Earth-Shadowline (Knights of the Order of St. George)
Lee, Jonathan (Silver Sable employee) - by Spidermay
Lee, Jubilation (Jubilee)
Lee, Dr. Karen (Kali, the Black Madness)
Lee, Karin (inherited Hagmoor Castle, Captain America character)
Lee, Kun (Mongolian warrior)
Lee, Larry (Yancy Street Gang)
Lee, Stan - by the Masters of the Obscure
Lee, Timothy (Master of the Four Winds)
Lee, Tommy (Joy Boys)
Lee ?? (Golden Tigers)
Lee (alias used by F'Adak of the N'Grith)
Lee ?? (Project/Fortress technician)
Leebre, Veeda (Captain Marvel character) - by Elf with a Gun
Leech of Earth-1035 (Generation X, Millennial Visions)
Leech, Arab (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Leech, Hal (NFL SuperPro foe) - by Markus Raymond
Leech, Roxy of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Leecher (Bio-Genes)
Leeds, Ned (Hobgoblin) of Earth-8982
Leer (Inhuman, Karnak's son) - by Chadman
Lee Ross, Karen (Betty Ross' mother) - by Spidermay
Leese, William (Alfie)
Leevald, Miranda (Stacy X)
Lefevre, Mrs. (guidance counselor)
Lefferts, Bob (Fast Lane, Spider-Man character)
Lefszycic, Alphonsus (Gomi)
Left Arm (Quintronic Man)
Leftenent (Frankenstein character)
Left-Handed Hummingbird (Hummingbird)
Left Leg (Quintronic Man)
Left-Winger (Hector Lennox, Captain America (John Walker) foe) - by Proto-Man
"Lefty" (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lefty (bartender, Jamie Madrox character) - by Chadman
"Lefty" Donovan (Hobgoblin imposter)
Lefty Louie (1950s, Santa Claus foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Lefty Lucie (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Legal (attorney of Tony Stark & Wilson Fisk) - by Chadman
Legal Eagle (Hostess ad villain) - by Kyle Smith
Legate Caius Estulitius Incitatus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)
Legba (African God)
Legba, Mambo (Council Supreme, Brother Voodoo foe)
Legion (Mephisto)
Legion (demons, Ghost Rider foe)
Legion (Special Executive)
Legion of Earth-99315 (David Haller, Defenders)
LeGreed, Phil (Clutch, Grab & LeGreed)
Legride of Vienna (Nosferatu victim)
Legs (Undergrounders)
LeGuin, Jerry (Philip's father)
LeGuin, Philip (Defenders ally) - by Chadman
Legumbé (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
Lehdrox, K'Vant (Death's Head assimilated personality)
Lehnsherr, Anya of Earth-97400 (Eric's eldest daughter)
Lehnsherr, Eric of Earth-97400 (Magneto)
Lehnsherr, Erik of Earth-523004 (Magneto)
Lehnsherr, Magda of Earth-97400 (Eric's wife)
Lehnsherr, Magnus of Earth-27 (time-hopping Exiles member)
Lehnsherr, Pietro of Earth-97400 (Eric's son)
Lehnsherr, Wanda of Earth-97400 (Eric's younger daughter)
Lehr, Michael (Smasher)
Lei-Kung of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Lei Kung the Thunderer (Iron Fist character)
Leialoha, Rudy of New Universe (Shudderbug)
Leif ?? (Sven the Spider-killer father)
Leigh the Kree (Earth-based alien Kree, B-Sides ally)
Leighton, Brian (mutant, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) foe) - by Norvo
Leighton, Rachel imposter (Diamondback LMD)
Leiko (Mutant Underground of Singapore)
Leila ?? (Vision (Aarkus) character)
Leila ?? (Daredevil character)
Leir (Celtic god of lightning) - by Will U and Prime Eternal
Leland, Harry (Hellfire Club, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Lemar, Aftaab (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman
Lembert, Louis "Lou" (Hotshot)
Lemmick, Wylie (Gladiator)
Lemmy of Earth-20051 (Skrull, Fantastic Four character)
Lemner, Doctor of Earth-7484 (Operation: Savior Machine, Deathlok character)
Lemon, Len (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Lemonde, Paul (One-Man Atrocity, All-Hate Squad)
L'Empereur du Monde Southern (Thing/Heroes de Paris foe) - by Proto-Man
Lemuel ?? (Mount Pressure mechanic, She-Hulk character)
Len ?? (police officer)
Len ?? (Ms. Marvel character)
Len ?? (Ghost Rider (Blaze) character)
Lena (Conan character)
Lendu Garinta of Earth-9812 (Centaurian)
Lenore (Frankenstein monster character)
Lenore (Red Lucy's child)
Lennon, John of Earth-47366 (Fantastic Four story)
Lennon, Paul (Taxman)
Lennox (Hyena ally, Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Lennox, Alton (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lennox, Hector (Left-Winger)
Lennox, Horace (Chalo)
Lennox, Martha (Chalo)
Lennox, Tom (S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi Division)
"Lennsherr, Magda" (Magneto's wife, Vision and Scarlet Witch mother)
Lenny ?? (Captain America foe, WWII era)
Lenny ?? (Slug employee)
Lenny ?? (Captain America character)
Lenny ?? (Scarlet Spider foe)
Lens (Warpies)
Lensherr, Charles of Earth-295 (son of Magneto & Rogue, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo
Lensherr, Eric Magnus of Earth-295 (Magneto, Age of Apocalypse's X-Men)
Lenya (Yuri Petrovich's dog)
Lenz (Clan Destine foe) - by Prime Eternal
Leo (Daniel Whitehall/Kraken)
Leo (Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal
Leo (One-Man Zodiac)
Leo (Mr. Zodiac)
Leo (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Leo (Helio)
Leo (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)
Leo ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foe)
Leo ?? (Shadow Consortium member)
Leon (Cat People, Professor Leon)
Leonard ?? (surgeon, restored Ellen Brandt's face)
Leonard ?? (Hammerhead victim) - by Chadman
Leonard, Cameron (Firebolt)
Leonard the Duck (possible identity of Howard the Duck)
Leonardo (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)
Leonardo, Kevin (Atom Smasher)
Leong, Cheryl of Ultraverse (friend of Chun family)
Leonid (Organizatsyia)
Leonine (Hellfire Club, Wolverine foe) - by Loki
Leonus (leonine Inhuman, Maximus ally) - by Chadman
leopard (controlled by Ned Mungo)
Leopard Girl (1950s, Jungle Action adventurer) - by Ron Fredricks
Leopold ?? (friend of Calvin, Li'l Kids comedy character)
Lepirax (Godzilla foe)
Lepre, Dr. Carolyn (Crossbones character)
Leres (criminal, Gary Gaunt foe)
Le-Roj (Inhuman, Maximus foe)
Lerou, Philip (European correspondant, Ulysses Bloodstone character)
LeRoux, Andre (Dragonfly, Super Soldiers)
Leroux, Captain Eric (Marrakech, Sam Sawyer foe)
LeSeig, Theodore (Wolverine foe) - by Markus Raymond
Leshon ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Leslie ?? (Spider-Man character)
"Leslie" of Earth-534834 (Marvel Action Hour, Elastika disguise)
Leslie ?? (vampire, Blade foe)
Leslie, Yvonne (Captain Universe character)
Lester ?? (Jane Crawlins' cousin)
Lester of Earth-751263 (Rejects member) - by Proto-Man
Lester ?? (youth, Daredevil character)
Lester (Beverly Switzler's dog) - by Proto-Man
Lester, Charles (victim of Elf with a Gun)
Lester, John (Raffington sheriff, aided Martian migrant Nardo)
Lester, Richard (famous movie director)
Lestrade (Scotland Yard inspector, Sherlock Holmes character)
Lestron, Ted (pre-FF mutant) - by John Kaminski
Letha (Grapplers member) - by Nyssane
Lethal of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Lethe-Beast (sea monster, Namor foe) - by Chadman
Letterman, David (talkshow host, Avengers character) - by Norvo
Lettre A (Cell Combattre)
Lettre B (Cell Combattre)
Lettre C (Cell Combattre)
Letz (V.I.G.I.L.)
Leucosia (Sirens, Ghost Rider foe)
Lev (Chosen, Dualer)
Levan (Nebula's Freebooters, Avengers foe) - by Donald Campbell
Levant, Dominique (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Leverett, Jim (Fernville, former acquaintance of Sammy Glenn)
LeVessaur, Laurent (Manimator)
Leviathan (formerly contained Lilith, possibly the creature from Sumerian myth)
Leviathan (Sub-Mariner foe) - by Prime Eternal
Leviathan (Gargantua) - by Chadman
Leviathan (Nick Fury/S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Markus Raymond
Leviathan (Yuriko Takiguchi creation, X-Men foe)
Leviathan in the... (Wrathchilde)
Leviathism ("Gravity Garden" apex predator)
Leviathon Mother (Kid Kaiju foe)
Levin, Danny (police detective, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Levin, Major Debra (Alexi Vazhin's aide) - by Prime Eternal
Levine, Sidney LMD (Deltan conspiracy)
Levine, Tobe (Mangler, Tri-Man)
Levins (Jack O'Lantern, Steven Mark Levins' brother)
Levins, Martin "Marty" (Jack O'Lantern's father) - by Proto-Man
Levins, Phyllis (Jack O'Lantern's mother) - by Proto-Man
Levins, Steven Mark (Jack O'Lantern)
Leviticus, Saint Cyrus (Wolverine foe)
Levon (Thunderbolts Gang)
Lewis (1950s scientist, switched mind of Sims with gorilla)
Lewis, Allan (Phantom Bullet)
Lewis, Doug (romance character)
Lewis, Elton (judge, Daredevil character)
Lewis, Henry (scientist, Knight & Fogg victim)
Lewis, Jordan (Gloom, X-Student)
Lewis, Nicholas "Nick" Sr. (Crime-Master)
Lewis, Nicholas "Nick" Jr. (Crime-Master, Nick Sr.'s son)
Lewis, "Rusty" (mutated astronaut) - by Ron Fredricks
Lewis, Steven (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Lewis, Dr. Thomas (Broadway Project)
Lewton, Moses (Thunderboot, Triumvirate of Terror)
Lexi (Gladiators member)
Leyden, Dirk (Megawatt)
Lhasa (Medusae)
Lhos, Atrophus (Inhumans Genetics Council) - by Chadman
Li (Dr. Benway's assistant/nurse)
Li (detective, Iron Fist character)
Li, Billy (Church of the Sheltering Hands)
Li, Chon (Aardwolf)
Li, Huo (Shang-Chi foe)
Li, Lin of Earth-92131 (Nature Girl, X-Men '97 cartoon)
Liala (Ebron) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lianda (Dracula foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Lianissa (Weirdworld sorceress) - by Prime Eternal
Lianje, Hong (Eosimias)
Liberator (Rom foe) - by Spidermay
Liberty Girl (First Line member) - by Norvo
Libido (Priapus agent)
Libra (Gustav Brandt, Zodiac Cartel, Mantis' father)
Libra (One-Man Zodiac)
Libra (Mr. Zodiac)
Libra (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Libra (Zodiac (First Sign), Avengers foe)
Libra (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)
Libra ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foe)
Libro (Conan character) - by Grendel Prime
Licciardo, Dr. Emilio (Foundations scientist) - by Proto-Man
Lich (Avatars of the Mandarin)
Lichenstein, Dr. (foe of Astrologer)
Licht, Darryl (possessed by Anung-Ite) - by Will U and Snood
Lichtenstein (Daily Bugle writer)
Lictor (War Machine foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lieberman, David Linus (Microchip)
Liebling, Thorwald (Morbius character)
Liebman, Kenny (Hooded Eye)
Liebowitz (Matt Murdock character)
Lief (Ant-Man character)
Liegeman of Earth-398 (U.S. Agent, Queen's Vengeance)
"Liege of the King of Beasts" (Lion God/Sekhmet)
Lt. Buckler of Earth-85133 (Devil-Slayer MAX character)
Lt. Byron (Namor/Namora character)
Lt. Paul Carson (San Francisco Police Department) - by Chadman
Lt. Morris Costello (corrupt New Jersey police officer, Daredevil foe)
Lt. Coyle (FDNY, Arthur Schweibe ally)
Lieutenant Curtis (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) character)
Lt. Garrote (Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Chadman
Lt. Col. Jonathon Tom Gittes (rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Lt. Colonel Pinkerton (Percival Pinkerton's brother) - by Prime Eternal
Lt. Erikson (trained Leatherneck Raiders for winter combat) - by Prime Eternal
Lt. Frazer ("Torpedo" Taylor character)
Lt. Lou Hackett (Werewolf foe)
Lt. Halea (Monarchy 2nd Royal Division)
Lt. Hitch (Free Divers)
Lt. H'ral (Shi'ar, Gul Damar Space Station, X-Men story)
Lieutenant Kona-Lor (Lunatic Legion)
Lt. Mabuchi (Chinese military, World War II)
Lt. Magar (Followers of the Dark)
Lt. Makeba (Deep Ice Station Alpha, X-Men character)
Lt. Nick Manolis (NYPD, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lt. Nately (Daredevil character)
Lieutenant Nep'Perr (Kree officer, killed by Super-Skrull)
Lt. Shan O'Meara of Earth-691 (Sol III)
Lt. Diane Perrywinkle (Gamma Base personnel) - by Spidermay
Lt. Sanchez (Darkstar)
Lt. Sandorz of Reality-8116 (First Nova Squadron, Dreadstar foe)
Lieutenant Singh (former Anti-Spider Squad leader)
Lieutenant von Doom of Earth-717
Lt. Ethan Warren (Wolverine foe)
Lieutenant X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)
Lifeforce (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman
Life Form (Lifeform)
Lifecry (Deathcry)
Lifeform (Daredevil/Hulk/Punisher/Silver Surfer foe)
Lifegiver (Soultaker foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Lifeguard of Earth-89923 (Wolverina foe)
Lifeline (Harriers)
Lifson, Felix of Earth-1036 (actor, Web Warriors character)
Lifter (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Lifter (Meteorite, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
Ligea (Sirens, Ghost Rider foe)
Liger, Tigon
Light (Mutant Underground of Singapore)
Light (Nightmare foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Light-Bearer (Lucifer)
"Light-Bearer" of Earth-928 (Radian)
"Light-Boy" (Illuminator)
Lightbright (Intruders and Bio-Genes, Silver Sable character)
"Lightchild" of Earth-928 (Radian)
"Light-Creature" (Illuminator)
Light Dragon (Dragonlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Light-Giver" of Earth-928 (Radian)
Lightlord (Brekk entity, Silver Surfer story)
Lightmaster (Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Light-Master (blinding light-projecting Spider-Man foe, UK character) - by Loki
Lightner, Janice (Thomas' sister)
Lightner, Lucinda (Thomas' mother)
Lightner, Raymond (mad scientist astronomer, Human Torch/Thing foe)
Lightner, Thomas (Blacksun/Nth Man/Mysterium)
Lightner, Violet (Armory)
Lightning of Earth-14436 (Daredevil's dog)
Lightning Bolt (nature-communing superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Bolt (electric supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Bolt (flying superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Bug (Jean Grey character) - by Markus Raymond
Lightning Bug (X-Force tryout) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Fist (Wicked Brigade)
Lightning Lord (Lord of the Living Lightning)
"Lightning Man" (Ufo)
Lightning Rod (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo
Lightning Shadow (Nick Fury foe)
Lightning Sword of Hell (Ghost Flyer)
Lightning the Super Dog of Earth-58914 (canine, Daredevil's guide dog) - by Loki
"Light of My Life" (Rachel Palmer)
Lightspeed imposter (Krenok One, Technocrat agent)
Lighttrakker (Power Pack character) - by Elf with a Gun
Lightwave of Earth-8107 (Aurora Dante, Iceman's half-sister) - by Loki
L'il Big Nose (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Lil'Bro (Felon's brother)
Li'l Busta (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Li'l Busta (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
"L'il Gambit" (flash card-hurling Adorable X-Baby) - by Proto-Man
L'il Herbie (Thunderbolts Gang)
Lila ?? (encountered Harry Krebs)
Lila ?? (Belonging)
Lila ?? (Jeremy Briggs' assistant)
Lilac (I.C.O.N., untold Peregrine and Shamrock story)
Lilac Murderer (serial killer, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lilia (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lilin Child (Lilin, Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Lilith (Mother of Demons, Midnight Sons foe)
Lilith (Daughter of Dracula) - Snood & Prime Eternal
"Lilith" (William Nasland III's "grandmother")
Lillian, Victor (Blistik)
L'il Magneto (Adorable X-Babies bully/member) - by Proto-Man
L'il Miss Cuppycakes (squirrel, Allene Green ally)
L'il Neo (Andy, Daredevil character)
L'il Prof (diminuative Golden Age inventor) - by Norvo
"L'il Rogue" (super-strong Adorable X-Baby) - by Proto-Man
Lime (McDonald, Project: Glamor)
Limka, Klaus (Symkarian Prime Minister, Silver Sable/Spider-Man character)
Limo Man of Earth-82348 (Tony Stark)
Lin (Lindsay McCabe)
Lin, Mei (H.E.A.R.T.)
Linbythoum (War, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Lincoln (Missing Link)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Janice (Beetle)
Lincoln, Lonnie Thompson (Tombstone)
Lincoln, Lorne (Link, Heartbreak Hotel)
Lincoln, Michael (Nova/Spider-Man character)
Lincoln, William "Crazy Horse" (criminal, Echo (Maya Lopez) father)
Lincoln, Willie (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Linda ?? (vampire) - by Spidermay
Linda ?? (friend of Calvin, Li'l Kids comedy character)
Linda ?? (Power Man (Luke Cage) character)
Linda ?? (ZTV reporter)
Linden, Matthew (Thor character) - by Will U
Linders, Damian of Earth-73479 (alternate future, Savage Tales) - by John Kaminski
Linders, Karl of Earth-73479 (Damian's "tube-brother")
Lindsay (SHIELD agent)
Lindsay, Philip (encountered Xom)
Lindstrom of Earth-7888 (Earth-M) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lindstrom, Max (Namor character)
Lindstrom, Professor (Yellow Claw character)
Lineage (Inhuman, Gordon Nobili) - by Chadman
Ling (Dragon Tong)
Ling (Chinese ambassador, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Ling, Colonel (Avengers foe)
Ling, Kathy of New Universe (Psi-Force) - by Prime Eternal
Ling, Mr. (Punisher foe)
Ling, Sandra (Sandra Chen)
Linga (Sandorr's Hunters)
Lingard, Teddy (Dazzler character)
Link (Heartbreak Hotel)
Link (Pluto, Olympian)
Link, Damian (Joshua's brother, Gemini, Zodiac Cartel)
Link, Joshua (Gemini, Zodiac Cartel)
Linn, Lana ("Duckworld")
Linnea (Elfqueen)
Linski, Layla (Braineaters)
Linus (Thorg foe) - by Future
Lion (Ani-Mates)
Lion (Monkey King foe)
Lionfang (Power Man foe) - by Spidermay
Lion God (Avengers foe)
Lionheart (Brute Force)
"Lion King" (mutated lion, would-be world conqueror) - by Ron Fredricks
"Lion King" (Bombu)
Lion Lord (Lion God/Sekhmet)
Lion-Lord (Amra)
Lion Man of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)
Lionmane (Heroes for Hire/Wolverine foe) - by Grendel Prime
lion of Cithaeron (ancient Greek beast, Hercules foe) - by Proto-Man
Lion of Shem (Akhirom)
Lipchitz, Gilbert (Mosh)
Lipid (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke
Lipinski, Helen (Micronauts foe)
Lippo (Power Man/Iron Fist character)
"Lippy" Bronkhorst (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)
Lippy Louie (Skrulls of Kral)
Lipton, Alex (Roxxon victim) - by Proto-Man
Lipton, Clyde (Yama Nuri ally)
Lipton, Dr. Miles (Vision character)
Lipton, Trenton III (Great Game, employee of Paris Scott)
liquid (Centurions, Firelord character)
Lira (Light Brigade)
Lira (Light Brigade, not the same one)
Lireeb (Immortus)
Lisa ?? (Robert Bloch werewolf) - by Spidermay
Lisa ?? (servant of Mary Bellis)
Lisa ?? (World War II era Czech spy, Captain America ally) - by Proto-Man
Lisa ?? (Studio 13 patron)
Lisa (Lissa Russell)
Lisa ?? (Soul’s of The Damned)
Lisa ?? (ClanDestine character)
Lisa ?? (Ghost Rider (Ketch) character)
Lisa ?? (Inhumans character)
Lisle (vampire, Dracula character)
Li-Ten, Chang (Atlas Foundation member) - by Proto-Man
Lit-Rob 839 of Earth-8436 (Last Galactus Story, Shakespeare)
Lith Kasti (Devilspawn foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Littany Kirkpatrick of Earth-928 (Metalscream ally)
Litterbug (Morlocks-Chicago sect) - by Darc_Light
Little, Abner (Collectors) - by the Beetle
Little Bear (Old West, Red Warrior character)
Little Bear, Jay (Native American, Leatherneck Raiders/Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Little Bertha of Earth-1211 (Others)
"Little Caesar" (Zapper)
"Little Canuck" of Earth-9591 (Ruins) ("Wolverine")
Little D (Little D's Den O' Thieves)
Little Flower (Renegades)
"little girl" (possessed by Null the Living Darkness)
"Little Hero" (Ricochet (Gallo) )
Littlehale, Rebecca (Lithttrakker)
Littlehawk, Bonita (Jimmy's mother, American Eagle's aunt)
Littlehawk, Jimmy (American Eagle's cousin) - by Markus Raymond
Little Hercules (twelve-year old Golden Age hero) - by Prime Eternal
"Little John" (Jesse Johns, Sky Wolves)
Little John (Captain America (Mace) foe)
Littlejohn, Jonathan J. (Blonde Phantom foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Little Klum" (Francis Klum (Mysterio) )
"Little" Larry Lee (Yancy Street Gang)
Little Loco (Black Tarantula foe) - by Chadman
Little Lulu of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
"Little Man in Black" (It character)
"Little Miss Intuition" (Beverly Switzler)
Little One of Earth-27135 (Prehistoric Punisher's offspring)
Little Pan (Golden Age comedy character) - by MarvellousLuke
Little Peregrine (Peri Guererro)
Little Pieces (Bad Boys, Motormouth foe)
Little Poison (Nazi, Monstro the Mighty foe)
Little Red of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe) - by Grendel Prime
Little Rico (gangster Skrull warpjacker) - by Proto-Man
"Littlest Mutant" (Lighttrakker)
"Little Teddy Bear" (Lupo, Savage Land Mutates)
"Little tramp" (Murmur/Arlette Truffaut)
Littletrees, Linda (Witch Woman)
Liu, William (chief scientist of the Yellow Claw) - by Prime Eternal
Liuba (vampire, Queen of the Picts)
Liu-Cho, Mao (Si-Fan faction leader, Shang-Chi foe) - by Prime Eternal
Liuchow, Chan (Legion of the Night)
Liverer of Reality-12115 (predator, Legion of Howards foe)
Live Wire (Rance Preston, Circus of Crime member/Psycho-Man agent) - by Chadman
Livia (Fantastic Four character) of Earth-861095
Livilla (Dr. Strange foe)
Living Brain (Spider-Man character)
Living Buddha (Doctor Strange foe) - by Chadman
Living Bulldozer (Captain America foe)
Living Computer (Computrex)
Living Computer (Mentac)
Living Corporation (Hexus)
Living Darkness (Krobaa)
Living Death (Tomazooma)
Living Demon (Gor-Kill)
Living Diamond (Cyclops/She-Hulk foe)
"Living Dream" (Thahn Ng)
Living Dynamo (Zzzax)
Living Engine (Hubartes Plutaris)
Living Eraser (s) (Dimension Z)
Living Gargoyle (Gorgolla)
Living Haystack (Marvel UK humor character) - by Loki
Living Holocaust (Ultimo)
Living Laser (Arthur Parks, Iron Man/Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Living Lightning of "Earth-22519" (Law Enforcement Squad)
Living Lizard (Droom)
Living Monolith (Ahmet Abdol, Living Pharao)
Living Mummy (N'Kantu)
Living Pharao (Ahmet Abdol, X-Men/Spider-Man/Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
Living Pharao (Akasha)
Living Planet (Ahmet Abdol, Living Pharao)
Living Room (Hydra weapon) - by Markus Raymond
Living Shadow (Warlord Kaa)
"Living Vengeance Who Must be Satiated" (Mangog)
Livingston, Laurie (Deadly Dozen's only female member) - by Prime Eternal
Livingstone, Dora (Martin's daughter)
Livingstone, Dr. Martin (WW2, Young Allies ally) - by AvatarWarlord72
Living Talisman (Enchanters)
Living Titan (Xemnu the Titan)
Living Totem (Rawhide Kid and West Coast Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Living Totem (Whistle Pig, Doc Samson character) - by Grendel Prime
Living Tribunal (multiversal judge)
Living Tribunal of the Eighth Cosmos (Living Tribunal)
Living Trinity (Living Tribunal)
Livyere, Joshua (Newfoundland citizen)
Liz of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
Liz ?? (Namor character)
Liz ?? (Pleasant Hill resident) - by Proto-Man
lizard (secretly a dragon, 1950s)
Lizard (Dr. Curtis Connors)
Lizard of Earth-8107 (Spider-Man cartoon, Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence
Lizard-Bird (Frank Johnson creation)
"lizard creature" (Hulk foe)
L'Klekk'Tak (Kosmosian)
Llada (priest, saved Walter Ober via teleportation)
Llama Boy of an alternate Earth (possible Spider-Man foe) - by Loki
Llewelyn (professor, Iron Fist/Power Man character)
Llewelyn, Owen (Gog, Super Soldiers)
Llhupa (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by Norvo
Lloigoroth (demon, Avengers foe)
Llorex (Order of the Black Sun)
Lloyd ?? of Earth-1298 (hunting party leader, encountered Wolverine)
Llrrllllnnllyyrrl (Battleworld, Thing character) - by Norvo
Lltthhiinnggg (Pandara's creature)
Llud (Ludi)
Llyna (Namor character)
Llyron (Fathom Five member, Namor foe) - by Chadman
L'Matto (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Proto-Man
Lo, Chi (Harvest, Young Gods)
Lo Chin (agent of Silent Ones)
Loa (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Loaf Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Loblolly (Secret Empire's Brute Force)
Lobo (Red Wolf/Johnny Wakely companion)
Lobo (Red Wolf/Thomas Thunderhead companion)
Lobo (Spider-Man character) - by caliban
Lobo the Duck of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Lobo, Carlos (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lobo, Eduardo (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lobo, Francisco (Lucky Lobo)
Lobo, Maximus (Dominant Species, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
"Loborbhex" (Devin-9 inmate, Rocket Raccoon character)
Lobster Lad (Quentin Carnival, Johnny Blaze character)
Lobster Lad (Double-Tap; Quentin Carnival, Johnny Blaze character)
Loc (Blood Brothers)
Locasio, Mario "Shorty" (Deadpool character)
Loch (Braddock Academy student) - by Grendel Prime
Loch Ness Monster (Summoned by King Solomon’s Frog)
Loch Ness Monster (false one)
Lock (Inhuman, Karnak/Ulysses Cain character) - by Chadman
Lockdown (Fantastic Four foe) - by Changeling
Locke, Dr. Alexander of Earth-700 (First Line character) - by Norvo
Locke, Cassandra of Earth-700 (First Line character) - by Norvo
Lockerbie, Marvin (Spit, Wild Boys)
"Lockhorn, Leroy" ("Loretta's" husband, based on The Lockhorns newspaper strip)
"Lockhorn, Loretta" (based on The Lockhorns newspaper strip)
Lockjaw of Earth-928 (2099 A.D., Inhuman, canine-like mutate) - by Loki
Lockjaw of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories) - by Grendel Prime
"Lockjaw" of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Locksmith (Spider-Woman (Drew) foe) - by Will U
Lockup (Brood Mutants)
Lockwood, Henric of Earth-522 (Captain England)
Locomotive Breath (War Machine foes) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider
Locus (Thor villain) - by Prime Eternal
Locust (Hulk and X-villain)
Lod (3250AD, alternate future tyrant) - by John Kaminski
Lodah (Fall People, Ka-Zar character)
Lodestone (Warpies)
Lodestone (Andrea Haggard, Darkhawk foe) - by Norvo
Lodur (Asgardian god) - by Will U
Lofn (Asgardian goddess) - by Will U and Prime Eternal
Loftus, Zora (Bluebird)
Loga (Star-Gods)
Logan (Old West, cattle rustler)
Logan (Wolverine)
Logan (Wolverine Skrull imposter)
"Logan" (Weapon X synthoids)
Logan of Earth-961116 (troll, Jubilee's Fairytale) - by Proto-Man
Logan, Dog (Wolverine's half-brother)
Logan, James (Gotham Game Club)
Logan, Johnny (Johnny Guitar)
Logan, Kendall (Torrent) of Earth-9811
Logan, Lark (Daredevil character)
Logan, Thomas (Origin series)
Logan, Wayne (Golem supporting cast)
Logarythmic Organic Kinetics (Jack Truman)
Logarythmic Organic Kinetics (Larry Young)
Lohan (SHIELD foe)
Lohmann (hired Ward Stocker to kill Adolf Hitler)
Lois ?? (1950s circus performer, snake charmer)
Lois ?? (no relation to a certain character from the Distinguished Competition) - by Will U
LOK (Jack Truman)
LOK (Larry Young)
Lokar (Venturite leader, Tales of Suspense)
Lo-Karr (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Loki (Mad Viking)
Lokitten of Earth-53147 (Cat Thor foe)
Loko (Hidden Man's servant)
Lola ?? (1950s, tricked inventor Eric Finley)
Lola ?? (Speedball character)
Lola ?? (associate of Barbatos)
Loman, Phil (Power Man/Iron Fist character)
Lomax, Jackie (musical artist, Beatles associate)
Lomen (Quantum)
Lomm (Dr. Grimm's assistant)
Lon, Eshe (Conan ally/foe)
Lon, Pelija (Conan ally, Eshe's daughter)
Lon, Revelle (Conan foe, Eshe's brother)
Londal the Rich (Boss of a Hundred Bazaars, Blinky foe)
London, Farley (Number 3, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman
London, Lois (Mortis, Dazzler's half-sister)
London, Pete (mob boss, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lone, Nicholas of Ultraverse (Solitaire)
Lone Ranger (famous Old West hero, mentioned by Rawhide Kid)
Lone Shark (Luke Cage foe) - by Grendel Prime
Lonesome Pinky (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Lonesome Pincus (Lonesome Pinky)
Long, Kenneth (1950s werewolf) - by Spidermay
Longarm (Iron Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Longarms (Forearm/Marcus Tucker)
Longbow (Harriers)
Longbow of Earth-398 (Hawkeye (Barton), Queen's Vengeance)
Longbow, Desiree (Fantastic Four character)
Long Gawne (Vanisher)
Long-Legs (Devil Dinosaur foe) - by Darc_Light
Longlegs Secundus (Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men member)
Longley, Simon (Cadaver)
Longneck (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
Longride, Hugo (Gladiators founder) - by Elf with a Gun
Longrun, Alas (Krellian, Silver Surfer character) - by Grendel Prime
Longshot (Roger Welton, M Branch's X-Force)
Longstrider of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur ally)
Longstrike (Christine Cord, New Warriors)
Long Tom Stoneham (Spider-Man/Black Widow character)
Longtree, Richard (Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Longyear, Lizzie (King-Cake Killer victim)
Lonnie ?? (vampire victim)
Loo, Mr. (Mr. Lu)
Loomis of Reality-8116 (Altarix native, Syzygy Darklock character)
Loomis, Roger (Dragon Circle, Manslaughter's host)
Loop (Black Cat character) - by Spidermay
Loopner, Lexington (She-Hulk character)
Loopy (dog, Werewolf by Night character)
"Loose Lips" Lonigan (Spider-Man character)
Loot (vagrant, Daredevil/Micah Synn foe)
Looter (Spider-Man foe)
Lo Parino (mobster, Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lopez (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Lopez, Alfonso (Machete)
Lopez, Donna (prostitute, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lopez, Humberto (Reptil)
Lopez, Isaac (Reptil's father)
Lopez, Jessica (Reptil's mother)
Lopez, John (Washout)
Lopez, Maria (Kool-Aid Man character)
Lopez, Mariano (Machete, Alfonso's brother)
Lopez, Maya (Echo)
Lopez, Angela Maria (Hummingbird)
Lopez, Hugo (ally of Crawlers)
Lopez, Juanita (sister of Hugo)
Lopez, Pedro (inventor, Carlos Zarago foe)
Lopez, Teresa (la Bandera, possible civilian identity)
Lopez, Vicente (Reptil's grandfather)
LoPretto, Dominic (Shiv, All-Hate Squad)
Lopsang Gambo (Iron Fist foe)
Loran (D.A., Daredevil character)
Lorando (Conan foe)
Lord (Beast, Elektra foe)
Lord Abbott (Black Abbott)
"lord among the stars" (Jason of Spartax's possible future son)
Lord Anon (Sir Wulf; New Men, Wundagore character) - by Elf with a Gun
Lord Arcadius (Genetics Council, Avengers/Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four foe) - by Chadman
Lord Arize (Arize)
Lord Arno (Atlantean officer) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Autarch (Conquest member)
Lord Belasco of the Corrupted (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lord Benitio (15th century, Dracula character)
Lord Blackheart (Blackheart)
Lord Burtonwil (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Lord Catastrophus (Chininauts patriarch, Darkhawk foe)
Lord-Commander D'reel of Reality-791 (Lorq, Star-Lord foe)
"Lord Creator" of Earth-8116 (Aknaton)
Lord Daito (Snakeroot)
Lord Danvers (London Star publisher, Headline Hunter character)
Lord Darkwind (Daredevil/Wolverine character)
Lord Domitian (Domitian)
Lord Dredd (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Lord Dyngo (Snark, Inhumans foe)
Lord El-Ron (Conan/Red Sonja foe) - by Spidermay
Lord Emperor (Red King, Hulk foe)
Lord Ennui (Ashen Combine)
Lord Enslaver (Enslaver)
Lord Fafnir (Fafnir of Nastrond)
Lord Falsworth (Union Jack/James Montgomery Falsworth)
Lord Falsworth (Baron Blood, Invaders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Frump-Master of the Universe of Earth-8107 (Mister Frump)
Lord Gaea (ISAAC's agents, Mar-Vell foe)
Lord Gidim (2672 BC, Order of Hydra)
Lord Gregor (Gregor, Kravinoff ally)
Lord Ha-Ha (Howling Commandos foe)
Lord Haw-Haw of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent, traitor)
Lord Hawk (Captain Britain foe)
Lord High Protector of Jarabesht (Conan foe)
Lord Hirochi (Hand member, Lady Bullseye benefactor)
Lord I (Morbius character)
Lord Immortus (Immortus)
Lord Juro (Bloodseed foe)
Lord Kharga (Kah-Tah-Dhen victim)
Lord Karnaj (Black Panther foe)
Lord Karnivore (Man-Beast)
Lord Khult (Blackwulf villain) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Leader (Possessors)
"Lord Lucifer" (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lord Mandragon (Omniversal Emperor) - by Loki
Lord Mayor Honeywell (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lord Merrek (Skrull, Carpiax IV)
Lord Molyneux (head of San Francisco Hellfire Club ca. 1906)
Lord Mormo (323 BC, Order of Hydra)
Lord Moses (Fantastic Force foe)
Lord Naga (Naga)
Lord Nezaral (Nezaral)
Lord Nimbus of Eurth (Mister Fantastic counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Lord of Aegypta (Pharoid)
Lord of all Gargoyles (Stonian, Granitor)
"Lord of All Vampires" of Earth-7382 (Dracula, Millennial Visions)
Lord of Annwn (Red Lord)
Lord of Assassins (Hassan ibn Sabbah)
Lord of Chaos (Morcar)
Lord of Darkness (Mephisto)
Lord of Darkness (Tryphon)
Lord of Darkness (Marduk Kurios)
Lord of Darkness (Darkstrider)
Lord of Darkness (Necromon)
Lord of Death (Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Lord of Death (Pluto, Olympian)
Lord of Demons (Pau-Styss)
Lord of Depravity (Mephisto)
Lord of Despair (Mephisto)
Lord of Discipline (Psychobabble)
Lord of Divine World (Thoth)
Lord of Empty Abodes (Yog)
Lord of Evil (Mephisto)
Lord of Fire (Agni, The Nest)
Lord of Hate and Evil (Mephisto)
Lord of Illusions (Ikonn)
Lord of Khemennu (Thoth)
Lord of Lies (Marduk Kurios)
Lord of Light (Dagger's father) - by Markus Raymond
Lord of Lions (Amra)
Lord of Ma'at (Thoth)
Lord of Pain (Mephisto)
Lord of Serpents (Snake God -- not Set)
Lord of Skies (Oshtur)
Lord of Sub-Space (Stygorr the Nightlord)
Lord of Temptations (Mephisto)
Lord of Terror (Xotli)
Lord of Vampires (Xarus)
Lord of the Bane (Red Lord)
Lord of the Bane (Shadow Wing)
Lord of the Congo (Baron Skullfire)
Lord of the Crimson Cosmos (Cyttorak)
"Lord of the Crossroads" (The Grand Bois)
Lord of the Cult of Entropy (Mahapralaya)
Lord of the Dark Underworld (Mephisto)
Lord of Darkness (Oblivion)
Lord of the Dead (Pluto, Olympian)
"Lord of the Flies" (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lord of the Flies (Marduk Kurios)
Lord of the Fundamental Force(s) (Graviton)
Lord of the Infernal Regions (Pluto, Olympian)
lord of the jungle ("Lion King")
Lord of the Killer Bees (Swarm/Fritz von Meyer)
Lord of the K'un-Lun Mountain (Lord Tuan)
Lord of the K'un-Lun Mountain (Yü-Ti, son of Tuan)
Lord of the Leopards (Tagak)
Lord of the Lightning (Lord of the Living Lightning)
Lord of the Living Lightning (Legion of the Living Lightning)
Lord of the Lost (Mephisto)
Lord of the Lower Depths (Mephisto)
Lord of the Lower Depths (Pluto, Olympian)
Lord of the Nether Regions (Pluto, Olympian)
Lord of the Netherworld (Mephisto)
Lord of the Netherworld (Pluto, Olympian)
Lord of the Old Ones (Suma-Ket)
Lord of the Outer Void (Oblivion)
Lord of the Plants (Berserkers)
Lord of the Pumpkins (Lord Pumpkin)
Lord of the Seven Suns (Rama-Tut)
Lord of the Sheepfolds (Tammuz)
Lord of the Slain (Mandrac)
Lord of the Spiders (Harpagus)
Lord of the Thirty Infernos (Erlik Khan)
Lord of the Treens (The Mekon)
Lord of the Two Lands (Rama-Tut, Marvel Adventures)
Lord of the Undead (Gawa)
Lord of the Underworld (Pluto, Olympian)
Lord of the Unforgiven Dead (Suma-Ket)
"Lord of the Veldt" (Lion God/Sekhmet)
Lord of the Water Spirits (Evenor)
Lord of Thuvria (Archon)
Lord Ogre (cyborg crimelord, Venom ("Flash" Thompson) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lord Pau-Styss (Conan foe)
Lord Phyffe (Dr. Strange Character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lord Plunder (Plunderer/Parcival Plunder)
Lord Professor Teller of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)
Lord Pumpkin (Ultraverse, Godwheel character)
Lord Raven (Weirdworld villain) - by Prime Eternal
Lord R. Nader (Conquest member)
Lord Ruthven (vampire)
Lord Samédàr (Shi'ar, X-Men foe)
Lord Satan (Lucifer)
Lord Scheele of Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe, Genoshan politician) - by MarvellousLuke
Lord Sett (1950s, dictator on Microverse world) - by Ron Fredricks
Lord Shingen (Wolverine foe)
Lord Spider of Earth-10113519 (post-apocalyptic protector of humanity) - by Proto-Man
Lord Squash (Lord Pumpkin)
Lord Synn (Barrington Synn, Micah Synn/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Lord Tantalus (Blackwulf's father) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Tavon of Ultraverse (Godwheel, Necromantra character)
Lord Templar (Avengers foe)
Lord Tiki (Monsters of Evil)
Lord Torio (Conan character)
Lord Tuan (K'un-Lun, Iron Fist character)
Lord Turac (Dracula foe)
Lord Typ (Savage Land Aerian, M'Dom Typ)
Lord Ugarth (Xartans) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Vall (Age of Camelot, Merlin's castle resident) - by Proto-Man
Lord Vampire (Xarus)
Lord Vargas (15th century, Dracula character)
Lord von Roon (15th century, Dracula character)
Lord Votan (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lord who Creates (Yucoya-Tzin)
"Lord Wolverine" of Earth-1720 (Hydra Lord)
Lord Wotonby (Nazi ally, Headline Hunter foe)
Lord Xarus (Xarus)
Lord Zano (Xartans)
Lord, Joshua (Master of the World)
Lords (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Lore (Scarlet Witch foe)
Lorean, Andrea (Ghost Rider character)
Lorelei (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Lorelei (Asgardian goddess) - by Chadman & Will U
Lorelord (Berserkers)
Lore-Master (Mordred the Evil)
Loren, Gene (attorney, dropped Ahmed Jobrani case)
Lorenzano, Mr. (Generation X character)
Lorenzo ?? (xt, loved the princess, tricked the Bog Beast)
Lorenzo ?? (movie director)
Lorenzo of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, Namor's butler)
Loretta ?? (Graydon Creed's girlfriend) - by MarvellousLuke
Lorey, Eddie (Effendi Mahomad)
Lori (Ghost Dancer character)
Lori ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Loring, Adrian (Armand Loring's (Phantom of 42nd Street) father)
Loring, Armand (Phantom of 42nd Street)
Loring, Chip (Lathrop ranch employee, Black Rider character)
Lorna ?? (former love interest of Mole Man) - by Chadman
Lorne of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Lorraine ?? (Musenda's wife)
Lorraine, Linda (romance character, Lady Fair fashion magazine editor)
Lorre, Willy "The Lip" (1931, Night Raven character)
Lorrene, Gene (Leatherboy)
Lorvex (Namor foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Los Angeles creature (xt, Golgotha)
Losey, Robert (Namor character)
Loss (Gene Nation)
Loss, Stephen (Hellstorm foe)
Lost Angel of Ultraverse (Freex foe) - by Luis Dantas and Snood
Lost Goddess of the Air (Oshtur)
Lost Hero of Earth-89721 (Daredevil)
Lost Lord of K'un-Lun (Master Khan)
Lothan (xt, Undying race)
Lothi (Abigail Brand's brother, S.W.O.R.D. character)
Lotta (Calliope's Circus)
Lotun (Light Brigade)
Lotus (Invaders/Hawkeye/Wonder Man foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood
Lotus Newmark (Lotus)
Lou ?? (encountered Krills)
Lou ?? (Woman, Ms. Marvel character)
Lou ?? (bartender, Last Exit bar)
Lou ?? (mobster, Vanessa Fisk kidnapper)
Lou ?? (Mecozzi Crime Family)
Lou ?? (Comet Man character)
Lou ?? (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Lou ?? (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Lou ?? (prison guard)
Lou ?? (robber, Daredevil foe)
Lou ?? (Big Apple Advocate reporter, Daredevil foe)
Lou (Marduk Kurios)
Loughridge, Dr. (Ararat scientist, possessed by Venom clone)
Louhi (Conan foe)
Louie ?? (Boss agent)
Louie ?? (Owl agent)
Louie ?? (Crime-Wave employee, Daredevil foe)
Louie ?? (Headless Horseman/Bones Bullinger henchman)
Louie ?? (Injun Joe agent)
Louie ?? (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Louie (Skrulls of Kral)
Louie ?? (Mr. Hyle employee)
Louie ?? (Elektra kidnapper)
Louie ?? (Fogwell's Gym patron)
Louie ?? (garbage man, saved by Daredevil) - by Chadman
Louie ?? (Lineage/Gordon Nobili's uncle)
Louie Louie (Fury Force)
Louie the String (petty criminal, Kingpin agent) - by Chadman
Louieville (Joey ally, sought out Hogman for drugs)
Louis ?? (Mark Cephalos' henchman, Werewolf by Night foe)
Louis ?? (Church of the Saved)
Louis ?? of Earth-907
Louise ?? (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Louise ?? of Earth-8107 (Videoman love interest)
Louise ?? (Front Line character)
Louise ?? (Thing character)
Louise (Model Soldiers)
Louise ?? (Man Mountain Marko's aunt)
Lourdes, Mike (Punisher character)
Love (Mistress Love)
Love, Detective (Daredevil character)
Lovecraft of Ultraverse (Shreck's gang)
Lovejoy, Thomas (Crusaders, Tommy Lightning)
Lovelock, Lake (actress, Misty Collins character)
Lowdown (Hellbent)
Lowe, John (V.I.G.I.L.)
Lowell, David Patrick (Sundown)
Lowell, Frank (CIA, superhuman specialist) - by Proto-Man
Lowrie (NYPD, Hand enemy)
Lowry, Barney (1950s, invisible criminal hobo) - by Ron Fredricks
Lowry, Deb (Cowgirl, Grapplers)
L-Ro (celebrity, victim of Felon)
L'Roy (L'Deroh)
Lt'al (Lupine race)
L'Tikak (Kosmosian)
Lu (Owl employee)
Lu, Chen of Earth-8861
Lu, Derek (Woodlawn High School student, best friend of Connor Young) - by Proto-Man
Lu, Mr. (Fu Manchu agent)
Lu, Sarah (Derek's sister)
Lubensky, Nathan (Aunt May's late boyfriend, Spider-Man character) - by Norvo
Lubischt, Dr. Franz (Nazi, Genesis Coalition)
Lubov, Boris (Hammer)
Lucan of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Lucas ?? (Kingpin agent, killed by Injun Joe agents)
Lucas (Fantastic Four ally) - by Sammy 7D
Lucas (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lucas (Julian's brother)
Lucas ?? (Inhuman terrorist, Hydra High Council ally) - by Chadman
Lucas, Cyril (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lucas, Esther (Luke Cage's mother) - by Proto-Man
Lucas, James Jr. (Coldfire, Luke Cage's brother)
Lucas, Willie (Captain America character)
Lucca, Lily (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lucca, Tybold (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Luchkov, Georgi (Black Widow foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lucian (Conan foe)
Lucian (Blackwulf)
Lucien (Plague) of Earth-2182 (living Legacy virus)
Lucifer (Davy Jones)
Lucifer (Otherplace, Belasco)
Lucifer (X-Men/Captain America/Iron Man foe)
Lucifer (possibly Marduk Kurios)
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lucifer (Aries)
Lucifer (Billboard Heaven angel)
Lucifer Satan (Golden Age, Hades Inc.)
Lucile (Sub-Mariner character)
Lucinda (daughter of El Caiman)
Lucius Alfenus Senecio (Numidian, Bran Mak Morn foe)
Lucky Lewis (Crime-Master)
Lucky Lobo (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Lucre (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond
Lucy ?? (Purple Man pawn)
Lucy ?? of Earth-700459 (young boy rescued by Spider-Woman) - by Proto-Man
Lucy ?? (Heartbreak Hotel)
Lucy (Lucifer, Billboard Heaven angel)
Lucy ?? (MMMTV field reporter) - by Proto-Man
Lucy ?? (Julian Enterprises secretary)
Lucynda Thrust of Reality-829 (Hercules 2300 character)
Lud (Ludi)
Ludgate Druid, Anthony (Doctor Druid)
Ludi (Druid god?/demon, Dr. strange foe)
Ludlum, Frank (X-Student, Pinocchio)
Ludwig ?? (WW2 Dutch lab assistant, Hangman (Vardoff) victim)
Ludwig ?? (WW2 Nazi, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Ludwig ?? (1950s, encountered "Stranger from Space")
Ludwig ?? (enemy of Krang)
Ludwig, Erika (Hugo von Stahl love interest)
Ludwig, Victor (Orator, Acolytes)
Lug of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Lugash, Dr. (IDIC)
Luger, Karl (Atlas horror character) - by John Kaminski
Lugman, Ulysses X. (Slug)
Lugner (Deviant, Ghaur ally) - by Spidermay
"Lugwrench" Lubowski (Yancy Street Gang)
Luigi ?? (Italian restaurant owner, Daredevil ally)
Luis ?? (Defenders character)
Luis ?? (Punta Arenas, helped Polaris)
Luis ?? (Jaime Rodriguez's friend) - by Proto-Man
Luis ?? (Black Tarantula's cousin)
Lukaikas, Frank (Myrna's husband)
Lukaikas, Myrna (Zombie (Simon Garth) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lukas of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Lukas, Jorge (Saurus, X-Student)
Lukash, Bill (Dodgeball)
Lukoff, Franz (1950s, mutated heir) - by Ron Fredricks
Lukoff, Serge (1950s, Franz's older brother)
Lull, Ramon (Ars Magna creator)
Lullaby (Sleepwalker foe) - by Changeling
Lumiel (possible alias of Lucifer)
Lumiere Bleue (Les Heroes de Paris)
Lumikha (Bathala)
Lumina (Sunpyre, Big Hero Six)
Lummbo, Lt. Cal (Captain America character)
Lump (large wrestler, Captain America foe)
Lump (Gnobian child, S.H.I.E.L.D. ally) - by Prime Eternal
Lump (Werewolf by Night character) - by Markus Raymond
Lumpkin, Billie (Fantastic Four character, Willie Lumpkin's niece) - by The Beetle
Lumpkin, Freddie (Willie's nephew, Billy's cousin)
Lumpkin, Timmy (Freddie's son)
Lumpkin, Wilhelmina (Billie Lumpkin)
Lumpkin, Willie (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Luna (daughter of Crystal & Quicksilver)
Lunatic (Lunatik, Arisen Tyrk)
Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk)
Lunatik (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training foe)
Lunatik (Cosmic mercenary) - by Markus Raymond
Lund (Illuminator foe)
Lund (doctor, Power Broker Inc.)
Lund, Vicki (1950s, encountered alien invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
Lundberg, Arthur K. (Mysterious Fan Boy)
Lundquist, Dr.Norman (Captain Marvel character)
Lundstrom, Fia (Defenders character)
Lun-Faar (Conan foe)
Lunford, Ruth (Dr. Jonlon's secretary, Thought-World Monsters foe)
Lunk (Graffiti Guerillas)
Lunt, Arnie (Mysterious Fan Boy)
Lupa (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Lupal (Lunatik character) - by Prime Eternal
Lupalina the Wolf-Mistress (Samandra)
Lupe ?? (Braineaters)
Lupei (Vlad the Impaler agent)
Lupescu, Velanna (Brides of Dracula)
Lupeski, Anton (Dracula foe)
Lupex (Death’s Head (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent) )
Lupinar (Moon Knight villain) - by Prime Eternal
Lupino, Penelope (Dollar Bill heartthrob)
Lupinski (Inhumans character)
Lupo (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Lupoff, Arnold (Executioner's husband)
Lupoff, Lupa (Executioner)
Lu-Pov (1 Billion BC Hither People wizard, Gullivar Jones character)
Lurch (butler, Addams Family TV show, Laughing Horse Bar patron)
Lurch of Earth-2841 (Sentinel)
"Lurker" (Hunter in Darkness)
Lurker (What The? character) - by Markus Raymond
Lurking Unknown (Fear-Lord, Dr. Strange and Thor foe)
Lurky Man (Magus)
Lusa (African God)
Lu-Shi, J.B. (importer/exporter, offices at 30 Rock)
Lutefisk (Marvel Mini-Book, Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
Luten (Shi'ar, X-Men character)
Luther (nightclub owner, X-Men character)
Luvvy of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Lyca (Microverese, Empress of Kaliklak) - by Grendel Prime
Lycaon (Arakko/Mars mutant, Great Ring of Arakko member) - by HBK123
Lycus (Wolverine/Deadpool foe)
Lydia (werewolf)
Lydia of Earth-7190 (android, Titus Alexander Island's ward, Omega the Unknown character)
Lyissa of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe)
Lykos, Karl (Sauron)
Lyla (Typhoid Mary)
Lyman of Earth-600001 (scientist, Captain America movie serial) - by Loki
Lymondo (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Lynch (treacherous Kingpin agent) - by Chadman
Lynch (Power Broker Inc.)
Lynch (Ryu)
Lynch, Darren of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Lynch, Freddie (Hercules character) - by Markus Raymond
Lynch, Mr. (Matt Murdock character)
Lynde, Shawna (Thor character)
Lynn ?? (Woman, Ms. Marvel character)
Lynn ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Lynn, Adrian (Adrenazon)
Lynne ?? (Valkyrie character)
Lynne, Angela (Black Panther character)
Lynne, Caleb (Black Panther character)
Lynne, Ellie (Black Panther character)
Lynne, Jessica (Black Panther character)
Lynne, Lloyd (Black Panther character)
Lynwood, "Benton" (encountered "Electrans")
Lynx (Wolverine ally)
Lynx (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training)
Lyons (People's Defense Association of Harlem)
Lyons, Daniel "Dan" (Black Marvel)
Lyons, Laura (Sir Henry Baskerville's daughter, Sherlock Holmes character)
Lyons, Phil (Vagabond's brother, Nomad foe)
Lyons, Priscilla (Vagabond/Scourge, Captain America/Nomad/USAgent character)
Lys of Earth-1037 (New Mutants, Millennial Visions)
Lyszinski, Dr. Maureen (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Lyth'ka (Shi'ar, Legacy (Genis-Vell) character) - by Chadman
Lyton, Janet (Modred character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Lyra of Earth-715 (United Sisterhood Alliance, warrior princess)
Lyra (Light Brigade)
Lysander, Vaun (Seeker 3000, security guard) - by Prime Eternal
Lyssa ?? (Project: Glamor foe)
Lyta (Hyborian era amazon)
Lython (323 BC, Temple of Athena)
Lyzala (Conan foe)
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