These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.

Pa, Nelet (Rigellian, Intergalactic Council)

Pablo ?? (Mosaic character)

Pace, Cody (Hero: Warrior of the Mystic Realms) - by Madison Carter

Pace, Jacob (X-Student, Spirit)

Pacer (Gene Dogs)

Pachamama (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Pachinko of Earth-1191 (Summers Rebellion)

Pachter of Earth-91600

Pacifico (officer, Daredevil character)

Pacifico (Matt Murdock character)

Pacifier (Dr. Doom's robot) - by Prime Eternal

Packer, Artie (Rom character) - by Grendel Prime

Packer, Bert (Packrats)

Packer, Dick (Morbius victim)

Packer, Hubie (Bert's brother, Packrats)

Packrat Pete (Black Rider character) - by Prime Eternal

Pacle, Maht (Obliterator)

Paco ?? (Recession Raiders)

Paco ?? (nurse, Daredevil character)

Padraic (leprechaun of Cassidy Keep) - by Proto-Man

Paen-Umbra (Deadpool foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Paffenroth, Arnold (Tatterdemalion)

Pagan (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man

Page, Dr. (Master Form, Project Lazarus)

Page, Karen (Daredevil's ex-girlfriend/secretary/confidant) - by Chadman

Page, Dr. Paxton (Death's Head, Karen Page's father)

Page, Penelope (Karen's mom)

Page, Ray (agriculture student, farmhand, Zelda Coyne's fiancee)

Pai (Kingpin employee) - by Chadman

Paibok the Power-Skrull (Fantastic Four villain) - by Prime Eternal

Paige Angel (Karen Page)

Pail (Nick Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal

Pain (agent of Gormac, Dr. Strange/Ghost Rider foe)

Pain (Hemingway, Gene Nation)

Paina, Edmondo (Mondo Pain)

Pain-Broker (Razorhead)

Paine (Kingpin operative, kidnapped Mindy Bolton) - by Chadman

Paine, Captain (Darkstar)

Paine, Robert William (Black Fox)

Paine, Thaddeus (Doctor Paine)

Paingiver (Tyrannicals)

Paingloss (Biphasia, Werewolf character)

Painkiller (Psychobabble personality)

Painter (of 1000 Perils, Human Torch and Spider-Man foe)

Pak, 3X Moo Shu (Spider-Man foe)

Pak-Man (Gods for the 80s)

Pako (encountered Tribe of the Moon)

Pako (Cirlio Crisologo, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

"Pal" (Ebenezer Wallaby)

Paladin (mercenary, former Silver Sable & Heroes for Hire operative) - by Chadman

Paladin (Jigsaw/Billy Russo)

Palamas, Kara (historian)

"Paleface" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)

Pale Horseman (Agamotto agent)

Pale Horseman (Cadaver)

Pale Little Spider (Black Widow, Yelena Belova)

Palene, Charles (Charles Palentine)

Palentine, Charles (Venom (Brock) foe) - by Proto-Man

Palik (Chosen)

Pallas (Athena's owl) - by Chadman

Pallis, Carlyle (S.H.I.E.L.D agent/traitor) - by Loki

Palmer (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Palmer, Cameron (NYX character) - by Proto-Man

Palmer, Christine (Night Nurse/Nightcrawler character)

Palmer, Felix (Asmodeus Jones' manager)

Palmer, Fred (1950s, mind control device invetor) - by Ron Fredricks

Palmer, Hank (Old West, romance character)

Palmer, Harry (Brood) - by Darc_Light

Palmer, Ozzie (Asmodeus Jones)

Palmer, Paul of Earth-12041 (Arachnikid)

Palmer, Peter of Earth-79733 (Spider-Mite, Spider-Man/Atom amalgam)

Palmer, Rachel (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Palmer, Sam (Cameron Palmer's ex-husband, NYX character) - by Chadman

Palmetto, Jim (Damage Control, Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Proto-Man

"Palooka, Anne Howe" (wife of Joe, based on newspaper strip)

"Palooka, Joe" (boxer, based on newspaper strip)

Palumbo, Gina (Tangle)

Palus (Conan character)

Pam ?? (Merx Pharmaceuticals)

Pam (ant landlady, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) ally) - by Proto-Man

Pampolos (bar owner, Daredevil character)

Pan (Olympian God)

Panacea (Ash Minnick, Inhuman) - by Chadman

Panapa, Pania (Calico)

Pancake (squirrel, Allene Green ally)

Pancake, Benjamin "Ben" (SpellCheck)

Pancho (guide to treasure hunter Rex Ross)

Pancho Diablo (Old West, Mexican bandit) - by Ron Fredricks

Panda-Mania (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Pandara (Thunderstrike villain) - by Prime Eternal

Pandarus (Trojan War)

Pandemonia (X-Force foe) - by Sammy 7D

Pandemos, Aphrodite (Olympian Goddess)

Pandora (greek myth) - by Madison Carter

Panoptes, Argus (Argus)

Panshin of Reality-791 (xt, Haalmhad)

Panshin, Col. Dmitri Oleg (former KGB assassin)

Panshin, Sergei (Dmitri Oleg's son)

Panshin, Sonya (Dmitri Oleg's wife)

Pansy (Great Lakes Avengers intern) - by Chadman

Panther (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal

Panther (Black Panther foe)

Panther (Gene Dogs)

Panther (T'Challa) of Earth-1119 (Panther's father)

Panther (T'Chaka) of Earth-1119 (Exiles member) - by Grendel Prime

Panthera of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Panther Girl (Earth heroine, sought after to be manipulated by Sparkitects Chipp & Jho)

Panther God (Black Panther character, Egyptian God) - by Snood, Zen Harawada & Will U

Panther Goddess (Bast, Panther God)

pantherine (Jack)

Panthrax (Anti-Registration Underground) - by Ronald Byrd, Snood & Mike Fichera

Panumdrum, Chancellor (Starjammers character)

Pao Fu (Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch) character) - by Proto-Man

Paolo ?? (friend of Hector Morales)

Paolo ?? (Bullseye character) - by Chadman

Paolo ?? (Daredevil character)

Papa (Captain America character)

Papa Dluga (Elsa Bloodstone character)

Papa Doc (Zombie (Garth) character) - by Markus Raymond

Papa Genoux (1950s, voodoo priest)

Papa Hagg (Defenders character) - by Chadman

Papa Jambo (Brother Voodoo character) - by Julien Vivé

Papa Jaranda (Raymond Coker's great-grandfather, Werewolf by Night foe)

Papamondo, El of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Papa Roberti (magical puppeteer) - by Prime Eternal

Papa Shorty (Zombie foe)

Papillon (X-Student, Sarah Allaire; Watchers on the Wall)

Papp, Mrs. (Zakka's landlady)

Paprika, Ethyl (wife of Wildfire)

Paprika, Harold (Wildfire)

Paradigm (X-Force foe) - by Norvo

Paradis, Jacques (Numéro Un, Cell Combattre)

Paradox of Earth-80324 (Wolverine character)

Paradox (Dusk)

Paradox (Generation X foe) - by Sammy 7D

Parady, Ronald (police captain, Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter) foe) - by Norvo

Parafino of Earth-6799 (cartoon, Spider-Man foe) - by Thor2000

Paragon (meta-fictional character, Marvel UK) - by Michael Midnight

Paragon (Kismet foe)

Paragon (Kismet)

Paragon (Initiative, Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Paragon (Brazilian government operative, Marauders foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Paralyzer (Shocker, Resistants member)

Para-Man (Ant Man/Pym and Wasp foe)

Paranoia (Gods for the 80s)

Paranoia (Mindscape, Sleepwalker foe)

Paranoia (Dusk)

Paranoia (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond

Parashurama (Vishnu)

Parasite (Lilin, Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

"Parasite of Eternity" (Kleezar)

Paratron (Machine Man foe)- by Prime Eternal

Parcair, Enrique (Captain America character)

Pardo, Don (Saturday Night Live announcer)

Pardo, Vincenzo (Deadpool foe)

Paré, Sammy of Earth-92131 (Squid-Boy, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Paretta, Vince (Avengers foe)

Pariah (Hulk foe)

Paris (Trojan War)

Parisa (princess, Sinbad character)

Paris, Gail (Moondog the Malicious victim)

Paris, Marie (Marie Laveau)

Paris, Mr. of Ultraverse (pawn of Atalon)

Parish, Angela (runaway, Mister Hyde ally)

Parish, Dexter (Blockade)

Parisi, Domenic "Don" (Jade's father)

Parisi, Jade (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Park, Hongdo (Juggernaut)

Park, Peggy (AIM, brought Joel to AIM Christmas party) - by Prime Eternal

Parkedcar, Peter of Earth-53931 (Spider-Mobile, sentient dune buggy)

Parker (Hellcat's grandfather)

Parker, Beckah (Gin Genie, X-Force)

Parker, Ben

Parker, Ben of Earth-9511 (son of Peter & MJ)

Parker, Doctor (pre-FF scientist) - by Madison Carter

Parker, Dr. Charles (1950s horror) - by John Kaminski

Parker, Dr. Dawn of Earth-95132 (Johnny Domino's surgeon) - by Proto-Man

Parker, Joe (encountered Chondu the Mystic)

Parker, Judy (Norman Daniels date, romance character) - by Grendel Prime

Parker, Lydia (romance character) - by Grendel Prime

Parker, Marisa of Earth-94192 (Spider-Spy character, possible aunt)

Parker, Mary (Peter Parker/Spider-Man's mother) - by Minor Irritant

Parker, Mary Jane

Parker, May

Parker, May (child of Peter & Mary Jane)

Parker, Ms. (teacher of Catiana)

Parker, Mr. (Ra the Avenger victim)

Parker, Penelope "Penny" (Spider-Girl) of Earth-11

Parker, Peni (Sp//dr) of Earth-14512

Parker, Peter (Spider-Man)

Parker, Phil (WWII era Army intelligence officer, Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal

Parker, Pierce of Earth-94192 (Spider-Spy)

Parker, "Ponderosa" of Earth-31913 (Web-Slinger/Patrick O'Hara)

Parker, Richard (Peter Parker/Spider-Man's father) - by Minor Irritant

Parker, Tony (Namor character)

Parkerov of Earth-31886 (Comrade Arachnid, Russian defender of the proletariat) - by Loki

Parkes, Dr. (encountered Un-Human)

Parkhurst, Chief (Namor character)

Parkins, Dr. Fraser (Shanna the She-Devil character) - by Spidermay

Parks, Arthur (Living Laser)

Parks, Fred of Ultraverse (Heather's father)

Parks, Heather of Ultraverse (Coven member)

Parks, Mrs. of Ultraverse (Heather's mother)

Parlini, Ralph (Maggia hitman)

Parmenter, Anne (Bill's wife)

Parmenter, Bill (encountered Gargantus)

Parmenter, Carolyn (Bruce Banner's Hulkbusters)

Parmenter, Dan (encountered Gargantus, Bill's father)

Parnall, Eileen (Wendigo victim)

Parnall, Joe (Eileen's husband)

Parnall, Tommy (Eileen's son)

Parnel, Patton of Earth-51412 (Spider-Man, monstrous spider totem)

Parnel, Ted of Earth-51412 (Spider-Man (Patton Parnel)'s uncle)

Parness, Jeff (reporter, encountered Marko the Great)

"Parns" (Parnell Jacobs)

Parody of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe) - by Grendel Prime

Parquagh, Peter of Earth-311 (Spider-Man counterpart)

Parrington, Malicia Biederman (Samantha's mother)

Parrington, Reginald (Samantha's father)

Parrington, Samantha (Valkyrie host)

Parris, Betty (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay

Parrish, Esther (ca. 1882, Undying host)

Parrish, Max (Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider character) - by Zerostar

"Parrot-face" (Binary Beings)

Parsnip (Warpies)

Parson of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Rebel foe)

Parsons of Earth-84041 (Generic Antagonistic Peer)

Parsons, Mr. (GA, Mad Monk's brother)

Parsons, Angelica of Earth-9031 (Judith's mother)

Parsons, Judith of Earth-9031 (accidentally killed by FF)

Parsons, Penelope (GA, Mad Monk's niece)

Parsons, Rudolf (WW2, Mad Monk)

Parsons, Sue (Sue Craddock)

Parsons, Trevor (Daily Bugle staff) - by Chadman

Parthenope (Sirens, Ghost Rider foe)

Parthenos, Athena (Olympian Goddess)

Parvez (Descendants, Secret Avengers character)

Pasco, Victor (Kleenex) of New Universe

Pasha Emit Erut-Uf (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe) - by John Kaminski

Pasko, Elliot (Fortknight company employee, scientist)

Paskuniak, Jake (GA, Vagabond character)

Passcode (Inhuman of Utolan)

Passed-Out Hobo (Alley Behind a Closed-Down Laudromat Comic Con guest)

Passim, Eddie (Daredevil character)

Passing Cloud (Hulk character) - by Loki

Past Master (Scarlet Witch foe) - by Markus Raymond

Pasternak, Edward (Tower)

Pastor Wildmoon (She-Hulk foe)

Pastor Xavier of Earth-18136 (raving telepathic mutant, Exiles foe)

Pat ?? (policeman, NYX character)

Patane, Sebastian (Cat-Man, Ani-Men)

Patĉek, Valeria (18th century, Grigori Russoff victim) - by Donald Campbell

"Patch" (Past Assassins)

Patch (crew of the Serpent's Crown)

Patch (canine non-victim of the Elf with a Gun)

Patch (Hellhouse, Deadpool character) - by Patrick D Ryall

Patch (criminal, Bishop foe, District X character) - by Chadman

Patches Malone (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Patchwork (Doc Samson foe) - by Stunner

Patel (Hardnose's sister)

Patel, Alexander (Hardnose, Metahumes)

Patel, Jawaharal (Calculus, Young Gods)

Patel, Mrs. (Grid's childhood neighbor)

Paterson, Danny (Mach 1, Marvel RPG character)

Paterson, Martha (Sir)

Pathfinder (Berserkers)

Pathir (Tetra)

Patience Drew (Namor character) - by Markus Raymond

"Patient in Room 3D" (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski

Patilio, Eugene Paul (Frog-Man, Vincent's son)

Patilio, Vincent "Vinnie" (Leap-Frog)

Patriarch (Fallen)

Patricia ?? (Janice Lincoln victim)

Patricia ?? (criminal turned Pleasant Hill resident) - by Proto-Man

Patrick the Frost Giant (Jotunheim giant, Squirrel Girl foe)

Patrillo, Alphonso "Fonzie" (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Nico (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Richie (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Rocco (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Rosala (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Sonny (Patrillo Family)

Patrillo, Tomasino "Tommy" (Patrillo Family)

Patriot (Golden Age, Jeff Mace, became Captain America) - by Proto-Man

Patriot of Earth-8610 (Captain America/Jack Monroe, Gates of What If?)

Patriot (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Patriot Missile (right-wing extremist) - by Loki

Patroclus (Trojan War)

Patterson (detective, Generation M character) - by Chadman

Patterson, Lachlan (Key)

Patterson, Mick (Wall)

Patterson, Paul (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

Patti (Andrea Rodgers)

Patti ?? (Ghost Dancer character)

Pattinson, Dylan (SHIELD, Hulk character)

Patton, Jess (Thousand host)

Paul ?? (encountered Gomdulla)

Paul ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)

Paul ?? (found tomb of Mad Pharao)

Paul ?? (Carol Danvers friend) - by Spidermay

Paul ?? (Philip le Guin friend)

Paul ?? (New American Revolution)

Paul ?? (reporter at Karen Page's trial)

Paul ?? (Glenville, Long Island, Human Torch (Storm) character)

Paul ?? (truck driver, Captain America (Sam Wilson) character) - by Proto-Man

Paul, Lt. Nathan (Silverfang)

Paula ?? (Lotus Newmark ally)

Paula the Comic (X-Factor character) - by Norvo

Paulie ?? (Junk-Food Junkies)

Paulie ?? (Blade character)

Paulie ?? (Punisher foe)

Paulie ?? (Jack Murdock character) - by Chadman

Paulo ?? (Mirror Modeling)

Paulo ?? of Earth-Daredevil Killed the Punisher

Pauls (Damon Dran henchman) - by Chadman

Paulsen, Marissa (Tailhook)

Paulve, Anton (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle

Paura, Frankie "Fear" (Daredevil foe)

Pau-Styss (Conan foe)

Pavane (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle

Pavane (Quicksilver foe)

Pavlich (Woodlawn High School basketball coach)

"Paw" (gigantic xt, encountered "Bugs" astronauts from Earth)

Paw (Family)

Pawn (Hulk foe)

pawn shop owner of Earth-691 (31st Century, Asylum)

Pax, Carrington (Roxxon)

Paxton, Chris (Cardiaxe)

Payat (Werewolf character) - by Grendel Prime

Payback (Punisher character)

Paydirt (Initiative/Point Men member) - by Norvo

Payge, Reeva (Hellfire Club)

Payload (Zoo, Gun Runner foe)

Paymaster (Swamp City)

Payne (Inhuman, Kree foe)

Payne, Cory (Devil-Slayer's wife) - by Chadman

Payne, Edward (son of Michael Payne & Phoebe Marrs)

Payne, Eric Simon (Devil-Slayer)

Payne, Margo (Silhouette's constant companion)

Payne, Mia (daughter of Constrictor) - by Prime Eternal

Payne, Michael (ex-husband of Phoebe Marrs)

Payton, Ben (Seeker 3000, scientist) - by Prime Eternal

Payton, Valida (Seeker 3000, second-in-command) - by Prime Eternal

Pazuzu (demon, Nightcrawler character) - by Snood & Will U

Pazuzu, Suzi (Amulet of Pazuzu)

Pazz-Ko of Earth-691 (31st Century, Courg)

Peabody (general prosecutor assistant, She-Hulk character)

Peabody (Daredevil foe)

Peabody, Garrison (Mysterio ally, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Peabody, General (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

"Peabody, John" (Corruptor)

Peabody, Roger (Old West, Annie Oakley foe)

Peace (Justice Peace)

Peacekeeper (Daredevil character)

Peacekeeper-General Mduul (M'Ndavian, Charter Federation)

Peacelok of Earth-10511 (Deathlok)

Peacelok of Earth-10511 (General/Deathlok)

Peace Monger (American Eagle/US Agent foe) - by Cisco and Prime Eternal

Peaches (Homer Hooper ally) - by Grendel Prime

Peacock, Giles (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Peahl, Jon (Smasher)

Peanut (Seraphim/Warpies, Excalibur foe)

Peanuts McCoy (Sun Girl foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Pearla (Fantastic Four character)

Pearson, Andrea (councilwoman, Matt Murdock client)

Pearson, Jennifer of Ultraverse (Siren, Eliminator's daughter)

Pearson, Rick of Ultraverse (Eliminator)

Peavey, Agent (Inhumans character)

Peccary (Warpies)

Peck, Dale (FBI agent)

Peck, Dexter (Milton Whitestone's attorney)

Peck, Mr. (Namor character)

Pecos (Spit-Second Squad)

Pecos, Rose (Gemini, Spider-Man Magazine)

Pecos Pete (Old West outlaw, Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal

Peculo, Bobby (Maggia)

Peddler of Earth-75011 (Officer Demin, Slow Glass) - by Jean Marc Lofficier

Peddler of Doom (1940s, Miss America (Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Pedrao (Kuhrra Daïzonest assistant)

Pedro ?? (Old West, Mexican bandit)

Pedro ?? (Black Tarantula character)

Peel, Emma (Avengers...of British TV fame) - by Loki

Peeper (Occult, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

Peepers (Peeper)

Peeping Tom (Parasites member)

"Peeping Tom" (X-Student, Beanpole/Mike Galbraith)

Peg (Expatriate)

Pegas (Thor character)

Peg-Leg Martin (Eternal Brain foe)

Peg Leg Peg (Madballs foe)

Peggy ?? (former Human Torch date) - by Proto-Man

Pei (K'un-Lun warrior monk student, Iron Fist character) - by Snood & Chadman

Peking Duck of Earth-58472 (Howard the Duck cousin)

Peking Man (Jovian, Thor)

Peko (Fu Machu's monkey) - by Prime Eternal

Pel of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)

Pelagian (Praetorians, Nova Corps foe)

Pele (Pacific Overlords)

Pele (Hawaiian Goddess) - by Will U

Peleus (Thor foe)

Pelham, Dead George (early 20th century, Street Arabs, Runaways character) - by Loki

Peliali (volcano goddess, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

"Pelirojo" (R.U. Reddy)

Pelletier, Nicos (Hydra, Guillotine)

Pelops (Blackwulf)

Peloso, Ava (Ambush)

Pelps, Armand (Sangre foe) - by Prime Eternal

Pelt Man of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Peltier, Paul (Captain Granbretan)

Pelyn (Metal Master (Molyb)'s former husband)

Pemberton, Frederick (Crack, Drug Lords)

Pen, Lee Kwan (Wolverine character)

Penance of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

Pendleton Asquint (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle

Pendragon, Arthur (King Arthur)

Penelope of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)

Penfold (attended Saturnyne's trial on Earth-622)

Penguin of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)

Penkovsky, Zhenya (Black Widow character)

Pennant, David (Highwayman)

Penner, Frederick (Penner Security Associates, Ghost Rider/Next Wave foe)

Pennsu (xt god, Thor/Hercules foes) - by Donald Campbell

Penny ?? of Earth-8107 (Nephilia manipulator) - by Proto-Man

Penny Panzer (Übermädchen)

Pennypacker, J. Pennington (Almighty Dollar, Happy Campers)

Pennysworth, J.C. (Supreme Serpent, Sons of the Serpent) - by Prime Eternal & Chadman

Pennysworth, Joaquin (SHIELD agent, possible Defenders member) - by Chadman

Penrose, Lili (Gambit foe)

Penrose, Morgan (Lili's uncle, Gambit foe)

Penrose, Noel (Kitty Pryde foe)

Penskiyov, Marya (Number 1, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Pentecost, Paxton (Designed F.A.U.S.T.)

"Pentt" (Deviant Horde)

"People's Protector" (Patriot (Jeff Mace))

Pepper (Manny Sabatine's aide)

Pepper (Green Goblin (Urich) foe, partner of Salt) - by Minor Irritant

Peppermill, Ragland T. (Warriors Three character)

Peregrin Took (Iron Fist character) - by Markus Raymond

Peregrine (French superhero) - by AvatarWarlord72

Perez (attorney, Daredevil character)

Perez, Detective Cecilia (Sleepwalker character)

Pérez, George (legendary comic artist) - by Proto-Man

Perez, Paco (X-Force character) - by Proto-Man

"Perfect Human" (Strongman/Percy Van Norton)

"Perfect man of today" (Dynamic Man)

"Perfect Sportsman" (1950s, Chuck Blayne)

Peri (Pathfinders)

Perilous Painter (Avant Guard)

Perkins (Sir Baskerville employee, Sherlock Holmes character)

Perkins (Hulk character)

Perkins (Desmond Marrs' chauffer)

Perkins (SHIELD agent)

Perkins (Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)

Perkins, Mrs. (Purple Man victim)

Perkins, Nancy (Scott's wife)

Perkins, Scott (White Tiger (Ayala) character) - by Chadman

Perkins, Seth (Purple Phantom foe)

Perlmutter, Andrew (failed Weapon VII test subject)

Perlongetti, Louie (Speedball character)

Pernicious Plantman (Plantman)

Perone (priest, Devil-Slayer character)

Perpetrator of the Godwulf Principle of Earth-7484 (Godwulf)

Perricone, Noah (Pisces, Zodiac Cartel)

Perrikus (Dark Gods) - by Stunner

Perril, Arnold (Bluebeard)

Perrus (300 BC, Inhuman king)

Perry ?? (Mr. Reginald's cousin, Headline Hunter foe)

Perry ?? (Ararat scientist, possessed by Venom clone)

Perry ?? (monstrous bartender of the Goat's Head bar in Port Brimstone)

Perry, Arthur (Elektra foe)

Perrywinkle, Diane (Gamma Base personnel) - by Spidermay

Persephone (Olympian Goddess) - by Will U and the Squid

Persephone (Archsisterhood, Ganymede ally)

Pershing, Ronald (Klaw)

Personification of the double edge of Ultraverse (Double Edge)

Persuader (Ernest Evans, Cloak & Dagger character)

Persuader (Roland Rayburn, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Persuasion (Kara Killgrave)

Pertierra, Ferdinand "Foxy" (Mop Man foe)

Pertuz, Ariela (Gabriella's daughter)

Pertuz, Dante (Inhuman, Inferno)

Pertuz, Gabriela (Dante's sister)

Pertuz, Mrs. (Dante's mother)

Perun (Russian god, People's Protectorate) - by Will U

Pesca, Carmine (Daredevil character)

Peshaur, George (Old West, Wyatt Earp foe) - by Grendel Prime

Pester (Morlock) - by Darc_Light

Pestilence (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)

Pestilence (Plague, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Pestilence (Hungry)

Pestilence of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Pestilence of Earth-5701 (Spider-Man)

Pet (feline Mojoverse servant of Mojo II) - by Proto-Man

Pete ?? (Old West, employee of Arab Leech)

Pete ?? (robber, scared away by Ned Flanders)

Pete ?? (encountered "Night Watcher")

Pete ?? (Ghost Rider/Blaze character)

Pete ?? (Speedball character)

Pete (Orphan Maker)

Peter ?? (1950s, Leopard Girl ally)

Peter ?? (Namor character)

Peter ?? (Blackheart victim)

Peter (Colossus' son) - by Norvo

Peter (Excalibur foe) - by Loki

Peter ?? (London policer officer)

Peter (Orphan Maker)

Peter ?? (called Paige Angel radio show)

Peter ?? (Inhumans character)

Peter ?? (mutant, Northstar and X-Men character) - by Zerostar

Peter ?? (Mysterion hostage, told stories about Squirrel Girl)

Pe'te'r Z (Skrull)

Petere (Makesh resident)

Peterman, Parker of Earth-28204 (Spider-Man)

Peters (alien editor) - by Future

Peters of Earth-7484 (Simon Ryker agent, Deathlok (Manning) foe)

Peters, Capt. (US Army, Old West)

Peters, Freddie (fled from Mole-Men)

Peters, Ms. (Greensboro, North Carolina teacher)

Peters, Nan (Captain Peters' daughter)

Peters, Shanna (Tok)

Peters, Mr. (Killer Dick's father)

Peterson (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Ms. Marvel character)

Peterson (principal of Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character)

Peterson, Dwight (Black Tarantula character) - by Chadman

Peterson, Eleanor (Feedback's wife) - by Proto-Man

Peterson, Gary (Generation M character) - by Chadman

Peterson, Mike (Slapstick's best friend) - by Patrick D Ryall

Peterson, Milton (Obituary)

Peterson, Molly (Thermal)

Peterson, "Porkchop" ("Foggy" Nelson fraternity brother) - by Chadman

Peterson, Rob of Earth-20007 (Clarion, Spider-Man (J.T. Thomas) character)

Peterson, Sophia (Feedback's daughter)

Petey ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe)

Petey ?? (Underworld character)

Petey of Earth-91918 (Peter Parker, 13-year-old spider-hero) - by Proto-Man

Pethnan, Alaisa Ruantha (Avatar)

Pétion, Josué (Doctor Friday)

Petite Jean (Taker of Heads)

Petra (X-Men member) - by Norvo

Petrachnus (Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal

Petras (Inhuman, Gorgon's son) - by Chadman

Petrie (Roxxon, Bagmom)

Petrie, Derek (Shadow-Captains)

Petrie, Dr. James (Shang-Chi character) - partial entry

Petrie, Jasper (Man-Thing foe)

Petrie, Salia (Ms. Marvel character) - by Spidermay

Petril (Dimension Z)

Petrocelli, Vincent (mobster, Daredevil character)

Petros of Earth-311 (Quicksilver counterpart)

Petros, Dominic (Avalanche)

Petrov, Mikhail of New Universe (Mindwolf)

Petrov, Olga (Invisible Woman)

Petrova, Kirkov (Devastator)

Petrovic, George (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem character)

Petrovic, Dr. Howard (surgeon, Owl foe/reluctant ally) - by Chadman

Petrovich, Dmitri (Genesis Coalition, Silver Sable & Wild Pack foe) - by Spidermay

Petrovich, Ivan (Black Widow character) - by Chadman

Petrovich, Yuri (Crimson Dynamo/Outcast)

Petrovitch, Ivan (Ivan Petrovitch)

Petrovitch, Yuri (Crimson Dynamo/Outcast)

Petrus (criminal, Tyger Tiger foe) - by Chadman

Pettine, Vincent (depowered mutant)

Pettishford (Sheik Ibn Bheik employee)

Petty, Steve (Phreak)

Petunia Grimm (Thing's aunt)

Pevely, Laslo (Terror, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks

Peyer (Gladiator (Potter) victim)

Peyer, "red" (Wizard of the West)

de Peyraud, Renee (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle

Pfaffenberger, Stu (X-Men character) - by Norvo

Pfenner (Dr. Strange foe)

Pfotts, Carl (Hulk character) - by Norvo

Phadion (Tuk the Caveboy's father) - by MarvellousLuke

Phadros (Inhuman, father of "Earthquake Baby")

Phaeder (Inhuman, Maelstrom's father) - by Prime Eternal-- check your obscure-ometer!

Phaedra (Seeker 3000, leader of Pathfinders) - by Prime Eternal

Phaedra (Death's Head character)

Phage (Venom (Brock) foe) - by Minor Irritant

Phalanx (Punisher character)

Phalen, Robert (criminal, Daredevil foe)

Phalen, ZZ (Harmonize)

Phal'kon (Rook'shir)

Phalkon, Seth (Seth the Immortal)

Phan-Ku (Hisssarlion, Serpent Men)

Phantasm (Paladin foe) - by Spidermay

Phantazm of Eurth (Wonder Man or Vision counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Phantom (Phantom Bullet)

Phantom (Iron Man foe)

Phantom (Spider-Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man

Phantom (wielder of the Evilizer)

Phantom Blonde (She-Hulk ally) - by Will U

Phantom Bullet (Golden Age hero) - by MarvellousLuke

Phantom Eagle (WW1 hero, Freedom's Five) - by Prime Eternal

Phantom Eagle (Savage Land, Ka-Zar/Skaar character)

Phantom Hound of Cardiff Moor (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski

Phantom of 42nd Street (Power Man (Cage) foe) - by Spidermay

Phantom of Gamma Ray Flats (Ephraim Soles)

Phantom of Gramercy Park (Judge)

Phantom of the Farm (1950s "living strawman", World of Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks

Phantom of the Underworld (Golden Age hero) - by LV

Phantome (Vengeance foe) - by Markus Raymond

Phantom Raider (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal

Phantom Reporter (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo

Phantom Rider (Carter Slade, Old West hero) - by Prime Eternal

Pharao (Ra the Avenger)

Pharao (Ahmet Abdol, Living Pharao)

Pharao Rama-Tut the First (Rama-Tut, Marvel Adventures)

Pharaoh (Dr. John Redfield's cat)

Pharlopa D'zenn (V'mira Z'han, Conan foe)

Pharoid (Microverse prince, leader of the Desert Demons)

Phase (Techno-X)

Phaser (Radian/Christian Cord, New Warriors member)

Phat (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

Phay (Troll Associates)

Pheasant Man of Earth-61613 (Peter Parker, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Phee (Troll Associates)

Pheiffer, Stanley (former Matt Murdock client)

Phelch (Space Turnip)

Phelix (Troll Associates)

Phelps (Morbius foe)

Phelps, Denton (Hellrazor)

Phelps, Filbert (1960s time traveler, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks

Phelps, Joe (horror character) - by John Kaminski

Phelps, Walter (time traveler, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks

Phelps, Willy (1960s, time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks

Phemous (demon-lord, Magik character)

Pherecydes of Syros (Triumvirate of Mages)

Phiend (Troll Associates)

Phil ?? (WWII soldier, possessed by Mephisto)

Phil ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)

Phil ?? (Monsteroso character)

Phil ?? (Doctor Doom employee)

Phil ?? of Earth-84444

Phil ?? (Church of the Saved)

Phil ?? (Jaime Rodriguez's co-worker) - by Proto-Man

Phil ?? (Merx Pharmaceuticals)

Phil of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)

Phil ?? (homeless, Daredevil character)

Phil ?? (X-Men foe)

Phil the Magician (Spider-Man/Thing character)

Phil the Snake of Earth-1211 (Others)

Philbert ?? (Goliath/Wasp character)

Philbert, Mr. (robbed by Unus & Blob)

Philip ?? (civilian, encountere Dreadnought)

Philip ?? (Namor character)

Philip ?? (Scarlet Spider (Wade) foe)

Philip ?? (Bullseye foe) - by Chadman

Philips, Chuck of a pre-current Multiverse reality (WBLZ-TV news reporter, Eddie Brock friend)

Philips, Philip (1950s, slain by extradimensionals) - by Ron Fredricks

Philips, Philip (would-be boyfriend of Gamma-Burn)

Philippe ?? (servant of Lullaby)

"Philistine-era Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Phillip ?? (Children of Heaven)

Phillipe ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)

Phillips (British police officer)

Phillips, Sir Gordon (former Lord Imperial of Hellfire Club) - by MarvellousLuke

Phillips, "Handsome" Harry (Terrible Trio)

Phillips, Ice (Punisher character)

Phillips, John (Flapper, partner of Hogman)

Phillips, Lewis Freedom of Ultraverse (Anything)

Phillips, Merilee (freelance photographer, Marvel Super Heroes RPG character) - by David Lawrence

Phillips, Morty (Spider-Man character) - by Will U

Phillips, Roger (Number 5, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Phillips, Victor (1960s, Tales of Suspense character turned gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks

Philly (Phillip Dylan)

Philo, Jimmy (WSAP reporter, interviewed Foggy Nelson) - by Chadman

Philoctetes (Trojan War)

Phimister, Ellie (Negasonic Teenage Warhead)

Phineas (Fifth Dimension)

Phineas (Phobius)

Phineas T. Coroner (Demon-Fire)

Phipps, Hinton (Speedball character)

"Phishy McPhish" (Brotherhood character)

Phit (Troll Associates)

Phix (ancient Egypt, Ashake familiar)

Phlegm (Troll Associates)

Phlopp (Troll Associates)

Phobia (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond

Phobius (minion of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal

Phobos (Olympian God, Dr. Strange foe)

Phobos, Pieter (Professor Phobos)

Phoebus (Ares foe) - by Proto-Man

Phoenix (Rachel Summers)

Phoenix of Earth-9112

Phoenix (Jean Grey)

Phoenix (Rook'shir)

Phoenix (Echo/Maya Lopez)

Phoenix Force of Earth-2182 (possessing Colossus' empty shell)

Phoenix Kid (Old West gunfighter) - by Grendel Prime

Phoenix-Martian Manhunter of Earth-9602 (Amalgamated)

Phoenix-Prime of Ultraverse (Prime)

Phone Ranger (telephone super-hero) - by Prime Eternal

phony Spider-Man of Earth-8107 (Carnival of Crime member) - by David Lawrence

Phopp (Troll Associates)

Phorcys (Elderspawn, Agents of Atlas foe) - by Markus Raymond

Phork of Reality-81165 ("Kells")

Phor-Thok (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Photofit of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Photoman (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski

Photon (Spider-Man and Nova foe) - by Peter Kroon

Photon of Reality-691 (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)

Phough (Troll Associates)

Phoyu (Forgotten component, Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme foe) - by Donald Campbell

Phra (ancient Martian, Gullivar Jones foe) - by Grendel Prime

Phraug (Deviant emperor of Pre-Cataclysmic Lemuria) - by Don Campbell

Phreak (Spider-Man foe)

Phreak (Black Panther/Deathlok foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Phrogg (New Men, Hulk foe)

Phthira (Bug Lords, Queen of the Biting Wingless, Ant-Man character) - by Proto-Man

Phumm (Troll Associates)

Phy (Troll Associates)

Phyffe, Julian (Lord Phyffe)

Phyffe, Augustyne (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

Phyla-Vell (Martyr/Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel character) - by Stunner

Phyllis the Kronan (Future Foundation character)

Physique (Initiative character) - by Minor Irritant

Phzzzrrzztlzzzz (Fizzle)

Pi Yao (Pixiu)

Pia (vampire, Strange Academy student) - by Proto-Man

Piano Player (X-Statix character) - by Proto-Man

Pica of Earth-1289 (Excalibur character)

Picaro (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone

Picaro, Felipe (vengeful scientist, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) foe) - by Proto-Man

Picaro, Gaylord of New Universe (Pit Bull)

"Picaroon" (Special Executive)

Pick Axe (Power Tools)

Picket (Namor character)

Pickman (Nick Fury character) - by Prime Eternal

Pickwick, Ms. (Generation X character) - by MarvellousLuke

Picolino, Pierre (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Piecemeal (Hulk character) - by Stunner

Piecemeal (Gilbert Benson, X-Force/New Warriors character) - by Norvo

Pied Piper (Mr. P)

Piel of Reality-829 (Ciegrimites)

Pierce (WW2 admiral, Terror character)

Pierce of Ultraverse (Wrath foe) - by Grendel Prime

Pierce, Donald (X-Men foe) - by Chadman

Pierce, Jason (judge, Sons of the Serpent, Daredevil foe)

Pierce, Jimmy (Hit Man Punisher)

Pierce, Justin (FBI, Donald's nephew) - by MarvellousLuke

Pierce, Dr. Randall (bio-armor creator, Brute Force)

Pierce, Ricky (Randall's son)

Pierce, Shanghai (Old West, Wyatt Earp foe)

Pierce, Sir Waltham (WWI, Hellfire Club member)

Pierre ?? (Invisible Girl's hair stylist) - by Proto-Man

Pierre ?? (Dakota North character)

Pietra (Conan foe)

Piezo-electrical Logistic Analytic Tactical Operator (PLATO)

Pig ('Vores, Rick Jones foe)

Pigeon (Vulturion, Spider-Man foe)

Pig Malone (Elektra foe)

"Pig-Man" (Ani-Men, GLA story)

Pigman, Nigel (Council of Antiquarians)

Pigseye of Earth-83138 (Grit, Bullseye counterpart)

Pigskin (Wolverine foe)

Pigsy (Dragon Lines, "Ultraverse")

Pih-Junn of Counter-Earth (New Men, Adam Warlock foe)

Pike (Daredevil foe)

Pike, Cassandra (She-Hulk character) - by the Beetle

Pike, Charlie (Code: Gray)

Pike, Christopher (Rus inhabitant....this is a special Star Trek character cameo)

Pike, David (Brawn, She-Hulk's cousin)

Pike, Jared (Punisher/Foxfire foe)

Pike, Joseph "Wall-Eyed" (criminal, pool hustler) - by Chadman

Pike, Frisco (S.T.A.R.S. mechanic)

Pilai (Creature from Kosmos)

Pildorr the Plunderer (2062 A.D., giant space pirate) - by Ron Fredricks

Pile-Driver (Triumvirate of Terror)

Pilgrim (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond

Pilgrim of Ultraverse (Atom Bob)

Pilgrim (Pilgrimm)

Pilgrimm (Ru'Tai, X-Men foe)

Pillar (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Pilli Natu (Skrull, Spider-Woman foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Pilling, Darius Scott (New York City Buildings Department, Iron Fist foe)

Pillinger, John (Tony Stark character) - by Chadman

Pillowpal of Earth-Superhelden Special (Gus Goose)

Pillsbury (Claok & Dagger character)

Pilot (Binary Beings)

Pilot Korolyev (Major Rychenko's pilot)

Pinball of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe) - by Norvo

Pinball Lizard (Howard the Duck/Santa Claus foe)

Pincus, Joseph (Lonesome Pinky)

Pine Cone of Earth-65 (Bodega Bandit's hamster, Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) foe) - by Chadman

Pingas, Johnny (She-Hulk character)

Pinhead (Nazi, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks

"Pinheaded Killer" (Pinhead/Stefan Halpern)

Pini, Richard (Ghost Rider (Blaze) characters) - by Luis Dantas

Pini, Wendy (Ghost Rider (Blaze) characters) - by Luis Dantas

Pinius (Inhuman, Fantastic Four foe) - by Grendel Prime

Pinkerton, Percival "Pinky" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal

Pinkerton, Reginald (Percival's brother) - by Prime Eternal

Pinkerton, Rudy (reporter, She-Hulk character)

"pink flying creature sorcerer" (winged creature wielding Eye of Agamotto) - by Proto-Man

Pink Fink (Fantastic Four foe) - by LV

Pink Lady (Wolverine/Doop character) - by Proto-Man

Pink Sphinx (mystic Deadpool character) - by Patrick D Ryall

Pinkley, Zelda (Dominic Fortune character) - by Prime Eternal

Pink Mädchen (Pink Lady)

Pink Pearl (Alpha Flight foe) - by John Kaminski

Pinkwater, Ella (Daredevil story)

Pinocchio (Master Form)

Pinocchio (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

Pinpoint (Advocates member)

Pinpoint (Qureshi Gupta, superhero, Champions member) - by Chadman

Pinstripe (Split-Second Squad)

Pinto (Bobby Lathrop's pony)

Pinto, Jesse (Johnny Blaze character)

Pinyon (Inhuman soldier) - by Chadman

Pioneer (Harvesters)

"Pipe, Gentleman J." (Shanna the She-Devil foe)

Pip (Domino's dog) - by Chadman

Piper (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman

Piper (Morlock, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Piper, Horatio (anthropology professor, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Piper, Jeffrey (Code of Honor character) - by Proto-Man

Piper, Lewis (Jeff's father)

Piper, Marisa (Jeff's daughter)

Piper, Michael (Jeff's son)

Piper, Melissa (Deathgrip's daughter)

Piper, Dr. Rowden (Deathgrip)

"Piper of Peril" (Rom foe) - by Donald Campbell

Piranha (Namor, Thing and Defenders foe) - by SQUEAK

Piranha-Boy (Dr. Sheri Holman creation, Black Panther character)

"Piranha" Jones (Cage and Terror foe) - by Omar Karindu

Piranis (Cult of the Jackal)

Pirate Captain Johnny of Earth-96662 (fiery captain of flying pirate ship)

Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay (Iron Fist/Wu Ao-Shi, 16th century)

Pirvat, Ditmil (Star Thief)

Pisces (Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal

Pisces (One-Man Zodiac)

Pisces (Mr. Zodiac)

Pisces (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal

Pisces (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)

Pisces ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foe)

Piskas (Inhuman civilian)

Pistol Pete Albano (murdered witness, Daredevil "victim")

Piston (Harriers)

Pitbull (Litter)

Pit Bull of New Universe (DP7 character) - by Prime Eternal

Pitchfork (Good Boy foe) - by Minor Irritant

Pithecanthrope Giant (Jovian, Thor)

Pitiful One (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man

Pit Tippit (Arak foe)

"Pitt" of New Universe (Hoyt Pittman)

Pitt, Desmond (Darkoth the Death-Demon)

Pittman, Bennett (Nth Command)

Pittman, Hoyt of New Universe (FBI agent, Justice character)

"Pitt Plague" of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Pitt-derived plant creature)

Pit-Viper (The Viper's double) - by Prime Eternal

Pity (Spider-Man character, Spdm: Sinister Six novel trilogy)

Pixie (First Line member) - by Norvo

Pixie (Demon's cult)

Pixie (Morlock, Ghost Rider character)

Pixie (Punisher character)

Pixie of Earth-398 (Wasp, Queen's Vengeance)

Pixie of Earth-92131 (Megan Gwynn, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Pixil (Lilin, Scarlet Witch foe) - by Markus Raymond

Pixiu (Heroes for Hire foe) - by Proto-Man

Pixx of Ultraverse (Ultraforce)

Pizer (Excalibur character...mentioned anyway) - by Ronald Byrd

Pizfiz of Earth-9200 (anti-Maestro rebel, Hulk-616 ally) - by Norvo

PJ (X-Men character)

P'kar (Shi'ar, Maximum Security character)

P'krrd (Shi'ar, Inhumans foe) - by Chadman

Plague (Pestilence)

Plague of Earth-1043 (Brotherhood, Millennial Visions)

Plague (Lucien) of Earth-2182 (living Legacy virus)

Plague-Bringer of Earth-691 (Bubonicus)

Plaguedog of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Plagueosaur of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star, Witch-World)

Plaid Bug (Fight Man/Agent X foe)

"Plains Indian Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Plainsman (Looter foe) - by Minor Irritant

Planet, Commodore Donny (Moon Knight foe)

Planet Man (cosmic entity, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Planner (Captain America foe) - by Omar Karindu

Planner (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal

Planner (Teng)

Planner (Shadow Consortium member)

Plant Lady (Cousin Betsy)

Plant Man (Florus Homo)

Plant Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Plantman (Samuel Smithers, Human Torch/X-Men/Namor/Captain America/Defenders/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman

Plantman (Phil, Ant-Man (Lang) foe) - by Minor Irritant

Planty (Plantman)

Plasma (Havok/Moon Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond

Plasma of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Herald of Galactus) - by Markus Raymond

Plasmacabre (time-traveler)

Plasmer (Marvel UK)

Plasmmage (Buel)

Plasmonster (Plasmer)

Plastic Man of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)

Plastic Man of Forbidden Planet (DC, comic shop ad)

Plastique (Bad Boys, Motormouth foe)

Plastoid (Daredevil foe) - by John Kaminski & Chadman

Plastrooper (Plasmer)

PLATO (Force Works house-computer) - by Markus Raymond

Plato robot (Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots)

Platoon (Spider-Man foe)

Playback of New Universe (Justice character)

Playmate (Diabolique creation)

Plazm (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

Plaznik, Igor (1950s vampire)

Plaznik, Janez (1950s vampire, Igor's brother) - by Markus Raymond

Plaznik, Majda (1950s vampire, Igor's mother)

Plaznik, Marko (1950s vampire, Igor's father)

Plemina (Iron Man character)

Plethoric Prehistoric (Behemoth Jack)

Plex Intelligence (Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) ally) - by Markus Raymond

Plisken (Broker's slaves)

Plot-Device Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Plotnick, Lamar (Cloak&Dagger character)

Plotnick, Pavel (Mr. Rasputin)

Plunda (Plunderer/Parcival Plunder)

Plunder, Kevin (Ka-Zar)

Plunder, Edgar Parnial (Plunderer) - by Chadman

Plunderer (Parnival Plunder, pirate villain, Ka-Zar's brother) - by Chadman

"Plunderer from Outer Space" (2062 A.D., Pildorr the Plunderer)

Plunderer of Purity (Fangor)

Plundering Butterfly (Butterfly)

Plug of Ultraverse (Freex)

Plug-In Maniac (Fight Man/Agent X foe)

Plumed Serpent (Kukulcan)

Plumm, Maxwell (Steeplejack)

Plummer, Nathan (William Sumner, Third Species)

Plutaris, Hubartes (Hub)

Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U

Pluto Man (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)

Plutonia (Shi'ar Superguardians) - by Grendel Prime

Plutonian Javarra of Reality-54136 (ca. 2223 AD)

P!ndyr Champion (Skrull foe) - by Norvo

Po, Kim (Fantastic Force character)

Poachmaster General (master poacher, Kraven the Hunter foe) - by Chadman

Pogg Ur-Pogg (beast from Amenth, Swordbearers of Krakoa foe) - by HBK123

Pogo (Inhumans foe)

Pohlmann, Josef (Malpractive, D.O.A.)

Poindexter (anthropologist, encountered Whole Moon Hawk)

Poirot, Henri (Black Cat character)

Poison (Cecilia Cardinale, Spider-Man & Wolverine character)

Poison Gladiator of Reality-17952 (alien Poison, consumed Reality-72256's Gladiator)

Poison Groot of Reality-17952 (alien Poison, consumed an alternate reality of Groot) - by Proto-Man

Poison Host Rider of Reality-17952 (alien Poison, consumed Earth-53912's Host Rider)

Poison-Lark (Demon-Fire)

"Poison Pool Monster" (Jann of the Jungle foe) - by John Kaminski

Poison Satana of Reality-17952 (alien Poison, consumed Reality-71157's Satana) - by Proto-Man

Poison Spider-Man of Earth-17952 (Poisons hive) - by Proto-Man

Poison Star-Lord of Reality-17952 (consumed Reality-18197's Quill)

Poison Super-Skrull of Reality-17952 (consumed Reality-91206's Super-Skrull)

Poison Thor of Reality-17952 (consumed Reality-17147's Thor)

Poison Wolverine of Earth-17952 (Poisons hive) - by Julien Vivé

"Poker Face" (1950s alien) - by John Kaminski

Pokerface (Power Man (Alvarez)/Iron Fist foe) - by Minor Irritant

"Pokey" (Skrulls of Kral slave)

Polar Penguin of an alternate reality (penguin pet of Iceman) - by Loki

Polaris (Lorna Dane)

Polestar (Spider-Man foe) - by Omar Karindu

Polibos (Laois foe)

policeman (Jubilee character)

Police Commissioner (Defender character)

police officer (Wax People)

Polish (Undergrounders)

Politus (Amir's husband, Wolverine/Namor character) - by Chadman

Polk, Deborah of Earth-14101 (Captain Citrus' sister)

Polk, Jean of Earth-14101 (Captain Cirtus' mother)

Polk, John of Earth-14101 (Captain Citrus)

Polk, Martin of Earth-14101 (Captain Citrus' father)

Polk, Steven (Cardiac and Code: Blue character) - by Stunner

Polka Doctor (Fight Man/Agent X foe)

Poll, Danny (WWII, Angel (Tom Halloway) foe) - by Grendel Prime

Pollard, Ed (engineer, Ghost Rider (Blaze) character)

Polley, Gardner (Fly)

Pollio, Gaius Asinius (Roman politician)

Pollock, General (Avengers, Thing, and Fury foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron

Pollux (Arakii mutant, Cable foe) - by MarellousLuke

Polly (WWII-era trained parrot of assassin Krauss)

Polly ?? (Rick Jones' aunt, Hulk character) - by Proto-Man

Polly ?? (Beast's great-aunt) - by Proto-Man

Pollyanna (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Polna, Alfonse (Ararat test subject, possessed by Venom clone)

"Polo Partner" (Roger Aubrey, aka. Destroyer or Dyna-Mite)

Poltergeist (mutant, Spider-Woman (Drew), Dazzler, and Beast character) - by Will U, Elf with a Gun, and Snood

Polychrome (Nocturnals, "Ultravengers")

Polymer (Dana Holmes, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Polyphemus (cyclops, Huntsman)

Ponce (vampire, Legion of the Damned)

Ponce, Narrato (Chilean gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime

Ponchatrane, Bruno (Daredevil character)

Pontag of Victo of Earth-18 (Young Nastyman)

Pony (Ponygirl)

Ponygirl (Punisher character, computer hacker)

Ponzi (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)

Poodle (Litter)

Poog (Skrulls of Kral)

Pook, Alfred (Journey into Mystery) - by Future

Pool Shark (Moon Knight foe) - by Loki

Poole, Albert (Hulk)

Poole, Albert (pre-FF character) - by Prime Eternal

Poole, Elias (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski

Poole, Terra (Snaketongue, Gladiators)

Poole, Wilbur (creator of Elektro)

"Pop" (served totem pole creatures)

Pop of Earth-78423 (Pop Syke)

"Pop" of Earth-8116 (Dreadstar story)

Pop, Magister (Captain Marvel character) - by Stunner

Pop Fenton (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Popcorn Kravenov of Earth-91918 (former pet of Kraven)

Pope (Ahura)

Pope Immortus of Earth-9997 (Kang the Immortal)

Popeye the Sailor Man (Marvel version, toot, toot) - by Loki

"Poppa" (Destine Kale)

Poppa (Poppa's Olympian Palace owner, Daredevil character)

Poppa Wheelie (U.S 1 character)

Poppo the Cunning (Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Poprycz, William (soldier, vamped by Baron Blood)

Pops (the People, Sub-Mariner character)

"Pops" (Moon Knight foe)

Pop Syke of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Poratine (Watchers on the Wall, Diascar)

Por-Bat (Skrull disguised as Kree, Captain Marvel foe) - by Prime Eternal & Donald Campbell

Porcal (Inhuman, Genetics Council) - by Chadman

Porcunius (New Men, Counter-Earth)

Porcupine (Alex Gentry, Ant-Man/X-Men/Captain America/Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Porcupine (Ani-Mates)

Porcupine (Roger Gocking, Spider-Woman character) - by Chadman

Porcupine of Earth-28121 (Vennema Multiversal's Hunt Squad)

"Porcupine Puss" (Negative Zone, Beast foe) - by Grendel Prime

Porfiry, Svetlana (Harridan, Secret Empire)

"Porkchop" Peterson ("Foggy" Nelson fraternity brother) - by Chadman

Pork Chops (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Porker, Pete (Land of Nowhere, Jimmy Jupiter character) - by Norvo

Porkius the Living Ham-Pire of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)

Porkums (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Porky (minion of Isbisa)

Porky (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Porky (Porcupine (Alex Gentry) )

Port of Earth-21923 (wasteland survivor, Avengers foe)

Porter, Ms. (attorney, Daredevil character)

Porter, Cheryl (Iron Man character)

Porter V, Derek (Night Nurse foe) - by Prime Eternal

Porter, Edna (Derek's aunt)

Porter, Harris (Rage, Silk character)

Porter, Kim (Souls of the Damned, Nikki's host)

Porter, Marie (Rage/Harris Potter's daughter)

"Porter, Telford" (Vanisher)

Portia ?? (crushed on by Fife)

Portman, Lee (Old West, Fat Man)

Poseidon (Neptune)

Poser (Morlock, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke

Positron (First Line member) - by Norvo

possessed Hellcat (Avarrish involvement only)

Possessor (Kamo Tharnn, Elder of the Universe; Thor/Silver Surfer/Quasar character)

Possessor (Bloodstone foe)

Possessor (Son of Satan foe)

Possessor of the Runestaff (Possessor/Kamo Tharnn)

Possum Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Post (Kevin Tremain, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Postman (Psychobabble personality)

Postman (Chicago Morlock) - by Dark_Light

Postmortem (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Potnoodle, Peter of Earth-54202 (Spider-Ramen)

"Potsie" (Cauldron)

Potter, Albert (Hurricane, Marvel UK)

Potter, Bill of Earth-20007 (Clarion, Spider-Man (J.T. Thomas) character)

Potter, "Dutch" (blind man, lost sight in Vietnam) - by Chadman

Potter, Li Ling (White Tiger (Del Toro) character) - by Chadman

Potter, Melvin (Gladiator)

Potter, Tim (Captain America of the 1950's ally)

Potters, Kimberly Kristine of Earth-928 (Serpentina)

Potts, "Pepper" of Earth-8861

Potts, William (H'ylthri ally)

POTUS of Earth-7484 (President of the United States, ca. 1990 AD)

Pouncy, Marian (Poundcakes)

Pound (Black Widow (Romanoff) foe)

Poundcakes (Grapplers member) - by Nyssane

"Poundshop Silver Surfer on a Scooter" of unidentified reality (Silver Surfer counterpart, Survival Geeks character)

Pow, Dr. (Deadline character)

Powderkeg (Frank Skorina, former Masters of Evil member, Avengers foe) - by Chadman

Powell (teacher, Beast character)

Powell, Al (1950s big-game hunter)

Powell, Barry (Zonkers, Punisher foe)

Powell, Carl (playboy, romance character)

Powell, Christopher of Earth-9112

Powell, Nicholas (Chance)

Powell, Dr. Roy (found Frankenstein's Monster robot, later Curator)

Powell, Samantha (Doug Powell's cousin, Silver Sable character) - by Spidermay

Power, Alex of Earth-22455 (Power Pack, Millennial Visions 2001)

Power, Anthony (Professor Power)

Power, Francine of Earth-84309 (Powerpax)

Power, Jack of Earth-22455 (Power Pack, Millennial Visions 2001)

Power, Dr. James imposter (Technocrat agent)

Power, Julie of Earth-22455 (Power Pack, Millennial Visions 2001)

Power, Katie of Earth-22455 (Power Pack, Millennnial Visions 2001)

Power, Margret imposter (Technocrat agent)

Power, Matthew Aaron (Professor Power's son)

Power Broker (Curtiss Jackson, Machine Man/Hulk/Captain America foe)

Power Broker (tech-savvy businessman, empowered criminals) - by Proto-Man

Power Glove (Shatterfist) - By Prime Eternal

Powerhouse (Champions of Xandar, Nova character) - by Norvo

Powerhouse (Spider-Man/Beast foe) - by Stunner

Powerhouse of Ultraverse (Kenneth Sinclair, Strangers foe) - by Grendel Prime

Powerless Spider-Man of Earth-38119 (TV actor, multiversal Spider-Men member) - by Proto-Man

Power Man (Carl Lucas/Luke Cage)

Power Man of Earth-10001 (Danny Rand, Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

Power Man of Earth-82820

Power Man (Steele)

Power Man Hector (Power Men)

Power Man Mac (Power Men)

Power Man Simms (Power Men)

Power Man Steele (Cage foe, Power Men)

Powermaster (Power Man foe)

Power Monkey of Earth-311 (Peter Parquagh)

Power Princess (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)

Power Princess (programmed Zarda Shelton simulacrum, Squadron Supreme of America)

Power Prism (Krimonn, Dr. Sepctrum)

Powerpax (X-Force member in an alternate future) - by Madison Carter

Powers, Cliff (medic, Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal

Powers, Jeff (deceased man)

Powers, Jonathan (Jester)

"Powhatan Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Pow Wow Boom Boom Smith (Generation Hex)

Prabhakar, Pavitr of Earth-50101 (India, Spider-Man)

Praed, Jason (Crossbow)

Pra-Eun (sorceror, Conan)

Prafigliatcheo, Mr. (Malice victim)

Prafigliatcheo, Mrs. (Malice victim)

P!rai (X-Men character) - by Chadman

Prakriti (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Prank, Prowlpate P. (1940s Powerhouse Pepper foe)

Pratt (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)

Pratt, Walter (Captain Wally)

Preacher Slade (Old West gunslinger)

Preacher Thoms (Old West minister)

Predator (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond

Predator of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)

Pre-Doc Ock (Octopals member)

Preecit of Earth-Shadowline (major, Doctor Zero foe)

Preeti (Susan Storm Camp for Girls' Leadership attendee) - by Proto-Man

Prehistoric Platter Puss (Behemoth Jack)

Prehistoric Punisher of Earth-27135 (prehistoric vigilante) - by Loki

"Pre-history" (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by AvatarWarlord72 & John Kaminski

Prentis (Jim Hudson foe)

Prentiss, Andrew "Andy" (Illuminator)

Prentiss, Ayla (Garvey)

Prentiss, Andrew "Andy" (Illuminator)

Prentiss, Diane "Didi" (Illuminator's sister)

Prentiss, Jay (Illuminator's father)

Prentiss, Joan (Illuminator's mother)

Prentiss, Nita (Namorita)

Prentiss, Skip (Illuminator's brother)

Prentiss, Tom (Unholy Three victim)

Precinct Captain Mannheim (Daredevil character)

Prei-Ying Mantis (Howard the Duck character)

Prell, Sylvia (Fulmina)

Prelle, Walter (pre-FF character)

Prescott, Dr. Taylor of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa founder, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

Presence (Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Preserver (Vishnu, The Nest)

Preserver (Spider-Man foe) - by Fatum

President Abdi (Aqiria ruler)

President-For-Life of Earth-460

President Krang of Earth-1116 (president of Atlanterra)

President of the United States of America of Earth-80521 (cockroach men, Cable foe)

President Ronald Reagan of Earth-267

"President Spider-Man" of Earth-75251 (American public servant Spider-totem) - by Copeinator123

President X of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (US President, Charles Xavier counterpart)

"Presidential Kidnapper" (Hulk foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man

Presley, Bill (reporter)

"Presley, Elvis" (based on famous musician, Laughing Horse Bar patron)

Pressbutton, Axel (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, cyborg assassin)

Pressman, Max (Wallow, Spirits of Vengeance)

Pressman, Melinda (Wallow's daughter, Ghost Rider (Ketch) character)

Pressman, Michael (Wallow's son, Ghost Rider (Ketch) character)

Pressman, Tim (NFL SuperPro character)

Press-On (S.P.A.F.O.N. member)

Pressure of Ultraverse (Freex)

Prester John (Fantastic Four character) - by Per Degaton, Snood, and Prime Eternal

Preston, Martin (Master Pandemonium)

Preston, Rance (Live Wire)

Preston, Tom (Bile)

Pretender (Kusoom)

Pretorious (alternate earth Generation X foe) - By Madison Carter

Pretorius, Anton (Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond

"Pretty Angel" of "Earth-8116" (Iron Angel)

"Pretty-Boy" (Jack Norriss)

Pretty Boy (Undergrounders)

Pretty Face (Old West, Arizona Annie foe) - by Grendel Prime

"pretty pinkity" (Pink Lady)

Preview (Jessica Vale, X-Student, Paragons member) - by MarvellousLuke

Prexy of Earth-691 (31st Century, Asylum)

Prey, Solomon (Black Panther foe)

Preyy (Killmonger's leopard, Black Panther foe)

Preyy II (Killmonger's leopard, successor to Preyy)

Priam (Trojan War)

Priapus (Cage, Silver Sable, Terror foe)

Price (SHIELD, Garwood victim)

Price (Thor villain) - by Prime Eternal

Price, Bill (Daily Bugle reporter) - by Chadman

Price, Eddie (Captain Universe)

Price, Jane (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)

Price, Jared (Hydra agent) - by Grendel Prime

Price, John (Catherine Bradley's father)

"Price, Kendra" (Eddie's mother)

Price, Leo (FBI agent, Jeff Barker foe)

Price, Lissa (Lissa Russell)

Price, Mary (Catherine Bradley's mother)

Price, Nina (Vampire by Night)

Price, Roger (Jane's husband)

"Price, Timothy" (Eddie's father)

Price Chopper (conman, Daredevil foe)

Pride, Jubula (Owl's daughter, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Priest (Conan character)

priest (Carmondians)

Priest, James (district attorney, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Priest, J.B. of Earth-80219

Priest, Lucy (Butterfly)

"Priest of Amon-Ra" (Rune)

Priest of Purity (Rasputin)

Priest of Sickles (Johan Richter, Kulan Gath servant) - by Proto-Man

Priest of the Scorpion God (Kull character)

Priest of the Wild (Connobar)

priestess of Yog (Conan foe)

Priestess (Pride, Shanna the She-Devil foe)

Priestess of Creation (Noyo)

Priestess of Hate (Nekra Sinclair)

Priestess of the North (Ursla)

Priestess of the Rites (Artys-Gran)

Priestess of the Sea and the Moon (Vivian Morgan)

Priestess of the Sun (Contraxian race)

Priestess of the Wilds (Ursla)

Priestess Selene of Earth-398 (aka Priestess) (Moondragon, Queen's Vengeance)

Prim, Ms. (Marvel Boy/Martin Oksner Burns' teacher)

Prima of Earth-751263 (Rejects member) - by Proto-Man

Prima Donna (Action Pack, Initiative)

Primal (X-Men ally) - by Prime Eternal

Primal One (see Maur-Konn, Shogun Warriors character)

Primate (Alpha Prime member)

Primax of Earth-69901 (Captain America character) - by Markus Raymond

Prime of Ultraverse (Kevin Green, Ultraverse hero)

Prime Deathlok of Earth-22925 (Ultron, ruler of the world) - by Proto-Man

Prime Director of Galador (Rom character)

Prime Eternal (Zuras)

Prime Evil (Genetix foe)

"Prime Man" ("Ultravengers")

Prime Manifester (Anthropomorpho)

Prime Matrix (Vuk, Avengers/She-Hulk/Wolverine/X-Men foe)

Prime Mover (Doom's robot) - by Omar Karindu

Prime Mover (Marvel UK)

Prime One (Zuras)

Prime Skrull (original Skrull) - by Prime Eternal

Prime Thoran (Protector/Thoran Rul)

primitoid (slave of Skrulls of Kral)

Primm, Ms. (Shadow Hound of Cardiff Moor neighbor)

Primo (Avengers foe) - by Stunner

Primogenitor of Earth-3071 (Mandate, Wolverine foe)

Primogenitor of Ultraverse (Godwheel, "Prime" race)

Primus (Captain Mar-Vell ally) - by Prime Eternal

Primus (Flb'Dbi, Fantastic Four character)

Prince (Fu Manchu)

Prince (Hawkeye foe)

Prince of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

Prince, Chad of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon)

Prince, Diana of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

Prince Argon (Microverse, Argon)

Prince Bayan (Reed Richards character)

Prince Charming (Prince)

Prince Dezan (Skrull, Avengers character) - by the Beetle

Prince Dragon (Kaiwann, Thing/Iron Fist character)

Prince Eric (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad character)

Prince Aba Fey (ancient Egyptian prince, Abdullah Razmuz enemy)

Prince Gareth of Sparta of Earth-791 (Star-Lord's great-uncle) - by Donald Campbell

Prince Gorgolla (Gorgolla)

Prince Hassim (Bagmom)

Prince Hyinar (Snark, Inhumans foe) - by Chadman

Prince Jason of Spartax (Inhumans character) - by Donald Campbell

Prince Jiefya (Power Man/Iron Fist character)

Prince Koura (Sinbad foe)

Prince Morningstar of Eurth (Human Torch (Johnny Storm) counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Prince of Atlantis (Namor, Timeslip)

Prince of Black Magic (Mor the Mighty)

Prince of Blood (Rune)

Prince of Darkness (Mephisto)

Prince of Darkness (Lucifer)

Prince of Darkness (Dracula)

Prince of Darkness (Marduk Kurios)

Prince of Death (Kx'ulthuum)

Prince of Deceit (Pluto, Olympian)

Prince of Deceivers (Mephisto)

Prince of Devils (Mephisto)

Prince of Good (ancient sorcerer, Davey Drew's Demon foe)

"Prince of Hackers" (Hector Espejo)

Prince of Hell (Marduk Kurios)

Prince of Hell (Pluto, Olympian)

Prince of Latveria (Dr. Doom, Timeslip)

Prince of Liars (Mephisto)

Prince of Lies (Mephisto)

Prince of Lies (Hellstorm)

Prince of Mesonia (Conan character)

Prince of Pain (Taraskh)

Prince of Power (Alexus, High Priest of Set

Prince of Rogues (Abu Ho Dadi)

Prince of Sakaar (Red King, Hulk foe)

Prince of Trolls (Horskuld)

Prince of Void (Rune)

"Prince of Wails" (Super Baby)

Prince Peacock (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime

Prince Pharoid (Microverse prince, leader of the Desert Demons)

"Prince" Samson (Doc Samson, only "Giger" involvement)

Prince Shinto (Young Allies foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Prince Thann (Conan character)

Prince Triton of Earth-700089 (Pacifican prince, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Prince Wayfinder of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)

Princess (Tippi Canoe)

"Princess" (Casey Kinmont)

"Princess" (Wolverine foe)

Princess Adora (Comicsville character)

Princess Akiuki Orugawa of Earth-1211 (Black Dragon Society)

Princess Bogdana (King Radishev's daughter)

Princess Crigatha the Fair (Conan character)

Princess Eve (Tuk the Caveboy character) - by MarvellousLuke

Princess Fen

Princess Khadijah (First Line character) - by Norvo

Princess Lissal (Arak foe)

Princess Noyo (Noyo)

Princess Nzinga (Hyborian era amazon)

Princess Madonna of Earth-839 (Captain UK character)

Princess of the Atom (Golden Age, Dianne)

Princess of the Realm (Namora)

Princess Parisa (Sinbad character)

Princess Python (Zelda DuBois, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman

Princess Ravonna (Avengers character)

Princess Rhondar-ling of Reality-88131 (Gornan the Bar-B-Q-Barian character)

Princess Satana (Satanians)

Princess Sa'tneen of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, Kylun character) - by Donald Campbell

Princess Tallibone (Starjammers foe) - by Sammy 7D

Princess Zafina (First Line character) - by Norvo

Princess Zanda (Black Panther character) - by the Beetle

Principal (Mr. Davis, Spider-Man character)

Principal Davis (Mr. Davis, Spider-Man character)

Principle of Entropy of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck foe)

Prindle, James (Generation M character) - by Chadman

Prindle, Joseph (James' twin brother)

Printout Man (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Printout Punk (Printout Man)

Prism (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Prisoner #278704 (Plantman)

Prisoner #1307967 (Blizzard)

Prisoner 4762-921 (Daredevil foe) - by Markus Raymond

Prisoner Zeta 987-349 (Brood alien, Ravenstarr prisoner)

Prisutviye (Presence)

Pritchard, Donaldo (Golden Age, Old One)

Pritchard, Sam (DUCK)

Pritchett, Tom (victim of Elf with a Gun)

Pritikin, Gillian (Miss Mass)

Private Normal of Earth-333333333 (He, below average citizen) - by Loki

Private Timothy O'Toole (Korean War soldier, Battle character) - by Prime Eternal

Private Wilson of Earth-717

Private, Percy (WWII, Super Soldier)

Pro (Scarlet Spider foe) - by Minor Irritant

Pro-Boscis (Pip the Troll foe)

Proctor (1950s scientist, encountered Dagon)

Proctor (Avengers foe) - by Stunner

Proctor (Ararat scientist, Venom clone victim)

Proctor, John (Salem Witch Trials)

Prodigy (promotional character, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski

Prodigy (Polish hero, Alpha Flight character) - by AvatarWarlord72

Prodigy ("Slingers", Anti-Superhuman Registration Act) - by G Morrow

Prodigy (real-life rapper, enjoyed by Falcon & Patriot) - by Proto-Man

"Prodigy" of Earth-43192 (May Parker, armored superheroine) - by Copeinator123

Prodigy of Earth-55343 (armored Spider-totem) - by Copeinator123 & Proto-Man

Professor (scientist, worked for Mr. Kline) - by Chadman

Professor (sought Golden City)

Professor (Siegfried Mauller enemy)

the professor (Sporr creator)

Professor (Crusher, Iron Man foe)

"Professor" (toymaker, Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal

Professor (Ignatz Goldman)

Professor (tech-using Spider-Man foe, sticker book character) - by Proto-Man

Professor (Professor Power)

Professor (Circus of Crime make-up artist) - by Chadman

Professor Ace (helped Brad the Micronaut)

Professor George Ailen (1950s, encountered Stone Men)

Professor Ayala (ESU, Misty Knight character)

Professor Baldwin (Illuminator foe) - By Madison Carter

Professor Barnes (1960s, Paul Harper's teacher)

Professor Berger (Azazel foe, Cable story)

Professor B-Man (V-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Professor Bradford (Iron Fist/Power Man character)

Professor Bravo (ESU professor, Squirrel Girl character)

Professor Briggs (old friend of Dr. Parker)

Professor Karl Brukenwald (Old West, Annie Oakley foe)

Prof. Henry Buchanan (Singularity Investigations microbiologist) - by Proto-Man

Professor Bridget Chan of Earth-14042 (Gaia Line theorist, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Professor Kai Chen (Thermal Man creator)

Professor O.U. Chiseler ("Bullet-Proof" McNasty partner, Golden Age scam artist)

Professor Clemens (Iron Man foe)

Professor Cobbwell (Spider-Man character)

Professor Clark Dane (encountered the Gool)

Professor Dark (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski

Professor Raymore Davis (scientist, empowered Human Top (Bruce Bravelle))

Professor Diminutio (1950s, Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe) - by Grendel Prime

Professor Dolen (pre-FF time traveler) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks

Professor Donaldson of Earth-8107 (Vulture victim)

Professor Drakla (Miss America foe) - by John Kaminski

Professor Mark Foray (1950s professor, encountered "White Whale")

Professor Ford (Yellow Claw agent)

Professor Frankheimer (Ted Silverberg ally)

Professor Gizmo of Earth-8107 (scientist, Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence

Professor Simon Goettler (Dynamic Man creator)

Professor Gojo (WWII-era Japanese assassin, Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal

Professor Golde (former law professor, Foggy Nelson foe) - by Chadman

Professor Grant (encountered Johnny Downes)

Professor Guarinus (Jackal/Miles Warren)

Professor Clinton Hall (Broadway Project)

Professor Harker (scientist, creator of Universal Compressor) - by Prime Eternal

Professor Hogarth (encountered Harry Sikes)

Professor Horton of Earth-97517 (Timeslip)

Professor Imam of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo

Professor Jack (Human Torch and Thing foe)

Professor David Jaffe (Queen ally, Spider-Man foe)

Professor James (plastic surgeon, rescued by Spider-Woman) - by Proto-Man

Professor Kang of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Professor Kerrin (1950s, time travel to 16th century)

Professor Brent Kerwin (Man-Bull foe) - by Chadman

Professor Paul Klein (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters character)

Professor Otis Kline (Kool-Aid Man character)

Professor Casmir Kravadka ("Spider Man", mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks

Professor Kroft (Earth scientist, killed while accompanying the alien Zo into the sun)

Prof. Kendall Kulto (fanatical scientist, Captain America (Jeff Mace) character) - by Proto-Man

Professor Kuricha of Earth-41252 (scientist, Red Skull lackey) - by Proto-Man

Professor Laser (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)

Professor Leon (Cat People, Tigra character) - by Loki

Professor Lindstrom (Yellow Claw character)

Professor Ling (Sandra Ling's father, Shang-Chi character)

Professor Llewelyn (Iron Fist/Power Man character)

Professor Lyman of Earth-600001 (scientist, Captain America movie serial) - by Loki

Professor Mackinaw (ESU speaker, genetic engineer) - by Proto-Man

Professor Mako (Committee)

Professor Malleck (1950s, made cure for vampirism)

Professor Marko (original Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski

Professor Marsh (encountered time traveler Lee Tate)

Professor McKimson (C.I.T.Y. inventor, Rocket Racer character)

Professor Merridew (Iron Fist/Power Man character)

Professor Midknight (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Professor Marvin Minsky (robotics expert)

Professor James Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes foe)

Professor Morte (WW2, Miss America character)

Professor Newton (Spider-Man character)

Professor N'Iix (Wakandan, Shuri ally)

Professor Nogood (Astro Flair foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Professor Hugo Oddt (Dorkham Asylum)

Professor Henry Oxton (archeologist, Azazel foe, Cable story)

Professor Phobos (Hulk/Soviet Super Soldiers foe)

Professor Pink Eye (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Professor Plotz (Bale College lecturer, transformed into the evil Dr. Krotz, Stuporman ally)

Professor Pollution (Plant Man foe)

Professor Power (Captain America/Defenders/X-Men foe) - by Chadman

Professor Proctor (1950s scientist, encountered Dagon)

Professor Prowlpate P. Prank (1940s Powerhouse Pepper foe) - by Grendel Prime

Professor Prometheus (Micronauts/War Machine foe)

Professor Psycho of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Professor Rangely (found & raised Tyranno)

Professor Reinstein (Abraham Erskine)

Professor John Peter Roberts (1940s, Ken Masters character)

Professor Ruggles (1950s, tried to trick George Weston)

Professor Serak (scientist, U.S. military)

Professor Sfeen (Canopian scientist)

Professor Sinkovitz (Cold Warrior)

Professor Slaughter (Man-Thing foe)

Professor Sneer (Hostess Ads, Captain Mar-Vell foe) - by John Kaminski

Professor Squid of Earth-20007 (Spider-Man (J.T. Thomas) foe)

Professor Stanley (Egyptologist killed by Vincent Destine) - by Donald Campbell

Professor Steven Stanley (Two-Gun Kid character)

Professor Steinrine of Earth-88469 (Dead Clown character)

Professor Sting (Slime Man foe)

Professor Stromm (Geophysicist, Commandant slave, Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal

Professor Stuyvesant (shot "Gorilla-Man" (Radzik) into space)

Professor Teller of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)

Professor Thornton (1950s scientist) - by Ron Fredricks

Professor Thaddeus Thornton (resurrected skeleton, Skull-Face victim)

Professor Tippett (ESU professor)

Professor Tomkins (Unholy Three victim)

Professor Twigs (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Professor Van Hosen (Wolverine/Doop character)

Professor Viper (Midnight Sons character)

Professor W (Logan) of Earth-2182 (formerly Wolverine, paralyzed X-Men leader)

Professor Wagstaff (Lee School, Captain America (Jeff Mace) foe)

Professor Wemblem (Sun Girl character)

Professor Harvey Wilkes (invented time machine)

Professor X (Charles Francis Xavier)

Professor X of Earth-253 (X-Man character)

Professor Charles Xylophone of Earth-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime

Professor Yinsen of Earth-8861

Professor Leopold York (former law professor of Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson) - by Chadman

Professor Zaxton (Thor foe)

Professor Zunbar (1950s, Sub-Mariner foe) - by John Kaminski

Professor Zurko (Atlas horror) - by John Kaminski

Proffet (Son of Satan character)

Profit (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Profit, Dick (CNCB news reporter, Mockingbird character) - by Chadman

Profiteer (extraterrestrial profit-obsessed Elder of the Universe, Avengers/Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man

Progenitor Commander-Class of Earth-17619 (Medusa/Black Bolt merged)

Proja (Champion ally) - by Grendel Prime

Project (Piecemeal)

Project: Postmortem (Postmortem)

Project Tomorrow (Arsenal)

Projector (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Prokvitch, Illyich (Peace Corpse)

Proletariat (1940s "Soviet Super-Soldiers") - by Loki

Prometheus (Titan of Myth) - by Per Degaton and Will U

Prometheus of Earth-73479 (Wets)

Prometheus of Ultraverse (Fire People)

Prometheus, Phillip (Professor Prometheus)

Promoter (Silver Surfer foe)

Prophet (Man-Beast)

Prophet of Earth-8208

Prophet King of Ancient Atlantis (Suma-Ket)

Prophet of the Lord (Jeremiah)

Pro-Rata (Howard the Duck/Spider-Man foe)

prospector ("Odd" dimension, Howard the Duck story)

Prosper, Jack of Ultraverse (Wreckage)

Protector (Ant-Man (Pym) foe)

Protector (Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime

Protector (Nova character, empowered Megaman)

Protector (Thoran Rul, Champions of Xandar, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Protector (Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy/Captain Marvel)

Protector (Isaac Ikeda, Pan Guard member, Agents of Atlas member) - by Chadman

Protector (Yond-R, rookie Starforce Blue member)

"Protector of Detroit" (Nain Rouge)

Protector of Pan (Protector/Isaac Ikeda)

Protector of Soldiers (Captain Jeremy Merrick, Captains Network)

Protector of the Puny (Macho-Man, British/Klaktonian hero)

Protector of the Realm (Archon)

"Protektin Surv" (Hulk/Thing character)

Protester of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)

Proteus (Namor foe) - by Chadman

Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert)

Protoff (Ravel race)

Protoform (created by Joshua Borglum)

Proto-Goblin (Nels van Adder, Spider-Man character)

Proton (Geldoff, Initiative recruit) - by Proto-Man

Prototype of Ultraverse (Bob Campbell, UltraForce member)

Prototype of Ultraverse (Jimmy Ruiz, Ultraforce member)

Prototype 2.0 (Bob Campbell) of Reality-32659

Protozoa (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

Proudstar, James (Warpath)

Proudstar, John (Thunderbird, X-Men member)

Provenza, Miguel (Conquistador)

Provenzano, Paulie (Omerta)

Providence tryouts host (Rhodes Island Initiative tryout)

Provider (U'Sr'Pr)

Prowler (Spider-Man foe)

Prufrock, George (Lifeform)

Prufrock, Jethro (George's father)

Prufrock, Martha (George's sister)

Prune (Warpies)

Pryce, Joshua (Cognoscenti)

Pryde, Katherine of Earth-1298 (Mutant X, Hellfire Club member) - by Peteparker

Pryde, Kitty (Shadowcat)

Pryor, Madelyne "Maddy" (Avengers character -- not related to the X-Men) - by Norvo

Pryor, Madelyne

Pryor, Madelyne (Red Queen of Earth-998)

Pryor Cashman (Kingmaker)

Psamitek (Conan foe)

Pseudo-Man (She-Hulk foe)

Psi-Assassin (Slaymaster)

Psi-Ber Sentinel (X-Men foe) - by Madison Carter

Psider-Man (Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men member)

Psi-Hawk of New Universe (psychic manifestation of Psi-Force) - by Prime Eternal

Psi-Key (living computer, Digitek, Marvel UK)

Psiphon (Vengeance foe) - by Markus Raymond

Psi-Stalker of New Universe (Thomas Boyd)

Pstun-Rage of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven foe) - by Prime Eternal

Psyche (Cupid's lover)

Psyche (Psykos)

Psyche of Eurth (Jean Grey counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Psychobabble (Doc Samson/Vengeance foe)

Psycho-Man (Fantastic Four/Microverse/Spider-Man/Silver Surfer foe) - by Norvo

Psycho-Woman (Microverse native, daughter of Psycho-Man, Fantastic Four foe) - by Minor Irritant

psychotic race-killer (Glowworm)

Psyclops of Earth-1042 (X-Force, Millennial Visions)

Psy-4 (I-Bots, "Ultravengers")

Psyklop (Avengers, Hulk foe) - by Stunner

Psykos (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal

Psyk-Out (criminal, former special effects specialist, Spider-Man/Wonder Man foe) - by Chadman

Psylocke (X-Force)

Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock)

Psylocke of Earth-3933 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

Psynapse (Dark Riders, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Chadman

Psyphon (Death's Head character)

Ptah Mekri (Hyborian era, ancient Stygian)

"Pter" (Saur-Lords)

pteranodon ("Twilight World")

Pterigil, Ilse (Star-Thief)

Pterodactyl (pterrifying dinosaur) - by Prime Eternal

Pthassiass (Conan foe)

Ptor-Nubis (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

"Pubie" (Tommy McNarahan)

Public Enemy of Earth-928 (Punisher 2099 foe)

Pucci (Sweat Shop)

Puceanu, William (Meggan's father) - by Loki

Puck (Eugene Judd)

Puck of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Puck, Sid (Thwart)

Puddlegulp (Frogs of Central Park)

Puentes, Donna Maria (Captain America character, Swine's cousin)

Puff Adder (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK

Puffball Collective (Hulk character(s)) - by Mick Martin, the Anti-Grimm

Puffin (Howard the Duck foe)

Pug-Pan (Speed Howell's editor)

Puggy (Mr. Hyle employee, Daredevil ally)

Pugliese, Augustus of Earth-721 (boyfriend of Jennifer Walters)

Puishannt (Six-Fingered Hand)

Pulaski (Anton Hellgate client)

Pulaski, Joey (Spider-Man foe) - by Changeling

Pulaski, Ronald (Human Wreck, Fight-Brigade)

Pulitzer Patty (Speedball character) - by Markus Raymond

Pullman (Daredevil character)

Pullman, Quinn (Caliber)

Pulsar (Liberator)

Pulse (Kree robot, X-Force character) - by Grendel Prime

Pulse (Augustus, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Pulse-2 (Death Squad)

Pulse-3 (Death Squad)

Pulse-4 (Death Squad)

Pulssus (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman

Pulver, Jack (Human Cannonball, Circus of Crime member)

Pulverizer of Earth-9047 (What The--?! Punisher counterpart) - by Markus Raymond

Puma (Old West, Heart-Like-Fire, Thomas Fireheart ancestor) - by Loki

Pumice (Seraphim/Warpies, Excalibur foe)

Pump (Lord Pumpkin)

Pump, Laird (Lord Pumpkin)

Pumperneekel (Andrew Malvern)

Pumpkin-legion (Lord Pumpkin)

Pumpkin Lord (Lord Pumpkin)

Pumpy (Lord Pumpkin)

Punchy (Purple Man victim) - by Chadman

Punisaur of Earth-99476 (Punisher, Dino-World) - by Loki

Pun-isher of Earth-94319 (Spider-Man Magazine, Spidey's Spectacular Sillies, told bad jokes)

Punisher (Galactus agent)

Punisher (Lynn Michaels)

Punisher (Hit Man Punisher)

Punisher (Idiot Punisher)

Punisher (Outlaw)

Punisher (Yuppunisher)

Punisher (Carlos Cruz)

Punisher (Frank Castle)

Punisher (Jigsaw/Billy Russo)

Punisher of Earth-Traffic Wars 2099 - by Zerostar

Punisher General of Earth-691 (31st Century, Punishers)

Punisher of the Opera of Earth-61158 (Castiglione, avenger of his family circa 1800s Paris) - by Proto-Man

"Punk" (Archie the Gruesome)

Puppetman of Earth-238 (Crooked World)

Puppet Master of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man/Thing foe) - by Grendel Prime

"Puppy" (Hunter in Darkness)

Puppy (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Pupugli (Shi'ar, Starjammers foe)

Purani (Conan character)

Pura-Shamutra (Dr. Strange character)

Purcell, David (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) - by Prime Eternal

Purdy, Chance (Old West, father of Priscilla)

Purdy, Priscilla (Old West Kid Colt ally) - by Prime Eternal

Pureheart (Darkhawk foe)

Purge (Green Goblin foe) - by Ron Byrd

Purge (Genoshan, "Excalibur" member) - by Norvo

PuriFire (Iceman foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Puritan of Earth-78423 (newspaper strip, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

"Purple Gangster" (Comet (Harris Moore) foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Purple Girl (Kara Killgrave)

Purple Haze of New Universe (Para-Troop)

Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Purple Mask (Laughing Mask)

Purple Phantom (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal

"purple-robed man in pointy hat sorcerer" (recruited by Merlin to assist Yao) - by Proto-Man

Purple Son (Purple Man's son, Jessica Jones foe) - by Chadman

Purple Woman (Kara Killgrave, Canadian mutant, former Alpha Strike/Alpha Flight/Beta Flight member) - by Chadman

Purse (Millie Shuriff)

Purser, Sarah (Generation M character) - by Chadman

Pursuer (Inhumans foe) - Cockroach Connection

Pursuer (Cadmi-M, Starforce Blue)

Purty Larry (Silver Squad)

Purveyor (Dyskor)

Purvis, Helen (vampire, X-Men foe)

Pushkin, Gregori (Warhide)

Pushkin, Ivan (1950s defector) - by Grendel Prime

Pushkin, Ivan (Ivan the Terrible)

Putnam (Lorna foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Putor (Inhuman)

Putt, Jody (Jester)

Puzzle Man (Fun and Games contest character) - by Madison Carter

Puzzlemaster (Stan Lee)

Pym, Hank of Earth-2301 (Antman, Mangaverse)

Pym, Henry

Pym, Henry (Criti Noll)

Pym (Blake, reprint name change)

Pym, Janet (Wasp) of Earth-8610 (Gates of What If?, Defenders)

Pyne, Jessup (White Tiger (Del Toro) foe) - by Chadman

Pyne, Liza (actress turned vampire) - by Prime Eternal

Pyo (Nova Corps member) - by Donald Campbell

Pyotr ?? (Red Guardian (Belinsky) foe)

Pyra (Death's Head (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent) )

Pyranos (pyranotech mecha based on Human Torch (Jim Hammond), Livewires foes)

Pyrax 8-13 of Reality-8116 (Delilah D-50's late husband)

Pyre (D.O.A.)

Pyre (Venom/Punisher foe) - by Markus Raymond

Pyre (Sword, Damocles Foundation)

Pyro (St. John Allerdyce)

Pyro of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Pyromania (Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay

Pyron the Thermal Man (Avengers foe)

Pyscatos (Ancients)

Psych-Major of Reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime

Pythagoras of Samos (Triumvirate of Mages)

Pythias of Earth-665 (police officer, noticed Forbush Man leaving crime scene) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

Pythias (Gambit foe)

python (Kraa the Unhuman enemy)

PZ-42 (alien research scientist, Planet Terry)

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