Characters of the Distant
(before 100, 000 BC)
"Adam" (1 million BC, Wanderers)
ancient race ("winged horror's" race)
Ancients (Hulk characters)
Andrax the Last (Elder Earth, Chane foe) possibly
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Ape King (alpha of the Gorgilla Clan circa 1,000,000 B.C.) - by Proto-Man
Argon (Chane foe)
Avell (distant past Kree, Morag ally) - by Donald Campbell
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
Azoth (Conan foe) -"before man crawled from the slime"
Bazor (ruler of "underworld demi-gods")
Beast-Men (Old West, Black Rider foes) - by Grendel Prime
Bialgesuard of reality-8116 (demon, agent of Taurus Killgaren)
"Bride of Andrax" (Chane character) possibly
Brrkk (intelligent caveman, Vnn lover) - by Proto-Man
Challenger (Elder of the Universe) - by Proto-Man
Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus, Elders of the Universe)
Chane of the Yellow Hair (Elder Earth barbarian warrior) possibly
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Chea (1 Billion BC Mars, Hither People)
Children of Andrax (Chane foes) possibly
Chong-Soh (magician, enemy of Garaz)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Cleito (Man-Thing character)
Crown of Wisdom (Cornerstones of Creation, Conan stories)
Curtis ?? (ancient mystic object identifier, Daimon Hellstrom ally) - by Proto-Man
Damballah (spawn of Set)
Demogorge (God Slayer) - by Will U and Per Degaton
Demon (worked with Davey Drew, Golden Age)
"devil" (Chane foe)
Divine Wolf (Shu-Hu, K'un-Lun warrior)
Dorrek I (Skrull emperor) - by Donald Campbell
Dwellers in Darkness (Conan foes) possibly
Ecce the Watcher (Galactus character) - by MarvellousLuke
Einu the Watcher (Quasar character)
"Eve" (1 million BC, Wanderers)
Fates (cosmic beings) - by AvatarWarlord72
Firstborn (ancient Mars, Technics Guild creation)
Forgotten Celestial (corpse that was the site of a Kree-Skrull battle) - by Proto-Man
Gaea (Earth-Mother goddess) - by Will U, Prime Eternal, Snood and Per Degaton
Gamera (Kaiju from rival film studio to Godzilla's Toho) - by Loki
Garaz (ancient "underworld demi-god") - by Ron Fredricks
Giant Kings (Conan foes)
Giant Slugs (1 Billion BC Mars, animal race)
Gods of the Picts (gods of the Pictish culture)
Gorgilla Clan (1,000,000 B.C. proto-ape tribe)
Gret (aggressive leader of a group of Wing-Men)
Hath (1 Billion BC Mars, Heru's cousin)
Heru (1 Billion BC Mars, Hither People, Gullivar Jones character) - by Grendel Prime
High Priest of Andrax (Chane foe) possibly
Highwalker (Tribe without Fear, circa 1,000,000 B.C.)
Hither People (1 Billion BC Mars, Gullivar Jones characters) - by Grendel Prime
Hound of Hell (Chane foe)
Hyppus (Elder God, Set victim) - by Markus Raymond
Hyssta race (Captain Marvel foes) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL, but also on Earth - "time when great lizards roamed the Earth"
Id the Selfish Moon (Deadpool foe)
Iron Fist (Fan Fei, 1,000,000 B.C.) - by Proto-Man
Jen-In (1 Billion BC Mars, Lizardmen, Gullivar Jones foe) - by Grendel Prime
Jones, Gullivar (Warrior of Mars, 1 billion BC) - by Grendel Prime
Jugarta (Elder Earth, Chane foe) possibly
Khlog (Strange Tales III character) - @ the creation of the Earth
Korahn (Malachi's lover) - by Prime Eternal
Kraken (Ceto, Wolverine/Hercules foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Leader" (1 million BC, Wanderers)
Lei Kung the Thunderer (Iron Fist character)
Lizard-Bird (Frank Johnson creation) - possibly
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lu-Pov (1 Billion BC Hither People wizard, Gullivar Jones character)
Malachi (Secret Defenders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mirror of Beauty (Cornerstones of Creation, Conan story)
Missing Link (Hulk foe)
Moebius Stone - by Prime Eternal
Molub (Conan foe)
"Moon Knight" (fist of Khonshu, 1,000,000 BC) - by Proto-Man
Morag (ancient Kree leader) - by Grendel Prime
Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke
N'Garai (demons) - by Nick the Squid & Snood
Noltoi (ancient Martians, Gullivar Jones foes) - by Grendel Prime
Nuwali race (Ka-Zar/Fantastic Four characters)
Nyarlathotep (ancient demon) - by AvatarWarlord72
Obliteron (dark Celestial, Final Host member) - by Proto-Man
Ocam the Watcher (Quasar character)
The One (repository of the knowledge of the Watchers, Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four character) - by Donald Campbell
One and Two's race (xt, Hulk characters)
Orphan (estraterrestrial creature, crash landed on Earth million years ago) - by Markus Raymond
Ovada (Conan foe)
Parth (1 Billion BC Mars, animal race)
People of the Dust (Blade and Hannibal King foes) - by Markus Raymond
Phorcys (Elderspawn, Agents of Atlas foe) - by Markus Raymond
Phra (ancient Martian, Gullivar Jones foe) - by Grendel Prime
Picts (distant past humans, Kull/Conan/Bran Mak Morn characters) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Prince of Good (ancient sorcerer, Davey Drew's Demon foe)
Project Worldcore (xt, "Egosian" extinction saving project)
Psyklop (Avengers, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Pterodactyl (pterrifying dinosaur) - by Prime Eternal
Quoggoth (spawn of Shuma-Gorath, X-Men/Squirrel Girl foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ra-Kar (1 Billion BC Mars, Gullivar Jones foe) - by Grendel Prime
Resurrection Altar (Wakanda, Black Panther stories) - by Markus Raymond
Rose of Peace (Cornerstones of Creation, Gaea-created magic item)
ruins (Zukara's former empire, Chane story) possibly
Seela (Elder Earth, Chane character) possibly
Serayn (xt, insectoid race from the distant past)
Serpent Men (original spawn of Set)
Set (Elder God) - by Per Degaton & Snood
Shadow-Lands (Jugarta home dimension, Chane story) possibly
Shuma-Gorath (demon) - by Nick the Squid & Snood
Sise-Neg of Earth-74113 (31st century, Doctor Strange foe)
Son-Dar (Kree, Priests of Pama) - by Donald Campbell
Son-Dar and Teress' starship (Kree, Priests of Pama)
Sorrow (Man-Thing character)
Spider-People (spawn of Omm, Elderspawn)
Starbrand (prehistoric Star Brand wielder, tyrannosaurus rex) - by Proto-Man
steed of Chane of the Yellow Earth possibly
Sword of Strength (Cornerstone of Creation, Conan story)
"talking plant-beast" (ally of the Iron Fist of 1,000,000 BC) - by Proto-Man
"talking tree" (ancient being, had child with Gaea) - by Proto-Man
Technics Guild (ancient Mars, Gullivar Jones foes) - by Grendel Prime
Teress (Kree, Priests of Pama) - by Donald Campbell
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
That Which Must Obey (Chane foe) possibly
"thinky monkeys" (prehistoric mutant primates, killed by the Eternals) - by Proto-Man
Thorg (pre-FF monster) - by Future
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tribe without Fear (mutant group circa 1,000,000 B.C.) - by Proto-Man
Tymok (Hulk foe)
Uluath (Undergod, Kid Kaiju foe) - by Chadman
"underworld demi-gods" (Garaz's race)
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
Undying Ones (Dr. Strange/Defenders foes) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL, but also on Earth
unidentified Neanderthal man (summoned forth by Zakka)
Vârcolac (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wanderers (1 million BC, pre-humans transformed by the Celestials) - by Loki
"warlord from beneath the waves" (ally of the Iron Fist of 1,000,000 BC)
were-hyenas ("winged horror" pawns, Conan foes)
Whirldemons (Dr. Strange/Wayfinder foes)
"winged horror" (Conan/Belit foe)
Wing-Men (xt, winged race circa distant past) - by Grendel Prime
Zukura (Elder Earth, Chane foe) possibly
strictly off-Earth existence (as far as we know)
Adron (Viscardi race, slain by Gara)
Aegis of All Sorrows (Proemial Gods, Silver Surfer foe) - by Donald Campbell
Alpha and Omega Stones (extraterrestrial power gems) - by Spidermay & Snood
Alter Ego (Thor character, Ego the Living Planet's brother)
Antiphon the Overseer (Proemial Gods)
Brio of Life (Proemial Gods)
caretaking automaton (Silver Surfer character) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Chak (1 Billion BC Mars, Wing-Men, Gullivar Jones character) - by Grendel Prime
Chimu (xt, "Egosian" race)
Dark Crawler (formerly Night-Crawler) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Demons (enemies of X'Hoss)
Diableri of Chaos (Proemial Gods)
"Egosian" (xt, possible progenitors of Ego the Living Planet) - by Donald Campbell
Egros (xt, consciousness survived in Ego the Living Planet)
Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
elders (Orsirosian race) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Fires of Creation (extraterrestrial location/power source utilized by X'Hoss)
"Godhead" (Celestial, gave Black Vortex to the Viscardi) - by Donald Campbell
He-Who-Summons (Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall & Donald Campbell
Lizardmen (xt, Mars race, ca. 1 billion years ago, Gullivar Jones foes) - by Grendel Prime
Mandalay Gem (Celestial weapon, key to locating Black Vortex) - by Donald Campbell
Orsirosian of Reality-8116 (Dreadstar characters) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Proemial Gods (xt, caretakers of cosmic consonance, cosmic beings) - by Donald Campbell
Skreet (Lunatik/Thanos character) - by Markus Raymond
"Spores" (threat to Therhin, Iron Man foes) - by Donald Campbell
Staff of Solomon (ancient mystic item used by Moses, Solomon, Solomon Kane and others)
Stones of Halkor (extraterrestrial inscribed stones) - by Donald Campbell
Survivor (Silver Surfer character) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Tenebrous of the Darkness Between (Proemial God, Silver Surfer foe) - by Donald Campbell
Therhin (xt, Iron Man ally) - by Donald Campbell
Thoth (Egyptian god)
Tyrant (Galactus, Silver Surfer foe) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Valknar the Exhumer (dark Celestial, Final Host member) - by Proto-Man
Viscardi (xt, received Black Vortex from the "Godhead") - by Donald Campbell
Voyager (Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Well of Souls (power source of Nostume & Tetra, Conan stories)
Wendigo (intelligent early human circa 1,000,000 B.C.) - by Proto-Man
X'Hoss (ancient extraterrestrial magic user, the Designate associate) - by Donald Campbell
Yag-Kosha (Conan character) - by Spidermay - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Zgreb the Sorrower (dark Celestial, Final Host member, Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Pangaea map from Adventures of the X-Men #12(March, 1997)
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