
Abdul ?? (Bagmom)

Abdul ?? (Bagmom)

Agent 66 (AIM agent)

Agent 77 (AIM agent)

"Agger" (Roxxon, Bagmom)

Agnu, Gyro ("Duckworld")

Air-Icka (Sparkitect, manipulated Squirrel Girl)

Alexis the Duck (Howard the Duck character)

Amazing Fred (talking dog, Howard the Duck character)

Amonger (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Andy the Angel (Howard the Duck character)

Arounder (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Ash of Earth-Marvel Zombies (Ashley G. Williams, Marvel Zombies character) - by David Lawrence

Author of the Word of God (Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme foe) - by Proto-Man

Ax-L (Sparkitect leader)

Baby Food Billionaire of Earth-83234 (Howard the Duck story)

le Beaver (Howard the Duck foe)

Bellhop (Beaver ally)

Betweener (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Big Mack (Howard the Duck character)

Biggs (cyborg cat, Howard the Duck pet) - by Proto-Man

Biggs Prime (extraterrestrial cat, originally pet of the Sparkitect Jho)

Birdstein, Leonard (Howard the Duck ancestor, famous musician)

Black Hole (Band of the Bland)

Black Talon (Howard the Duck foe)

Blinky ("Duckworld")

Blowhard, Werner (B.E.S.T.)

Bong Quintuplets (Doctor Bong's clones)

Brandt, Ellen (Man-Thing wife)

Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions (Howard the Duck characters)

Bulky Duck of Earth-18801 (super-strong mutate)

Byrd, Dirk (Howard the Duck)

Bzzk'Joh (Howard the Duck/Man-Thing foe)

caliph (Bagmom)

Capoultry, Truman ("Duckworld")

Captain Americana (Howard the Duck foe)

Carlo (Doctor Bong mutate)

Cat (KISS)

Cave Duck (Howard the Duck's great-great-great-great grandfather)

chief ("Duckworld")

Chipp (Sparkitect, manipulated Howard the Duck)

Chirreep (Krylorian, Howard the Duck character; unpublished)

Claude ?? (former owner of Biggs the cat, Shannon Sugarbaker ex-boyfriend)

Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman

Cleft Chin (Jackpot victim)

Clive, Dwight (Howard the Duck character)

Clown (Eliot Franklin, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman

Cockroach (Howard the Duck foe)

Corson, Det. Mike (NYPD detective, Howard the Duck character) - by Chadman

Count Macho (Howard the Duck foe)

Critic (The Critics, She-Hulk character)

Dadi, Abu Ho (Bagmom)

Dark Hunter (Franklin Richards aspect)

Dearth, Donny (Imperium Emporium)

Dearth, Tortuga (Imperium Emporium)

Demon (KISS)

"Dill" (Howard the Duck foe)

Doctor Angst (Band of the Bland)

Doctor Bong (Howard the Duck foe)

Doctor Odd (Howard the Duck character)

Doctor Reich (B.E.S.T.)

Dr. Ludwig von Cluck ("Duckworld")

Dopey Duck (Howard the Duck)

Doucheblade (Howard the Duck)

Dracula (Lord of the Vampires)

Dragonsworth, Mrs (Patsy's mother)

Dragonsworth, Patsy (Gingerbread Man creator)

Dragoon (Dragon-Men of Ligra, Howard the Duck/Marvel Zombies character)

drake (Doctor Bong mutate)

Drake Vader of Reality-83764 (Howard the Duck/Darth Vader mash-up)

Drake, Sir Francis (Howard the Duck's famous cousin)

Drakula (Howard the Duck)

Driscoll, Amy (Jock's daughter)

Driscoll, Anne Darrow (Jock's wife)

Driscoll, Jock (Swamp City architect)

Drivin' Drake (Howard the Duck)

Ducanard of Earth-15110 (Howard the Duck foe)

Duck Deity (Howard the Duck character)

Duckknight Detective (Howard the Duck)

Duck-Man (Howard the Duck)

Duktor Strange ("Duckworld")

Duxon, Richard Millnest ("Duckworld")

Elf with a Gun (Defenders foe)

Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Howard the Duck of Earth-88011 ("Thing-Duck", Legion of Howards)

Feathered Fury (Howard the Duck)

Fifi the Duck (Howard the Duck character)

Filmore, Pres. Mallard J. (Howard the Duck ancestor, US President)

Fowler, Morty ("Duckworld")

The Friend (Ghost Rider character)

Forbush Man of Earth-665 (Irving Forbush, Marvel's original humor character!) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

"Fuzzy" (Howard the Duck character)

Galactongue (Howard the Duck character)

Gander, Reverend Godfrey ("Duckworld")

Garko the Man-Frog (Howard the Duck foe)

genie (Wijid's magic lamp, Bagmom)

George ?? (building inspector)

Gerber, Steve (Marvel writer, Howard the Duck creator)

Gingerbread Man (Howard the Duck foe)

Gonzo the Clown (Howard the Duck foe) - by Voice of Doom

Gopher (Howard the Duck foe)

Great Gambonnos (Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno, Circus of Crime members) - by Chadman

Greedy Killerwatt (Howard the Duck foe)

Greta (Doctor Bong mutate)

Grey Panther (Howard the Duck foe)

Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy member) - by MarvellousLuke

Gur (Lion-People of Ligra, Howard the Duck/Marvel Zombie character)

Hammer, Bill (MODOT robot, Some Time with Bill Hammer tv talk show host)

Haney, R. L (Hemlock Shoals ally)

Hellcow (vampire)

Hellstorm (Son of Satan)

Hemlock Shoals (Howard the Duck character)

Henrietta ?? (Howard the Duck's "mother", "Duckworld")

Hocky Hoof Hank (horse with the power of Thor, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

housefly (Howard the Duck foe)

Howard the Duck (the duck, the myth, the legend)

Howard the Duck of Earth-89517 (Legion of Howards, possibly Beverly Switzler)

Howard the Duck's ancestors (Howard's Duckworld relatives) - by Proto-Man

Howard the Human (Howard the Duck)

Howard the Roboduck of Earth-19171 (Legion of Howards)

Howie (wolf-like Strange Academy student) - by Proto-Man

Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman

Indiana Drake of Reality-86018 (Howard the Duck, adventurer)

Iron Duck (Howard the Duck)

Jackpot (Howard the Duck foe)

Jho (Sparkitect, manipulated Howard the Duck)

Jimmy ?? of Earth-83234 (Howard the Duck story)

Jokester (Howard the Duck foe)

K'ad-Mon of the Fallen Stars (Man-Thing character) - by Prime Eternal & Snood

Kale, Jennifer (Dr. Strange, Man-Thing, etc. character)

Kidney Lady (Howard the Duck foe)

Killmallard (Howard the Duck)

Kingman, Barry (MODOT robot, tv talk show host)

Klout, Emile "The Goat" (Howard the Duck foe)

Kong Lomerate (Howard the Duck foe)

Korrek (Man-Thing/Howard the Duck ally)

Lassie (Doctor Bong mutate)

Leonard the Duck (possible identity of Howard the Duck)

Lester (Beverly Switzler's dog) - by Proto-Man

Linn, Lana ("Duckworld")

Liverer of Reality-12115 (predator, Legion of Howards foe)

Mack Exacto (knife-thrower, Howard the Duck character)

"Magnum", Emily (Captain Americana's wife)

Mahagreasy Migraine Yogi (B.E.S.T.)

Mahapralaya (Cult of Entropy, Man-Thing/Howard the Duck foe)

Maller (Howard the Duck foe)

Mammy Tuba (Howard the Duck character)

Master Ch'aaj (Howard the Duck character)

Master of Quak-Fu (Howard the Duck)

Mayor Quach ("Duckworld")

McDrake, Scrounge ("Duckworld")

McDuck ("Duckworld")

Mew (Nancy Whitehead's cat, Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman

Mighty Bull (Howard the Duck character) - by Proto-Man

Mister Chicken (Howard the Duck foe)

Mister Duck (Howard the Duck)

Mr. Phage (Gopher's assistant)

Mjolnir-wielding Howard the Duck of Earth-20160 (Legion of Howards)

Mojunior (son of Mojo)

Morse, Calvin (Strange Academy student, formerly bonded to a leather jacket that fed on pain & misery) - by Proto-Man

NAAC-P30 (Howard the Duck character)

Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond, Defenders member) - by Chadman

Nile, Tana (Rigellian, Thor/Howard the Duck/Ronan character)

Nurse Barbara (B.E.S.T.)

Of (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Olsen ("Duckworld")

Orville ?? (Howard the Duck's "brother", "Duckworld")

Osama el-Braka (suspected identity of Howard the Duck)

Pazuzu, Suzi (Amulet of Pazuzu)

Peking Duck (Howard the Duck cousin)

Petrie (Roxxon, Bagmom)

Phelch (Space Turnip)

Pinball Lizard (Howard the Duck foe)

Pink Sphinx (mystic Deadpool character) - by Patrick D Ryall

Prei-Ying Mantis (Hemlock Shoals ally)

Prince Hassim (Bagmom)

Princess Python (Zelda DuBois, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman

Pro-Rata (Howard the Duck/Spider-Man foe)

prospector ("Odd" dimension, Howard the Duck story)

Psycho-Man (Fantastic Four/Microverse/Spider-Man/Silver Surfer foe) - by Norvo

Puffin (Howard the Duck foe)

Quackson, Johnny ("Duckworld")

Quakton, Amy ("Duckworld")

Quizling (Howard the Duck foe)

Rashid (Bagmom)

"Rich Uncle Pennybags" ("Mister Monopoly", Swamp City)

Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt, Circus of Crime leader) - by Chadman

Ronald ?? (Howard the Duck's "father", "Duckworld")

Ry-N (Sparkitect, manipulated Squirrel Girl)

Saint of Therapists (Sigmund Freud, Marvel's version of the real life famous Austrian psychologist) - by Proto-Man

"Salty Kong" (Howard the Duck foe)

Same, Paul (Winky Man)

Santa Claus (old St. Nick) - by John McDonagh

Santa Claus (Howard the Duck)

Severinson, Duck ("Duckworld")

Shang-Op (Howard the Duck)

She-Man-Thing (paralegal by day, swamp creature by night!) - by Patrick D Ryall

Shocket (female clone of Rocket Raccoon, smuggler) - by Proto-Man

Sidney, Wally (clothier, Howard the Duck foe)

Sister Howard the Duck of Reality-32951 (Legion of Howards)

Sitting Bullseye (Band of the Bland)

Skidoo, Hank (Mister Chicken's foreman)

Skin (Angelo Espinosa, Generation X member) - by Norvo

Sloan, Archie (head of Bets-R-Off Race Promotions)

Sombra (Howard the Duck foe)

Son of Satan (Howard the Duck)

Space Ace (KISS)

Space Turnip (Turnip Man)

Spanker (Band of the Bland)

Starchild (KISS)

Starkowski, Carol (Howard the Duck character)

Starkowski, Claude (Iron Duck armor creator, Howard the Duck character)

Status Quo (Howard the Duck/Spider-Man foe)

Strangeduck of Earth-88018 (Sorcerer Supreme, extradimensional magic user)

Stranger (enigmatic alien, Avengers/X-Men, etc. foe)

Stuyvestantduck, Peter (Howard the Duck ancestor, famous Quacker who helped build New Duck City)

Sudd (Howard the Duck foe)

Sugarbaker, Shannon (obsessed cosplayer, Squirrel Girl/Howard the Duck foe) - by Chadman

Sulfur Surfer (Harold, Howard the Duck character)

Supreme Soofi (Howard the Duck foe)

Switzler, Beverly (Howard the Duck character)

Switzler, Lee (Howard the Duck character)

Synch (Generation X member) - by Norvo

Talos the Tamer (Skrull, Hulk character) - by Mick Martin

Ta-Nehi-C (Sparkitect, manipulated Black Panther)

"Taxi" Taylor (Ducky Dozen, Howard the Duck character)

Taylor (alien captive of the Collector) - by Proto-Man

Telekinian (Ian Soo, Inhuman Hellcat ally) - by Chadman

Theresa ?? (Howard the Duck's "sister", "Duckworld")

Thog (demon, Man-Thing foe)

Throwaway (Howard the Duck character)

Tillie the Hun (Band of the Bland)

Tippi Canoe (Odd Dimension hunter, partner of Tyler II, Howard the Duck foe)

Tippy-Toe (squirrel, Monkey Joe's successor) - by Chadman

top hat-wearing sea serpent (Doctor Bong mutate)

Turnip Man (Space Turnip)

TuTu (Howard the Duck character)

Tyler II (robot, Howard the Duck story)

Uncle Waddles (possible identity of Howard the Duck)

Underneather (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Valkyrie (Brunnhilde, Asgardian goddess/Defenders member) - by Chadman

Valtorr (Octessence, mystic entity)

Verde, Stephanie (Doctor Bong's mother)

Vile Tapeworm ("superhero," Deadpool character) - by Patrick D Ryall

Vowel Snatcher (Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book villain) - by Markus Raymond & Al Soupless

Wackerton, Booker T. ("Duckworld")

Warrick, Jeremiah (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)

Washington, "Deaf Melon" (Swamp City)

Wazoo, Ali (Bagmom)

Weapon II (Weapon Plus program squirrel) - by Proto-Man

Webster of Earth-31232 (spider-duck)

Wester, Winda (Howard the Duck ally)

Whil (Sparkitect, boss of Chipp & Jho)

Whitehead, Nancy (Squirrel Girl's friend/roommate) - by Chadman

Wijid (Bagmom)

Wild Bill (Duck Bill, Howard the Duck ancestor)

Winky Man (Paul Same)

Winslow, Arthur (Space Turnip)

Withiner (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)

Yuc, Reverend Joon Moon (Yucchies, B.E.S.T.)


Baloney-verse (Encroachiverses)

Dimension of Suicide (Encroachiverses)

Don't-Worry-Be-Happy-verse (Encroachiverses)

"Duckworld" (Howard the Duck's altered reality homeworld)

Earth-34882 (Howard the Duck Formed His Own Super-Team, What if? humour) - by Proto-Man

Earth-79170 (inspired by Howard the Duck animals were forced to wear Wally Sidney's clothes)

"Earth-83234" (Howard the Duck never arrived on Eath, Bizarre Adventures)

Insipiverse (potential world; Encroachiverses)

Media-verse (Encroachiverses)

Megrim (Sombra/Bzzk'Joh)

Narcissi-verse (Encroachiverses)

976-verse (Encroachiverses)

Noriega-verse (Encroachiverses)

Puppet-verse (Encroachiverses)

Trashi-verse (Encroachiverses)

Encroachiverses (cosmic squash, She-Hulk stories)


Abundant Warriors (summoned by Abundant Glove, Howard the Duck foes)

Apple Sisters and their All-Girl Apple Corps (Howard the Duck characters)

Band of the Bland

B.E.S.T. (Bozoes Eagerly Serving Tyrants)

Bets-R-Off Race Promotions

Captain Wongo and his Dancing Norwegian Camels (Howard the Duck characters)

Circus of Crime (general troublemakers) - by Chadman

Congress of Realities (Temporal/Dimensional agency)

Dearth Vapors (Imperium Emporium)

Duck Severinson's band ("Duckworld")

Ducky Dozen (A.R.M.O.R. agents, Howard the Duck's anti-zombie team)

Eggsmen (creations of Pro-Rata)

Elves of the North Pole (Santa's helpers)

Entertainment Standards Commission (Krylorian, Howard the Duck characters; unpublished)

Horrible, ugly, ghastly, execrable, outrageous, frightful, shocking, hideous, mutated monstrosities that were obviously once poor, innocent seals, polar bears, penguins, and whales (mutated by Greedy Killerwatt)

Howard's "family" ("Duckworld")

Imperium Emporium

KISS (superhuman versions of the band) - by Snood & DragynWulf

Krylorian Art Police (KAPs, Howard the Duck characters; unpublished)

Legion of Howards (S.H.I.E.L.D. allies)

Macho's goons (Howard the Duck foes)

SOOFI (Howard the Duck foes)

Stockholders of Swamp City (Kong Lomerate allies)

Trolls (Pinball Lizard allies)

WACkies ("Duckworld")

Yucchies (Reverend Yuc)


Howard the Duck's Volcano Island Adventure (video game plot, Howard the Duck) - by Proto-Man

Star Waaugh (Howard the Duck/Bzzk'Joh event)

Super Olympics (charity event) - by Proto-Man


Abundant Gems (cosmic power items, Howard the Duck story)

Abundant Glove (cosmic power item, Howard the Duck story) - by Markus Raymond

Amulet of Pazuzu (Howard the Duck story)

Bagmom (Middle Eastern nation, Howard the Duck story)

Baltic Avenue (Swamp City)

B & O Railroad (Swamp City)

Bank (Swamp City)

Blanditron (SOOFI)

Celestial Corn-Feeder of Reality-12115 (used by Liverer)

Chrolon (xt planet, home planet of Taylor & his family)

Clairvoyant Cauldron (Mammy Tuba)

concrete swan (Doctor Bong creation)

Connecticut Avenue (Swamp City)

Cosmic Calculator (Pro-Rata)

Cosmic Calculator's Key (Jeweled Key)

Customer Service Representatives (Imperium Emporium)

Death Store (Bzzk'Joh)

delivery trucks (Imperium Emporium)

Duck Bucket (restaurant, Howard the Duck/S.H.I.E.L.D. story)

Epoch Weasel (Dakimh's ship)

Electric Company (Swamp City)

Empire Hotel (Swamp City)

Evolvo-Chamber (Doctor Bong invention)

Fairer Fowl Farms (Mister Chicken's HQ)

Farce ("yok it up in the face of death")

Flying Bongers (Doctor Bong vehicles)

Formula 410 (SOOFI)

Free Parking Lot (Swamp City)

"Go" (Swamp City)

Hollywok Canteen (xd, pitstop)

Howard the Truck (diesel truck, Howard the Duck annoyance) - by Proto-Man

Iron Man Auto Wreckers (Claude Starkowski's shop, Howard the Duck)

Island of Doctor Bong (Doctor Bong's home)

Jail (Swamp City)

Kentucky Avenue (Swamp City)

Mediterranean Avenue (Swamp City)

mock equipment (Doctor Bong creation)

North Pole Nuclear Power Facility (created by Greedy Killerwatt)

Oriental Avenue (Swamp City)

other magic items (Mammy Tuba)

Park Place (Swamp City)

Poporb (Krylorian technology, used by Chirreep; unpublished)

Santa Claus' workshop (North Pole, Howard the Duck story)

Scales & Tales (Beverly Switzler's would-be veterinary clinic) - by Proto-Man

seat of power (Doctor Bong's typewriter & printing press)

Shortline Railroad (Swamp City)

Sidney Land Conservative Clothiers (Wally Sidney's store, Howard the Duck story)

Sparkitendrils (Sparkitect energy source)

Sparkitron (home planet of the Sparkitects)

Swamp City (Kong Lomerate, Howard the Duck story)

Tennessee Avenue (Swamp City)

Tower of Power (Kong Lomerate, Swamp City)

Underground Railroad (Bagmom)

unidentified landmass (Odd Dimension, home of Tippi Canoe)

Vapors of Valtorr (magic spell) - by Spidermay

Vermont Avenue (Swamp City)

Volcano Island (video game, Howard the Duck)

Wijid's items (Bagmom)

Zipper Unripper (Howard the Duck/S.H.I.E.L.D. item)


Bahndbirds (extradimensional avian reptiles, Howard the Duck foes) - by Proto-Man

Grelorxians (xt race, known for screaming "Wheeee!!!!" when in pain) - by Proto-Man

Sparkitects (xt, manipulators of Earth's superhumans) - by Proto-Man

unnamed (xt, Phelch/Space Turnip)

Earth-58472 (Howard the Duck Movie Adaptation)

Blumburtt, Phil

Dark Overlord (alternate earth Howard The Duck foe) - by Madison Carter

Dark Overlords of the Universe (alternate earth Howard The Duck foe)

Dr. Walter Jenning (scientist)

Laser Spectroscope

Neutron Disentegrator

Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck Newspaper Strip)

Agent 001/2 of Earth-78423 (CHICKEN)

Bionic Angel of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord

Blubber, Ali of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Bunt, Tillie of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord

Café du Cleveland of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck story)

Charity of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

CHICKEN of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck characters) - by AvatarWarlord

Clone Ranger of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Cult of Entropy of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord

Cynthia ?? of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck character)

Dome of Eradication of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck story)

Fatty Thieves of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck foes)

Flying Barge of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck story)

Flying Chicken of Earth-78423 (CHICKEN aircrafts)

Karima, Karina of Earth-78423 (Ruby Valley Discotheque Au Go-Go, Howard the Duck foe)

Kyamm of Earth-78423 (Fatty Thieves, Howard the Duck foe)

Larraine and her Remarkable Protuberance of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord

Leader of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Ms. Dipsey of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck character)

Omar of Earth-78423 (Fatty Thieves, Howard the Duck foe)

Pop Syke of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Principle of Entropy of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck foe)

Puritan of Earth-78423 (newspaper strip, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Ruby Valley Discotheque Au Go-Go of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck story)

Self-Made Man of Earth-78423 (Fred Feenix, Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord

Sixth Avenue Amazons of Earth-78423 (Cleveland feminist group, Charity Winslow)

S.S Ruby of Earth-78423 (Ali Blubber's yacht, Howard the Duck story)

Sweet Smell of Success Beanery of Earth-78423 (Tillie Bunt's diner, Howard the Duck story)

Thinbad of Earth-78423 (CHICKEN, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord

Tuesday Ruby of Earth-78423 (bomb, Howard the Duck story)

unidentified mediocre man of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character)

unidentified street beggar of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck character)


Fenwick of Earth-85331 (Howard the Duck, proposed Howard the Duck cartoon)

Mabel of Earth-85331 (Howard the Duck, proposed Howard the Duck cartoon)

Waldo, R.J. of Earth-85331 (Howard the Duck, proposed Howard the Duck cartoon) - by Loki


Al Forbush (Irving Forbush/Al)

Ambush the Lunatik (Lunatik/Ambush Bug)

Bevarlene (Beverly Switzler/Darlene)

Billie the Millie (Millie the Model/Billy the Girl)

Daryl Rutabaga (Space Turnip/Jonas Glim)

Doctor Bongface (Doctor Bong/Scarface)

Doctor Strangefate (Dr. Strange/Professor X/Dr. Fate)

Gamorola (Gamora/Princess Shao-La)

Godthing (Chair Thing/Gawd)

Golden Kidney-Lady (Kidney Lady/Goldstar)

Hawkhawk (Nighthawk/Hawkman)

Impossible Dawg (Impossible Man/Dawg)

Jonas Turnip (Space Turnip/Jonas Glim)


Lobo the Duck (Lobo/Howard the Duck)

Offending Society (Defenders/Justice Society of America)

Skulk (Hulk/Solomon Grundy)

Vikki Valkyrie (Valkyrie/Vicki Vale)

Last updated:11/15/04

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