These sets will include planets, towns, nations, buildings and other locations. Chronologies are likely to be incomplete, as I don't often pay as much attention to this.
Maps of Pre-Cataclysmic and Hyborian lands.
abandoned house (1950s, owned by Albert Manning)
Abbey of the Order of St. George of Earth-Shadowline
Ababenzzar (Hyborian city)
Abramov's home (Moon Knight story)
Absolom Sector (Brood territory on the border of Kreespace) - by Donald Campbell
Abyss (Godthab Omega township)
Abyss of Eternity (Sandt dimension, Hulk story)
Academy of Light and Shade (Cathari, Bible John)
"Acanti graveyard" planetoid (Brood, Absolom Sector)
Admissions Ward (Halfworld chapel)
Aedi (planet)
Aegis (Microverse planet) - by Grendel Prime
"Agalrannt" (planet visited by the Audience)
Agricon (xt planet, Galador's sector, Rom story)
AIM Pacific Vista Laboratories (Death's Head-Minion)
Akah Ma'at (Conan era, home of Bird Men)
Al Forbush's Subterannean Diner of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Ala's Bar (Knowhere drinking establishment) - by Proto-Man
Aldebaran (xt planet, Astonishing)
Aleister Building (Brotherhood of Technomancer HQ)
Alethea Mutual Bank (legitimate bank, owned by the Hood) - by Proto-Man
All-Bear domain (Battleworld/Earth-15513 region composed of reality-21376 remnants) - by HBK123
Almost Reno (Damocles Foundation experiment) - by Prime Eternal
Alpha Centauri of Reality-8116 (star)
Alphan city of reality-691 (31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy story)
Altar of Neptune's Wrath (Set-related)
Altarix of Reality-8116 (Empirical galaxy)
Althrace (alien planet, Marvel UK)
Ama Collective (xt empire, Silver Surfer story)
ammo shop (frequented by Andy Carmody possessed by Aentaros)
Anathema Vault (Gul Damar space station, stored Null Cascade)
ancestral home ("Marie Hart", Contraxian race)
Anderson house (Time Station 3, used by Darek)
Angargal (E-Wing Cluster planet) - by Proto-Man
Anteroom of the Gods (Ptahuacan's gray citadel)
Antillian islands (Hyborian era)
Antos' (truck stop, site of battle between Mercs for Money & mercenaries seeking Rigellian Recorder) - by Proto-Man
Apaco (1948, lost Mayan city)
apartment (Calculex's Halvacenter, Steck'ee's place)
Aqiria (Fantastic Four/War Machine story) - by Proto-Man
Aquaria (Hydropolis)
Aquarium (Hydropolis location)
Aquaticans' city (Doctor Druid story)
Arabellum (gas giant, Force Works story)
Arad Nebula of reality-634962 (Watchers interfere, Silver Surfer cartoon)
Aranza Desert (Hyborian era desert) - by Proto-Man
Arctic city (Kallusians, Avengers story)
Ardent Spring (Shi'ar Imperium world, Starjammers story)
arena (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
arena (Profeslytes/green sect)
Arena (Sandt dimension, Man-Thing story)
arena of the Audience race (Silver Surfer story)
arena of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
Arena-Plex (Colosseum stadium)
Arena World (Vorin's planet, Shadow Riders story)
Argon's castle (Chane story)
Arkham Tower of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Armaghetto of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Armechadon (xt, home planet to Blackwulf)
Armory (Hydropolis location)
Arn (traders' world city)
"Artsy-Trendy Section of New Gotham of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Asgard of Reality-36054 (conquered by Killmonger)
Arvadia (xt planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
Ashandriar (city, Marada story)
asteroid of the Audience race (Silver Surfer story)
Asteroid M of Earth-652975 (Pryde of the X-Men cartoon, Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists base)
Astro Vid Parlor of Earth-8410 (Broadani)
Asylum (Halfworld location)
Atlantis (Tuk the Caveboy stories)
Atlantis of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
atomic research center (New Mexico research lab, mutated the Spider)
attic where it happened (Roger Koning's home, where he used the stolen time travel device)
Auction Hall (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Augean Stables (labour of Hercules) - by Will U
Automatic Car Wash (1960s, run by con artist Rocky Baines)
Auxiliary Weapons Armory of Earth-7484 (Central Park, Deathlok story)
Avaleen-4 (Kree fringe world, Star-Lord story)
Azimuth's city (other dimensional city)
Baal-dor (3rd century fortress, Caledonian Highlands)
Baba Yaga's hut (Hercules story)
back room of Earth-10511 (Howlett's, resistance HQ)
Backworld of Reality-81165 (planet, Bront stories)
Badwu (traders' world city)
Bagmom (Middle Eastern nation, Howard the Duck story)
Balaat (Hyborian era, Novum Terra citadel)
Balthazar's Used Goods Emporium (Cygnus Prime, X-Factor story)
Baltic Avenue (Swamp City)
B & O Railroad (Swamp City)
Bank (Swamp City)
Baphomet (Detroit, Michigan nightclub, formerly owned by Nain Rouge) - by Proto-Man
barren region (Moon of Deneb IV)
barren rocky land/zone (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Barrow of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
base of Earth-691 (Dr. Raker's base, former Grand Central Station, Killraven story)
Base on Mars ("Martian Flying Saucer")
Bastet (Children of Bast)
Battleworld of Earth-18067 (ruled by Spider (Peter Parker), New Jersey territory)
Battle Zone One (Colosseum battle zone)
Battle Zone Two (Colosseum battle zone)
"Battle Zone Three" (Oasis Sector, Coosseum battle zone)
Battle Zone "Four" (Colosseum battle zone)
Baxter Building of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Baxter Building of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Bayakura (Himalayas, hidden civilization, Human Meteor allies)
Be (traders' world city)
"Be a Super Hero" escape room (Mojo II's trapped escape room)
Beaches of Nevermore (ancient location of the Trials of the Worthy) - by Proto-Man
beach house (owned by Namor & Namora, 1950s)
beach house of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
bedchambers of Doctor Doom (at temple of "Wise Ones")
Bedlam's Arctic Complex (Alpha Flight stories)
Bedreddin (planet, Universal Cosa Nostrum)
Beehive (Enclave)
Bella's Rubies (jewelry store owned by Mrs. Manningham)
Bellis house (Bellis family, haunted by "snow vampire" Darla August)
Belvedere Castle of Earth-7484 (Central Park, Deathlok story)
Berditchev estate (Avengers story)
Betelgeuse asteroid of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Bev's Diner (WWII-era popular Virginia diner) - by Proto-Man
Big Al's Pub (bar owned by the Hood in which secret fights take place)
"Big Bird's" nest (Captain America story)
B.I.G. Compound (headquarters of Project: B.I.G.) - by Proto-Man
Big T's Computer Company (Thirsties base, Kool-Aid Man story)
Bio-Systems Inc. (Mr. Krasner's corporation, Power Man/Thing story)
Black Hole (Cage story)
black hole (entrance to God Quarry)
Black Museum of the Cyborgs (Death's Head, Die-Cut story)
Black Raven Inn (16th century, Hans von Frankenstein story)
Black Tower of M'Kumbe (Africa, New Rome; near Wakanda)
Blackwall of Earth-9620 (Black Air's London headquarters)
Blackworld (xt, Ego-Prime terraformed world, Thor story)
Bl'lx (Lunatik's home)
Block Z (prison planet Devin-9 prison yard)
Bloodstone Manor (Ulysses Bloodstone)
Bloxid (xt planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
Blue Moon Cafe (Mount Pressure, She-Hulk story)
Boardwalk (Swamp City)
Body Banks of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Boh-Tan-Ee (Lily Cheney & X-Factor story)
Bonjaxx's Bar (bar on Maruthea)
Bovric (planet, Starlord story)
Bradbury Americana (New York residential hotel, Magik story) - by MarvellousLuke
Braddock Manor of Earth-9620 (Excalibur's headquarters)
Brain's castle of Earth "1958" (Fantastic Four story)
Brant family home (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters stories)
Breachpoint (built by Microverse pioneers) - by Grendel Prime
Brentwood Institution (1950s, mental clinic)
Broken Mast (16th century, tavern in Krindrel)
Brood Nest World (X-Men concept) - by Darc_Light
Brood Pit of Earth-9602 (Amalgam, Brother Brood's Brood nest)
Brutheim (Land of Always-Light, Conan story)
Bunker (Rigel-3 location)
bunker of Ultraverse (Hybrid's base)
Burf (home planet of the Burfians, Planet Terry)
Burly Books (Tom Hale's book store)
Butler Hospital (Detroit, Michigan medical facility) - by Proto-Man
Bwokk (planet, Ronan the Accuser story)
By Odin's Beer (Avengers Island restaurant)
cabins of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Rodstvow homes)
Café du Cleveland of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck story)
Café Papillon (1960s cafe)
Cal & Murray's Italian Cuisine of Earth-8311 (Italian restaurant ran by anthropomorphic animals) - by Proto-Man
Caldor of Reality-8116 (planet, Dreadstar story)
Calyndriar of Reality-791 (xt, capital of Sparta)
camp ("Yeti", Himalayan mountains)
Camp Echo-1 (Hydra, Inhuman Relocation Facility)
Cancrius III (homeworld of the Kigor)
Canticle 8 (Firelord story)
cantina (Halfworld location)
"Cape" of Earth-9591 (Ruins)
Capel Sanitarium (alien asylum near Earth's Moon)
Capitol Building of Earth-7484 (Washington DC, Deathlok story)
"Capitol City" (Agricon, Rom story)
Cap's (Earth-20201 restaurant, Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Captain America, Nebraska (Nebraska town, formerly Burlington, Nebraska) - by Proto-Man
Captain America tribute room (built by Joe Gomez/Captain America of the Kickapoo tribe)
Carillon of Reality-791 (planet, K'yndarii world)
Carina Prime of Reality-791 (planet, Starlord story)
Carmody Institute (First Line HQ)
Carnassia (xt planet, Guardians of the Galaxy story)
Carpiax IV (Skrull creche-world raided by Cadre K) - by Donald Campbell
Carson's Carnival of Traveling Wonders (Hawkeye's original carnival) - by Proto-Man
Ca$ino (Red Wolf story)
Cassidy Keep (Banshee's ancestral castle home) - by Proto-Man
castle (King Jago's castle, Dragon-Men of Ligra)
castle of Shlime (Blackworld, Reality-81165)
Castle (Tamar-Shan-Khun's base)
castle of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing story)
castle (6th century, Doctor Strange story)
castle (Gnives' castle in Jotunheim)
castle and/or market square of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
Castle Computronex of Earth-8206 (Adam-II's HQ)
Castle Daemon (home of Lady & Lord Daemond)
Castle Darkwood (Hyborian era, Ghunthar)
Castle Dracula of Earth-8107 (Transylvannian castle, Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends) - by David Lawrence
Castle Frankenstein (Bavaria)
Castle Frankenstein (Switzerland)
Castle Greykin (Dimension Echh barbarian castle)
Castle Haloga (Vammatar)
Castle Kargul (Warlord Kargul)
Castle of the Devil (Baron von Staler)
Castle Tarnala (headquarters of the Knights of the Infinite)
Castle Theater of Earth-6799 (restored stage theater) - by Proto-Man
Castle Windsor of the Keep McCay (Elsewhere dimension)
catacombs (Orgolhuin/Black Museum)
cathedral (Proselytes/red sect)
Cathedral of the Dead (Grateful Undead)
Cathedral-Ship (Proselytes, red sect)
Catspur (planet, Lionheart 3442)
Cauldron (Godthab Omega region)
Cave of Ages (Mangog's prison)
cavern (Tarantula's base, Lance Brant story)
cavern (home of vampire Volan Gaul)
cavern (New Mexico, former base of Maelstrom and Magneto)
caverns (Great Crater, Mound-Dwellers home, Belit story)
Caverns of Chaos (place on Crystalium)
Cave of the "Wise Ones"
Center Tower of Earth-666 (Shuma-Gorath's Ego Maze)
Central City (Great Coordinator) of Earth-861095
Central City (capital of Sphere, Microverse)
central command post of Earth-7484 (Godwulf and the Redeemers' base)
Central Medical Facility (xt, Deneb IV)
Central Park of Earth-7484 (Suicide Park, Deathlok story)
Central Spaceport of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
Cess (Pixil)
chamber of treasures (Lair of the Lions)
Champions Building (Champions of Los Angeles HQ)
Champion's Retreat (Imus Champion)
charnel pit (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Cherron (home planet of Meru & Dalia)
Chiaroscuro (Cathari, Bible John)
Chiche Industries (anti-mutant business offices infiltrated by Gambit) - by Proto-Man
The Chimpanzee's Tea Party (upscale California restaurant)
Chitt-crrt (xt planet, home to the Chrrt-chuk) - by Proto-Man
Christianson's mansion (International Industrial Alliance)
Chronal Research Center of Earth-700 (Tranquility City)
Chrolon (xt planet, home planet of Taylor & his family)
Ch''rp (xt planet, insectoid race; Starjammers story)
Chunnel (Morgan Sinclair profile)
Churchill Prep (Jason Thornehill school; Vampire Tales story)
Ciegrim-7 of Reality-829 (Hercules 2300 stories)
Cinnibar of Earth-791 (Star-Lord world)
Cire's Tower of Earth-22073 (Harmony city of Niers, Cire family home)
Citadel of Light and Shadow (X-Men story)
Citadel of Necromon of Otherworld
Citadel of Science (Enclave)
Citadel of Terror of Universe-7711 (Tyroc)
Citadel of a Thousand Lamps (Cloudsea dim)
Citrusville swamp base (A.I.M.)
City of Earth-73479 (ruled by "The Guardian")
City of Evil (Encoders base)
City of Gold (el Dorado)
City of Gold (Bermuda Triangle)
City of Seven Dark Delights (Weirdworld location) - by Prime Eternal
City of Skulls (Ghost Rider story)
"City of the Future" (Hydropolis, Hulk story)
City of the Golden Gate (Atlantis)
City of the 30th Century of Earth-49121 (Blonde Phantom story)
"City of the Vampires" ("Engazi")
City Prison (Rudyarda prison)
Clancy's Irish Pub (owned by Mick Clancy, Thing story)
Cloudlands of Reality-791 (location on the planet Heaven)
Club Fear (Nightmare story)
Coast City of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Coconut Grove (hedonist alien planet) - by Proto-Man
Columbus Circle Barricade of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Columbus Circle 59(th street?) Station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Colosseum (xt planet, combat world used by Termagent and Megaira)
Colony (Thing allies) - by Prime Eternal
Comfortable Claude's Discount Bulk Bedding (bedding store)
Comicsville (2001 location) - by Prime Eternal
command bunker (Eopia, Egaliterns base)
Compound of Earth-3071 (adamantium bunker, Wolverine story)
Connecticut Avenue (Swamp City)
Connel's apartment/laboratory of alternate Earth (home of mutate Connel)
Conquistador's base (X-Men story)
Containment Center of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks, part of Mainframe)
Cookie Factory (Spider-Man story)
Cooler (Ivan the Terrible's prison)
Coolio Beans Coffee (coffee shop, formerly employed Flatman) - by Proto-Man
Corktown Meats (Detroit plant, used as base to trap Big Bertha)
Corky's Tavern (Alpha Flight story)
Cornerstore on Creation (Ian McNee's magic and curio shop)
Corporation Mountain base (Corporation-West base)
Corporation-West's Alcatraz Base (Power Broker, Captain America story)
Cosmic Claims Court (Magistrati courtroom)
Cosmic Complex (one of Stranger's planetoids)
Costaguay (Carribean island, Chamber of Chills) - by AvatarWarlord72
Costumed Adventurers Memorial Park of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Count Abyss' stronghold (Egolix dimension)
Courg of Reality-691 (xt planet, Courga race)
court of Earth-700 (Tranquility City)
Cradle (Gena-Sys, Psight Corp)
craggy wasteland (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Cragmouth (Godstorm)
Creighton (city, Omega Keep)
Creston Gardens (1950s, home of Ed Wilson)
Crete (Tuk the Caveboy story)
Creyton house (abandoned, used by Walter Phelps)
Crimson Commando's home (Upstate New York)
crimson planet (Zalgodians)
Crossroads Chamber (Time Guardian)
Crossroads of Time (Time Guardian)
Crypt of Shadows (held Horn of Azoth)
Crystalium (xd planet, home of Crystar) - by David Lawrence
Crystal Chamber (Spartak, Microverse)
crystal planet (Alpha Flight story)
Cuckoo's Nest (Halfworld location)
Cup and the Trident (Messentia seaside Inn, Conan story)
Cup of Jonah of Earth-928 (ca. 2099 AD, coffeehouse/sushi bar in El Paso, Texas)
customs of Reality-80324 (Titan, Paradox story)
Cybal Magna (Kree planet, War of Kings)
Cyclopedia Universum (Watcher dimension) - by Proto-Man
Cygnorion (xt planet, Xanja)
Cygnus Prime (xt planet, X-Factor story)
Cyllandra (xt planet, Kree library planet) - by Proto-Man
Cymoril of Reality-791 (K'yndar homeworld, Star-Lord story)
Cythani 93 (location in Shi'ar space)
Daedalus 5 (xt planet, United Front base; Annihilation story)
Daedalus Prime (xt planet; Annihilation story)
Daily Bugle of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Dakkam (planet of Dakkamites)
Damocles Base (Kang, Avengers story) - by Stunner
Dan's Diner of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, Cumberland, Kentucky diner)
Darbia (Warworld, Darbian race)
Dark Citadel of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, Necrom's last stronghold)
Darkewolde (Elsewhere dimension)
dark/haunted woods (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Dark River (Conan story)
Dark Tower of Earth-S (Brain-Child)
D'arnel (Microverse world)
Davy Jones' locker (sunken ships & gold)
Davy Jones Saloon (Atlantean bar, deep in the Mariana Trench) - by Proto-Man
D'Bari IV (D'Bari homeworld)
D'Barri Satellite Cluster (xt, Spaceknights/Dire Wraiths story)
D'Barri Sector (xt, Spaceknights/Dire Wraiths story)
"Deadend" (Deeden State Correctional Facility)
dead world (Klarion's home, Warlock story)
Death-Birth facility of Earth-691 (21st Century)
Death Store (Bzzk'Joh)
Deeden State Correctional Facility (Human Torch (Storm) story)
Delilah and Vanth's home of Reality-8116 (the Village, planet Caldor, Dreadstar story)
Delloran of Reality-8116 (xt planet, Dreadstar story)
Delta Corianus IV (Cinnibar)
Demonica (Pacific Overlords' base) - by Proto-Man
Demon's cave (Demon's prison, discovered by Davey Drew)
Deneb IV (xt planet, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) story)
Derumek (xt planet, X-Men story)
desecrated church (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Desecration Annex (space prison) - by Elf With a Gun
destroyed world (Star-Lord story)
Deth (xt planet, Ozak's homeworld)
Devil's Advocacy (meeting of demons) - by Grendel Prime
Devin-9 (prison planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
dining room (Count Abyss' stronghold)
Dinosaur Island (Fantastic Four story) - by Proto-Man
Disradi (Kree planet, War of Kings story)
District of New York of Earth-9591 (Ruins)
Djaigon throneworld (xt planet, She-Hulk story)
Docking Bay One (Hydropolis location)
Dr. MacTaggert Apothecary of Earth-18136 (doctor's office/home of Dr. Moira MacTaggert)
Dr. Markham's house/laboratory (1950s, destroyed by growth serum)
Doctor Octopus' lab of Earth-8107 (sunken galleon HQ) - by David Lawrence
Doctor Saturn's lab (Ringo Kid story)
Doctor Strange's stronghold (island base of the Iron Man foe Doctor Strange)
Domain#615: Uncle Ben-a-Verse (Battleworld domain comprised of Earth-615 remnants) - by HBK123
Dome (Harek Korgon)
Dome of Eradication of Earth-78423 (Cult of Entropy, Howard the Duck story)
Domed City (Empire of the Sun, Savage Land)
Donna Angel's apartment (Googam story)
Doomsday Star (Soul Survivors)
double helix (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Dovecote (mountain stronghold, encountered by Captain America)
Dragon's Nest (Dragon's Claws base)
Dragorr's castle (Caribbean island, Namor story)
Dr'azim (xt planet, affected by S'met'kth)
Dread Citadel (Battletide)
Dreamsend of Reality-8116 (xt planet, Infinity Horn storage satellite)
Drelys of Reality-928 (xt, M'rglot race, Doom 2099 story)
Dreolln (Star-Thief's homeworld)
drug factories (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Druidic church (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Druid's vestry (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Drumpo (xt planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
Duck Bucket (restaurant, Howard the Duck/S.H.I.E.L.D. story)
"Duckworld" (Howard the Duck's altered reality homeworld)
dungeon (Count Abyss' stronghold)
Dungeon of Camelot (6th century, monster prison, Thunderbolts story)
Durante's (Boston, Massachusetts Italian restaurant) - by Proto-Man
Dungeon (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Dwellers of the Ark (Star-Lord story)
Dynamo City (xt, encountered by Silver Surfer)
Earl Ferrol's lab (1950s, Strange Tales)
Earth of 3050 AD (alternate future, visited by Derek Welles)
Earth-8116 (Dreadstar story)
Earth-93165 (destroyed by Omni-Wave Annihilator)
East Side Blood Bank (NYC blood bank, robbed by vampires) - by Proto-Man
894 (xt planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
Eduardo's Rare and Collectible Books (used bookstore ran by demon Eduardo)
Edward Young Star (Galaxy NGC 205)
Egolix-7 (xd realm, home of Maya, adoptive home of Darklore, Adam Warlock stories)
el Dorado (City of Gold)
Electric Company (Swamp City)
Emperor's Compound (Mbangawi location)
Empire Arts Center of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Empire Hotel (Swamp City)
Empress Matilda Docks-Rotherhithe building (former Excalibur HQ) - by Proto-Man
"Engazi" (city of vampires, Solomon Kane location)
Enitharmon's home (Dr. Strange story)
Eopia (planet of the Egaliterns and Technarchy, Dark Guard story)
Erebus (region of Hades where souls reside before either returning to life or passing on into the afterlife) - by Proto-Man
Erok (Hyborian era city-state on Novum Terra; former citadel of the Dark Lords)
Eternus (Eyung)
Eurasia (Subterranea, Doradians)
Eurth (artificial planet similar to Earth (Avataars series)) - by Proto-Man
E-Wing Cluster (star system) - by Proto-Man
Excellency's castle of Earth-49121 (@ 30th century, Blonde Phantom story)
Exile's tower (Nightmare story)
Eyung (xt world of Eternals of Eyung, destroyed)
Fabiano's (Pittsburg restaurant)
Fairer Fowl Farms (Mister Chicken's HQ)
Falafel Zone (mobile Empire State University restaurant)
family home (Mindworm/William Turner, Spider-Man story)
Fantastic Foundation Gallery & Gift Shop (Glenville, Long Island)
Fantastic Mountain of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Feh-Nen (Kree planet, War of Kings)
Femizonia Island (Superia)
fenced area of Hidden Valley (used by Morgan Yancy, Monster of the Hidden Valley)
Ferrol of Reality-791 (Trinity-That-Is-One homeworld)
Festung von Furcht (Fortress of Fear, Nazi base) - by Prime Eternal
Fiame (Microverse planet) - by Grendel Prime
53 Bridwell Street of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
50th and Lexington subway station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Fire Fountain (X-Men/Alpha Flight story) - by Proto-Man
Fires of Creation (extraterrestrial location/power source utilized by X'Hoss)
First Church of the Magnetic Anomaly (Organism, Pastor Wildmoon's church)
First Subterranean Sector of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Flats (traders' world)
"Flesh Factory" of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Flivok-6 (xt, Black Quadrant planet, destroyed by Thane)
Fooh's base (K'un-Lun location)
Forbidden Asteroids (region at the far edge of the Andromeda Galaxy)
Forbidden Land (el Dorado)
Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads, possible alternate Earth) - by Loki
Forbidden Swamp (Serpent Men, pre-Cataclysmic era)
Fordham Road (subway) Station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
forest habitat (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Fort Dix of Earth-7484 (C.I.A. headquarter, Deathlok stories)
fortress of Roland Cavell (1950s)
Fortress (research facility)
Fortress of the Warlord of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth)
Foul Bog 4 (xt planet, home to aliens resembling raccoon/lizard hybrids) - by Proto-Man
Fountain (location in Makesh)
Fountain of Destiny of Lemuria (Sinbad story)
Fountain of Eternal Youth (la Hacienda)
Fountain of Youth (la Hacienda)
Four-Armed Men's headquarters (1960s, South America, Amazon jungle)
Four Freedoms Plaza of unidentified reality (home of "Fantastic Geeks")
42nd Street Library/Museum of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Foxhole (Black Fox hideout)
Free Parking Lot (Swamp City)
Freestate Technology (Doorman)
frontier planets (between Kree and Spartoi Empires)
Frosty Town (Point Pleasant, Ohio; ice cream shop)
frozen wasteland planet (Deadpool story)
Fruit Whipz (juice bar, New Mutants story)
Funeral Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Funland (amusement park, Kool-Aid Man story)
Galax (place on Crystalium)
Galaxy NGC 205 (satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy, Kree & Skrull associated; Captain Mar-Vell story) - by Donald Campbell
Gallery of Earth-928 (2099 AD, Metalscream)
Ganalus (xt, Marvel UK, homeworld of Die-Cut)
Garai (xd planet, Null Space, Darkhawk story)
garbage dump of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
garden of Ravengard (Conan foe)
Garden of Hesperides (Hera's garden) - by Will U
Gehenna (Wolverine story)
General Techtronics (Spider-Man company)
Gethsemane Flats (small US town near Route 66, location of covenant between Heaven & Hell) - by Proto-Man
Gevaltu (xt planet, home to Urthona, Doctor Strange stories)
Gholar's building (xt skyscraper, Venom (Thompson) story)
"Ghoul planet" of Reality-5391 (Interplanetary hoodlums base, Speed Carter story)
Gift Shop (Oracle Adventures)
Gigantus (world of the Gigantans)
Gilgrath (xt moon, Shi'ar periphery, Thanos story)
Giri-World of Reality-791 (location on the planet Heaven)
Glarbocks (klaffee shop on 37th Floogsbury Shi'ar colony)
Glazgon's office possibly of Reality-791 (Iforani)
Gleason's Gym (Las Vegas gym where Right-Winger & Left-Winger practiced)
Glenbrook (Kral X, Skrull colony planet modeled after the fictional Ritchie Redwood Show) - by Proto-Man
Glenbrook High (high school on the planet Glenbrook/Kral X)
Glib's Grog and Grub (bar on planet Calculex, Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) stories)
"Go" (Swamp City)
Goat's Head (bar in Port Brimstone tended by Perry)
God Quarry (Thanos, Infinity Wars, Avengers stories)
Godthab Omega (xt, Kree territory)
Golden City (subterranean city, 1950s World of Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Golden City of Yagala (Capitol of Melniboné)
Golden Star (xt planet, Thor story)
Goldilux (Death's Head (FPA) story; planet in Earth-5555 dimension)
Gondora (Savage Land city)
Gorth's world (Skrull planet ruled by Gorth)
Gossamer Tower (Arakne)
Gotham Bugle of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Gotham Gazette of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Gotham International Airport of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Goth Topic (clothes store)
government research installation (Washington state, used by Magneto)
Gramos (xt planet, Gramosians, Mercurio the 4-D Man)
Grampus of Reality-56862 (xt star system, Astonishing story)
"Graveyard of Eternity" (location of Sword of Strength, Conan story)
Graveyard of the Celestials (used to reveal Black Vortex location)
"Gravity Garden" (life-sustaining gravity field, Silver Surfer story) - by Grendel Prime
Great Cakes Avengers (Avengers Island restaurant)
Great Crater (Mound-Dwellers home, Belit story)
Great Lakes Avengers HQ (former Stark Assembly & Manufacturing, Detroit GLA base) - by Proto-Man
Great Pyramid (Zikkurat, Ptahuacan location)
Green Hills (place on Crystalium)
Green Ridge Valley of Bovric (Starlord story)
Grismore Castle (haunted castle)
Grof system moon (Starjammers story, home of Mer & Vam)
Groundbase (S.H.I.E.L.D. base)
Gu-something (traders' world city)
"Guardians of Mankind" headquarters (1950s, on some mountaintop in America)
Gullish Yar (xt planet, Silver Surfer story)
Gycon Nuclear Power Plant (Wolverine story)
la Hacienda (Man-Thing/She-Hulk characters)
Hadrib (location in Kree Empire)
Hagstone Sanitarium (1950s, insane asylum)
Haines' ancestral home (New England, 18th century to 1950s)
Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon's homeworld) - by Elf with a Gun
Hall of Death and Mercy of Reality-8116 (Kalloombrian Temple, Dreamsend)
Hall of Equilibrium of Earth-81165 (Emmanuel Cody's world)
hall of sorcerer portraits (Antiquary paintings, Gambit story)
Halls of Fear (Dweller-in-Darkness)
Ham-ilton Theater of Earth-8311 (live stage show theater) - by Proto-Man
Han Dynasty (NYC dim sum restaurant)
Hangar Thirteen (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters clubhouse)
harbor (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Harith Damyish's estate (Starlord story)
Harmony of Reality-22073 (Earth of this reality, Cable story)
Haunted City (Young Allies story)
Heaven of Reality-791 (xt planet)
Heaven Scent (New York City perfume store visited by Peter Parker) - by Proto-Man
Heavy Hitters Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas headquarters of the Heavy Hitters)
Helicon (Morgan Stark's base)
Helios Plateau (Eopia, Technarchy encampment)
H.E.L.L. (Human Engineering Life Laboratories, Micronauts stories)
H.E.L.L. (Marvel UK)
Hellfire Club mansion (18th century, Lady Grey)
Hellfire Club San Francisco (ca. 1906)
Hellinger's stronghold of Earth-7484 (Upstate New York base)
Hellrock of Earth-22925 (prison camp)
Herrick family home (1950s, Billy Herrick's home)
Herr Mole's hideout (Hartford, Connecticut house)
Heteropteron (Negative Zone, Lord Catastrophus' fortress)
Hidden Temple (Southeast Asia, Spider-Man story)
High Evolutionary's Tower of Earth-99476 (Dino-World) - by Loki
high tower (Myth-Realm, Saraband's former base)
hive (insectoids of Ch''rp)
Hogurth Castle (1950s hidden vampire) - by Ron Fredricks
Hollow Out of Time (Merlin's prison for those cursed by the Word of God) - by Donald Campbell
Hollywok Canteen (Howard the Duck)
Holmrig (xt planet, Starlord story)
home of Louis Stark (1950s)
home of Carla and Gerry Thornehill (New England, Vampire Tales story)
Home Island (Quadriverse)
Horhaga Castle (Hungarian castle, former home to vampire Horhaga Brothers)
Hornby-9 (xt planet)
Hornet's Nest (Yellowjacket's hideaway) - by Proto-Man
Horror Mountain (headquarters of Dr. Square)
Hotel Ripley (Brood-infested location)
House at the Graveyard (1950s vampire story)
house of Cal Ferris (1950s)
House of Blue Lights (Asura)
House of Denied Delights (House of Denied Pleasures)
House of Denied Pleasures (16th century, European vampire Nostranda's base)
House of Dust (found by Order of Hydra)
House of Misery of Earth-9047 (spooky old mansion ran by Candy Cane)
House of Mmm (Avengers Island restaurant)
House of Rave (Rave HQ)
House of Razor (Razor-Fist) - by PrimeEternal
House of Wyldwind (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Howlett's of Earth-10511 (bookstore/resistance HQ, Wolverine story)
Hskelos (xt, home of Hskelon, Die-Cut/G-Force story)
Hub (Charter headquarters) - by Prime Eternal
Hulkbuster Base of the pre-current Multiverse (government-financed military base dedicated to capturing Hulk)
Human Engineering Life Laboratories (H.E.L.L., Micronauts stories)
Human Torch & Invisible Girl Museum (Glenville museum built by George Bentley)
Humanity of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Hunding's home (Thor/Siegmund story)
hunting cabin of Troy Ferman (@ 1973, werewolf hunter)
Hydra Castle (Hungary, Wolverine story)
Hydra Island (Strucker's traditional base) - by Prime Eternal
Hydropolis (Hulk story)
Hydropolis (Namor location) - by Chadman
Hyena's mansion (Los Angeles building, owned by villain Hyena)
Icebox (Canadian prison)
Ice Box Bob's house (xd, Johnny Blaze story)
Ice Demon's Lantern of Reality-8116 (location on Byfrexia)
Idlewood Swamp (Kodom Shath, swords and sorcery)
Idnshar (Middle Eastern desert kingdom, Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters story)
Iforani Headquarters possibly of Reality-791 (Starlord story)
Imperial Chalet of Reality-791 (xt, structure on planet Sparta)
Imperial Palace of Reality-791 (xt, capital of Sparta)
Imperiatrix Nest of the Brood Nest World (X-Men concept)
"Impossible Spaceship's" home planet (xt, 1962)
incinerator site of Ultraverse (Prime "race" world)
Infinity's End (God Quarry)
Infinity Union vault (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Infinity Well (Death's realm, magical well) - by Stunner
Intergalactic Army-Navy Store (Gullish Yar, visited by Obliterator)
Iolium (planet, Starlord (Sinjin Quarrel)'s home)
Iota Orionis (xt planet, home of race of best mathematicians in the universe)
Iron Man Auto Wreckers (Claude Starkowski's shop, Howard the Duck)
ISA Central of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
ISA command post of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
island base of Third World Army (Moon Knight story)
Island M of Earth-652975 (X-Men Arcade Game, Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists base)
Island of Doctor Bong (Doctor Bong's home)
Isle of Assassins (on Jarella's world)
Isle of Na'at (Conan story)
Isle of Silence (Loki's sometime-base) - by Prime Eternal & Proto-Man
Isle of the Exiles (hideout of WW2 criminals)
Ivory Dome (Kuthchemes, Hyborian era)
Jacobson's (headquarters of the Waterboys)
Jaeger IV of Reality-791 (planet, Star-Lord story)
Jail (Swamp City)
Jakkaru's camp (16th century Japan)
Jakkaru's palace (16th century Japan)
Japan of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Jarabesht (Hyborian city, Conan story)
Jaxon's Tomb of Reality-8116 (moon involved in Instrumentality-Monarchy war, Dreadstar story)
Jayroam's (nightclub, X-Men story)
Jean-Pierre's Pizza (pizza parlor known for their anchovy special)
Jeremy Torgan's mansion (1950s estate)
Jir-Pon (Kree planet, War of the Kings)
Julian Biggs' headquarters of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Jukebox (B-Sides HQ)
Jupiter of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Justice Center of Bovric (Starlord story)
Kaiwann (Asian island, Thing/Iron Fist story) - by SQUEAK
Kalloombrian Temple of Reality-8116 (Dreamsend)
Kalumesh (city of Dagoth)
"Kandahar" of Reality-791 (Shakati's slavers base)
Karere (Mbangawi location)
Karlk's tower (Kelbaza, Conan story)
Keggar 24-7 (Deadpool story)
Kelka (Hyborian city)
Kentucky Avenue (Swamp City)
Kerei (Hyborian era, Novum Terra citadel)
Kestor (home planet)
"Kestor-2" (Kestorans)
Kevin's (Twin Palms Mall restaurant) - by Proto-Man
Khalis-Wu's castle (Khyscz, KISS story)
Khyscz (hidden country, KISS story)
Kiasho of Reality-21394 (xt planet, Swords of the Swashbucklers story)
Kiber Island (Kiber's base)
King Arrkam's palace and kingdom of Earth-6676 (Hulk story)
King's Crossing (Skrull milk)
Kirgarian stronghold (xt, Black Goliath story)
Kitschwork Gifts & Gewgaws (Flatiron Building gift shop, New York City) - by Proto-Man
Klang (homeworld of Klangians)
Klatuu of reality-691 (homeworld of Kr'll race, Guardians of the Galaxy story)
Kohbra's base of Counter-Earth (New Men)
Koma Koi (tropical island, Wolverine/Thing stories) - by Markus Raymond
Kouros (xt, planet in the Spendeleen system)
Krakoa (X-Men foe)
Krakoa North (Canadian mutant housing facility) - by Proto-Man
Kral IV (Skrulls of Kral)
Krashner's Bio-Systems, INC (created Braggadoom)
Kraven's Last Bundt (Avengers Island restaurant)
Kree outpost (targeted by Skrull Emperor Kylor)
Kree reservation of Earth-9591 (Ruins)
Kree settlement (Godthab Omega location)
K'rii-VI (Shi'ar colony planet, former home to Cannonball & Smasher) - by Proto-Man
Kritnah (xt, planet, Inhumans/Shi'ar story)
"Krugrep" (xt planet, Defenders story)
Krylor (former homeworld of the Krylorians)
Krystilla of Reality-829 (destroyed by Galactus)
Kun-something (traders' world city, or it ends in kun)
K'un-Lun of reality-14116 (Wendell Rand survived)
Kuth (Barodi city, Bishop story)
Kyln (Space prison; Thanos story) - by Stunner
K'yndar system of Reality-791 (star system, Star-Lord story)
labyrinth (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Lair of the Lions (Hyborian era, former home of Amra & Sholo)
Lama's monastery (1950s, place to find the Yetti)
Lamisery of the "Wise Ones"
Land of Always-Light (Brutheim, Conan story)
Land of the Golden Star (xt planet, Thor story)
land of the Rose of Peace (Conan story)
Lanjau (Hyborian city, Conan story)
L'ar Gath Five (prison planet, Future Foundation story)
Lartorez of Reality-8116 (planet, Dreadstar story)
Last Hills of Earth-13729 (underworld of dimension K'Vore) - by Proto-Man
Latveria Falls Plaza of Earth-111 (Challengers of Doom)
Latvokia of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Laughing Horse Bar (Manhattan bar, Captain America story) - by Loki
lava pit (Stranger's Laboratory World)
L.A. Valley Clinic (Hulk story)
Law Offices of Williams, Williams & Williams (law offices, had Lacuna as a client)
Leery's (bar, Xarth Three; Rocket Raccoon & Groot story)
leisure room (Count Abyss' stronghold)
Lenny's (Bend, Oregon restaurant) - by Proto-Man
Lethe (River Lethe)
Lenny's Bar and Grill of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Liberty's Lair (Philadelphia headquarters of the Liberteens)
Liddleville (Fantastic Four story)
Life-Like Doll Company (Dran Decker's HQ, WW2 Terror story)
Ligra (xt planet, Electro robot story)
Linda's Hotel Motel (San Francisco motel) - by Proto-Man
Linus Vermeer's estate (Strange Tales story)
lion altar (Lair of the Lions)
Little Luz's Bronx Girl Bodega (Ghost Rider (Ketch) story)
Long Island of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Long-Lost Kree Outpost (Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel/West Coast Avengers story)
Lookout Point (Hawaii headquarters of the Point Men)
Lord of Death's laboratory (Captain America story)
Lord Raven's castle (Weirdworld)
"Lost Atlantis" (underwater city; 1950s)
"Lost World" (1950s prehistoric jungle on African mountain)
Lotiara (Swampworld)
Loud Larry's Dance Emporium (nightclub built over library ruins)
lounge (Oracle Adventures)
Lowlands (traders' world location)
Lucky Shoe Casino (Cynodd's Earth base)
Luna of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Luna of Other Earth
Lunar Lander Site of Earth-700 (Tranquility City)
Lumberl and Anthracite Mining Facility of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, Cumberland, Kentucky)
Luminia (citadel, Dark Dimension)
Lupus (xt planet, home of Cr'reee and the Lupine)
M110 (Galaxy NGC 205)
Maas Island (Alden Maas)
Madame Grimm's house (pre-modern, Transylvania)
Madrizar (Brood planet)
Magic Society (shop, Power Man (Luke Cage) story)
Mainframe of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks base)
Makesh (ancient city) - by Prime Eternal
mall (Churchill Prep walkway, Vampire Tales story)
Manny's Bar & Grill (NYC bar visited by Ben Grimm)
mansion (owned by Ilsa Strangway)
Mantic Gallery of Earth-928 (2099 AD, Metalscream)
Marathon of Reality-791 (xt, planet Sparta continent)
Marcosa House (Werewolf story)
Marduk (machine planet created by Annunaki)
Mare Imbrium Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Marion M. Graham Hospital (Manhattan, New York; Iron Fist story)
Marmorkjelde (Cloudsea dimensions)
Mars base ("Martian Flying Saucer")
Mars 2010 Space Station (orbiting space station, X-Force story) - by Proto-Man
Maruthea (extradimensional/extratemporal gathering place, Doctor/Death's Head location) - by Loki
Marvan (homeworld of the Monitors)
Master Library of the planet Rus (Quasar story)
Matricca Scoppio (xt planet, Motormouth/Death's Head/Die-Cut stories)
Matriculon (encountered by Hulk and Thing)
mausoleum (19th century Transylvania, Black Mirror)
mausoleum-esque habitat (Stranger's Laboratory World)
mausoleum of Iskelior (Dr. Strange story)
maze of Earth-7484 (Hellinger's stronghold)
The Maze (Mako's base)
Mbangawi (East African nation) - by Loki
McShane's (nightclub, Captain Britain story)
Meadows of Perambula (Elsewhere dimension)
Medieval World (former Skrull playground) - by Donald Campbell
Mediterranean Avenue (Swamp City)
Mega IV (unknown destination, Monark Starstalker reality)
Memoriam (moon, former home of Century)
Menagerie (Brotherhood of Technomancer, Aleister Building)
Mercury of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Meredith Quill's cabin of Earth-791 (childhood home of Peter Quill)
Messier 110 (Galaxy NGC 205)
Metalmines of Reality-80324 (Luna, Paradox story)
Metropolis of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Mezzanine (Hydropolis location)
M'Hass (xt planet)
Mick's (restaurant, NYC)
Middle East of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Midnight Radio (karaoke bar)
Mid-State Building (Corporation base)
Mike Morgan's castle (pre-FF, created by a genie)
Milehigh Keep (Baron)
military training camp of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Milligan's Pens (Minnesota pen store destroyed by Arnie Lundberg)
Minos Towers (Cornelius Webb's HQ)
Mir-something (traders' world city)
Mirvos-12 (xt planet)
Miss Trubble's Book Corner of Earth-6799 (Spider-Man cartoon)
Mission District home (Dr. Nicola Bradley's home)
Mist Valley of Reality-8116 (planet Caldor, Dreadstar story)
M'nden's Bar (pan-dimensional bar, visited by X-Men/New Mutants)
Model Soldiers' Headquarters (Dark Angel story)
Mogart's mansion (Moon Knight story)
Mogart's sewer base (Moon Knight story)
Monastery of the Order of St. George of Earth-Shadowline
Monastery of the "Wise Ones"
Monster in the Iron Mask's homeworld (xt, alien invaders)
Monstro's cave (1950s, cave somewhere in Africa)
moonbase of the Betan (Godzilla stories)
moon in the Grof system (Starjammers story, home of Mer & Vam)
Moon-Man's headquarters (Golden Age, Moon-Man story)
Moon of Deneb IV (Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) story)
Mort L. Coil's Funeral Home (funeral home)
Mother White's Pancake House (restaurant, Moon Knight story)
mound (Great Crater, Mound-Dwellers home, Belit story)
Mount (Pantheon base)
Mountain God' castle (Hulk story)
mountains of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
Mount Avarice (Asmodeus)
Mount Ka (second talles mountain on Earth)
Mount Olympus of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Mount Qaf (Hellstorm location) - by Markus Raymond
Mount Rushmore of Earth-807128 (Old Man Logan story)
Mount Shasta of Ultraverse (Contary's base)
Mount Virago (Godthab Omega location)
Mount Weather of Earth-88194 ("Special Facility", Merchants base)
movie theater (used by hypnotist Edward Morgo)
Mu (sunken continent) - by Wolfram Bane
Munden's Bar (pan-dimensional bar, visited by X-Men/New Mutants)
Murder Mansion (Black Jack Tarr's home) - by Prime Eternal
Murder Mountain (General Skul's fortress)
Murder Mountain Lodge (used by Dr. Kurarkill, Iron Man story)
Murdermall (Arcade's shopping center/escape room/deathtrap) - by Proto-Man
Murray's Galactic Vehicle Mart and Sushi Palace (Murray)
Mutant City (Demi-Men's HQ, X-Men story)
Mystery School (F.66)
Mystic Mountain (Zanadu)
Narcisson (city of the Dark Gods)
Nation of Earth "1958" (Fantastic Four story)
National Force base (Arizona, Punisher story)
Nautilus (water-covered planet, former home of Glora Teth (Heavy Duty))
Nautilus of Earth-3145 (Astro-Spider story, orbital space station)
navigation chamber of the Great Ark (Silver Surfer story)
N'Drelia of Reality-20368 (xt planet) - by HBK123
Neptune of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Neptune's Eye ("Old Man of the Sea")
Nest (Hellbent base)
Nest of Sacred Ibis (Temple of Ibis (Thoth) )
Netherlands (real life European country) - by MarvellousLuke
Netredeen (xt, home planet of Netredi race)
Never Hills (ever-changing Dark Dimension region) - by Proto-Man
New Atlantis (miniature city)
New Atlantis of Earth-928 (underwater colonies) - by Proto-Man
New Gotham City of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
New Gotham Police Department of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
New Houston of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
"New Kestor" (Kestorans)
New Odessa (Dr. Yes' base)
New Orleans Forensics Center (Louisiana forensics lab) - by Proto-Man
New Reliable Pub of Earth-21923 (bar frequented by Count Nefaria) - by Proto-Man
"New Rigel" (Wundagore II)
New Rome (on Black Tower of M'Kumbe, Africa; near Wakanda)
New Timbetpal (flying island, Sons of Yinsen)
"New Xeron" (xt, Terrax story)
New York City of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
N'Gabthoth's cavern (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
N'Gabthoth's roost (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Nibiru (aka. Marduk, machine planet created by Annunaki)
Niers of Reality-22073 (Harmony metropolis, Cable story)
Nightclub (Blood base)
Nightshade's laboratory (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
North Pole Nuclear Power Facility (Greedy Killerwatt)
North Wall of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Northwest Sector of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
"N" Tunnel of Earth-88194 (Rainier Mesa, tunnel connected to Zero Room)
Nucleolus (Arakne)
Nulla (home planet of the Nullans)
Nutopia XXIV (24th moon of the planet Chitt-crrt)
Oasis Sector ("Battle Zone Three", Coosseum battle zone)
Ogeon (Tunnelworld)
Oheimer's Miami lab of Earth-8130 (Man-Thing story)
OK Space Station (Stranger/Captain Marvel associated space colony)
old Roman ruins (Tamora, Sicily)
Oliveri's Too (Mexican restaurant visited by Deadpool & Domino) - by Proto-Man
Omega Keep (Silver Surfer story)
Omicron Seti (abandoned planet, Stones of Halkor)
Omina Prime (xt planet, Annihilation story)
"Omniversal Transmitter" (Tower, Colosseum)
Omniversal Wardrobe (Magistrati location)
1857-C (star, Thanos story)
One Kool-Aid Plaza (Kool-Aid Man's headquarter)
Ongulia (planet, Deadpool story)
Ootah (Negative Zone)
Operation Poseidon (Sword of Judgement base/project)
Orgolhuin (Death's Head, Die-Cut story)
Oriental Avenue (Swamp City)
Orsiros (Aknaton home world, Dreadstar story)
OsCorp Plaza of Earth-44145 (Norman Osborn's HQ)
Osirus (xt planet, Menace story)
Otmu's base (Quasar story)
Ozymandias Statue Park (statue park)
Pacific Vista Laboratories (Death's Head-Minion)
Pacifica of Earth-700089 (undersea kingdom) - by Proto-Man
Pacion Rex (Gruto's homeworld)
Paka's Crossing of Bovric (Starlord story)
Palace of Death and Rebirth (Anubis)
palace of Giyune (Conan story)
palace of Lord Sett (1950s, Microverse)
palace of Simyon Karashnur (Marada the She-Wolf story)
Palace of Temasika (Tigra story)
Palace of the Taboo (Bororo Indians temple)
Palace of the Universal Church of Truth
palatial command center of Third World Army (Moon Knight story)
P&G Bar (Texas bar, Wolverine/Puck story) - by MarvellousLuke
Pan Am building of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Pangoria (planet of Pangorians)
Paradise III (Microverse)
Parafino's Wax Museum of Earth-6799 (Spider-Man cartoon)
Parkinspace (planet Perdita parking lot)
Park Place (Swamp City)
Parthea (planet, Tales of Suspense)
pathway to Zalkor (Count Abyss' stronghold)
Pau-Styss' castle (Conan story)
Pelagia (xt planet, home of aquatic race)
Perdita (xt planet, Valkyrie (Runa) story)
Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology Building of Earth-22191 (computer lab) - by HBK123
Phantus (Space Phantom's fake home planet, Immortus creation)
Pier Four (former Fantastic Four base) - by Proto-Man
Pilgrims Rock (Negative Zone, Fantastic Four/Doctor Doom stories)
Pit (Proselytes/red sect, detainment facility)
Place of Broken Stones (above Worm's lair, Niord story)
Plains of Yggdrasill of Reality-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
planet -unnamed (home of Ebon Seeker and Firefrost)
planet of the Gorgons (xt, Journey into Mystery)
Planet of the Shapes of Reality-88131 (ALF story) - by Grendel Prime
Planetoid 12 (2100, visited by Charlie Nast)
Planet Twillo (television)
Planet X of Reality-54561 (xt, orbitd the sun on the other side from Earth; Uncanny Tales story)
Planet X of Reality-59356 (xt, plants in control of others; Tales of Suspense story)
"Planet X" of Reality-60751 (xt, inhabited by giant insects; Tales to Astonish story)
Plato's Dance Cave (dance club)
Pleasure Drome (Colosseum recreation location)
Pleasureland (Team America location) - by David Lawrence
Pleasure Mansion (House of Denied Pleasures)
Pleasure Palace (Valkyrie story)
Pluto of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Polarity Tower (Primus)
Pommerschen, New Troy home of Earth-712 (Arcanna & Philip Jones home)
Pool of Blood (Dracula story)
Pool of Blood (Tsin Hark)
port (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Port Brimstone (underground hub for monsters & demons) - by Proto-Man
Poseidon's Undersea Throne Room of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Potter's Costumes (Spotlight Costumes)
Prison Yard (prison planet Devin-9)
Professor Alfred Kurt's laboratory of Reality-5391 (Speed Carter story)
Project Starcore (research facility on Earth's moon)
Project: Survival (Fantastic Four character)
Property and Transport Impound (prison planet Devin-9)
Protaris (xt, home planet of the Protar)
Pryd'ri of Reality-791 (xt, Sandy Hölm home planet, Star-Lord stories)
Psight Corporation HQ (Gena-Sys)
Ptahuacan (Great Cataclysm survivors, Hyborian island)
Ptolemaeus Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Punt (traders' world city)
Quan-Zarr's citadel (Starlord story)
Quarrn (extradimensional world, home of the Quarrnians)
Quarry of Creation (Thanos, Infinity Wars, Avengers stories)
radar outpost (Canada, invaded by Krills)
radioactive wasteland (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Radius Eighteen (Kree planet, War of King story)
Rad-Nam (Kree city, birthplace of Mar-Vell) - by Prime Eternal
Rainbow Fountain (la Hacienda)
Rainier Mesa of Earth-88194 (U.S. nuclear test region, Merchants base)
Randaa (home planet of the Hedzek)
Ravencrag Mental Institution (Moon Knight story)
Ravenstarr Prison Galaxy (Shi'ar interstellar prison system) - by Proto-Man
Red Dog Saloon (OK Space Station)
Red Rum's Club (Bagalian nightclub/bar) - by Proto-Man
Redstone (planet, Starlord story)
Refuge (Time Guardian)
reignited dying sun (Thor story)
Remington National Bank (bank president Adolphe)
resistance base of Earth-10511 (Howlett's, Wolverine story)
Resistant's Base (Resistants)
Rescorla (Eros/Starfox story, planet of the Rescorlans)
Resistance base (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Resurrection Altar (Wakanda, Black Panther stories) - by Markus Raymond
Revelation (Fantastic Four story) - by Proto-Man
The Ricochet (extraterrestrial dive bar) - by Proto-Man
Rigel-3 (Rigellian Command Planet, destroyed by Black Stars/Rhunians)
Rigel-3 (replacement; named for planet destroyed by Rhunians)
Rigel-18 (xt, destroyed by Galatus, Thanos story)
Rigel-76 (Rimworld R-76, Avengers Infinity story)
Rigellian Colony World#827 (Sundragon story)
Rimworld R-76 (Rigel-76)
ristorante (Tamora, Sicily)
River of Darkness (Hyborian Era)
River Lethe (Hades)
Riverdale (Barnaby Wade's hometown)
River Drive of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Robot X's factory (used to build army)
Rock of Reality-8116 (Tortorelzor; Instrumentrality mining planet)
Rocket's cell (prison planet Devin-9)
Rockhenge (Druids, place of worship in England)
Rocky Mountains Hideaway (First Line HQ)
Roger Koning's attic (where he used the stolen time travel device)
room of lights (used against Shadow Man)
room of tomes (Count Abyss' stronghold)
Rothchild's observatory (accidental target of Ashema)
Rotruvia (European nation, annexed to Latveria after economy ruined by Dr. Doom) - by Proto-Man
Route 66 Burger (diner)
Roxxon Oil Tower#25 (former Roxxon oil rig) - by Proto-Man
Royal Palace of Studduj (Death's Head (FPA) story)
royal palace of the Ebondy Dynasty of Kelbaza (Throll's castle, Conan story)
R'Ralmis (planet, Star-Lord)
Ruby Valley Discotheque Au Go-Go of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck story)
Rudyarda (South African nation, Rock Python's home country) - by Proto-Man
ruins (Zukara's former empire, Chane story)
Rule 63 domain (Battleworld domain comprised of Earth-19250 remnants) - by HBK123
Ruling base (Land of the Golden Star, Thor story)
Rumika (island, Master Form)
The Runway Bar of Earth-21766 (NYC bar owned/operated by Tony)
Ruritania (European country, X-Men story) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Rus (planet, Possessor base)
Rutland, Vermont (US city, famous for its Halloween parade) - by SQUEAK
Ryas (planet of the Druffs, Silver Surfer/Adam Warlock stories)
Rylek (xt planet, has prison guarded by beings resembling floating bags of water)
Rylon-7 (xt planet)
Sa'ar City of Reality-21394 (xt, city on Kiasho, Swords of the Swashbucklers story)
Sacniaa (reality-17515 planet @ 7215 AD) - by Proto-Man
Safe Refuge (runaway shelter)
S'Ahra Sharn (K'un-Lun twin city)
St. Gabriel Library (Vatican Library)
St. Marks Church (Thanademos)
Samarobryn (Weathermen)
Sam's Diner (1943 restaurant, near Eben Stafford's Rocky Mountains base)
Sam's Snax (Kool-Aid Man story)
Sam's Used Ship Lot (Gullish Yar, sold ship to Obliterator)
Sanctuary of Earth-8410 (Midnight Wreckers)
Sanctum Sanctorum of Lem-691 (31st century, Krugarr's headquarter)
Sandomar II (location of a Kree base, Kree planet; Silver Surfer stories) - by Donald Campbell
Sandomar IV (location of a Kree base, Kree planet; Silver Surfer stories)
San Gabriel Archives (Vatican Library)
Santa Claus' workshop (North Pole, Howard the Duck story)
Santa Marceau Cathedral (Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance)
Santomon Campus (accidentally created giant bees, Kid Kaiju story)
Sarak's home (Savage Land, Tongah's village)
Sarka of Reality-691 (homeworld of the Sarkans, Guardians of the Galaxy stories)
Satellite galaxy NGC 205 (Galaxy NGC 205)
Saturn of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Saurian Holmes' home (Land of Leftovers, KISS story)
Savage Brands (Savage Land gift shop)
Savage Land
Scales & Tales (Beverly Switzler's would-be veterinary clinic) - by Proto-Man
Scarvix of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) stories) - by MarvellousLuke
Schamballah (Eye of Force HQ)
Science City 53 (Meatspore Stormtroopers)
scientific research facility (Shi'ar, moon Gilgrath)
Scorpius (planet of Scorpians)
Sea of Cylinders (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Season's Pleasure Palace of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Seattle, Washington of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Sector B-23 (Hydropolis location)
Sector XZ45 (Colosseum combat region)
Security Central of Reality-8116 (The Rock)
Security City (Gideon Mace)
sentient brothel (on planet Derumek)
Serpent Citadel (Serpent Society HQ)
Serpent Den (cave, original HQ of the Sons of the Serpent) - by Proto-Man
Serpent Den (later HQ of the Sons of the Serpent, abandoned TV studio) - by Proto-Man
Seven Planets of Lemne (Cloudsea dimension)
sewer maze (Stranger's Laboratory World)
shack (formerly owned by George Chomen)
Shadow City (Fantastic Four story) - by Proto-Man
Shadow Riders HQ (Shadow Riders story) - by Changeling
Sharin (Arena World)
Shattered Plains (Spartak, Microverse)
shattered planet/planetoid/moon base (xt, Mercurio the 4-D Man's base)
Shaw House (17th century, home of Hiram & Sarah Shaw in Salem, Massachusetts)
Shelter Society (Cadaver's hideout)
Shi'ar penal system (relocated to Earth during Maximum Security)
Shi'ar Throneworld of reality-93165 (destroyed by Omni-Wave Annihilator)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop (front for headquarters) - by Prime Eternal
Shock Corridor of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (superhuman prison)
Shocker's laboratory (Miss America story)
Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant of Earth-9511 (headquarters of the new Avengers)
Shortline Railroad (Swamp City)
Short Stop (becomes the Star Stop, U.S One)
shrine to Death (created by Thanos)
Shuma-Gorath's Ego Maze of Earth-666 (Center Tower)
Sidekick Coffee & More! (coffee shop visited by Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi & Brain Drain)
Sidney Land Conservative Clothiers (Wally Sidney's store, Howard the Duck story)
silvery pathway (demon realm, Black Mirror)
Simon Ryker's Long Island estate of Earth-7484 (Hellinger's base)
Sin City of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Singularity (Silver Surfer location)
Sirus X (Sirusite race, Adam Warlock characters)
66 Beta Tau (Kree colony, War of Kings)
Skartaris of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
"skeleton village" (pocket dimension village housing skeletal predators, steed & dragons)
Skifflefuffula (xt planet, home planet of the Skifflefuffles)
Sky Station 14-R (Rigellian satellite orbiting Rigel-3)
Slade Mansion (Monster of the Moors)
Slade's African Artifacts Store (Patrick Slade)
Sligguth's lair (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Slorioth's tabernacle (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Smith's Diner (Los Angeles restaurant) - by Proto-Man
Sof (planet orbiting Sirius)
Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane (Avengers story) - by Dragynwulf
Soup thOr Salad (Avengers Island restaurant)
Souqlon (xt planet where the only rule is no stealing)
space city (space disco satellite)
space disco satellite (KISS story)
space habitat (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Space Needle of Earth-7484 (Seattle, Washington, Deathlok story)
spaceport of Earth-81165 (Emmanuel Cody's world)
spaceport of Reality-80324 (Titan, Paradox story)
spaceport (Godthab Omega location)
spaceship graveyard (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Space Station Web (interstellar Kree outpost) - by Donald Campbell & Snood
Space Terminal of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Spago's (Los Angeles restaurant)
Sparkitron (home planet of the Sparkitects)
Sparta of Reality-791 (Star-Lord stories) - Donald Campbell
Spartak (Microverse world, Acroyears' world) - by Loki
"Special Facility" of Earth-88194 (Mount Weather, Merchants base)
Sphere (Microverse planet)
Spiral Tower (Annwn, Red Lord & Bane base)
Spotlight Costumes (created Thunderstrike's costume) - by Prime Eternal
Squadron City home of Earth-712 (Arcanna & Philip Jones home)
Srenesk (xt, Omega the Unknown stories)
Sszardil (xt planet, Sssth race)
Stacy's of Earth-91918 (bar, owned by George Stacy)
Stafford's library (Men on the Wall)
staircases in the clouds (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Star Chamber (Magistrati HQ)
Starcore Command (Starcore control facility)
Stark Assembly and Manufacturing (Great Lakes Avengers HQ)
Starker Image (Twin Palms Mall Starktech store) - by Proto-Man
Starkesboro (town in Massachusetts, Doctor Strange/Captain America/Secret Defenders stories)
Starkiln property of Bovric (Starlord story)
Stark Rivers of Earth-41252 (Iron Avengers' Tokyo, Japan headquarters)
Star Stop (Intergalactic diner, U.S One)
star that Thanos killed (destroyed by Stellar Projector)
Statue of Liberty of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Stiffany's Jewelry (jewelry store robbed by the Ultra Violet Man)
Stone Hive of Thryheim (home of Flying Trolls of Thryheim)
Stone Palace of Spartak (Microverse, Spartak)
Stormking (planet, Monark Starstalker reality)
Stranger's citadel in a city (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Stranger's citadel in a rocky desert (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Stranger's Laboratory/Prison World (alien planet used by Stranger as a lab)
Stronghold of Ultraverse (Exiles' base)
Studduj of Earth-5555 (xt planet, Death's Head (FPA) story) - by MarvellousLuke
Stygian Casino (Earthly entrance to Hades where souls gamble for resurrection) - by Proto-Man
Sub-galaxy NGC 205 (Galaxy NGC 205)
Sub-Level #9 of Reality-8116 (The Rock)
Substratum (underground lab of Hordeculture) - by Proto-Man
subterranean cavern (home of "Creatures from the Bottomless Pit")
subterranean roads of Earth-81165 (Emmanuel Cody's world)
subterranean sanctuary (Deneb IV, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) story)
Suicide Park of Earth-7484 (Central Park, Deathlok story)
Suicide Street of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Sunshine City (Fantastic Four story) - by Proto-Man
Sunshine Nursing (NYC nursing home) - by Proto-Man
Super Town of Reality-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Susan Storm Camp for Girls' Leadership (summer camp founded by Invisible Woman) - by Proto-Man
Swamp City (Kong Lomerate, Howard the Duck story)
swamp/marshland (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Swampland of Terror (Africa, Lorna territory) - by Ron Fredricks
Swamp of Fears (Mindscape)
Swampworld (Badoon Sisterhood)
Sweet Smell of Success Beanery of Earth-78423 (Tillie Bunt's diner, Howard the Duck story)
Swiss Chalet (Veronica von Frankenstein home)
Sylos VII (Microverse planet)
Sygygy's abode of Reality-8116 (Mist Valley, planet Caldor, Dreadstar story)
T-Mart (Minnesota store destroyed by Arnie Lundberg)
Tamal (Cotati planet) - by Proto-Man
Tamarata (planet destroyed by Champion (Tryco Slatterus))
Tamojoran of Reality-9602 (Amalgam Univers)
Tamora (Sicilian town circa early 20th century; Vampire Tales story)
Tarakar (Skrull planet) - by Donald Campbell
Tarantula's cavern (Lance Brant story)
Tarsis (Kree planet consumed by Galactus) - by Donald Campbell
Tau Ceti IV (xt planet, former Kree and Badoon base)
Tau Sceptre (Kree planet, War of Kings story)
tavern (1465, Dracula story)
tavern (Tamora, Sicily)
Telegraph Hill office (Dr. Nicola Bradley's office)
temple (demon realm, Black Mirror)
temple (location on the planet M'Hass)
temple of Ultraverse (Prime "race" world)
Temple at the Ridge of Four Hells (Kaiwann)
Temple of Balthakk (Inferno)
Temple of Contemplation of Earth-712 (Professor Imam)
temple (demon realm, Black Mirrors)
Temple of Farallah (Carnivore)
Temple of Genetics of Femizonia
Temple of Ibis (Nest of Sacred Ibis (Thoth) )
Temple of Judgment (Proselytes/red sect)
Temple of Lai-Son (home of the People of the Sea)
Temple of Light (Lord of Light's temple)
Temple of Raggadorr (Stonecutter) or here
Temple of Tangkor Marat (Northern Sect)
Temple of Tangkor Marat (Southern Sect)
Temple of the Archsisterhood (Ganymede/Persphone)
Temple of the Coven (Coven)
temple of the "God of the Druff" (Ryas, Adam Warlock story)
Temple of the Harvesters of Eyes (Vera Gemini's base)
Temple of the Oracle (Oracle Adventures)
Temple of the Order of the Hellfire Serpent
Temple of the Rat (Hyborian, sorcerer home)
Temple of the Rock (Microverse, Spartak)
Temple of the Spider (Spider-People, Spider-Man/Devil-Slayer story)
Temple of the Sun (Contraxia)
Temple of the Sun (Koma Koi, Kayla)
Temple of the Toad (Toad God)
Temple of the "Wise Ones"
Temple of the Yeti people (Himalayan mountains, Man-Thing)
Temple of Toth (Thor: Blood Oath)
Temple of Tirod (Spider-Man robot)
Temple of Valtorr (Decay)
Temple to Garnok Rebbahn (Elowan planet)
Templeworld (Soul Survivors)
Temporal Research Center of Earth-700 (Tranquility City)
Tennessee Avenue (Swamp City)
Tent Town (Dynamo City)
Termagent & Megaira's quarters (Colosseum location)
Terra of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
That's a Spicy Wolverine (Brooklyn pizza shop)
Theater of Genetics (birthplace of Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Themyscira of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
37th Floogsbury (Shi'ar colony planet K'rii-DJ)
Thordalio (xt planet, Rocket Raccoon story)
Thrace of Reality-791 (xt, planet Sparta continent)
3 Mice's Slices of Earth-8311 (pizza parlor ran by anthropomorphic mice) - by Proto-Man
Thuvria (xt planet, home of the Thuvrians)
Tilnast star system of Reality-691 (Sarka planetary system, Guardians of the Galaxy stories)
Tiamat (Mars' sister planet)
Time Bubble (Avengers and Fantastic Four stories)
Time Capsule of Earth-9511 (mini-museum of humanity housed inside a bunker)
Time Station 3 (Anderson house, used by Darek)
Times Square of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
"Timestream" (Conan story)
Tinas IV (xt planet, S.W.O.R.D. story)
Tiran (xt planet, home of the Tirenians)
Tirenus (location on the planet Tiran)
Titan of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Titanic Motors factory (1950s, Luther Worthington's corporation)
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tomb of Orion of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Tomb of the Living (City of Sickles, utilized by Kulan Gath) - by Proto-Man
Tomb of the Pharao (Ra the Avenger, Captain America story)
Tomriv (Nuwali planet)
Torranna (pre-Cataclysmic city)
Tortorelzor of Reality-8116 (The Rock; Instrumentrality mining planet)
torture chamber (Dragon-Men of Ligra, Jago's castle)
torture chamber (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
tower of reality-8116 (Dread Veil plane, home of Taurus Killgaren)
Tower ("Omniversal Transmitter", Colosseum)
tower of Earth-29449 (Earth of Two Suns, aspect of Excalibur's lighttower)
Tower of Death of Earth-78411 (Dinosaur World, Swarmers)
Tower of Karlk (Kelbaza, Conan story)
Tower of Life (xt, Mekkan structure, built by Maarin)
Tower of the Elephant (built by Yag-Kosha)
Tower of Power (Kong Lomerate, Swamp City)
Tower of Tartarus (Armechadon)
Tower of the Sun (Olympian location, Thing/Olympians story)
Tower of Time (Bermuda Triangle)
Tower That Crosses Time of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, Kylun's homeworld)
town of Reality-56150 (ca. 2976 A.D. Mars; home to mentally-powered hominid-like race)
town hotel (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
town library (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
traders' world (planet, Bishop/Deathbird story)
Traffic Control Central of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Tranquility City of Earth-700 (Moon city @ 22nd century) - by Norvo
Treasure-Crypt of Lanjau (Conan story)
"Tree of Immortality" of reality-14116 (K'un-Lun, bears fruits of immortality)
Triune Understanding World Headquarters & Resource Center (Calleyville, TX HQ) - by Proto-Man
Tronik (xt planet, Starjammers story)
Tsomnaia of Reality-928 (xt planet, ca. 2099)
Tua (traders' world city)
Tuckett Inn (OK Space Station)
Tu's (traders' world location)
23rd Street Subway Station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Twilight Well (Kartag, Norns/Fates)
Twin Palms Mall (California mall where a mall Santa was murdered) - by Proto-Man
"Twinkle Planet" of Reality-8417 (created by "Doughy Boy")
Tyanna (planet of the Tyannans)
Tyrk's Sky Castle (Arisen Tyrk)
Tyroc of Universe-7711 (Lyissa's base, Hulk story)
Tzerama (Hyborian era, Novum Terra citadel)
U-235 (planet, Deadpool story)
Ualu the Watcher's base (Quasar story)
Ukuaji Cliff (Wakandan training area of the Dora Milaje) - by Proto-Man
Ultimate Burgifier (Avengers Island restaurant)
Ultraforce's headquarters-Headless Cross of Ultraverse
Underground Railroad (Bagmom)
"undersea cavern" (1950s, Marineland Exhibit)
undersea city ("Xenarthrans")
undersea mountain (hidden entry to Aquaticans' city, Doctor Druid story)
Undersea Throne Room of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
underwater city (Alethea's home, 1950s)
unidentified American city (visited by Makka, Strange Tales)
unidentified bar (Gullish Yar, visited by Obliterator)
unidentified black market meat storehouse of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
unidentified city of unidentified reality @ 2055 AD (visited by Ed Evans)
unidentified city of Earth-45968 @ 2010 AD (alternate reality, Willy Phelps)
unidentified florist shop (1940s, Peddler of Doom base)
unidentified landmass (Odd Dimension, home of Tippi Canoe)
unidentified planet (Elowan race)
unidentified planet (P'qui race, Venom (Thompson) story)
unidentified planet(oid) (Negative Zone)
unidentified planet with crystals (briefly visited by Die-Cut)
unidentified planet(s) of Reality-6966 (home to giant savages, Silver Surfer story)
unidentified Skrull planet (ruled by Gorth)
unidentified space station (Man on the Wall story)
unidentified subterranean city (discovered by "Men in the Mole")
unidentified subterranean city (home of Insect Man)
unidentified temple (Negative Zone, attacked by N-Explorers)
unidentified Texas prison of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (superhuman prison, Warden Fisk)
Up NYC store (upscale shoe store visited by Miles Morales) - by Proto-Man
Uranus of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Urrulu (planet, Deadpool story)
Ursa Micronia (visited by Giant from Outer Space of Earth-59594)
Ursa Volans (xt planet, dominated by domed city of Regulus)
Urthona's temple (planet Gevaltu location)
Ur-Xanarrh (Conan era, home of Man-Bats)
US Capitol Building of Earth-7484 (Washington DC, Deathlok story)
Uuex (xt planet, home to Cora and her family, Venom (Flash Thompson) story)
Va of Earth-928 (xt, Eldrites homeworld, Doom 2099 story)
valley of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
Valley of Broken Stones (above Worm's lair, Niord story)
Valley of Diamonds (Mole Man's kingdom) - by Prime Eternal
Venesia (Swampworld)
Vaults of Forbidden Knowledge (Orgolhuin/Black Museum)
Venus of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Vera Croce (Italy, Gemini base)
Vermont Avenue (Swamp City)
viewing room (Count Abyss' stronghold)
villa (Dr. Benway's clinic in New Mexico)
village of Tara Sidth Alarune (Conan story)
Village of Reality-8116 (the People, planet Caldor)
Visionary Productions of Ultraverse
vivisection chamber (Stranger's Laboratory World)
Vnish Battle Platforms of Reality-791 (Carina Prime)
volcanoes of Bwokk (Ronan the Accuser story)
volcanoes of Tamarata (eruption caused by Champion (Tryco Slatterus))
Volcano Island (video game, Howard the Duck)
Voort-3 (extraterrestrial planet)
Vulture's roost (WW2, Captain America story)
Wacky Warehouse (Kool-Aid Man stories)
Waffle X Program (Avengers Island restaurant)
Wai Desert (Angargal desert) - by Proto-Man
waiting line (Oracle Adventures)
waiting room (Power Broker Inc.)
Wall Street Club (New York Financial District elite club with ancient beings as members) - by Proto-Man
Warkalla (city on the planet Tiran)
"Warnlin" of Universe-7711 (planet, Hulk story)
Warworld (Darbia)
Washington of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (formerly the District of Columbia)
Washington DC of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Waterfall of Watoomb (Tempest)
waterfront house (place where Spook drowned)
Watergate (Olympian location, Thing/Olympians story)
Waterhouse Electronics (South Bronx electronics repair store)
Watuna (volcanic island, Rommbu's demise)
Well at the Center of Time (Nightcrawler)
Well at World's End (Twilight Well)
Well of Life (on planet Bastian)
Whiskey Cave (Woodlawn Heights, New York bar)
Whispering Wells (town, Pariah)
White House of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (relocated to District of New York)
Wildtime Records (Minnesota record store, destroyed by Arnie Lundberg)
William Turner's family home (Mindworm, Spider-Man story)
Windhölme of Reality-791 (planet, Star-Lord story)
Witch House (Dagoth and Kathulos)
Witch Queen's tomb (Giza, Egypt)
Witch-World of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)
WMGD News (news station, Kool-Aid Man story)
WNGN of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Wolf Pit (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Wonderworld (Alden Maas' amusement park)
wooded region (Moon of Deneb IV)
Woodlands (Gul Damar Space Station)
Works (Force Works HQ) - by Proto-Man
World Computer Communications (computer science firm) - by Proto-Man
World of the Designate (homeworld of the Designate)
World of the Woods of Reality-8116 (Dreadstar story)
World Palace of Reality-791 (location on the planet Heaven)
worlds of Pennsu & Tae (Hercules/Thor story)
Wormwood (aka. Marduk, machine planet created by Annunaki)
Writer’s house (Man-Thing story)
Wundagore II (xt planet colonized by New Men)
Wundagore-3 (Counter-Earth base, Adam Warlock story)
Wy'nkar-7 (Lunatik's home planet)
Xaccus (xt planet, Soh-Larr & Ryga'a met there to battle)
Xandu (the Mystic Mountain)
Xanna's kingdom (1950s, Microverse)
Xanthimi (xt planet, pulled into its sun, X-Men story)
Xavier Institute of Earth-1012 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Xavier Institute for Higher Learning of Earth-652975 (Pryde of the X-Men cartoon)
Xavier's Playtime Fun School for Gifted Youngsters of Earth-32518 (Adorable X-Babies headquarters)
X-Building of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Xerces (planet plagued with earthquakes) - by Proto-Man
Xhoohx's city-fortress (Tunnelworld)
X-Mansion of Earth-8107 (Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, X-Men HQ)
X-Press Bar of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
X-Ranch (mutant brothel) - by MarvellousLuke
Xuthal (city, Hyborian era)
Yankee Bean Stadium (Reverend Egg Foo Yung's stadium)
Yanyoga (Serpent Men, Hyborian era)
Yashonka (weapon research facility, Captain America foes) - by Spidermay
Ye Olde Malt Shoppe (malt shop on the planet Glenbrook/Kral X)
Yeti's temple (First Line Yeti)
Yikk (location in Kree Empire)
Zanadu (the Mystic Mountain)
Zandu (the Mystic Mountain)
Zenalla of Ultraverse (Fire People)
Zenosha of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Universe)
Zero Room of Earth-88194 (Rainier Mesa, nuclear bunker)
Zero Street (Night People)
Zerotown (Night People)
Zikkurat (Great Pyramid, Ptahuacan location)
Zoma's observatory (She-Hulk story)
"Zrhaermall" (xt planet, home of "Zrhaer")
Zygotea of Reality-8116 (destroyed xt planet, home of Zygoteans)
Zygotean encampment of Reality-8116 (location on Byfrexia)
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