Creations of Stan Lee
Abominable Snowman - by Prime Eternal
Absorbatron (Leader's weapon)
Abu Ben Hakim (Dr. Strange character)
Abu Dakir (Mogul ally)
Aces Wilde (Suprema/Scarbo foe) - by Prime Eternal
Acrobat (Human Torch/Captain America foe)
Actor (Iron Man foe)
Adria (Dr. Strange foe)
Aero-Sub (Avengers vehicle, invented by Mr. Fantastic) - by John Kaminski
Agamotto (Vishanti, Doctor Strange character)
Aged Genghis (Dr. Strange character)
Agent L (HYDRA defector) - by Prime Eternal
Aggamon (Dr. Strange foe)
Agnar (King of the Eagles, Thor character)
Agnar the Fierce (Asgardian)
Agon (Inhuman king, Black Bolt & Maximus' father) - by Chadman
Air-Cars (Yashonka tech)
Aireo the Floating Man (Inhuman, Skybreaker)
Airjet-Cycle (Fantastic Four vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Alana ?? (Centaurius II, John's girlfriend)
Alethea (1950s mermaid) - by Ron Fredricks
Alibar (Mogul, Thor character)
alien champion (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
alligator (1960s, fought Monstrom)
Altarra (Solarman character) - by Grendel Prime
Amanda ?? of Earth-77013 (Blue Fly victim, Spider-Man character)
"Amazing Fantasy Boy" (Spider-Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Ambassador Jordan (US ambassador, Headline Hunter character)
Amphibian Androids (Synthoids)
Amphibion (Hulk foe)
Anderson, Dave (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Android Man (Thing foe)
Android X-4 (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Andromians (xt, Shann's foes)
Andromidian (xt, Mummex's race)
Anelle (Hulkling's mother, Avengers/Fantastic Four character) - by Chadman
Anne ?? (encountered Roc)
Anne ?? (encountered Gorgilla)
Annie ?? (college student, romance character)
Anti-Cosmic Flying Wing (used to combat cosmic Dr. Doom) - by Prime Eternal
Anti-Gravity device (Tony Stark's invention) - by Prime Eternal
Anti-Magnetic Inverter (Spider-Man invention) - by John Kaminski
Ape (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ape (Ant-Man/Wasp foe)
"ape creatures" ("Twilight World" race)
Ape Horgon (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Aquarium Security Guard (Monsters on the Prowl) - by Patrick D Ryall
Aquaticons (Dr. Druid/Droom foe) - by Ben Peberdy
archeologists (encountered Gorgilla)
Archeopian (xt, Thor characters)
Arctic city (Kallusians, Avengers story)
Ard (Kronan, part of invasion fleet to Earth alongside brother Korg) - by Proto-Man
Ardina of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Arkin the Weak (Loki's cousin, Thor foe) - by Julien Vivé
armed carts (Yashonka tech)
Artemis (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal & Will U
Arthur, Larry (Valerie's husband)
Arthur, Valerie (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
artificial mutants (created by Magneto's mutant-creating machine)
Asbestos Lady (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Asbestos Man (Human Torch foe)
Asikii (Mingo victims)
asteroid (new home of Victor Farrington)
Astran (xt, Metal Master)
Astrologer Royal (Odin ally)
Athena (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal & Will U
Atlas (Greek myth) - by Will U
atomic blast (1959, temporarily mutated gorilla)
atomic gun (caused mutation of the Weed)
atomic machine (mutated the Spider)
atomic machine (mutated Bruttu)
atomic mole machine (used by Alan Swan)
atomic research center (New Mexico research lab, mutated the Spider)
Atomic Space-Displacer (Fantastic Four device) - by John Kaminski
atomic transmitter (caused Mekano to run amok)
Atomo-Duplicator (Kang technology, used in Spider-Man robot creation)
"Attila the Hun" (a Space Phantom, Avengers foe)
Attuma (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Aunt May (Linda Brown's aunt)
auto-extensors (Operation: Artificial Powers)
Automatic Car Wash (1960s, run by con artist Rocky Baines)
Avril, Sally (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
Axel, Anton (Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by John Kaminski
Axon-Karr (Makluan) - by Prime Eternal
Baines, Rocky (1960s con artist, encountered Martian prisoner) - by Ron Fredricks
Baker, Mart (student, doped by Grizzly)
Baker, Sally (pre-modern, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Ba-Korr (warlord of Klangians)
Baldini (Exiles)
Baltag of Other Earth (Kang/Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Bank Robber Brown (criminal, Homer Ghost foe)
Barker, Carl (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future
Baron Hugo (Romanian mayor, Fantastic Four ally) - by Proto-Man
Baron Zemo (Heinrich, 12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Baroness (Heike Zemo)
Barracuda (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Barracuda (Captain Barracuda)
Barton, Lucy (Living Laser's ex-girlfriend) - by Prime Eternal
Barton, Sally (Brute That Walks' lover)
Barton, Whitey (Daredevil character)
"Bast" (encountered by Miles Keston) - probably
The Bat (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Battling Jack" Murdock (Daredevil's father)
Baxter, Joe (Ozamm foe)
Baxter, Mr. (Gigantus foe)
Baxu (Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Beast-Man (werewolf, vampires foe)
Beast-Men of Earth-715 (Femizons foes)
Beatles Imposters (Human Torch/Thing foes) - by Prime Eternal
Beaver Division (HYDRA)
Beehive (Enclave)
Beeper Dogs (Yashonka tech)
Beepie (Solarman's robot) - by Grendel Prime
Behemoth (android, Namor foe)
Behemoth puppet (controlled Atlantean Behemoth android, Puppet Master creation)
Ben ?? (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Benedict, Laird (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future
Bennett, Beverly (romance character, model) - by Grendel Prime
Bennett, Douglas (art critic, romance character)
Benson, Anne (Bruttu's lover)
Benson, Biggie (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Benson, Blade (Circus of Crime)
Bentley (Simon Drudd's partner)
Bentley, Charles (X, the Thing That Lived creator)
Bentley, Clive (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Bentley, John (Tales to Astonish time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Bentley, Victoria (Doctor Strange/Black Knight character) - by Clay Jodee
Bernard the Poet (X-Men character) - by Chadman
Beta-Gun (handheld weapon used by Kree Sentry#9168)
Betatron Bomb (HYDRA weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Big Joe (criminal organizer, Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Big Joe (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Big Monk McGak (encountered Mister Zero)
Big Rock (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)
Big-Time of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Big Turk (Kingpin's gang, Spider-Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bill ?? (U.S. Army, Space Phantom victim)
Bill ?? (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Billings (met Willis Striker)
Billy ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Bimmu of Reality-63157 (Tales of Suspense story)
Birchwood, Miriam (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Black Feather (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Black Knight (Nathan Garrett, Masters of Evil) - by Norvo
Black Knight (Merlin construct)
Black Book of Bast (used by Miles Keston) - possibly
Black Panther's Engagement Party (Marvel Swimsuit Special event) - by Proto-Man
Blackjack (Old West gambler) - by Ron Fredricks
Black Witch (1950s, Homer Ghost/Zelda foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blade Benson (Circus of Crime)
Blake (pre-FF character)
Blake, Dunstan (1950s Explorers Club, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Blake, Joe (Wyatt Earp ally) - by Grendel Prime
Blastaar of Earth-78909 (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Blips (Electrical beings) - by Prime Eternal
Blitzkrieg Squad (Baron Strucker's team, Howling Commandos' counterparts) - by Prime Eternal
Blue Fly of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Blythe, Jennifer (Jo's sister)
Blythe, Jo (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Bobby ?? (encountered Monster in the Iron Mask)
Bobby ?? (1960s, poor child, owned robot teddy bear)
Bobkins, Mary (Tommy Jr.'s future wife)
Bobkins, Tommy Sr. (Tommy Jr.'s father)
Bobkins, Tommy Jr. (1960s, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Bobkins, Tommy III (Tommy Jr.'s future son)
body cell analyzer (part of mutant-creating machine)
Bog Beast (xt monster, Tales to Astonish) - by Chadman
Bogg, Hugo (encountered Ice-Monster)
bolo-cable launchers (used by Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
Bombu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter - unconfirmed
Bones (Bones 'n Bailey Circus)
Bones 'n Bailey Circus (circus owned by Human Torch's cousin) - by Proto-Man
Bongo (1950s mutated gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Bongo Brothers (convict brothers, Homer Ghost characters)
Bootblack (1960s angel, punished Simon Sledge)
Boothroyd (S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons supplier) - by Prime Eternal
Borden, Hawk (Old West gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime
Borden, Jim (Old West, Utah Kid's half-brother)
Borden, Joe (1950s spy) - by John Kaminski
Borers (Negative Zone)
Borgo ("Frankensurfer")
Boris (Doctor Doom's aide, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Boss (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Boss Barker (Fantastic Four foe, Skrulls of Kral)
Boswell (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bouncing Ball of Doom (Mad Thinker weapon) - by Prime Eternal
The Brain (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
Brain Beam (Sagittarian mind scanner)
Brainosaur (Tony Stark's bomb defuser) - by Prime Eternal
Bragg, Ben (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Brandon, Arthur (romance character)
Brant, Eleonore (Betty Brant's mother) - by G Morrow
Brass Button Kid (Old West gunfighter) - by Grendel Prime
Breathing Potion (Kree life support medication) - by Donald Campbell
Brenner, Wolfgang (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Brett, John (2062 A.D. Earth robot, used against Pildorr the Plunderer)
Brewster, Tom (Daredevil character)
Briggs, Foxy (Spider-Man foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Briggs, Tony (preteen boy, assisted in creation of Mechano)
Brimer (King of Storm Giants, Odin foe)
Brinkley, Chet (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Brok the Crusher (Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Brona (Enchanters)
Brother Joshua (Miracle Man)
Brother Royal (Badoon) - by Darc_Light, Stunner, Kyle Smith & Prime Eternal
Brown, Bennington (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Brown, Linda (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Bruce Banner's Robot (created for Thunderbolt Ross) - by Prime Eternal
Bruno ?? (William Cartwright's bodyguard)
Brunt, Dan (Old West sheriff)
Brute That Walks (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
Bruto the Strong Man (Bruce Olafsen, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Bruttu (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
Bryant, Jane (1950s subterranean, nurse) - by Ron Fredricks
Bull (Captain America foe)
Bull Brogin (Terrible Trio)
Bulldozer (Captain America foe)
Bullet-Proof Man (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Bunyan, Paul" (a Space Phantom, Immortus servant)
Burglar (Ben Parker's murderer, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Buri (Tiwaz)
Burke, Anne (Henry Burke's wife, Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Henry (Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Thomas (scientist, Henry Burke ancestor)
Burke, Walter (engineer, haunted former employer) - by Ron Fredricks
Burton (encountered Zog)
Cabbie (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Cadavus, Franz (Exiles)
Dr. Caldwell of Earth-50136 (28th century, invented indestructible metal) - by Chadman
Camel Division (HYDRA)
Cancrius III (homeworld of the Kigor)
Candell, Colton of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Candell, Elyna (Colton's sister)
Candell, Irene (Colton's niece)
Cantor, Vera (Beast (Henry McCoy) girlfriend) - by Chadman
Captain (Stone Men)
Captain America imposter (Acrobat)
Captain America imposters (would-be fill-ins) - by Prime Eternal
Captain America imposter (Sons of the Serpent)
Captain Barracuda (Human Torch foe)
Captain Fong (Dr. Octopus foe)
"Captain W" (FOOM, Super-Hero ally)
Captivator of Earth-6676 (25th century robot)
car/spaceship (Martian prison transport, taken by Rocky Baines)
Carelius (king, father of Ravonna) - by Prime Eternal
Carl ?? of alternate Earth (2050, colleague of Derek Welles)
Carla ?? (wife of Ralph, Ka-Zar foe)
Carol ?? (1960s, owned Teddy)
Carson's Carnival of Traveling Wonders (Hawkeye's original carnival) - by Proto-Man
Carstairs, Gloria (encountered Mummy, Tales to Astonish)
Carter, Bobby (encountered Martian Who Stole a City)
Carter, Charleton (Mr. Doll victim, Iron Man character)
Carter, Dan (Two-Gun Kid character)
Carter, John (Torr foe)
Carter, Professor (Krang foe)
Carter, Robert (encountered the Spider)
Carter, Tad (pre-modern era, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Carter, Wade (Old West gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime
Cartwright (General Electronics executive)
Cartwright, John (Titan foe)
Cartwright, Victor (Dragoom foe)
Cartwright, Victor (Lizard Men foe)
Cartwright, William (alien Four-Armed Men foe)
Casey, Pat (WWII era friend of Black Marvel (Dan Lyons))
Cassidy Crystals (Fear Itself GN)
Cat (aka Prowler, Spider-Man foe)
Cathode Gloves (Count Tagar's weapons)
Cathy ?? (discovered "Twilight World")
cat-man (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Cave of Ages (Mangog's prison)
centrifugal force ray (Tony stark invention, used against Crusher)
Cerberus (Hellhound) - by Prime Eternal & Will U
Charles Xavier's Explorer Wheelchair (tank-tread wheelchair) - by Prime Eternal
Charlie ?? (Gigantus foe)
Charlie ?? (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Charlie ?? (Teen Brigade)
Charlie ?? (Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
Charlie ?? (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Charlie ?? (Unus foe)
Charlie ?? (police officer, Daredevil story) - by Chadman
Chase, Barbara (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Chen, Hu (Black Widow foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Chicken Hawk" (FOOM, Super-Hero ally)
Chip ?? (encountered "Speed Demon")
Cho ?? (Hu Sak's brother)
Chris ?? (Beetle enemy)
Christmas tree (set up by Monsters on Mercury)
Chuda (Replicus creator)
C.I.A. Agents of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Cicero, Caesar (Maggia criminal attorney, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Circlet of Power (Solarman's source of power)
Circus of Crime (Kid Colt foes) - by Prime Eternal
Circus of Crime (general troublemakers) - by Chadman
Citadel of Science (Enclave)
Clayton, Adam (Strange Tales)
Clayville Chapter of the Mr. Fantastic Fan Club (Fantastic Four characters) - by Norvo
Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Clem ?? (Raven victim, Old West)
Clown (Eliot Franklin, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Clown-9 (newspaper strip, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Coaxer (SHIELD technology) - by John Kaminski
Cobalt Bomb (nearly used by Doomsday Man)
Cobalt Ray Weapon (Tony Stark invention) - by John Kaminski
Cobbwell, Professor (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Cobra (Klaus Voorhees, Serpent Society leader) - by Chadman
Cockroach of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe)
Cody, Ace (criminal carnival owner, Old West)
Cohen, Isadore "Izzy" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Cohen, Irving (Izzy's father)
Cohen, Selma (Izzy's mother)
cold ray(s) of Earth-6212 (Fifth Dimension, used against Human Torch)
Collin, Derk (first mate of the Space Queen)
Collins, Josh (cursed Bob Lane and others)
Collins, Matt (shot by Waldo Forrest)
Collins, Walter (Fantastic Four's landlord) - by Prime Eternal
Colombo, Nick (romance character, musician)
Colonel Kuro Chin (SHIELD)
Colonel Hendershoot (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Colossus (super-computer) - by Prime Eternal
Colossus (Mingo foe)
Colossus (Ant-Man/Wasp foe)
commandant (Communist leader, Hulk foe)
Commissar (Avengers foe)
Compeller Beam (Rigellian technology, Thor story)
Comrade X (Ant-Man foe)
Conrad, Lewis (Taboo foe)
control panel (used to control "Isaac Nicholson's" robot teddy bear)
Cooper, Dan (Keeper foe)
Cooper, Fred (Lizard Men foe)
Corbett, Captain (Circus of Crime)
Cord, Jeff (1950s, spelunker who lived in subterranean city for awhile) - by Ron Fredricks
Cosgrove of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Cosmic Cube (later evolved into Kubik) - by Proto-Man
Cosmic Power Siphon Harness (device of Dr. Doom) - by Prime Eternal
Cosmos, B.J. (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
Count Bornag Royale (SHIELD foe) - by Spidermay
Count Nefaria (Luchino Nefaria, Avengers/Iron Man foe) - by Norvo
Count Tagar (New Men/New Immortals) - by Prime Eternal
Count Varron (1950s, Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe) - by Grendel Prime
couple (Wax People)
court (banished Victor Farrington)
Craddock, H. Warren imposter (Skrull)
Cragg, Silas X. (Captain America foe)
Cramm (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Creature From the Black Bog (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
Creature from Krangro (alien invader) - by Prime Eternal
Creature from Kosmos (Pilai, extraterrestrial criminal, Ant-Man & Wasp foe)
Creatures from Krogarr (Tales to Astonish) - by Prime Eternal
Creyton house (abandoned, used by Walter Phelps)
Crime-Master (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Crimson Circle of Cyttorak (magic spell) - by MarvellousLuke
Crimson Crystals of Cyttorak (magic spell) - by MarvellousLuke
Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko, creator of the armor) - by Prime Eternal
Crimson Dynamo (Boris Turgenov, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cro ("Twilight World" inhabitant)
Crusher (Hades, Thor foe)
Crusher (Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Crusher Hogan (Spider-Man character)
Crypto-Man (Thor foe)
Cult of the Living Pharao (X-Men foes)
Cummings, Diane (It's Amazing Crew, It the Living Colossus character) - by Prime Eternal
Cummings, John (Dimension of Doom)
Cyborg (Captain America character)
Cyclops (Ant-Man foe)
Cyclops (Fantastic Four foe)
Cyttorak (demon) - by Per Degaton
Dakkamites (aliens)
Dakota Kid (Frank Yarrow, Old West sheriff) - by Grendel Prime
Dallas Kid (Old West hero) - by John Kaminski
Dancer, Ben (Two-Gun Kid's mentor) - by John Kaminski
Dane, Elias (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
Dangerous Dan (fugitive, Homer Ghost character)
Daniels, Norman (dated Judy Parker)
Darkhold (Book of Sins) - by Patrick D Ryall & Snood
Davis (Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow
Dawes, Harry (encountered Stone Men)
Daydra (Sagittarian, Hulk character)
Dayton, Beverly (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Dean Smith (Daredevil character)
Death-Stalker (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
decoy spaceship (found by Harry Grubb)
Deimosans (Journey into Mystery characters)
Deltonians (Mingo victims)
Demon (Demonicus)
Demon (Thor foe)
Demon of the Diamonds (Namor character)
Demon of the Mask (Dr. Strange foe)
Demonicus (Dr. Strange foe)
Demon-Riders (Mogul, Thor characters)
De Montfort (6th century, Black Knight (Sir Percy) character) - by Markus Raymond
Dempsey (High Evolutionary's first New Man) - by John Kaminski
Denak (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Denbrow, Pete (Old West, Dakota Kid (Yarrow) foe)
Dent, Hal (Wyoming Kid, Old West character) - by Grendel Prime
Dernier, Jacques (French resistance, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
Destroyer (Human Torch foe)
Destructon (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Deth (xt planet, Ozak's homeworld)
Dethan (metamorphs, Ozak's race)
Diablo (smoke creature, Fifth Dimension) - by Prime Eternal
diamond (Superius Rexian bait, stolen by Dunstan Blake)
Diamond Head (Rocky the Lynx, Captain America foe)
Diamonds of Doom (Namor story)
Diane ?? (encountered Pan)
Dimension of Doom - by Ben Penberdy
Dimension of Raggadorr (magical realm, Doctor Strange stories) - by Spidermay
Dimension Transporter Helmets (Slaveworld)
Dimension Z (home of Living Eraser)
dimetrodon ("Twilight World")
Dionysus (Olympian god) - by Alex K & Prime Eternal
Disciple of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
"disintegrating gun" (fake weapon used by Protector (Gerald Marsh)
Disintegrator (Blue City on the Moon) - by Prime Eternal
disintegrator ray (Tony Stark invention)
Disruptor (Spider-Man foe)
dissolving spray (Crimson Dynamo (Turgenov) weapon)
Doc Draggett (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Anton (Avengers character)
Dr. Brimm (1950s, killed by Jane Bryant)
Dr. Danger (Kid Colt foe)
Doctor Doom (mad scientist, Homer Ghost foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Doom Hologram (Solarman foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Doom's Killer Robots (Fantastic Four foes) - by Prime Eternal
Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid, former Avenger...first super hero of the Marvel Age) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Ecstasy (Night Cat foe)
Dr. Konda (encountered Norton Dunlap)
Doctor Molinari (Invisible Woman's obstetrician) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Ryder (SHIELD traitor)
Dr. Schwanig (Dr. Doom's scientist)
"Dr. Shrinker" (Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Sinn (magic user, Imp foe)
Doctor Strange (Iron Man foe)
Dr. Svenson (doctor, Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Van Eyck (scientist)
Dr. Warren (Dr. Strange character)
Dr. Yen (Black Widow's brainwasher) - by Prime Eternal
Dolly (xt child, 1960s Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Don Blake's Android (creation of Don Blake(?))
Donkleburro (xt, Martians pets, Homer Ghost story)
Doombots (Servo-Guard)
Doomsday Man (Silver Surfer/Ms. Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Dorrek VII (Skrull emperor, Avengers/Fantastic Four foe) - by Chadman
Drago, Bull (convict, Totem foe)
Dragoom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Drake, Chance (Old West saloon owner) - by Grendel Prime
Drake, Martin (photographer, romance character)
"Drakos" (Shazana's homeworld)
Dredmund Druid (Captain America/Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Drenkov, Igor (Hulk foe)
Drom the Spirit-Weaver (Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Droom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Drudd, Simon (pre-FF scientist) - by Madison Carter
Drug Dealer (Spider-Man foe; sold Harry Osborn drugs) - by Stunner
Dunlap, Norton (Marvel Tales charcter) - by Spidermay
Dunphy, Duke (romance character)
Duplicating Machine (Professor Zaxton)
Durok the Demolisher (Thor foe) - by Luis Dantas
Earth-7888 (Earth-M/Earth-Moebius) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier, Doc Savage & Snood
Earth-62321 (alternate future Uranus planet) - by Proto-Man
Earth-64358 (conquered by Skrang)
Earth-66381 (Tana Nile colonized Earth)
Earth-I Never Broke Into Comics (What If humour) - by Proto-Man
Earth of the 30th Century (future traveled to by Fredrick Fenton)
Earth of 3050 AD (alternate future, visited by Derek Welles)
Earth-Stan "The Man" Lee and the Blob Were Roommates (What if? world) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Stan Lee Read This Issue (What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Stan Lee Was the Writer of Ultimate Spider-Man (Wha Huh) - by Proto-Man
East Berlin communists (Giant-Man (Pym) foes)
Ecce the Watcher (Galactus character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ed ?? (London Star editor, Headline Hunter character)
Edward ?? of Earth-77013 (Blue Fly victim, Spider-Man character)
Eel (Leopold Stryke, Serpent Squad/Crime Wave/Emisarries of Evil member) - by Chadman
Egghead (Ant-Man/Avengers/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
el Dorado (hidden city)
El Tigre (X-Men/Ka-Zar foe) - by Spidermay
el Toro (Giant-Man (Pym) foe)
Elan (xt, Infant Terrible, Fantastic Four/Power Pack stories) - by Donald Campbell
Electro (50's Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Electro-Death Ray (Slaveworld)
electroni-blade (Enclave creation, used by Alicia Masters)
Electronic Mask (Fixer invention) - by John Kaminski
Electronic Mass Influencer (Xavier's device) - by Prime Eternal
Electro-Ray Barrier (Ludwig von Frankenstein creation)
electro-vibra suit (Operation: Artificial Powers)
Elektro (giant robot) - by Prime Eternal
Elliot, Hank (Old West marshal)
"El Presidente" (dictator, sought Crusher's power)
Emissaries of Evil (original version, Daredevil foes) - by Chadman
Emissaries of Overlord (Silver Surfer foes)
Emnu (Watcher)
Emotion Charger (used to disrupt Reed and Sue's wedding) - by Prime Eternal
"Encephalo-Feedback Scrambler" (Mr. Fantstic invention) - by John Kaminski
Encephalo-Gun (Fantastic Four item) - by Prime Eternal
Enchanted Rod of Wondrous Wizard Power (Mogul weapon, used by Volstagg)
Enchanters (Thor foes)
Enclave (Fantastic Four foes)
Enervation-intensifier (Tony Stark invention, neutralized Enervator effects)
Enervator (Tony Stark invention, caused Freak mutation)
Enslaver (Mrrungo-Mu, Silver Surfer foe)
Eric ?? (Lucius Farnsworth enemy)
Ernst ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
ersatz aliens (Mysterio/Tinkerer allies, Spider-Man foes)
Escape Jet (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Eternals of Eyung (alien race, Overmind's race) - by Chadman
Eternity Alarm (for Cave of Ages/Mangog's prison)
Ethel ?? (Monsteroso character)
Evans, Doris "Dorrie" (Human Torch (Johnny Storm) love interest) - by Chadman
Evans, Leslie (Groot foe)
Evil Eye (energy weapon)
"Evolution Accelerator" (xt device, used by Mr. Fantastic) - by John Kaminski
Executioner (Thor foe-- no, not that one)
Executioner (Skurge, Thor/Avengers foe)
Exiles (Captain America foes)
extraterrestrial dummy (found by Harry Grubb)
Faceless One (Dr. Doom foe)
Faceless Ones (Namor foes)
Fafnir of Nastrond (Thor foe)
Falcon Division (HYDRA)
False Face (fictional character) - by David Lawrence
Faltine (Dark Dimension race) - by Jean-Marc Lofficer
"Fang" (Unholy Three)
Fangs of Farallah (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Fantastic-Kids (young Fantastic Four fans) - by Prime Eternal
Fantasti-Copter (seldom-used FF vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
"Fantasti-Jet" (Fantastic Four vehicle) - by John Kaminski
Farnsworth, Lucius (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
Farnum, Fenton (Giant Man (Pym) character, Hidden Man victim)
Farrington, Leslie (executive, Imperial Industries International) - by Prime Eternal
Farrington, Victor (encountered Centauran)
Fatal Finnegan (wrestler, Thing foe) - by Proto-Man
Fatima (Nick Fury ally)
Fat Man (Kid Colt foe) - by Snood & Prime Eternal
Favorsham (Gregory Gideon rival)
Featherstone (wealthy man seeking immortality, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Feepers (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Fellowship of Fear (Daredevil foes) - by Chadman
Femizonia (Earth-715)
Femizons (Thundra, both versions)
fenced area of Hidden Valley (used by Morgan Yancy, Monster of the Hidden Valley)
Fenris Wolf (Asgardian monster) - by Prime Eternal
Fenton, Fredrick (Journey into Mystery time-traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Fenton, Tom (1950s, Hollywood publicist, Skull-Face victim)
Fenton Electronics (Frederick Fenton's corporation)
Fernusans (Fernius, sentient plant race) - by Grendel Prime
Fifth Dimension (home dimension of Xemu)
Fin Fang Foom (Dragon Lord, Iron Man foe) - by Madison Carter
Finisher (communist Red Skull agent)
Fireproof Natives (Human Torch foes) - by Prime Eternal
fireproof tanks of Earth-6212 (Fifth Dimension)
Fisk, Richard (Kingpin's son, Spider-Man/Captain America/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Fisk, Vanessa (Kingpin's wife)
500' Tall Humanoid (Humanoids)
flame jet suit (Operation: Artificial Powers)
Flames of the Faltine (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Fleming, Paul (encountered Mummex)
"Fletcher, Hiram" (Death foe) - by John Kaminski
Flint, Captain (one time C.O. of Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
flora of Planet X of Reality-59356 (controlled fauna via exuding neural scent)
Flying Fortress (Dr. Doom's ship) - by Prime Eternal
Flying Trolls of Thryheim (Thor foes) - by Markus Raymond
Followers (annoying devices of Dr. Doom) - by Prime Eternal
force field gun (used by Insect Man's son)
Foreman, Nancy (Jester character)
"Fork Tongue" (Unholy Three)
Forrest, Waldo (pre-FF werewolf) - by Madison Carter
Forrest, Emily (Waldo's wife)
Forsung (Enchanters)
Foster, Nan (pop music aficionado, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
"Four-armed men" (1950s subterraneans, Jane Bryant's race)
Four-Armed Men (xt, 1960s invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
"Fourth Man" (1960s, living statue) - by Ron Fredricks
Fox (Human Torch foe)
Fox (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Fox Division (HYDRA) - by Prime Eternal
Fox-People (xt, Planet-Taker Corps foes)
Frankensteins - by Prime Eternal
Franklin, Buck (Destroyer host, Thor foe) - by John Kaminski
Freak (Iron Man foe)
Fredrich ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Fredricks, Lt. General (X-Men/Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
"freeze" ray (Kallusians, Avengers story)
Frisky (distinctly non-frisky Millie the Model dog) - by Prime Eternal
Fritz ?? (Brain ally)
Fritz ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Fury, Nick LMDs (all of the pesky imitators!) - by Prime Eternal
Galactus of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier, Doc Savage & Snood
Galactus' Fantastic Four duplicates (cosmic re-creations) - by Prime Eternal
Galaxy Master (Hulk foe)
Galp of the Steel Arm (Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Gantry, Kitt (romance character, singer) - by Grendel Prime
Gargantus (1960s, carnival gorilla, encountered by Victor Phillips)
Gargantus (Iron Man foe)
Garnett, Frank (romance character)
Garth, Donna (Zombie's daughter) - by Snood & Prime Eternal
Gates, "Gunner" (captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Gaxton, Blackie (Spider-Man character)
General (Siver Surfer foe)
General Cartright (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
General Chen (Supreme Serpent) - by Prime Eternal
General Ching (Exiles)
General Chou (Yashonka)
General Fang (Hulk foe)
General Su (Dr. Octopus foe) - by Grendel Prime
General Wo (Captain America foe)
George ?? (Lucius Farnsworth's gardener)
Getz, Lyle (A.I.M., former Scientist Supreme)
Ghan (Frost Giant, Thor foe)
Ghost of Kragmoor Castle (encountered by Anton Axel)
Ghost of Midnight Mountain (Kid Cold foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ghost of Silver City (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Giant Monster of Midnight Valley (Kid Colt character) - by Prime Eternal
Giant One (Monks of the Hidden Temple)
giant white bird ("Twilight World")
Gibson, Ben (engineer, romance character)
Gideon, Amanda (Night Cat foe)
Gideon, Claire (Gregory's wife, Glorian's mother)
Gideon, Gregory (Fantastic Four foe) - by Per Degaton
Gigantans of Gigantus (alien race) - by Chadman
Giganto (Fantastic Four/Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Giganto (Atlantean monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gigantus (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gigantus (world of the Gigantans)
Gilbert, Gregson (Dragon Man creator, Fantastic Four/Power Pack character)
Gimlet (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)
Gladdings, Mark (Hollywood guy)
Gladiator (Melvin Potter, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Glob (pre-FF alien invader) - by Grendel Prime
Glob (Frank Johnson creation)
Globe of Ultimate Knowledge (Hulk/Uatu/Spider-Man stories)
Gloria ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Goddit, Paula (Human Torch (Hammond) character)
Gogo (servant of Madam Macabre)
Golden Angel (wrestler, Thing foe) - by Prime Eternal
Golden Bull (ancient artifact, Thor/Daredevil stories) - by John Kaminski
Golden People (Savage Land)
Goldplate (Homer Ghost's rich seafaring uncle)
Goliath (Gigantus)
"Goliath" (a Space Phantom, Avengers foe)
Gomdulla (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Googam (Goom's son) - by Prime Eternal
Goom (Tales of Suspense) - by Prime Eternal
Gordon, Bill (victim of the Martian Who Stole a City)
Gordon, Henry (Droom creator)
Gordon, Tom (romance character)
Gorgilla (Marvel Monster, Fin Fang Four member) - by Norvo
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
Gorgon extraterrestrial colony (Elderspawn, Journey into Mystery)
Gorilla of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
"Gorilla from Outer Space" (1960s, encountered by Mike Mullins)
Gorilla-Man (50's Avengers) - by Prime Eternal
Gorki (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Gor-Kill (Marvel Monster, Tales of Suspense) - by Madison Carter
Gorko (Tales to Astonish#55) - by the Voice of Doom
Gorlion (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gorr (Kronan, Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gottlieb, August (zombie, 1950s horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Gottlieb, Carl (August's son)
Grabber (Dr. Doom's device) - by Prime Eternal
Graham, Dr. (Thor ally) - by Prime Eternal
Grand Commissioner of Rigel (Thor character)
Granny Gardenia (Thor character)
Grant, Liz (Ronny Langdon's girlfriend)
Grant, Tim (Old West, idolized Billy the Kid) - by Grendel Prime
Grant, Vick (aspiring actress, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Granu the Prophet (1950s, Microverse)
Grappler Machine (used by Cobra and Mr. Hyde, Thor story) - by Ron Fredricks
Gravity Nullifier (Rigellian technology, Thor story)
Gray, Martin (Old West rancher)
Great Gambonnos (Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno, Circus of Crime members) - by Chadman
Great Video (Marvel Boy foe) - by Prime Eternal
green mist (dimensional portal to "Twilight World")
Green Thing (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
"Green Thing" (Fernusan)
Greer, Blackie (Old West gunfighter)
Grey, Bradley (talent agent, romance character)
Grey, George (Owl (Owlsley) foe) - by Chadman
Grizzly (Rawhide Kid/Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grizzly (AIM, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Groff of Earth-62321 (Uranian criminal) - by Proto-Man
Grogan, Gorilla (boxer, Homer Ghost character)
Grogan, Grizzly (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Grogg (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Grogoom (X-Men villain) - by Prime Eternal
Grokor (Komoks)
Groot (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Grottu (monster)
Growing Man (Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Grubb, Harry (1960s fake alien, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks
Grubb, Jason (time traveler, 1950s to Camelot) - by Ron Fredricks
Grubnik, Hans (Gor-Kill foe)
Gruesome Gus (mean man, the Imp foe)
Gruning, Eric (Exiles)
Gruto (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Gulgol (Dr. Strange character)
G'uranthic Guardian (Dark Dimension guardian) - by Prime Eternal
Guardian of the Light (High Priest of the Monks of the Hidden Temple)
Guardians of the Hidden Temple (Monks of the Hidden Temple)
Guardian Robots (Servo-Guard)
Guerilla fighters (led by Hu Sak, Thor foes)
Gullin (Boar-god)
Gulliver (encountered the Little People)
Gulliver, Lemuel (Gulliver's descendant)
Gun-Barrel Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Gun-Dance Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Gundar the Viking (Viking warrior) - by Spidermay
Gundar ?? (Viking descendant)
Gunther (Doctor Doom's tiger) - by Prime Eternal
Guy Named Joe (Spider-Man character)
Gyps (Zombie (Simon Garth) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gyro-Cruiser (Wakandan vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Haag (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Hagstone Sanitarium (1950s, insane asylum)
Haines, Lou (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Hale, Janice (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Half-Face (Iron Man foe)
Half-Man (Nick Fury foe)
Hamilton, Dr. Jerome (Enclave)
Hamir the Hermit (Dr. Strange character) - by Clay Jodee
Hammerhand of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Hammer-Hand Androids (Synthoids)
Hans ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Hanson, Bart (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Hanson, Jed (dealt with Thing That Crawled by Night)
Hanson, Joe (Creature from Krogarr foe)
Hargrove, Lewis (Red's brother)
Hargrove, Red (Nick Fury's best friend) - by Prime Eternal
Harkness, Agatha (Fantastic Four/Avengers character) - by Norvo
Harokin (Asgardian, Thor character) - by Markus Raymond
Harper, Al. B. (Silver Surfer character)
Harper, Dan (Pandora foe)
Harper, Diane (robot, Eric Krugg foe)
Harper, Hunk (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Harper, Paul (1960s, discovered "Twilight World")
Harris, Charlie (ruthless amusement park owner)
Harrison, Edward (Conspiracy) - by Prime Eternal
Hartnell, David (Stonians foe)
Hartog, Hans (encountered Kraddak)
Hate-Monger (Hitler clone-dealy-o) - by Nick, Per Degaton, Prime Eternal, Snood & others
Haunted House (House of Shadows)
Hauptmann, Gustav (Fantastic Four character)
Hawley, Evelyn (Pamela's mother)
Hawley, Pamela (Nick Fury lover)
Hawley, Peter (Pamela's father)
Head Hunters (Gorgilla characters)
Headline Hunter (journalist, Golden Age hero) - by Prime Eternal
Headstone P. Gravely (Tower of Shadows host) - by Norvo
Heat-Image Tracer (Fantastic Four device) - by Prime Eternal
Hellcat (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Hephaestus (Olympian god) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal & Will U
Hera (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K & Prime Eternal
Herrick (victim of Josh Collins' curse)
Hidden Man (Giant-Man foe)
Hidden Temple (Southeast Asia, Spider-Man story)
Higgens (chauffeur, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
High-Intensity Field Cannon (designed for commandant, Hulk story)
High Priest (encountered Gomdulla)
High Priest of the Hidden Temple (Spider-Man character)
Hijacker (Ant-Man foe)
Hippolyta (Olympian goddess) - by Will U
Hoary Hoggoth (Hoggoth)
Hodges (Imperial Industries International)
Hogarth, Professor (encountered Harry Sikes)
Hoggoth (Vishanti, mystic principality)
Homer Ghost (happy spirit, 1950s character) - by Grendel Prime
Hooded Horror (pre-FF villain) - by Madison Carter
Hopkins, George B. (creator of Mechano)
Horner (Nazi officer, Headline Hunter foe)
House of Shadows (Strange Tales)
Hover-Cycle (Fantastic Four vehicle) - by John Kaminski
"Hover Platforms" (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Howard ?? (Unholy Three victim)
Howard, Joe (romance character, dated Connie Smith)
Howard, Nick (Beverly Dayton's boyfriend) - by Grendel Prime
Howling Commandos (World War II ranger squadron) - by Prime Eternal
Hulk (Albert Poole, pre-FF character) - by Prime Eternal
Hulk Hogan (Two-Gun kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Hulk-Killer robot (Hulk foe...surprise!)
Hulk Larsen (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Humanoids (Hulk foes) - by Stunner
Human Robot (50's Avengers) - by Prime Eternal
Human Torch duplicate (Galactus' Fantastic Four duplicates)
Hungry (Heroes for Hope comic, X-Men foe) - by Madison Carter
Hunk ?? (convict, Totem foe)
Hunter (HYDRA weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Hunter, John (pre-FF character)
Hunter, Pete (John's brother)
Hurricane (Two-Gun Kid/Phantom Rider foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood
Hu Sak (Thor foe) - by John Kaminski
Hydra-Ram (HYDRA/S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Hypno-Creature (Dimension of Doom)
Hypno-Fish (Atlantean fish) - by Prime Eternal
Hypno-Gun (Maximus weapon) - by Grendel Prime
Hypno-Persuader (Dr. Doom invention, Fantastic Four stories) - by Ron Fredricks
hypno-ring of Earth-6212 (used by Valeria)
I.B.P. (S.H.I.E.L.D. jet) - by Prime Eternal
"Iceberg Alien" (visitor from the stars, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Iceberg Rocket (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
ice-guns (Kallusian weapons)
Ice-Monster (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Ice Queen (Human Torch/Thing foe)
Id Machine (Wizard invention) - by Norvo
idol (disguised Superius Rexian spaceship)
Idol of Tibo (Karl King foe)
idols of Kraa (Wabuzi tribe)
Idunn (Asgardian goddess) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Idylicans (xt race, Vulcanians foes) - by Spidermay
Ignatius, Paul (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Igron (Thor foe)
Ikonn (Dr. Strange foe) - by Spidermay
Ikor (Watcher)
Image Projector (Avengers device) - by Prime Eternal
Images of Ikonn (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Immortus (Avengers character, Kang counterpart)
Imp (tiny Golden Age fantasy character) - by Prime Eternal
"Impossible Spaceship" (1960s, Strange Tales alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Indestructible (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Infant Terrible (Fantastic Four foe)
Inferno-42 (A.I.M. weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Infra-Red Machine (Strange Tales)
inhabitants of subterranean city (1950s, encountered by Jeff Cord)
Insect Man (Marvel Monster, subterranean insectoid scientist) - by Markus Raymond
insectoid race (subterranean species)
intelligence ray (mutated Beasts of Berlin)
Inter-Continental Phone Hook-Up (Nick Fury device) - by John Kaminski
interstellar spaceship (Centaurius II, stolen by John the Changeling)
Invaders (alien race) - by Future
Invaders (Martian movie characters)
"Invaders from another world" (pre-modern, thwarted by Victor Marshall)
Invincible Man (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
ion bridge (Rigellian, Sky Station 14-R)
Ionic Inanimate Matter Converter (used by Reed Richards)
"Iron Hand" Hauptmann (Exiles)
Iron Mask (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Isle of Silence (Loki's sometime-base) - by Prime Eternal & Proto-Man
Iso-Nuclear Duplicator (Kang technology, used in Spider-Man robot creation)
It the Living Colossus duplicate (Reed Richards' Monster Duplicates)
IT, the Silent One (Sub-Mariner foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ivan ?? (black magic user, zombie creator)
Ivan (Fantastic Four foe)
Jacque ?? (encountered "Iceberg Alien")
Jacques ?? (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Janus (Fantastic Four foe)
Jenny ?? (friend of Solarman)
Jerry ?? (1950s criminal, controlled "Metal Monster")
Jester (Jonathan Powers, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Jet Paralyzer (Crimson Dynamo (Turgenov) weapon)
Jim ?? (Carol's husband, she owned Teddy)
Jinku (Lava Men)
Jinni Devil (Mogul, Thor character)
Joe ?? (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Joe ?? (police checkpoint officer, Fantastic Four character)
Joe ?? (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Joe ?? (Daredevil character)
Joe the Barber (made "Muggsy" Bogar vanish)
John ?? (encountered Roc)
John ?? (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
John ?? (Strange Tales)
John ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
John Bentley's time machine (Tales to Astonish)
John the Changeling (space traveler from Centaurius II) - by Ron Fredricks
Johnson (Daredevil character)
Johnson, Frank (Zzutak creator/foe, Fantastic Four character)
Jones, Cathy (1960s, played with xt child Dolly)
Jones, Orville (Kid Colt foe) - by Sammy7D
Jones, Ricardo (Thing imposter)
Jones, Timothy (1960s, Cathy's father, found Dolly)
Jordan (1960s ghost hunter) - by John Kaminski
Judge Lewis (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Jukes (time traveler) - by Spidermay
Juniper, Jonathan "Junior" (Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Jupiterians (Sserpo enemies)
Kaa (monster)
Kaecilius (former Minion of Mordo, Doctor Strange foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Kala (Iron Man foe) - by Norvo & Snood
Kalldin-Zo (Troxx/Enslavers)
Kallusians (alien race, Avengers foes) - by Prime Eternal
Kaluu (Doctor Strange/Mighty Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond
Kalya (servant of Madam Macabre)
Kane, Eric (time traveler) - by Spidermay
Kanga Khan (Hulk foe)
Kangaroo (Frank Oliver, Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Karlbad, Dr. (mad scientist, Ape trainer)
Karlbad, Virginia (Karlbad's daughter)
Katzenbach, Nicholas de B. (Sons of the Serpent enemy) - by Proto-Man
Kawa (African tribe, encountered Monsteroso)
Kaxton, Carl (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Keefer, Monk (Gordon Keefer, Ape-Man)
Keeper (asylum keeper) - by Prime Eternal
Keeper (A.I.M., Cosmic Cube) - by Prime Eternal
Keeper of the Comics Code (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Keeper of the Flame (el Dorado)
Keewazi Indians (Native American tribe) - by Prime Eternal & Will U
Keibler Circus (circus, one-time home of the Hulk) - by Proto-Man
Kemperer Family of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Kenojuak, Aningan (Avengers character)
Kent, Paul (romance character, university student)
Kentworth, Paul (encountered Mummy, Tales to Astonish)
Keston, Miles (pre-FF character) - probably
Kigor (xt race, non-humanoid hexapeds, It the Living Colossus associates) - by Markus Raymond
Killer Plants (Savage Land creatures) - by Chadman
"Killer Robots" (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Kim ?? (Hu Sak's sister)
King (John the Changeling's dog)
King, Karl (Tibo foe) - by Spidermay
King Arrkam of Earth-6676 (Hulk foe) - by Snood & Ron Fredricks
King Kobra (Kid Colt villain) - by Prime Eternal
King Midas (Greek myth character) - by Will U
King of Mirwood (Pearla's father)
King Vladimir (predecessor of Dr. Doom)
Klang (homeworld of Klangians)
Klangians (warlike race, stopped invasion plan of Earth) - by AvatarWarlord
Klaw (Master of Sound, Black Panther/Avengers/Fantastic Four etc. foe) - by Chadman
Knorda (Thor/Avengers/Fantastic Four character)
Koenig, Eric (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Kole, Max (drummer, cursed by Madame Grimm)
Komoks (xt, giant conquerors, Tales to Astonish) - by AvatarWarlord
Kosmosians (aliens)
Koto (Mandarin's android, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Kozlov, Miklos (Grogg foe)
Kraa (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kraal (Solarman foe) - by Grendel Prime
Kraddak (xt, Tales of Suspense) - by Spidermay
Kragg, Ben (Karl's brother)
Kragg, Karl (glory-seeking bodybuilder, Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by Grendel Prime
Krak (Night Cat foe)
Krang (giant ant) - by Prime Eternal
Krangros (Creature from Krangro, xt conquerors) - by AvatarWarlord
Krask, Kronin (Thor foe)
Krass, Roger (horror character) - by Sammy 7D
Kree Carry-All Cylinders (Kree technology, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) stories) - by Donald Campbell
Kreig, James (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Krills (xt race, pre-FF era) - by John Kaminski
Krogg (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Kronans (Thor foes) - by Prime Eternal
Kronton, Dr. (Doomsday Man creator)
Kruger, Heinz (Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Kruger, Klaus (Daredevil foe) - by Prime Eternal
Kruger, Nat (Old West bank robber, Warren Mace foe) - by Loki
Krugg, Eric (Journey into Mystery, robot creator) - by John Kaminski
Krushki (Exiles)
Kruzak, Deszo (vampire, Beast-Man victim)
Kulla (Ant-Man foe)
Kunga (1960s, Journey into Mystery alien "gorilla") - by Ron Fredricks
Kurrgo (Fantastic Four foe)
"Lady Ewe" (New Men)
Lamp of Alaeddin (Alibar)
Lamp of Lucifer (mystic item, used by Umar and Doctor Druid) - by Markus Raymond
Lane, Bob (cursed undead) - by Spidermay
Langdon, Ronny (romance character, singer) - by Grendel Prime
Langley, Billy (Mark's son)
Langley, Helen (Mark's wife)
Langley, Mark (Tales of Suspense) - by Prime Eternal
L.A.P.D. Cops of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
La Roc, Pierre (1960s criminal, encountered living statues) - by Ron Fredricks
Larrimore, Don (romance character, fashion photographer)
Larry ?? (Brain ally)
Laufey (Frost Giant king, Loki's father) - by Markus Raymond
Laura ?? (encountered Gruto)
LaValle, Artur (film director, proposed marriage to Vick Grant)
Lawson, Janet (romance character)
Lawson, Larry (Janet's brother)
Lazlo, Sigfried (artist, romance character)
Leander (1950s, lived in subterranean city, encounterd by Jeff Cord)
Leap-Frog (Daredevil character)
Lederer, Horst (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Leopard Division (HYDRA)
Leprechauns under the quicksand (Tales to Astonish characters) - by Ron Fredricks
Lifter (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Lindstrom of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Lippy Louie (Skrulls of Kral)
Lithodia Rexians (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Little People (Strange Tales characters) - by Spidermay
Live Wire (Rance Preston, Circus of Crime member/Psycho-Man agent) - by Chadman
Living Brain (Spider-Man character)
Living Eraser (Giant-Man foe)
Living Laser (Arthur Parks, Iron Man/Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Living Pharao (Ahmet Abdol, X-Men/Spider-Man/Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
Living Rock (Lava Men weapon)
Living Shadow (Warlord Kaa)
"living statues" (encountered Mike Rugger)
Living Talisman (Enchanters)
Living Totem (Rawhide Kid foe)
Living Tribunal (multiversal judge)
living wax statues (1960s, encountered by Pierre La Roc)
Lizard-Bird (Frank Johnson creation)
"Lizard-Men" (1950s, alternate Earth subterranean race)
Lizard Men (Deviants, Monster Hunter foes) - by Prime Eternal
Lizard Men of Tok (Microverse)
Locust (X-Men foe)
Lokar (Venturite leader, Tales of Suspense)
Lo-Karr (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Loko (Hidden Man's servant)
Looter (Spider-Man foe)
Lord Danvers (London Star publisher, Headline Hunter character)
Lord Ha-Ha (Howling Commandos foe)
Lord Ugarth (Xartans) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Wotonby (Nazi ally, Headline Hunter foe)
Lord Zano (Xartans) - by Prime Eternal
Lorenzo ?? (xt, loved the princess, tricked the Bog Beast)
Lorraine, Linda (romance character, Lady Fair fashion magazine editor)
Lou ?? (encountered Krills)
Louie ?? (Boss agent)
Lucas, Cyril (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lucas, Willie (Captain America character)
Lucifer (X-Men/Captain America/Iron Man foe)
Lucky Lobo (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Ludwig ?? (enemy of Krang)
Ludwig ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Lumpkin, Willie (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Luna Lizards (alternate future moon reptiles, Tales of Suspense characters) - by Grendel Prime
"Lurkers" (Doctor Druid foes) - by Ron Fredricks
Lurking Unknown (Fear-Lords)
Lyra of Earth-715 (United Sisterhood Alliance, warrior princess)
Maa-Gor (Ka-Zar foe)
Mad Martian (Frank Johnson creation)
Mad Merlin (Merlin Demonspawn)
Mad Pharaoh (Iron Man foe)
Madame Grimm (pre-modern sorceress) - by Ron Fredricks
Madame Hydra (Viper, Avengers/Spider-Woman/Captain America/Wolverine, etc. foe)
Madam Macabre's wig (included size-changing circuitry, Giant-Man/Wasp story)
Madam Macabre's prefabricated room (made from plasticized steel, Giant-Man/Wasp story)
Madame X (Comrade X)
Madam Macabre (Giant-Man foe)
Magician (Giant-Man foe)
"magic potion" (used by Fireproof Natives)
Magneto (no, not him-- a pre-Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Magnir (Enchanters)
Magno-Man (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Maha Yogi (Merlin Demonspawn)
Major Carlson (doctor, Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Major Uberhart (Nazi, Red Skull agent)
Male Model of Earth-7888 (Silver Surfer) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Mallon, "Crow" (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Man in the Mystery Mask (Fantastic Four foe…of sorts) - by Prime Eternal
Man-Apes (Savage Land race, Ka-Zar foes)
Man-Beast (Thor/Adam Warlock/Heroes for Hire foe)
Man-Brute (Captain America/Omega the Unknown foe)
Mandarin's killer satellite (laser weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Manelli, Dino (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Manfred ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Man-Killer (Hydra robot) - by Prime Eternal
Man Monster (Spider-Man foe)
Man Mountain Marko (Spider-Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Man-Thing (Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Mango Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Mangog (Thor/Odin foe)
Mangog's race (imprisoned within Mangog) - by Donald Campbell
Manners, Steve (Brain foe)
Margus (Kronan, Thor/Hulk foe)
Maria ?? (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Marion, Ed (Kulla ally)
Markham, Harry (Strange Tales character) - by Spidermay
Marlowe, Bret (Haag foe)
Marshall, Victor (Marvel monster hero, thwarted alien invasion) - by Prime Eternal & Ron Fredricks
Martha ?? (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
"Martian Flying Saucer" (1960s, Tales of Suspense alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Martian Who Stole A City (Tales of Suspense) - by Prime Eternal
Martian Who Walks Among Us (Strange Tales) - by Future
"Martians" (xt, Homer Ghost foes) - by Grendel Prime
Martians (alien race) - by Future
Martians (xt, Homer Ghost characters) - by Grendel Prime
Martin, James (Daredevil/Moon Knight character)
Martin, "Machine Gun" (role model of Skrulls of Kral)
Martin, Mike (romance character, Nan Foster's ex-bf)
Martin, Mike (romance character, Kitt Gantry's ex-bf)
Masked Marauder (Maggia, Daredevil/Spider-Man/etc. foe) - by Chadman
Masked Maverick (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mason, Jake (Bombu foe) - unconfirmed
Mason, Lint (son of Masked Maverick)
Mason, Wade (son of Masked Maverick)
Master Planner (Captain America imposter)
Master of Guile of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Masters of Evil (Heinrich Zemo's) - by Prime Eternal
Masters of Menace (Clown-led Circus of Crime) - by Chadman
Matador (Daredevil foe, continued from El Supremo)
matter displacer (Kallusians, Avengers story)
Matter Mobilizer (device of Uatu) - by Prime Eternal
Maulers (rival squad of the Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Maxie ?? (Unus' trainer)
Maximus (xt, fought Bog Beast)
Mayor of Los Angeles of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
McGiveney, Sgt. Bull (Maulers leader) - by Prime Eternal
McPherson, Mindy (Prowler's wife, accountant) - by Chadman
McSnide, Molly Margaret (television talk show host, interviewed Invisible Girl) - by Proto-Man
Mechanical Dragon (Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Mechanical Gladiator (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Mechano (1960s giant robot) - by Ron Fredricks
Mechano-Monster (Kronans robot)
"Medusa" D'Bari (Avengers foe)
Melter (Bruno Horgan, Iron Man foe) - by Norvo
Menace from Inferno Isle (Namor foe)
Mentallo (Marvin Flumm, psychic criminal) - by Chadman
Mephisto (Hell-Lord, the Devil)
"Merlin" (a Space Phantom, Avengers foe)
Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Metal Master (Hulk foe)
"Metal Monster" (1950s, Journey into Mystery robot-like armor) - by Ron Fredricks
Metallo (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
meteorite (used to destroy Thing That Crawled by Night)
Midnight Monster (Journey into Mystery) - by Ben Peberdy
Miklos ?? (terrorist, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Mind Transfer process (Ludwig von Frankenstein uses the X-Machine, Silver Surfer story)
Mingo (Tales to Astonish) - by Voice of Doom
miniature proton bomb (used by Wrecker/Frank Smith, Giant-Man/Wasp story)
Minister Blood (Scarbo, Skeleton Crew, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Minotaur (Avengers foe)
Miracle Man (Fantastic Four foe)
Miss Hotchkiss (encountered Skrang's spaceship)
missile (destroyed the Spider)
Mr. Cooles (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Mister Doll (Iron Man/Spider-Woman (Drew) foe)
Mr. Fantastic duplicate (Galactus' Fantastic Four duplicates)
Mister Fear (Zoltan Drago, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Mr. Hyde (Calvin Zabo, Thor/Daredevil/Avengers/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Mr. Lightning (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mr. Marvel (Circus of Crime)
Mr. Reginald (Headline Hunter character)
Mister Smith (Robot X creation)
Mister Zero (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Mitchell, Dan (encountered Gruto)
Mogard (Black Knight construct foe)
Mogul of the Mystic Mountain (Thor foe)
Mole Division (HYDRA)
Mole Man's robot (Avengers foe)
Molten Man (Mark Raxton, Liz Allan's half-brother, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Molten Man-Thing (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Molto (Lava Man)
Mongoors (xt, 1960s semi-humanoid race) - by Prime Eternal
Mongu (Hulk foe)
Monks of the Hidden Temple (Spider-Man characters)
Monocle (Fantastic Four/Spider-Man foe)
"Monster" Ambassador (alien Supreme Council of Civilized Planets ambassador) - by Loki
Monster Ape (Captain America foe)
Monster (Escapes) (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Monster in the Iron Mask (alien villain) - by Prime Eternal
Monster from the Lost Lagoon (Fantastic Four/Power Pack character)
Monster/Larry Rambow (Fantastic Four character)
Monster in the Iron Mask (Pre-FF monster) - by Prime Eternal
Monster of Hidden Valley (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Ron Fredricks
monster robot (Yashonka tech)
Monster That Walked Like A Man (Gigantus)
Monsteroso (monster)
Monsteroso (micro-monster) - by Prime Eternal
Monsters on Bald Mountain (living statues) - by Prime Eternal
Monsters on Mercury (xt, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Monstro (robot, Dr. Doom, not THAT Dr. Doom!)
Monstrom (swamp monster) - by Prime Eternal
Moomba (monster)
Moon Tractor (Tony Stark invention) - by John Kaminski
Mopox (Komoks)
Moran, Ray (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Mordred the Evil (Camelot, Black Knight foe) - by Snood & Will U
"Morgan, Anne" (xt, Four-Armed Men)
Morgan, Cal (Old West, Moose Morgan's son)
Morgan, Joe (criminal, transported to Earth-62321) - by Proto-Man
Morgan, Moose (Old West era rancher, Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Morgan, Philip (Strange Tales)
Morgo, Edward (hypnotist, would-be robber, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Morlak, Maris (Enclave)
Morrison, Peter (Unholy Three ally...kind of)
Morsden, Gerald (1950s era tycoon) - by John Kaminski
Morse, Sheriff Tom (Old West, Raven foe)
Mosquito Man (Spider-Man/Stan Lee character) - by Loki
Mother Night (Suprema, Skeleton Crew, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
mountain lion (1960s, slain by Teddy)
"Muggsy" Bogar (criminal fugitive, Joe the Barber foe) - by Grendel Prime
Mullins, Mike (1960s, Tales of Suspense character, encountered alien gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Mummex (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Mummy (giant xt, Tales to Astonish) - by Ron Fredricks
Mummy (Amazing Fantasy character) - by Madison Carter
Munch, Heinrich (Thing Called IT creator/host)
Munnopor (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay & Snood
"Munntosso" (1950s, alternate Earth, vulcans controlled by "Lizard-Men")
Murder Machine (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mutant-Creating Machine (Magneto technology) - by Ron Fredricks
Mutates of "Earth-69362" (Thor foes) - by John Kaminski
Mutaurus (Mogul, Thor character)
Myers, Anton (Ant-Man/Wasp character)
Mystic Mogul (Mogul)
Mystic Prod (Nightmare weapon)
Nancy ?? (Strange Tales)
Napoleon G. Robberson (Skrulls of Kral)
Nash, Mary (WWII era friend of Black Marvel (Dan Lyons)) - by Prime Eternal
Nast, Charlie (year 2100, Strange Tales character) - by Prime Eternal
"Nazakka" (Dr. Strange character)
Nazi Sleepers 1-3 (original Sleepers) - by John Kaminski & Prime Eternal
Neanderthal tribe ("Twilight World")
"Necrophone" (Victor von Doom invention) - by John Kaminski
Nedra (Storm Giant queen, Odin foe)
Nega-Man (Janus)
Nelson (victim of Josh Collins' curse)
Nelson, Art (Cynthias Worthington's ex-boyfriend, romance character)
Nelson, Mindy (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Nelson, Skip (Mindy's brother)
Nelson, Wendy (actress, chosen by Artur LaValle)
Neri (Asgardian goddess) - by Kyle
Nester, Cob (Old West gunfighter) - by Grendel Prime
Netherworld of Eternal Doom (Demon of the Mask's realm)
Neuron-Magnet (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
neutralizer (Dr. Phillip Zolten Rambow invention, Fantastic Four story)
Neutralizer (Tony Sark invention) - by John Kaminski
New Atlantis of Earth-928 (underwater colonies) - by Proto-Man
"New Gods" of Reality-10118 (posible post-Ragnarok gods) - by Ron Fredricks
Newton, Professor (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Newton, Steve (proposed to Alice Whyte, romance character)
"Nicholson, Isaac" (1960s, thieving inventor) - by Ron Fredricks
night watchman (Wax People)
Night Cat (Jacqueline Tavarez) - by Madison Carter
Nile, Tana (Rigellian, Thor/Howard the Duck/Ronan character)
Nixon, Sam (Old West sheriff)
Nolan, Blackie (1950s criminal, owned "Metal Monster")
Nopply, Ignatz of Earth-52123 (Suspense, mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks
Norman ?? (encountered Pan)
North, Dr. John (Kronin Krask foe)
Nuba (Golden People)
Nuclear Measuring Device (Mr. Fantastic invention) - by John Kaminski
Number Nine (Secret Empire agent, impersonated by Gabe Jones) - by Prime Eternal
O'Brien, Bernard (NYPD, Peter Parker character) - by Copeinator123
Octo-Monster (Lizard Men)
Octo-Sapien (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Odinsword (previous Mjolnir, Rhinegold, Odin's sword, Thor stories)
Ogor (Martian) - by John Kaminski
Ogur (Mogul, Thor character)
"Old Man" (Willis Striker foe)
old worker (Harry Markham employee)
Omni-Bots (Servo-Guard)
Ooog (xt, Martians, Homer Ghost character)
Operation: Artificial Powers (Fantastic Four power sims) - by Prime Eternal
O'Reilley, Seymour (Spider-Man character, Midtown High School bully)
Organic Energy Attractor (Konrad Zaxon’s device)
Organizer (Daredevil foe)
Orikal (Thor character)
Orini (Dr. Strange foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Prime Eternal
Orion Missile (invented by Bruce Banner) - by John Kaminski
Oshtur (Elder God, Vishanti member, Doctor Strange character)
Osirusians (xt, Menace characters) - by AvatarWarlord
Osirus (xt planet, Menace story)
Other Earth (Fantastic Four story)
Otto ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Overkill Horn (SHIELD/Hydra weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Overlord of Dakkam (Silver Surfer foe)
Overmind (Fantastic Four foe, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Owl (Leland Owlsley, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Owl Division (HYDRA)
Ox (Karl Stragg)
Ozaan (Frog-Man foe)
Ozamm (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Pacifier (Dr. Doom's robot) - by Prime Eternal
Pacion Rex (Gruto's homeworld)
Page, Karen (Daredevil's ex-girlfriend/secretary/confidant) - by Chadman
pain (alien substance, created the Glob)
Painter of a Thousand Perils (Human Torch foe)
Pan (Olympian god) - by Will U
Parker, Judy (Norman Daniels date, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Parker, Mary (Peter Parker/Spider-Man's mother) - by Minor Irritant
Parker, Phil (WWII era Army intelligence officer, Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal
Parker, Richard (Peter Parker/Spider-Man's father) - by Minor Irritant
Parthea (planet, Tales of Suspense)
Paul ?? (encountered Gomdulla)
Paul ?? (found tomb of Mad Pharao)
Pearla (Fantastic Four character)
Peggy ?? (former Human Torch date) - by Proto-Man
Peri-Viewer (used by Ludwig von Frankenstein)
Perkins, Mrs. (Purple Man victim)
Perkins, Seth (Purple Phantom foe)
Perry ?? (Mr. Reginald's cousin, Headline Hunter foe)
Petty, Mr. (designer of the Living Brain, Spider-Man character)
Phantom (Iron Man foe)
Phelps, Filbert (1960s time traveler, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Phelps, Walter (time traveler, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks
Phil ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Phil ?? (Monsteroso character)
Phillips, Harry (Terrible Trio)
Phillips, Victor (1960s, Tales of Suspense character turned gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Phineas of Earth-6212 (ruler of the Fifth Dimension)
Phosgene gas capsules (Yashonka tech)
Pierre ?? (Invisible Girl's hair stylist) - by Proto-Man
Pildorr the Plunderer (2062 A.D., giant space pirate) - by Ron Fredricks
"Pilot Robots" (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Pinkerton, Lt. Colonel (Percival's brother) - by Prime Eternal
Pinkerton, Percival "Pinky" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Planetoid 12 (2100, visited by Charlie Nast)
Planet-Taker Corps (xt conquerors, including Skrang)
Planet X of Reality-59356 (plants in control of others, Tales of Suspense story)
Planner (Master Planner)
Plantman (Samuel Smithers, Human Torch/X-Men/Namor/Captain America/Defenders/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Plastic Bubble Projector (used by Red Skull) - by John Kaminski
Plasti-thene (Leader invention) - by John Kaminski
Plastoid (Daredevil foe) - by John Kaminski & Chadman
Plunderer (Parnival Plunder, pirate villain, Ka-Zar's brother) - by Chadman
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
police officer (Wax People)
Polly ?? (Rick Jones' aunt, Hulk character) - by Proto-Man
P184 (alternate future spacecraft)
Poole, Albert (pre-FF character) - by Prime Eternal
Poole, Wilbur (creator of Elektro)
Porcupine (Alex Gentry, Ant-Man/X-Men/Captain America/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Portable Distorters (S.H.I.E.L.D. technology) - by John Kaminski
Possessors (Dr. Strange foes)
Power Stones (energy storage device used by Skrulls) - by Donald Campbell
Preacher Slade (Old West gunslinger)
Prelle, Walter (pre-FF character) - possibly
Prentiss, Tom (Unholy Three victim)
Prester John (Fantastic Four character) - by Per Degaton, Snood & Prime Eternal
primitoid (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Prince Rey (el Dorado)
Princess Python (Zelda DuBois, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
the professor (Sporr creator)
"Professor" (toymaker, Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Professor Barnes (1960s, Paul Harper's teacher)
Professor Stromm (Geophysicist, Commandant slave, Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Professor Tomkins (Unholy Three victim)
Professor Zaxton (Thor foe)
Project: Vanish (military weapon, World War 2) - by Prime Eternal
Prosilicans (aliens)
"Protection racket thugs" (Solarman foes)
Protector (Ant-Man foe)
Proton Beam (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
Proton Coagulation Ray (Rigellian technology, Thor & Iron Man stories)
Prowler (Hibbs, Spider-Man foe)
Psyche-Search Gauge (Rigellian technology; Thor story)
Psycho-Man (Fantastic Four/Microverse/Spider-Man/Silver Surfer foe) - by Norvo
pteranodon ("Twilight World")
Punchy (Purple Man victim) - by Chadman
Punisher (Galactus agent)
Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Purple Phantom (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Pursuit Ship (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
python (Kraa the Unhuman enemy)
Q-Bomb (Wizard's weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Queega (Xt, Daredevil foes) - by John Kaminski
Queen Kalthea (She loved Uatu) - by Prime Eternal
Queen Ula (Thryheim, Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Quick-Draw Kid (Hulk Andrews, Old West gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime
Quicksilver (Timeslip hero) - by Madison Carter
Quon race (Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Quor (Ka-Zar foe)
Rabble-Rouser (Human Torch foe)
Radar Crab (Fixer invention) - by John Kaminski
radar outpost (Canada, invaded by Krills)
Radzik, Baron (kidnapped by Gorko)
Rakku (Vulcanians)
Ralph ?? (Swamp Tank owner, Ka-Zar character) - by Prime Eternal
Ralston, Robert "Reb" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Rama Kaliph (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Rama-Tut (Nathaniel Richards, Immortus aspect)
Rambow, Zolten (father of Larry/Monster)
Ramon (El Tigre agent)
Ramsey, Paul (Torr foe) - by Prime Eternal
Randac (former Inhuman ruler, discovered Terrigenesis)
Rank, Rocco (Amazing Fantasy character) - by Madison Carter
Rattler (Rawhide Kid foe)
Rattler (Spider-Man foe)
Raven (Old West criminal) - by Ron Fredricks
Raven (Rawhide Kid foe)
Rawlings, Cedric (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Rawlings, Celia (Cedric's sister)
Ray Projector (invented by "Hiram Fletcher")
Reaper (Captain America/Bucky foe)
Recreater (Time Reversal Ray)
Red Barbarian (Iron Man foe)
Red Beard Dolan (cover identity, Old West sheriff)
Red Raven (Rawhide Kid foe)
Red Skull (communist, 1950's villain) - by Per Degaton
Reds who imprisoned Thor (Thor foes) - by John Kaminski
Reducta-Craft (Fantastic Four vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Red Wolf (Apache brave, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Reed Richards' Monster Duplicates (Dr. Doom foes) - by Madison Carter
Replicus (Thor foe)
Repulse Spheres (Sagittarian attack spheres)
Reptile Men (Savage Land)
Resuscitator (Sagittarian reviving machine)
Reverend Miller (officiated wedding of Reed Richards & Susan Storm) - by Ron Fredricks
Reynolds, Steffi (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Rhino Division (HYDRA) - by Prime Eternal
Rhino Tank (HYDRA vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Rhinogron (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Rigel-3 (Rigellian Command Planet, destroyed by Black Stars/Rhunians)
"Ring of Full Power" (Dr. Strange weapon) - by Spidermay
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt, Circus of Crime leader) - by Chadman
Rizzo (Black Widow foe) - by Spidermay
Roaring Bear (Apache chief, Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Robert ?? (Blockbuster’s son)
Robert the Robber (Homer the Happy Ghost foe) - by Grendel Prime
robot laborers (Robot X enemies)
robot teddy bear (1960s, invented by "Isaac Nicholson")
Robot X (Amazing Adventures/Doc Samson character) - by Prime Eternal
Roc (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Rocco (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Roger ?? (General Electronics executive) - by Proto-Man
Rogers, Steve LMD (Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Rommbu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Rorgg (King of the Spider Men) - by Prime Eternal
Rose, Lt. Bert (NYPD officer, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Ross, Bill (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ross, Margie (romance character, insurance firm employee) - by Grendel Prime
Rrorgo (alternate future xt race) - by Spidermay
R-2 (AIM, Captain America foe)
Rugger, Mike (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Ruler of Earth (Pre-Marvel sci-fi character) - by the Prime Eternal
Rynda (Inhuman queen, Black Bolt & Maximus' mother) - by Chadman
sabre-tooth tiger ("Twilight World")
Sacred Flame of Life (el Dorado)
Sad Sam Simms (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Sagar (Klangian warrior)
Sagittarians (Hulk characters)
Saguta (Mogul victim)
Sagyr (Golden People)
Sal ?? (student, Matt Murdock character)
Sam ?? (Raven victim, Old West)
Sam ?? (truck driver, reluctant Hulk ally) - by Proto-Man
Sam ?? (S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop)
Sandhurst, Sheila (social worker, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Sandor (communist Red Skull agent)
Sandu (Thor foe)
Santini, Jose (Avengers character) - by Norvo
Sara ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Sara ?? (encountered Mummex)
Sara's father (encountered Mummex)
"Satan" (encountered by Sammy Snodgrass)
Satan's Eggs (Dredmund's combat vehicles) - by Prime Eternal
Satellite Machine (Dr. Doom weapon) - by John Kaminski
Satellite of Death (Dr. Doom's weapon)
Savage, Captain Simon (Skipper, Leatherneck Raiders leader) - by Prime Eternal
Sawyer (Circus of Crime)
Sawyer, Samuel (General, commanding officer of the Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
S-Bomb (Iron Man foe Doctor Strange invention)
scanner (Konrad Zaxon invention, measured organic energy of living beings)
Scarecrow (Ebenezer Laughton, Iron Man/Spider-Man/Captain America/Ghost Rider foe)
Scarlet Beetle (Ant-Man foe)
Scavenger (Mad Thinker's Monster Android)
Schlag, Lars (Nazi, activated Nazi Sleeper)
Schwinner, Dr. Eric (GARID)
Scorpion (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Scotty ?? (encountered Gorgilla)
Scragg, Sam (Old West arms dealer) - by Grendel Prime
Screaming Idol (Tiboro's item)
Sea Dragon Division (HYDRA)
Sealer Beam (Leader invention, Plasti-thene)
Seaweed Man (Namor foe)
Second-Story Sammy (Giant-Man imposter) - by Prime Eternal
Section Leader B (HYDRA)- by Prime Eternal
Seeker (Inhumans foe) - by Spidermay
Seidring (Thor foe)
Sentry #459 (Kree robot) - by Prime Eternal
Sentry #9168 (Kree robot, Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Seraphim (Dr. Strange characters) - by Spidermay
Sgt. Mason (U.S. Army, caught by Insect Man)
Serpent Den (cave, original HQ of the Sons of the Serpent) - by Proto-Man
Servo-Guards (Dr. Doom's robot servants) - by Prime Eternal
Servo-Robot (Namor foe) - by John Kaminski
Shann (alien monarch)
Shadow Men/Soldiers/Warriors (Shadow Realm, agents of Warlord Kaa)
Shadow Realm (Shadowverse, alien dimension) - by Prim Eternal
Shagg (Horror/Sci-fi character) - by Madison Carter
Sha-Han (Solarman character) - by Grendel Prime
Shalla Bal of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Sharpo (knife thrower, X-Men story)
Shazana (Dr. Strange foe)
Shellshock (Thing foe)
Shezada (Mogul's sister)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop (front for headquarters) - by Prime Eternal
S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Wedge (S.H.I.E.L.D. technology) - by Prime Eternal
Shiffman, Maxie (Spider-Man character)
Shinski, Wladyslav (Enclave)
Shorty (Bones 'n Bailey Circus)
Shorty (Kingpin's gang)
Siegfried ?? (Blitzkrieg Squad)
"sight-stealing ray" (Queega technology)
Sikes, Harry (pre-FF mutate) - by John Kaminski
Silent Fox (Keewazi chief, Wyatt Wingfoot's grandfather) - by Prime Eternal
Silent Ones (Trolls of the Isle of Silence) - by Prime Eternal
Silvermane (Silvio Manfredi, crimelord, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Silver Surfer of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
"Sinister Spy" (WWII, Super Soldier foe)
Sir Baskerville (Dr. Strange foe)
Sir Lepard (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Sir Lyan (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Sir Ossilot (New Men, Knights of Wundagore)
Sir Porga (New Men) - by Prime Eternal
Sir Ram (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Sixth Dimension (home of Tiboro)
Skagg (Storm Giant) - by John Kaminski
Skarr, "Blackie" (gangster, Mad Thinker associate) - by Proto-Man
Skateboard Unit (HYDRA Tigers)
Skinny Smithers (Old West character) - by Ron Fredricks
"Skipper" (Captain Savage)
Skoll (Wolf god) - by Prime Eternal
Skrang (alien would-be conqueror, Tales of Suspense)
Skrull slave-master (Skrulls of Kral)
Skrulls of Kral (Fantastic Four characters)
Skull-Face movie (1937 movie, remake planned 15 years later)
Sky Station 14-R (Rigellian satellite orbiting Rigel-3)
Sledge, Simon (1960s, ruthless businessman) - by Ron Fredricks
Skull-Face (1950s Mystery Tales character) - by Prime Eternal & Ron Fredricks
sky-hook (Jupiterians, used against Sserpo)
Slagg (Daredevil/Ka-Zar foe) - by Chadman
Slaveworld (Kulla's home)
Slaveworld insects (Kulla's world)
Slick Stone (Old West, Cob Nester foe)
"Slim" (S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop)
"Slugger" Sykes (Thor foe)
Smasher (Purple Phantom's thug)
Smathers, Mr. (Purple Man victim) - by Chadman
Smiley (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Smith, Connie (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Smith, Joe (Spider-Man character)
Smith, Sandy "Baby-Face" (Kid Colt foe) - by Grendel Prime
Smith, Tom (Teen Brigade, Rick Jones foe) - by Prime Eternal
Smithers (security guard, Vanisher foe)
Smithson, Horace of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe)
Sniper (Captain America foe)
Snodgrass, Sammy (1950s horror character) - by John Kaminski
Solar Guns (Yashonka tech)
Solarman (solar-powered hero) - by Grendel Prime
Solar Wave (phenomenon utilized by Doctor Doom) - by Ron Fredricks
Solo-Cruiser (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Sonic Disruptor (Skrulls of Kral)
Sons of the Serpent (racist group) - by Prime Eternal
Sorcerer (Human Torch foe)
Sorcerer (Spider-Man foe)
Space Lock (Rigellian technology; Thor story)
Space Parasite (Hulk foe)
Space Phantom (servant of Immortus, Avengers foe) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
spaceport security guards (Centaurius II)
Space Queen (spaceship, encountered Osirusians) - by AvatarWarlord
spaceship (Rigellian, Sky Station 14-R)
Spade (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Spade, Mr. (associate of the "Professor")
Spears, Gilda (Brain ally)
specimen cage (used by Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
"Speed Demon" (pre-modern speedster) - by Ron Fredricks
Spider (1960s, Marvel Monster) - by Ron Fredricks
Spider-Man imposter of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Big-Time ally, Spider-Man foe)
Spider-Man robot (Avengers/Spider-Man foe)
Spider-Slayers (Spider-Man foes) - by Stunner
Spinybeast (Dr. Strange foe) - by Spidermay
Spliny (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Sporr (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Spot (dog, encountered Monster in the Iron Mask)
Spotlight Costumes (Gladiator's shop) - by Prime Eternal
Spotted Plague (used by Mogul, Thor stories)
Sserpo (pre-FF Marvel Monster) - by Ron Fredricks
Stanford, Guy (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Stanley, Simon (time machine inventor)
Stanley, Professor Steven (Two-Gun Kid character)
Stark, Sam (Old West criminal) - by John Kaminski
Starlight Special Effects of Earth-77013 (Hollywood, created Gorilla exo-skeleton)
Star Patrol (heroic extraterrestrial organization)
Static Distorter (Fixer invention) - by John Kaminski
Statue of Liberty (opposed Undersea Giants)
Stewart, Kathy (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Stillwell, Dr. Farley (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day, Daredevil/Spider-Man/Punisher foe) - by Chadman
Stimulator (Fantastic Four device) - by Prime Eternal
Stimulator (Kree device guarded by Sentry #9168)
Stingray (Walter Newell, Namor/Avengers character) - by MarvellousLuke
Stoneface (Captain America/Falcon foe) - by Al Sjoerdsma
Stone Men (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Stone Men From Saturn (Kronans)
Stone, Allan (social worker, romance character)
Stone, Roy "Blarney" (sailor, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Stonewell, George (Howling Commandos, replacement member) - by Prime Eternal
Stonians (Gorgolla's race) - by Prime Eternal
Storm, Franklin (Sue and Johnny's father) - by Zerostar
Stragg, Dr. Karl (Daredevil foe)
Strange, Carla (the other Dr. Strange's daughter)
Stranger (Journey into Mystery character)
Stranger (enigmatic alien, Avengers/X-Men, etc. foe)
Stranger's Laboratory/Prison World (alien planet used by Stranger as a lab)
Street Punks of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Striker, Willis (horro character) - by Madison Carter
Stromm, Mendel (Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
Sub-Atronic Time Displacer (device of Uatu) - by Prime Eternal
subterranean city (1950s, discovered by Jeff Cord)
subterranean people (encounterd by Alan Swan)
Sulibeg (servant of Mogul)
Sun Stealer (Watchers foe)
Sunday Punch Missile (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
Sunor (Idylicans)
Super-Adaptoid (Captain America/Avengers foe) - by SQUEAK
Super-Hero (FOOM hero...momma's boy) - by AvatarWarlord
Super-Humanoid(s) (Humanoids)
Super Olympics (charity event) - by Proto-Man
Super Soldier (WWII comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Super-Synthoids (AIM Synthoids)
Superius Rexians (1950s, abducted Dunstan Blake) - by Ron Fredricks
Supremacy (king of Dimension Z)
Supremus (Nick Fury foe)
Swami Mordo (1950s, spiritualist) - by Ron Fredricks
Swamp Tank (Savage Land exploratory vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Swan, Alan (ugly man finds romance underground, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Sykes, Clem (Old West, rodeo rider) - by Grendel Prime
Synthoids (AIM creations) - by Spidermay
Syrani of Earth-715 (Sisterhood, Femizonia)
Tablet of Life and Time (Spider-Man stories, used by Silvermane/Hammerhead, etc.) - by Markus Raymond
Taboo (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Tabor (pet of Insect Man's son)
Tagar (Count Tagar)
Tall Bear (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Talon" (Unholy Three)
Tamiroff (Gregory Gideon rival)
Tartarus (realm of Pluto) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Tavarez, Beth (Night Cat's mother)
Tavarez, Lou (Night Cat's father)
Taxtor (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Taylor, Frank (alien champion foe)
tear gas (used against Monster in the Iron Mask)
Ted ?? (Teen Brigade)
Teddy (1960s toy) - by Ron Fredricks
Teen Brigade (Rick Jones' allies) - by Prime Eternal & Proto-Man
Teena the Fat Lady (Mary Stenson, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Tektons (semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race, Fantastic Four characters) - by Prime Eternal
"Tele-phony" (pre-FF micro-alien) - by John Kaminski
"telescopic robot" (Hulk foe)
Temporal Assimilator (Collector's time-travel device) - by Proto-Man
"Tentacle Robots" (Kraal's Star Cruiser)
Terminatrix (Avengers foe)
Terrible Trio (Fantastic Four foes)
Tex (carnival performer, Blob ally, X-Men foe)
T-Gun (Bruce Banner invention) - by Ron Fredricks
Thatcher, Thug (Thor foe)
"Them" (pre-FF aliens) - by Future
Theos of Earth-6212 (Fifth Dimension, Human Torch character)
thermal bombs (Yashonka tech)
Thermal Man (Thor foe)
Thing Called IT (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
"Thing from the Hidden Swamp" (Kirby monster) - by Madison Carter
Thing duplicate (Galactus' Fantastic Four duplicates)
Thing robot (Operaton: Artificial Powers)
Thing's pop art dealer (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Thing That Crawled by Night (Marvel Monster, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks
Thomm (crewman on the Space Queen)
Thompson, Wade (Old West sheriff)
Thor duplicate (Professor Zaxton creation, Thor foe)
Thorn (coal-miner, encountered subterranean "Four-armed men")
Thornton, Professor Thaddeus (resurrected skeleton, Skull-Face victim)
Thought Projector Helmet (Mr. Fantastic invention) - by John Kaminski
Thru-the-Ground Tank (Fixer/Mentallo weapon) - by John Kaminski
Thung of Earth-665 (Bim Grimm, humorous Thing counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Tibetan lamas (encountered by Dunstan Blake)
Tiboro (Dr. Strange foe)
Tidal-Expander (used by Attuma) - by John Kaminski
Tiger Division (HYDRA)- by Prime Eternal
Tilburn, Cal (Old West sheriff)
Tim Boo Ba (classic monster character) - by Prime Eternal
time-bomb (created by Jason Grubb)
time machine (invented by Frederick Fenton)
time machine (invented by Eric Kane)
time machine (invented by Simon Stanley)
time machine of alternate Earth (2050, invented by Derek Welles)
time machine (future technology, used by Mary Bobkins)
Time Master (Ant-Man foe)
Time Ray (Time Master)
Time Reversal Ray (Mr. Hyde's device) - by Prime Eternal & John Kaminski
time traveling tourists of alternate Earth (time traveling since 2000 AD)
Titan (Avengers foe) - by Grendel Prime
Titan Time-Probe (Sagittarian probe)
Tnneya (Troxx/Enslavers)
Toloc (El Tigre agent)
Tom ?? (Beetle enemy) - by Chadman
Tomazooma (Native American god, Keewazi) - by Loki
Tomazooma (robot, Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Tommy ?? (Fantastic Four fan) - by Proto-Man
Top Man (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)
Torgo (Fantastic Four/Hulk/Wolverine character)
Torr (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Torrak (Tribbitite/Toad Men)
Totem (animated totem pole) - by Prime Eternal
Toughguy, Tony (criminal, Homer Ghost foe)
Trago (Ant-Man foe)
tranquil-gas (used by Insect Man)
Transistorized Detector (Fantastic Four device) - by John Kaminski
(Transistor-Powered) Ejector (Iron Man high-tech device, Avengers item)
trapper spaceship (caught Harry Grubb)
Trask, Nicholas (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
Trask, Nora (sister of the Raven)
Tribbitites (Toad Men, Hulk foes) - by MarvellousLuke & Grendel Prime
Tricephalous (Fantastic Four foe) - by the Prime Eternal
Tri-Man (Daredevil foe)
Troxx (Enslavers, Silver Surfer foes)
Trull the Unhuman (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Tubby (Daredevil character)
Tucker, Mike (Solarman's father) - by Grendel Prime
Tulak (el Dorado)
Tumbler (John Keane, Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Tumbling Turners (Circus of Crime)
turpentine (used to destroy the Glob)
"Twilight World" (1960s, prehistory world) - by Ron Fredricks
Twister (Ant-Man/Wasp foe)
2-D Men (Dimension of Doom)
Tyr (Asgardian god) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Tyr of the Burning Blade (Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
tyrannosaur ("Twilight World")
Tyrannosaurus Rex (fought Gorgilla)
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
"Ubbu" (Shazana's pet)
U-Car (underwater FF vehicle) - by Prime Eternal
Ultimate Nullifier (cosmic power item, Fantastic Four/Avengers/Spider-Man etc. stories)
Ultimo (Iron Man foe)
ultra-frequency transmitter (Iron Man foe Doctor Strange invention)
Ultra-Sonic Radio Transmitter (Fantastic Four device) - by John Kaminski
Ulvar (Gigantus "foe")
Umbu the Unliving (Hulk foe)
Una (Captain Mar-Vell character)
Uncle Ben (Linda Brown's uncle)
Undersea Giants (pre-FF race) - by John Kaminski
underwater city (Alethea's home, 1950s)
Unholy Three (ghouls, Adventures into Terror) - by AvatarWarlord
unidentified abducted scientists (Kulla victims)
unidentified alien race (xt, inspiration for the alien imposters from Amazing Spider-Man I#2)
unidentified aliens (conquered by Krangros)
unidentified archaeologist (encountered Shagg)
unidentified Atlantean scientists (Behemoth creators)
unidentified colonel (spied on by Tinkerer)
unidentified Earth astronauts (encountered Monsters on Mercury)
unidentified escaped Martian prisoners (1960s, encountered by Rocky Baines)
unidentified extraterrestrial invaders (Mechano foes)
unidentified extraterrestrial race (xt, caught Harry Grubb)
unidentified failed experiment (Ludwig von Frankenstein creation)
unidentified farmer (encountered "Green Thing")
unidentified general (spied on by Tinkerer)
unidentified giant savages of Reality-6966 (Silver Surfer characters)
unidentified group of scientists (encountered "Impossible Spaceship")
unidentified high-ranking soldier (Sagittarian)
unidentified hunters (1960s, hunted Kunga)
unidentified jalopy driver (car destroyed by Thing (Ben Grimm))
unidentified king (xt, Krangros race)
unidentified king (xt, used Bog Beast)
unidentified magician (Monster in the Iron Mask foe)
unidentified mother (Hu Sak's mother)
unidentified owlhoot (Old West, Skinny Smithers foe)
unidentified painter (encountered/created the Glob)
unidentified partner (Raven, Old West)
unidentified physicist (Giant-Man (Pym) character)
unidentified pilot (alternate future, flew P184)
unidentified planet(s) of Reality-6966 (home to giant savages, Silver Surfer story)
unidentified poker player (Old West, encountered Blackjack)
unidentified police detectives (1960s, hunted Victor Phillips)
unidentified princess (xt, guarded by Bog Beast)
unidentified rabbit (mind transferred into wolf by Ludwig von Frankenstein)
unidentified race (xt, Shann's race)
unidentified race of Reality-59356 (xt, humanoid aliens, controlled by plants on Planet X)
unidentified race (sentient rocks, Komoks failed to conquer them)
unidentified race (xt, encountered a Blip)
unidentified race (xt conquerors, Skrang's race)
unidentified radar operator (encountered Krills)
unidentified radar operator (encountered a Blip)
unidentified reporter (encountered Swami Mordo)
unidentified reporter (interviewed Lem Whipple)
unidentified R'Zahnian leader (Zamu's superior, Doctor Druid foe)
unidentified sailor (encountered Alethea, transformed into merman, 1950s)
unidentified Saturnian woman (encountered Gerald Morsden)
unidentified scientist (encountered/created the Glob)
unidentified scientist (General Ross employee, Hulk-Killer creator)
unidentified scientist (Commandant slave, Hulk character)
unidentified scientists (1950s, encountered Xanna...kind of)
unidentified scientists (experimented with atomic gun, accidentally created Weed)
unidentified scientists and generals (encountered "Martian Flying Saucer")
unidentified sheriff (Old West, encountered Blackjack)
unidentified slave race (xt, Fernusan's slaves)
unidentified soldiers (encountered "Impossible Spaceship")
unidentified spirit (encountered by Jordan)
unidentified spy (Hulk foe, stole Bruce Banner's robot)
unidentified subterranean city (home of Insect Man)
unidentified teacher (taught John the Changeling)
unidentified teacher (encountered Kraa the Unhuman)
unidentified townspeople (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
unidentified toy store manager (1960s, sold robot teddy bear)
unidentified warrior (xt, fought Bog Beast)
unidentified warriors of Earth-6676 (25th century, Hulk foes)
unidentified wealthy toy store patrons (1960s, clients of toy store manager)
unidentified witch doctor (Africa, befriended Mr. Doll)
unidentified wolf (mind transferred into rabbit by Ludwig von Frankenstein)
unidentified zoo official (1960s, tricked by Mike Mullins)
United Nations delegates (1950s, alternate Earth; opposed Zraa Zromm)
Unknown (Lurking Unknown)
"Unknown Alien Object" (discovered by Uatu) - by John Kaminski
unnamed adventurer (foe of Diablo)
unnamed alien race (Creatures from Krogarr foes)
unnamed chief (animated the Totem)
unnamed Earthman (encountered "Tele-phony")
unnamed man with a fly-swatter (pre-FF, encountered Zogg)
unnamed pilot (encountered Lithodia Rexians)
unnamed pilot (2100, encountered Charlie Nast)
unnamed scientist (created Lo-Karr)
unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (S.H.I.E.L.D. Barbershop)
unnamed S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (aided Agent L)
Unog (Fifth Galaxy, recruited Karl Kragg for Mr. Universe challenge)
Unus the Untouchable (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)
Uranians of Earth-62321 (Strange Tales story) - by Proto-Man
Urban, Steven (Daredevil character)
Urrpo-Fish (Poppupian fish) - by Prime Eternal
U.S.S. Sea Wolf (Captain Savage's submarine) - by Prime Eternal
Utah Kid (Old West outlaw, Matt Slade foe) - by Grendel Prime
Utah Kid (Spade Borden, Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Valeria of the Fifth Dimension of Earth-6212 (former rebel, Fantastic Four ally)
Valkyrior (Asgardian warriors) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Valley of Diamonds (Mole Man's kingdom) - by Prime Eternal
Valtorr (Octessence, mystic entity)
Valtorr's Stings (magic spell) - by Spidermay
vampire coven (Beast-Man victims)
Vandergill, Vincent (Imperial Industries International)
Vandermeer, Jefferson (Imp ally/home)
Van Dorn (General Electronics executive)
Van Dyne, Vernon (Wasp's father, Hank Pym character)
van Vroot, Jacob (Gregory Gideon rival)
Vanisher ("Telford Porter," teleporting mutant, X-Men character) - by Chadman
Vanna (Asgardian pixie-like race)
Vannetta (witch) - by Patrick D Ryal
Vaporizer (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
Vapors of Valtorr (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Vega of Earth-715 (Femizon queen)
vegetables (Journey into Mystery characters)
Venturite (xt, Tales of Suspense)
Venusian (Strange Tales)
Veritas (Sayge)
Vibra-Gun (Baron Heinrich Zemo weapon) - by Grendel Prime
viewscreen (used by Astrologer Royal)
Vikor (Deltonian)
Vipers of Valtorr (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Vishanti (mystic principalities, Doctor Strange characters)
Visi-Rod (Rigellian technology, Thor story)
Voice (Ant-Man foe)
Voltan of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
von Doom, Werner (Dr. Doom's father)
von Frankenstein, Ludwig (aka. ICON leader Rainbow, Silver Surfer/Frankenstein's monster foe)
von Groser (German scientist, Headline Hunter character)
von Kimmer, Martinus (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
von Logor, Wilhelm (Nazi, Headline Hunter foe)
Von Vile, Wilhelm (Painter of a Thousand Perils)
Vortex Bomb (Hydra weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Vulcanians (xt race, Idylicans foes) - by Spidermay
Vulture (Blackie Drago, Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Wabuzi tribe (Kraa the Unhuman's tribe)
Walking Stiletto (AIM robot) - by Prime Eternal
Wand of Watoomb (mystic wand, Dr. Strange/Spider-Man stories) - by Spidermay
Wanderer (Prester John)
Warlock (Merlin Demonspawn)
Warlock Prime (Silver Surfer foe) - by Stunner
Warlock's Eye (Asgardian mystic item, Thor stories) - by Markus Raymond
Warlord Kaa (monster)
Warlord Morrat (Fantastic Four foe) - by Zerostar
Warlord Supreme (Sagittarian, Hulk foe)
Warlord Wrogg (Watchers foe)
Warner, Bat (Old West, Sam Stark enemy)
Warren, Miles (Jackal, terrorist former college professor, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Warren, Raymond (Midtown high teacher, Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow
Warren, Wanda (1950s vampire) - by Spidermay
Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies (Thor foes) - by Prime Eternal
Warroo (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Watoomb (mystic entity, Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Watuna (volcanic island, Rommbu's demise)
Wax Mannequins (Wax People)
Wax People (pre-FF characters) - by Future
Wazir (Asgard, Thor character)
Weasel Wills (Iron Man imposter/foe)
Weed (mutated plant, Lucius Farnsworth foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Weems, Tommy (Time Master's grandson)
Weems, Wilbur (encountered a ghost)
Welles, Derek of alternate Earth (2050, time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Wentworth, Charles J. (Robot X foe, Martian invader)
"Wertham," Hubert (1950s Stan Lee foe) - by John Kaminski
Weygard, Dr. Earl (Silver Surfer ally)
White (friend of "Fourth Man")
White Ninja (Spider-Man foe)
Whitey (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Whitney, Reginald (Headline Hunter character)
Whyte, Alice (secretary, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Wickshire, Edmund (Geoffrey's evil brother)
Wickshire, Geoffrey (encountered Leprechauns under the quicksand)
"Wild Bill" (S.H.I.E.L.D. robot) - by Prime Eternal
Wilkes, Professor Harvey (invented time machine)
Wilkes, Jason (encountered Mummy, Tales to Astonish)
Wilkes, Jonathan (Robot X creator)
Williams, Warden (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Willie ?? (Teen Brigade)
Willowby (Harry Markham employee)
Wilsnn, Jon (captain of the Space Queen)
Wilsnn, Mara (Jon's daughter)
Wilson (Imperial Industries International)
Wilson, June (secretary, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Wilson, Louis (Tablet of Life and Time expert, Spider-Man character)
Wingfoot, Will (Wyatt Wingfoot's father) - by Donald Campbell
Winthrop, J.B. (Journey into Mystery character)
Witness (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Wolfe, Hedy (Hellcat character) - by Chadman
Wolverine Jet (NOT an action figure accessory!) - by Prime Eternal
Wolfmann, Kerta (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
Woman of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Women's Canasta and Mah Jong Society (Fantastic Four characters) - by Norvo
Wong-Chu (Iron Man foe)
Wormly, Richard (Daily Bugle Editor-in-Chief's assistant) - by G Morrow
Worthington, Cynthia (college student, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Worthington, Warren Jr. (Angel (Worthington)'s father) - by MarvellousLuke
Wrecker (Fantastic Four foe)
Wrecker (Giant-Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Wundagore II (xt planet colonized by New Men)
X, the Thing That Lived (Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal
X-1000 (spaceship)
Xanna (1950s, Microverse dictator) - by Ron Fredricks
Xantha (xt race, Fantastic Four characters) - by Proto-Man
Xavier, Brian (Professor X's father) - by MarvellousLuke
Xavier, Sharon (Professor X's mother) - by MarvellousLuke
Xartans ("Carbon Copy Men", Thor foes) - by Prime Eternal
Xemu of Earth-6212 (Human Torch foe)
Xenians (1960s humanoid extraterrestrial race) - by Prime Eternal
X-Machine (Ludwig von Frankenstein creation, Silver Surfer story)
X-ray machine (John Bentley invention)
"X2" (Robot X creation)
Yagg the Slayer (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Yancy, Morgan (used Monster of the Hidden Valley, Two-Gun Kid foe)
Yarro Gort (Silver Surfer foe) - by Stunner
Yashonka (Captain America foes) - by Spidermay
Yeager, Spade (Old West villain)
Yellow-Crested Titans (Olympian creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Yeti (Inhumans, First Line)
Yinsen, Ho (Iron Man character)
Yirbek (alien race, Skrull allies) - by Prime Eternal
Yogi Dakor (Terrible Trio)
Yon-Rogg (Captain Mar-Vell foe)
Young, Max (Mendel Stromm's former assistant, Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
yo-yo (future technology, temporarily owned by Tommy Bobkins Jr.)
Yucoya-Tzin (Aztec magic-user, Zzutak/Fantastic Four character)
Zambooba, Svenzaldo (human cannonball, Blob ally, X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Zamu (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Zanadu/Zandu/Xandu (the Mystic Mountain)
Zarek (Captain Mar-Vell foe)
Zaxon, Konrad (Hulk foe) - by Snood & Ron Fredricks
Zedelia (Daredevil/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman
Zelda ?? (Iceman girlfriend) - by Chadman
Zemo, Heinrich (12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Zemo's pilot (Zemo imposter)
Zeno (Jupiter spy)
Zog (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Zogg (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
Zom (Dr. Strange foe)
Zombie (Simon Garth) - by Snood, Prime Eternal & Madison Carter
Zorr (Fantastic Four character)
Zota (Dr. Strange foe) - by Per Degaton
Zota, Carlo (Enclave)
Zraa Zromm (1950s, alternate Earth "lizard-man") - by Ron Fredricks
Z-Ray (Yashonka tech)
Z-Rays (Cedric Rawlings' radiation)
Zzutak (monster) - by Prime Eternal
List compiled by Prime Eternal
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