The Department of
Unknown and Covert Knowledge
Ambassador, Sam Pritchard
Researching, discovering, and hiding of information.
Making sure others don't learn what they shouldn't.
Affiliations: Captain Kerosene, Jack
They're not so good at getting along with others or making
Enemies: Dr.
Oonagh Mullarkey, Mys-Tech,
the British Sleepers;
Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Captain America (Steve Rogers),
Captain Britain, Captain Kerosene, Plasmer, Jack Smithers (more of an antagonist than enemy
to these guys)
Base of Operations: The Closed University (DUCK Headquarters), London, England
First Appearance: Plasmer#1 (Marvel UK) (November, 1993)
History: DUCK was formed as a British Intelligence agency from the ashes of STRIKE. It was significantly reorganized as a result of certain political and economic changes. It was based in the Closed University (STRIKE's old HQ), where it did its best to stay secret and hidden from the affairs of others.
(Plasmer#1-4) - Captain Kerosene, wishing to learn the fate of Jack Smithers, and wondering if he had passed on information on the British Sleepers, approached the Closed University. Despite his previous connections to STRIKE, he was dismissed by a robot sentry, which told him "Everything you want to tell us about doesn't matter, sir. Everything you care about is over, sir. Everything you know has been changed. Goodbye, sir. And thank you for forgetting!" Kerosene broke into the University, where he encountered Pritchard, who told them that they already knew, and would have the Ambassador take care of things.
The Ambassador did not take care of things, but
mostly just got in the way of the heroes who opposed the rampages
of the Sleepers. The Ambassador was even willing to slay Smithers
to prevent the information he held form being learned by others.
Pritchard eventually agreed that the Ambassador lacked the power
to deal with the Sleepers, and so "allowed" the heroes
to defeat the first Sleeper. He then publicly and prematurely
credited the Ambassador for the victory. As the danger escalated
with each successive Sleeper, Pritchard either refused or was
unable to supply information on the third Sleepers resting place
(due to...uhh...streamlining of their secret services).
The heroes located and defeated the third Sleeper, Aftermath, in
spite of DUCK's assistance/resistance, and the Ambassador was
dismantled early in the struggle. Pritchard chided the Ambassador
for his helplessness.
COMMENTS: Created by Glenn Dakin and Pascual Ferry.
DUCK was a British Intelligence Agency. It was
the successor of STRIKE (Special Tactical Reserve for
International Key Emergencies), which was infiltrated, corrupted,
and subsequently disbanded as a result of actions of the Vixen
and Mad Jim Jaspers. It was a contemporary of STORM and WHO (Weird Happenings Organization--which succeeded
RCX (Resources Control eXecutive)). It preceded organization such
as Black Air, the Department, and others.
What the specific jurisdictions of the various organizations is
anyone's guess.
No known connections to:
The apparent acting head of DUCK.
--Plasmer#1 (2-4
Plasmer#1-4 (November, 1993 - February, 1994) - Glenn Dakin (writer), Paschalis Ferry (pencils), Sean Hardy (inks)
Last updated: 08/29/02.
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