Real Name:
(British) Sleeper I
Identity/Class: Terrestrial construct, sentient
Occupation: adventurer, defender of
former Sleeper agent as part of back up plan to destroy England's
Group Membership: British Sleepers
Affiliations: Herbert Isaac (Doorman, creator);
Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Captain America (Steve Rogers),
Captain Britain, Plasmer, Silver Surfer, Jack Smithers;
former pawn of Mys-Tech and Oonagh
Enemies: Aftermath, Dr.
Oonagh Mullarkey, Mys-Tech, the British
DUCK and the Ambassador (Antagonists)
Known Relatives: none, unless you want to count Herbert Isaac as his father, and the second Sleeper and Aftermath as his younger brothers
Aliases: The first British Sleeper; the first Sleeper; Sleeper I
Base of Operations: London, England; formerly an unidentified Churchyard.
First Appearance: Plasmer (Marvel UK)#1 (November, 1993)
Powers: Tommy was constructed out of
Freestate Technology--"constructs exist in a
never-ending from flow from crystal to stone to light--as
entities they are never truly resolved, and what is not fully
created cannot be properly destroyed."
Tommy appears mostly in stone (or a more metallic solid) form,
and can reform, even if completely incinerated. He can also
transform partially or completely into light or crystal. When in
his Black Knight form, he uses a sword. He can transform into
other appearances at will, although it does take him some time to
reconfigure himself. His strength level is uncertain. While a
rampaging Sleeper, he appeared to be at least Class 25-50, if not
more; In his Black Knight form, he was only seen in action
against the immensely powerful Aftermath.
Tommy appears to be sentient, but it is likely that his robot
systems can be taken over and/or reprogrammed by other sources.
(Plasmer#3 (fb)) - In the darkest hour of World War I, Herbert
Isaac, along with Jack Smithers and a few others, used Freestate
Technology to create Tommy, first of the British Sleepers. He and
the other Sleepers of this batch were designed to be activated in
case of the fall of England to avenge its defeat, or to destroy
England itself so that its conquerors could not make use of its
Tommy was stored in an inert state, in the form of a war memorial
statue in a churchyard in London, England, to be activated only
by a certain code.
(Plasmer#1) - Oonagh Mullarkey obtained the codes from Jack Smithers, and activated and controlled Tommy, sending him on a rampage and initiating a destruct program to burn England to the ground.
(Plasmer#2) - Tommy's rampage was interrupted by the attacks of Plasmer, Captain Britain, and the Black Knight, although he proved capable of fighting them all off. Finally, Captain Kerosene arrived and used his full power against Tommy, incinerating them both, as well as a large chunk of ground. However, within seconds, Tommy had begun to reform itself.
(Plasmer#3) - Tommy's temporary destruction allowed him to override his destructive programming and, after recognizing Smithers amongst the gathered heroes, he joined forces with them.
(Plasmer#4) - After scanning the mind of Dane Whitman, Tommy altered his construction, taking a form virtually identical to Dane's Uncle, Nathan Garrett, the Black Knight of Baron Heinrich Zemo's Masters of Evil. Tommy's power was no match for Aftermath, the third Sleeper, who had absorbed power from the Silver Surfer, but that didn't stop him from attacking him again and again--each time being smashed to pieces, and each time putting himself back together. Aftermath was eventually defeated via the efforts of Plasmer, the Surfer, and the Doorman. Afterwards, Doorman wiped out all evidence of the Freestate Technology on Earth, but decided to let Tommy live, as he had proven his own individual identity. Tommy was recruited to join with Smithers, Captain Kerosene, and other willing to fight for the old country.
Comments: Created by Glenn Dakin and Pascual Ferry.
...and that should wrap up the Plasmer characters...whew! It's a fun little series. If you can find it, you can probably buy all four issues for $1.00
No known connection to:
images: (without ads)
Other appearances:
Plasmer#2-4 (December, 1993 - February, 1994) - Glenn Dakin (writer), Paschalis Ferry (pencils), Sean Hardy (inks)
Last updated: 09/23/02
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