
Real Name: Agamotto

Identity/Class: Elderspawn magic-user;
    Pre-Cataclysmic, Hyborian, post-Hyborian/BC era, 1st millenium AD, 1001-1700 AD, (presumably active 1700-1959, but undocumented), pre-modern, and modern era

Occupation: Sorcerer, mystic principality;
    former Sorcerer Supreme

Group Membership: The Vishanti (Hoggoth, Oshtur)

AffiliationsAged Genghis, Ashake (presumably), Ancient One (Yao), Andromeda Attumasen, Ayesha of Balobedu, Balkis (aka Queen of Sheba), Victoria Bentley, Caius of Lacedaemon, Clea,  Cognoscenti (Al, Joshua Pryce, Rose Stedbaur), Sofia di Cosimo, Manuel Diego, Dr. Victor von Doom, Dr. Stephen Strange, Ebrok, Empedocles of Agrigentum, Epimenides of KnossusGaea, Abu Ben Hakim, Hamir, Heka-Nut (aka Dr. Glitternight), Khalid Inshallah, Interloper, Zhang Jiao, Rama Kaliph, Living Tribunal, Lord PhyffeManslaughter, Ian McNee, Mortath, Pale Horseman (aka Fist of Agamotto, including the current incarnation, Cadaver/Cody Fleischer)Pherecydes of Syros, Pythagoras of Samos, Raggadorr, Rintrah, Jules St. Thomas, Shamhat Saraswati, "Screamer," Amanda Sefton, Silver Dagger (Isaiah Curwen; Agamotto considered him a companiion), Silver Fox (Bayan), King SolomonStorm (Ororo Munroe), TarevaThales the Milesian, Hermes Trismegistus, Valkyrie (Brunnhilde), Wong, Wai Chee Yee, Zoroaster, unidentified shape-changer (see comments), humanity, unidentified "demonic"? servants
    presumably any other Sorcerer Supremes and many other magic users

    formerly the Bird-Men (aka the Winged Lords) of Akah Ma'at, Dr. Voodoo (Jericho Drumm), Shamhat Saraswati, Salom�/Semiramis, an unidentified disciple;
    loose/temporary alliance with those present at the Assemblage of Avatars (Akoos the Red Wizard
Lady Linnea, Rotath, Sorrow, Teyanoga, Tuzun Thune, Thulsa Doom, Lord Varnae (still human at the time), the spirit of C'Thunda, and Zhered-Na with her apprentice Dakimh the Enchanter)
    the relationship between the Vishanti and each of the other Mystic Principalities is unclear, although they share some alliances with those granting power to benevolent sorcerers. They opposed the following in the effort of attempting to enlist Dr. Strange into their service in the War of the Seven Spheres: Cyttorak, Denak, the Faltine, Ikonn, Munnopor, Raggadorr, Satannish, the Seraphim, Valtorr, and Watoomb

EnemiesThe Asura, Avengers (Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, Iron Fist/Daniel Rand'Kai, Jessica Jones, Mockingbird/Bobbi Morse, Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Thing/Ben Grimm, Wolverine/James Howlett/Logan), Baron (Karl) Mordo, Belasco, Chthon, Dr. Voodoo, Dormammu, Dragon of the Moon, Dweller-in-Darkness, Galactus (Galan), Hellstorm (Daimon Hellstrom, aka Son of Satan), Korahn, Malachi, N'Garai, Salom�, Serpent MenSet, Shuma-Gorath, Silver Dagger (Curwen considered Agamotto his captor), Sligguth, Slorioth, Trinity of Ashes, Wolf-Men;
    formerly the 
Seraphim, Dr. Stephen Strange (or currently?), Wong;
    all those on the receiving end of the Eye of Agamotto, etc. (such as Dracula) might consider him an enemy;
    allegedly -- at least formerly -- the Vishanti;
    Agamotto is likely not a big fan of Merlin;

Known RelativesDemiurge ("grandfather");
Oshtur (mother);
Chthon, HyppusSet (uncles); Gaea (aunt);
    Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at/Seraphim/Asura ("siblings");
    massive extended family via Chthon, Gaea, and Set

Aliases: Agamotto the All-Seeing, Light of Truth, many-faced Agamotto;
ultimate couch potato" (nickname from Dr. Strange);
the All-Freeing, the All-Knowing, and All-Pervading;
    impersonated the Ancient One, Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Daken, Hoggoth, Jean Grey/Phoenix, John Howlett, Hulk (Bruce Banner), Mystique, Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Silver Fox, others

Base of Operations: Agamotto's realm of light (presumably the same realm as his realm of unreality);
    an unidentified realm in which the Vishanti meet;
    formerly mobile throughout the universe;
    formerly Earth;

    born on Earth via Oshtur's Eye

Education: Tutored by Oshtur, extensively self-educated

First Appearance: (Mentioned) Strange Tales I#115 (December, 1963);
    (full appearance) Marvel Premiere#5 (November , 1972)

caterpillar formcaterpillar-monster-dociii7Powers/Abilities: An immensely powerful mystic entity, Agamotto is a master in egocentric, ecocentric and exocentric magic, derived from self, the environment, and from extradimensional mystic principalities, respectively. He can travel faster than light or instantly teleport across space and dimensions, manipulate matter on an atomic level, manipulate time and send mystic powers across dimensions to aid those deemed worthy. He can generate light in all forms, dispelling darkness (even magically-induced darkness) and illusions, exposing truth, and destroying forces of black (necromantic) magic. He is virtually immortal: At least 27,000 years old, he can recover from seeming destruction. He has recovered almost instantly from a spell invoking the combined power of the Faltine, Ikonn, Valtorr, Seraphim, Denak, Raggadorr, Dormammu, Watoomb, and Cyttorak. Similarly, he has turned aside or distorted powerful spells involving the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and the Rings of Raggadorr.
    At least within his own realm, Agamotto is a match for the power of Galactus.
    Agamotto's power is apparently ineffective against the energies of Shou-Lao.

    Described as All-Seeing, Agamotto has cosmic/mystic senses that can observe events from across the multiverse from his realm, apparently comprehending an unlimited number of events simultaneously. When appearing as part of the collective Vishanti, Agamotto is typically solemn; in his pocket dimension, however, Agamotto’s behavior is erratic. He may be disinterested or protective; behaving kindly one moment and cruelly or at least self-absorbed the next. This may reflect Agamotto’s frustration with humanity’s flawed nature, or Agamotto may be roleplaying to test others’ skill and determination.

    Originally humanoid, Agamotto has since transcended humanity and is no longer a corporal being; while his true form is unrevealed, it has been stated that his true form is more than even the mind of Dr. Strange could comprehend. Regardless, he takes a variety of forms (he has been referred to as many-faced), depending on his mood. With the Vishanti, he commonly adopts an insectoid form or that of a humanoid male with glowing or mult-faceted eyes. Alone in his own realm, he usually appears as a cartoonish caterpillar, although he typically takes on a various more monstrous caterpillar forms to do battle; he has also been seen to adopt a moth-like form or that of a monstrous steam shovel. He has also been seen in various glowing-energy forms, including humanoid and tiger forms, and even a massive, tentacled form, reminiscent of the Great Old Ones, as well as impersonating other beings, such as the Ancient One.

    Agamotto usually resides in a realm he created, which can be accessed via the Eye or Orb of Agamotto and where physical laws do not necessarily apply. Agamotto often pulls memories from visitors’ subconscious to influence his own appearance as well as the realm’s. His realm has been identified and seen as a realm of unreality and a realm of light; it is presumed that these are the same realms, whose natures have been manipulated by Agamotto himself.

    Agamotto often grants power to others via exocentric magic; he is invoked to summon spells dealing with truth, light and sight. Among the specific abilities he has granted thusly (alone or invoked specifically in concert with other principalities, including the Vishanti) are absorbing mystic energy; accelerating the passage of time; augmenting other spells/principalities (such as the Flames of the Faltine); banishing darkness; disrupting other spells (specifically dispelling the Vapors of Valtorr summoned by an evil sorcerer or shattering life-threatening crystal spears); binding others (sometimes via augmenting Strange's Cloak of Levitation); blessings (asking Agamotto to watch over someone); causing selective amnesia; conjuring or exposing an anagonist (specifically Nightmare); controlling others' minds; destroying a page from the Book of the Vishanti; dispelling illusions (augmenting the Eye of Agamotto); exorcising demons; exposing someone to his/her/its true nature (augmenting the Eye of Agamotto's power); forming protective spheres; generating blinding mystic light; levitating others; locating and safely navigating to the source of evil (specifically Nightmare's realm); opening and/or utilizing the Orb of Agamotto (Eye of Prescience); penetrating mental shields; petrifying others; reassembling shattered materials (such as the statue of the Black Knight/Dane Whitman); staving off death following mortal wounds; summoning and guiding the Hosts of Hoggoth; transporting others extradimensionally; unleashing one's astral self.
For a listing of spells invoking Agamotto individually or as part of the Vishanti, see here.

    When united with Oshtur and Hoggoth as the Vishanti, their combined powers are even greater than the sum of their individual abilities. Some of their documented feats include transporting themselves or others across dimensions, manipulating matter on an atomic level, manipulating time and sending mystic power across dimensions to aid those deemed worthy.
    The Vishanti only become all-knowing when joined together as a triumvirate.
    Even the Vishanti could be controlled for increasing durations by those who held one to three Rings of Compulsion.

 book of the vishanti   As he would supply the power to spells invoking himself and/or the Vishanti, he is typically immune to such spells, and can even turn their power back on the wielder/ - fulloracle - inactive

    Agamotto sometimes channels his magic through his Omni-Visor, a device often perceived as a hookah (see above left image) when he is in his cartoonish caterpillar form; it changes form depending on what form he takes. Agamotto uses the Omni-Visor to review images and activities. Agamotto highly values this talisman and considers it irreplaceable.

    Agamotto is the main author of the Book of the Vishanti (aka Book of Light; see image to the left), which collects much of his magic knowledge;

    and the creator of such talismans as the time and life-force manipulating Moebius Stone, the mind-manipulating Spine of Agamotto, the Sword of Bone (created with aid from Oshtur, which empowers his agent the Pale Horseman), the scrying device known as the All-Seeing Oracle (see images to the right) and the three Eyes of Agamotto. 

eye-closed    The most powerful Eye is the exocentric magic-powered Eye of Agamotto (or Eye of Truth). 

    Residing within an amulet and is released as needed, it can radiate a blinding “all-revealing light” of immeasurable mystic force, allowing its user to dispel disguises and illusions, invoke past images, and track corporeal and ethereal beings by psychic or magical emissions.

    Demonic beings and other creatures of black magic, such as vampires, cannot endure its power, which is also effective against mortal black arts practitioners.

    By emerging from its amulet and affixing to its wielder’s forehead, it facilitates probing sentient beings’ minds.

eye-open    The Eye can serve as a gateway to other dimensions, notably Agamotto and Eternity’s realms.

    The Eye can also serve as a means to allow Agamotto to possess and/or control others, or allow his agents to possess others.

    The Eye's power has been amplified via other sources, such as Aggamon's Purple Gem.


    The Orb of Agamotto (or Eye of Prescience) draws on ecocentric magic 

    It is an immensely powerful mystic scrying crystal that can peer into other dimensions and worlds and automatically detect and locate powerful magic’s use and evil threats to the world. 

    Especially powerful mystical forces can cloud the Orb, blocking their discovery. 

    The Orb can be used as a gateway for the viewer to enter the dimensions it displays, often functioning as exit or entrance to a realm, respectively, by the Eye of Agamotto, including Agamotto’s realm. 


    The Amulet of Agamotto (aka lesser Eye of Agamotto or Eye of Power) is powered by egocentric magic 

    It has similar, though lesser, powers as the Eye of Truth including mystic illumination, seeing through illusions and tracking beings by psychic and magical emissions.

    As Agamotto supplies the power of the talismans he has created, he can typically summon them to his presence at will and is immune to their power. 

    However, following an alleged fallout with the Vishanti, he could not summon the Eye of Agamotto, and he was affected by its power.

Height: Variable
Eyes: Variable


young with Oshtur(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <Circa 25,000 BC> - While the Elder Goddess Gaea was quiet and her brothers Set and Chthon were otherwhere entertained, their sister Oshtur found herself watching three mortal children playing a game of hide and seek around an old acacia tree. After observing that one child -- though blind and wearing bandages over badly healed wounds over his eyes -- played and laughed with unbridled joy, Oshtur was moved to shed a single, rare tear, which spilled down her cheek. This tear contained a tiny baby boy, whom she named Agamotto.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto grew into a happy and very curious child, asking his mother at least 100 questions a day, involving history, chemistry, sorcery, herbal tea, etc. Always close by with an answer, Oshtur enjoyed watching Agamotto learn as much as he enjoyed learning; perfectly matched, the two were very happy for many, many years. 

    When Agamotto had grown nearly as tall as the old acacia tree, Oshtur decided to leave Earth to learn about the other dimensions, and she told Agamotto she was leaving so he could learn independently and find his own purpose. Brushing a lock of hair from his eyes, she was gone.

    Agamotto waited for Oshtur's return for some time, but when she did not return, he decided to go look for her. After failing to find Oshtur under the old acacia tree, Agamotto sat under the tree and searched his memories in hopes that Oshtur's previous lessons would reveal where she had gone. Wondering if he could focus long enough to search his memories, he remained there for seven years without eating or drinking. 

    While he learned that nothing Oshtur had taught him could tell him where she had gone, he did discover that his mind could tell him what his body did and did not need, and that he could project his astral self outside his body invisibly. 

    Via the  journey through his own psyche, Agamotto provided the structure for what would become known as the First Form of Magic, the Arcanum Ego (aka Egocentric magic, derived from personal spiritual reserves), while the journey would become known as the First Path of Power (or the Lapis Pass). As he crossed the final threshold of the First Path, the magic item later known as the Talisman of Agamotto (aka the Eye of Power, the Eye of Agamotto, and the Amulet of Agamotto) opened into existence; without his knowing, it helped him find his way.

    Resolving that Oshtur had intended for him to find his way on his own and wondering if she would be pleased and surprised at how much he had learned, Agamotto imagined himself through his mother's eyes and saw himself for the first time; "he saw clearly his own remarkable inner power, and, remarkably, Agamotto's inner power saw him." When he opened his eyes, he was faced with the Eye of Power; summoning the full power of the Eye, Agamotto felt his vision expanding, yet still could see no sign of Oshtur. young - quest

    Finally rising, Agamotto scoured the whole world for seven years, during which he learned about the bounty of his aunt Gaea. He learned to summon energy from invisible threads she wore like a garment, which could help him find or hide things; or he could flatten the energy into a shield or sharpen it into a weapon. These lessons would be passed down as the Second Form of Magic, the Arcanum Eco (aka Ecocentric magic, derived from the immediate environment), while the journey would become known as the Second Path of Power (or the Emerald Road). As he reached the summit of the Second Path, the magic item later known as the Orb of Agamotto or the Eye of Prescience opened into existence.

    However, once he had searched every corner and cavern on Earth, he learned Oshtur was no longer on the planet. However, he also found himself back at the old acacia tree, and realized the illusory nature of time and space. Throwing back his head and laughing, Agamotto opened his eyes to find the Eye of Prescience. Summoning its full power, Agamotto felt his vision expand again until he could see into the farthest reaches of the stars, and into the past and the future; nonetheless, he saw nothing of Oshtur.

    Agamotto then traveled to and climbed the highest mountain he could find, after which he stepped off Earth and walked out into the stars, seeking Oshtur. When Earth was only a distant memory -- though even the two talismans' power showed him nothing of Oshtur -- he felt peace in space's quiet darkness, forgetting his nature and quest, and he slept. "When he stopped looking...the veil was lifted from his eyes." As this happened, the greatest of his mystic talismans, which would become known as the Eye of Agamotto or the Eye of Truth, came into existence. 


(What If? I#18 (fb) - BTS) - According to legend, the Eye drifted for ages among strange stars and skies until it was discovered by Agamotto.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - With this Eye to guide him, Agamotto journeyed through the dimensions; he visited the Luminous Lunar Mansions of Munnipor; and he freed the fourth Ring of Raggadorr from the Dungeons of Dyzakk. 

    His journeys throught the mystic dimensions -- which may have included the Crossroads, Crimson Cosmos, the Purple Dimension, the Mindscape, Cinnibus, Otherplace (the limbo of Belasco, Magik, etc.), the Veils of Valtorr, the Splinter Realms and Dark Dimensions, the realms of Dream and Nightmare, the Winding Way, the Well beyond Worlds, and perhaps the Sevenfold Citadels of Sephorith, the Flickering Realms (home to Chthon), the Serpent's Sea (home to Set), Avalon (home to Gaea) -- taught him lessons that are passed down as the Third Form of Magic, the Arcanum Exo (aka Exocentric magic, derived from extradimensional mystic principalities) while the journey would become known as the Third Path of Power (or the Golden Way). 

    Before he began to travel to the undiscovered realms (it is unclear, but it seems he may have found Oshtur before he ventured into all the reams referenced above) , he summoned together the mystic trinity of Eyes he had accrued; when all three opened in harmonious vision, he at last beheld Oshtur, and the Eyes were allegedly blinded by joyful tears.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's early life was spent tirelessly teaching and tending to early man. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - For millennia, Agamotto used his remarkable mystic talismans known as the three Eyes of Agamotto to battle against demonic forces. 

(X-Men: Soul Killer (fb) - BTS) - Agamott placed wards that imprisoned the N'Garai within their realm.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - As Agamotto reached adulthood, he joined with Oshtur and Hoggoth to form the mystic trinity known as the Vishanti.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7 (fb) - BTS) - Per his own claims, Agamotto was a cosmic entity "before Earth was a twinkle in the celestial eye."

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - He wrote The Book of the Vishanti so humans could learn magic and become enlightened. Agamotto introduced Earth to three of the four forms of magic (Egocentric, Ecocentric, & Exocentric; excluding Necromantic) via recording information about his discovery and mastery of these "Three Paths to Enlightenment" in the Book of the Vishanti. Mankind did prosper, and Agamotto helped the early sorcerers, alchemists and scientists to develop the great city of Atlantis. 

(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - Long ago, the Vishanti fought the unspeakable wickedness of Shuma-Gorath. 

(Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - The Vishanti helped mankind prosper despite threats from Chthon and Set. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Around 19,000 BC when conflicts broke out again among the four surviving Elder Gods -- Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur, and Set -- Agamotto summoned their representatives to Atlantis for the legendary Assemblage of Avatars. The summit was attended by all the greatest sorcerers of the ancient era -- including Akoos the Red Wizard, Lady Linnea, Rotath, Sorrow, Teyanoga, Tuzun Thune, Thulsa Doom, Lord Varnae (still human at the time), the spirit of C'Thunda, and Zhered-Na with her apprentice Dakimh -- but very little was accomplished.

    Soon after this Agamotto began to express frustration with mankind's limitations. Impressed with Zhered-Na, Agamotto continued to observe and assist her, and he began grooming her to become his successor as humanity's protector.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC> - Agamotto's frustration with humanity turned to fury when, during the Great Cataclysm that sank Atlantis, Valusia and Lemuria and wiped out much of civilization, he learned that his beloved friend Zhered-Na had been killed by a fearful superstitious mob (under the influence of the demonic Dweller-in-Darkness). 

    Agamotto withdrew into a world he created and accessed via his Orb, turning a blind eye to the horrible suffering that the world endured after the Fall of Atlantis. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC - see comments> - Agamotto was so upset that he abandoned humanity for 500 years. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto continued to hold the unofficial title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme from 18,000 BC - 15,000 BC.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - When Agamotto did finally return to Earth, he spent more time with Oshtur's new "offspring" - the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at. 

    Agamotto chose Shamhat Saraswati, a great sorceress of Akah Ma'at, to become the next mystic protector of Earth. He gave her the Book of the Vishanti and the three Eyes of Agamotto, and she was the first to officially hold the title of "Sorcerer Supreme" circa 15,000 BC. 
<more detail on the Sorcerer Supremes here>

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto became the paradigm that all future Sorcerer Supremes would aspire towards.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Though Shamhat Saraswati proved herself a worthy choice, guarding the Earth and her peoples from danger from 15,000 to 10,000 BC (see comments), she became entangled in an ideological dispute within Akah Ma'at that (with some help from Chthon) grew into a civil war. The two factions, Saraswati's Seraphim and Varuna's Asura, grew so destructive that Oshtur banished the entire race from the Earthly plane  to the Plane of Sephirot, and an again frustrated Agamotto withdrew into his Orb.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Presumably after this, Agamotto took an unidentified extraterrestrial being as his disciple.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Agamotto's disciple was granted the Eye and Orb of Agamotto and -- aided by Agamotto -- served as nemesis to the Dark Dimension's Dormammu.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's disciple determined that the fight was not worth the prize, and that good and evil were terms for others, not not him/her/it.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Seeking to balance Chthon's corruption of the Asura, Oshtur coaxed Agamotto back to Earth so he could help her convert  four of the most malevolent demons into the service of justice. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Creating the mystic Sword of Bone, which would become one of the powerful Cornerstones of Creation, Oshtur and Agamotto fused one of these demons with the sword, turning that demon into the Pale Horseman/Rider (aka Cadaver), aka the Fist of Agamotto.

(Secret Defenders#15 (fb) - BTS / Secret Defenders#16 (fb) - BTS) - "Eons ago," Korahn and his disciple and lover, Malachi, sought to prolong their lives via the Moebius Stone of Agamotto. They braved the sacred Temple of Agamotto, bested the guards and attendants, and secured their prize. But before they could incant the rune that would render them immortal, Agamotto's guardian, the Pale Horseman, was upon them. Agamotto's wrath at their trespass led his guardian to shatter the Moebius Stone, scattering the fragments to Earth's corners. Standing before the brunt of the attack, Korahn fell, shielding Malachi.

    The Pale Horseman departed, failing to detect the single Moebius Stone fragment Korahn had concealed on himself. Korahn subsequently bequeathed the fragment to Malachi, allowing her to live throughout the ages. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Now unsure of his ability to choose a successor, Agamotto chose someone he believed could help him make the right choice, the wizard Genghis, famous as a truth-teller. Admitting he did not know who should become the next Sorcerer  Supreme, Genghis told Agamotto that the surest way to find the "supreme" anything was to hold a contest. So the "Time of the Vishanti" was declared and all the world's most powerful mages battled to see who would be supreme.

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (fb) - BTS) - The sorcerer Genghis made a pact with forces beyond the Earthy sphere (the Vishanti, at least). In return for knowledge, he agreed to bring together the world's greatest mystics once every hundred years. He would then preside over a contest of sorcery which would sorely test their skills, and would determine and acknowledge one among them as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme.

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (fb) - BTS) - Genghis performed his duty, conducting the contest during the Time of the Vishanti every century.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Ayesha, the Rain Queen of Balobedu emerged as the champion, accepting Agamotto's talismans and the title of Sorcerer Supreme circa 10,000 BC until voluntarily stepping down after serving for nearly 5000 years (see comments)

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Hermes Trismegistus of Egypt was Sorcerer Supreme from 5,000 BC to 1800 BC (see comments)

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Next to "wear the Eyes" (from 1800 - 1300 BC) was the Persian Wizard Priest Zoroaster 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zoroaster was succeeded by the Assyrian Sorceress Queen Semiramis (aka Salom�;1300 - 1100 BC). 

    Semiramis went mad and demanded worship as a goddess. The Vishanti were displeased and banished her from Earth, and Agamotto began to withdraw again.

(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Vishanti separated themselves from intervening directly in matters on Earth.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The legendary King Solomon replaced Salome�'s madness with wisdom and stability from 1100 to 800 BC. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Solomon was succeeded by his love, Balkis the Queen of Sheba who served until 550 BC when a series of Greek Philosopher/Sorcerers attempted to fill the position of Sorcerer Supreme with a mystic triumvirate (to mirror the Vishanti's triad) with mixed results.  The triad included Thales the Milesian (replaced by Epimenides of Knossos 500 BC), Pythagoras of Samos (replaced by Empedocles of Agrigentum 470 BC), and Pherecydes of Syros. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Caius of Lacedaemon defeated all three of the Sorcerer Supremes in the year 400 BC and reunited the Eyes of Agamotto, but the Vishanti seemed not to care. The role of Sorcerer Supreme became less visible and less important as time progressed.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zhang Jiao took over in 100 AD, but with the emergence of Christianity and its anti-magic sentiment, Agamotto and the Vishanti remained mostly in the background. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The line of succession almost came to an end when the wizard Merlin won the Battle of the Vishanti in the year 500 AD, but rejected the role of Sorcerer Supreme. 

    A nameless sorcerer took up the mantle that Merlin had rejected. This mysterious wizard was especially gifted at the art of illusion, so accounts of his or her appearance are radically different in every historical record. There is no information as to why this individual wished to keep his or her true face and identity hidden (see comments).

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The title did not truly return to prominence until 1450 AD, when a young Yao (later the Ancient One) took the title and began to reestablish the importance of the Sorcerer Supreme. 

    By this point, the Vishanti had become so distant that the Ancient One actually received the Amulet of Agamotto from Eternity and had to retrieve the Book of the Vishanti from a Babylonian Griffon. Yao was able to reconnect with the Vishanti and other mystic principalities.

Dr. Strange: Season One - humanoid(Dr. Strange: Season One (fb) - BTS) - Despite having the heart for mysticism during his training in Kamar-Taj, Wong never mastered the words, and so the Vishanti never answered his calls. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - In the 1960s, Dr. Strange became the Ancient One's disciple, regularly invoking the Vishanti, individually and as a collective. 

(Dr. Strange: Season One - BTS) - Although repeated invoking the Vishanti -- individually or together -- the neophyte disciple Stephen Strange was repeatedly denied as unworthy because he primarily sought power to help himself. 

    On a quest aided by Wong and Sofia di Cosimo, Strange gathered a trio of mystic rings, the Rings of Compulsion (the existence of which was discovered by the mystics of Tsar Simeon in 915 AD), which would allow one to command the Vishanti. 

(Dr. Strange: Season One) - Attacked by angered spirits, after the Vishanti again refused his spell, Strange donned the first ring, and exclaimed, "All right Vishanti, you show yourselves, you damn sons of..."; and he fell silent when the Vishanti indeed appeared. 

    Oshtur stated, "Souls of the dead, spectral bane! The Vishanti command you -- begone from this plane." The spirits vanished, but the Vishanti remained, and they (or at least Hoggoth, or whoever was in the tiger's form) encircled and lifted Strange into the air with a mystic tendril; Hoggoth stated, "Unworthy worm! You have stolen the first ring of compulsion. And now you have but three heartbeats command our infinite power."

    Strange swiftly replied, "Might Vishanti...lords of power this ring, I enjoin you...begone from this plane!" And they vanished as well.

(Dr. Strange: Season One - BTS) - After Strange began to sacrifice of himself to help others, he began to be able to sense mystic energies. 

(Dr. Strange: Season One - BTS) - When they were attacked by demon-possessed sheep, Strange led Wong in invoking Hoggoth and the Faltine to banish the demon-spirits. 

(Dr. Strange: Season One - BTS) - After they gathered the third ring, however, Mordo appeared, intending to steal the rings. 

(Dr. Strange: Season One) - To prevent this, Wong donned the rings and commanded the Vishanti, but he failed to tell them to defend him; as a result, Mordo mystically enslaved Wong, placing the Vishanti at his command. When Mordo tried to strike down Strange and Sofia, however, he found her protected by a pre-existing spell from the Ancient One. As the Ancient One drew his power from the Vishanti, Mordo was able to eventually break the protective spell, but not before Sofia convinced Strange that he was now worthy and could call on the Vishanti. He did so, and they finally answered his spell, granting him flame power, which he used to blast Mordo. Strange then battered Mordo into submission, and when Mordo called on Dormammu to kill Strange, Mordo lost his concentration and was caught in his own spell, which transported him away.

    Strange then calmed and supported Wong until he could release the rings to Strange; finally having the power to heal himself or get whatever he wanted, Strange instead noted the rings weren't his and transported them back to the Vishanti.

humanoid- marvprem5-pg16-pan1caterpillar monster - dr. strange II(Marvel Premiere#5) - Battered and weakened by Sligguth, Dr. Strange beseeched the Vishanti to prevent Sligguth's then-master Shuma-Gorath from conquering the world. Agamotto identified Strange as disciple of their revered servant the Ancient One, after which the Vishanti appeared before Strange, taking fleshly forms that Strange could comprehend without going mad. Agamotto noted that they must deny Strange's request for aid lest they upset the cosmic balance and open the door to chaos, though he sensed Shuma-Gorath's wicked power evoked by Sligguth.

    Upon returning to their realm, Agamotto noted how they had opposed Shuma-Gorath in the past, and the Vishanti ulimately decided that they could, for a little while, suspend the aura of evil that deprived Strange of his mystical strengths. Strange felt himself free of the weakening aura of evil, which allowed him to overpower Sligguth and his minions.

(Marvel Premiere#8 - BTS) - While trapped on the sentient planet Kathulos, Strange considered that he might turn to the Vishanti if need be. Their images appeared before him (or perhaps just in his mind?)

(Dr. Strange II#1) - When Dr. Strange was pulled into the Orb of Agamotto after being fatally wounded by Silver Dagger, he emerged in Agamotto's realm

(Dr. Strange II#1 / Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7 (fb) - BTS / Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#43 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto appeared before Strange in the form of a hookah-smoking caterpillar atop a mushroom (a la Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass/Alice in Wonderland, taken from Strange's childhood memories). 

(Dr. Strange II#1) - Without identifying himself, Agamotto assured Strange that he was real, at least for a world where nothing is real; after confirming they were within the Orb, he told Strange he couldn't get out. When Strange insisted he could and would get out to save Clea from Silver Dagger, Agamotto transformed into a monstrous moth-form and told him their conversation was not yet over. Agamotto further explained that they were in a realm of unreality, to which Strange had opened himself and which had captured him; as he remained there, he would remain merge with this unreality. When the moth-creature told Strange that death was the best he could achieve there, Strange assumed the creature meant to kill him and unleashed his full power, seemingly destroying the creature. As the smoke cleared, however, Agamotto in his caterpillar form sat unscathed upon his mushroom, smoking his hookah; he told Strange, "Death is real...for real beings."agamotto-darkshadows

    Agamotto advised Strange that if he was determined to escape, he should head for the center of the orb...everything came together there, maybe even an egress: "The furthest inside is the closest to outside, dig?" Agamotto further warned Strange that even if he did escape, he would be back where he was before, minutes from death due to the stabbing. When Strange declined his advice to just hang out as unreality wasn't too bad, Agamotto told him he'd keep his eyes on him. 

(Dr. Strange II#5 - BTS) -Restored to life, Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to transport Silver Dagger to the Realm of Unreality.

(Dr. Strange II#5) - The caterpillar-like Agamotto thoroughly enjoyed dialogue with Silver Dagger, who was now trapped there.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto enjoyed many philosophical discussions with Silver Dagger.

(Dark Shadows#34 (fb)) - Thrown from his own body into Agamotto's realm of unreality and seeking a way home, the evil wizard Morath's spirit spotted Agamotto in his caterpillar form, playing chess with a bearded man, and demanded they tell him how he return to his own dimension.

    Annoyed more by his interrupting the game rather than the threatening tone, Agamotto hushed Morath and told him to head up to the eye. Spotting a giant floating eye in the air, Morath realized it was the Eye of Agamotto and that it would permit him to exit back to Earth via the connected Orb.

    Telling himself he should ignore the illusions of absurdity around him, he launched himself towards the eye. Agamotto dismissed his comment, replying that absurdity was reality. Morath meanwhile emerged from the Orb in Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, his materialization frightening Clea (see comments), before he hastily departed for Collinswood.agamotto-darkshadows-eye

(Marvel Team-Up I#77) - Marie LaVeau (mystically enslaved by Silver Dagger) cast a mystic transferrence spell that sent Dr. Strange's astral self to Agamotto's realm while returning Silver Dagger to Earth. In his caterpillar form, Agamotto teased Strange for getting caught with his aura down. Realizing he was again within the realm accessed via the Orb, Strange departed to find a way out. 

(Marvel Team-Up I#77 - BTS) - When Silver Dagger was distracted by fight with Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel, however, LaVeau stabbed Silver Dagger in the back, incapacitating him and allowing Strange to return to Earth. Strange subsequently banished Silver Dagger back to the realm accessed via the Orb.

(Dr. Strange II#81? / Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7 (fb) - BTS) - When Dr. Strange attempted to destroy many of his mystic artifacts to deprive extraterestrial sorcerer Urthona of their power, Agamotto transported the Orb of Agamotto to his realm, and the other items -- including the Darkhold, Scrolls and Wand of Watoomb, the Purple Gem, Book of Eibon, and the Book of the Vishanti -- were apparently pulled along with the Orb. Agamotto kept them in storage.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7 (fb) - BTS) - Convinced he was a medieval monk, Silver Dagger stopped having discussions with Agamotto and instead spent much of his time flagellating himself, much to Agamotto's disappointment.

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#3 - BTS) - After the former Defenders Andromeda Attumasen, Interloper, Manslaughter and Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) defeated the forces of the cosmic Dragon of the Moon at the Borders of the Land of the Dead, an emissary of the Vishanti appeared to them and asked them what they requested as reward for their service. At Manslaughter's request, the Vishanti returned them to life via aid from Dr. Strange, who bound their spirits to mortal hosts.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#6) - Trapped within a mystic prison in Hell by Mephisto (who departed to confront Satannish), Dr. Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to escape in Agamotto's Realm of Unreality, after which Agamotto greeted him in his caterpillar form, asking him what kept him.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#7) - Strange was shocked when the caterrpillar revealed that he was Agamotto and that this was his realm. Acknowledging the details of how Strange had gotten there, Agamotto noted, however, that he got bored sitting around his realm by himself. After Agamotto revealed how Silver Dagger had changed, Strange prepared to depart, but Agamotto transformed into monstrous caterpillar form and insisted he stay to keep him company. As Strange tried to flee, Agamotto noted how he had taken both of his forms from image from Dr. Strange's psyche (specifically from images from Alice in Wonderland and E.C. Comics). Strange foolishly tried to use the Eye of Agamotto against Agamotto, but the Eye simply retreated back inside its casing, which then slammed shut. 

    As they matched spells (during which time Agamotto whimsically noted that he was a very good speller), Agamotto explained how old he was and how he had grown tired of watching the same creation myths occurring over and over again. Strange noted his disbelief at how the entity he had so often invoked for power was essentially the ultimate couch potato, and Agamotto explained that it was difficult watching a zillion things at once. When Strange attempted to invoke the Vishanti against Agamotto, he reminded Strange that he was one third of the Vishanti and turned the spell back on Strange.steamshovel form

    After Agamotto tried to assure Strange he would have a nice cozy place to live in his realm after Mephisto and Satannish trashed Earth, Strange invoked the Faltine, Ikonn, Valtorr, Seraphim, Denak, Raggadorr, Dormammu, Watoomb, and Cyttorak collectively for power to drive back Agamotto. However, Agamotto confronted Strange anew almost instantly, now in the form of a monstrous green steam shovel. Strange offered to return to Agamotto's side after confronting the two arch-demons, but Agamotto refused, noting how Strange might be destroyed in that conflict. 

moth form    Agamotto next transformed into a monstrous moth form, and he told Strange that he was convinced that Strange was far more fun than Silver Dagger (or even the latest Nintendo); "by the time I let you walk off into the sunset, even your long grey beard will have a beard."

    Realizing he had no hope in defeating Agamotto directly, Strange distracted him with a mystic doppelganger and transported himself over to Agamotto's toadstool, where he put a mystic aura around Agamotto's hookah and threatened to crush it. Acknowledging that the structure was actually his irreplacable Omni-Visor, Agamotto agreed to let Strange go, as long as he gave back the pipe first. 

    As Strange prepared to go, Agamotto revealed that he had saved the mystic artifacts Strange had though destroyed. Strange was very grateful for this gift, and Agamotto directed him to the egress point. As a further gift, Agamotto granted Strange a replacement -- taken with permission from Silver Dagger -- for the left eye Strange had lost during his struggles against Shuma-Gorath's forces. Agamotto also offered cryptic advice that Strange used to foil Mephisto and Satannish.

    After Strange's departure, Agamotto enjoyed watching infinite replays of their conflict.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#32 (fb) - BTS) - To test Silver Dagger's claims of redemption, Agamotto allowed Silver Dagger to locate and steal his Amulet of Agamotto (aka Eye of Power) and escape his realm, hoping that he would make the right choices and redeem himself. 

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#32) - When Silver Dagger instead lived down to expectations and attacked Dr. Strange, Agamotto reclaimed the Eye/Amulet from Curwen and revealed his awareness of his actions. Agamotto then brought the Silver Dagger -- despite his refusal to accompany him ("like you've really got a choice, right?") -- back to his realm, where he planned to renew their stimulating philosophical debates. 

humanoid - triumph&torment(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment - BTS) - As the Time of the Vishanti approached, the senile Aged Genghis regained his mental clarity. He then transported himself to the jungles of South East Asia, to the Javan Rainforest, to the Temple of the Three. Clearing a century's worth of plant growth from the Temple, he then sent out a call heard only by those most learned in the ways of sorcery. At least thirteen mystics responded, including Manuel Diego, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, Khalid Inshallah, Jules St. Thomas, Screamer, Sen-Yu, Tareva, and Wai Chee Yee (see comments).

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment) - After Genghis explained the purpose of the gathering,  the Vishanti themselves then appeared and confirmed his statements. Hoggoth specified that the victor would become the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, and Agamotto added that after that mage had been identified, a boon would be granted, and lives would be changed. Oshtur further clarified that any such changes must be of each of the attendant's doing and by their own free will: "No mortal shall be forced to take part...this is not the way of the Vishanti." 
    Finally, Agamotto instructed the kneeling attendants to rise, and to let any depart who so wished.
    None chose to leave.

    The Genghis then called upon the Vishanti to encase him in mystic crystal, after which they explained that the one who freed the Genghis from their embrace would win the contest. 

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment - BTS) - Succeeding in overcoming the others and releasing the Genghis, Dr. Strange accepted the honor, though he declined the boon, but the Genghis explained that the Sorcerer Supreme does not receive the boon...he must grant any other mystic who evaded the power of the crystal. Only one other mystic had done so: Dr. Doom. Genghis told Strange that he was duty-bound to fulfill Doom's wishes to the best of his ability. Strange reluctantly agreed when Doom revealed his desire to free his mother, Cynthia von Doom, from the clutches of Mephisto.

    Stating that his duty was done for another century, Genghis vanished, returning to his cave, his mind quickly degenerating into senility once again, and the Temple collapsed without his magic to support it.

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/2 - BTS) - Dr. Strange gifted his apprentice, Rintrah, with the Amulet of Agamotto (Eye of Power, lesser Eye of Agamotto).

caterpillar-monster-dociii43(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#43 - BTS) - During the Infinity War, Dr. Strange allowed Galactus to use the energies from the Eye of Agamotto to help seek the location of the Magus. At the same time, Rintrah used the original Amulet of Agamotto (Eye of Power) and the Orb of Agamotto to try to establish contact with Dr. Strange who had been taken from his Sanctum by Galactus (with Galactus' intent unclear at the time).

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#43 (fb) - BTS) - Not appreciating the manipulation of his artifacts by beings for which they were not intended. Agamotto transported Dr. Strange, as well as Amulet, Eye, and Orb of Agamotto to his realm.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#43) - Agamotto greeted Dr. Strange and confimed that he had pulled his artifacts to his realm, but that he was also upset with Strange, and that he had had to exert himself to get his artifacts back when he could have been watching reruns of other events on his Omni-Visor. Though Strange tried to explain that the universe was at risk, Agamotto contended that it was Strange's universe, not his...and that he had already recorded Strange's universe, so if it was destroyed, he could watch its best parts ad infinitum. 

    Strange attempted to grab the three magic items and escape, invoking the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and the Rings of Raggadorr, but Agamotto simply redirected those spells to tie themselves up in knots while he entrapped Strange within the Orb itself. Though his own spells and invocations could not help him escape, Strange was able to send out one spell -- pulling the Orb's own power with it as the path of least resistance -- towards Earth, which transported Galactus and his ship into Agamotto's realm. As Galactus emerged, Agamotto acknowledged Strange's cleverness in accomplishing this, and instructed Galactus to depart, as Strange and the Eye(s) would stay there to keep him company. Galactus insisted both Strange and the Orb (perhaps he meant the Eye) would go with him despite Agamotto's wishes, after which he fired an eyeblast that blew apart Agamotto's toadstool, leading Agamotto to take on his monstrous caterpillar form and attack Galactus directly, warning that this was his realm. As Agamotto battled fiercely, Strange used the distraction to escape the Orb and hurl mystic energy in all directions. 

    While Agamotto, no longer a corporal being, was resistant to Galactus' assaults, his realm and its memory bubbles suffered damage. As the enraged Agamotto prepared to assault Galactus anew, Hoggoth (appearing in a humanoid form typically used by Agamotto) and Oshtur -- summoned by the energy unleashed by Strange -- appeared and entreated him to hold and avoid lowering himself to Galactus' arrogant violence. Oshtur further clarified that had Strange not made them aware, they might not have learned until it was too late. When Agamotto asked if they had come to help him annihilate the intruder (Galactus), Hoggoth explained that they wished him to allow Galactus and Strange to depart, and Oshtur added that mystic vibrations from the forces Strange and Galactus were seeking/opposing were already wreaking havoc with other dimensions, including their own. They further reminded Agamotto of the first law of the Vishanti, "With great power, there must also come great responsiblity" (see comments). Agamotto humbling agreed they were right and explained that his concern over his Orb and "Amulet Eyes" caused him to lose sight of his ultimate duty to the multiverse. Oshtur and Hoggoth then departed, and Agamotto returned to his cartoon-ish caterpillar form, granting Strange leave to take the Amulet, Eye, and Orb of Agamotto with him and depart, but advised him to hurry before he changed his mind. 

    Disgusted by the idea of a stalemate with such a being, Galactus considered staying to battle further, but Strange convinced him of the critical nature of their mission; as they departed, Galactus took some comfort in knowing he had destroyed some of Agamotto's memory bubbles. Agamotto agreed, but noted there were plenty more where that came from, and he watched new memory bubbles of Nova and Galactus.

insectoid - vishanti-docss48-p14-pan2(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#48) - When Dr. Strange invoked the Vishanti against Ygothic Cyclopeans, the Vishanti provided him the power they sought and then summoned him into their realm. Oshtur warned that the War of the Seven Spheres would soon rage across the planes of Heaven and added that the cyclopeans were agents of forces wishing to prevent Strange from becoming a participant. After Hoggoth showed Strange images of their primary antagonists, the Trinity of Ashes, Agamotto explained that the other principalities had their own enemies. Oshtur then shared this was the enactment of a predestined cyclical conflict, and that the Vishanti and Trinity were assigned the roles of opposing forces, while Strange's destiny was intertwined with the Vishanti's. 

    Strange expressed interest in helping, and Oshtur told him they had grave need of mystic warriors of his power level and that he must travel with them to the designated plane of combat. After learning that the conflict was expected to take 5000 years, Strange declined even after Hoggoth told him they could extend his lifespan to beyond this time, as he was unwilling to leave Earth unprotected for that long. The Vishanti were collectively irate that he who had received their assistance in the course of his own battles countless times past now rejected their call. When they insisted, and unleashed mystic bolts of enthrallment, Strange -- realizing he had no hope of combatting them and could not hide within their dimension -- attempted to escape in what he saw as the only means, transmigration through singularity. He appeared to succeed, but was then cast into a threatening mystic realm. 

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#49) - As Dr. Strange invoked other mystic principalities, such as Watoomb, Ikonn, and Cyttorak, they, too, tried to conscript to their services in the War of the Seven Spheres. To escape these forces without further invocations, he activated the Eye of Agamotto, which led him back to the Vishanti. As the other Principalities -- including Cyttorak, Denak, the Faltine, Ikonn, Munipoor, Raggadorr, Satannish, the Seraphim, Valtorr, and Watoomb  -- arrived and challenged the Vishanti for the right to utilize Strange as their agent, Strange recited the Emancipation Incantation, freeing him from servitude to any of these Principalities, but also denying him further access to their support and power. After he confirmed that he was willing to sacrifice that to retain his freedom on Earth, Strange was cast back to his Sanctum Sanctorum. 

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#51 - BTS) - Rintrah was trapped in a petrified, death-like state, ending his use of the Amulet of Agamotto.

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#80 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing Strange could only fight with their power, the Vishanti backed off. 

insectoid-full-distant(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#54 (fb) - BTS) - The Vishanti engaged in battle with the Trinity of Ashes, who were at least their equal in power. 

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#54 - BTS) - Sensing the menace of the Goddess (Adam Warlock's "good" aspect split off by the Infinity Gems), Dr. Strange decided he needed to regain the backing of the principalities (and the title of Sorcerer Supreme).

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#54) - Dr. Strange traveled to the Vishanti's realm and was overwhelmed by the blinding waves of forces released from their battle with the Trinity of Ashes. He realized he could not regain their support at this time nor the support of any other principalities; in fact, it was all he could do to flee and to pray, to any who might be listening, that the War of the Seven Spheres did not break its dimensional bonds and spill over into Earth's universe. 

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#61 - BTS) - Dr. Strange -- exhausted from a recent conflict against the demoness Lilith -- unofficially surrendered the Sorcerer Supreme to Salom�.

(Secret Defenders#16?) - Agamotto transformed teenager Cody Fleischer, who had been slain by Malachi, into the new Pale Horseman incarnation Cadaver, to help the Secret Defenders slay Malachi before she could utilize the Moebius Stone's full potential.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#71 (fb) - BTS) - As the Sorcereress Supreme Salom� repeatedly called for the Vishanti, they refused to answer her. 

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#71) - Eventually, the Vishanti shifted Salome out of her reality and into theirs, where Oshtur told her, as ever, she was obstructing her own desires by making disrespectufl demands instead of humble prayers. 

    Salome asked them to have mercy, acknowleding that her own passions sometimes made her impertinent and that only they could help her. She told them that they shared her insatiable desire for the utter destruction of the renegade Dr. Strange.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#72 (fb) - BTS) - While their immediate thought was to destroy her, the Vishanti felt that her desire to humble Strange may yet serve the greater good of all. 

(Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry (fb) - BTS) - The Vishanti accepted Salome�'s offer.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#72) - As Strange, standing before the Orb of Agamotto within his Planet Suite, wondered why Salome had apparently ignored his challenge to her and speculated that Agamotto might be hiding her approach until the last minute, Agamotto appeared in the Orb, ordering Strange to silence and telling him his pitiful mewling grated at his all-knowing senses. Acknowleding that, of the undying Vishanti, only he stooped to inform a heretic, Agamotto told Strange he was more unaware than he believed, as Salome had gained an audience with the Vishanti. When Strange asked if the Vishanti were that desperate for a "pet" that they would work with that "posturing parasite," Agamotto explained that while their immediate thought was to destroy her, they felt that her desire to humble Strange may yet serve the greater good of all. Agamotto further warned Strange that Salome had the Vishanti's benediction while Strange had refused the Vishanti. 

    When Strange started to ask another question, Agamotto again commanded silence, telling Strange he had been told everything he needed to know and that this matter was more urgent than Clea's impending alliance with Dormammu (which was news to Strange). As he vanished from the Orb, Agamotto advised Strange that if he allowed his heart to distract him, he would surely perish. 

    Based on this discussion, Strange harnessed the magical forces he could control and returned to Earth with plans to confront Salome anew.

(Secret Defenders#25) - Joshua Pryce of the Cognoscenti battled the Slorioth-influenced Dr. Druid, unleashing enough mystic energy to cause the Vishanti to manifest. The Vishanti acknowledged that to oppose Slorioth directly might ravage the entire Earthly plane; thus, on Earth's behalf, the acceded to binding arbitration.

   The Living Tribunal then appeared, noting their summons was answered: "Let all present bow before the judgment of he who is the Living Tribunal!" Joshua Pryce of the Cognoscenti argued that while the War of the Seven Spheres must inevitably be fought, the predestined schedule had been accelerated through the Slorioth's intervention; Dr. Druid countered that Slorioth had fairly entered this plane. The Tribunal silenced them both, noting that the trinity had achieved epiphany: "The all of Slorioth has ever been too vast for any lone dimensionality and -- though his omnivorous nature demands a steady, continual expanse -- at this juncture he must content himself with other vistas for the nonce!" 
    And, with that, Slorioth was banished extradimensionally

    Transforming from tiger form to his caterpillar form, Agamotto raised Cadaver, who had been by Druid during the battle, telling him with Strange no longer reliable, he needed eyes, ears, and fists on the world of men. Agamotto promised Cadaver he would walk the Earth until the War of the Seven Spheres was over, but assured him it would only be four to five thousand years.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#75 - BTS) - Strange defeated and banished Salom�, reclaiming the title he had never officially lost.

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#80 (fb) - BTS) - After Strange began deriving power from the Gaian aura (the magical field emanating from the planet itself), the Vishanti came back, realizing he was now excellent soldier material. As he owed the Vishanti a debt and the alternative involved incineration, Strange accepted their offer.

    Over "some considerable time," Strange performed as needed, eventually exhausting the Gaian aura. 

    Strange spent a great deal of time in the Vishanti's library, learning of a new source of occult potential -- catastrophe magic accessed via a solar system syzygy from which he could derive power 4 months after he had left Earth to serve the Vishanti. Learning the spell to acquire this power via the Vishanti's library, Strange had a long time to work out all the theory.

    During this time, the Vishanti's skills ensured he only aged a year in their service, while, at his request, they agreed to return him to Manhattan over 4 months after he left.

(Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry (fb) - BTS - The War of the Seven Spheres apparently severely damaged the structure of magic.

(Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#80 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - The Vishanti returned Dr. Strange to Manhattan, with his memories of the conflict mostly suppressed.

(X-Men: Soul Killer (fb) - BTS) - Appreciating that the Agamotto-placed wards imprisoning his masters in their realm were weaker from the Earth's dimension, Belasco determined that if he could someone get some of his masters into Earth's dimension, he and they could break the barrier and allow his masters to return to Earth. He determined he could do this by bringing the X-Man Rogue to his masters' realm and having her touch his masters, via which they could possess her form and exit their realm in that fashion.

(Mystic Arcana#1-4 - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Vishanti) - With Strange succumbing to more serious corruption, the Vishanti used Ian McNee as a champion, aiding him -- with Oshtur acting more directly -- in his quest to acquire the Cornerstones of Creation and preparing to use the Cornerstones to help heal the apparently damaged foundations of magic itself.(Runaways I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Robert Minoru used the Spine of Agamotto to install "a musclebound lummox) as California's governor (see comments).

(Mystic Arcana#1-4 - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Vishanti) - With Strange succumbing to more serious corruption, the Vishanti used Ian McNee as a champion, aiding him -- with Oshtur acting more directly -- in his quest to acquire the Cornerstones of Creation and preparing to use the Cornerstones to help heal the apparently damaged foundations of magic itself.

(New Avengers#54 - BTS) - After Dr. Strange had lost the role of Sorcerer Supreme for repeatedly using black magic (most specifically in utilizing the demon Zom's dark magic), the Eye of Agamotto chose Brother Voodoo as the most deserving and ready to take on the role of Sorcerer Supreme; the Eye was delivered to Brother Voodoo and the situation explained by the spirit of the Ancient One (or perhaps just another aspect of Agamotto; see comments).

(New Avengers II#5 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry / New Avengers II#1-6) - Apparently cast out of the Vishanti, Agamotto lost most of his powers and sought to reclaim the Eye of Agamotto to protect himself from the other Vishanti. Apparently unable to otherwise recover the Eye, Agamotto sought to obtain it via subterfuge and force.

(New Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS) - One of Agamotto's agents from his light dimension possessed Daimon Hellstrom.

(New Avengers II#1 - BTS) - Hellstrom arranged a meeting with Dr. Strange, and then grew to giant form and attacked him. 

tiger_energy(New Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's agent, or another agent, took possession of Dr. Strange, as ancient one

(New Avengers II#1 - BTS) - The possessed Hellstrom and Strange traveled to Dr. Voodoo's New Orleans Sanctum Sanctorum, telling him they needed his help and that they needed the Eye of Agamotto. Dr. Voodoo fought back despite his brother Daniel's spirit urging him to run, and Daniel's spirit was transported away. 

(New Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS) - To prevent his possessed attackers from obtaining the Eye of Agamotto, Dr. Voodoo transported it into Luke Cage's hands.

(New Avengers II#1 - BTS) - The possessed Strange and Hellstrom then teleported before Cage (and the Avengers present), telling him that this meant that Dr. Voodoo had died, and that he should hand over the Eye of Agamotto so they could avenge his death together. Recognizing the possession, Cage asked who he was speaking to, and "Strange" replied, "The new ruler of this dimension...with your help..." after which Cage was possessed as well.

(New Avengers II#2 - BTS) - As the possessed Cage grabbed the Eye of Agamotto, Jessica Jones punched Cage, causing him to drop it, and Wolverine grabbed it. When the possessed Strange and Hellstrom grabbed Jessica, Wolverine hurled the Eye out of the mansion and stabbed them both in the chest. As Ms. Marvel flew the Eye away from Cage, Wolverine demanded to know who was possessing Strange and Hellstrom, at which point the possessors evacuated their bodies. As the Thing, Iron Fist, and Mockingbird piled atop Cage, the possessor revealed itself to be a servant of the He to whom the Eye belonged. Ms. Marvel returned and insisted the possessor release their friend or she would smash the Eye, but the giant, possesssed Cage snatched her out of the air. She dropped the Eye, and Iron Fist caught it. As the healed Dr. Strange and Hellstrom approached, Agamotto's agent transferred into Iron Fist, after which Dr. Voodoo arrived. As the three sorcerous rallied their powers and demanded the Eye back, the possessed Iron Fist transported away, after which the sky appeared to burst open, and extradimensional creatures began pouring through the portals. 

(New Avengers II#3 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's agent expected that his host body would be destroyed upon arriving in Agamotto's light dimension, but the energies of Shou-Lao preserved Iron Fist.

energy-insectoid(New Avengers II#3) - Within Agamotto's dimension of light, Agamotto and his agent (both unseen and unidentified, only heard) discussed Iron Fist's presence and possession of the Eye. Agamotto offered to let Iron Fist go if he surrendered the Eye, and Iron Fist correctly surmised that if his captor could take the Eye he would, but that he could not. Agamotto then took the form of the Ancient One and told Iron Fist that Strange was his greatest failure and that the problems on Earth were because of him.

(New Avengers II#3 - BTS) - The Avengers fought the demon creatures (which were not from Hell, but from someplace far worse according to Daimon; Daimon thought they were Wolfsblood from the Dark Dimension) pouring through the dimensional rents.

(New Avengers II#4 - BTS) - In the form of the Ancient One, Agamotto convinced Iron Fist that Strange had stolen the Eye of Agamotto. Iron Fist returned from Agamotto's Light Dimension and told him the Ancient One was still alive and accused Strange of stealing the Eye of Agamotto, and the theft was the cause of the massive invasion.face-accepting-challenge

    Meanwhile, Strange, Hellstrom, Dr. Voodoo, and the Avengers (Luke Cage, Mockingbird, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Thing, Wolverine) as well as Jessica Jones and Victoria Hand tried to stop the massive invasion of extradimensional creatures. 

(New Avengers II#5 - BTS) - Strange explained to Iron Fist and the others how there were proper rituals and challenges for the Eye of Agamotto, and that he felt that whoever was trying to get the Eye was trying to do so to free themselves from wherever they were trapped or to takeover this dimension; he convinced Iron Fist of the treachery. It was Spider-Man who jokingly suggested that maybe Agamotto just wanted his Eye back, and Strange and Hellstrom suspected this to be the case. 

(New Avengers II#5) - In the form of an energy tiger, Agamotto entered Avengers mansion and demanded the Eye; when the heroes refused, Agamotto took the form of the Ancient One and asked if they really wished to go to war with the forces of Agamotto and the hordes of the Light Dimension. 

    He next adopted a relatively featureless form and then possessed the Avengers and had them attack Strange; during this time, Agamotto shared: "The Vishanti are no more. I need my Eye. I need all my power. This dimension means nothing to me. It means nothing to the power balance of all that is...I will take this as far as it needs to go."tentacled_form

    Dr. Voodoo them appeared and blasted Agamotto, exorcising his influence from the others, then reclaimed the Eye and formally challenged Agamotto. 

    After Agamotto accepted the challenge, Dr. Voodoo revealed how Daniel had contacted him and showed him the way to the Light Dimension; he further noted how, if the Vishanti were no more, that the mystic power of the universe was in flux and that Agamotto was not the creature he once was. 

    Via the Malcodine Spell of Binding, Dr. Voodoo combined the heroes' powers and abilities into Wolverine who was to serve as Agamotto's challenger.

(New Avengers II#6) - Further enhancing Wolverine's amassed power with "every spell set the three of us know," Strange sent Wolverine to the Light Dimension to battle Agamotto.

tentacled_form - seeming death.    As Wolverine arrived, Agamotto greeted him in the form of Silver Fox, noting his disappointment that the new Sorcerer Supreme would send a messenger to fight his battle. Agamotto shifted into multiple forms while battling Wolverine, including (presumably) John Howlett (Wolverine's father), Mystique, Wolverine's son Daken, Jean Grey/Phoenix, and the Hulk.

    When Wolverine challenged him as a street punk in a power grab, Agamotto advised him to pretend this was a fight for his life and the lives of everyone he knew, while he (Agamotto) would pretend it was a fight for the entirety of his existence and all that he needed to be real and true..."only then will either one of us feel good about what we need to do here." Acknowledging Wolverine as a noble warrior, Agamotto assured him that once he had folded his dimension, no one would remember any of it, as they would just cease to be. 

    Taking the form of Apocalypse, Agamotto noted he had not faced a battle like this in 200 years, after which he blasted and began to get the better of Wolverine. Daniel Drumm then possessed one of Agamotto's agents and blasted Agamotto, who had taken the form of Sabretooth, from behind. As Wolverine and the possessed agent joined forces against Agamotto, who had taken Captain America's form, Agamotto noted the terms of the challenge as having been abused, with his opponent thus having forfeit. As Agamotto restrained both Daniel and Wolverine and pressed them both with a torture spell, Dr. Voodoo traveled to Agamotto's realm to aid his brother. 

    After Agamotto denied Dr. Voodoo's order to surrender, Jericho told him that he had come for the Eye of Agamotto, because, without the Vishanti in place, it was the only thing that could defeat him; and that, if the Vishanti had cast him out, most of his power must have been stripped from him. Dr. Voodoo turned the Eye of Agamotto against Agamotto, apparently sacrificing his own life to drive back, banish, and/or destroy Agamotto's massive, tentacled form. 

(New Avengers II#6) - Blaming the Avengers for Jericho's death, Daniel Drumm's spirit attacked briefly the Avengers.

(Iron Man 2.0 #6-7 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry (see comments)) - Jericho seemingly cast out Agamotto from the Light Dimension forever. Iron Fist apparently remained under the influence of a Light Dimension demon or Agamotto and served as Agamotto’s conduit on Earth; according to Dr. Strange, Iron Fist became Agamotto's Immortal Weapon. 

(Iron Man 2.0 #5 - BTS) - Iron Fist sensed the arrival of the hammer of Griethoth in the 8th City, which opened the gate to that realm and allowed the demon creatures it contained to escape.

(Iron Man 2.0 #6 - BTS) - Alongside the other Immortal Weapons (Bride of Nine Spiders, Dog Brother #1, Fat Cobra, Prince of Orphans, Tiger's Beautiful Daughter) and War Machine (James Rhodes), Iron Fist arrived in the 8th Realm to try to contain the demon outbreak. Nonetheless, he was knocked back by the Skirn-possessed Titania (Mary MacPherran), allowing the Absorbing Man (Crusher Creel) to claim the hammer, power, and identity of Griethoth.

    Dr. Strange warned Steve Rogers that Iron Fist would not be a solution in the matter of the Worthy, but rather the problem.

(Iron Man 2.0 #7 - BTS) - Strange noted that the presence of War Machine was both unexpected and useful.

    The Monkey King sensed evil (his prescient nose smelled it) on Iron Fist.

    When the Immortal Weapons prepared to close the gate to the 8th City, Iron Fist was plagued by a voice in his mind, chanting "His will his will his will..." Unable to resist the power, Iron Fist struck out at Fat Cobra; he apologized the others, but could not stop nor explain himself any further than telling them they could not close the gate because "He won't let me!" Iron Fist warned away the other Immortal Weapons but nonetheless struck them down and then blocked their connection to the seven cities (technically, just five cities, as he retained his power from K'un-Lun and no one from the Crane Mother's city was present) that granted them power. War Machine finally challenged Iron Fist, and Dr. Strange channeled mystic power through one of his weapons; sensing this could stop what was controlling him, Iron Fist urged War Machine to take the shot, which he did, incapacitating Iron Fist and closing the portal to the 8th City. 

    Dr. Strange subsequently noted that there were powerful forces at play that led to War Machine's involvement and enabled Strange to transform War Machine's weapon as needed. Strange noted his concern about Iron Fist since his return from that other dimension. Concluding that Iron Fist had become "an Immortal Weapon of Agamotto," who had "risen...and sought vengeance..." Strange resolved to go to China to confront him in hopes of preventing the breach in dimensions from becoming far worse (see comments).

(New Avengers II#34 - BTS) - Within the realm of light, Daimon Hellstrom (seemingly slain by the Daniel Drumm-possessed Victoria Hand) questioned whether an unseen being (see comments) was going to help Strange, but then paused and asked if this was a test, and voice replied: "Everything is." Later, after Strange used black magic to trap and destroy Daniel Drumm while still maintaining control of himself, the voice agreed with Hellstrom that Earth's plane of existence needed a Sorcerer Supreme. "The Ancient One" (see comments) then appeared and proclaimed that Strange's recent trials had proven he deserved to be Sorcerer Supreme again, and he returned the Cloak of Levitation and Eye of Agamotto to Strange.

stinkeye(Axis: Revolutions#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - Affected by the Xavier's brain-empowered Red Skull's planet-wide hate power, Strange tried to commune with Agamotto via a mirror. Maddened, upon glimpsing a glowing eye in the mirror, Strange exclaimed, "I know that look! The stink-eye of Agamotto!...that primoridal #%$& thinks he's better than m(e)--" which point Wong advised no further communing with higher-plane powers.

(Dr. Strange V#385 (fb) - BTS) - Loki cast an illusion making Dr. Strange believe he was participating in the Tournament of the Vishanti, when no such contest actually occurred.

(Dr. Strange V#383 (fb)) - Dr. Strange was victorious in his third Tournament of the Vishanti, but the Vishanti told him they had chosen a new Sorcerer Supreme and they thanked him for his service. Agamotto named Loki Laufeyson as the new Sorcerer Supreme, with Oshtur explaining that a mortal could no longer fulfill the role and Hoggoth making the official appointment to Loki; this was much to the surprise of Strange and Loki, the latter of whom had not competed (or even been invited) to the tournament. Agamotto and Oshtur further explained that, while they were not blind to the troubles of his past, they had looked into Loki's heart and found caution, restraint, regret, and atonement. Hoggoth asked Loki if it was correct that he wished to change and to forge a better path, and at Loki's ascent, Agamotto told him he would need those feelings to face what was to come. 

    When the Vishanti dismissed Strange, he began to angrily argue, but Hoggoth silenced him, noting his raising his words to them, as well as the hatred and pettiness crawling and twisting in his soul. Oshtur instructed him to bear witness to his own heart, and Agamotto asked after all that they had given him that he had lost, and (Hoggoth continued) after all the times he had failed this realm, (in unison, they finished) did he truly believe you are still fit to wear the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme?

(Dr. Strange V#383 (fb) - BTS) - Strange apparently accepted this fate, and Loki became the new Sorcerer Supreme.

(Dr. Strange V#385 - BTS) - Under duress from Zelma Stanton, who had shared with Loki a peering into of souls, Loki revealed to Strange that he had faked the Tournament.

(Strange Academy#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Vishanti granted Dr. Strange's request to teach and prepare the young from all worlds to face the evils of tomorrow and beyond. Hoggoth specifically fed on the mystical cost it took for such a place to exist.

(Strange Academy#7 - BTS) - After Strange Academy student Emily Bright was injured using her powers against the Hollow, Dr. Strange brought her to Hoggoth, asking him to remove the excess magic infiltrating her body. 

(Strange Academy#7 (fb) - BTS) - Hoggoth apparently consumed the excess magic from Emily, restoring her to consciousness. 

CommentsName given by Stan Lee; 
    fleshed out by
Gardner F. Fox, Irv Wesley, and Don Perlin.

    This profile focuses on Agamotto; Oshtur, Hoggoth, and the Vishanti have their own profiles now, whew!

    As far as I could determine from my reviews, the first time the membership of the Vishanti was spelled out as Agamotto, Hoggoth, and Oshtur was during a spell in Dr. Strange II#49. If you're aware of an earlier such revelation, please let me know!
    Also, as far as I now, it was the Vishanti profile in the Deluxe version of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe that identified who was who among the images of the group.

    Further information on the Vishanti will be included in an upcoming Vishanti profile, as well as the upcoming profiles on Agamotto and Hoggoth, but this profile will focus on events/information specifically involving Oshtur.

    How old is Agamotto? 

    The Marvel Tarot listed Shamhat Saraswati as having been Sorcerer Supreme from 15,000 to 11,000. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) lists the succession of Sorcerer Supremes in much greater detail, and notes that she was active until 10,000 BC, at which point the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at were banished from Earth. It makes sense that the Tarot was McNee's preliminary investigations, while his journal detailed the final information, which also matched the info in the Book of the Vishanti.
    Since Shamhat was appparently banished from Earth with all of the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at by Oshtur, and the Bird Men were around circa 10,000 BC when Conan encountered them, they would have to have been banished after that, so the 10,000 BC date makes the most sense.

    Similarly, the Marvel Tarot lists Ayesha as having been active as Sorcerer Supreme from 10,000 to 6000 BC, with Hermes Trismegistus active 6000 BC - 3000 BC, with some confusion over what role the Aged Genghis might have served, around 3000 BC, until Zoroaster took over in 1800 BC.
    Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) clarifies that the Aged Genghis never held the title and instead came up with the idea of the Time of the Vishanti contest every hundred years, starting around 10,000 BC after the banishment of Shamhat Saraswati. The dates of activity for Ayesha and Hermes Trismegistus were then revised to 10,000 to 5000 BC and 5000 BC to 1800 BC, respectively.

       In Marvel Tarot, Ian McNee examined the words Agamemnon, Agape, and Age, and took the "Aga" in Agamotto's name to refer to nobility, love, and being eternal; similarly, he examined Mot, Mote, and Moti, and took the "Motto" part of Agamotto's name to mean "of the perfect world," a dust particle, and motion...

    I'm pretty certain I corrected the date of Zhered-Na's interaction with Agamotto and subsequent death as 18,000 BC for the Marvel Tarot, but I only got one review, and the correction never made it into the book.

    The Marvel Tarot origin of Agamotto shown by Ian McNee apparently comes from some fairy tale book, so it may not be 100% accurate, although Ian reiterates much it in his journals as fact without qualification in his journals, as shown in the OHotMU hardcover#7: Appendix: Magic. He further states how the information was also documented by Agamotto in the Book of the Vishanti. The information is further confirmed in the Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry.

   I had wondered about the identity of the unidentified shape-changer who had taken over the role of Sorcerer Supreme after Merlin refused it circa 500 AD...I asked Marvel Tarot writer David Sexton who this was meant to be, and he revealed  "My idea was that this would actually turn out to be Rintrah. Traveling back in time and using his mystical Weaving skills to weave disguises for himself. In my brain he is only in the past for awhile and then he returns to the present as strong as Strange."

    Mystics I didn't see at the Temple of the Three included Turhan Barim, Count Carezzi, Jaine Cutter (though she may not have yet gained her power at the time of this story), Dr. Druid, Agatha Harkness, "Dust" Johannsen, Rama Kaliph, Omar Karindu, James Mandarin, the Obeahman, Amanda Sefton, Avram Siegel, Margali Szardos, Jakita Wegener, or any of Strange's other mystic allies and associates. However, they could have been in the shadows.
    Also, there are a BUNCH of long-time sorcerers introduced in Jason Aaron's Last Days of Magic story arc. Presumably, some, if not many, of these invoked the Vishanti. I'll let the story complete and then wind down for a few years, and then we'll cover all of those characters eventually, too.

    Oshtur noted that "many" present at the Temple of the Three had called on them to empower their spells, and that they had answered.

Dr. Strange: Season One. Is it in-616-continuity? Could it be in-616-continuity?
    I can tell you for a fact from experience that there are certain editors who, if asked, will make a shoot from the hip decision without evaluating individual stories based on their merits. For example, we've been told repeatedly that Marvel Knights stories are not-616 continuity, only to see it consistently revealed otherwise in-stories. We are forced to shoe-horn in continuity-contradicting stories by certain popular writers, but have to ignore others because the title of the book made it "not count." Certain editors hate ret-con series
(Spider-Man and Fantastic, for example, have significant contradictions), let's examine the story on its merits and decide could it be in-continuity.

(Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - For unrevealed reasons, Agamotto and Hoggoth sometimes copy each other’s appearance as both have appeared in identical feline and insectoid forms.

    "With great power, there must also come great responsiblity" -- obviously this saw print first in the origin of Spider-Man circa Amazing Fantasy#15, 1962, this is apparently the First Law of the Vishanti. The Living Tribunal uses this phrase as well, adding..."and little happiness."

Agamotto in and around New Avengers

    Since we saw Agamotto pose as and assume the form of the Ancient One in New Avengers II#3-5, as well as the notation that everything was a test, I think it likely that this was Agamomotto in both  New Avengers I#54 and New Avengers II#34...although, of course, that is unconfirmed.

    Iron Man 2.0 #7 concludes with "Iron Fist's story will continue..." ...but it didn't...

    Here's an odd thing: According to the GCD, Agamotto-as-caterpillar had a cameo in Gold Key's Dark Shadows #34 (1975), written by John Warner (writer of most of the 1970s Son of Satan series and co-creator of Ulysses Bloodstone).

--Ronald Byrd

    The musclebound lummox is some BS/DB political reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Of course, it's also a topical reference and no longer relevent.

    Agamotto's various talismans will eventually get their own profiles...but not for awhile...

    Thanks to MarvelousLuke for cleaning up the main image for me!

    I can't find my issue of New Avengers II#4. The information is courtesy of Julien Vive.

    Thanks to Loki for providing the information and image from Gold Key's Dark Shadows#34.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

He has no known connection to:

Spells and other invocations of Agamotto

This is a list of spells and invocations involving Agamotto individually or as part of the Vishanti. The invocations which produced an effect could means that the subject called was "behind the scenes".
Some invocations are taken by Catherine Yronwode's web site: The Lesser Book of the Vishanti, the greater part were added by me. Nonetheless the list is not complete and some spells are still in Italian version (or poorly translated via Babelfish).
    If it is highlighted, the spell from the English version is needed...please sent the English versions to Snood.
    Thanks to Markus Raymond for providing many of the ones Spidermay could not.
    If not specified otherwise, the caster is Doctor Strange.--Spidermay

Dr. Strange: Season One (fb):


Forces of Darkness...

By the light of the Vishanti,
Protectors of Earth,
Return to Dormammu,
Source of your birth!

[The demons of Dormammu attacking the Ancient One were sent back to the Dark Dimension]

Summon and project fire:

By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth,
By Oshtur's ancient name,
Agamotto hear this novice,
Vishanti give me flame

        [Stephen Strange projected mystic fire from his hand sufficient to stun Mordo]

Wong asked the Vishanti's forgiveness as he attempted to punch Stephen Strange (having mistaken him for Mordo), and Strange blocked him with the Book of the Vishanti, causing Wong to punch it.

Strange Tales I#115: Banish: Vapors of Valtorr

I summon the powers of the Vishanti!
By the spell of the Dread Dormammu,
in the name of the All-Seeing Agamotto --
all thy powers I summon ---
begone, Forces of Darkness!!

[Note: Cast by the Ancient One. A flash of light, and the Vapors vanished.]

Strange Tales I#169 (fb): Banish: Flames of the Faltine

Begone, forces of darkness!
By the power of the all-knowing Vishanti--
by the vision of the all-seeing Vishanti,
I command you... begone! 
[Ancient One]

Strange Tales I#116: Conjure: the Mists of Hoggoth and the Path of Hoggoth

In the name of the Dread Dormammu --
in the name of the All-Seeing Agamotto --
by the powers that dwell in darkness --
I summon the Hosts of Hoggoth!
Lead me to the source of evil!
Obey the words of Dr. Strange!

[Note: this is said to be a "dangerous" incantation. The Mist of Hoggoth was a whirling circular mist and the Path of Hoggoth was a narrow enchanted path which led in the Mist and continued in another dimension to the goal of Strange's research. It was a safe path but the Spell of Hoggoth protected Strange only if he did not step out of it. Once in trance, Strange's ethereal self entered in the Mist of Hoggoth and arrived in Nightmare's realm. A dark evil bolt shot by Nightmare did not harm Strange, nor the path already trod, but the path still to be covered was destroyed.

Strange Tales I#117/2: Conjure: Enchanted Light

By the power of the Vishanti --
in the name of the All-Seeing Ancient One --
I summon all the forces of good --
and focus their blinding power upon you,
through the facets of this ring!

Strange Tales I#118/2: Strange neutralized the mental barrier of an alien.

By the grey specter of the Vishanti,
I summon all the mystic forces of the shadow worlds...
I call on the hosts of darkness...
strike...strike at the command of your master!

Strange Tales I#119/2

Exclamation: By the beard of the Vishanti!

Enchanted Encantation:

Hoggoth, protect me!
To my aid, Dormammu and the mighty Vishanti!

Strange Tales I#120/2:

Banish Eerie Imprisoning Mists

In the name of the Dread Dormammu!!
By the Hosts of the Hoary Hoggoth!
I call upon the Mystic Realm!
Let the fury of the ageless Vishanti show itself --
Dr. Strange commands!
By the twelve moons of Munnopor --
my will must be done!!

Banish: a Being to its Home Dimension

Let the vapors of the Vishanti drive you from the sight of man! 
Let the mystic Hosts of Hoggoth prevent you from ever returning again!

Strange Tales I#121: Strange protected his physical body with the power of the Vishanti before leaving it in his astral form [BTS].

Strange Tales I#123: Conjure: Hand

In the name of the Dread Dormammu --
by the power of the deathless Vishanti --
I call upon the Hosts of Hoggoth!
heed the words of thy mortal servant!

[Note: Strange conjured a diamond-hard, metallic giant hand, under his mental control. The Hand came from a shadowy dimension, possible home of Hoggoth's Hosts. It was so strong that it was able to seize Mjolnir from the very hand of Thor. It was probably the first appearance of the Hand of Hoggoth, also called the Fist of Hoggoth.]

Strange Tales I#125:

Exclamation: ...By the powers of the eternal Vishanti...
Conjure: Blinding light of the Vishanti.

Strange Tales I#126/Doctor Strange II#3 (fb):

Space: Dimensional Travel

By the shades of the Seraphim --
in the name of the All-Seeing Agamotto --
I dispatch thee to -- 
the domain of the Dread Dormammu!!! 
[Ancient One]

Light of the Vishanti. The beam from the amulet pierced through the pocket which engulfed Strange then it hit the minion of Dormammu. Once bathed in the light, Strange could imprison him for as long as he desired.

Strange Tales I#127/Doctor Strange II#3 (fb):

Strange Tales I#127: The Ancient One strengthened Doctor Strange:

May the light of the Vishanti shine upon dr. Strange...
and may the omnipotent Oshtur grant him wisdom and strength.

Strange Tales I#127: Stan Lee's greetings in the last ballon: May you and your loved ones bathe in the light of the Vishanti!

Strange Tales I#128:

Strange used the powers of the eternal Vishanti to create a shield which vanquished the Shades of the Seraphim launchd by The Demon.

Order by Tamam Shud (=Stan Lee) in the last balloon:

And, in the name of the all-seeing Agamotto--
by the seven rings of Raggadorr--
we urge you to be with us again!

Strange Tales I#129:

Control: Mind

May the Hosts of the Vishanti help me!
Put down you wand! Put down your wand!

[Note: with the only force of thought and the help of the Hosts of the Vishanti (!) Strange forced Tiboro to drop his wand.]

Exclamation: Help me, oh hosts of the Vishanti, to weaken this menace!

Command levitation:

With the last ounce of my mystic powers...
in the name of the all-seeing Agamotto...
and of the Ancient One himself...
engulf Tiboro!
 [with the help of his cloak]

Thinking, Strange cast the Spell of Forgetfullness on the TV panelists. For them time went back to the moment before Tiboro's kidnapping and they forgot everything.

In the name of the all-seeing Agamotto,
I cast the spell of forgetfullness over you all!

Claim by Stan Lee in the last balloon: And now, as truly as the Vishanti exist in the cosmos whe shall surely meet again!

Strange Tales I#130: Control: Paralyze (Hold Person):

In the name of the eternal Vishanti, I command you, let your limbs become like stone --
Let the power of movement be lost to you -- Until I am gone!

Strange Tales I#131:

Banish: lackeys:

By the power of the Vishanti
I order you... disperse!

Exclamation: The Vishanti be thanked!
Banish phantoms:

By the omnipotent Oshtur!
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
In the name of the eternal Vishanti!
Begone! Return to the nothingness
from whence you have come.

Last comment: ... may the Vishanti speak your name softly! [Stan Lee]

Strange Tales I#132:

Exclamation while in astral form: The Vishanti be praised!
Conjure: Orb (called "Eye") of Agamotto:

By all the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth,
I command thee, awesome Agamotto,
let thine all-seeing eye open before me!

Strange Tales I#133: Time: delay: By the powers of the Vishanti, I conjure up a brief delay! [Note: Strange cast the incantation without speaking. It worked, a distraction swayed Shazana.]

Strange Tales I#134:

Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised! [Hamir]
Comment by Stan Lee in the last ballon: ...May the eternal Vishanti softly speak your name!

Strange Tales I#135: Control: Mind:

In the name of the eternal Vishanti...
I claim complete control over your thoughts!! 
No other command can supercede mine!
The thought I now give you will became your own!

[Strange took control of the evil spirits sent by Mordo and Dormammu.]

Strange Tales I#136: Banish:

In the name of the eternal Vishanti, 
may the light of the all-seeing eye of Agamotto send them back from whence they came!
Begone, helpless ones, You are free! The demon controls you no longer!

Strange Tales I#137: Exclamation: May the Ancient Vishanti be ever at thy side! [Hamir]

Strange Tales I#139: Comment by Tamam Shud (=Stan Lee) in the last balloon: May the all-seeing eye of Agamotto watch over thee until we meet again next issue!

Strange Tales I#140: Blessing:

May the Hoary Hand of Hoggoth rest lightly on thy brow, my son!
May the eternal eye of Agamotto ne'er turn away from thee! 
[Ancient One]

Strange Tales I#141: Banish: Vapors: May the Shades of the Seraphim banish the Vapors of Valtorr! In the name of the Vishanti I speak! [Ancient One]

Strange Tales I#142:

Exclamation: Praised be the eternal Vishanti!

The Vishanti be praised!...
Each passing second is more precious than the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak themselves!

[Strange, while in astral form.]

Strange Tales I#145: Exclamation: May the eternal Vishanti aid me!

Strange Tales I#146:

Exclamation: I greet you in the name of the Vishanti, my son! [Ancient One]
Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti...
Exclamation: May the Vishanti protect you! [Clea]
Explanation: The Vishanti are almost the same as the hosts of Hoggoth, except they have blue eyes! [Letters page]

Strange Tales I#149: Banish: Mystic bonds:

By the omnipotent Oshtur -- 
by the enchanted realm of the Vishanti --
let these mystic bonds melt into the void! 
Thus do the Ancient One and Dr. Strange command!

[Doctor Strange and the Ancient One freed themselves from Kaluu's enchantment]

Strange Tales I#153:

Exclamation: Blessed be the Vishanti!
Banish: an Enchanted Prison

Venerated Vishanti,
I do supplicate thee!
Everlasting Vishanti,
let fair Clea be free!

Strange Tales I#154: Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!

Strange Tales I#155:

Exclamation: Once again the eternal Vishanti have smiled upon us... praise to their name!

[Note: Trapped in a realm of non-existence, Strange had to wait for his true self to pass, in order to merge with him. The true selves of Doctor Strange and Clea arrived soon.]

Exclamation: ...praise be the eternal Vishanti! [Ancient One]

Strange Tales I#156: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...

Strange Tales I#157:


In the name of the all-seeing
on the site of Stonehenge
in the name of the all-freeing
you shall be avenged!

In the name of the eternal Vishanti--
by the omniscience of my departed mentor--
let the distortion cease!

Strange Tales I#158:

Exclamation: May the eternal Vishanti protect me!

[Even so, the prison created by the Living Tribunal, made of Rings of Raggador, continued to shrink around Strange. Strange had also to use the power donated to him by the Ancient One to shatter the mystic bonds.]

Praise: to the eternal Vishanti...[The restoring spell worked.]
Exclamation: In the name of the all-seeing Agamotto--I call upon you to honor our compact!

Strange Tales I#159:

Exclamation: the eternal, undying Vishanti...
Exclamation: May the deathless, divine Vishanti ever guide thy steps!

Strange Tales I#160: Oath: ...Thus, do I swear by the Power of the eternal Vishanti.

Strange Tales I#161: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Strange Tales I#162:

Exclamation: By Hoggoth's hoary horde,...
Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!
Exclamation: Agamotto the all-seeing be praised...

Strange Tales I#163: Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!

Strange Tales I#164: Exclamation: ...eternal Vishanti!...

Strange Tales I#165: Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!

Strange Tales I#166:

Exclamation: By the eternal Vishanti!
Exclamation: May the Vishanti be praised!
Praise: Vishanti grant that I am in time!

Strange Tales I#169: Praise: May the unresting Vishanti grant...

Strange Tales I#170: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...

Strange Tales I#171: Exclamation: ...Vishanti be praised!

Strange Tales I#173: Banish: Vertigo:

In the name of the all-seeing--
in the name of the all freeing--
let the flames of the Faltine now free em from this maddening, merciless vertigo!!

[Note: Agamotto was not mentioned but He is the all-seeing. Tongues of liquid flame vanquished the Maelstrom of Madness.]

Strange Tales I#174: Exclamation thought: May the Vishanti guide my step!

Strange Tales I#175:

Banish: Flight:

In the name of the ever-watchful Vishanti...
let waves of mystic force now waft the girl back to Earth!

[Strange forced Clea to break her flight]

Strange Tales I#178: Conjure: Net: And, by the deathless Vishanti-- save you they shall! [Strange created a net which stopped Black Night's fall in a bottomless abyss.]

Strange Tales I#179: Exclamation: May the Vishanti watch over thee!

Strange Tales I#180: Exclamation: May the deathless Vishanti... watch over you... my love...! [Clea]

Fantastic Four: World's greatest comics#3: Strange conjured the Shield of the Seraphim with the aid of the eternal Vishanti.

Marvel Feature I#1: Conjure: Psychic Shield: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...touch me not!

Marvel Premiere I#3:

In the name of the All-seeing,
in the name of the All-spawning,
in the name of the All-freeing --
let my ectoplasmic form be borning!

[Released the Ethereal Form from the Physical Body.]

Conjure: an Image in the Orb of Agamotto

In the name of the All-seeing,
in the name of the All-knowing,
in the name of the All-being --
let your visage now be showing!

Control: Stop a Truck: Halt -- In the name of the Vishanti! [Note: Dr. Strange only imagined he had spoken this spell.]

Amazing Spider-Man#109: Mind Control: Free

In the name of the eternal Vishanti..
let the trance be done!
Let the veil be torn!
With new life you now..reborn!

[Strange broke a protective trance of an old oriental sage.]

Marvel Premiere I#4: Exclamation: May the Vashanti (sic) guide us both
spoken by the Ancient One>

Marvel Premiere I#5:

Conjure: Crystals of Cyttorak:

May the all-wise Vishanti...aid me!
Let the Crimson Crystals of Cyttorak...strike Sligguth!

Summon: Vishanti:

You who are the Vishanti..
you good ones of the Universe!
Lend me your powers!

[The three Vishanti appeared before Strange.]

Exclamation: By the omnipotent Oshtur!

Marvel Premiere I#6: Control: By Means of a Cloak: By the Sacred Vishanti -- Let my Cloak of Levitation rise -- and pull that trident from her grasp!

Marvel Premiere I#8:

Open Door: In the name of the all-freeing...we shall prevail! [Strange closed door of a haunted house.]

Banish: Hounted house:

In the name of the eternal Vishanti..I call upon your mystic powers!
Heed my summons you who dwell in other spheres and distant universes!
Let those who watch our world in their eternal guardianship add their mystic mights to mine
Now, you powers of good! Now you who protect our world from lurking evil..strike!

[Clouds condensed. Darkenss fell above the house. Thunders roared louder and louder until golden lightinings beyond time and space fell and destroyed the hounted house.]

Marvel Premiere I#9: Exclamation: By the name of the eternal Vishanti and of the Omnipotent Oshtur...

Marvel Premiere I#10: Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti... [Strange interrupted the casting and converted the spell in a Defensive Shield from Shuma-Gorath's attack.]

Defenders I#9:

In the Exhalted name of the eternal Vishanti--
and other gods beyond and below--
let the strength and cunning of these, my enemies--
from their mortal bodies flow!

Doctor Strange II#1: To cease dying:

Agamotto O crystal --
where bound'ries decay --
I know the will to live --
grant me the way!

Doctor Strange II#4: Spell Against Death Which Was "Not Permitted": In the name of the Eternal Vishanti, through the hands of omnipotent Oshtur -- [Strange did not finish the casting, so probably Oshtur and the Vishanti did not intervene.]

Defenders I#15: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Defenders I#16: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Defenders I#17: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#6: Exclamation: By the Eternal Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#7: Conjure: The Circle of Cyttorak: In the name of the Eternal Vishanti, grant me the Circle of Cyttorak!

Doctor Strange II#8: Exclamation: Vishanti protect me! [Clea]

Ghost Rider I#30: Exclamation: May the Vishanti guide you! [Wong]

Ghost Rider I#31: Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti... [Clea]

Giant-Size Defenders#5: Strange conjured the Eternal Vishanti and transformed Eelar into its original form

Defenders I#26: Space: Teleportation + Control: Mind: Record erasing:

Close your eyes,
Envision the house wherein you dwell,
And by the power of the eternal Vishanti,
You shall be there!

Defenders I#29: Strange invoked the eternal Vishanti to cast a spell of mass sleep over the Badoon army in the town.

Doctor Strange II#10: Conjure: the Illusion of Reality:

In the name of the Eternal Vishanti,
I conjure the illusion of reality for humanity's minds once more!

Defenders I#36: Exclamation: By Vishanti! [Interrupted]

Defenders I#37:

Control: plants: 

In the name of the Vishanti..
let the vines which imprison us be sundered! [Failed]

Control: plants

By the eternal Vishanti...
by Oshtur...
I shall be free!!

Tomb of Dracula#44: Conjure: Image in an Orb:

In the name of the All-Seeing, the All-Knowing, the All-Freeing, -- 
appear before me now! Rise from the Eye of Agamotto -- 
rise before the Sorcerer Supreme! 
Doctor Strange commands it!

[Note: must be used with an orb.]

Doctor Strange II#16:

Exclamation: No, by the Vishanti, no! [Strange resisted to the thirst of blood in his mind.]
Exclamation: Satan? Vishanti preserve us! [Lord Phyffe]
Exclamation: But may Vishanti protect me--!

Doctor Strange II#19: Banish: Skeletal Illusion

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth --
Away with you! Away! --
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti --
Return to the earth & mud which spawned you!

Doctor Strange II#20:

Banish: Winds of Watoomb: In the name of the Eternal Vishanti -- let the Winds of Watoomb cease! 
Banish: Bands of Cyttorak: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...

[Note: Strange cast an Incantation of Dispel on the Bands created by Xander; the bands were green?]

Doctor Strange Annual#1:

Exclamation: In the name of the eternal Vishanti...
Exclamation: In the name of the eternal!
Control: Power Over Others:

In the name of the Eternal Vishanti -- cease!

[Note:  "An Enchantment that None Can Resist.", accompanied by a mudra linking the little fingers of both hands together]

Doctor Strange II#23:

In the name of the all-seeing Vishanti,
that demon must be stopped!

Banish: Misbegotten Roots:

By the power of the dread Dormammu -- 
by the omniscience of the venerated Ancient One -- 
I call upon the Eternal Vishanti -- 
for all misbegotten to begone! Begone!

Doctor Strange II#24:

Exclamation: the eternal Vishanti! [Note: the previous enchantment did not work, so Strange tried to draw more power from another source.]
Exclamation: the Vishanti! The door is resisting my spell of admittance?! Then I must call upon

Doctor Strange II#27: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised..I have emerged in the very vicinity of the wheel!

Doctor Strange II#28:

In the name of the All-Seeing --
Let my Cosmos be restored!

Defenders I#57: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Defenders I#58:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#30:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti [Clea]
Vishanti be praised! [Clea]

Doctor Strange II#32: Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...

Doctor Strange II#33:

Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!

O beam of purest light,
heightened by Aggamon's distant might,
smite this entity of evil
and remove his substance from my sight!

[Note: the light from the Amulet of Agamotto must be focused through the Purple Crystal of Aggamon.]

Conjure Nightmare:

Let the Vapours of Valtorr divide,
in the name of the All-seeing
reveal my ancient enemy,
in whose realm all lay dreaming.

Doctor Strange II#34:

Exclamation: power is great enough to challenge the Vishanti themeselves. [Cyrus Black]
Conjure: Light:

Let Agamotto's all-revealing Light illuminate the emptiness of your tainted soul.

[Note: The Light sprung from the Eye of Agamotto, but Strange continued to use hands during the enchantement. The illuminating light forced Cyrus Black to see the truth about himself, he gained self-knowledge. Black fell under the bear of the truth, almost dissolved in smoke.]

Exclamation:  By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#35: Misc: Reassemble Broken Statue

Let the All-seeing Eye come forth -- 
and reverse the flow of time. 
As Agamotto grants this request and bids you statue arise. Arise!

[Note: all words to the contrary, Time's flow is not really reversed here. All that transpires is the reassembling of a broken statue.]

Doctor Strange II#36: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#38:

Summon: Astral Body to Earth Plane

In the name of the Eternal Vishanti!
Let the trances by done
let the veil be torn,
with new life begun,
be you now -- reborn!

Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...

Doctor Strange II#39:

Banish: Illusion:

By the Omnipotent Oshtur!
By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth! 
In the name of the Eternal Vishanti! 
Spirit form -- begone! 
Return to the dust from whence thou came!

Exclamation: Vishanti be praised-- [Clea]
Exclamation: By the eternal--

Doctor Strange II#40:

Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised!
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!

Man-Thing II#4:

Conjure: Hoggoth's Fist

In the name of the dread Dormammu,
by the power of the deathless Vishanti,
I call upon the Hosts of Hoggoth,
heed the words of thy mortal servant-- 
and strike!

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#41:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Defenders I#71: Translation Incantation

Large folk and small folk and folk in between.
All have a way to tell what they've seen.
By the powers that beckon and the powers that reach,
let each of these folk understand the other's speech.
By the all-seeing Vishanti let this spell be sealed!

Defenders I#72: Exclamation: ... By the Eternal Vishanti, so be it!

Defenders I#73: Exclamation: The Vishanti be praised...

Defenders I#79: Illusion: to end a spell of disguise

By the Vishanti's deeming,
no threat to fear,
let fade the seeming,
let truth appear!

[Note: it does not work if any enemy could see the disguised ones.]

Defenders I#80: Exclamation: the Vishanti... [Clea]

Doctor Strange II#43:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Conjure: The Symbol of the Vishanti

[Note: no sorcerer consecrated to evil could stand to look at the Symbol. The signal affects them as a crucifix affects Vampires. Cast by Bayan/Silver Fox and Doctor Strange.]

Doctor Strange II#44: Exclamation: The Vishanti be thanked--

Defenders I#85: Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti! [Clea]

Doctor Strange II#45:

Exclamation: By the Eternal... [Clea]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!!
Exclamation: Vishanti, forgive me,...

Marvel Fanfare#6/2: Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Ian McNee]

Defenders I#94:

By the light of Agamotto..
which no darkness can dispel..
may the girl's spirit know freedom..
while the demon rots in Hell!

Doctor Strange II#46/1: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Marvel Team-Up I#112: 

Exclamation: Vishanti be praised! [Clea]
Exclamation: May the Vishanti grant peace to his soul
Hmmm...Marvel Team-Up I#112 doesn't have Clea, nor do I see any reference to Oshtur or the Vishanti...must be from some other issue...anyone?

Doctor Strange II#47:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti, it worked! [Note: Strange had cast the Disks of Denak.]

Doctor Strange II#48:

Exclamation: By the all-seeing! 

By the grace of the Vishanti, by the wastes of Ikthalon--
let these ciphers live as men now, and let loa's hold be gone!

Doctor Strange II#49:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Great Agamotto, of the blessed three,
bestill my heart and hear my plea,
now in your orb's warm glow reveal,
the source of furtive cries I feel! 

Exclamation: Clea, Vishanti be praised! [A native of the Dark Dimension.]

Banish: Mordo

And now, by Agamotto, by Hoggoth and Oshtur--
by you three who are Vishanti,
famed beyond all spheres or star...
heed the call of Doctor Strange,
scion of the Ancient One!
By the power that you grant me
shall Mordo be undone!

[Note: it worked only partially. Mordo faked his defeat.]

Doctor Strange II#51: Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Note: Doctor Strange saw Adolf Hitler.]

Doctor Strange II#52:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: Yes, by the light of Agamotto,...
Spell of Vertigo:

Let the shifting sands of Ikonn confuse my raging foe!
By the eye of the Eternal, let him fall from vertigo!

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#53:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Restraining Spell:

By the all-wise Vishanti, let the soul shard halt here,
and return to its own time that no life need ever fear!.

Doctor Strange II#54 (fb):

And in the name of the all-seeing-- all-knowing-- all-pervading-- I call that flame on you!
I call forth the dreams, the hopes, the caring, the love-- all the qualities that are anathema to one such as you!
For your hearth is stone-- and forever stone it shall remain!
 [Tiboro is petrified.]

Doctor Strange II#54: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...

Doctor Strange II#55:

Exclamation: By... the ... Vishanti! No!!
Conjure: Illusions of Ikonn: Blessed Vishanti, let the Illusions of Ikonn confuse my foe!

Doctor Strange II#57:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

By the mighty Vishanti, by the three over all--
hear the plea of this mystic, and bring my foe's fall!

Restoration Spell:

Now by mystic light expanding from far Nirvalon's bright sea,
hear me once again, Vishanti,-- and let what was 'gain be!

Doctor Strange II#58:

Exclamation: May the Vishanti smile upon you! [Strange to Genghis]
Light of Truth: By Agamotto! I shall learn what perfidy you had planned for Sara. [Note: The Light of Agamotto burned Hannibal King.]

Doctor Strange II#60: Exclamation: By the Vishanti, no!

Doctor Strange II#61: Conjure: Sphere of Nirvalon

By the three who are Vishanti let me end this reign of fear!
Hold back this force infernal, with a Nirvalonic sphere.

[Note: the shpere cut off the power coming out from the Darkhold.]

Doctor Strange II#62:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Note: While erecting a Seraphimic Shield.]

By the three who are Vishanti, by the power over all,
stryke ye down this thing infernal! Lead him to his final fall!

Moon Knight#36:

By the light of the all-seeing without shadow, without glare...
show your cursed vision, demon. I command thee to appear.

Doctor Strange II#64: Exorcism:

By the all-wise Vishanti
by Ikonn's ritual of ever-shifting sand
let this soul have what is it's own...
and let the demon begone from the man!

Doctor Strange II#65:


Hear me now o wise Vishanti! Grant my plea for strength anew--
that I might save all innocents from this unholy crew!
Winds of Watoomb build and swirl 'round these creatures so profane...
let the flawless Flames of the Faltine drive them back to Pohldahk's plane!

[Note: the winds drew back the demons in the portal from whence they came. The invocation of the Vishanti could be given to strengthen the spell or to exclude and save the innocents from the cyclonic winds.]

Exclamation: Vishanti be praised!

Dottor Strange II#68: Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti!

Dottor Strange II#69:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!
Banish: Illusion:

'Fore Agamotto's awesome eye,
let all illusions yield,
heed the command of Doctor Strange,
"ye foeman stand revealed!"

Doctor Strange II#70:

Banish: Storms

Back, ye forces most accursed-- get ye from this blessed place!
Flee before the light untainted born of the all-seeing face!
Hands of Oshtur, Hordes of Hoggoth, heed my call...
empower my spell that the powers which oppose me be returned to where they dwell.

Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Strange recognized some spires, typical of the dimension of Kobar and suspected the Kobarian mage Tymon.]
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Marvel Fanfare#20: Exclamation: By the all-powerful Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#71:

Exclamation: May the Vishanti protect you all!

Agamotto's light all-freing,
shine on and never burn!
Grant your power so all-seeing, that I might see... and learn...

[Clea tried to pierce through Orini's mental psychic shield. It was strong so the spell backfired.]

Conjure: Bolt of Bedevilment: Vishanti save us! [Rahl, while attacking Strange.]

Doctor Strange II#72: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#74:

Exclamation: the Vishanti!
Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#75:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti,...
Exclamation: Praise the Vishanti,...

Doctor Strange II#76: Exclamation: Vishanti, grant that I be in time!

Doctor Strange II#77: Exclamation: ...Vishanti!

Doctor Strange II#78: Exclamation: By the Vishanti, what's going on?

Marvel Fanfare#41/1: Exclamation: By the Eternal!

Marvel Fanfare#31/2: Exclamation: In the name of the Vishanti!

Strange Tales II#8: Exclamation: O Vishanti...

Strange Tales II#12: Ritual of delivery of the Crystal of Bas-Lyonesse

In the name of Hoggoth I give it. [Catherwood]
In the name of Vishanti I accept it. [Victoria Bentley]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#5: Exclamation: Praise be to the Vishanti--!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#7/1:

By the power of the eternal Vishanti,
I abjure thee--

Marvel Comics Presents#44: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#11/1: Conjurer's Sphere:

O Vishanti three--Agamotto, Oshtur, Hoggoth--
may the forces you did use 'gainst the demon-cult of Sligguth--
all prevent the dread Hobgoblin from drawing to me near--
by formin 'round me now--a mighty Conjurer's Sphere!

[Note: An oil black globe surrounded Strange, protecting him from Goblin-blasts and grenades. 
A secondary effect put on the Sphere was to absorb all magical force in a given area. 
A third effect was that time passed more quickly in the immediate vicinity of the Sphere.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#15:

May the Vishanti's power, like a mystic wave
which gives them any shape they crave--
upon yon vampire's spell now place their ban--
revert him from his bat-like form--to man!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#18:

Sacred Vishanti--you three who are one--
though your Book be inviolate, to be sundered by none-
now bathe me in scorn--cascade me with curses--
but deliver to me--the Vampiric Verses!

[Note: A page from the Book of Vishanti was teleported from New York to Strange's location.]

Eternal Vishanti--I call you en toto--
great Oshtur, pale Hoggoth, many faced Agamotto--
though no else might destroy it--ye gods, I implore--
let this page of your spellbook be on Earth--nevermore!

[Note: the page was destroyed.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#19: Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us--

Marvel Fanfare#52/2: Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

Black Knight II#1:

In the name of the All-Seeing, conferred..
in the name of the Vishanti, incurred.. us, crystal, in your brilliant glow..
..all the the Brazier's fragments know!

[Note: Victoria Bentley performed the incantation using the Crystal of Bas-Lyoness and a brazier.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#21/1:

May the three Vishanti and crimson Cyttorak now grant me power o'er these Dark Hordes--
that they all be hurled back!

[Note: Strange recited the spell over and over with minor variations, cornering the Mindless Ones until he hurled back them to the Dark Dimension]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#24:

By the Eternal Vishanti, by the power of Satannish... [Interrupted.]

Marvel Super Heroes III#5:

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, hear my spell and magic's song...
in the name of the Vishanti, now make right what has gone--

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#27/1:

By the grey specter of the Vishanti, I summon all the mystic forces of the shadow worlds!
I call on the hosts of darkness--
strike--strike at the command of your master!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#28:

Exclamation: By the three who are the Vishanti!

By the power of triple Vishanti--let thy
... [Interrupted by one of the Dykkors.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#29:

Incantation of Exorcism:

In the name of the All-Freeing--
by the Orb of the All-Seeing--
be Oshtur's might omnipotent
from distant bright domain be sent--
may now the flames of the fierce Faltine
rise in crescendo at my keen--
and in epic, awesome test--
drive out the Demon from Topaz's breast!
 [The exorcism probably continued...]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#30: Exclamation: ...and, as Agamotto is my witness,...

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#31/1: Control: Mind:

By the blinding white of Hoggoth's hoary swarm--
by the awesome eye which gleams on Agamotto's brow--
by the moonlight thrust by Munnopor like a sword--
let me enter the mind of this being--now!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#33/1:

By Agamotto witness--and Oshtur, hearer--
now let my beloved come forth from this mirror!

Time: Distortion:

Yecyotl talxicco onoc-- 
Ka-tzih ta ch'uxoc Vishanti!

[Note: reading the Scroll of Vishanti. It finally freed Strange and Clea from the Time-maelstrom.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#36: Exclamation: the eternal Vishanti!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#37:

Exclamation: By Agamotto!
Exclamation: Oshtur and Agamotto!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#38:

Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti... [Rintrah]
Exclamation: ...the Vishanti be our witness!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#39:

Banish: Darkness:

May the Awesome Eye of Agamotto
blaze forth into the day-turned night--
and fill the darkness in toto--
with all-revealing light!

Banish: Sorcerous Night:

...And in the Light of the All-Seeing,
wielded by the Sorcerer Supreme,
the tendrils of night must wither like pitful weeds!

Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti...
Control minds: By the power of Agamotto, which is the Power of Light--I command you both awake.
Conjure: Light of Agamotto

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#40: Strange invoked the Vishanti, Oshtur and Hoggoth but he was already under the D'Spayre's influence and he did not put his heart in the spell. So, the spell was too weak to have effect.

Infinity War#1: By Vishanti!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#42: Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#43: Exclamation: Agamotto the all-seeing! [Note: Agamotto was just before Strange.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#44:

Exclamation: The Vishanti preserve us!

Banish crystals

May Oshtur aid me in this hour--
may Hoggoth's hoary hand now scatter--
eternal Vishanti, grant me power,
these death-full crimson spears to shatter!

[Note: it did not worked.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#45:

Exclamation: By the Vishanti! [Strange was surprised at seeing Death.]

Let the hoary hand of Hoggoth now scatter bones like dust--
let the power of mighty Oshtur do that which Oshtur must!
Let the gaze of Agamotto wither him who takes no breath--
let the wrath of all be pointed-- the way to dusky death!
 [Strange attacked Death, but he only destroyed one of its images.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#46: Control: dispel paralysis

Let the Eye of Agamotto now guide us to our goal--
let the gaze of the all-seeing peer deep into her soul--
release this woman's thoughts and frame from evil's everweening might--
that she may cast off death's dark shroud, to walk forth into the light!

[Note: the spell was not complete but started to producing a tiny effect. Strange interrupted the casting, feeling that if he continued he would kill the woman.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#47:

Exclamation: ...thank the Vishanti!
Conjure: power [Note: Strange called every entity he knew to contrast Necromancer's power.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#48:

Font of wisdom, source of light--
heed now your servant's plight!
Mine eyes dim, my limbs grow weak--
grant now the sanctuary that I seek!
Aid me now, O great Vishanti-- 
against the loath-- some spawn of Ygoth.
By the names, I call thee--
Aggamotto, Ostur and Hoggoth!

[Note: a great explosion burned the cyclopeans. The Vishanti summoned Strange before of them.]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#49: Emancipation Incantation:

Satannish Watoomb and Ragadorr
Ikonn, the Seraphim and Cyttorak
Agamotto, Oshtur and Muniporr
Hoggoth, the Faltine, Valtorr and Denak
Those whom I've named plus others I've omitted
Those who threatened my cherished liberty
Hark to this irrevocable decree:
Such an enslavement will not be permitted
Your claims on my person I now reject
All demands of servitude I must deny
For your wisdom and might I've the utmost respect
But the price of its use is far too high
Better the path I walk be mine alone
Hear now these words: let my fate be my own!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#54/1: Exclamation: By Agamotto! [Ancient One]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#74: Exclamation: Or by the Power of the Undying Vishanti... [Salom�]

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme#75:

Harken now immortal Vishanti, our Avatar is at the core!
Nihility beckons your former servant, and Salom� would open the Door!

Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme Annual#3/2:

By Agamotto's piercing light from which no shadows hide,
let now appear before our sight, a portal, open wide!

Doctor Strange & Doom Triumph and Torment

Attend me now Vishanti...let your servant share your might!
Hoary Hoggoth, grant me power--Agamotto 'loose your light!
Blessed Oshtur, graceful lady, in your hallowed hands I place
all my mortal form encircles... let it change in your embrace!
Join with me, o Great Vishanti, join now with your servant true!
Aye! And let use come together--assume one form... anew!

Exclamation: By the Vishanti!

X-Men: Soul Killer

              Amanda Sefton called upon the Vishanti to help free her from a dark spell she had been duped into performing by Dracula; and the spell was dispelled...

What is it that disturbs you, Stephen?:

Great Vishanti.
Guide me for I fear what I may find!

Exclamation: By the Vishanti...

Doctor Strange Flight of Bones#2:

In Agamotto's name--shine forth.

Doctor Strange Flight of Bones#3:

I, Stephen Strange...
I, the vessel...
in Oshtur's name, let wisdom fill me.
I, Stephen Strange...
I, the conduit...
in Agamotto's name, let my eyes truly see.
I, Stephen Strange...
I, the servant...
in Hoggoth's name, let strenght fortify my bones.
Great Vishanti, let your power come to rest in me.
Guide my hand as this task approaches.

Doctor Strange: The Oath#5: Conjure: Sands of the Nishanti [Note: this spell cancels magic for three minutes.]

Doctor Strange - Pocket Comics - Kangaroo Publishing (reprints):  Prophecies of the Ancient One:

By the runic Rings of Raggadorr,
By Agamottos' shimmering light,
The Spells of Dr. Strange now soar.
Evil shall be crushed this night.

Defenders II#1: Exclamation: Vishanti!

Defenders II#7: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...

Defenders II#8: Exclamation: In the name of the Vishanti!

Defenders II#12/1: Exclamation: Thank the Vishanti...

Defenders III#1: Exclamation: By the Vishanti...

Defenders III#3: Exclamation: Varicose veins of the Vishanti! [Umar]

Defenders III#5: Conjure: Vapors of Valtorr: Vapors of the Vishanti--cloak us! [Note: a mist hid the Defenders from the world around them.]


In the name of the eternal Vishanti and the omnipotent Oshtur,
I cleanse you and allow you to enjoy your time in this world. 
[Strange exorcised the demon in Richard Young.]

Deadgirl#4: Space: Levitation: By the ring of the Vishanti... stop. [Strange stopped Dead Girl's fall.]

Fantastic Four III#7: Exclamation: Sacred Vishanti!

Ghost Rider III#12: Banish:

And, by the Flames of the Faltine...
and the power of the Vishanti...
this will be done.

[The demons were hurled back in the portal from which they came.]

Marvel Comics Presents#146/3: Exclamation: By the unbending Vishanti!

Spider-Man/Doctor Strange: The Way to Dusty Death

May the ever-wise Vishanti now keep two souls safe from harm...
as the Eye of Agamotto lights...
each the way to his true form!

Amazing Spider-Man#449

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth,
the fires of Ikthalon,
the all-seeing eye of Agamotto and the winds of Watoomb... (interrupted)

[this scene is supposed to be examined better. The power granted to Strange may not come directly from Agamotto but from "the Eye".]

Amazing Spider-Man#500

By the crimson bands of Cyttorak,
the Eye of Agamotto,
the Mists of Mopheus, ...

(the Mindless Ones were sent banished back in the Vortex, which collapsed)

Succession of Sorcerer Supremes

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - As Agamotto reached adulthood, he joined with Oshtur and Hoggoth to form the mystic trinity known as the Vishanti.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - He wrote The Book of the Vishanti so humans could learn magic and become enlightened. Agamotto introduced Earth to three of the four forms of magic (Egocentric, Ecocentric, & Exocentric; excluding Necromantic) via recording information about his discovery and mastery of these "Three Paths to Enlightenment" in the Book of the Vishanti. Mankind did prosper, and Agamotto helped the early sorcerers, alchemists and scientists to develop the great city of Atlantis. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Around 19,000 BC when conflicts broke out again among the four surviving Elder Gods -- Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur, and Set -- Agamotto summoned their representatives to Atlantis for the legendary Assemblage of Avatars. The summit was attended by all the greatest sorcerers of the ancient era -- including Akoos the Red Wizard, Lady Linnea, Rotath, Sorrow, Teyanoga, Tuzun Thune, Thulsa Doom, Lord Varnae (still human at the time), the spirit of C'Thunda, and Zhered-Na with her apprentice Dakimh -- but very little was accomplished.

    Soon after this Agamotto began to express frustration with mankind's limitations. Impressed with Zhered-Na, Agamotto continued to observe and assist her, and he began grooming her to become his successor as humanity's protector.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC> - Agamotto's frustration with humanity turned to fury when, during the Great Cataclysm that sank Atlantis, Valusia and Lemuria and wiped out much of civilization, he learned that his beloved friend Zhered-Na had been killed by a fearful superstitious mob (under the influence of the demonic Dweller-in-Darkness). 

    Agamotto withdrew into a world he created and accessed via his Orb, turning a blind eye to the horrible suffering that the world endured after the Fall of Atlantis. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) <18,000 BC - see comments> - Agamotto was so upset that he abandoned humanity for 500 years. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto held the unofficial title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme from 18,000 BC - 15,000 BC.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - When Agamotto did finally return to Earth, he spent more time with Oshtur's new "offspring" - the Bird Men of Akah Ma'at. Created by the Elder Goddess to match the power of Chthon's Wolf Men and Set's Serpent Men, the winged people of Akah Ma'at lived in a floating cloud city dedicated to Oshtur in her guise as Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth.
    Agamotto chose Shamhat Saraswati, a great sorceress of Akah Ma'at, to become the next mystic protector of Earth; he gave her the Book of the Vishanti and the three Eyes of Agamotto, and she was the first to officially hold the title of "Sorcerer Supreme" circa 15,000 BC. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto became the paradigm that all future Sorcerer Supremes would aspire towards.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS) - Influenced by Chthon, Varuna led a sect of the Winged Lords to become the Asura, judging and executing members of the "lower races," including humanity.

    The Winged Lords who did not follow Varuna were led by Saraswati, a great priestess of Oshtur; filled with shame over the Asura, they vowed to shield those the Asura would harm, and they came to be known as the Seraphim.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) <circa 10,000 BC> - Further manipulated by Chthon, the  ideological dispute within Akah Ma'at that (with some help from Chthon) grew into a civil war. The two factions, Saraswati's Seraphim and Varuna's Asura, grew so destructive that Oshtur banished the entire race from the Earthly plane  to the Plane of Sephirot, and an again frustrated Agamotto withdrew into his Orb.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Presumably around this time, Agamotto took an unidentified extraterrestrial being as his disciple.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's disciple was granted the Eye and Orb of Agamotto and -- aided by Agamotto -- served as nemesis to the Dark Dimension's Dormammu.

(Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (fb) - BTS) - Agamotto's disciple determined that the fight was not worth the prize, and that good and evil were terms for others, not not him/her/it.

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) - Seeking to balance Chthon's corruption of the Asura, Oshtur coaxed Agamotto back to Earth so he could help her convert  four of the most malevolent demons into the service of justice. 

(Marvel Tarot (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee / Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto entry) (fb) - BTS) - Though coaxed back to Earth by Oshtur, Agamotto, was now unsure of his ability to choose a successor, so he chose someone he believed could help him make the right choice, the wizard Genghis. His name coming from the ancient word Zh�ng meaning "right", "just", or "true," Genghis was famous as a truthteller; when Agamotto asked him who should be the next Sorcerer Supreme, Genghis told him truthfully that he did not know. He did, however, know that the surest way to find the "supreme" anything was to hold a contest. So the "Time of the Vishanti" was declared and all the world's most powerful mages battled to see who would be supreme.

    Ayesha, the Rain Queen of Balobedu emerged as the champion, accepting Agamotto's talismans and the title of Sorcerer Supreme circa 10,000 BC. As magnificent and mysterious as the night sky, Ayesha was the first human to bear the title and one of the greatest. Her legacy lives on through her descendents, a matrilineal line of sorceresses that includes the Egyptian Priestess Ashake and the mutant Ororo (Storm).

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - After serving for nearly 5000 years, Ayesha asked the Genghis to help locate the next Sorcerer Supreme. The competition was held as the Egyptian civilization began to develop, and one of its wizards became the first human male to bear the title. Changing his name to Hermes Trismegistrus, he protected the Earth from 5000 to 1800 BC, leaving a wealth of scholarly tomes on magic, alchemy and astrology.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Next to "wear the Eyes" (from 1800 - 1300 BC) was the Persian Wizard Priest Zoroaster who saw the universe as the cosmic struggle between aša ("truth") and druj ("lie"). 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zoroaster was succeeded by the Assyrian Sorceress Queen Semiramis (1300 - 1100 BC). 

    According to the legend, Semiramis had heard about the fame of the handsome Armenian king Ara. She decided to use the Orb of Agamotto to see him for herself and she fell instantly in love. She sent messengers asking Ara to marry her, but he refused. When she heard this, she gathered the armies of Assyria and marched against Armenia. During the battle, which may have taken place in the Ararat valley, Ara was slain. Semiramis tried unsuccessfully to use her magic to revive him. Driven mad by her grief, she ordered her people to worship Ara as their God and Semiramis as their Goddess. 

    The Vishanti were displeased and banished Semiramis from Earth, and Agamotto began to withdraw again.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The legendary King Solomon replaced Salom�'s madness with wisdom and stability from 1100 to 800 BC. He also added to the library of mystic knowledge. The Key of Solomon the King and The Goetia or the Lessser Key of Solomon are still consulted for advice on summoning and binding spirits. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Solomon was succeeded by his love, Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, who served until 550 BC when a series of Greek Philosopher/Sorcerers attempted to fill the position of Sorcerer Supreme with a mystic triumvirate with mixed results. The mystical argument behind this adjustment was that it more accurately reflected the Trinity of the Vishanti, but it had much to do with the new democratic political philosophy. The triad included Thales the Milesian (replaced by Epimenides of Knossos 500 BC), Pythagoras of Samos (replaced by Empedocles of Agrigentum 470 BC), and Pherecydes of Syros. From the time of the Triumvirate of Mages comes the legend of the Three Magi or Three Wise Men. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Caius of Lacedaemon defeated all three of the Sorcerer Supremes in the year 400 BC and reunited the Eyes of Agamotto, but the Vishanti seemed not to care. The role of Sorcerer Supreme became less visible and less important as time progressed.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Zhang Jiao took over in 100 AD and used his power to lead the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China, but with the emergence of Christianity and its anti-magic sentiment, Agamotto and the Vishanti remained mostly in the background. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The line of succession almost came to an end when the wizard Merlin won the Battle of the Vishanti in the year 500 AD, but rejected the role of Sorcerer Supreme. A nameless sorcerer took up the mantle that Merlin had rejected. This mysterious wizard was especially gifted at the art of illusion, so accounts of his or her appearance are radically different in every historical record. There is no information as to why this individual wished to keep his or her true face and identity hidden (see comments).

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - The title did not truly return to prominence until 1450 AD, when a young Yao (later the Ancient One) took the title and began to reestablish the importance of the Sorcerer Supreme. At this point, the Vishanti had become so distant that the Ancient One actually received the Amulet of Agamotto from Eternity and had to retrieve the Book of the Vishanti from a Babylonian Griffon. Yao was able to reconnect with the
Vishanti and other mystic entities.

(X-Men: Hellfire Club#1 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 12: Vishanti entry) - In the late 1680s, Yao was challenged for the title Sorcerer Supreme by Reverend Hiram Shaw, an American colonist who fought Dormammu. Shaw used his power to achieve political prestige by persecuting witches, and Yao soon after regained his title (which he may never have officially lost), presumably by force.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - In the 1960s, the Ancient One took as a disciple a crippled surgeon named Stephen Strange. Becoming known to the world as the hero Dr. Strange, he guarded Earth's dimension against an endless series of threats, although he was not officially Sorcerer Supreme.

(Strange Tales I#127) - Strange opposed mystic threats for decades, initially using the Amulet of Agamotto until Yao judged him worthy of the Eye of Agamotto and returned the Amulet to Agamotto.

(Marvel Premiere#10) - With the Ancient One’s physical passing years later, Strange assumed he had succeeded his master as Sorcerer Supreme.

Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment) - However, it was not until the Aged Genghis held the Time of the Vishanti, and Strange won the contest, that he officially claimed the title Sorcerer Supreme.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Strange’s title was challenged over the years, and he has been defeated in mystic combat, though never in at the Time of the Vishanti. Similarly, Strange has suffered varying degrees of weakness and/or corruption, causing him to apparently relinquish the title, though never for long.

(Mystic Arcana#1/
Mystic Arcana: Black Knight#1/Mystic Arcana#3/Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm#1) - Strange eventually began to succumb to more serious corruption, leading the Vishanti to use other champions, such as Ian McNee, aiding him in his quest to acquire the Cornerstones of Creation. Succeeding, McNee prepared to use the Cornerstones to help heal the apparently damaged foundations of magic itself.

(World War Hulk#3-4/New Avengers Annual#2/New Avengers II#54) -
When Strange surrendered the role of Sorcerer Supreme after corrupting himself through repeated channeling of the malevolent Zom’s vast power, the Eye of Agamotto delivered itself to Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo), and he was unofficially declared the new Sorcerer Supreme as Dr. Voodoo.

(New Avengers II#34) - The "Ancient One" (see comments) restored Sorcerer Supreme status to Strange.

(Dr. Strange V#383 (fb)) - Dr. Strange was victorious in his third Tournament of the Vishanti, but the Vishanti told him they had chosen a new Sorcerer Supreme and they thanked him for his service. Agamotto named Loki Laufeyson as the new Sorcerer Supreme, with Oshtur explaining that a mortal could no longer fulfill the role.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Strange's title has been challenged over the years, and he has been defeated in mystic combat, though never in an official forum. Similarly, Strange has suffered varying degrees of weakness and/or corruption, causing him to apparently relinquish the title, though never for long, and no being is known to have attained the title during such periods or during periods of Strange's lengthy departure from Earth. Similar situations have occurred with prior Sorcerer Supremes as well.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7: Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) (fb) - BTS) - Other worlds and other dimensions seem to possess Sorcerer Supremes of their own. Whether these other Sorcerer Supremes are also connected to the Vishanti, is unrevealed.

images: (without ads)
Dr. Strange II#1
Dark Shadows#34, pg. 15

What If #18 (1979), page 9, panel 2

Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#6, last page (caterpillar form)
    #7, pg. 1 (hookah);
        pg. 4 (green monster form; face);
        pg. 12, panel 5 (steam shovel monster form);
        pg. 13, panel 4 (monster moth form);

New Avengers#5, pg. 15, panel 1 (tiger form);
        panel 5 (as Ancient One);
    pg. 18, panel 1 (energy insectoid form);
    pg. 19 , panel 1 (energy face, accepting Dr. Voodoo's challenge);
Avengers: Roll Call#1: Agamotto profile: main image
Dr. Strange: Season One, pg. 41 (summoned by Strange);

images for talismans

Strange Tales I#115 (December, 1963) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Marvel Premiere#3 ( , 1972) -
Marvel Premiere#5 (September , 1972) - Archie Goodwin (writer), Barry Smith (penciler), Frank Brunner (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Marvel Premiere#5 (November , 1972) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Irv Wesley (penciler), Don Perlin (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#8 (May, 1973) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Jim Starlin (penciler), Frank Giacoia & David Hunt (inkers), Roy Thomas (editor)
Dr. Strange II#1 (June, 1974) - Steve Englehart (writer), Frank Brunner (penciler), Dick Giordano (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Dr. Strange II#5 (December, 1974) -
Steve Englehart (writer), Frank Brunner (penciler), Dick Giordano (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Dark Shadows#34 (November 1975) - John Warner (writer), Joe Certa (art), Wally Green (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#77 (January, 1979) - Chris Claremont (writer), Jeff Aclin & Howard Chaykin (pencilers), Juan Ortiz (inkers), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#2 (January, 1989) - Peter Gillis (writer), Richard Case (penciler), Randy Emberlin (inker), Carl Potts (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#6-7 (August-September, 1989) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Jackson Guice (penciler), Jose Marzan, Jr. (inker), Marc Siry (assistant editor/designer), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989) - Roger Stern (writer), Mike Mignola (pencils), Mark Badger (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#32 (August, 1991) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Chris Marrinan (penciler), Mark McKenna (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual#2/2 (1992) - Jean-Marc Lofficier & Roy Thomas (writers), M.C. Wyman (penciler), James Sanders III (inker), Barry Dutter (assistant editor), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#43 (July, 1992) - Roy & Dann Thomas (writers), Geof Isherwood (artist), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#48 (December, 1992) - Len Kaminski (writer), Geof Isherwood (penciler), Charles Barnett III, Donald C. Hudson, Bob Petrecca (inkers), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#49 (January, 1993) - Len Kaminski (writer), Geof Isherwood (penciler), Donald C. Hudson, Bob Petrecca (inkers), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#51 (March, 1993) - Geof Isherwood (writer/penciler/inker), Barry Dutter (assistant editor), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#54 (June, 1993) - Roy Thomas (writer), Frank Lopez (penciler/layouts), Geof Isherwood (inker/finishes), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#61 (January, 1994) - David Quinn (writer), Melvin Rubi (penciler), Fred Harper (inker), Evan Skolnick (edtor)
Secret Defenders#16 (June, 1994) - Tom Brevoort and Mike Kanterovich (writers), Bill Wylie (penciler), Tony DeZuniga (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#71-72 (November-December, 1994) - David Quinn (writer), Peter Gross (artist), Evan Skolnick (editor)
Secret Defenders#25 (March, 1995) - Tom Brevoort & Mike Kanterovich (writers), Bill Wylie (penciler), Tony DeZuniga (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme#80 (August, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Mark Buckingham (penciler), Kevin F. Sutherland (inker), Marie Javins (editor)
Dr. Strange: Season One (2012) - Greg Pak (writer), Emma Rios (artist), Alvaro Lopez (additional inks), Ellie Pyle (editor), Alejandro Arbona & John Denning (consulting editors)
X-Men: Soul Killer (1999) - Richard Lee Byers (writer), Leonard Manco (art), Keith R.A. Candido (editor)
X-Men: Hellfire Club#1 (January, 2000) - Ben Raab (writer), Charles Adlard (artist), Mark Powers (editor)
Runaways I#11 (April, 2014) - Brian K. Vaughn (writer), Takeshia Miyazawa (penciler), David Newbold (inker), MacKenzie Cadenhead (assistant editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor)
Marvel Tarot (2007) - David Sexton (writer/designer), Doug Sexton (technical consultant), Jeff Christiansen (continuity consultant), Michael Short & Cory Levine (assistant editors), Mark D. Beazley & Jennifer Grunwald (associate editors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Mystic Arcana#1 (Mystic Arcana Magik per cover; August, 2007) - David Sexton (writer), Eric Nguyen (artist), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
    #1/2 - Louise Simonson (writer), Steve Scott (penciler), Kris Justice (inker),
Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Mystic Arcana: Black Knight#1 (September, 2007) -
David Sexton (writer), Eric Nguyen (artist), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
    #1/2 - Roy Thomas (writer), Tom Grummet (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker),
Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor); special thanks to Jean-Marc L'officer
Mystic Arcana#3 (Mystic Arcana Scarlet Witch per cover; October, 2007) - David Sexton (writer), Eric Nguyen (artist), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
    #3/2 - Jeff Parker (writer), Juan Santacruz (penciler), Raul Fernandez (inker)
, Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor);
Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm#1 (January, 2008) - David Sexton (writer), Eric Nguyen (artist), Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
    #1/2 - C.B. Cebulski (writer), Phil Noto (artist),
Nathan Cosby (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 7 (2009): Appendix: Magic (from the journals of Ian McNee) - David Sexton (writer), Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Madison Carter, Mike Fichera & Stuart Vandal (coordination assistants), Jeff Youngquist & Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
New Avengers#54 (August, 2009) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Billy Tan (penciler), Batt and Billy Tan (inkers), Jeanine Schaefer (associate editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (hardcover) Vol. 12 (March, 2010) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator)
New Avengers II#1-5 (August-December, 2010) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Stuart Immomen (penciler), Wade von Grawbadger (inker), Lauren Sankovitch (associate editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
New Avengers II#6 (January, 2011) -
Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Stuart Immomen (penciler), Wade von Grawbadger (inker), Lauren Sankovitch (associate editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Iron Man 2.0 #5 (July, 2011) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Alejandro Arbona (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Iron Man 2.0 #6-7 (August-September, 2011) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Carmine Di Giandomenico & Matt Wilson (prologue & epilogue art), Alejandro Arbona (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Avengers: Roll Call#1 (2012) - Jeff Christiansen, Mike O'Sullivan, Stuart Vandal, & Sean McQuaid (head writers/coordinators), Dalibor Talajic (art), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (assistant edtiors), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Dr. Strange: Season One (2012) - Greg Pak (writer), Emma Rios (artist), Alvaro Lopez (additional inks), Ellie Pyle (editor), Alejandro Arbona & John Denning (consulting editors)
New Avengers II#34 (January, 2013) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mike Deodato (artist), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Lauren Sankovitch with Tom Brevoort (editors)
Axis Revolutions#1/2 (December, 2014) - Simon Spurrier (writer), Tan Eng Huat (penciler), Craig Yeung (inker), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
Dr. Strange V#383 (February, 2018) - Donny Cates (writer), Niko Henrichon (flashback artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Dr. Strange V#385 (April, 2018) - Donny Cates (writer), Gabrielle Hernanedez Walta (artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Strange Academy#7 (March, 2021) - Skottie Young (writer), Humberto Ramos (aritst), Danny Khazem (assistant editor), Nick Lowe (editor)

First Posted: 07/20/2016
Last updated:

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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